Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about the new chapter. Of course, it makes sense for Amu to react emotionally, but we didn't get any indication of that in the previous chapter, and it felt like control of the character was snatched away from us for no reason. I understand what the author wanted to say, but I hope that this will not happen so suddenly again.

...nobody jump on Eternal Observer, please. I had much the same thought while I was writing, but couldn't think of a way to fix it that wouldn't take multiple days. And, looking at my own past history, any time I start taking multiple days to work out the contents of updates... the stories stall, then die, so I want to avoid that.

Which doesn't make it not a problem. I indeed didn't signpost this well enough, and if we put Amu in the same situation again, the same outcome is likely to result.

Would it be okay with you if I try to make it clearer in the text leading up to the vote? Or should I just outright tell you?

...I'm not very good at keeping secrets, in general. Sometimes I suppose I overcompensate.
Exactly. As. Planned.
You planned to make a young girl cry? You monster!

In more seriousness, this certainly isn't my plan you're referring to. 😅
Kana: "Of course not. This is a stabbing weapon! I mean. Um."
It's a shard of moonlight. If a police officer or other member of the public spots it, then the fact it looks vaguely sharp will be the last thing on their mind. This being Japan, you can probably get away with "But see, it's actually dull"... the self-luminescence and barely contained murderous impulses are a different matter.
Welp. Comforting happened! Apparently that talk with Naomi hit Amu a lot harder than I (or she) thought.
Amu is... well, Amu is open. She doesn't have a filter more or less at all, really. She used to, back when she was nine, but a lot of her character arc was peeling those away and—even though she now has Su and Ran on tap as personality elements she can make use of, those personas aren't automatic. By default she just... doesn't, so you get the raw Amu. It's always seemed almost painful for her to try to do otherwise.

Amu, however, also doesn't have more self-insight than the average thirteen year old.
Possibly related to Tadase's uncle Tsukasa Amakawa, whose is also known as "Louise Antoinne Tsukasa", implying a French background. Or, in this quest, possibly with Ikuto and Utau's family through the father, Aruto Tsukiyomi (who I don't remember being French in canon, but it's been a long time since I watched the series). Possibly through a larger France-based organization that, in this quest, Tsukasa or Aruto or one of the other adults may have been involved with before going to Japan (or may still be involved with even in Japan).
So this bears mention. In canon, I'm fairly sure that only Tsukasa is confirmed to be French. You're right there.

It's just that Tsukasa and Aruto met each other in France, Utau and Ikuto are taller than the already un-Japanese like Amu (seriously, Amu is in the 99.9th percentile of height for her age, for Japan; she's middling for a westerner; yes, I looked this up), and all in all it seems very probable that the reason they met in France is that they both have connections to the country. Tadase manages to also be taller than Amu, but he is Tsukasa's nephew.

That, and Lulu is French. A lot of psionic stuff seems to be going on over there, so it made sense to me to solidify the connection.
Because Amu is not wearing her trademark red cross-shaped clips or the less-recognizable cross-shaped hairties in any of pictures of her posted so far, including the frazzled ones, and that is absolutely a crime.
...honestly, that's just a limitation of the AI. And/or my inclination to caption several hundred anime screencaps in order to build a superior LoHa. Amu still has those clips; they just don't seem to make it into the pictures.

Also it depends on situation. She won't wear hairclips like that while hiking, if she has any sense.
Kinda cool. A rainbow floating in a corner of Amu's room might sabotage Amu's attempts to keep secrets from her parents, but I don't want to keep those secrets anyway. One of the banes was the anti-secrecy option anyway.
It's unclear if they'd be able to see it, anyway...

The rainbow is the odd one out. The others are all references, though again, not especially important ones. Nothing will happen if you don't figure it out. Or if you do, to be honest.
For those who are depressed and feeling negative (or who are artifically incited into it), the egg pops out as a black X-Egg that either flies around as an egg emitting destructive energy, or hatches into an X-Character that is even more destructive than in egg form.
... and if we assume that you can't project a feeling you're not feeling, then that puts a special point on Utau's concerts. I'm not sure if we can assume that in her case. Just something I've been wondering about.
The boss of Easter turned out to be an 8-year-old kid, Hikaru Ichinomiya, who lost his heart's egg after all the conditioning to groom him into the next company president caused him to suppress his emotions. Amu helped to find and return his missing egg at the conclusion of the main plotline.
He is now in... third grade, I guess? One of Ami's friends anyway, because...

That would be telling, and far be it from me to tell on two grade-schoolers.

