Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

We're approaching this from two different angles

Baughn, which interpretation is more accurate, Alectai's dice one or my IC one?

Umm, I never said that I was going purely on mechanics here, just that putting one of our weakest skills to use with wording that pretty decisively insulted Nyarly was a bad idea, and I tried doing a "Defer the Point politely" point.

Umm, I never said that I was going purely on mechanics here, just that putting one of our weakest skills to use with wording that pretty decisively insulted Nyarly was a bad idea, and I tried doing a "Defer the Point politely" point.
Yes, Im betting on pure IC interaction, though. From that perspective, that approach is most correct

But if it's more mechanics based, you'd be right
Yes, Im betting on pure IC interaction, though. From that perspective, that approach is most correct

But if it's more mechanics based, you'd be right
Er. Technically, if it's at all mechanics based, he'd be right. There are simply some approaches to things that Amu sucks at; she isn't necessarily going to parrot exactly the words you want with exactly the pacing you want in exactly the tone you want, and very much not necessarily going to do so in a way that's most effective for the particular listener, if she doesn't have the appropriate skills or talents to do so.

You really are betting - everything - on pure, unadulterated IC interaction.
Er. Technically, if it's at all mechanics based, he'd be right. There are simply some approaches to things that Amu sucks at; she isn't necessarily going to parrot exactly the words you want with exactly the pacing you want in exactly the tone you want, and very much not necessarily going to do so in a way that's most effective for the particular listener, if she doesn't have the appropriate skills or talents to do so.

You really are betting - everything - on pure, unadulterated IC interaction.

If I were more familiar with how Exalted rolls,worked Id have probably gone for a different approach to exploit stats

Depending on the rolls themselves, though, an attempted deception has a near zero chance of failing critically, only allowing for what I don't know to make the,possibility non-zero

On the other hand, I've gotten a decent enough handle on Baughns characterization of Nyarly as he presents himself, and acting audaciously would serve as a bonus, really, if anything

He gets off on being "sporting". Now whether or not this matters is the crux of my disagreement with Alectai. If it does, then he'll engage in monologue and give us a lot to work with

Again, based purely on IC, Nyarly and Philemons forces want Amu very, very badly for some particular reason

Without knowing the reason, we can't make use of it, and we need every advantage we can get right now that Amus about to head back to the Vortex World

Right now we're essentially gaming to accrue additional advantage going forward, and whichever serves that approach best should be fine to go with

Edit: Too much time discussing Digimon...
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Actually, there's a quite high chance of a Botch on two dice.

Simply put, any of them coming up 1, and the other not being a success turns it from a "Fail" to a "Botch", which is "Not only did you fail to achieve your goal, you actively lost ground"

Case in point? A failed attack is just a wasted action. A Botched Attack ranges from "You drop your weapon" to "You hurt yourself".

Allow me to demonstrate with the dice.

The first bunch got a single success. The second bunch failed. And the third bunch was Very nearly a botch, saved from it only because the first die barely scored a success--anything that would have raised the Target Number (Which is rare, but Possible) or removed a success (More common) would have turned that into a Botch.
Alectai threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Demonstration! Total: 13
8 8 5 5
Alectai threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Demonstration 2! Total: 7
5 5 2 2
Alectai threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Demonstration 3! Total: 8
7 7 1 1
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Actually, there's a quite high chance of a Botch on two dice.

Simply put, any of them coming up 1, and the other not being a success turns it from a "Fail" to a "Botch", which is "Not only did you fail to achieve your goal, you actively lost ground"

Case in point? A failed attack is just a wasted action. A Botched Attack ranges from "You drop your weapon" to "You hurt yourself".

Allow me to demonstrate with the dice.
Im accounting for a sizable bonus to whats being rolled for and how it turns out based on the IC bits. Baughn wouldn't bone us over on something like that, it'd be...a contradiction, I guess you could say to how he's handled numerous things so far up to this point

Take what we've obtained as a result of that failed rescue/escape attempt earlier, for example
Uh...A and B are,both unlikely. Remember,EP?

No; I have no idea what EP refers to. (You frequently confuse acronyms, and should probably use them less.) If you mean Chaos-Repelling Pattern, Baughn has already stated that entities of sufficient power and cleverness are capable of piercing even a perfect defense. Nyarly qualifies, or nothing does; and CRP isn't a PD anyway. (Option 1: bring a tank of elemental fluorine gas in from the Vortex World. Break it in half and drop it on Amu's head. Option 2: guns, lots of guns.)

Yes, Im betting on pure IC interaction, though. From that perspective, that approach is most correct

But if it's more mechanics based, you'd be right

I am quite sure that, from a strictly narrative angle, it's still a terrible idea.

I don't entirely agree with Alectai's write-in, either; we probably should concede something to him, to give him some indication that we aren't actively working against him and his Reason.

The Reason of Nyarlathotep, if I understand it correctly, is that the bonds which Kagutsuchi holds over each human psyche should be loosed entirely. I think this would make all of humanity into demons. I'm not sure if this would be a bad end or not.

