Self-Insert Idea Thread

Something I wish people would do with SI/Isekai is actually explore certain themes more like the expectation one feels is placed on themselves to fix things/how much interference is good when inserted into a world they're familiar with (companion chronicles does a great job with this). Or having the SI have no knowledge about the world but exploring how they have an innate arrogance since they reincarnated into a new world with their memories intact, so they're just expecting for good things to happen to them and the ramifications of such thinking. Or they end up determined to fix every wrong they find since they now have power and the dangers of such action (there's an amazing Obi Wan SI that explores that).
I think I've read that one, too. It's pretty dope.
Also, I can understand where you are coming from, but at least the "how much can I interfere"-part in SIs where the inserted guy/gal/other wants to preserve foreknowledge or something generally annoys me - it feels like a frankly paralyzing trope, just from a writing perspective, and basically demands you stick to the stations of canon and not write any original ideas.

But apart from that, yeah, I, too, can appreciate a well written, intelligent introspective. Even if we only look at the bog-standard medieval fantasy isekai, there are already a lot of things a person with modern sensibilities should take issue with: how monarchy/nobility is, by it's very nature, oppressive, even if the ruler in question is a benevolent one; how the local church for some reason just has the monopoly on healing, and everybody is somehow okay with it; how intelligent, sapient species are casually hunted and killed simply for being "evil", whatever that means; how all the magic people hoard their knowledge instead of sharing/propagating it, despite the fact that it could likely enrich and ease the life of every man, woman, and child in the world.
And exploring those things should be really interesting - how cool can you be with the good wise king if he eats from golden plates if the plucky street urchin who helped you the other day is on the streets because her parents starved to death?
Most of the time that shit gets just glossed over.
Also, I can understand where you are coming from, but at least the "how much can I interfere"-part in SIs where the inserted guy/gal/other wants to preserve foreknowledge or something generally annoys me - it feels like a frankly paralyzing trope, just from a writing perspective, and basically demands you stick to the stations of canon and not write any original ideas.
Yeah, I fully agree I meant more along the lines of how Companion Chronicles covered interference during the Worm Jump. Where the issue was the interpersonal interference where you force yourself into the life of someone you know so much more about. Yeah I've seen many authors try to have the MC keep Canon intact and only one had major consequences. It was an MHA SI where the MC's lack of interference resulted in the death of an important character. That was a nice touch, wasn't a fan of the story overall but I appreciated the author's willingness to have major consequences.

Also another thing I wish happened more was everything going off the rails in SI stories. One that does it amazingly well is, Not so Speedy (Young Justice SI), everything thing goes nuts and canon was completely upturned. It's a great balance of good and bad things happening because of the ensuing chaos.
Considering a Star Vs. the Forces of Evil SI into Star Butterfly. Does anyone else think that'd be interesting or have thoughts on it? I'm just hoping I'm not the only one who still loves SVtFoE, lol.
I've been sitting and thinking about writing an SI within the general story of the spectrobe games to find some answers for the plot that are never going to get an answer.
That and I haven't seen any Spectrobe fics so far.
And I jumped off and wrote the first chapter and now need feedback on it.
Because it's been quite a while since those games came out I am writing it assuming that the reader knows nothing.
The general themes are going to be how much of their humanity the SI is willing to cut away, how they escape the control of a drama enjoying megalomaniac and how maybe something worse than tyranids is stopped in its tracks.

I found that setting always interesting, because it's one of those neat little games that try to follow the pokemon formula while mentioning off hand that something ate a solar system a few lightyears away. (The whole system including the star)

The general plot revolved around the conflict between Spectrobes and Krawl, with Spectrobes being combat monsters and the Krawl being all kinds of forms a shoggoth may take on.
In the second game High Krawl get revealed as leaders of the swarm, but practically nothing is done with them.
They are kind of just generic bosses, with some hint that more is going on, with somewhat hidden power dynamics.
Then they all die and there's nothing more coming from that direction.
So perfect fanfiction bait.
Two Ideas:

Toying With You! (DC/Technical Multi Cross SI)

A young girl is teleported to The DC Universe with nothing but some liscenced toys and an odd intelligence boost. A series of unexpected events leads to her becoming the D-List Supervillain Toywoman, with her 9 aforementioned toys being given sentience by some reprogrammed, stolen tech inserted into them. Shenanigans and the occasional jail sentence ensue.

You're Now a Lion? How Rich!

After a horrible accident, a young man is Reincarnated into the One Piece world!... As Richie . After bemoaning being stuck in such an inconvenient position for a bit, "Richie" resolves to abandon the Buggy Pirates and become a good pirate of his own! Many, many difficulties ensue.

Thoughts on either?
You're Now a Lion? How Rich!

