...Assuming she doesn't just use her teleporter as a Go-Away timeout-beam and unload her catch of criminals from her buffers into a jail cell at the end of the day. Because beyond a few of the Breaker capes, that's a legitimate option for 99% of fights.
Minor quibble; unlike the Wraith de-materialization/harvesting/containment beams, Asgard transporters re-materialize their subjects by default.

Now, suggesting to disable said re-materialization procedure sounds simple... but actually implementing it? Likely a (long-term?) project for Sam.

Recall that she simply couldn't figure out how to (dis-/re-)engage the Odyssey's new shield-to-cloak feature (and vice-versa) that Daniel implemented while under the influence of Merlin/Myrrdin/Moros, until quite awhile later.
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Sam's science powers are probably bullshit enough to reverse engineer the black boxed parts of Tinkertech. At least when combined with Taylor's sensors.
I wonder if Talyor would enlist to the USAF.
Yeah... nope. Not happening, because in a world where parahumans exist, and agencies dealing with such (like the PRT) have ate up most of the funding?

While Mitchell and Carter might be up for that, being career military, neither Daniel nor Vala would approve, with damned good reason. And even then, both of the former would have to reluctantly agree with the latter pair.

Would the USAF (or the U.S.A. at large) be trustworthy enough to NOT decide to order their new, potentially planet-killing asset to 'deal' with threats in a manner that would benefit the world-at-large, more than just themselves?

And let's not forget about traces of Taylor's sheer distrust for any-and-all authority figures that may still be around, even after being turned into a (star-)shipgirl. Perhaps recoiling in sheer revulsion at the prospect of military service.

Taylor might have the partial mindset of a soldier now, but no mention of patriotism in the strictly national sense. And mentions of the 'rogue' NID's activities under Maybourne (else Kinsey) would not help one iota in that regard.
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Could StarGate shields be projected into non-bubble shapes? What about her artificial gravity?

Since most of her weapons are way too powerful to use on non-endbringer targets, clever use of her defensive and utility systems on a person scale would allow her to do things beyond just flight and strength.

...Assuming she doesn't just use her teleporter as a Go-Away timeout-beam and unload her catch of criminals from her buffers into a jail cell at the end of the day. Because beyond a few of the Breaker capes, that's a legitimate option for 99% of fights.
Alteran shields both could and usually did, but most other races use bubble-type shields, including the Asgard. Given that the Daedalus class uses an Asgard shield design...

Of course, we don't know why most shields are bubbles. Could be a hard limitation, or it could be something about efficiency that the Ancients could ignore without issues because, well, Ancients.

Minor quibble; unlike the Wraith de-materialization/harvesting/containment beams, Asgard transporters re-materialize their subjects by default.

Now, suggesting to disable said re-materialization procedure sounds simple... but actually implementing it? Likely a (long-term?) project for Sam.

Recall that she simply couldn't figure out how to (dis-/re-)engage the Odyssey's new shield-to-cloak feature (and vice-versa) that Daniel implemented while under the influence of Merlin/Myrrdin/Moros, until quite awhile later.
Asgard transporters being used for disintegration or similar has already been shown, IIRC in their first appearance even. Used it to disintegrate a goa'uld ship that had landed. Which probably means that the Asgard Core probably has details on how to do it if nothing else.

Also, I'm not sure if it's what you're talking about or not, but for basically the entire time the Daedalus class was in operation and using asgard beaming tech, it had numerous safeties put on it by the asgard so that the humans couldn't use it as a weapon, or to transport weapons.
Also, I'm not sure if it's what you're talking about or not, but for basically the entire time the Daedalus class was in operation and using asgard beaming tech, it had numerous safeties put on it by the asgard so that the humans couldn't use it as a weapon.
This, precisely. Caldwell on the Daedalus had Hermiod on-hand to disable the 'no teleportation of weapons' feature.

While it's likely that the full operational protocols for the Asgard teleportation system are stored within the Legacy core, they're also locked behind a gatekeeper (the holograms of numerous Asgard on-record).

I wouldn't put it past some of their High Council members to NOT be as easy-going in regards to SG-Earth humanity as Thor was; demanding a damned good explanation as for why they want those protocols.

This of course, presumes that Taylor herself, per MSSB, cannot simply ignore the Legacy core's security protocols and directly access that information herself (and/or make it available to Sam for implementation).
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This, precisely. Caldwell on the Daedalus had Hermiod on-hand to disable the 'no teleportation of weapons' feature.