Oh, and Hikaru is Utau and Ikuto's... cousin, IIRC.
There's also the "stuffing a thought into a Chara's mind" thing that Amu did back when she first realized Kana had killed people. I'm not aware of any canon precedent for that in Shugo Chara, but it seems to work here.
There isn't any canon precedent. I just have a need to flesh out the psionics somewhat, and this fit.

Canon also doesn't have a precedent of mind-reading people to this depth. Possibly because they hadn't learned how, possibly because it would be next to impossible to get across in a manga. Possibly because the psionics just aren't supposed to be this capable, which is likely enough. I'm having to scale up Shugo Chara a bit, to even vaguely match up with the other story elements.
Ohoh, I know. I just figure that Baughn's mention of Lulu possibly being important and taking the time to type up the bio implies a high likelihood that she's going to get involved at some point anyway. Only question is, how far down the line and in what sort of capacity.

Basically, my thought process was: "I sense a trap. Next move: Spring the trap."

Truth be told, my paranoid half has this niggling suspicion that Lulu may not even be in France at the moment.
Would I do that? 🥹
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This being Japan, you can probably get away with "But see, it's actually dull"... the self-luminescence and barely contained murderous impulses are a different matter.
The what.

Now THAT wasn't mentioned the product description.

I mean, I guess if these were meant to be references, someone who knew what they were would've known. But sadly, that someone isn't me.
Also it depends on situation. She won't wear hairclips like that while hiking, if she has any sense.
I do believe there's one that she wears as a badge at some points, actually.
Would I do that? 🥹
Very tricky to guess what healing-type writers might do. You know how it is.
Honestly, this whole question is something I kind of struggle with when it comes to quests. I tried starting my own recently and it almost immediately got abandoned because of something very similar. If the character's bad at the course of action that was voted on, how do you reconcile that in a satisfying way?

It feels bad to punish a well-reasoned idea with total failure, but it's narratively unsatisfying if the protagonist is as stoic and logical as the thread. I've been trying to grapple with it and revive my own work.

I think this was handled fine, and I've appreciated your reminders to vote for a good story, not personal power. Taken too far, though, this attitude makes one question why it's a quest in the first place, and not traditional fanfiction.

Mostly unrelated, but I'm also kind of leery of write-ins getting too granular. It's a bit much if you start getting into if-then-else statements. I'm not calling anything out, and obviously I'm not the QM so all I can do about it is vote.
If the character's bad at the course of action that was voted on, how do you reconcile that in a satisfying way?
I feel like in the last version of this quest, this sort of thing might have had dice-rolls attached to it. And then there would've also probably been a warning about having a huge penalty, due to it being out-of-character.

Being fair, if it is entirely out-of-character, I'd say the quest master should always have the right to just veto it. It should just be done early, so it doesn't get much chance to be voted on.

...nobody jump on Eternal Observer, please. I had much the same thought while I was writing, but couldn't think of a way to fix it that wouldn't take multiple days. And, looking at my own past history, any time I start taking multiple days to work out the contents of updates... the stories stall, then die, so I want to avoid that.

Which doesn't make it not a problem. I indeed didn't signpost this well enough, and if we put Amu in the same situation again, the same outcome is likely to result.

Would it be okay with you if I try to make it clearer in the text leading up to the vote? Or should I just outright tell you?

...I'm not very good at keeping secrets, in general. Sometimes I suppose I overcompensate.

Don't think too much about it. I'm not writing this to criticize but to point out a potential problem. It's probably better to leave it as it is, especially since nothing bad happened. I know that feeling of constantly needing to correct what has already been done, and usually nothing good comes of it.

As for the future... Well, it would be easier if we realized that Amu is actually very scared about what happened. You can indicate things in the text or just write to us if you think you didn't convey her feelings correctly. You can create an emotional state indicator for Amu (or even all friendly characters nearby) at the end of the chapter if that seems more convenient to you.

Oh, and if a proposed action goes against character, feel free to just write us directly about it and veto it. Still, most readers find it difficult to keep in mind all the nuances regarding the characters.
In that spirit, then: Every single one of the voting options will have Lulu catch on that something's up. There is no universe in which Amu can call her up randomly, nine months after the last time and probably a day after her birthday party, and then fool Lulu into thinking that everything's fine.

You still get to slant her story. Though Lulu being Lulu, she'll probably do something unreasonable and unexpected regardless.

And yes, I'll use die for anything where the outcome is genuinely in question. The problem with dice is you sometimes roll a natural one… I need to come up with a scheme where that isn't so much of an issue.
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Though Lulu being Lulu, she'll probably do something unreasonable and unexpected regardless.
.......She's really not in France anymore, is she.

