Self-Insert Idea Thread

One idea I found myself thinking is a sort of "future looking back" sort of narrative. Basically the OP isekai character did their thing in the distant past and people are trying to piece things together. Bonus points if the character is immortal but keeps a low profile.

The idea came from that old "self insert ends up as an immortal nanobot infused guy in a post-post-apocalyptic magical Earth" concept I have but I keep imagining parable like narratives that make it sound like Buddhist scripture which resulted in imagining it as a "look back in history" narrative.

Yeah, I'd most definitely read that, @Yama951. If you decide to actually write it, just let me know please.
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Also, why have I seen exactly 0 SI's for the bravely series? I mean, bravely seconds' subtitle is
send player
. Writes itself my dude.
I've been toying with a Self-Insert idea for a little bit now. Hence, uh, this post.

Story starts in Pokemon, but is a multicross as the SI stumbles across something in a ruin which dumps her and her Pokemon into another setting and she ends up going on a journey through multiple settings to get back to the world of Pokemon. Currently thinking Mass Effect or Star Wars, City of Heroes or Marvel/DC, My Hero Academia, maybe Harry Potter, maybe Percy Jackson, a couple sword and sorcery settings (I'm torn between way too many here, need to narrow it down to just one or two). That sort of thing. Complications include it being like 14 years since she last even heard of any of these settings, other people displaced from their realities (either pseudo-SI characters or characters from one setting or another wandering into a new one), and her being a minor side character in the Pokemon anime in one of the near-modern settings. As well as needing to find a way in each world to leave to the next (torn between an Exiles-esque Tallus-like artifact that can do it but needs random task accomplished or just outright needing to find a new method in each setting).

Thing is, her team isn't exactly a six mon master class in ideal gameplay. She's got a Torchic and a Honedge and that's kind of it. Honedge does let her theoretically blend with fantasy settings (right up until they notice the eyeball and then her stealth goes negative real fucking quick lol) but neither is exactly a powerhouse and she's not a battler herself either, so she is not exactly coming into these settings like an OCP for a while there. Maybe once Torchic evolves.

(also the first time she ends up in an effectively modern+ setting she's going to trip face first into the fact that settings not Pokemon and not medieval usually frown on children wandering the countryside)
Sounds interesting, I'll give you that.

I do try to write some guidelines before start writing an proof/pilot chapter.
Also.... Persona-lly, got a bit of an interesting story idea while buggering about in a Danmachi SI thread over in QQ... and don't worry, it's not lewd.

Basically... drop an SI into the deeper levels of the Dungeon... with the FeMC from Persona 3 Portable and PQ2, and have them join the Loki Familia. Admittedly, I have lot more planned for the FeMC -rolling with Hamuko, y'know, to make her a distinct entity separate from Minato-, and this idea could function without an SI in the mix, but first and foremost, I am an SI writer.

Granted, the idea is very loosey-goosey, and I haven't even finished reading the novels that're out, but still felt like sharing the idea...whereas another idea is more... well, solid-ish in my head.
Would help you but never watched or played any of the persona games (not exactly fan of Turn Based games) or heard of Danmachi and frankly, can't think much of it.

whereas another idea is more... well, solid-ish in my head.

Basically... take an OC Magus built with a Fate CYOA... and replace their mind with an SI's, and toss them into either:

Similary. While I had heard of Fire Emblems, can't say I'm knowledgeable about it but in any case, good luck and thank you for the suggestions feedback.

In another note, I'd like to that those are the Class Cards I had chosen for the SI. I did said that he was an Homunculi tailored for some of the most Prana extensive Class Cards, whose Noble Phantasm or even existence can drain an normal Magus and kill them under repeated use but he can 'safety' uses it for being taliored for it. The Cards aren't Ainsworth made and is going to be an revelation for later.

Knight Classes:
  • Archer - Arjuna.
  • Lancer - Romulus-Quirinus.* (The most strongest card of his arsenal that could keep up high powered beings but also the most energy consuming due to [Nine Lives Roma], The Second Nuclear Option.)
Calvary Classes:
  • Rider: Francis Drake.
  • Assassin: Hassan-I-Sabbah (King Hassan)* (Second Nuclear Option)
*: Choice of cards was deliberate, As former grand servants, they are still even powerful within the normal Servant System; to not make the SI OP from this, its reflected in the risk they pose to him upon using their cards which has them as last resort option. Romulus-Quirinus can be compared to SSJ3, High Amount of raw power but very depleting thanks to his always active Noble Phantasm "Nine Lives - Roma Style". King Hassan is similar but not as draining as him but gives him the weird sensation as if he is being watched and thus, feel uneasy to continue use him.

