Ignore her structural composition, shielding and engines contributing to her frankly BS Brute and Mover ratings, and weaponry contributing to her blaster ratings and her onboard fighter compliment to her 'dinky' Master rating....

Fighter launched Naquadah Naquadria enhanced nuclear weapons paired with fighter mounted FTL drives means that even her master rating is going to ram so far off the scale it isn't funny. In terms of threat, just those place her above the Endbringers... A city per fighter simultaneously across the world beats out one per three months by a bit.
err question: they are part of the Timeline where Teal'C was just thrown back in time right? However that would mean the rest of SG1 is old, if i remember right they should all be in their 80s by the time they Jump back, which would hinder them somewhat with how fast they could move or help and make any Stressfull Situation, like getting thrown into a new/Alternate Universe quite dangerous to them ...

Otherwise i like this story :D

Fighter launched Naquadah Naquadria enhanced nuclear weapons paired with fighter mounted FTL drives means that even her master rating is going to ram so far off the scale it isn't funny. In terms of threat, just those place her above the Endbringers... A city per fighter simultaneously across the world beats out one per three months by a bit.
the F-303 Fighter don't have a FTL drive, they have the space for it, but no stable FTL drive that small was build at that point in time... Not that that would be a huge problem, considering they have the Asgardcore but yeah,
The ship ate the planet sized piece of Clarketech like it was a snack. At the same time, due to the collision, the ship experienced its final course correction.
On re-read, as is proper tradition in these cases, this line stuck out to me after the posts above about her supplies. When I initially read the story I assumed it was a metaphor for the collision, but did that actually count as Odyssey consuming the shard, thus the complete resupply?
Or just open a wormhole to the Black Hole (at minimum) next to The Warrior's real body. Remember the Aschen.
Never forget the final word of Jack O'Niell on the subject of the Aschen.

On re-read, as is proper tradition in these cases, this line stuck out to me after the posts above about her supplies. When I initially read the story I assumed it was a metaphor for the collision, but did that actually count as Odyssey consuming the shard, thus the complete resupply?
That is a very good question and one that I think we will the author to weigh in on.
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err question: they are part of the Timeline where Teal'C was just thrown back in time right? However that would mean the rest of SG1 is old, if i remember right they should all be in their 80s by the time they Jump back, which would hinder them somewhat with how fast they could move or help and make any Stressfull Situation, like getting thrown into a new/Alternate Universe quite dangerous to them ...
I'm guessing that them technically being fairies makes up for their age.
TO be fair levi's override orders are to go punch her dad in the face. If you go by the numbers of fanon's they much rather stay under the ocean looking at all the neat fucked up shit earthchan's made.

It's not David's fault he has such a punchable face :V

but did that happen on earth bet, or is there some in the solar system still?


I could have sworn there was a line somewhere in that post about her possibly dealing with more than just those two universes in her future. I can't find it now, but if there was it reminds me of that one story where Taylor ends up in Star Trek as a shipgirl, and back home their new ships start sprouting baby avatars...

It would be hilarious if that physics set starts leaking over and the Boat Graveyard promptly incarnates before kicking the crap out of Leviathan. Although they'd probably be Abyssals, so this may not help once he's gone.

I know the feeling. :p

I think you just redefined "Deus ex machina."
Although considering that we're talking about shipgirl crews here, it might be "desu ex machina" instead... :rofl:

So does that mean that THIS earth still has it, or was that an innate function of the physics subset in the other universe and it doesn't exist here? Since in Legos Weldon mentions that it's an element it might be here too...
We might actually have naquedah here, assuming that's a function of physics but that Bet didn't have the civilizations of SG...

I think the Tinkers might similarly start ranting if they can make bullshit supertech out of what's basically magic given physical form. Stargate seems to run entirely on Sufficiently Analyzed Magic as far as Clarke's Law goes, considering how many energy beings and psychic powers they have, so this could be fun going the other way.

I'm still not sure if the author is the one that's insane there, but since she's partially a SI this may be true.

from singularity import lucy_ascension

More seriously, she's going to eat the Internet in the first microsecond, and then everyone's going to have to deal with Big Sister watching them.
Everyone is going to promptly do the headless chicken impression. It will be glorious.

