Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

Considering youre actively involved in a discussion centering around a setting where multiple versions of perfect interact with one another and then hash out what comes out victorious, I'd be legitimately shocked if my grammar were the problem.
TehChron said:
Considering youre actively involved in a discussion centering around a setting where multiple versions of perfect interact with one another and then hash out what comes out victorious, I'd be legitimately shocked if my grammar were the problem.
I think that's a big chunk of the problem right there as well.

A lot of people are talking about this only having a partial understanding of one or two of the setting or complete knowledge of one setting. And we're dealing with three settings all running into each other at full-speed... granted each has a clear definition to how much they're contributing in this match up with SMT being the most, but still the point stands.

Honestly I'd be worried if there wasn't misinterpretation going on from just that, but as you said two of the settings have some huge powerhouses and perfects and people are trying to fit it into their frame of reference which is whichever setting they know more/enough about. I'm thinking people aren't realizing how big of a clusterfuck just trying to fit these two settings together in any capacity is... although Baughn clearly has something worked out and Alectai has very thorough knowledge on both as well so I'll just trust them and have fun.

... I'm sorry if that lacked coherency, I'm tired right now.
Don't worry about it, actually, taking this out of the Exalted setting makes things significantly simpler to understand

There's no such thing as "perfect" in the SMT setting. On the other hand, the SMTverse operates on such an absurdly large scale, that frankly the only stuff that compares in scope are the Whoverse, some other sci-fi series, Demonbane (ugh), and...Lionel Suggs Zettaversals. Ugh. (I am aware of the Sea of Kakera)

Anyway, the idea of "perfect etc" is the only reason that the exaltation is even relevant in the setting. It's a level of hax that enables it to stand up to stuff considerably outside it's weight class, so long as it's got sufficient resources to keep up long enough to bring it to bear.

"Perfect" defenses are only "perfect" on a sliding scale, in this case. So even if you make a "Chaos Denying Charm of Perfected Tranquility" or something similar, and had the Dragon thingy in the center of JPS feeding you energy, you'd be able to put up a hell of a fight against all comers.

Up until Hito-Shura, the Demi-Fiend steps in, and completely wrecks your shit.

Because True Demon Demi-Fiend is Luci's Hammer. And you require not only serious balls, but also an absurd amount of power to be considered the personal enforcer of one of the two most powerful beings in a megaverse of the Sea of Amala's scope.
Grosstoad said:

Considering that (can be skipped) you're (aposthrope helps) actively involved in a discussion that is (defining the separation) centered around a setting, (defining separation) where multiple versions of perfect (I lost your meaning here, is this a term or something? Perfections? Perfect beings?) interact with each other and then hash out what comes out victorious (lost me again, do you mean decide the outcome or something?), I'd be legitimately shocked if my grammar were the problem.

You have a number of adverbs as well adjectives that can stand as their own sentences in a paragraph comprised out of single sentence.

It's... A bit hard to parse.

You're not entirely wrong, and I can grasp your meaning from the context. But if someone was just speed-reading, sometimes they would get the wrong impression, and replied according to what they though you had posted. is someone responding without actually reading my post properly, barring a mental disorder such as dyslexia or something similar, in any way my fault?

Actually, why are you even bothering to analyze my offhand posts on such a level? It's not like I'm writing some kind of complex dissertation. Also the first comma you fit in there is incorrect, there's no need to define a separation, as it's a single sentence.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you'd probably get more from my posts by paying attention to the context rather than parsing it.

A practice which strikes me as profoundly useless considering we're literally involved in a mass choose your own adventure story.
Demi-Fiend won't come into his full power until close to endgame, and we've extended the "Length" of the Vortex World significantly along with it's size. There's a hell of a lot more groundwork to cover, and it means things are going to burn on a much slower rate then they would have initially. Our Own growth curve rivals that of the Demi-Fiend, because an Essence 5 Solar working in their baliwick can explicitly take on anything that can crunch themselves down small enough to actually engage you directly. That's a Core Solar, Amu's own potential is apparently greater still, given how even a cursory examination of it lead to being able to permanently increase her Personal Essence pool.

