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Yes, Yes, I know I haven't updated my gamer story for a while, but between school and work, I...
Fool- 1


"You are in my way, And simply unecessary"
Salt lake city
Yes, Yes, I know I haven't updated my gamer story for a while, but between school and work, I haven't had time to give my muse the attention she demands. However, in my efforts to reconcile with my erratic muse, she gave me something new.

So I present to you, my Naruto SI.

(I own nothing, etcetera etcetera)

"Make a Wish Toru-Kun!" I looked at the cake in front of me, decorated with a bright blue ten.

Ten years.

I've been dead ten years.

I've been here for ten years.

Sometimes my memories seem like a dream, a long forgotten delusion.

But then I'd catch myself muttering the tune to a song in English, or writing with letters instead of kanji. I've managed to suppress that, to keep my… memories, under control.

It's easy to separate myself from my old past. After all, now I'm in a far different place than my first life.

My name is Toru Shusho.

Now, as I look around at my family, as I celebrate my tenth birthday, I'm reminded just how different my life is now. I'm not a writer, an artist, or even a gamer
now. I'm a shinobi in training. Not just that, I'm a shinobi in training in Konoha.

God, it's been so long since I first woke up and understood the world around me. I had to be…. What, four? That's when my memories started coming back. I don't know if I've been reincarnated or not, but god, I thought I was going crazy. It wasn't till I started knowing things that I shouldn't, that I realized my memories were real.

That's also when I decided that if I want to have any chance at all of surviving the coming clusterfuck that would be the shinobi world, I needed to get as smart and strong as possible.

That meant going to the academy, Learning about chakra and learning to fight and… god.


I was willingly learning to Kill.

But that was the thing. I couldn't focus on butterflies, I had to ignore the details and focus on the broad strokes of the story. And fully be prepared to drop any plan I made at the drop of the hat.

Anyway, back to the fact I was ten years old, again.

I was, in particular, a very… forgettable kid. Dark brown hair, slightly tanned skin, skinny but too thin to be called lean. I had picked up some muscle, two years of daily exercise and taijutsu practices helped with that. The only real feature that made me stand out from most civilians was my eyes, a dark blue, that depending on the lighting shifted to lighter sea green/blue, or to dark gray/blue. No scars or birthmarks, my hair was cut short and loose, a mess of slightly wavy locks. Beyond that, the transfer to new youth hadn't really changed my personality much. I was still reclusive, still quiet and a book worm. My new family wasn't shinobi, no, my family was merchants. Upper middle class.

I was the odd one in my family. I wanted to 'be like my grandpa!' as I often exclaimed,

The proof was my birthday party, I suppose, and the gifts I got. My cousins always wanted toys or games, or something pretty. I got a bunch of books and scrolls, a few odd trinkets such as packs of artistic playing cards and senbon. A new jacket, and so on. Ten years here, like I said, and my family knew me well. They gave me things I wanted, and things I could use. I had a few classmates, and my family, but not much else present. The games were tag, or hide and seek, the food sweet and flavorful, but also nutritious. I was helping groom myself to be a survivor.

My family was, surprise surprise, civilian. No bloodline, no history of chakra use beyond a grandfather who never made chunin, and no archive of skills and techniques. We were a family of craftsmen, a jewelry maker for a mother, a merchant for a father, leatherworking, and smithing scattered through cousins and uncles. Oh, as for training as a ninja I had dozens of half-remembered tips and skills from stories in my past life, but in practice, I didn't remember half of anything useful. Oh, I knew some things, I had been slowly working bit by bit on chakra control, slowly grinding any piece of control methods or expanding my reserves whenever I could. I had tried the infamous tree walking, and though I didn't have the control or reserves to actually stay on for more than a second, I did learn to slow falls using walls and climb easier by giving a second of grip to kick off of.

