Be a Primaris Marine or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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So the quest is about a thousand sons chapter?
Loyalist off shoot of the (presumably) Pavoni coven of the Thousand Sons. The chapter has been around long enough to have successors and for some of those successors to die out.
Cue distant screams of "Bring it on!" and "We're already dead!" While the Chapter Master excuses himself.
Wait a second, did the Scarabs even survive long enough to meet the Shade Watchers? The scarabs were founded in the M.34 and the Watchers in M.39

Nevermind I'm dumb and thought the Scarabs were the Scorches
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It's stayed roughly the same. While there are some threats that you have to deal with, the Astartes are called the 'Angels of Death' for a reason.
Yes. However, Lucas has essentially been thrust into the position that Aurelius had been during Chapter Master Quest, and he can't make time for a single marine that isn't very high up in the hierarchy. ...Yet.
Chapter 2: A startling rise
He was falling, he realized. He had done this before, many times over. This black pit that continued forever and ever. He knew it wasn't the Warp, it was far too cold and empty for it. He had also seen things in the distance when he tried to look. A Legion of Red, A maddened horde of Blue with a grand formation of Gold Trailing behind. Great pillars of light swallowing triangles of glass, huge craters. The Red splotches desperately attacking the blue and Gold blobs, ensuring cream colored ones could run away. And always at the end, two great fists of Red and Grey meeting each other, with the red one Cracking and shattering. However, it seemed to be that this one was just a bit more special. After all, he hadn't seen the red sphere before, nor the small cogs and the flash of GOLD and the


You rose to full wakefulness quickly, your expression betraying nothing. You went through your daily routine, a quick splash of water in your face followed by clothing yourself in some robes, before setting yourself to the Mess hall. It had been like this for nearly the past Century. Ever since that campaign, and not many things could shake it easily. (Although, that announcement about Lucas did make quite a doozy.) It was one of your few comforts, and you weren't going to just let it go.

"Brother Ohrmuzd!"

You turned your head to one of the few true friends in the chapter, Hollus. he waved you over to his seat, which he seemed to have saved for you. How thoughtful. You made your way over to him after collecting your Nutrient packed meal and began to meet. Predictably, he decided to talk your ear off. While it would be rude to just ignore him, you had managed to learn the ancient skill of multitasking. Unfortunately, your skill only extended to listening and eating at the same time, but it was still useful.

"-se Neophytes are rather annoying right now, they're already on their Hypnoindoctrination, and not even one can make it through the Beginner's course in under 2 minutes! It's shameful!"

"I see, Brother Hollus. I might have to make an appearance myself."

Hollus snorts. "Perhaps my posterior. You're going to appear there out of nowhere, terrorizing the little Neophytes and driving the actual instructors to drink! Again!"

"It wasn't my fault that none of them actually knew how to do a basic training exercise..."

And so, you chatted. Until...

"Brother Ohrmuzd, Brother Hollus."

You looked up...directly into the eyes of Sergeant Harmut.

"Come with me. We've been promoted."

You blink, along with Hollus. You rise, along with Hollus. You walked, with Hollus. And you were eventually dumbfounded, along with Hollus.

Direct promotion to the 7th company, and movement to a new ship. You would normally be ecstatic, however...

"Brother-Captain. What is happening to Marco and Michael?"

"I'm afraid that while they are excellent Scouts, there were too little spots in the 7th company to make them into Devastator Marines. I have also heard that Marco is wishing to become a scout Sergeant and teach the new Scouts, after what happened on Ogden's Rock."

You grimace at that. Ogden's Rock was supposed to be a routine Ork Extermination for the scouts which blew up because of the 10th Company Captain's arrogance. Over 75% of the Company perished there, requiring the Deployment of 2 full battle companies to ensure that no Orks wielded Space Marine weaponry. Regrettably, the Captain also died there, meaning that he couldn't be punished for his stupidity. Luckily, none of your friends were there at the time or there would have been a lot more rage associated with that memory. However, you could see where Marco was going with this.

"The Grand Conclave is gathering in 50 years as well. I believe you will do most excellently there, however, no one will consider a mere scout for selection as the champion. Not in this Chapter."

"...Very well, Brother-Captain. We will endeavor to do our best for the Chapter and the Emperor."

"See to it. Dismissed."

"...Well, this is going to be fun. I don't suppose we'll have time before deployment?"

Harmut shakes his head. "You'll have around a week if the Warp permits. I would advise you to get some practice in if you want to."

With his piece said, he walks away.

Hollus turns to you, his eyes taking a slightly concerned tone.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Brother."

And he walks away as well.


You have 3 actions to use.

[] What will you do with them?

(AN: Please put your vote in a plan format. Ask me about what you want to do, and I'll Ok or Veto it.)

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[X] Plan Catching Up
-[X] Do some sparring and practice with Hollus and Harmut to catch up.
-[X] Study all known information on the mission
-[X] Practice Telekinesis and Biomancy, with particular attention on Smite and whatever strange force halted your progress.

So can we use any BEXP?
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No, also you don't have a mission yet. The strike cruiser carrying the 7th company is just returning from a deployment, before selecting a mission and setting out for that one.
[X] Plan Catching Up and Practice
-[X] Do some sparring and practice with Hollus and Harmut to catch up.
-[X] Practice Ballistic.
-[X] Practice Telekinesis and Biomancy, with particular attention on Smite and whatever strange force halted your progress.
[X] Plan Train
-[X] Train Biomancy x3

No real direction from the update, and biomancy is most useful, since we're locked out of increasing most of our Stats.
[X] Plan Catching Up V2
-[X] Do some sparring and practice with Hollus and Harmut to catch up.
-[X] Practice with your Bolter
-[X] Practice Telekinesis and Biomancy, with particular attention on Smite and whatever strange force halted your progress.

Our Ballistics skill physically cannot get better until we engage in 2 battles.