So yes, I'm not inherently worried about us being roflstomped by the Demi-Fiend. Even assuming we ultimately end up at loggerheads (Which is hardly guaranteed, Neutral ending is also a Thing, as is snipping him for our own cause if we can present it well enough). An experienced Solar cannot be just "Lolnoped" or have their shit wrecked by anything less then being caught naked in a wilderness while Serious Ligier spawns and fights 100% optimally. Even then, the Solar has options to disengage from an unfavorable encounter.

That's what makes a Solar a Big Fucking Deal. Other beings can be more powerful, or can change the rules of the game to favor them. A Solar can adapt, learn, and evolve to any circumstance, master any skill, and do it better then anyone else. Their potential is effectively (If not Literally) infinite. And more importantly? Any of the really big hitters Can't get directly involved here without tipping off their rivals and starting a clusterfuck. There's a reason that Lucy operates entirely through proxies in Nocturne.

So yes, if the other side bloodlusts and recognizes our potential early on (Which is hardly a sure thing, a Solar is something completely new to the setting, and the closest thing they have to an analogy... Does not have the whole "Perfection in all Things" theme, and doesn't have the Loom of Fate to draw on it's full scale of bullshit). And subsequently also decides that wrecking our shit is more important then their other plans, yes, we can be snuffed out.

But the fact that the Amala Universe is So mindbogglingly huge actually works in our favor, because it means we aren't a big deal until we're strong enough to be a Player in our own right. And by that point, it's no longer possible for us to be snuffed out, as we'll have built a support base, and refined our own abilities to the limit.
I can't remember what Baughn's reality stack was, but I would not be at all surprised if big-name players like Lucy could lolnope Exalted perfect defenses by going to the level below.

Just tossing that idea out there for the Exalted fans to tear apart.
No. Perfect Defenses are absolute.

And if the native setting did allow that kind of hack, well, to bad, because Solars don't run on the native setting and can casually enforce their own setting over the local area.
pressea said:
I can't remember what Baughn's reality stack was, but I would not be at all surprised if big-name players like Lucy could lolnope Exalted perfect defenses by going to the level below.

Just tossing that idea out there for the Exalted fans to tear apart.
If they could, it would only happen Once.

Because the Exaltation isn't stupid, and would adapt to such a thing. Furthermore, while the "Level Below" might be something we could be attacked through, a change on that level is a macro scale adjustment, and Lucy probably wouldn't genocide the ability of humans to exist just to neutralize one irritation. He'd lose what credibility he'd have with all the members of the Chaos faction who aren't slavering monsters--because if he did it for one rival, what makes him different from Law?

And Law won't do it, because most of it's heavy hitters require humans to keep their respawn engines running.
Alectai said:
Demi-Fiend won't come into his full power until close to endgame, and we've extended the "Length" of the Vortex World significantly along with it's size. There's a hell of a lot more groundwork to cover, and it means things are going to burn on a much slower rate then they would have initially. Our Own growth curve rivals that of the Demi-Fiend, because an Essence 5 Solar working in their baliwick can explicitly take on anything that can crunch themselves down small enough to actually engage you directly. That's a Core Solar, Amu's own potential is apparently greater still, given how even a cursory examination of it lead to being able to permanently increase her Personal Essence pool.
I think you're underestimating the scope of the Demi-fiend's abilities here.

His portrayal as a superboss, especially considering where Raidou Kuzohana stands in the verse, was meant to highlight the sheer gap between most SMT protagonists and himself. He's a multiversal entity of nearly the same level as Luci, but without the limitation of having his attention divided among his various factions.

Also, consider that the problem with that isn't simply the full scope of his power. His growth curve will outpace us considerably unless we hit Primordial mid-game, simply because he doesn't focus on creating infrastructure, but merely strengthening himself and also working through Reasons. Left alone, he will choose True Demon. Interfered with, he may not, but then we'll have Luci and his lieutenants on his ass.