As for the family side of the skill equation, I had some experience when it came to metalcraft, but compared to my mom's apprentice, I was more likely to work the stalls then the bench. Just didn't have the eye for design like she did, my stuff was always more practical than artistic. One benefit of my family was that I had plenty of time to tinker when my mother wasn't working in the shop. I was free to use any bits of scrap as long as it wasn't a chunk of gold or silver. I didn't have the artistic flair for delicate and ornate designs or my father's tendency for polite and kind barter, but I had a good eye for sturdy designs and things that were robust and practical.

I drew my attention back to the party. It wasn't very lively, partly due to the small size, partly to the bad news from earlier the month.

The Uchiha Massacre had happened.

God. it wasn't really noted, but the Uchiha's were a large clan. I had three members in my class alone. Sachi, Tori, and Tora, a girl and two twin guys. But god, hearing about the massacre, and then walking into class the next week and seeing the three empty seats… it had hit a lot of us hard.

I had done some mental math and asked around to confirm. I was, compared to the rookie nine, ten, right now they were all 7-8. I was almost three years ahead.

That was both good, and bad. Good in that I had closer to five years before the sand invasion or the start of the Canon Story, bad because I would have to survive for three years as a genin and/or chunin before they graduated.

I wish to survive what comes.

I blew out the candles, smiling as my family cheered.

I smiled at my family as we started opening and playing with my new gifts, my cousins crowding around to hep inspect.

I had five years to survive till canon started. Seven until the next war if I didn't throw things off.

I could only hope it was enough time.
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Fool- 2
Ah, the joy of the backlog. the Mythical Two chapter for one-day special!

When you are reincarnated into a well-known fictional universe and attend a school designed to make you a badass, chakra using, child soldier of mass destruction loyal to your village, you never consider something. With your memories, you will probably have enough life experience to see through the somewhat creepy and occasionally downright crude manipulations and can focus on important things. Like how to kick ass, take names, and chew bubblegum.

Then reality will set in and you start to notice things.

Like how half of the fucking academy curriculum is fucking bullshit. At least to me, anyway. Considering the basic maths and science courses only barely taught anything new, the only classes I really paid attention to for the first two years were language, since before I came here, I didn't know Japanese (or the local equivalent that sounds and looks like Japanese), and history. I did learn these, in fact, I had a solid foundation that stayed even when I finished getting my memories back.

As for Shinobi skills… I had to fight hard to learn them, but I can totally see why people like Sakura, without any help or supplementary materials, seemed unsuited for the life a shinobi. The academy taught the basics, they taught them well, especially if you knew where to look for help, but the basic three, Transformation, Clone, and Replacement, were difficult if you were a civilian. Hell, I still couldn't get a good transformation down. I was always was a bit too blurry and indistinct when I tried to copy someone. Clones were a bit easier, though I had a habit of making them with slightly more pronounced expressions and body language, something I had to fix before they were considered passable.

And the replacement technique… trying to wrap my head around that piece of Jutsu magic was painful. I could finally do it with practice and was still practicing it religiously… sometimes literally (the Log is God, trust the Log) but I got a look at the scrolls for its theory once. I swear, if nothing else, that put me off trying to mess with space-time Ninjutsu for some time. Though I did take the time to learn the full thirteen hand seals version that it originally was composed of, before the more practical five seal academy version… among a few other things considering its breakdown.

I also now understood the reason why the rookie nine were almost all clan members. It turns out that families that constantly use chakra have children who can use chakra a more easily, with reserves just that much larger. Apply this over a larger time scale, and you get the clan kids who can kick a civilian adult's ass halfway to hell before attending the academy. Beyond that, they seem naturally tougher and stronger if a bit more specialized.

Anyway… back to the present.

I looked around the main floor of the Konoha Library. This floor and everything above ground for two more stories were civilian. To access it you had to undergo a basic background test, give three different references for the Anbu to talk too, and sign an agreement to stay under surveillance for three months without being allowed to leave Konoha.

