Sam is just going to have to get used to the SMSB. Taylor basically runs on the stuff, and as a member of Taylor's crew, she now runs on it too.

I'm also looking forward to her first encounter eith actual Tinkertech. It should be... interesting.

Hey, quick question- can Taylor get internet access? I mean, her comm systems should be able to handle it.

MSSB might be too much for Sam. It's one of those few magic systems that pats normal logic on the head and sends it to sit in the dunce corner while it starts making up its own rules and telling the universe how shit's gonna be.

She might burn the planet for the affront to proper technology that Tinkertech is.

She can, yes.

Oh hell yes! I've been waiting for this. Nice update but dear lord Taylor you are just not meant for cape combat. She could literally finger flick people to death as she is right now.

Yeah, I finally managed to get the chapter finished. We can resume shipping now!

She could indeed.

And so it was that Taylor found herself within the halls of Winslow High School once more.

...wait, you didn't say acceptable collateral damage. Never mind.

Good thing Taylor's not ticklish, otherwise it could get real awkward when her passengers lean on her walls or touch things and make her start laughing for no apparent reason.

Yeah, as much as she really wants to, she cannot accidentally Winslow. She goes to school there and was the only one left behind when school ended. There are at least three people who could point to her being the one who leveled Winslow, perhaps in a trigger event. That's why she went ham on all the lockers; now it looks like she got kidnapped from her locker by a hostile cape and managed to get away from them somewhere else.

Do not tempt me to make Taylor internally ticklish. Vala will abuse that to hell and back. And my resist might not be high enough to survive that particular will save.

What I can't wait for is when Taylor goes in for power testing and has to sandbag hard in order to stay under the radar.

If she goes in for power testing she has made the decision to reveal herself. She will not be holding back.

Well, beyond what she has to in order to ensure the atmosphere is intact afterwards.

Thanks! Welcome!

She could finger flick Alexandria, much less any other people.

And YAY! It's Back!

And so when Taylor finally chews Emma out over being a backstabbing little shit of a god fucking moron who shat on two generations of friendship, all for a rabid thug...

Well, Danny would be appalled and proud, right before he goes hunting for whomever in the DWU taught her such language.

Yes she could. And Alexandria's body is not tough enough to survive it. See the Siberian and her missing eye.

Leaning towards Emma being just a bitch, no powers, in this universe here (unlike Fourth). It fits a lot more with this particular Taylor.

He will have to hunt a lot because the person he's looking for is a certain thief on the inside of his own daughter.

I got kinda giddy reading that load out..

I'm sure Jack would approve of her loadout.

She'll have to punt the EB's into orbit to use half of that and not detonate the atmosphere.

Probably a bit further than that if she wants to fire off a Mark X.

The other two are errors, but the muted is intentional.

Reason to be careful indeed. Also nice to see the crew reacting to a world where so much of their imagination is true. Too bad about all that firepower going to waste, but it can´t be helped right now.

Yeah, other than the fact SG-1 traipses through a wormhole to other planets daily and fights multiple alien races, the SGVerse is rather normal. Of course Superheroes are gonna rock their world!

No amount of firepower ever goes to waste. It just gives you a higher potential to overwhelm your enemies!

You missed a 'damn' in there.

Unless that was intentional, in which case Emma's got more connections than Taylor.


It was meant to be that way. Was quoting my grandfather and his brothers, who loved calling people that. :lol

I'm quite sure the Ascended would be offended by that term for them. I highly approve of this. :D

I sure hope so. It's accurate. And every god in imagination knows the Ascended of the SGVerse deserve everything they can get.

I forgot the name of it.. But wasnt there one fic where jack died and properly passed on. No exploading cancer short cut to glow squids.

He came back any way to visit the kiddy pool, and was enjoying his vaction. Fishing, just kept getting funky glowing squids tho.

Dunno. I haven't managed to get through all the SG fics in existence.

There are a ludicrous number.

She'd need a sim card unless she's willing to break the security.

SIM cards are just fancy passwords. She can emulate one of the emergency services' card codes if she has to, no breaking in required.

Forget that.

Taylor would have to be multiple light-minutes 'above'/'below' the Sol system to throw around the likes of Mark VIIIs - Xs (wha?), without subjecting Earth Bet to (multiple) mother(s) of all EMPs and (potentially) throwing her world back into the pre-Industrial Age.

Whether Tinkertech would specifically possess innate degrees of EMP hardening is beyond my limited recollection of Worm canon or Wildbow's WoG(s).

Addendum - Some corrections:


Either 'now', or just omit the emphasized.