And JPS ain't shit against the forces of chaos in the Vortex World.
So yes, I'm not inherently worried about us being roflstomped by the Demi-Fiend. Even assuming we ultimately end up at loggerheads (Which is hardly guaranteed, Neutral ending is also a Thing, as is snipping him for our own cause if we can present it well enough). An experienced Solar cannot be just "Lolnoped" or have their shit wrecked by anything less then being caught naked in a wilderness while Serious Ligier spawns and fights 100% optimally. Even then, the Solar has options to disengage from an unfavorable encounter.
If we wait until the Demi-fiend awakens the full bloom of his power, we're going to be pretty well fucked. He's a multiversal figure in the Sea of Amala. Once again, I'm referencing his fight against Raidou Kuzohana. He can escape unfavorable fights just as easily himself, and with Luci's backing, he'll have literally free rein to move as he pleases. The thing is, even if Solars have a large number of exotic defenses, the high tiers of SMT have the means and sheer energy to overwhelm anything Solars have had to ever deal with.

The GM's already said that Luci and YHVH act on a level way beyond anything that our exaltation has any experience with. Hito-shura is only one step away from them, with none of the distractions that come from micromanaging the forces of Law and Chaos.

If we let Lucifer win him over, on our current route of choosing a route that opposes both him and YHVH, we're going to be fucked without comparable muscle.

Again, I'm more inclined to shack up with Nyarly at this point and then subvert his existence into something more palatable down the line if we're taking the route of parlaying JPS into our own powerbase in the short to mid term.
That's what makes a Solar a Big Fucking Deal. Other beings can be more powerful, or can change the rules of the game to favor them. A Solar can adapt, learn, and evolve to any circumstance, master any skill, and do it better then anyone else. Their potential is effectively (If not Literally) infinite. And more importantly? Any of the really big hitters Can't get directly involved here without tipping off their rivals and starting a clusterfuck. There's a reason that Lucy operates entirely through proxies in Nocturne.
Betatron, Hito-shura, JOKER, the Masked Circle, Rasputin just trolling, the Septentarions, UFO Nazis lead by Hitler wearing Aviators, and everything in between are forces that can act in proxy for the heavy hitters.

And each of them have power and growth rates comparable to significantly more mature exaltations.

So yes, if the other side bloodlusts and recognizes our potential early on (Which is hardly a sure thing, a Solar is something completely new to the setting, and the closest thing they have to an analogy... Does not have the whole "Perfection in all Things" theme, and doesn't have the Loom of Fate to draw on it's full scale of bullshit). And subsequently also decides that wrecking our shit is more important then their other plans, yes, we can be snuffed out.
Nyarly and Luci have already met us directly, and Igor is Philemon's direct proxy. That's three of the major forces already having witnessed us first hand, and we're already shrugged off Kagatsuchi to a degree that frankly should not have happened.

And did not happen across the vast numbers of worlds where similar events took place.

These are all beings which are aware of how things went down in parallel universes, given that they are all multiversal in nature, and have the capacity to compare and contrast the circumstances leading to differences between them. They are also not idiots.

You don't need to see the future when you have critical thinking skills and the evidence right in front of you. And the idiot ball doesnt exist for the higher powers of the SMTverse.
But the fact that the Amala Universe is So mindbogglingly huge actually works in our favor, because it means we aren't a big deal until we're strong enough to be a Player in our own right. And by that point, it's no longer possible for us to be snuffed out, as we'll have built a support base, and refined our own abilities to the limit.
The second Luci appeared and Nyarly reached out to us, we became a big deal. Nyarly only goes through the effort of contacting a person under one set of circumstances:

When that person gives him a direct line towards ending the universe as we know it. Otherwise, he's much, much more subtle.

I'll say it again: You assume we still have time to act under the radar.