Just Hidden Village Protocol,

For most of the library's civilian side, it was basic books on reading and writing, there were things on mythology, old histories, and records of great events. There were shelves of mathematics and sciences, most of them rather basic, a few shelves full of trade skill manuals and schema for tools and stuff like charts and forges. An entire half a floor was legal records and information concerning Konoha Law. Along the back wall was a rather meager fiction section. The Shinobi, however, had their own sections. On the first floor underground, an extra ten feet of reinforced material separating it from the civilian area was the academy section of the library, watched by a pair of bored looking chunin (and if the books of protocol were correct, a pair of ANBU hidden somewhere as well).

I walked down the stairs, keeping my pace slow and nodded to the chunin on duty, holding out a permission scroll to them. Permission scrolls were the academy students best friend, they were written weekly, and had to be requested from your teachers. They were needed to use either the training grounds or access the library archives. As a student, I couldn't remove anything from the area, but I was free to take notes for later reference.

Most of it was just textbooks, and scrolls: dozens of each one lined up. There were condensed courses on math, history, science, languages, cultures, first-aid, weapon maintenance, physical health, observation skills, and the basics of the academy three. All geared for academy students, all geared for ninja life. Along the back wall were the optional books, things to help aspiring students to find specialties. Aside from the two guards, there were a dozen students from the academy, most of them working on the basics, or catching up on classwork.

I meandered along the stacks towards the back corner. The further away from the desk, you were, the more esoteric the books became. There weren't any justu scrolls here, those were farther down, on the genin to jonin floors, but there were a few books that caught my interest, and I had been reading through them when I had the time.

"Fuinjutsu Fundamentals, the basics of sealingArts of Deception: The Shinobi's GuideChakra Control: Imbuing Tools… Ah, There, Shurikenjutsu volume 8: Altering trajectory and Impacts."

All but Deception, which was a good sized scroll, were books the size of a Young A novel and were covered in some level of dust. The fuinjutsu book had been checked out a lot, if the wear and tear on it meant anything, but didn't seem very well taken care of. I had originally flipped through it for a moment and could see why. It was written as the driest most numbing boring thing ever. The kanji was small and filled every page, there were barely legible diagrams of parts of seals, and most of it was long droning pages about each sigil and how they reacted to chakra. It was also the only book on fuinjutsu on the shelf, so I was reading it anyway.

Chakra control was far more like a field manual, but read more like a college textbook. Each section clearly explained something, but it was outdated by at least thirty years. The main reason I chose it was that it had more detailed manipulation theory than the current academic texts, even if it was out of date.

I pulled up at a desk in clear view of the chunin, and opened a small notebook, and pulled out a pen. I opened the Fuinjutsu book and the Chakra Control books first, flipping through them to where I last left off. In each book were the joker playing cards from one of the decks of cards I always had on hand, marking where I had stopped reading. In the Fuinjutsu book, I was looking at the diagrams of imbuing chakra into the paper and ink to prepare them for sealing, and in the Control book, I was on a chapter about channeling chakra through weapons to strengthen and reinforce them. I had come across these months ago, but I only recently started realizing the similarity between the techniques.

For the fuinjutsu paper, the process described taught how to make personal chakra paper and revolved around matching the chakra signature of the scroll or seal tag to your own signature, to increase chakra resonance. Chakra resonance was a big deal in sealing, the better the resonance, the more efficient any seals were, the less chakra needed to charge them, and the greater effect it would have, properly resonance sealing scroll could fit almost a third more mass than generalized sealing scrolls. Explosive tags burned a bit hotter, barriers lasted a bit longer.

For the Control concept, it was used to apply chakra to weapon use. The primary use was to strengthen a weapon to survive stress. For instance, reinforcing a kunai to hold up better against a sword. Mastery of chakra reinforcement was supposed to allow almost anything to function as a weapon, at least for a short time. Things like sticks, bottles, and bits of paper, but the list of examples go on and on. The weaker the base material, the weaker the reinforcement, but organic materials had a better 'flow' allowing chakra to reinforce deeper. For instance, using this a person with, say, an oak staff could use it to block swords or axes, because the chakra would imbue deeper into the wood, holding the entire thing together and forcing the blades to work harder to cut into it.

