Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]


Well, anyway, the Entity seems to be happy, and hopefully it'll be willing to cooperate when it actually has a mind. Here's hoping we don't regret this too badly.

Still... This does give us a decent grasp on just how far out of our depth we are. We're two full steps away from anything the Exaltation is programmed to vaguely understand. I mean, you've got "The guy who made me", "The Mythos that he embodies", then "The underlying substrata that permits Existence in that cosmology", and then we have two More steps before we reach... Whatever the fuck the Entity is.
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Still... This does give us a decent grasp on just how far out of our depth we are. We're two full steps away from anything the Exaltation is programmed to vaguely understand. I mean, you've got "The guy who made me", "The Mythos that he embodies", then "The underlying substrata that permits Existence in that cosmology", and then we have two More steps before we reach... Whatever the fuck the Entity is.
It's better (worse?) than that. The Entity probably has its own chain and I would be willing to bet Rindler is pretty far down its list too.

Actually, can we ask for its cert chain?
Too tired sleeping now

After Ryukishis bullshit you'd have to be pretty high up there to sneak the answer past me by this point

Ill hunt down the dots tomorrow
Earlier it came up that the Rindler business is a very fundamental form of communications that contains definitions for all terms used, and definitions for those definitions until the primal subtrate level, until a common base is achieved. You probably need something like that to communicate effectively between entities based off entirely different physics.
Earlier it came up that the Rindler business is a very fundamental form of communications that contains definitions for all terms used, and definitions for those definitions until the primal subtrate level, until a common base is achieved. You probably need something like that to communicate effectively between entities based off entirely different physics.
That's Rindler Alpha, which is a language... Named after something else. I'm afraid the term is quite heavily overloaded.
Finally finished reading the quest up to this point, so I can actually vote on something.

[X] Focus on understanding Amu's soul
-[X] With particular attention on Amu's spiritual relationship with her charas and her mystery guest.
[X] Take an up-close look at the world around you.

This is a two-levels-deep prerequisite for developing a good version of Shadows Etched in Air Shintai. Whatever Amu did to herself and the world when she was playing at (not) being Nirguna during the Conception is something we're going to have to worry about when we start properly analyzing her soul-structure, and it'll also help if we have a good understanding of baseline Amuverse human souls when we do that.

(And, of course, trying to improve SEiA without really understanding Amu's soul strikes me as... potentially unwise.)

That's not even getting into the benefits it'll bring when we start querying our Reality Engine for issues. For one thing, we'll actually have some idea of what to look for.

[Level 6: Valid signature authority (VNAME rindler.3d2f28ab695acf04dddf9760681425d9)]

This is probably an MD5 hash of a human-readable string. Not for any in-game reason (that probably wouldn't make much sense), but solely because it'd be an interesting out-of-game Easter egg.

It is not any string which names a page on the SMT Wiki. This means that this signature probably does not belong to Nyarlathotep, Azathoth, YHVH (or YHWH), Philemon, Igor, Raidou Kuzunoha, or the song Burn My Dread.

It is also not the title of any article on the Wikia Unofficial White Wolf Wiki or the exported official Wiki, although given the heterogeneity of title formats on the latter I may well have missed something. I have also separately checked every canon Primordial or Yozi I know (although not their full epithets), with no success; and similarly I feel safe ruling out the Unconquered Sun, Luna, any of the Maidens, the Loom of Fate, the Calendar of Setesh, the Scarlet Empress, Chejop Kejak, Essence, Oblivion (which is probably Nirguna anyway), any of the other major shinma (with or without the s: namespace prefix), the Wyld, the Neverborn, Laashe, Salina, and Saulanna Ricanya Rockblossom.

It is also not Amu herself, nor any of her charas, at least as expressed in Roman characters; nor Geoff Grabowski, Atlus, Peach-Pit, or Baughn; nor Yukari Yakumo, Haruhi Suzumiya, Lain Iwakura, Mxyzptlk, Drosselmeyer, or minus.

Since multiple md5-lookup sites yield no result, it's probably not any single word in any major dictionary, nor anywhere on Wikipedia.

Finally (not that I have any reason to think it would be, but it was there), it is not any entity with a page on the Nobilis Wiki, nor either of Cneph or Harumaph.

(A lot of these entities shouldn't have signatures, but next to Nirguna having one ... I don't even know.)

Given certificates establish identity, I'd normally expect Nirvishesha to be the one in play. Anomalous, and thus of curiosity.

Nirvishesha is the one entity whi

"Nirvishesha" is the one name I would just throw up my hands at seeing a certificate for. It is an attempt to dereference the literal Platonic ideal of a null pointer. It and Nirvikalpa are the only two that would make less sense than Nirguna.
Nirvishesha is the one entity whi

"Nirvishesha" is the one name I would just throw up my hands at seeing a certificate for. It is an attempt to dereference the literal Platonic ideal of a null pointer. It and Nirvikalpa are the only two that would make less sense than Nirguna.
And hence, infinitely more. :D
Halfway through the first thread (been a long day)

I'm not finding any parallels(so far, although my attention has been divided), but Im out of gas for the night and am thinking the Nyarly angle might have some merit after all.

Nyarlathotep is, after all, fundamentally the result of Lovecraft fusing Nikolai Tesla with Eldritch Horror and the early 20th century Egyptian equivalent of shitty Engrish. Bullshit made up words more or less fit the bill here.
Actually I got the hash wrong; it should be
e25b64e8e5ea333c8e34158ba06b6bc8. Oops. My bad!

For what it's worth, it still isn't any of the ones you tried.
*prepares resurrection machines for when the crypto chat is over*

*dies immediately after*