Space Ninja Summer Camp ( Warframe/Worm )

So I've been reading your fic and I like it. But one question. Have you thought of maybe turning this into a multi-cross maybe have Taylor get some of doctor Haywire's old tech or something and hunt down new universe's for her and her clan to explore. Possibly involve time shenanigans so she does not loss much time when she is in other universe's .​
So I've been reading your fic and I like it. But one question. Have you thought of maybe turning this into a multi-cross maybe have Taylor get some of doctor Haywire's old tech or something and hunt down new universe's for her and her clan to explore. Possibly involve time shenanigans so she does not loss much time when she is in other universe's .​

Yeah, I have a feeling that the SOP with Taylor even before her clan shows up is to immediately have someone go lock the armory and evidence lockup.
So I've been reading your fic and I like it. But one question. Have you thought of maybe turning this into a multi-cross maybe have Taylor get some of doctor Haywire's old tech or something and hunt down new universe's for her and her clan to explore. Possibly involve time shenanigans so she does not loss much time when she is in other universe's .​
That probably won't be necessary since they figured out how to jump universes to get Taylor home. If they want to get to Earth Aleph, they could probably do so. Once they had the dimensional frequency/coordinates to the specific space time continuum do-hickey. :)

That's just common sense when you've got a kleptomaniac space ninja in the vicinity. Betcha her sentinel has the Vaccum mod on it(sucks up all loot in range, very convenient IMHO)
Damn, totally didn't think of that game mechanic. It might not work at first though. Taylor would have to re-calibrate the Sentinel's scanners to identify cash as loot.

Taylor: Wow, Mr. Empire Skumbag wanna-be Nazi dude...You have two $100 bills in your wallet.
*Tosses the cash in the air
Sllluuuurrp! Sentinal makes it disappear.
For the sentinel sure, but for the Tenno its less a mechanic and more just what they do. They loot.

On that point, I know who Taylor's self proclaimed nemesises are: The Undersiders. Not because of Taylor being a hero, but because she is running them out of business. Taylor's not only making life difficult for criminals, but her standard operating procedure of loot everything not nailed down or on fire before going back with a crowbar and Hydroid is killing their main line of work. I think the Ruby Dreams heist never happened because Taylor got there first, shut down the party and looted the vault before the Undersiders arrived. And of course, she does wind up looting their loft after being bitched out by Tattletale. I think Alec would have a Second Trigger after he finds out that not only did Taylor loot his game collection, her Kavat shredded and shat on the Couch.

On that note, I do have a question regarding Taylor and power interactions, mainly Thinker powers. As Taylor is now a Tenno and connected to the Void, how would a Thinker like Lisa or Alexandra perceive her? Would she be a Void, some sort of glitch to their Shards or worse an abyss that after starring into would say "hey Kiddo"? Likewise how would precogs on par with Diana or Contessa be effected?
On that note, I do have a question regarding Taylor and power interactions, mainly Thinker powers. As Taylor is now a Tenno and connected to the Void, how would a Thinker like Lisa or Alexandra perceive her? Would she be a Void, some sort of glitch to their Shards or worse an abyss that after starring into would say "hey Kiddo"? Likewise how would precogs on par with Diana or Contessa be effected?
Based on WOG and on my own interpretation of many fanfics and what I understand of Worm powers...

Shard = Passenger or Parahuman brain parasite
Entity = Scion/Space Whale

1) Taylor's body is outside the range of Shard detection, very outside the range.
2) Void is outside the Shard's ability to understand or comprehend. I'd even go so far to say that Void is like Anti-matter to a shard.
3) Scion/Zion is the only Entity with the range to detect her on Mars, but it's doubtful the Golden Idiot would even think to look or care.

With those in mind...I'm not entirely sure yet. :)

However; I'm leaning toward normal interactions with Taylor's warframe and/or her in Operator form, she would still give Thinker powers some data. Thinks like tone of voice, body language, etc would still give thinker powers something work with. It's when she uses a Void power that a Thinker's shard would blue screen. Eventually, the Thinker might be able to partially work around the problem by focusing on the effects of a power, but I foresee Tattletale having a lot of headaches.

Precogs would also have problems with her since they ( from what I understand ) mostly work via Predictions and Simulations. They don't actually see into the future. As a result, I can't see them being able to predict her actions, at all. She would be a blank spot at best and Chaos personified at worst. As she uses a warframe and the shards build up data about her powers, the Precog shards would be able to start predicting her (with very low reliability), but as soon as she switched frames/powers, they would blue screen again.

I'm currently working on a Contessa POV where she tries to audit the Path to Victory. She finds out the path has changed and Dragon is free. She tries to find out who freed Dragon and gets nothing at all. Again, she asks for the Path and I have her getting wildly different results each time she tries to model the path and then, her passenger just throws it's hands up in the air and gives up. I'm not sure if that is the "correct" response though. Funny, maybe?
Good to know.

....Would the Tenno be willing to adopt the Undersiders into their extended family? Because while I'll admit they are unrepentant villains, I really think they need hugs (and help for caring with her dogs in Rachel's case).

.......Just mentioning Rachel makes me wonder what would happen if she learned about Rathuum and a noodle incident where the Tenno somehow managed to get one of their kubrows into said match and had it fought the craxy cat lady of the executioners and her hyekkas.
Good to know.

....Would the Tenno be willing to adopt the Undersiders into their extended family? Because while I'll admit they are unrepentant villains, I really think they need hugs (and help for caring with her dogs in Rachel's case).

.......Just mentioning Rachel makes me wonder what would happen if she learned about Rathuum and a noodle incident where the Tenno somehow managed to get one of their kubrows into said match and had it fought the craxy cat lady of the executioners and her hyekkas.