Eventually, a sword would cut through, but it would take far longer than otherwise.

For metals, instead of imbuing the material, due to metals unliving nature, you had to coat the weapon, forming a thin layer to deflect damage from the weapon. The exception to this was the so-called 'Chakra Metals' which were a set of higher density alloys that are forged with chakra being forced into the metal. I had suspicions that tungsten was one of the main metals used in some of the alloys, but no real proof. Chakra metals do let the metal act more like an organic material, however, letting the chakra flow into the weapon to reinforce it.

Both of these were fairly common techniques, but given my habits, I had a few ideas on how this could be used, but working out the theory was taking time, though it did help me develop a few tricks using the academy henge...

Oh well, I still have almost two years of class left to go.

Time enough to study and figure out how to use this.
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I like this, esp. the fact that you skipped over the most tedious parts. Just don't get stuck on trying to rationalize chakra and jutsus, simply present it as it has been in the manga.
I like how your character isn't a mary sue. Most SI's either reincarnate into a clan and get all the goodies that come with it or are civilians/orphans that somehow manage to be more badass than the products of at least a century of eugenics just because they know a bit about the show and are somehow smarter than everyone else.
I hope this doesn't end up a 50k words story with 40k of it your character experimenting and rationalising how everything works and angst ing.

Story's need plot.
I like how your character isn't a mary sue. Most SI's either reincarnate into a clan and get all the goodies that come with it or are civilians/orphans that somehow manage to be more badass than the products of at least a century of eugenics just because they know a bit about the show and are somehow smarter than everyone else.

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I also decided that I wanted to give my SI limits. that means no bloodline, no crazy clan secrets (except for one funny idea that I had, and have hinted at), and no power wank. Toru Shusho has hard limits on chakra and control. He also has an affinity for throwing weapons at people, but that's all learned and practiced. in a straight fight between Toru and any of the rookie nine (except possibly Sakura or Shikamaru), he'll lose.

As suck, he has decided that as a fair fight means losing, he refuses to fight fair if at all possible.

I hope this doesn't end up a 50k words story with 40k of it your character experimenting and rationalising how everything works and angst ing.

Story's need plot.

I see what you're talking about, and don't worry, Chakra will be more along the lines of ."Huh, that works, cool. OH, SHIT <Plot happens>" and "So I looked into this. It's taking a while. Oh well, other things to do."

There will be some explanations of what exactly he does with his limited chakra, and how he leverages it in some fairly interesting ways, but the good portion of this will be "Life as a genin! Who are my team? How does the Village function? What is with this fucking mission going tits up!?" There will be a few parts where it bends to slice of life and a few where it might bend slightly political, but most of it will be exploration and adventure.
I'd like to note that rookie nine refers specifically to naruto's team rather than his year.
true, but my SI could beat some of the rookie nines classmates, and the rookie nine themselves are Teams seven (Naruto Sakura Sasuke) eight(Hinata, Shino, Kiba) and ten(Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru). compared to the eight clan kids (Uzumaki counts) I'd have a hard time even staying in the ring.
Fool- 3
Alright! chapter three, whereupon I start defining my SI's path of development. For those of you who don't know, the original art of Karawmi was the ability to replace yourself with a dummy or similar size/shaped object without a person nearby noticing, it's a combination of psychology, speed, smooth movement, and timing.

Also, thanks for the support everyone who commented or liked the story so far! hope to see this one go far.