You are correct, especially with the Mark Xs. Those are from a SG fic I've read, can't remember the name, but they are something like fifty times as powerful as the Mark IX Gate Busters.

It is very likely Tinkertech is immune to EMP simply due to the fact that Shards are subbing in for a high number of their functions.

Yeah, I know, I have errors in my writing. Thing is, I finish a chapter and want to release it because I keep all of you waiting long enough already... but I release it with a couple of typos due to that. If I waited another few days I could probably get my typos down to 0.1%, but you lot would have to wait longer.

What's peep's opinion on that?

eh, i think muted is fine, just imagine Sam lying face down into a pillow or something. :p

Or covering her mouth with her hands. There's lots of ways.

Personally I had it in my head that she is screaming into the pillow on the medical bed.

o_O This is a very unwise idea, any kind of tests that aren't internal or stationary have to be performed in space, since any mistakes would mean catastrophic collateral damage. Which I am sure she would not like to perform such test in her home city. :eyebrow:

She already decided not to use any of her actual weapons in anything but Endbringer combat, ever, and so she won't be testing those at the Graveyard. This test run is mostly a strength/thruster calibration exercise.

The thought occurs to me that Ziz and Contessa are going to be having ALOT of headaches in the future.

Pretty sure that Sam at least is magically empowered with the concept of chaos (not the WH40K kind) and so the second she entered the universe, precog became worthlessly unreliable.

Then again, bringing Magic in would do the same thing. Shard precog is data driven. If the way the universe works abruptly changes even a tiny bit, all their data is practically worthless.

I involves SG-1.

Not exactly sure why the SGC didn't make Tylenol part of the standard kit for all the shennanigans they get up to.

My headcanon is that they carry Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and even Morphine.

Quite a lot of SG-1nanigans are Morphine worthy.

Pretty sure it already is actually. IIRC Jack gave Rya'c some when he got scarlet fever due to not having a symbiote in Rya'c's introductory episode.

Huh. Don't remember that. Must've missed it; I fall asleep on rewatches of that episode.

Taylor: alright i know that the ppc can clean if i set it to target painter, which is aperntly only a lazer pointer for aiming.... so lets set this dail one higher. *aims at ship wreck in bay*

Sam: *calcs in head* at 1% output the ppc has an impact force of about 949.768 gigajoules....

Taylor: *fires* and how much is that?

Boat: *stops existing*

Mushroom cloud: *starts existing*

Taylor: .....

Sam: about 227 tons of tnt.

Air raid sirens:

Cam: .... i think we should go.....

She isn't going to test any of her actual weapons at the Boat Graveyard.

But this is hilarious nonetheless.

She's gonna have to sandbag real hard to get away with only being known as the unholy fusion of Alexandria with Legend and a side of Eidolon.

Oddy!Taylor has the thought processes of an Air Force officer now. You know... the people who love showing off?

What is this 'sandbagging' concept you speak of? xD

Damn, now I want to see a three-way conversation between Oddyssey!Taylor, Fletcher!Taylor, and Relentless!Taylor discussing their experiences as shipgirls.

Easy one:

Oddy!Taylor: "So you fired white phosphorous at mind whammied kids."

Fletcher!Taylor: "Yeah."

Oddy!Taylor: "And you, Relentless, have antigravity engines and spaceflight capability, but still use wet navy ship hulls? On water?"

Relentless!Taylor: waffles about in FOG

Oddy!Taylor: "Uh huh. Okay. Nice chat. I'll uh... let's talk again when you two have your heads on straight."

What is Relentless!Taylor from? I recognize Fletcher Taylor, but I can't recall ever hearing about Relentless.

She's a FOG AI. I believe the fic name is Transposition?

That's from Transposition by Ensou. It's a crossover with Apreggio of Blue Steel. Their variation of shipgirls are a collective of hyper advanced alien machines bent on destroying humanity. They're known as The Fog.

Edit: It has its own unique fight scene of Taylor fighting a dragon....that isn't Lung or The-Cape-Known-As-Dragon.

Oh, I've been ninja'd. Oh well.

It's really nice to see this fic resurface. And if you haven't, you should definitely check out all fics by Ensou. They're good.

Eyyy, resurface, and it's a fic about ships. Nice.

Ensou's a great writer. I have a few issues with the FOG technology implementation limitations present with Relentless, but that seems to be a problem with most FOG fics. It's not reflective of Ensou specifically.

meanwhile I don't recognize Fletcher!Taylor...

Could I get a point in the right direction?

Fletcher!Taylor is from Grimderp: The KanCollening.