I doubt Tenno will just adopt the Undersiders. Only Space Mom can do that and she only care for those who has touched by the Void which the Undersiders is not.
Point concede.

I just really feel that most of the stories I've read where Taylor is a hero give the Undersiders the short end of the stick.
Based on WOG and on my own interpretation of many fanfics and what I understand of Worm powers...

Shard = Passenger or Parahuman brain parasite
Entity = Scion/Space Whale

1) Taylor's body is outside the range of Shard detection, very outside the range.
2) Void is outside the Shard's ability to understand or comprehend. I'd even go so far to say that Void is like Anti-matter to a shard.
3) Scion/Zion is the only Entity with the range to detect her on Mars, but it's doubtful the Golden Idiot would even think to look or care.

With those in mind...I'm not entirely sure yet. :)

However; I'm leaning toward normal interactions with Taylor's warframe and/or her in Operator form, she would still give Thinker powers some data. Thinks like tone of voice, body language, etc would still give thinker powers something work with. It's when she uses a Void power that a Thinker's shard would blue screen. Eventually, the Thinker might be able to partially work around the problem by focusing on the effects of a power, but I foresee Tattletale having a lot of headaches.

So in Thinker terms, Taylor's interactions with Lisa will be akin to the former shouting to the latter in Swahili with a very thick Afrikaans accent. She may get the gist of things, but to her shard complete gibberish would be more understandable.

Precogs would also have problems with her since they ( from what I understand ) mostly work via Predictions and Simulations. They don't actually see into the future. As a result, I can't see them being able to predict her actions, at all. She would be a blank spot at best and Chaos personified at worst. As she uses a warframe and the shards build up data about her powers, the Precog shards would be able to start predicting her (with very low reliability), but as soon as she switched frames/powers, they would blue screen again.

I'm currently working on a Contessa POV where she tries to audit the Path to Victory. She finds out the path has changed and Dragon is free. She tries to find out who freed Dragon and gets nothing at all. Again, she asks for the Path and I have her getting wildly different results each time she tries to model the path and then, her passenger just throws it's hands up in the air and gives up. I'm not sure if that is the "correct" response though. Funny, maybe?

The precog idea works for me. Besides giving a logical explanation of their Powers, it doesn't make Taylor overpowered in the long term.

As for how to deal with Contessa, I can see two ways this can go. One is the funny method of Contessa growing more frustrated until she just completely breaks character and starts ranting at Taylor's bullshit. Good comic relief and potential for more if Taylor's Clan shows up.

The other way is the horror route. Here Contessa manages to push PtV to the limit and is for a brief moment able to Path Taylor. But it collapses when an eye blink latter a younger version of herself is sitting in front of her with a message: "Sorry Kiddo, but that girl you are Pathing? She's mine." And to make it worse for Contessa, that copy of her that only she can see is popping up at random to say hello.
So in Thinker terms, Taylor's interactions with Lisa will be akin to the former shouting to the latter in Swahili with a very thick Afrikaans accent. She may get the gist of things, but to her shard complete gibberish would be more understandable.

The precog idea works for me. Besides giving a logical explanation of their Powers, it doesn't make Taylor overpowered in the long term.

As for how to deal with Contessa, I can see two ways this can go. One is the funny method of Contessa growing more frustrated until she just completely breaks character and starts ranting at Taylor's bullshit. Good comic relief and potential for more if Taylor's Clan shows up.

The other way is the horror route. Here Contessa manages to push PtV to the limit and is for a brief moment able to Path Taylor. But it collapses when an eye blink latter a younger version of herself is sitting in front of her with a message: "Sorry Kiddo, but that girl you are Pathing? She's mine." And to make it worse for Contessa, that copy of her that only she can see is popping up at random to say hello.
The man in the Wall is always watching, Contessa. Do not interfere with his plans.
I don't think Tattletale's shard would BSOD, exactly; it doesn't outright scan things, it just makes precise guesses based on information Tattletale already has. Many of those guesses would be wildly wrong, of course, because both she and her shard would misinterpret anything to do with the void.
I don't think Tattletale's shard would BSOD, exactly; it doesn't outright scan things, it just makes precise guesses based on information Tattletale already has. Many of those guesses would be wildly wrong, of course, because both she and her shard would misinterpret anything to do with the void.

Like I said, to her shard Taylor is speaking Wingdings translated into gibberish. While Tattletale may pick up some bits and pieces off of body language when Taylor is in Operator mode, a good bit will be wildly off. And if she does pick out anything important, like the fact that Taylor is projecting herself through her Warframe, I expect the same level of denial we saw with Emma.

Of course, when he is not plotting his bloody revengenance on Taylor in the name of The Couch, Alec will enjoy watching Lisa tearing her hair out over the one person she can't figure out.
Huh. If you go with that, does that make him like The Outsider then, from dishonoured?

Somewhat. The Outsider, you can sympathise a bit with, as we saw in Death of the Outsider. And considering his origin story, the boy who became the Outsider is more akin to Rell, someone granted powers but chained to wrestle with the source of said powers.

With the Man in the Wall, he is probably Warframe's biggest mystery, tied with the events in the Apothesis Prologue Quest. And considering the nature of the Moon/Embrace dialouge choices, I don't think we are going to like the answers about what he is and his intentions.
No, they're not unique for instance Coil has tons of laser weapons that mount the exact same way under his merc's weapons. All of Leet's stuff is one offs; everyone else can make more and Dragon/Toybox use factories.
Of course, the larger question is just what bits of Tinker Tech will be worth looting. Something like Coil's laser carbines would be a pass considering just how many better energy weapons the Tenno have. But unique items like Dragon suits or a nano-thorn dagger, now that is something for the collection.