I bit back a curse, looking at the long welt that ran from my shoulder to my elbow on my arm. The 'safe for training' wires I had been salvaging from one of the academies approved training grounds after the heavy rainfall from the day before were tangled above me, holding me to the tree by a snare like a trapped rabbit. I looked at the wire that was now hanging loosely around my wrist, and then back to the simple pocket knife I had in hand. It was a folding knife, based on the design I remembered of the folding hunting knife that my grandfather back in my first life gave me. It was made of steel, hard and a slight bit more brittle than your normal kunai, but far thinner and sharper. It was a cutting, not a piercing or chopping weapon. More tool than weapon anyway. Regardless the knife was sharp and thin enough that I could get under the knot and cut the wires, but the wires were under tension and it showed one of the annoying things about messing with ninja wire.

It was like a taut guitar string, with just enough elasticity that cutting it under tension caused it to snap back. Whipping along the skin of my upper arm, even with the protection of a wire mesh shirt, it stung.

I took a second to assess the situation. I was almost ten feet up, and even with the slow advancements in control and capacity, I still couldn't tree walk yet. I could slide down, but the trunk had a kink that would make me lose my footing. I knew it. So I had a choice. Slowly cut my arm free strand by strand and get my upper arm covered in welts…. Or… Ah, fuck it.

I planted my feet on the trunk of the tree and pulled myself up a bit, knife flashing up and slicing the wires just beyond my fingertips. The sharp blade, moving fast, let loose a twang that seemed to echo through the brisk late fall air as the sudden lack of anchorage caused me to stumble and slide down the trunk. The knot of the wires kept the ends together so that when the tension was released, it didn't snap back towards me as a small fast moving strand but rather as a loose bundle of slower wire.

Twisting slightly and widening my feet as I slid downwards, I pushed off and managed to roll a bit to soften the fall. I still winced as it jarred my legs and caused a bit of pain to flare from where my knee slammed into a rock. Groaning, I took a moment to retrieve my knife from where I had dropped it and fold it up, flicking the blade closed, the knife looking a bit too large for my young hand, but not by much. A shake of the wrist and a bit of sleight of hand, and it was securely stashed back under my sleeves.

I bent down and picked the old duffel bag back up and continued scavenging. I had started this once my mother was fine with me wandering the village more. With the half a year that had passed since my tenth birthday, I had gotten enough freedom and enough slack with my curfew that I could start looking for spare tools.

Like that wire, though it seemed I needed more work to dismantle traps like that. Damn. I also needed to finish working on the wire escape techniques. Particular while wearing my tools.

I put what I had taken before I snagged my arm in my bag, stashing the long coil of wire among the few dozen shuriken and kunai I found littering the forest behind targets or in trees.

I had also found the broken half of a weapon, some rather basic type of small blade, a tanto maybe? It was straight and had the slightly angled tip, so that sounded like the most likely candidate. No hilt or guard with it though.

I kept an eye out as I started heading home, doing a quick spot check of my tools and outfit first, making sure nothing got lost from my surprise hanging. I was wearing a jacket, dark blue with green accents, loose and lightweight, tied around my waist for now. I had a black tank top and a mesh undershirt, the sleeves of the undershirt shifting back to a solid black cloth just past my elbows. The style was a bit distinctive, and the sleeves past the elbow were a tad larger than normal, and a bit stiffer than normal cloth, a side effect of lacing it with a length of the wire mesh used for armor. My pants were a dark black-blue color, slightly mottled to break up the coloring and fitted so the ankles were snug to my legs, keeping the loose shinobi cargo pants look, and letting me lace up my shinobi sandals over the lower hem without an issue, without having to use the cliche bandages to wrap my ankles. Under my sleeves, though, was my pride and joy so far in my current efforts at custom tools to use.