There's obsession, and then there's whatever this is. I didn't even know that was possible. :rofl:
How many hours long IS that show?!

I kid, really. I'm still shocked, but it does explain how you can come up with such a convoluted multi-setting plot like this. I may have to try that now and see if it works for me...

Well, I need to watch that show the first time, but otherwise I'll get there eventually...

This rant shall go down in the history books.

Or maybe THAT rant will go down in the history books. :D

Weren't there a bunch of times that the SG1 crew used one up? I guess those must have been really close to empty.

We're in Worm. I think that's a given regardless of how spicy you want your food... :D

That line is there, yes. You should re-read it, because future was not specified. Or should I say, it's not the only kind...

And funny you should bring up the Boat Graveyard.

...What, you think I'm going to say anything else on that? Hell no, I can't wait for your lots' reactions to what's coming!

She is a floofy atemporal squirrel muse and I love her but ffs could she be more consistent like ever

Desu ex machina. Yep. Never calling it anything else ever again. Thank you!

Does Earth Bet still have Naquadah? ;)

The Tinkers can rant all they want, until they can explain their tech like Sam can they can all go blow up a star.

Oh, wait, no they can't.

Both Georgia and her author are insane, so I'm gonna go with Yes.

Taylor can give Dragon a run for her AI money and she's not really even an AI, she just plays one on TV.

It's not obsession, it's dedication. And SG-1 is 10 seasons, 22 episodes each, 45~ minutes each for a total of 9,900 minutes (165hrs) with SGA being 5 seasons of 20 episodes each, 43~ minutes each for a total of 4,300 minutes (71.6hrs) bringing the amount of time per run to 236.66r hours and the hours of my life I've spent devouring the two shows a grand total of 8,993.33r hours or 374 days.

...I really fucking love Stargate, okay?

And you should watch it. Start with SG1, go to SGA, then the SG-1 movies, then see if you can stomach the original movie and/or SGU. But whatever you do, unless you're really, really drunk... never go Infinity.

Oh and there's also that weird Origins thing which is supposedly a prequel but just treat it as a fan film because there are actual Stargate fan films that are better.

You get a rant that goes down in the history books, and you get a rant that goes down in the history books! Everyone gets rants that are made for history books!!!

To my knowledge, SG-1 themselves never actually managed to eat a full ZPM. The Ancients did, three of them in fact for Atlantis, but still.

FOOF for the floof throne!

There were a couple of times that we see some used from Full all the way to empty, but most of the time we see other issues pop up instead.

The time that everyone remembers is when Jack used the Ancient Drone platform, but that didn't run out the ZPM, that ran out the drones.

Three ZPMS were used from full to Empty to keep Atlantis from being destroyed, but that was keeping life support and a giant fucking shield up for near the full length of human history.

This^, thanks for giving us the down low.

Yeah, a Sam with years of messing with advanced tech, and however long stuck on a boat with the sum total of all info the Asgard possessed (including what they cribbed off of the Ancients and other friendly/encountered species) combined with Taylor's brain spiritually overlapping several 'supercomputers' (including said Asgard Core)... say hello to the new world's greatest Tinker/Thinker, Earth Bet!

Ignore her structural composition, shielding and engines contributing to her frankly BS Brute and Mover ratings, and weaponry contributing to her blaster ratings and her onboard fighter compliment to her 'dinky' Master rating....

Taylor very much is BS rating Yes, with just her thinker/tinker potential, catastrophically Oh Dear God with everything else taken into account. Really, it's the mind bending abilities (Such as phasing weapons, invulnerable reality shearing projections and super hackers/masters) she has to worry about.

Oh, and Endbringers and Scion.

So overpowered? For BB, but not quite for Bet or Worm overall. At least until Sam builds a pair of Stargates, and locates the Earth Scion resides on and the nearest supermassive Black Hole. Because it's Sam, and that's how she deals with problems (otherwise known as overwhelming threats). ;)

Edit: Also, love the duality of her identity. She is both Odyssey and Taylor, and for all that they are meshed, they are different. I expect it will be some time until they integrate into a proper balance.