Yeah, that one.

Well, there's also Barb Taylor and Kaga Taylor. I know of at least one other Shipgirl Taylor, but I can't remember what it was called, or where to find it.

Huh, haven't heard of these. More cool shipfics to read!

Is the other Shipgirl Taylor perhaps the one/two/five based off of Space Battleship Yamato?
I sure hope so. It's accurate. And every god in imagination knows the Ascended of the SGVerse deserve everything they can get.
I don't quite hate on the Ascended Others as much as some do. Much like Trek's Prime Directive, the underlying principle of non-interference is almost noble.

But like Trek's PD (by the early-to-mid 24th, anyways), the implementation is utter shit. Whereas Trek turned a guideline into hard gospel...

SG Ascended don't bother to enforce their rules on others of their ilk, keeping the likes of the Ori from fucking around outside their sandbox.
Oddy!Taylor: "And you, Relentless, have antigravity engines and spaceflight capability, but still use wet navy ship hulls? On water?"
That is always been something I found annoying: the Fog have Technology designed for Intergalactic Warfare so what do they do? Stick to the oceans of a single planet for no real reason and drive that Civilization to collapse by locking down Intercontinental Trade and shoot satellites out of Orbit for funsies.

Then again, bringing Magic in would do the same thing. Shard precog is data driven. If the way the universe works abruptly changes even a tiny bit, all their data is practically worthless.
Won't stop them from continuing to use their Data to Simulate everything but it will just mean they will constantly be adjusting to new Data.

Probably a bit further than that if she wants to fire off a Mark X.
Hope she doesn't punt them too far or else she will just be shooting a shell.

Yes she could. And Alexandria's body is not tough enough to survive it. See the Siberian and her missing eye.
Siberian break Physics by existing. She only could hurt Alexandria because she Lolnoped the Indestructibility with Inviolablity. That was also early on and her Durability constantly gets stronger. At this point in the Timeline only Interdimensional Attacks could hurt her (or just suffocation. No clue how that could kill her when she basically is puppeting her body from her Shard but Taylor did it while Eidolon needed Interdimensional attacks to kill her Clones).

Just remembered that she is affected by outside forces so Oddyssey could probably kill her by launching her into Space.
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Yeah, as much as she really wants to, she cannot accidentally Winslow.
She will not or should not accidentally Winslow.

It's definitely not a question of 'can'.:p

Do not tempt me to make Taylor internally ticklish
You mean like implying that part of her space ship body's hull is represented by her feet? Or that running up and down the main ship hallways is like trailing along the sides of Taylor's torso?

You don't want us to suggest things like that?


So hey, if she has a coolant leak does she get cold shivers down her spine?

What's the ship equivalent of hitting her funny bone?

And does knocking her knee with a hammer make her thrusters burst online?

These questions have nothing to do with how sensitive/connected she is to her ship self, or how ticklish she'd be, I swear. Any similarities are all in your mind.

Which is thinking about how ticklish she'll be. That's all on you, not me.

I'm also not responsible for any thoughts you might have on Leviathan attacking, Taylor getting soaking wet and cold, and accidentally killing him or driving him off because she ends up sneezing a bunch of warheads out at just the right time.
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SG Ascended don't bother to enforce their rules on others of their ilk, keeping the likes of the Ori from fucking around outside their sandbox.
A point of correction: It isn't that they don't bother, it's that they can't. The Ori took advantage of "being worshipped makes us more powerful" and all, and the local ascended were doing their best to keep the Ori from even noticing the two galaxies.

Why the hell they didn't "slip in" and ensure that the long-range communication devices were incapable of being utilized long ago is another question entirely. They left way too many dangerous things sitting around. Then again, the Ori left their version sitting around as well, so perhaps there are other issues with that kind of thing that we never find out about.
I forget, did Odyssey have a teleportation system of some kind? Cause I'm imagining all sorts of jokes about Taylor letting folks come aboard... as well as letting Sam out so she can strangle Tinkers for setting back scientific advancement by decades.
I forget, did Odyssey have a teleportation system of some kind? Cause I'm imagining all sorts of jokes about Taylor letting folks come aboard... as well as letting Sam out so she can strangle Tinkers for setting back scientific advancement by decades.

By the time they got the asgard core, they already had their point to point teleportation.

Unless TCGM has changed that, of course...
They left way too many dangerous things sitting around. Then again, the Ori left their version sitting around as well, so perhaps there are other issues with that kind of thing that we never find out about.
At a certain point it would be perfectly understandable to think to yourself "You know what? I'm supes powerful. What are the chances anything is going to crop up that I can snap my fingers and solve? Or that I wont see coming centuries before it's a problem? Or both?"