We don't. Amu is already an unknown quality that's done something truly exceptional. And she already has the attention of a large number of powers, even if only a bare handful of the absolute top tiers have contacted her directly.
Happerry said:
No. Perfect Defenses are absolute.

And if the native setting did allow that kind of hack, well, to bad, because Solars don't run on the native setting and can casually enforce their own setting over the local area.
Perfect just means it's flawless

If those kinds of defenses didn't have limits, then Kagatsuchi wouldnt have even been a thing in the first place.

Aaaaaaand brute forcing isn't a hack. It's simply you getting your teeth kicked in by someone much, much, bigger than you.
Alectai said:
If they could, it would only happen Once.

Because the Exaltation isn't stupid, and would adapt to such a thing. Furthermore, while the "Level Below" might be something we could be attacked through, a change on that level is amacro scale adjustment, and Lucy probably wouldn't genocide the ability of humans to exist just to neutralize one irritation. He'd lose what credibility he'd have with all the members of the Chaos faction who aren't slavering monsters--because if he did it for one rival, what makes him different from Law?

And Law won't do it, because most of it's heavy hitters require humans to keep their respawn engines running.
Can't adapt to what it can't comprehend, stupid or not. And phenomenal cosmic powers ludicrously above it's pay grade fall under that. Also, you're really underestimating the lengths that Luci would go to nuke a potential rival standing in the way of advancing his overarching war effort. He keeps the forces of chaos in line with power, charisma, and the threat of being snuffed out by the Forces of Law.

Not his amazing reasoning skills. The cats he's herding are demons, after all. Human minions tend to be much simpler to manage by comparison.
Look, I trust Baughn here, he's run a good Quest so far.

That said, I don't think he'd design a game where we're absolutely fucked beyond all possible hope and reason. Again, we're not Luci's priority here, we're more of a "Oh hey, that's neat, hey underling, I give you my approval to foster this person here while I pay attention to more important things".

And no, you don't just get to "Brute Force" a Perfect Defense. Flat out no. It can explicitly take a "The universe ends" level firepower and deflect it. For instance? The Daystar's ultimate weapon, which can reduce a cosmology to rubble.

A Perfect Defense can block that
Alectai said:
Lucy probably wouldn't genocide the ability of humans to exist just to neutralize one irritation. He'd lose what credibility he'd have with all the members of the Chaos faction who aren't slavering monsters--because if he did it for one rival, what makes him different from Law?

And Law won't do it, because most of it's heavy hitters require humans to keep their respawn engines running.
The more I learn about the Megaten universe, the more I think it would be awfully swell if he did genocide what passes for humans.
Alectai said:
Look, I trust Baughn here, he's run a good Quest so far.

That said, I don't think he'd design a game where we're absolutely fucked beyond all possible hope and reason. Again, we're not Luci's priority here, we're more of a "Oh hey, that's neat, hey underling, I give you my approval to foster this person here while I pay attention to more important things".

And no, you don't just get to "Brute Force" a Perfect Defense. Flat out no. It can explicitly take a "The universe ends" level firepower and deflect it. For instance? The Daystar's ultimate weapon, which can reduce a cosmology to rubble.

A Perfect Defense can block that

Multiversal doesn't mean trans-dimensional or whatever

It means that they have literally multiple universes levels of energy to toss around. You know why the Vortex world is just the vortex world?

No stars or even outer space or other shit?

It's because that bow-tie of a planet is the sum total of the universe that Amu is in currently. There's nothing else.

And even if the exaltation itself can't be killed, the second Amu's enemies take her seriously, they will kill her. Then they'll track the Solar the same way theyve kept track of it so far, and kill each of it's hosts continuously until a more permanent solution is found. A Golden End that does not make.

Unless you can show me an instance where a Solar has deflected the equivalent of multiple Big Bang Storm's being blasted into it's face in a single attack, then I'm frankly gonna err on the side of caution.
Be a Reason? :D

EDIT: Solar path for Demi-Fiend! Yay!
There's the ticket.