A skin-tight leather sleeve ran from the base of the middle finger on each hand to where the mesh ended. It was lightweight, made from rabbit leather, and thin, almost as thin as my shirt. I had spent a long time treating it to be as supple and flexible as I could, asking Tsumori, the leather worker down the street, for advice. Once I had gotten the leathers the way I wanted, I started trimming them, starting by making them a pair of laced up sleeves. I had paired up threads and loops of leather for a line of senbon needles, a place to stash a few coins, the slot for my hunting knife, and two complete set of standard issue lockpicks under the outer sleeves. Beyond that from wrist to knuckles was a layer of very delicate steel chainmail, the results of a week's worth of careful soldering and filing, the mail was sewed carefully to the leather with sturdy threads. The mesh was fine enough that it flowed almost like cloth, if quite a bit heavier, and was hidden under the sleeves. It gave my taijutsu a bit of a kick and gave me a defense against blades. Leaving the palm and fingers clear was necessary though since I had to have my fingers free to use Jutsu, and the steel would disrupt the flow of my chakra.

The best part is that in the six years since my memory returned, I had taken the time to learn and practice any bit of sleight of hand I could, constantly. And I learned everything I could relating to it. Card tricks I had seen in my half-remembered past life, ranging from artistic cardistry to complex magic, making things disappear. Coin tricks, misdirection ranging from three card monte and cup games, up to disappearing small things and pickpocketing. I worked on any and every trick I knew to make my hands faster, more precise, then I made more nonsensical and absurd, strange and confusing ones to push my fingers further. If it made my hands move faster, forced me to lie smoother, and gave me any edge in deception I could get, I tried it.

On the days when I walked home or around town, my hands would sign in my sleeves, remembering my first life's mom, the wonderful deaf woman who taught me ASL before I could really speak English. I mixed those hand signs with the hand seals from class, and every combination thereof. I could sign the alphabet back and forwards, and fingerspell faster than I could talk. Heh, I could complete my old ASL alphabet in less than two seconds.

It had gotten a few looks on occasion, but I was usually subtle enough about it around people. A classmate who usually sat next to me, Sado Ikaru, had made a habit for a while of watching me flip coins from hand to hand, hiding and palming the coins as often as possible during lectures. At this point, I barely had to pay attention to the motions of coins, though I needed to keep my focus on my hands if I messed with cards. And after the 104 card pickup incident a few months ago, I stopped using cards during most lectures.

Heh, I think I'm the only person in class who can pull off the original art of karawmi, at least on a civilian.

The point is that my sleight of hand made my sleeves go from useful, to almost worthy of being called effective. I had been getting used to them so far, practicing retrievals and concealments with the multitude of simple hooks and sheaths that now crossed my arms. Getting used to the weight of the chains and the tools that accompanied them took some doing, but it wasn't too hard, I had intentionally used a slightly lighter alloy of steel. Bends easier, but is about thirty percent lighter.

Unfortunately, it's that very chainmail that had just fucked me now, the wires catching on a link of the chains and sliding between the design to fit really snugly against the leather. Thanks to the armbands my wrist wasn't dislocated or sprained, as it had spread the pressure around a bit, but it also screwed me for trying to get my arm untangled. And now that I was free, I still had a chunk of wire stuck in the chains. It took a few minutes of cutting and pulling, but I finally got the wires out of the chainmail and let my hands drop, only to frown at the soft clink of the chains.

That was another thing I had to learn to fix. The chains would clink, softly it must be said, if I made any sharp steps or movements. I had so far started to try and fix this by keeping my hands and wrists moving constantly, keeping the chain in motion. I was going to work on it till I could perform my entire array of sleight of hand and sign without the sound of metal clicking, but I feared that was a while off yet. Or… hmm. A fingerless glove over the top? I'll have to try that.

Looking up I noticed the sun had started to head to the horizon, and so I turned to head back up to the village main, the bag of tools on my back.

On the way, I passed the market and traded a few ryo for an apple and a piece of jerky, something protein and vitamin rich.