I think, if I had to propose a Reason, it would be something more like this: that the bonds of Kagutsuchi should be not loosed, but loosened. The cages called 「bodies」 in which Kagutsuchi imprisons souls should be not merely shattered, but remade into scaffolding: a structure enabling them to grow, and which they may each individually transcend if and as they so choose. Our charas—our sisters—are precious to us; why should we make a world which denies others their own?

But of course I don't have to propose a Reason, nor does Amu; thanks to the Dragon Seal and Exa-kun, Kagutsuchi no longer holds all the cards. Besides, like Nyarlathotep, we also want to end the cycle of the world's recreation, and that's not likely to be something Kagutsuchi will accept. (Come to that, Exa-kun may have ideas for new metaphysics that makes the entire question of Nyarlathotep moot.)

So, perhaps something like: "But I don't want the cycle of destruction to continue either; and if Kagutsuchi has a problem with that, then I have a problem with Kagutsuchi." (Although that phrasing and associated sentiment isn't really IC for Amu either...)
I was referring to Eternal Punishment

The point remains that your proposed A and B are so incredibly unlikely as to get you a blank stare from anyone with even a passing knowledge of the character

And that's even without me rationalizing why Nyarly needs us alive in the first place

If you can speculate on hypothetical reasons you can come up with plausible negative outcomes, provided they exist

Quit dodging
Im accounting for a sizable bonus to whats being rolled for and how it turns out based on the IC bits. Baughn wouldn't bone us over on something like that, it'd be...a contradiction, I guess you could say to how he's handled numerous things so far up to this point

Take what we've obtained as a result of that failed rescue/escape attempt earlier, for example

The very most of a bonus we could get is +3 dice. Fullstop, and that assumes a legendary write-in.

That just takes it from "Defeat" to "Maybe a victory if we are ridiculously lucky"

That being said, I posted my intentions up too so we could get other good people to go over the writing and see if we can improve on it. Count had a few ideas, but it might be a bit of a stretch for Amu to know them. I do like his idea of going with less "Cage" and more "Scaffolding" for instance.
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I personally think he's just bullshitting right now to try and rationalize some kind of paranoia about talking to an NPC, but it's unfair of me to assume so

But like I said, Alectai, that's because Im,betting almost exclusively on the IC, rather than the dice roll mechanics. The more those come into play, the more correct you are
I'll consider your bandwagoning of Alectai's rationale a concession, then.

At least we can agree on that much

Please don't get nasty like that. It's not a "Concession" to straight up say that "If numbers have any bearing at all on what we do, it's a bad idea to put one of our weakest possible pools to bat against the Crawling Chaos"

And we Know that Baughn tends to use our numbers as guidelines of our abilities. Whether he rolls dice or not.
I meant more about the call out and,how it progressed from being suicidal, to being "narratively terrible" and then to backing you up

But he dropped it, and so will I
I don't generally use dice... but that's just because I want more control over the outcome.

The statistics those dice would have had are still a fair guide to my actions. Oh, and that was not a three-point write-in.
@ω₁ :unfortunately transforming all of humanity in demons is an horrible idea, at least if Baughn has read the translation of Tatsuya mode i linked and decided to integrate it.

In fact it is revealed that the positive emotions of humanity is the primary force against Entropy, so eliminating humanity is going to destroy the universe. Whops.
@Giygas : Read it, largely ignoring it. It fundamentally clashes with... everything. Emotions can't work that way, and even if they could, it'd directly contradict earlier chapters of the story.
@Giygas : Read it, largely ignoring it. It fundamentally clashes with... everything. Emotions can't work that way, and even if they could, it'd directly contradict earlier chapters of the story.
I hope you aren't ignoring the part about bribing shy Old Ones with crab: It is really important!

Still, Philemon is the one would like a plan which end in the Ascension of Humanity, so proposing it to Nyarlatothep isn't such a great idea. Especially given that one part of us is going to enter/has just entered the Velvet Room(I am not perfectly sure about the Timeline).
I guess the Emotion thing would go against the Quantum Graph view of the Universe, being rather to conceptual in nature. I suppose it could be made to be true on a higher level, but it would be irrelevant on the lower level then...
It can be a "law of physics" in some K-bubble or other, no problem.

It just can't be a fundamental law. Nothing as complex as emotions can ever be fundamental. It can appear to be fundamental, but only by thorough firewalling on part of whatever god-like being lives in the layer below, such as.. oh yeah, Kagutsuchi.
I don't generally use dice... but that's just because I want more control over the outcome.

The statistics those dice would have had are still a fair guide to my actions. Oh, and that was not a three-point write-in.
It's an automatic success in my heart

Setting that aside, it was a rush job

I can refine it in a bit. Work was hectic yesterday, and the minor heatstroke didn't help,matters

Sorry for snapping at you, Count
[x] Alectai

We'd have a shot at partial success this way at least.

Remember 2-5 dice is Not going against difficulty 1 here. Failure is pretty much 100% once you account for a difficulty that's higher than your base dice pool.
[x] Alectai

We'd have a shot at partial success this way at least.

Remember 2-5 dice is Not going against difficulty 1 here. Failure is pretty much 100% once you account for a difficulty that's higher than your base dice pool.
Well yeah, but Baughn just confirmed my impression was correct. It's not dice that'll affect things here, but IC interaction with statistics as a guidepost for how certain aspects of the write in play out