While it's likely that the full operational protocols for the Asgard teleportation system are stored within the Legacy core, they're also locked behind a gatekeeper (the holograms of numerous Asgard on-record).

And I wouldn't put it past some of their High Council member to be as easy-going in regards to SG-Earth humanity as Thor himself was; and demand a damned good explanation as for why they want those protocols.

This of course, presumes that Taylor herself, per MSSB, cannot simply ignore the Legacy core's security protocols and directly access that information herself (or make it available to Sam for implementation).
… they literally gave humanity the sum total of their knowledge, on a device that was later shown to be able to produce a fucking replicator. I think it's safe to say that that core has absolutely nothing restricted, because they know humanity has idiots who would abuse things they can't handle and you'd think the foe that had plagued them for literal millennia would be one of the things restricted if so.
Minor quibble; unlike the Wraith de-materialization/harvesting/containment beams, Asgard transporters re-materialize their subjects by default.

Now, suggesting to disable said re-materialization procedure sounds simple... but actually implementing it? Likely a (long-term?) project for Sam.

Recall that she simply couldn't figure out how to (dis-/re-)engage the Odyssey's new shield-to-cloak feature (and vice-versa) that Daniel implemented while under the influence of Merlin/Myrrdin/Moros, until quite awhile later.

Well, if the Asgard Core has examples of all their technology, that would include the famous "Go Away Beams." Those Jaffa and pyramids were not re-materialized, but it was also used in another episode with the NID where the Asgard were using their beam to take back their stolen tech, so we do know they can re-materialize what they shoot those with.

Accessing it may be an issue, but Taylor now is the Odyssey, which includes the Asgard Core. With Sam's help and the Core being part of Taylor's systems, it's possible they'll have an easier time accessing the information.

It wasn't a game changer to the SGC mainly given the countermeasures the Wraith had and how the Ori Ships could take hits from dedicated Asgard warships, but here, it is something that Taylor could pursue which would let her decisively win most of her fights.

It's not something that'll work on Endbringers or Scion necessarily, but it is something that trivializes the Gangs. Well, more trivial then they already were. Only Oni Lee with Bakuda bombs is a threat to Taylor right now in the Bay area, and that's only if they can actually land a hit with one of the nastier bombs. Her tech gives her the best chance at canceling out time stop bubbles as it is.

Alteran shields both could and usually did, but most other races use bubble-type shields, including the Asgard. Given that the Daedalus class uses an Asgard shield design...

Of course, we don't know why most shields are bubbles. Could be a hard limitation, or it could be something about efficiency that the Ancients could ignore without issues because, well, Ancients.

There's a few times the Goa'uld use shield walls or personal force fields, and the Asgard splinter faction in Pegasus did have those awesome power armor suits that had personal shields.

Whether or not that's a downscale ship shield or not we don't really know, but at least we know the shields aren't stuck in spheres necessarily for a design limitation.

If Taylor wants to, she can always replicate a smaller personal shield if it's in the Asgard core. That's only if using her ship shields for Lantern like constructs is off the table, or other simple energy projections.

Hell, her ability to replicate Asgard tech on demand means she can do several fun things.
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… they literally gave humanity the sum total of their knowledge, on a device that was later shown to be able to produce a fucking replicator. I think it's safe to say that that core has absolutely nothing restricted, because they know humanity has idiots who would abuse things they can't handle and you'd think the foe that had plagued them for literal millennia would be one of the things restricted if so.
This was one of those WTF?! moments with The Ark of Truth.

It made no goddamned sense, from a Watsonian perspective. Doylist? The writers/producers didn't think things through, seemingly as always.

My headcanon has it that one of the 'approved'* teams for studying the Legacy core got suborned by the IOA into allowing Merrick to commit that mother of all FUBARs.

* - As in, a member of SG-1 had to add said personnel onto an 'approved' list to let the Asgard gatekeepers answer any queries, or perform a requested function.
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Could StarGate shields be projected into non-bubble shapes? What about her artificial gravity?

Since most of her weapons are way too powerful to use on non-endbringer targets, clever use of her defensive and utility systems on a person scale would allow her to do things beyond just flight and strength.