Even better if we join with Nyarly, convert the Demi-Fiend into a Shadow or Persona user, hijack the JOKER powers for ourselves, and then we can take that Dawn Caste specialization stuff and really go places
Grosstoad said:
The TRUE Neutral Human Path.
The thing is, I'm dead serious

By helping Nyarly we're helping save everyone

Because he's Philemon too

And then we can act with the power of a Primordial to turn him into something more palatable, and then humanity's collective subconscious will already be sunshine and butterflies, making Betatron and his Law sales pitch completely and utterly moot. Because, from what I've been seeing about how these reasons and things work, Betatron playing to our heartstrings like that is incredibly dangerous to us.

After all

All we need to do is accept YHVH as our Lord and Savior, and everyone's saved, it's a cheap price to pay, really
TehChron said:

Multiversal doesn't mean trans-dimensional or whatever

It means that they have literally multiple universes levels of energy to toss around. You know why the Vortex world is just the vortex world?

No stars or even outer space or other shit?

It's because that bow-tie of a planet is the sum total of the universe that Amu is in currently. There's nothing else.

And even if the exaltation itself can't be killed, the second Amu's enemies take her seriously, they will kill her. Then they'll track the Solar the same way theyve kept track of it so far, and kill each of it's hosts continuously until a more permanent solution is found. A Golden End that does not make.

Unless you can show me an instance where a Solar has deflected the equivalent of multiple Big Bang Storm's being blasted into it's face in a single attack, then I'm frankly gonna err on the side of caution.
The Primordial War. Fighting Theion, the Holy Tyrant. Who was described as being Omnipotent -- Abrahamic God Omnipotent. They kicked his ass, slew his second fetich, turned him inside out, rolled him up into a ball, and shoved the other Yozis inside.

Look, the thing about Perfect Defenses is that they are literally perfect. It's less "can tank an amount of damage that exceeds Big Bang levels of power", more "the concept of damage does not apply to me". It doesn't matter how much energy you toss at them, be it an arrow or infinite (there's a guy who can do that, by the way, and perfect defenses can ignore it), the perfect defense will reduce damage to zero. The reason it can do this is because Exalted magic is conceptual in nature, as befits its origins in a Gaiman-esque story-chaos. It does't really matter how much energy you throw at a conceptual shield, because it simply works on a higher level. It's bullshit, I know, but that's how Exalted defenses work, and like it or not, that's what Amu is running on.

This isn't to say that YHVH and Lucifer can't still squish Amu, mind. Every perfect defense has three flaws: its Flaw of Invulnerability (a condition under which it can't be used), the fact that it can only be used for a set amount of time (usually a single attack, and at most a single tick, unless you use the OP crap from Dreams of the First Age), and mote cost, 8m. They're smart enough to exploit the flaw, and they have enough power to keep shoot until she's tapped out.
TehChron said:

Multiversal doesn't mean trans-dimensional or whatever

It means that they have literally multiple universes levels of energy to toss around. You know why the Vortex world is just the vortex world?

No stars or even outer space or other shit?

It's because that bow-tie of a planet is the sum total of the universe that Amu is in currently. There's nothing else.

And even if the exaltation itself can't be killed, the second Amu's enemies take her seriously, they will kill her. Then they'll track the Solar the same way theyve kept track of it so far, and kill each of it's hosts continuously until a more permanent solution is found. A Golden End that does not make.

Unless you can show me an instance where a Solar has deflected the equivalent of multiple Big Bang Storm's being blasted into it's face in a single attack, then I'm frankly gonna err on the side of caution.

There's the ticket.

Even better if we join with Nyarly, convert the Demi-Fiend into a Shadow or Persona user, hijack the JOKER powers for ourselves, and then we can take that Dawn Caste specialization stuff and really go places
You also assume that they can throw this level of energy around trivially without inviting a deadly counterstrike by their evenly matched opponents. Or that they'll all unify for once just to fuck with us.

