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Descendant Chapter: The Vigilant Sons
Vigilant Sons
Why was this Chapter founded: Crusade (Chosen)
When: 35th Millennium (21) [Prior to the Howling]
Progenitor: Thousand Sons.
Geneseed Purity: Altered Stock (9)
Geneseed Deficiency: Lost Zygote, Neuroglottis (6,65)
Chapter Demeanor: Cleanse and Purify (Chosen)
Chapter Figure of Legends: Battle Brother. 4th Company, 7th Squad (92,4,7)
Deeds of Legend: Orkbane (11)
Chapter Homeworld: Hive World (21)
Homeworld Terrain: Desert (40)
Rule of Homeworld: Distant Rule (9)
Chapter Organization: Codex Adherent (5)
Combat Doctrine: Ranged Combat (2)
Chapter Beliefs: Revere the Primarch (15)
Chapter Strength: Normal Strength (7)
Chapter Friends: Navigators (86)
Chapter Enemies: A particular Daemon, Daemon Prince or Disciple of Chaos (79) [Daemon Prince of Nurgle]

-- One of the handful of Disciples of the Throne descendants, the Vigilant Sons are an Astartes Chapter based on the desert Hive World Fraxia. Favoring Rhinos and Razorbacks to transport their marines into firing range of their meltas and flamers, the Vigilant Sons strike hard and fast before remounting and relocating to the next target located by their Librarians Battle Sight.

-- As with most* Chapters descended from the Disciples of the Throne, the each Vigilant Son has a strong affinity for the mystic arts, with Pyromancy among the prime disciplines practiced and Divination coming a close second, whether these disciplines resulted in their tactics or if it was the other way around only the know the truth.

-- Founded to Crusade the Vigilant Sons are ever on deployment, only returning home to replenish and recruit or for their assigned time to be the Hearth-guard**, supposedly their own Crusading Companies have supposedly deployed alongside the Black Templars own Crusading Fleets, with the Sons wisely requesting or taking the farthest battlefields from the heirs of Sigismund, with their foremost cooperation being boarding actions where Vigilant Sons Cruisers would duel targeted ships in order for the Templars to board unopposed.

-- Of their legends, Brother Rahe of the 4th Company, now with the honor name of "Rahe's Raiders" with 7th squad exclusively taking the name "Orkbane". As it goes, Rahe's ascent into legend all started when he was part of the Hearth-guard for the opening years of M36 this was when an Orkish Waaagh! raided the planet, with their Company depleted Rahe took the initiative and enacted a series of lightning raids among the xenos forces, constantly denying them the fight they craved. Incensed different warbands would break off to attempt to hunt down the so called "Kill-Mongah".

-- From various sources I've gathered that the Sons are known to oppose a Daemon named "Taizhric Flamecaller", Taizhric has supposedly earned the ire of the Sons from repeated, and with sorrow I must say some successful, attempts to plague and harry them. According to some records this all started when the Vigilant Sons put an end to a Daemonic Invasion of an Agriworld Sycarian III.

--With their penchant for crusading it is a boon then that the Vigilant Sons have are never wont for Navigators with their alliance with the Navis Nobilite, with some of the best and brightest being sent to guide the mighty Battle Barges and Strike Cruisers.

*See entry on Torch Bearers
**Temporary title for the Company guarding the homeworld
-- Foreword and excerpts from "Scorched Earth and Sundered Heavens: Service Among the Vigilant Sons" by Inquisitorial Adept Shraw M. Iyah
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Descendant Chapter: The Ardent Blades
Ardent blades

Why was this Chapter founded? Strategic Prognostication
When? 35th Millennium
Progenitor? Thousand Sons
Geneseed Purity? Pure - Same as progenitor in terms of purity, and will maintain close links with it
Chapter Demeanor? Suffer Not The Work Of Heretics.
Chapter Figure of Legends? 5th Company Captain
Deeds of Legend? The 5th Company Captain was a stalwart enemy of the servants of Chaos, and slew a Daemon Prince.
Chapter Homeworld? Feral World
Homeworld Terrain? Urban
Rule of Homeworld/Other Worlds Under Chapter Juristiction? Stewardship
Chapter Organization? Divergent chapter (chosen)
Combat Doctrine? Lightning Strike
Specialty restrictions? Librarian (chosen)
Special Equipment? Modified Weaponry (all blades are modified to be set alight in combat, think Dothraki swords at the Winterfell battle in GoT)
Chapter Beliefs? Revere the Primarch.
Chapter Strength? Normal
Chapter Relations? Another Chapter (Dark Angels, rolled randomly from a list of chapters)
Chapter Enemies? A particular Chaos-aligned group (Chaos pirates)

War cry: Bringing the light of the Emperor in the Dark!