...Assuming she doesn't just use her teleporter as a Go-Away timeout-beam and unload her catch of criminals from her buffers into a jail cell at the end of the day. Because beyond a few of the Breaker capes, that's a legitimate option for 99% of fights.
Naturally, the more advanced the culture, the better their shields were. Goa'uld shields tended to be simple shapes, bubbles around ships, flat walls, or cylindrical personal shields. Whereas personal shields developed by the Ancients tended to be more form-fitting.
I found a neat thing.

My biggest question is this: Can her crew trigger? If Sam triggered as a Tinker and Daniel as a Thinker... urgh.
Best not to think about how hard that'd wreck the setting. A strong tinker/thinker combo inside a Breaker/Brute/Blaster/Mover/Thinker: Yes.
You know, if Taylor really needs to downgrade her active firepower, all she really needs to do is use her Matter Replicator beam to make a Zat and just go up from there based on the threat.

Thugs and low level capes - Zat.

Low level Brutes - P-90.

Mid Level Brutes - One of those anti-vehicle Staff Cannons.

High level brute - A single shot from her Point Defense Railguns.

S-class Threats - Missile Barrage from a safe distance.

Endbringers - Bring out the fun toys.

Scion - Samantha.

Minor quibble; unlike the Wraith de-materialization/harvesting/containment beams, Asgard transporters re-materialize their subjects by default.

Now, suggesting to disable said re-materialization procedure sounds simple... but actually implementing it? Likely a (long-term?) project for Sam.

Recall that she simply couldn't figure out how to (dis-/re-)engage the Odyssey's new shield-to-cloak feature (and vice-versa) that Daniel implemented while under the influence of Merlin/Myrrdin/Moros, until quite awhile later.
You do know that one of the major tactics used by the Asguard for dealing with Goa'uld ground forces pre-Anubis was to simply park a ship above them, start beaming them up, and then just not rematerialize them, don't you?

SG-1 and Taylor should also have this option, seeing as how the Asguard corp contains the whole of their knowledge base as well as a very user friendly interface.
I found a neat thing.

My biggest question is this: Can her crew trigger? If Sam triggered as a Tinker and Daniel as a Thinker... urgh.
Best not to think about how hard that'd wreck the setting. A strong tinker/thinker combo inside a Breaker/Brute/Blaster/Mover/Thinker: Yes.

People generally have to be born with the potential to trigger. Given they've been warped here, likely not. If they have kids, they might have the possibility to trigger, but even then, they're not human anymore. They're Kancolle faeries. Whether or not the Shards can even see them as potential hosts is suspect.

Ignoring that, how would they even trigger though? I'm pretty sure as both military personnel, Vala's time as a host, and the fact that Daniel's been through several deaths, they all have a high tolerance to stress and would probably die before reaching that breaking point that causes a trigger.
Well, if the Asgard Core has examples of all their technology, that would include the famous "Go Away Beams." Those Jaffa and pyramids were not re-materialized, but it was also used in another episode with the NID where the Asgard were using their beam to take back their stolen tech, so we do know they can re-materialize what they shoot those with.
You do know that one of the major tactics used by the Asguard for dealing with Goa'uld ground forces pre-Anubis was to simply park a ship above them, start beaming them up, and then just not rematerialize them, don't you?
And how often do people forget that the Asgard gifted SG-Earth with watered-down/safety-inundated versions of their tech, requiring an Asgard tech advisor (most often Hermiod) to both make sure that the humans didn't misuse the tech, but also undo some of the safety features as-needed (IF they could be convinced)?

Yes, the script for Unending states that the Asgard 'gifted ALL of their technology to the Fifth Race' (in the form of the Legacy core). That does not imply that every single system on the Odyssey was replaced with the Asgard's state-of-the-art (at least, the hyperdrive and shields got updated or replaced, and the plasma beams added)...

...unless they spent days in drydock over/on Orilla (and that is under the assumption that the entire ship was subjected to extensive use of the de-/re-materialization function of the Asgard teleporters to install said systems... not to mention the lack of testing said new systems, which is implied didn't happen).

Addendum: To prevent this thread de-rail from progressing any further, I will withhold any intention of posting any additional replies. And I have little interest/inclination in continuing an SG-verse tech debate, so I decline any invitations to take this to PMs/Conversation(s).
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People generally have to be born with the potential to trigger. Given they've been warped here, likely not. If they have kids, they might have the possibility to trigger, but even then, they're not human anymore. They're Kancolle faeries. Whether or not the Shards can even see them as potential hosts is suspect.