Yes, Megaten is a very high powered setting. No, this does not mean they get to absolutely stomp us without a chance of survival and cause an instant and eternal Bad End on a whim. Because the energy required for them to do that is energy that's not being spent on their eternal war. And even assuming that what you say is true and they can hurl out several universes worth of energy at us, this doesn't come at zero cost, or zero notice--and that means their rivals can take high valued targets while they're wasting their energy stomping a particularly irritating gnat. They're not stupid, so they'd know this.

Megaten is a setting where both sides are balanced to the point that a Single Mortal and his friends can tip the balance one way or another. If what you say is true and the other sides are so far beyond a mortal's conceivable strength that they can just lolnope anything done. Then three/fourths of the mainline series are completely meaningless, and the only "Important" one is Nocturne (Which isn't true at all!). Hence, while the other sides might, theoretically, be able to escalate to the point where they could just overcome all of our defenses through sheer overwhelming might alone, they would not do so, because at this point? We are small fry, and do not justify actually giving up important assets that they actually care about just to see us dead and buried.

Right now, we're an interesting curiosity, this will remain so until we actively fuck with a Faction Leader's interests. At which point, they'll deploy whatever can be spared to deal with us. And most of the high-ends on either side are countering their counterparts, which means that it's unlikely we'll get shit like "Full Manifestation Metatron" or something equally bullshit dropped on us.

Our advantage right now is that we're too strong to take down with "Regular" forces, but not strong or threatening enough to justify taking a heavy hitter off the front lines. If we intend to "Win", we need to do what mortals do best, and play all sides against each other long enough to seize the initiative for ourselves.
You're acting as if SMTverse doesnt run on conceptual stuff either (See Nyarlothotep and Philemon for the most immediately relevant examples, hell, Personas and Shadows are essentially Charas in a similar sense, in that theyre the concepts of other sides of you given physical form)

And the Abrahamic God isnt multiversal unless you try to somehow marry quantum physics with the Old Testament.

Luci and YHVH in the Sea of Amala are several magnitudes beyond that. Hito-Shura as well. The GM's said that the top tiers of the SMT verse are ludicrously beyond the scope of most anything in Exalted, and even something about the original 300 Solars only having a fairly decent chance against a fully empowered Lucifer.

That's what I'm basing this off of, because that's the only thing that's relevant for the moment.

Omnipotent is just a word. It's fluff. As is "Perfect". Those kinds of things always have their own limit. Theres always a bigger fish. So you should always be wary when assuming that something will be as effective when fighting someone with a much bigger metaphorical stick compared to what you're used to. It may not work out the way you had hoped.

Like a Cube Being once said when warning against picking a fight with a Celestial, "There are Levels of Infinite, after all."
It does't really matter how much energy you throw at a conceptual shield, because it simply works on a higher level. It's bullshit, I know, but that's how it works.
Point being here is that the SMT heavy hitters operate on an even higher level relative to that.
This isn't to say that YHVH and Lucifer can't still squish Amu, mind. Every perfect defense has three flaws: its Flaw of Invulnerability (a condition under which it can't be used), the fact that it can only be used for a set amount of time (usually a single attack, and at most a single tick, unless you use the OP crap from Dreams of the First Age), and mote cost, 8m. They're smart enough to exploit the flaw, and they have enough power to keep shoot until she's tapped out.
Even more reason to play it safe, then.

I still maintain that our number one priority for now is to keep the biggest potential piece either off the board, or in our camp.

And that is, bar none, Hito-shura.

And in order to get someone who, under normal circumstances, would willingly choose to become the Right Hand of Chaos, under our employ...we need a sufficiently appealing sales pitch.

Amu's a dark horse to the Demi-fiend's pick of the litter. Nyarly's given us the idea he wants in on the ground floor, and he brings a lot of advantages to the table for a Dawn Caste, in addition to the fact that he's unable to force Amu to act against her nature. He can convince/manipulate her, but unlike the people who are watching Hito-shura so very closely, Nyarly doesn't operate on a high enough level to do a damn thing against her exaltation.