It's easy to think everything will be fine, and be wrong.
Grimderp: The KanCollening ... Great that's stuck in my head now. And ya that fits for why i stopped reading it..
It is very likely Tinkertech is immune to EMP simply due to the fact that Shards are subbing in for a high number of their functions.

Doesn't tinkertech work even when its creator's shard is being told to shut up by a power canceller? That'd imply that the tinkertech is able to function on its own. Combine that with the fact that how much of Dragon's "tinker" power is just flat out her and how much is her actual thinker power is an incredibly blurry line, and... well.

Personally I've always just run on the assumption that Tinkertech was nigh-impossible to duplicate for four reasons:
1) it's Sufficiently Advanced Technology macguyvered together by monkeys controlled by space whale organs who understand neither how the Tinkers nor how the species who first made the tech worked mentally, meaning that you get some very wierd configurations.
2) Shard data-gathering capacity is absurd, and Tinker shards are explicitly data-gatherer shards, seeing what the puny insects could come up with given more tech. T-Tech could very well exploit imperfections in the material it's made of, which would also play merry hell on attempts to replicate it.
3) A fair amount of tinkertech is, again, Sufficiently Advanced Tech. That in and of itself probably provides a fair barrier to duplication in the form of issues like "they need like 10 more types of math to begin to try to comprehend it."
4) Non-capes aren't allowed to be relevant in Worm.

Then again, bringing Magic in would do the same thing. Shard precog is data driven. If the way the universe works abruptly changes even a tiny bit, all their data is practically worthless.

And again, shards have ways to gather that data. OCPs are going to be right out of left field for them... for a while, anyways. Eventually they'd probably catch up as the OCP in question showed more and more of its hand. Though that does raise the question of how good the Odyssey's defenses are at warding off extradimensional scans.

(That that also means Coil's chances of waking up halfway-through an already-forseen series of events as something goes horribly-off script, resulting in him being paranoid that something pulled him backwards in time*, becomes less likely with every passing minute.

*or even better, his shard not compensating for the change and just keeping him going with his actions, leaving whoever he was trying to intimidate terribly confused as he starts walking into walls and shooting at thin air. Which yes is less likely to happen than the first, but come on it'd be more amusing.)

They left way too many dangerous things sitting around.
To be fair, the Ancients did leave in one heck of a hurry; either they up and died of thr plague, up and died and became a glowy octopus, or up and fled to a different galaxy. Combine that with the fact that half of their tech if not more flat out should not have been accidentally-usable by humans, or at least they likely wouldn't have expected it, and... well. Meanwhile post-ascension they had bigger things on their mind than the ants they just left behind. Like the phenomenal cosmic powers they just got.
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Something i want to point out for the glow club. It's easy to miss or forget when talking about them.

Those "Ancients" .. are the leftovers. The trash that ran away, or was too useless in the things going on. Sure.. you got one or two semi-science guys left in the lot. But ever one of any worth died trying to keep them all alive. And the leftovers decided to use the cancer exploader, i mean ascension machine.

It would be like in Sailor moon, you didn't get the Senshi, or any princess, or even the damn cats.

Nope, you got dave the janitor. Not a bad guy but not the most helpful. of course, then there is dan the fuckup from Luna MIT who leaves doom weapons around for brain slugs to find.
Something i want to point out for the glow club. It's easy to miss or forget when talking about them.

Those "Ancients" .. are the leftovers. The trash that ran away, or was too useless in the things going on. Sure.. you got one or two semi-science guys left in the lot. But ever one of any worth died trying to keep them all alive. And the leftovers decided to use the cancer exploader, i mean ascension machine.

It would be like in Sailor moon, you didn't get the Senshi, or any princess, or even the damn cats.

Nope, you got dave the janitor. Not a bad guy but not the most helpful. of course, then there is dan the fuckup from Luna MIT who leaves doom weapons around for brain slugs to find.
And for some reason, I read that in O'neil's voice.
It is very likely Tinkertech is immune to EMP simply due to the fact that Shards are subbing in for a high number of their functions.
Doesn't tinkertech work even when its creator's shard is being told to shut up by a power canceller?
I feel like it's a hit-and-miss thing, to be honest. Some Tinkertech is going to be affected by EMPs, some isn't. Hell, some Tinkertech runs off steam power, there's absolutely no 'average' where Tinkertech is involved.