Ignoring that, how would they even trigger though? I'm pretty sure as both military personnel, Vala's time as a host, and the fact that Daniel's been through several deaths, they all have a high tolerance to stress and would probably die before reaching that breaking point that causes a trigger.

I mean. On the one hand, yes, this is all true. But on the other hand: Taylor is now a space ship. Logic has no place here any more.
Space Shipgirl's Support Group
I had an idea. It can't be canon, but I like it.

Omake: SSGSG- First Meeting

The room wasn't packed, but anyone who wandered into it would have wandered right back out. There was an air of tension surrounding the participants- not anxiety but of anticipation. Many gathered around the snack table, which included such staples as chips, dip, popcorn, eezo, and tiny canisters of several high-density elements, as well as small bars of metal.

As the hands of the wall clock approached six, the various women in the room slowly disengaged from their brief discussions or munching, finding their way to the chairs laid out in a rough circle. As they sat down, one woman remained standing. She leaned on an ornate cane, her long-sleeved white blouse and black vest failing to conceal the hard lines of her body, and doing nothing at all to hid the network of well-healed scars on her face and hands. The grey-haired woman cleared her throat as people settled in.

"Alright, everyone. Before I go any further, let me just confirm. Can everyone here please deploy their rigging, just so that we know everyone's who they say they are? The last thing we need is paparazzi getting shots at us."

One by one, sheets of hullmetal, gun emplacements, and sensor arrays appeared and vanished from each woman. Finally, the lady at the head of the group deployed her own rigging- a round disk of grey metal appearing on her back, and a four barreled blaster appearing on one hip.

"Good to see everybody, then. Everyone who signed up and accepted a cross-dimensional transit is here- wonderful. As one of the... well, most well-known Space Shipgirl here tonight, I've been asked to introduce the group. So, I hereby call this meeting of the Space Shipgirl's Support Group to order. To those who don't know me, my name is Millenium Falcon- technically part of the New Republic, but I've always considered myslef a Rebel." She gave a saucy wink. "So I've got no idea how to lead this meeting. Call me Millie, by the way. Anyone else want to start us off?"

One girl stood up. "Introductions, then question, right?" As the woman nodded, she spoke, allowing her white-and-black hull to flash into existence for a moment over a neat dark-blue uniform. "SSV Normandy, SR-1. Systems Alliance Space Navy. I guess- has anyone here 'lost' their original hull? I mean, they replaced me." Her voice grew a little hoarse. "I get why they did it, but... it hurts a little, you know?"

Another woman spoke up. "I can't say I've been replaced, per say." The woman spoke, her voice harsh. At first glance, she seemed even older than Millie, with her hair done up under a white beret. "But At least you haven't been put to pasture." She frowned. "HMS Unconquered, Manticorian Space Navy. They've got me as a floating museum, sitting up in orbit- no weapons, no real crew. I almost died when those fucks from Mesa set off Oyster Bay. My hull's helpless." She grinned. "Still, I had a good run. Sounds like you did, too."

Normandsy nodded. "Yeah, I did. Saved the galaxy, once." She grinned. "I put a round through a Reaper. That means something."

Millie barked a laugh. "Actually, show of hands. How many of us didn't save the day on a planetary or greater level, at least once?"

A few hands rose- then dropped as various girls muttered to themselves. One girl, however, kept hers raised. Millie turned to her, eyebrow rising. "Hmm? And you, dearie?"

The woman rose as Normandy sat, her long brown coat scraping the floor. "Serenity. I'm a transport ship." She nearly spat. "The rest of you might be Navy ships, but I never was. I've got no weapons, punks. Just skill and speed. The only ones I saved were my own crew."

Millie cackled. "Spunk, girl. Still, if you're not like us, why are you here?"

Serenity grinned, crossing her arms under her chest. "Because there's one way I am like you. All of us. None of us could be here if our crews didn't love the shit out of us, depend on us- it doesn't matter what we did for anyone else. They're who matters."

"I wouldn't say that." A softer voice came from another girl. Unlike the rest, even Serenity, she wore ordinary clothes. Rising to her feet, she smiled at Serenity. "PB3865, call sign Odyssey, USAF. BC-304 Battlecruiser. Call me Taylor."

Serenity's brow rose. "And what makes you think it doesn't matter, girl?"