  • Saber: Originally I was going to use Miyamoto Musashi but officially, as in the Cosmo of the Lostbelt, she no longer exist in the Throne of Heroes and, unlike Solomon who has an possibility to appear even after Ars Nova, In her case, it was a complete erasure and thus removing the possibility of an Class Card of her.
Then went for Nero mostly because she isn't an competent Saber. It as isn't, Admittedly, her strongest class but it does make her one of the SI's go to go class cards for extended combat, so no Excalblasts but Imperial Privilege full throttle being the most draining aspect of her (and the following migraines which make forget the abilities after battles), couple with her Noble Phantasm. Other choices being Sigurd, an speedy Saber to contrast to an Swordman Assassin that is King Hassan and then there is Siegfried and Arthur or even Artoria Alter because an Saberface is a huge plus.​
  • Caster: This has been harder me, for the requirement I'm looking for Casters are decent Item Construction and Territory Creation as the SI doesn't have much training on Magecraft beyond Healing and Alchemy, so it's been narrowed down to Leonardo da Vinci, Paracelsus, Asclepius and Artoria (Yes, she have an Caster version but lacks Item Construction, something I seek.) The Madeas, Circe and Queen of Sheba were once considered but gotta balance Female-Male Class Card ratio.**
  • Berserker: Between Caligula, Darius or Lancelot, Dearly considering dropping Caligula as Throne of Quirinus and Nero's Imperial Privileges (if she were to be considered as Saber) overlaps with each other (And too many Romans already), ironically, they're the less draining and rather powerful but trades, as in Berserker fashion, Sanity for Power. (First Nuclear Option)
**: Another issue he have on the cards, upon installation an card opposite to his gender, the class would turn him into that gender. He does look like an short-haired Illyasviel after using an female Heroic Spirit's Class Card, he return to be an Male once using an Class Card of a Male Heroic Spirit.

As for why this, I wanted to add another layer to the unwillingness of using the Class Cards unless the situation demands it.

Originally I do wanted to include the Extra Classes (Ruler [Sherlock Holmes or Astraea], Avenger [Oda Nobunaga or Edmond Dantes], and Alter Ego [Okita Alter or Sitonai]), in fact, the original idea is for him to have only the extra classes for the duration of the fic or win the other class cards that manifested as Blackened Servants but decided against it, mostly because it won't be enough.

It does look like to shaping up to be an powerful deck, isn't it? Just remember the setting he is going to be inserted and you'll see that isn't very impressive but I'm looking for something decent, an balanced deck that has Utility, Survivability, Support coupled with Raw Power and Nuking potential in some regard. The SI is an Einzbern Homunculi that is essentially an huge mana reservoir, no Grail material but still large enough to support the transformation and use them as if they were manifested Servants next to a Master in a Holy Grail War thanks to his large amount of Magic Circuits and has innate knowledge of Alchemy and Healing Magecraft. Sounds like the start of a bad wish fulfillment fic within the start of an bad crossover setting as starting world, right?

it appears that way and while it might be true in the first glance but what I'm trying to make is quite the opposite, in reality, the SI is among the weakest even with all the improvements and won't grow much beyond it as being almost limited to just Magecraft, Alchemy and Class Cards. Compared him to the many players in the setting he won't last an chance in a prolonged confrontation, his only goal is to survive in what looks like to be the End of the World and search an way to leave. While powerful on the mooks, what chance he have against Z-Fighters' main enemies, the remnant of the Shinobi Alliance, Madara and oportunistic high profile ninjas and beings, Hollows and Arrancars, DIO and the Pillermen, and many, many more?

In short, what can he do against physical, living Gods? In the game, it was never explained why they all can fight in an equal manner, it never made sense other than gameplay and story segregation, this is why the Setting is gonna be seen as the End of the World because there is no gameplay limitation.

I'm using Jump Force setting and reimagining it with the SI as an rather strong, magical bystander and the basis of why dimensional conection to awesome worlds once thought be fictional and allowing travel is an bad idea not because of some weakening dimensional barrier but rather folks from the other side want to visit too. The whole plot of the Jump Force its gonna be ignored, more or less it plays on the background on favor on what happen around.

In other words, this is gonna be sort of reversed Multicross for the meantime. The SI doesn't go to other worlds, those worlds' inhabitants will after him instead in a manner of speaking.
I've been toying with a Self-Insert idea for a little bit now. Hence, uh, this post.