(As for rolling natural 1s, I'd think that if it were a situation where randomly rolling a 1 would completely crater the story - it might be better to just flat out not use dice for that situation at all.)
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In my, albeit limited, experience the best way to deal with voting for an idea that obviously isn't going to work in a pure narrative quest is to make it fail. Don't be obnoxious about the failure that helps no one but if the idea is well reasoned yet it is based on a false premise then a partial success or a partial failure is best. Which one it is is then left up to the author to decide.

Of course to make sure the idea's foundation being faulty is the questers fault the narrative has to show it. If you aren't comfortable with writing that and threading the line between telling too little or too much then an in option blurb will help. That way you only need to mention it instead of convey.

[X][Lulu] Write-in - Catch up with Lulu and, while chatting about what each other have been up to, try to figure out whether Lulu herself appears to be dealing with any problems of her own. If she doesn't seem to have anything going on, ask her if she knows anything about evil psychic research groups that may have connections with governments, especially the Japanese government. Regardless of how the talk goes try and make this casual chatting (hopefully it'll be actually casual) a more regular thing. You are both friends after all.

If Lulu is going to decide to do something in every option regardless of how the talk goes and of if we even breach the topic of our current problems then her having more info can only help even if that help is making her unreasonableness more targeted at the actual issue. And if something is going on with her we can find out too. Plus frazzled Amu needs things to keep her together.

[X][Ami] Write-in - A cross-shaped hairclip that changes color, shape or both whenever someone - including a Chara - taps it.

Fashion is a very important part of this mash up of settings.
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We gotta play this cool, or she'll decide to get involved. "Japan has an evil psychic research group" is not playing it cool, imo.
I'm not sure that is an undesirable outcome though. Isn't it in some ways a good thing if she came over?

Certainly I was considering that angle a bit when I wrote the original vote for the matter. Though it was also because Amu should have kept up with her friend there, there could be some definite potential in making things go a bit less badly with Lulu being closer by.

Due to this, I'm actually some what more inclined to let more slip... with Amu track record that probably isn't even hard. She'll probably love talking about her newest friend from the totally not suspicious group, that she just made.
Lulu will likely try to help, yes. I'm just going to state the obvious: She has more ways of helping than "uproot her life on a moment's notice".

Put that way, it sounds like there's zero chance she'd come over. That isn't true either. Lulu is… Lulu is Lulu. Whatever she does, she does wholeheartedly. Her and Amu tried to be enemies, and it didn't work.
I can assure you she's not in Japan.
She's not in France then.
Right, so probably on a plane, or in a stopover airport somewhere on the way then. On some other kind of business of hers, but that happens to make it convenient for her to reach Amu.

Sort of makes me wonder if Amu is even going to be able to reach her when she calls, though I guess by the time that she gets down to trying, Lulu would be in range of a phone network at that point.
Fashion is a very important part of this mash up of settings.
Being fully honest, while the main reason I brought up the hairclip was to mourn the lack of it in the pictures, I also considered that, depending on the mechanics of how it changes color/shape and what kind of beings are allowed to trigger it, it could be used as a detector of a sorts. But since I'm pretty sure the gift isn't meant to be functional, I didn't want to get that deep into it.

Whatever ulterior purposes the other options may have had behind them, I'm going to guess it's not as utilitarian as what I was considering. But now I've heard they were meant to be references to something, I suspect there is an ulterior purpose and it may have been the choice that mattered, especially since we've now been told the Lulu choice is always going to end with her knowing something is up, no matter what (though then again, Baughn also said "Nothing will happen if you don't figure it out" in regards to the gift choice too, so).

But I'm still going to stay with my write-in on the hairclip, because from an out-of-story perspective, leaving the mechanics of it undefined (along with it being able to literally shapeshift) should still give the QM enough room to co-opt it into whatever is needed that the other options might have provided in the event it turns out to have been the serious choice.

....I feel like I am very paranoid lately.
Right, so probably on a plane, or in a stopover airport somewhere on the way then. On some other kind of business of hers, but that happens to make it convenient for her to reach Amu.