Gotta be healthy and strong to survive.
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something unique to try: how small can you transform yourself with transform technique?

ninja can turn themselves into Kunai right? can you turn yourself into a Kunai-sized version of yourself?

it would be good for metal working. 50% of your size means you've just doubled the precision your fine-metal working. excellent for jewelry crafting.
something unique to try: how small can you transform yourself with transform technique?

ninja can turn themselves into Kunai right? can you turn yourself into a Kunai-sized version of yourself?
Is the Henge even a physical transformation technique in this fic rather than a visual illusionary overlay for disguise?
Chakra strings, the leaf floating excercise etc.

All the chakra control is important. If you can create a chakra ink, something that will let you draw seals, youre going to be even stronger for it, as well as if you can carve your seals into the armor youve been working on.

Edit: Spacetime stuff, while complicated, is going to be so worth your while.

Also, one of the better ways of handling obtuse books like the seals one, is write a book. On one page, the original words unmodified, on the other, a translation of what it means and how you understand it.
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He's got excellent finger-dexterity, right? He could go Suna-style, with puppeteering and cloth-manipulation. If could inscribe seals on them, then he can use chakra-strings to activate them when they are in the most advantageous position, to maximize the useful output.
maybe start wearing weighted clothes? About cloth-manipulation... Maybe like in the old Wuxia movies where a piece of cloth grows and hits the guy ten meters ahead of you with enouıgh strength and durability to pierce through them. Can you create chakra layer on top of your skin yet?
I would say to also try to constantly work on your Chakra control.
Chakra strings, the leaf floating excercise etc.

All the chakra control is important. If you can create a chakra ink, something that will let you draw seals, youre going to be even stronger for it, as well as if you can carve your seals into the armor youve been working on.

Edit: Spacetime stuff, while complicated, is going to be so worth your while.

Also, one of the better ways of handling obtuse books like the seals one, is write a book. On one page, the original words unmodified, on the other, a translation of what it means and how you understand it.

Yes, Chakra control is going to be one of those things my SI has to constantly fight for. the way I worked it out is this: everyone has chakra and tenketsu and the pathways to make them work. When you use and practice chakra you mostly exercises the tenketsu, like a muscle tensing and relaxing. Clan kids are born with chakra coursing through their coils from their mothers, and so they get this started really early.

My SI only started consciously using chakra when he was about five and learned how. Now, reserves of chakra build up with time and use. the more chakra you use, the more your body starts recovering it and the more chakra you push into your coils making them expand. right now, my SI has about a third less chakra then your average clan child at his age, but he also has slightly above average control compared to the clans. and he still practices his control constantly. you'll keep hearing him mention chakra control like tree walking or see him fiddling with moving things with chakra.

Seals will be explained, including how effect they are in various circumstances....

and he does do that sort of note taking, in fact, that's what he usually does in class, the short summary's with various notes marking down ideas and connections. he actually went back to find those books recently because he needed to see the full unedited processes and the entire pages for everything on what he was interested in. he was cross referencing them and taking notes on the similarities and differences.

He's got excellent finger-dexterity, right? He could go Suna-style, with puppeteering and cloth-manipulation. If could inscribe seals on them, then he can use chakra-strings to activate them when they are in the most advantageous position, to maximize the useful output.
maybe start wearing weighted clothes? About cloth-manipulation... Maybe like in the old Wuxia movies where a piece of cloth grows and hits the guy ten meters ahead of you with enouıgh strength and durability to pierce through them. Can you create chakra layer on top of your skin yet?

For chakra strings, He does plan to learn that technique, but he hasn't had success reverse engineering it yet. he can manipulate an actual wire using chakra, but it's somewhat draining, and he thinks using puppets would be cool. the issue is A) where to get supplies for a puppet without causing an international incident, B) time to make/learn to puppeteer without an instructor. C) his control/reserves aren't high enough to justify the gain of a puppet vs the drain on his reserves during combat. He made a decision some time ago that he would have to make his own path to survive.