Story starts in Pokemon, but is a multicross as the SI stumbles across something in a ruin which dumps her and her Pokemon into another setting and she ends up going on a journey through multiple settings to get back to the world of Pokemon. Currently thinking Mass Effect or Star Wars, City of Heroes or Marvel/DC, My Hero Academia, maybe Harry Potter, maybe Percy Jackson, a couple sword and sorcery settings (I'm torn between way too many here, need to narrow it down to just one or two). That sort of thing. Complications include it being like 14 years since she last even heard of any of these settings, other people displaced from their realities (either pseudo-SI characters or characters from one setting or another wandering into a new one), and her being a minor side character in the Pokemon anime in one of the near-modern settings. As well as needing to find a way in each world to leave to the next (torn between an Exiles-esque Tallus-like artifact that can do it but needs random task accomplished or just outright needing to find a new method in each setting).

Thing is, her team isn't exactly a six mon master class in ideal gameplay. She's got a Torchic and a Honedge and that's kind of it. Honedge does let her theoretically blend with fantasy settings (right up until they notice the eyeball and then her stealth goes negative real fucking quick lol) but neither is exactly a powerhouse and she's not a battler herself either, so she is not exactly coming into these settings like an OCP for a while there. Maybe once Torchic evolves.

(also the first time she ends up in an effectively modern+ setting she's going to trip face first into the fact that settings not Pokemon and not medieval usually frown on children wandering the countryside)
Been thinking more about this one.

I'm torn between three ideas for the multiverse mechanism though (or rather two with a third trailing behind just interesting enough to maybe pick lol).

One: Into the Unown! Things happen, and the Unown are scattered across the multiverse. SI-Renee is then needing to track them all down in order to get home. Theoretical maximum of 27 settings (starts with one to get to/find the others), but probably establish early that some settings have more than one present. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the Unown, some settings would have them being harnessed for evil or otherwise in a Situation she needs to resolve quick-like. Probably the other characters traversing settings would also be doing so via Unown, so that would be another hiccup to resolve.

Two: Distortion World shenanigans. In each setting she would be trying to track down stuff to help her basically dungeon crawl the joint - navigation aids, things to help combat whatever is in it or on the other side of the next portal, peeps who might want to join in, etcetera. Maybe also have the entryway and the exit be different, so she needs to do ruin delving and legend tracking to find the door. Probably have Cyrus up to some shit.

Distant third: Weird Rock. I have many Weird Rock. SI-Renee would no doubt pick one up lol. Here she would be trying to find people or things to help her understand the artifact she found, to aim and activate it reliably and therefore get home. I don't really have as much to do with this, but at the same time I also don't have as much to do with this - focus would be more on the setting SI-Renee is in than on the main quest of sorts.
I have a weird idea for a SI, where their memories of the setting get retconned by the changes that they make. They'd be aware of the changes, because they'd remember what they did while acting on the old memories, so it'd effectively be an obtuse form of precognition. I think it'd let a SI integrate more readily into the setting, like a Worm Thinker or a Warhammer Fantasy mage who'd had a miscast. Not sure which setting it'd be best in, though.
I have a weird idea for a SI, where their memories of the setting get retconned by the changes that they make. They'd be aware of the changes, because they'd remember what they did while acting on the old memories, so it'd effectively be an obtuse form of precognition. I think it'd let a SI integrate more readily into the setting, like a Worm Thinker or a Warhammer Fantasy mage who'd had a miscast. Not sure which setting it'd be best in, though.

Huh… I'd actually be interested in reading something with that sort of premise. Consider my interest piqued.
So I have an idea with an SI who has done multiple reincarnations (like a dozen or something - though it doesn't have to be that many) and are so done with everything. They just want to rest but they keep getting pulled into the plot.

I just have this image of them being reincarnated into Valyria in ASOIAF/GOT, but accidentally surviving the Doom (they couldn't be bothered leaving), and are to tired to care about saving people or anything. They just want to kill the ice zombies and then live in peace somewhere, and no they don't want to be king/queen or create another Freehold, so leave them alone you crazy people! Please and Thank You.