They had been founded on the edge of the Segmentum Pacificus, close to the Halo Stars to defend against an unspecified threat coming from that direction.
They are recruiting from the feral tribes of Vignemal, which are wandering in the age-old remnants of Dark Age of Technology cities, long picked clean of anything useful. In addition to the harsh post-apocalyptic environment and strange monsters lurking in the ruins, the tribes must content with the remnants of the Chaos pirates attack that nearly destroyed the chapter.

They are worshiping their Unknown Primarch, as a figure of great wisdom at which side they will continue to fight after their death (I'm guessing they don't know who he is, since it doesn't seem like the Disciples of Thrones know).

They have stopped using Librarians since one of the Librarians of the chapter was possessed during a Chaos pirate raid on their Homeworld, starting a chain of events that nearly doomed the chapter. With time, this has morphed in a defiance of all psykers. Whenever they are recruiting, they are careful to avoid anyone showing any hint of psychic potential. Initiates showing psychic potential after gene-seed implementation are usually converted in servitors. The training include long meditations period to protect from warp powers, including their own. Those meditations are also part of the daily routine of marines.

Following this attack, they have ceaselessly hunted Chaos pirates and worshipers, earning them the respect and friendship of Dark Angels.

All their swords are modified to have a small tank of blessed promethium which, associated with channels dug in the blade, allow the swords to be set alight during combat.
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Wow, must require some serious discipline to avoid using their near ubiquitous psychic powers.

Yeah, I felt a little stupid when I realize what being a Thousand Sons successor meant :facepalm:. But then I had this idea I wanted to use and I'm too lazy to redo the chapter:whistle:. Still it could be used as a story hook or to create a conflict with the Disciples of the Throne.
Yeah, I felt a little stupid when I realize what being a Thousand Sons successor meant :facepalm:. But then I had this idea I wanted to use and I'm too lazy to redo the chapter:whistle:. Still it could be used as a story hook or to create a conflict with the Disciples of the Throne.

Also if Uber_Fail_Dinesh don't want to include this chapter in his canon because of this mistake, it's fine.
Descendant Chapter: The Mystic Talons
Chapter Name: Mystic Talons
Why was Chapter Founded: Strategic Prognostication
Founding: 35th Millenium
Progenitor: Disciples of the Throne
Geneseed: Pure
Demeanor: Purity Above All
Figure of Legend: Previous Chapter Master of Disciples of the Throne (Chosen)
Deeds of Legend: The hero led his Chapter in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy's greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by the Chapter's enemies, and is a reminder to all Battle Brothers of their holy duty. (Chosen)
Homeworld: Feral
Terrain: Ocean
Rule: Direct
Organization: Divergent
Doctrine: Siege
Special Equipment: Traditional Weapon - Melta Gun
Beliefs: Purity of Man
Strength: Overstrength
Friend: Adeptus Arbites
Enemy: Ork

Based in the Ultima Segmentum, the Mystic Talons were originally founded by a former Chapter Master of the Disciples of the Throne, when a prognostication stated that a great threat was soon to arise there. Stepping down to let his successor take his place as Chapter Master, he would go on to building it with gusto. Later helping to abolish that rising threat and going on to lead a great many of campaigns against the Imperium's enemies. He would eventually die killing an adolescent Waagh in its cradle, before it would unleash itself upon the rest of the galaxy. And earning the Orks the everlasting hatred of the chapter.

The Mystic Talons hold to the idea that purity in genetics and purity in psionic skill were paramount to proper living and as such spend much of their time cultivating the psychic and physical well being of the inhabitants of their home planet. Often using the oceanic nature to help in their meditations and connection with the Immaterial. Though they also are incredibly ready to purge these humans and even their brothers if perfection isn't reached. Thankfully, the population of the planet is rather high for a feral world, and their acceptance of the Geneseed is rather remarkable. Thus their habits are being maintained by quantity, so far at least.

Though many bodies in the Imperium question as to whether this Succesor is nothing more than a sockpuppet for the Disciples, used to extend their influence into the Ultima Segmentum. Simply due to how close knit many of the Disciple's Successors are with them.

Have turned their homeworld into what is essentially a gigantic eugenics experiment, crossbreeding and raising particular genetic lines to create the perfect aspirants. Even commencing in diplomatic and trade discussion with worlds that have caught their interest to acquire sample populations of those worlds human genome differences, should they display traits considered beneficial.
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Not really, since it's assumed you're already spending time with them, which gives the boosts. Plus it would be a nightmare trying to figure out all the calculations for them.
Right, that's seven. Everyone that's sent in a chapter can ask me 1 question, as long as it does not spoil major events that I'm planning. If you do ask one, I'll just put it as [REDACTED] and you can ask another one.
If it hasn't been revealed yet, does anyone in the chapter know of which legion we are a successor?
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