Yeah, everyone does need to remember this. This isn't the Carter who went on to show up in the SG-1 movies, or SGU, or etc. This is old Sam, who's been locked on a starship filled with toys for literally half her life.

The number of things she's built and designed, if even just to pass the time... cackles

She's extremely overpowered for Earth Bet, including with Scion in the mix. I'll leave it to you all to figure out why ;)

Thanks, I'm trying to properly deliver on how an actual shipgirl reincarnation kind of thing would feel from the inside. I read a story about a girl who was born and was also USS Enterprise (the wet navy carrier), but we only ever got to see it from the outside third person perspective. It was fascinating, and I wanted to include that in this story of mine.

Thanks for welcoming me home, random reader!

Sam: You blow up a star one time, and everyone acts like you can do anything! ONE! TIME!

It's a star, Sam. And you made it go supernova. Get used to it :p

On re-read, as is proper tradition in these cases, this line stuck out to me after the posts above about her supplies. When I initially read the story I assumed it was a metaphor for the collision, but did that actually count as Odyssey consuming the shard, thus the complete resupply?

That is a very good question and one that I think we will the author to weigh in on.

Took you all long enough.

I'm guessing that them technically being fairies makes up for their age.

I do have one concern, though. I do love my person is now a ship fics, as exploring the human, and the person, and the object, how their histories shape the parts, then combine and shape as well as reshape the whole offer all kinds of interesting directions and possibilities. But, as with one fic where Dawn from BtVS became Talon from Farscape.... what terrible acts of destruction (And how humorous will they be ;) ) when her human side bodily functions cause her ship side to respond. Specifically... sneezing. Will her allergies result in a potential weapons misfire? Or her hyperspace drive kicking on for a second? Will her internal mantras to not fly off the handle when encountering the trio accidentally be broadcast over USAF encrypted radio signals? When she tries to sleep, will the internal lighting for the Odyssey go out?

The havoc of Accidentally Taylor could cause as the Asgard upgraded Odyssey is truly inspiring. :D
This is old Sam, who's been locked on a starship filled with toys for literally half her life.

Yeah, wait till she designs mecha Sam so she will have a way to work with people outside the ship. Then she will likely build others for the rest of the crew since she just needs to modify the first one... likely she will have them all built before someone points out that she made herself be the shortest mecha person and why didn't make her mecha taller. "...habitual way of thinking. I'm way to used to them being slightly taller than me, for the most part. damn it"
And you should watch it. Start with SG1, go to SGA, then the SG-1 movies, then see if you can stomach the original movie and/or SGU. But whatever you do, unless you're really, really drunk... never go Infinity.

Oh and there's also that weird Origins thing which is supposedly a prequel but just treat it as a fan film because there are actual Stargate fan films that are better.
That entire post has made me feel quite encouraged about the way this is going to go. Which is to say, a lot of people getting very confused. Or worried. Or both.

Thanks for the order suggestion, by the way. I had no idea what to start with, so I'm permalinking this post in my bookmarks until such day as my grad degree lets me go.
Two things may be occurring here; Taylor is an unreliable narrator even with Odyssey shoring her up, but also fuck Canon, long live Fanon, because at least the latter makes sense.
Considering that Taylor's dad is a major proponent of getting the ferry working again as well as high up in the DWA, I can totally see him being too embarrassed about the stupidity of his coworkers to comment on why the Boat Graveyard is the way it is. As a side note, while it was mindbogglingly stupid of them to protest the downturn in global shipping by organizing a strike, sinking every ship in the harbour and then acting surprised when their industry collapses, it was pretty realistic IMHO. Angry mobs are really not good at long term planning.

Edit: Also, it adds an additional factor into why the city seems unwilling to reinvest into the ferry. While we don't see much of Mayor Christner in the story, we do know that he raised Triumph who has a very strong sense of right and wrong so the probability of him having put off repairing the Ferry for malicious reasons is quite low.
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Oh, wow... this is a blast from the past.

On a reread, seems Taylor isn't technically a Shard power, unless you think eating the Shard for power counts. So she has no limits on where she can go. There was also the bit about it being a multi trigger too? So... sister ships might be showing up?