[x]Inform Nyarlothotep that we need time to consult our exaltation before making a decision. Ask him to tell us more about himself, and how he can help us save everyone.
Alectai said:
You also assume that they can throw this level of energy around trivially without inviting a deadly counterstrike by their evenly matched opponents. Or that they'll all unify for once just to fuck with us.
The problem is that that isn't an issue here.

This is the vortex world.

This is where The Demi-Fiend is born. This is a major tipping point in the war between Law and Chaos. Both sides will be all-in by the end of the storyline.
Yes, Megaten is a very high powered setting. No, this does not mean they get to absolutely stomp us without a chance of survival and cause an instant and eternal Bad End on a whim. Because the energy required for them to do that is energy that's not being spent on their eternal war. And even assuming that what you say is true and they can hurl out several universes worth of energy at us, this doesn't come at zero cost, or zero notice--and that means their rivals can take high valued targets while they're wasting their energy stomping a particularly irritating gnat. They're not stupid, so they'd know this.
They havent yet. And we just finished the prologue by surviving a universal reset.

It took a macguffin, a great deal of luck, and some annoying hits to our stats for awhile. But we just dealt with a mid-high tier wiping out the universe. That's already on the upper spectrum of what a Solars used to dealing with.

End game will make Kagatsuchi's passive looking us over seem incredibly kind and gentle by comparison.
Megaten is a setting where both sides are balanced to the point that a Single Mortal and his friends can tip the balance one way or another. If what you say is true and the other sides are so far beyond a mortal's conceivable strength that they can just lolnope anything done. Then three/fourths of the mainline series are completely meaningless, and the only "Important" one is Nocturne (Which isn't true at all!). Hence, while the other sides might, theoretically, be able to escalate to the point where they could just overcome all of our defenses through sheer overwhelming might alone, they would not do so, because at this point? We are small fry, and do not justify actually giving up important assets that they actually care about just to see us dead and buried.
There are many, many, many of those mortals are active here and now. Especially since all of Japan survived thanks to us.

And we're really not small fry. You really don't get it. We literally fought off Kagatsuchi's will. That elevates Amu from a minor curiosity to something worth taking a look at.

Nyarly seeking us out is proof enough that even if we're flying under the radar right this second, thats going to come to an end very, very soon.
Right now, we're an interesting curiosity, this will remain so until we actively fuck with a Faction Leader's interests. At which point, they'll deploy whatever can be spared to deal with us. And most of the high-ends on either side are countering their counterparts, which means that it's unlikely we'll get shit like "Full Manifestation Metatron" or something equally bullshit dropped on us.
By the time it gets to that, Hito-shura's party will be complete.

And that alone is enough to handle almost everything present in the Vortex World on their own. They have Dante scaled to that level of strength, hired by Luci, for crying out loud.

We'll be fucked.
Our advantage right now is that we're too strong to take down with "Regular" forces, but not strong or threatening enough to justify taking a heavy hitter off the front lines. If we intend to "Win", we need to do what mortals do best, and play all sides against each other long enough to seize the initiative for ourselves.
And for that we need an edge.

And that edge needs to supplement our strengths.

Since we're a dawn caste, that means our support base. And that means either Demon Summoning Apps (which everyone and their mother will have), or Personas.

Or Shadows.

Or all of the above.

We've already attuned the Dragon's Line to Amu, may as well turn it into a means for Nyarly to subtly influence the remaining human subconscious. Maybe even open up a line with Philemon and get his assistance as well. Once we hit Primordial, and this is something that Nyarly doesnt know, he'll no longer be the one wearing the pants in this partnership. He's exactly what we need at this stage.
Qinglong said:
Alternatively, hire out Dante

pretty cheap cost for a high level merc

I mean, if that's possible
JPS controls the National Diet building and the physics holding the Vortex world together

Aside from some minor holdouts, it's safe to say that we indirectly control the universe's remaining supply of pizza
Perfect defenses are just that. Perfect. Explicitly, no amount of firepower can overcome them. You can soak minor things like 'the other guy just imploded the universe on you' off with one. You can parry infinite damage attacks with a toothpick using one. You can dodge things like the big bang going off.