Sort of makes me wonder if Amu is even going to be able to reach her when she calls, though I guess by the time that she gets down to trying, Lulu would be in range of a phone network at that point.
Now you're dipping into paranoia. :confused:
Being fully honest, while the main reason I brought up the hairclip was to mourn the lack of it in the pictures, I also considered that, depending on the mechanics of how it changes color/shape and what kind of beings are allowed to trigger it, it could be used as a detector of a sorts. But since I'm pretty sure the gift isn't meant to be functional, I didn't want to get that deep into it.
It's not meant to be a... magical item, in the D&D sense, ignoring that it's clearly a magical item in reality. That doesn't mean it needs to be completely useless, and in fact I'd encourage something with narrative consequences in some form. The rainbow might tip off Amu's parents. The pool of liquid shadow has the potential to hint at something important about Amu, although you wouldn't be expected to guess what, and it'd just enhance the narration where that comes up for other reasons. Any and all of them tell Amu something about Ami.

It's a set-piece, not a tool, is the point. But a set-piece is allowed to be meaningful.
Whatever ulterior purposes the other options may have had behind them, I'm going to guess it's not as utilitarian as what I was considering. But now I've heard they were meant to be references to something, I suspect there is an ulterior purpose and it may have been the choice that mattered, especially since we've now been told the Lulu choice is always going to end with her knowing something is up, no matter what (though then again, Baughn also said "Nothing will happen if you don't figure it out" in regards to the gift choice too, so).

But I'm still going to stay with my write-in on the hairclip, because from an out-of-story perspective, leaving the mechanics of it undefined (along with it being able to literally shapeshift) should still give the QM enough room to co-opt it into whatever is needed that the other options might have provided in the event it turns out to have been the serious choice.

....I feel like I am very paranoid lately.
Paranoia is always appropriate when reading my stories.

Ahem. Like I said, the gift -- regardless of gift -- has zero in-story consequences. Ami really did just pick up a random piece of pretty-looking dream-stuff, and there's no downsides for any of them. It's quite a bit of effort from your little sister; you should cuddle her and tell her you're happy she did.

It's the existence of the options that could potentially tell you guys something.

...but that's rather meta. As I said, the vote in and of itself has no importance.
Knowing that the gifts were supposed to be references says that, whatever they were referencing, it probably means there's also more coming where those came from (even if we won't know when, where or what exactly). It would also tell you that Ami has access to those places, at least indirectly, through dreams/cognition. But of course, that doesn't do much, without knowing what the actual references are.

The complete philistine that I am, all I can conclude at this point is that Ami is very special girl with very special talents.

[X] Write in - Cuddle Ami again and tell her how happy you are at what she did for you. Again.
Though, you can also just realize when you're being paranoid and restrain the impulse to act on it, or keep it as a backup plan rather than the main course of action.

For example, knowing that Devil Survivor 2 used to be one of the crossovers in the old version of the quest and that the "SMT" in this version apparently encompasses more than just Persona and SMT, my most paranoid speculation to date is that the conspiracy Kana's group is running from is, in fact, JPs.

There is exactly zero bits of evidence whatsoever to support this, making it nothing more than rampant paranoia. And I wouldn't make a vote assuming it.

But it would make me pay special attention to any mention of "demons" that come up. Especially if accompanied by the words "phone app".
But it would make me pay special attention to any mention of "demons" that come up. Especially if accompanied by the words "phone app".
See now, that's paranoia. Because the phone app only appears after the start of the game, as a gift from Alcor. :p

Let's see how the vote is looking...

Adhoc vote count started by Baughn on Nov 3, 2023 at 3:35 PM, finished with 36 posts and 7 votes.
  • 6

    [X][Lulu] Call her up, talk about your life, don't say anything specific.
    [X][Lulu] Write-in - Catch up with Lulu and, while chatting about what each other has been up to, try to figure out whether Lulu herself appears to be dealing with any problems of her own. If she doesn't seem to have anything going on, ask her if she knows anything about evil psychic research groups that may have connections with governments, especially the Japanese government.
    [X][Lulu] Let her know that life is getting interesting again, without any specifics.
    [X][Lulu] Write-in - Catch up with Lulu and, while chatting about what each other have been up to, try to figure out whether Lulu herself appears to be dealing with any problems of her own. If she doesn't seem to have anything going on, ask her if she knows anything about evil psychic research groups that may have connections with governments, especially the Japanese government. Regardless of how the talk goes try and make this casual chatting (hopefully it'll be actually casual) a more regular thing. You are both friends after all.
  • 6

    [X][Ami] A liquid shadow that forms a pool, much deeper than the half a millimetre it should be
    [X][Ami] A shard of moonlight
    [X][Ami] Write-in - A cross-shaped hairclip that changes color, shape or both whenever someone - including a Chara - taps it.
  • 1

    [X] Write in - Cuddle Ami again and tell her how happy you are at what she did for you. Again.