Also, in addition to the Asgard beam weapons, the Asgard go-away beams transporters are pretty much the most powerful weapon on the planet outside of Scions own Stilling, imo. Since she could just sit in orbit and straight up erase whatever she wants to out of existence. It's pretty hard to find something more broken than that. Can also use it to create full on feasts and fulfilling other catering needs too, since with the Core and Replicator it can be used to create anything from pure energy. Might be handy in disaster situation.
It lives, it lives, it LIVES!!!!1!1!1!! Honestly though it is wonderful to see you posting chapters to this fic again.
Yeah, I noticed that very few other shipgirl fics even involve the crew, much less give them concrete personalities. Off the top of my head, only the insanity that is Georgia's author has done so.
One I can think of. Midway in a Romance did it, iirc, (though I'd have to link later) there's at least one pilot that is batshit insane enough to mod and fly an Ohka, independent of the carrier's will. End result is explicitly called a monstrosity.
I read a story about a girl who was born and was also USS Enterprise (the wet navy carrier)

Ok, you can't just drop that and not link. It sounds like something that'll be good.

And while I agree Georgia can be a bit... Unorthodox, it's amusing, and she's not the most insane character we see. I mean, sanity is relative afterall.
Yeah, a Sam with years of messing with advanced tech, and however long stuck on a boat with the sum total of all info the Asgard possessed (including what they cribbed off of the Ancients and other friendly/encountered species) combined with Taylor's brain spiritually overlapping several 'supercomputers' (including said Asgard Core)... say hello to the new world's greatest Tinker/Thinker, Earth Bet!

Ignore her structural composition, shielding and engines contributing to her frankly BS Brute and Mover ratings, and weaponry contributing to her blaster ratings and her onboard fighter compliment to her 'dinky' Master rating....

Taylor very much is BS rating Yes, with just her thinker/tinker potential, catastrophically Oh Dear God with everything else taken into account. Really, it's the mind bending abilities (Such as phasing weapons, invulnerable reality shearing projections and super hackers/masters) she has to worry about.
Yeah, she is the third most powerful alt-power Taylor I have ever seen.
Yeah, she is the third most powerful alt-power Taylor I have ever seen.
Ehh... Q Taylor, Shard/Entity Taylor, Vampire God Taylor, etc. Doesn't even count the crack Taylors.

She's strong, and has a fantastic base to start from (internal Asgard beam-matter replication tech), but she still has weaknesses which can be exploited. Strangers such as Imp might be able to get by her, and even if she is immuneish to Masters, that doesn't mean her crew is. She could also be caught flat footed by exotic effects until Sam pulls a Savant Macguyver to resist, immunize or outright combat such effects.

Probably her greatest defense is the absurdity of the state of her existence, which the Entities might not have a base to comprehend, and therefore might be a blank to planning and modeling Shards, perhaps even confusing various sensory and Data Collection/Analysis Shards. But the effect reduces the longer and more active she is as they can model her based on what they observe more accurately as time goes on.

Kanmusu in most media are part Spirit, and if this Taylor is now a physical and spiritual existence she has the potential to flip the board hardcore from out of nowhere in her debut and successive initial appearances.

Then it all comes down to the SG-1 Bipolar Luck Stat.
What's this in reference to?

There is a story about an Abyssal Sub princes SI, Salvage, Sarcasm, and Submarines. Georgia is the SI and she see's the shipgirls as much more ship than it typical. In the sense that she is willing to salvage hulls and strap shittons of gun on them, or drown that restart a ship, and other horrifying perversions of Magical Ship-Girl Bullshit. It is pretty funny though.
Does Earth Bet still have Naquadah? ;)
I'm kind of hoping not, that SG-Earth is "far" enough away that the fundamental physical constants of the universe that allowed Naquadah, Naquadriah, and maybe Trinium to exist in SG just don't line up the same way on Worm-Earth. It'd be a little too easy and too fast for the story if they were: as it stands, with a full ZPM and no resource limits Taylor can kill Zion with one hand and advance Earth Bet a thousand years in tech with the other, and be back home in time for dinner if all her tech works without issue.

It'd actually be kind of hilarious is Earth Bet was always meant to be some completely different sci-fi universe, or maybe even a magic one, before the Entities came along and decided to nom it; that'd give Carter something to do other than just smash the "I Win" button. :D