Be a Primaris Marine or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Chapter Master psyker = big no no, the last time that happened (Azariah Kyras) a subsector was almost torched.
Yup being a champion or chief librarian is perfectly acceptable.
You don't have to be a chapter master to be a badass of epic proportions. In fact, they are the ones that have to do the admin and proper leadership.
Instead, we shall become the most reliable bro in the entire chapter.
Let's focus on not being swayed to chaos, eaten by tyranids or chopped up by orks before we have any grand ideas about leading a chapter eh?
Does anybody want to roll up some potential successor chapters, because I rolled one up while I was waiting for the next update?

Didn't roll for progenitor.
1D10 => 9
1D100 => 52
1D10 => 1
1D10 => 7
1D100 => 9
1D100 => 68
1D100 => 72
1D100 => 94
1D10 => 9
1D10 => 1
1D100 => 56
1D100 => 41
1D100 => 54
1D10 => 9
1D100 => 52
1D100 => 47

38th Millennium
Pure Geneseed
Hate Aliens
Master of Sanctity from previous Chapter
Attacked a Craftworld
Unique Organization
Close Combat
Can't use Devastators
Rare Weaponry
Emperor above all
Nominal Strength
Friends with Titans
Hate Tyranids

Anybody have any ideas for these guys, and do you think I should reroll anything?
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Does anybody want to roll up some potential successor chapters, because I rolled one up while I was waiting for the next update?

Didn't roll for progenitor.
1D10 => 9
1D100 => 52
1D10 => 1
1D10 => 7
1D100 => 9
1D100 => 68
1D100 => 72
1D100 => 94
1D10 => 9
1D10 => 1
1D100 => 16
1D100 => 78
1D100 => 54
1D10 => 9
1D100 => 52
1D100 => 72

38th Millennium
Pure Geneseed
Hate Aliens
Master of Sanctity from previous Chapter
Attacked a Craftworld
Unique Organization
Close Combat
Can't use Apothecaries
Special Vehicle
Emperor above all
Nominal Strength
Friends with Titans
Hate a specific Daemon

Anybody have any ideas for these guys, and do you think I should reroll anything?
Maybe the can't use apothecaries? That'd be a shortlived successor who doesn't use Apothecaries.
I rerolled the specialty restriction and enemy rolls, and I got unable to use devastators and their enemies are Tyranids. Unless someone has any objections I'm going to edit them into the original rolls.
Edit: I also rerolled their special equipment, since I can't picture vehicles working with close combat, I got rare weaponry.
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Prologue 4
Shortly after your Physical trial, you find yourself in a small chamber. You find it full of odd carvings...

(Intelligence test: d100+20(INT-2)=116. DC 70: Incredible Success! +60 EXP to Intelligence.)

Which you realize are carvings of past battles. Gargantuan battles rage across the stone walls, with gigantic machines waging brutal war. Suddenly, you hear another door open to your right. You turn and find another giant. He is clothed in a robe, and barefooted. "Greetings." He pauses slightly and then gestures towards the wall. "Do you appreciate our mural? It shows all of the brothers and allies that have given their lives for the survival of the Imperium." Closing his eyes for a second, he turns toward you. "However, that is a conversation for another time. I am Marcharius and your proctor of this Exam. Follow me." He spins and starts walking to the doors. You quickly follow and find yourself in a rather small chamber. It has a velvet-like curtain material surrounding the chamber, colored dark onyx holding a simple crystal on top of a cushion. You are told to kneel in front of the crystal and cast your mind into the warp to find what path calls to you. You kneel quickly and try to open your mind...

(Psyker test: Epsilon level (DC 60)

(Willpower test: d100+20 (WIL-2)=77. DC 60: Success! +20*1.5=30 EXP to Willpower.)

Which you do. You find yourself staring at...

[] A Bright Spark (Beginning discipline: Biomancy)
[] Flashes of light (Beginning discipline: Divination)
[] A Roiling Flame (Beginning discipline: Pyromancy)
[] A Small Stone (Beginning discipline: Telekinesis)
[] A Sea of Stars (Beginning discipline: Telepathy)


(AN: Moratorium is only there because this will mostly decide what kind of training will happen for the rest of the prologue. Anyway, the poll at the top will end after the vote is called, so get your votes in as soon as possible!)

Stat Gains:

Intelligence: 10/300 -> 70/300
Willpower: 150/300 -> 180/300
A question I've had about divination and telepathy in the past is whether either would be usable for psychometry in such a manner as to figure out how, exactly, an object was built.
I think Telekinesis is the best with the build we have so far. Shocwkae , teleport , and forcefield would be a help.
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Oh. Let's get Biomancy and laugh at the thousand sons. As the traitors lost their flesh to Metal so now the faithful master theirs.
If we go pyromancy we could get a spell that lets us burn souls, pretty useful considering daemons are made of soul stuff.