"Oh, it does." Taylor smiled. "But- save one person, save all of humanity. It's something the people on my second world nearly forgot. If you saved your crew- even once- it matters as much as what the rest of us did."

Serenity snorted, but let a grin crack her face. "Sure. Right. Nice pep-talk." She sat back down.

Taylor grinned. "So... I have to ask. Is everyone here willing to talk about anything?" As a few heads nodded cautiously, she continued. "Right. In that case, how many of you have had to root stills out of your engine quarters at some point?"

There as a massive round of groans, as the girls began to swap stories about what their crews had squirreled away in between decks.

Looking up from her tiny poker table, Vala dropped her hand back on the table. "I swear, you cheat better than I do."

The man across the table grinned, scooping an array of different currencies back towards his side of the table. "You snooze, you lose, lady." A brown, furry arm smacked him across the back o his head. "Ow! Chewie, what the hell?"


"Yeah, I'm cheating. I'm pretty sure we're all cheating. Not like it matters."


"Well, we're all dead, and playing poker while our ships talk about their fucking feelings! I don't think it matters at this point."

At a nearby table, the tiny form of a blond-haired woman stared at a bottle. "Is it always this crazy? In your world I mean?"

The woman across from her nodded, studying her own glass of purple liquid. "Carter, as far as I can tell, it just keeps getting worse. Always." Shepard downed her shot. "Still beats getting shot at. Or dying."

"I'll drink to that."​
...@TCGM, I'd humbly suggest adding the above to the Threadmarks list (but in the Apocrypha category).
Could StarGate shields be projected into non-bubble shapes? What about her artificial gravity?.

Don't know about gravity but I do distincly remember a scene where a 304 takes a hit and the shields are not a bubble, the shield is shown to be fairly close to the hull. From memory it is not exactly what i'd describe as conforming to the hull, but it still wasn't the singular bubble we see on guo'uld ships.(can't remeber the spelling)

I'll try to a find a picture.

*edit*nevermind all the pictures i could find seem to indicate that the 304 shields are bubbles, though they are fairly tight with the hull and are fairly different from snake shields.
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Well, the endbringers are going to end in fire. The only taylor that out overkills this one is buster taylor, and knowing sam, they will giver buster taylor a run for her money.
*smashes glass on floor*
Give me another chapter
Well, the endbringers are going to end in fire. The only taylor that out overkills this one is buster taylor, and knowing sam, they will giver buster taylor a run for her money.
*smashes glass on floor*
Give me another chapter
Yeah, nope. Even Stargate-verse at its highest possible firepower/yield calculations, pales in comparison to Gunbuster's mid-range...

Let alone Diebuster (which a somewhat-exaggerated version was used for Buster!Taylor in Hope Through Overwhelming Firepower).

Then again, as this Odyssey!Taylor has drifted through multiple/an unknown number of parallel universes (allowing for MSSB in the first place)... maybe there's a non-zero chance that she kind of measures up.

Samantha Carter is many things, but is still limited to her preconceived knowledge of (SG-verse) physics as she understands them; it'll be months-to-years before she can go full Girl Genius!Spark.
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My headcanon is that they carry Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and even Morphine.

Quite a lot of SG-1nanigans are Morphine worthy.
Meanwhile the standard-issue for base staff includes massive quantities of Xanax and Ambien. Plus Prozac, for the command and budgetary staff.
Yeah, nope. Even Stargate-verse at its highest possible firepower/yield calculations, pales in comparison to Gunbuster's mid-range...

Let alone Diebuster (which a somewhat-exaggerated version was used for Buster!Taylor in Hope Through Overwhelming Firepower).

Then again, as this Odyssey!Taylor has drifted through multiple/an unknown number of parallel universes (allowing for MSSB in the first place)... maybe there's a non-zero chance that she kind of measures up.

Samantha Carter is many things, but is still limited to her preconceived knowledge of (SG-verse) physics as she understands them; it'll be months-to-years before she can go full Girl Genius!Spark.
I mostly ment buster taylor keeps collateral damage to a minimum. Sure she blew up a planet, on purpose. Meanwhole Sam accidently a solar systems. Its feasible for her to temporarily out overkill bustertaylor simply do to mentality. Of course Anything gunbuster pulling out all the stops ends with much much more destruction than stargate could imagine.

Though Mckay got pretty close with the Arcturus debacle.
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