Or maybe they get reincarnated into DC as say Lex Luthor, but are tired of the superhero and supervillain thing, and just want to better humanity by curing cancer or making clean energy or whatever. Things that we all know Lex could do if he let go of his obsession with Superman/taking over the world. But the Justice League, or whoever, keep getting suspicious and interfering. And what's this about having a kid with Superman!?
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Random Question:

Who's someone (or a member of a species) that it would be terrible to be SI'd into?
Creatures with very short lifespans, too, maybe? I'm thinking something like one of Nilbog's (ya know, from Worm) subjects, or replicants from Blade Runner (the original one), or something like that.
Admittedly, an SI with that premise is likely going to be mostly about the main characters mad scramble for survival, and the awfulness of their new form would also be dependent on how readily available any potential means to extend their life are. (For instance, a replicant would probably be mostly out of luck, since accepting the end was such a big part of the movie's premise and as such is probably basically hard-coded into that universe, but if one of Nilbog's subjects managed to cozy up to a parahuman with an appropriate power - like Panacea or Bonesaw (or maybe even Dragon, considering) - chancesare they could last a lot longer.
Isekai tend to be very game like or game based, so I got hit with this idea.

Isekai person gets a power based on the games they played/enjoyed in life, not all the game, just the big ones.

Works as a Jumpchain-ish Self Insert idea as well. Especially if the games synergies in the same genre.

Personally, I played a lot of grand strategy games like Stellaris and CK3, city builders like Anno, the Democracy 4 game, and Monster Prom to put a curve ball. So I imagine the resulting power would be related to logistics at some level with a given best two options depending on the stats.

Another take would be Pokémon, MtG, Mystic Empyrean, Sufficiently Advanced, and DnD. A power that takes from those as inspiration would also be different, likely focused on the whole type metaphysical systems perhaps.
I've been devouring the SIs/Isekai stories that I can find on this website for the Fandoms that I like (MHA, YJ, YGO, HP, etc). It was nice finding new reading material after exhausting FFnet and AO3 for the most part. I actually didn't read any Young Justice SIs before finding this website (haven't watched it either), but after dabbling reading some good ones (like Pyroclasm and Assimilation), I'm considering watching Young Justice such so I can write an SI/Isekai. Although tbh the "SI" title is more meant to be SI-OC because writing myself sounds terribly dull.

I never know what powers I'd want to give my Isekai-ed MC though. I love the Omnitrix from Ben 10, which lets the user morph into aliens. It has a built-in power balance of having a time limit (which is inconsistent to meet the needs of the author, which adds to its appeal). I also wouldn't mind writing some kind of magical girl thing. Like an angsty edgy teen boy whose power is to turn into a magical girl whose power derives from love and hope and stuff (a funny contrast, imo). Although, one thing I notice in many Young Justice SIs is that the MC tends to express disapproval over the League's refusal to kill. Personally, I can't imagine myself killing someone, and most of my MC ideas tend to revolve around hopeful/bright MCs who would likely have a similar stance as the league.

I don't know if this is the right thread for it, but I'm curious on people's thoughts on the morality of SIs/Isekai MCs and how it compliments or contrasts with your favorite fandoms.
the MC tends to express disapproval over the League's refusal to kill. Personally, I can't imagine myself killing someone, and most of my MC ideas tend to revolve around hopeful/bright MCs who would likely have a similar stance as the league.
Less "Kill All the Villains and people who cause trouble", and more "Kill specific villains if they show no sign of stopping, have repeatedly crossed lines, and is definitly going to do so again"?
Less "Kill All the Villains and people who cause trouble", and more "Kill specific villains if they show no sign of stopping, have repeatedly crossed lines, and is definitly going to do so again"?
I'm kinda wishiwashi on that stance. As a fanfiction writer, when I see something that I believe is 'dumb", I like to instead provide a reason that the characters in-world are doing it. Like I agree that there are issues with the villains constantly being freed and causing more problems, and I don't totally understand why the Justice League allows this to happen. I haven't even watched the DC or anything. But from my limited understanding and random clips on Youtube, I understand with Superman he doesn't want to concede to those dark voices in his head. I'm guessing Batman's rule is to prevent his vigilantism becoming the villainy he's trying to stop. Maybe they believe the courts should decide if someone deserves the death sentence? And they're basically just cops who arrest them and bring them in? I haven't actually watched any DC...all my knowledge is from the SIs on this website.