Yes, megaten has a lot of firepower. No, it is not enough to brute force a Perfect Defense. No amount of force is enough to brute force one.

Witness the success of the perfect shaping defense lolnoping the attempt to unmake us by Kagutsuchi during the whole 'holding the wards that keep the universe in existence' bit as proof, if you want, but accept it anyway. Perfect defenses are just that.
Grosstoad said:

If Nyarly finds a surefire way to screw humanity, he might take it, damn any promises.
The difference between Nyarly and Luci is that one is controllable if not outright cowable in the mid to long term.

Luci is not. And if we're Nyarly's only out, because everyone else is going to be snatched up by one of any other number of powers running around in the Vortex world, then we don't have to worry about him double dealing.

Hell, so long as he the exaltation can keep us free of his more debilitating mental influences, we should be fine.
Turning the whole humanity into sunshine and butterflies is probably an impossible goal, and before you say Solar and Exalt, note that other Reasons would oppose this (I think), as well as the ethical implication of basically culling half of each person's free will.
The collective subconcious isn't about free will. It's simply the conceptualized, sentient aggregate of humanities consciousness.
Turning off the dark side of man means turning off Nyarly, so he is not turned into something more palatable. He is just gone, which actually coincides with his goal, so he will aid you in that aspect. But then there will be just Philemon, who might not be so happy with that outcome?
I can't remember his personality. He comes off as confusing in Sin and Punishment's endings.
He wins the game. He's not the type to get emotionally invested in such upheaval. All of that passion and whatnot is invested in Nyarly. And besides, by getting rid of Nyarly, another representation will take his place, for everything about humanity that isn't defined by Philemon.

It really is a win-win.
Also, being all sunshine and butterflies might imply a certain passivity to domination... Oh, I guess some factions might be willing to help that cause then.
Once we hit Primordial, barring the absolute top tiers if we play our cards right, then we'll be able to call the shots completely.

What's most important is that we make it so that neither Law nor Chaos are appealing to the masses in comparison to our alternative. A True Human Reason.
Unsure if sarcasm on the YHVH side, since he does not care unless his portion of worship income is damaged, I think?
Actually he does. One of his major reasons for engaging in random mass genocide.
All the patrons of each Reasons will attempt to tug at Amu's heartstring, it is a given.
Play on them? She is still an Exalt, so they might just nudge indirectly but not outright manipulate her.
Nyarly is the only one that could, because he has the ability to get through a potential loophole in our supernatural lie detector.

This is an advantage that every other force lacks. It'll be a massive boon to us when it comes time to deal with enemy Reasons as Hito-Shura begins roaming.

If it ever gets to that point.
I don't really remember my Nocturne lore (from wikis only, didn't play) so mind explaining the Reasons for me and the rest of the voters?
Or will that be too much spoiler, hmm?
Too spoiler, sorry :p
Happerry said:
Perfect defenses are just that. Perfect. Explicitly, no amount of firepower can overcome them. You can soak minor things like 'the other guy just imploded the universe on you' off with one. You can parry infinite damage attacks with a toothpick using one. You can dodge things like the big bang going off.

Yes, megaten has a lot of firepower. No, it is not enough to brute force a Perfect Defense. No amount of force is enough to brute force one.

Witness the success of the perfect shaping defense lolnoping the attempt to unmake us by Kagutsuchi during the whole 'holding the wards that keep the universe in existence' bit as proof, if you want, but accept it anyway. Perfect defenses are just that.
Er, yes, we sure did a bang up job lolnoping Kagatsuchi's universal reset without any negative consequences whatsoever even though he was really just too tired from wiping out literally the rest of creation to focus on us too much.

What's that? Will being knocked out? The exaltation being forced into a repair mode? Being nearly baked alive? That random thing of being forced out of her own body?


Just a random coincidence.