And even if Tinkertech relied entirely on the shards to work, there's nothing saying some Tinker shards/powersets aren't set up to specifically fail for certain reasons. Maybe the shard decided the Tinkertech it makes work will be susceptible (or, rather, 'susceptible') just because why not. Maybe there's a Tinker out there who makes stuff that should, by all rights, fail if you so much as shake it too much, but it doesn't.

It's entirely up in the air.

There's definitely some Tinkertech that gets affected by EMPs unless shielded, since we see that during the Leviathan fight when Armsmaster pops everything so he can fight, but his own gear isn't hit by it.
The Voyager Confirmation
I can just imagine Taylor messaging the mods of PHO about getting her 'verified parahuman' tag.

Odyssey - "So all I have to do is send a photo of me using my powers?"

Tin Mother - "Generally speaking, that's the easiest way. But if your power doesn't lend itself to being photographed, other arrangements can be made."

Odyssey - "No need, here's my photo."

Tin Mother - " that the Voyager I probe behind you?"

Odyssey - "Yep."
Something i want to point out for the glow club. It's easy to miss or forget when talking about them.

Those "Ancients" .. are the leftovers. The trash that ran away, or was too useless in the things going on. Sure.. you got one or two semi-science guys left in the lot. But ever one of any worth died trying to keep them all alive. And the leftovers decided to use the cancer exploader, i mean ascension machine.

It would be like in Sailor moon, you didn't get the Senshi, or any princess, or even the damn cats.

Nope, you got dave the janitor. Not a bad guy but not the most helpful. of course, then there is dan the fuckup from Luna MIT who leaves doom weapons around for brain slugs to find.

Nnnope. As shown by Daniel Jackson, not only is the choice not "ascend or die"(barring one exception I suppose), but the time of death is a fairly decent time to ascend if you've figured it out. Further, the aforementioned exception, the "cancer exploader"[sic] as you call it, was a categorical failure constructed by categorical failures who had somehow managed to miss that there was more to ascension than the physical part.

That said, non-intervention had been their philosophy for literally their entire history, and given the absolute fucking mess the idiots known as the lanteans left in Pegasus, if any by some utter miracle figured out how to ascend it's unquestionably a good thing they still have it in place. The milky way Alterans had a decent moral fibre and even did a (relatively) decent job cleaning up after themselves when they realized their time in the Milky Way was over one way or another, either leaving the tech they couldn't move practically covered in warnings, or just sitting there if it was something that the natives, by all rights, should not have been able to figure out or activate until they were advanced enough to activate it in other ways (see: the Repositories).

Meanwhile in Pegasus, you had the Lanteans, the ones who were too dull to figure out how to ascend, and who also seemed to lack the moral fibre of their milky way predecessors. They left random geegaws all over the place, used "lesser" sapient beings as guinea pigs all the time, and had enough arrogance that they somehow lost a war to the wraith. The fucking wraith. The things were nonsapient insects when they got there.

Anyways eventually they gave in to their fight or flight instinct, returned to Earth, and managed to compromise one of the defenses left on their tech during the milky way cleanup by somehow interbreeding with humanity, leaving the key to the aforementioned "should-not-be-able-to-activate" tech in the process.

I feel like it's a hit-and-miss thing, to be honest. Some Tinkertech is going to be affected by EMPs, some isn't. Hell, some Tinkertech runs off steam power, there's absolutely no 'average' where Tinkertech is involved.

And even if Tinkertech relied entirely on the shards to work, there's nothing saying some Tinker shards/powersets aren't set up to specifically fail for certain reasons. Maybe the shard decided the Tinkertech it makes work will be susceptible (or, rather, 'susceptible') just because why not. Maybe there's a Tinker out there who makes stuff that should, by all rights, fail if you so much as shake it too much, but it doesn't.

It's entirely up in the air.

There's definitely some Tinkertech that gets affected by EMPs unless shielded, since we see that during the Leviathan fight when Armsmaster pops everything so he can fight, but his own gear isn't hit by it.
Oh, yeah. Not arguing that; you're probably not gonna be able to EMP a biotinker's stuff for instance. I was just arguing against tinkertech being shard-powered.
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Could StarGate shields be projected into non-bubble shapes? What about her artificial gravity?

Since most of her weapons are way too powerful to use on non-endbringer targets, clever use of her defensive and utility systems on a person scale would allow her to do things beyond just flight and strength.

...Assuming she doesn't just use her teleporter as a Go-Away timeout-beam and unload her catch of criminals from her buffers into a jail cell at the end of the day. Because beyond a few of the Breaker capes, that's a legitimate option for 99% of fights.