Although, it's totally okay that writers write their SIs to dislike and actively disagree with the Justice League. I'm the just the person that would have their character agree/work with the Justice League where possible. Although I do love the idea of faction building. If someone had an SI strong enough (Superman+), they could likely create their own version of the Justice League. There'd be lots of legal issues and conflict, though, especially if they're willing to kill. They'd likely need to have an agreement with one or more governments.
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I'm kinda wishiwashi on that stance. As a fanfiction writer, when I see something that I believe is 'dumb", I like to instead provide a reason that the characters in-world are doing it. Like I agree that there are issues with the villains constantly being freed and causing more problems, and I don't totally understand why the Justice League allows this to happen. I haven't even watched the DC or anything. But from my limited understanding and random clips on Youtube, I understand with Superman he doesn't want to concede to those dark voices in his head. I'm guessing Batman's rule is to prevent his vigilantism becoming the villainy he's trying to stop. Maybe they believe the courts should decide if someone deserves the death sentence? And they're basically just cops who arrest them and bring them in? I haven't actually watched any DC...all my knowledge is from the SIs on this website.

Although, it's totally okay that writers write their SIs to dislike and actively disagree with the Justice League. I'm the just the person that would have their character agree/work with the Justice League where possible. Although I do love the idea of faction building. If someone had an SI strong enough (Superman+), they could likely create their own version of the Justice League. There'd be lots of legal issues and conflict, though, especially if they're willing to kill. They'd likely need to have an agreement with one or more governments.
i think one of the main things is that they generally see it as a slippery slope(a view which various series often tend to agree with), and also tend to think that all but the worst could redeemed, or that they really just need mental and emotional help. it's also a commonality of the members not trusting themselves with this whole sorta thing.
also, the suggestion of the si-built antihero justice league is making me think of both the 'alternate universe where they jumped the slippery slope' stories.
i think one of the main things is that they generally see it as a slippery slope(a view which various series often tend to agree with), and also tend to think that all but the worst could redeemed, or that they really just need mental and emotional help. it's also a commonality of the members not trusting themselves with this whole sorta thing.
also, the suggestion of the si-built antihero justice league is making me think of both the 'alternate universe where they jumped the slippery slope' stories.

Mmm, the 'slipperly slope' theory is a good one. If the Justice League takes it upon themselves to kill villains, where do they stop? It's also a contributing factor irl to why the death penalty is such a complicated and nuanced issue (and extremely lengthy process). If the Justice League ever did want to explore that, I feel like it should have chains made by the governments of Earth. Like 'this is who you're allowed to use lethal force against in situations A, B, & C'.

Although on a related note, I do like the kindness that JL seems to have. They want to help everyone and takes risks to do so. It's pretty inspiring.

Tbh, I can't even imagine trying to defy the League. SIs that do make my eyes go wide. I'm like "you want to make an enemy out of superman? batman? etc".
Btw, I'm new to this forum. Any specific discussions in this 200+ page thread that someone would recommend reading? Also, is this thread specifically only for pitching SI ideas, or can it be used to discuss SI/Isekai concepts/tropes/etc? Or should I make a separate thread for that?
Cross posted from SB

In Another World With Fantastical Powers And A Magical 2016 Hyundai Sonata 2.0T Limited 4 Door Sedan That I'm Using to Evade The Agents of A Fantasy!Chinese Imperial Government Because The Toxicity Of Ancient Chinese Imperial Court Culture Is Something That I Refuse To Deal With And Also Because I Am American And I Refuse To Compromise On My Ideals Which Would Likely Lead To Significant Issues For Other.People Who I Would Be Morally Obligated To Bail Out And Thus I Avoid It In The First Place By Running Away Forever And Yes I'm Aware Of That Hypocrisy And No I Don't Really Care.

Yes. I have achieved peak light novel. Fear me for I have achieved ascension.


I Woke Up In Another World In An Apartment With A Hangover And Found Out That My Estranged Father Was Actually A Noble Who Decided To Give Me A Lot Of Military Hardware In His Will And Now I'm Trying To Dodge A Bushido Maniac Which Probably Warrants Putting More Armor Between Me And The World But I Really Like The One I'm Driving Right Now So I Guess I'll Just See If I Can Upgrade It Or Something. or. A Space Feudalism Isekai, The Quest For Double Heat Sinks. or. Yes The Phoenix Hawk Runs A Little Hot, It's A Good Mech Fuck You.
Something I wish people would do with SI/Isekai is actually explore certain themes more like the expectation one feels is placed on themselves to fix things/how much interference is good when inserted into a world they're familiar with (companion chronicles does a great job with this). Or having the SI have no knowledge about the world but exploring how they have an innate arrogance since they reincarnated into a new world with their memories intact, so they're just expecting for good things to happen to them and the ramifications of such thinking. Or they end up determined to fix every wrong they find since they now have power and the dangers of such action (there's an amazing Obi Wan SI that explores that).