The weighted clothes thing is an idea, but he is focused more physically getting faster and stronger, on developing reflexes. on top of that, his body doesn't recover chakra or damage fast enough to justify any sort of high weight training montage yet. he had been tracking his healing and chakra reserves through.

As for the layer of chakra over the skin, it's actually something most ninjas do, but instead of layered over the skin, they use the organic reinforcement methods I mentioned, making skin harder to bruise or cut, making bones sturdier. it usually becomes a reflexive side effect of higher chakra reserves.

something unique to try: how small can you transform yourself with transform technique?

ninja can turn themselves into Kunai right? can you turn yourself into a Kunai-sized version of yourself?

it would be good for metal working. 50% of your size means you've just doubled the precision your fine-metal working. excellent for jewelry crafting.
Is the Henge even a physical transformation technique in this fic rather than a visual illusionary overlay for disguise?
Why wouldn't it be? Physical is canon.

Ok, here's the thing about the henge. yes you can compress yourself, but the more compressed you are the less you can move, the constant outpouring of chakra literally will lock your muscles up. its why you don't see a pillow or henged shuriken jumping around. It is physical, but much like the shadow clone, any sort of strain on the surface breaks it. for long-term infiltration, it's better to use more conventional disguises. and sadly the less logical your proportions the less effective they are. extra arms could be useful, but without the mind to control them they become a hinderance. henging nourself to half size makes your movements slow and clunky, ect ect. its why most ninjas don't try transforming into little kids. the more chakra, the more... real, a henge gets, which is why Naruto when he henges into a shurikin fly's like a shurikin. The Snozzberries taste like snozzberries1

That make sense?

And keep the questions and comments coming! I got all day to write and answer questions.
Have you started experimenting with what chakra can do? Like, channel your chakra slowly to the soil and try to feel the grass beneath your feet sucks and absorbs the nutrition out of it. Or maybe 'boost' your senses such as the sense of hearing, sense of taste, how far you see... Don't mess around much with your bodily functions but you can experiment with it a little. The wounds shinobis can take and heal with healing jutsu is more than you can inflict on yourself. Be patient about it.
Also, there is something I saw in one fic about infusing your chakra to your stiff muscles as you massage them could make your muscles relax more easily. Of course, in the fic I read, it was used more as a seduction trick but you can use it on yourself to relax your own muscles after taijutsu classes.
Have you started experimenting with what chakra can do? Like, channel your chakra slowly to the soil and try to feel the grass beneath your feet sucks and absorbs the nutrition out of it. Or maybe 'boost' your senses such as the sense of hearing, sense of taste, how far you see... Don't mess around much with your bodily functions but you can experiment with it a little. The wounds shinobis can take and heal with healing jutsu is more than you can inflict on yourself. Be patient about it.
That's stepping outside of Naruto-Land and into Wacky Fanon-Land.
I'm just throwing rocks at the wall and see what sticks. The author could decide whether he wants it or not in his fic.
For chakra strings, He does plan to learn that technique, but he hasn't had success reverse engineering it yet. he can manipulate an actual wire using chakra, but it's somewhat draining, and he thinks using puppets would be cool. the issue is A) where to get supplies for a puppet without causing an international incident, B) time to make/learn to puppeteer without an instructor. C) his control/reserves aren't high enough to justify the gain of a puppet vs the drain on his reserves during combat. He made a decision some time ago that he would have to make his own path to survive.

Taking aside things like chakra control, reserves and string mastery, which will come with time, the main issue will be puppet body. I think the primary reason why they are so rare in canon is because of the large number of mechanical parts they require, but with use of his skills in the forge, alongside using seals as a replacement, the cost and difficulty in obtaining parts should come down. If he uses only seal-based puppetry, the costs should plummet.
I personally think you're vastly exaggerating the difficulties your character is supposed to have in training as a ninja. Being born from a civilian family is a big limiter indeed, but if you're not an A-Class Shinobi by the time you're 15 then... You might as well just kill yourself on the grounds of gross incompetence.
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