Do we roll Wits or Intelligence with War?
And it sounds like we have a fairly solid training regime lined up. Get the last dot in Lore on our way back while Ran's getting her 2nd dot in Archery and starts on the third. We can probably quick learn the Awareness dot and Charm on the way back. Get Amu's 2nd dot in Archery, fuse with Ran and quick learn the Archery Charms.
After that we can check up on the situation, by this point someone probably knows about the Harmonizer and should have brought it to Fumi/Miki's attention. We have no idea how long this is going to take though, so...
Anyway if shit's going down we can start to bombard whatever's doing it if not we can take the time to wrap up the War dots we need to be that much more frighteningly effective when we start going Dawn/God-General all over our forces. Either way we should grab the Archery Charms because we either have shit going down or we can act as O-tillery for our forces at the drop of a hat if they need it.
We could switch out Amu's 2nd dot of Archery to get a fourth dot of War, but frankly I think we need the skill in Archery to make sure we come close to hitting them at least.
But we don't necessarily need archery to get through hell week in the first place. Assuming it's still on that is, Merek just up and left after all. I'm pretty sure that's not part of Hell week, when the Sepentrion engages the Angels and then leaves.
Frankly does Hell week even still make sense at this point, isn't the one responsible kicked from his throne right now? Kagutsuchi is running the main show now, no?
Aside of that, if we only try playing the most safe ever, we won't get to the better outcomes. We had to gamble a bit previously as well. Should we really be sacrificing our growth potential for so long, for something we might not even need to win?
Sure we'd lose more people and hero units assuming it's hell week after all. But we'd be gaining in alternate units instead. And there Amu is a much more capable general then Hotsuin, it's likely losses would be far more limited anyway. Especially if we analyze the Harmonizer as soon as possible.
We can train the archery thing afterwards if need be. Humanity in the short term should have enough weapons and things stored away to hold the line reasonably well still.
Still, that's my take on things.
Besides, if we go all in on Archery, can we still do anything for places like Korea? They should have lots of Hero units there as well. Keeping the place alive longer, as well as organized, would be another way to blunt future attacks.
We have a lot of resources lying around, if we can but organize and utilize them. These would long term probably get us much more then immediate combat ability as well.
I'm going to say it, yet again, we have Miki, Fumi, and Su/Utau already working on the Dragon Seal issue. And we're going to grab a Lore dot on the way back likely, there's nothing else we can do.
As for moving resources around, we have no dots in Bureaucracy, so the only thing we'll be moving is Military units and those are included in the current plan.
And I'm getting a little frustrated because I know I've said this before, but I'll put it a different way: There is no Long-Term. And we can't afford to assume there will be a long-term without our intervention because we still have shit coming at our faces at mach 5, even if the surprise of us being here and keeping so much of the world intact is causing changes and making them hesitate some, we just can't afford to assume we'll have time.
Okay, on rereading I think we can probably dump AST, and therefore ToUS, and might not have much use for a sniper build at all. I've been operating under the mistaken assumption that we have to worry about many more angels than we actually have to; between nukes and the Septentriones' assistance (seriously, what's up with that?), I suspect JPs should be able to mop up the rest with only a bit of Exalted leadership and occult know-how. At most, we would need to shoot down one or two stragglers, and I suspect we can get away without that.
The Septentriones themselves, of course, are another matter.
If we can get the Harmonizer out we probably could, I assume by the time we have the training finished we could drop by to ask how long they think it might take to actually finish and distribute it, so we'll have to see then I think.