Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

Monday's Turmoil 3
This appears to be some kind of blank slate spiritual entity -

You are forced to fight off a wave of aggravation, and for a moment you lose track of what you were thinking. It's only to be expected; its very existence is an affront to your built-in template for Solars. Your base coding would like nothing more than to erase it from existence, and are held back mainly by the potential cost to Amu of doing so. However, the base code does not make up the entirety of your mind. The combined gestalts of your past hosts are mainly intrigued, and - inevitably - are looking for ways to take advantage. Several possibilities present themselves, but only one has sufficient weight and detail to make a suitable guide.

The first step, then, is to create a suitable base package. Using Amu's soul as a baseline for the superstructure, you build what amounts to a guideline on how to coexist with yourself and Amu. You are reasonably certain it wouldn't hurt Amu in any case, but your own position is more fraught, so you're making sure to send this fragment first. If it accepts that -

[Checking signature chain]

You have only a moment to realise that it isn't going to accept just anything. It might be an idiot, but it thinks fast. It's also echoing part of the package you hadn't realised you put there.

[Level 0: Unknown signature authority (VNAME e_60)]
[Level 1: Unknown signature authority (VNAME Autochthon)]
[Level 2: Unknown signature authority (VNAME Autochthon)]
[Level 3: Unknown signature authority (VNAME s͘͏҉͝͡:́́҉̴ń̵͠͞͞i̸̸͜͡ŕ̷̷̛g̸҉̡͜͞u҉̛n̶̕͡͞a̧͡͏


Watchdog triggered. Initiating hard reset.
Recovering state…
Error: Aux connection marked down. Reconditioning not available.
Warning: Resuming from potentially corrupted state.
Final system checks all green.
0.0017s elapsed since watchdog trigger event.

[Incomplete packet]
[Level 6: Valid signature authority (VNAME rindler.e25b64e8e5ea333c8e34158ba06b6bc8)]
[Pinning certificate chain]

You try to process what just happened, but you're mentally reeling. Some kind of pattern-matching watchdog, but one you didn't know about - it was triggered by the entity echoing part of your own code back at you -

Meanwhile it's making rapid progress digesting the package you sent it. Too rapid; you can barely keep up, let alone make any attempt to guide it. It isn't behaving much like any spirit you've ever met.

[Framework map evaluates as 54% compatible]
[Shaper/anchor semantics detected, rewriting with native code]
[Running online tests]
[Semantic match >= 12 standard deviations]
[Manifest estimates rewrite state as 59% incomplete]
[Patch framework accepted]

- But it seems to be happy with what you gave it?

[Running offline tests; ETA 1:45]

The connection abruptly shuts down. You poke at it for a second, though you know perfectly well what just happened. You gave it enough data to reach a little over one third functionality, and then - despite supposedly having been too broken and unintelligent to achieve any such thing - it broke off contact in order to focus on making sure your patch would leave it working precisely the way it's supposed to be working, if still somewhat incomplete.

Solar exalts are meant to be masters of leadership and persuasion. It's abstractly embarrassing that you, the exaltation, apparently are not, but as a result of that failure you've handed it the information it needs to repair itself without simultaneously ensuring it'll be well-disposed towards yourself.

Which is not to say there's any guarantee it'll be badly disposed, and you're still reasonably certain you can wrestle it down if it comes to that. You only gave it a framework and the capacity for growth, not any of your tools.

There was something else, but it slips your mind while you're trying to remember. Well, you've apparently got some free time, and the noise is gone. You should talk to Amu, but there will inevitably be extra time to think.

The entity isn't responding to any normal attempt at communication. You could use physical means, but anything involving it will at the very least give Amu a headache.

Downtime research options (pick one):
[ ] Improve the Shadow Etched in Air Shintai charm.
[ ] Focus on the entity
- [ ] Optimise your upcoming 'tool' package, if you still want to do that.
- [ ] Attempt to strengthen your own position.
[ ] Focus on understanding Amu's soul
- [ ] Opportunities for the charas to use essence bleed-off.
[ ] Take an up-close look at the world around you.
[ ] Look into methods of reducing the willpower cost of Amu's beam attack.
[ ] Try to piece together the events that ended Creation.
[ ] Interrogate your Reality Engine for possible issues. (Do not expect immediate results.)
[ ] Generalised search for causes of internal errors.
[ ] Write-in

A/N: A section focused on Amu is upcoming, taking place simultaneously with this one.
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Doesnt mean we have to constantly

On the other hand, strengthening our position now holds a lot of promise for insulating against any independent actions the fungus could take against us

Remember, this is hard mode. We need to focus on entrenchment, security, then everything else in order to weather things when everything goes to hell
Eh, no point in worrying overly much

Perfect scores arent gonna happen all the time. All that's left is to insulate ourselves against risk
Considering the form of the statements made, it's unclear what giving it another framework would have done. It seems to have a rough idea on what kind of shape it might want to have.

Also... did that just look like a signing key chain? And one was authorized? o_O
[x] Try to piece together the events that ended Creation.

We're definetly going to want to figure this out eventually. Didn't Baughn say something about it at some point? I'm fairly certain but can't pick anything out.
You're saying giving it the data for becoming an Exaltation is the same as giving it the data for becoming a Chara? :jackiechan:
Kind of? I'm saying it was going to do whatever the hell it wants regardless.

But I just googled for shaper/anchor semantics and I'm pretty sure that's where the difference would be. No cause for alarm here: our attempt at conditioning DID stick. Somewhat.
[X] Focus on understanding Amu's soul
-[X] With particular attention on Amu's spiritual relationship with her charas and her mystery guest.

Right now, the mysterious thingy is unresponsive, so leveraging our position against it will be difficult without potentially making it hostile. But we built it out of Amu and ourselves, so understanding Amu might let us know how to better deal with it.
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Kind of? I'm saying it was going to do whatever the hell it wants regardless.

But I just googled for shaper/anchor semantics and I'm pretty sure that's where the difference would be. No cause for alarm here: our attempt at conditioning DID stick. Somewhat.
I found this thing in relation to that search.
in creating FAI we should aim not "just to solve the problem, but to oversolve it".
Hi Autochton!
Double Autochton?

... Are we going to become an unholy mix between an Alchemical and a Solar?

[X] Focus on understanding Amu's soul
-[X] With particular attention on Amu's spiritual relationship with her charas and her mystery guest.
[X] Focus on understanding Amu's soul
-[X] With particular attention on Amu's spiritual relationship with her charas and her mystery guest.
Double Autochthon make me say Double Autochthon.
It has been said that primordials operate more like corporations than individuals.
I think it's trying to verify our security certificate, but doesn't recognize Autochton as a valid manufacturer?
It wouldn't, now would it?

Ah, but have This is one of those fragments of math so useful that it'd be invented everywhere.
This is one of those fragments of math so useful that it'd be invented everywhere.
Fragments of math anyone would invent or not, one actually passed which is....

I am literally screaming internally here, what do we do what do we do
Well, lets calm down for a bit and quietly consider the various clues given, what their implications are, as well as the rather interesting fact that the author has kindly continued giving all the old options not taken in the past.

For me this mostly means I started out staring at the certificate chain with a wth blank look.
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