I'll give it until tomorrow sometime, as usual. In the meantime... here's a picture of Lulu, taken just days ago. It's now one of her grandmother's prized possessions. Granted, she wasn't fully able to dress her up the way she wanted to, but Lulu's arguments about "heat", and "it's wet out there", and "I want to be able to run about" were considered sufficiently convincing. It's still quite a nice 'photograph'.

(Amu would absolutely do a double-take. This doesn't look very much like Lulu even if you ignore the stylistic differences, but most of that is her grandmother's fault. There's a reason anime characters usually have a limited wardrobe. The changes to her hairstyle are... a likely outcome of her character arc, but also going to mess with the resemblance.)

Any implications about her position in life are, of course, entirely deliberate.

And no, tying the 'Ami' vote does not mean that Amu gets all three.
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[X][Lulu] Write-in - Catch up with Lulu and, while chatting about what each other has been up to, try to figure out whether Lulu herself appears to be dealing with any problems of her own. If she doesn't seem to have anything going on, ask her if she knows anything about evil psychic research groups that may have connections with governments, especially the Japanese government.

Guess I'll go with this one for now.

[X][Ami] A liquid shadow that forms a pool, much deeper than the half a millimetre it should be

Thinking about this, I wonder if one could conceive of a birthday gift from Ami that did have some further use. Or perhaps that will not be allowed... hum
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[X][Lulu] Write-in - Catch up with Lulu and, while chatting about what each other has been up to, try to figure out whether Lulu herself appears to be dealing with any problems of her own. If she doesn't seem to have anything going on, ask her if she knows anything about evil psychic research groups that may have connections with governments, especially the Japanese government.

Switching to this one, and the reason I'm not editing my original post is that I'm on my phone right now and editing my vote while I am is just to much effort.
Huh, my name didn't show up under the tally for the Lulu and Ami votes, only the extra one. Is that because I wrote it directly in the main posting box instead of using the Vote button? Let's see what happens when I try using that button instead... (Huh, it puts an extra x next to it... not sure that looks right...)

Amu would absolutely do a double-take. This doesn't look very much like Lulu even if you ignore the stylistic differences, but most of that is her grandmother's fault.
So, basically, Amu is liable to not actually recognize Lulu if/when she actually shows up in front of her. Lovely.

[x] [X][Lulu] Write-in - Catch up with Lulu and, while chatting about what each other has been up to, try to figure out whether Lulu herself appears to be dealing with any problems of her own. If she doesn't seem to have anything going on, ask her if she knows anything about evil psychic research groups that may have connections with governments, especially the Japanese government.
[x] [X][Ami] Write-in - A cross-shaped hairclip that changes color, shape or both whenever someone - including a Chara - taps it.
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Huh, my name didn't show up under the tally for the Lulu and Ami votes, only the extra one. Is that because I wrote it directly in the main posting box instead of using the Vote button? Let's see what happens when I try using that button instead... (Huh, it puts an extra x next to it... not sure that looks right...)
It's probably because of the extra one. The vote counter is a bit sus, sometimes. You're welcome to write it in, but I think you should make up a task name for it.

The extra [x] are definitely wrong.
So, basically, Amu is liable to not actually recognize Lulu if/when she actually shows up in front of her. Lovely.
Oh no, she'll definitely recognise her. She just might do a double take. Lulu used to be very...

She was stuck on a personal idea of 'elegance' which didn't match that of anyone else, family included. Her hair is naturally curly, for example, but that isn't how she's drawn. Those low curls aren't there because she wants them; they're there because she couldn't get rid of them.

Her character arc is largely about accepting that...
- Her mother, who used to be an actress, isn't sacrificing her life or becoming unhappy by no longer doing that. Lulu doesn't need to push her back into that business.
- Lulu herself doesn't need to constantly imitate her childish misconceptions of how her mother acts.

...which is why I decided to portray her without straight hair. This is the level of over-analysis I tend to go to, more or less everywhere.
Huh, my name didn't show up under the tally for the Lulu and Ami votes, only the extra one. Is that because I wrote it directly in the main posting box instead of using the Vote button? Let's see what happens when I try using that button instead... (Huh, it puts an extra x next to it... not sure that looks right...)
It's because you didn't repeat your Lulu and Ami votes when you wrote the hug write-in. The vote counter interprets that as you changing your mind and deciding not to vote on those categories.

Now that you've posted a new vote without the hug write-in, the vote counter interprets that as you changing your mind and not wanting the hug write-in any more. The extra "[x]"s also cause the vote counter to interpret your votes as votes for a category named "x", instead of the intended categories. (The extra "[x]"s seem to be due to the system mishandling the bold markup.)