After a horrible accident, a young man is Reincarnated into the One Piece world!... As Richie . After bemoaning being stuck in such an inconvenient position for a bit, "Richie" resolves to abandon the Buggy Pirates and become a good pirate of his own! Many, many difficulties ensue.
Of the two, I prefer this one. I think the premise is more comedic.
I assume as Richie, being a lion, the SI probably can't talk, so unless he can write (sort of a toss-up: I'm reasonably sure they use Kanji in that setting, but it'd probably be okay if you'd handwave it) he'd probably have to keep Mohji around to translate.
Which could make for great comedy, I'd think. Mohji is a choleric goofball clown, pretty much anything he'd do would be an excuse to fail hilariously.
(sort of a toss-up: I'm reasonably sure they use Kanji in that setting, but it'd probably be okay if you'd handwave it)
No, the spoken and written language is a weird mix of English and Japanese, with the written part IIRC leaning a lot more on the English side in the Grand Line.
Athough the written language of some of the Sky Peoples seems to be a lot more Japanese than other examples, and there are the occasional additions of things like French or Spanish on specific islands.
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Young Justice - Precious Little Chaos

One day Klarion, the very Lord of Chaos himself, was bored. Of course, chaos can't stay bored for long, so he did the most chaotic thing in the modern world, pressed random button on the search engine. What came out was article about the importance of leaving legacy for the future generation, blah blah blah, kids that are left on their own, sometime develop in unexpected ways. The internet picked that, so he decided to follow it. He also just knew the guy who will help him with that.
A few hours later, Klarion found himself in Cadmus, facing big dilemma. There are four samples in front of him, and he need to choose one. Basically, he will assist with the creation of new life. Half of it will include him (to be precise Teekl DNA, because his familiar is the closes thing to chaos that can produce DNA, just a little big of magic and it's human one instead of cat. Hmm, or maybe he used chaos magic to to create random sample with huge potential for chaos magic?) and another half will be choose from the samples before him. Joker, the infamous insane villaine, whose madness when combined with chaos will certainly produce interesting result. One of guys with the green rings, no idea what will happen if they are choosen. Kent Nelson, arguably the most orderly oriented normal human mage around. Zatanna/Zatara, seemingly normal human mage if on the more powerfull side.
Pondering for a few minutes, the choise is made, and then Klarion leave. After all, the explicitly stated that the less time the spawn spend with the parent, more interesting will be the results. ... A few days/weeks/months later Klarion will hear how Cadmus was attacked, what goes for his son/daughter/spawn somehow joined the opposition. He used a little chaos magic and report about how his creation expression of chaos formed, which was: (The following will be the power OC have depending on the other DNA sample used.)
Madness Magic - Joker, sample - Oh, his favourite creation invented new way to use magic. One that while less directed to chaos, is still chaotic. Plus the more of it is used, the more the user lose reason due to insanity. Sadly, the said effect dissapear if this new type of magic isn't used, but this new field is easy to use. How easy to use? Well, almost anyone with the slightest big of magical potential will be able to use it, after all magic alwayse have a price and sanity is somethhing valuble, but there are still lots of people ready to use it as currency. The next time his favourite is encountered there will be small reward for him. Right now, Klarion share some all of this on the internet.
Constructs - Green Lanter, sample - The magic form basic construct, which isn't chaotic at all. Klarion is disappointed with the result and will show it to his spawn the next time it's encountered.
Lawful Chaotic - Zatanna/Zatara, sample - Kent Nelson, sample - Well, that is interesting. Klarion had no idea that chaos and order can be combined to create, whatever this is. It use components of both, but there are a lot of restriction. Basicly, he need focus of sort, and a few ground rules, to be able to use the magic. There is one fully developed way, and one that is currently being invented. Card summoning, which is basicly creating deck of cards, shuffle it and draw one, summon whatever is on it or make some effect appear. The other one is something that even Klarion himself have no idea how it's suppose to work. Basicly, it is suppose to look at other realities, useing "The Bleed" as refference point, and then summon copy of the first thing that fill pre-select trait, like "tentacle monster" or "sexy demon girl". The intereting part is, that unlike the cards, they will posses free will, ei haveing greated chaos potential, which will make them a lot stronger than summoning construct that are mindless or only imitate mind. Klarion think it's best to wait and see, for now he isn't impressed, maybe a little motivation will help his creation work harder on developing themself?
Wild Magic - The magic work like normal magic, except sometime it dosen't. All spells that are used have chance to be altered and do more, do less or do something completely unexpected. It's like clicking on "Random" button each time magic is used. Klarion find it funny and can't wait to see how bad/good this will backfire.
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No, the spoken and written language is a weird mix of English and Japanese, with the written part IIRC leaning a lot more on the English side in the Grand Line.
Athough the written language of some of the Sky Peoples seems to be a lot more Japane additions of things like French or Spanish on specific islands.
If that's true One Piece is even better than I thought it was. I'd honestly not think Oda'd go that far in with his worldbuilding.

But that probably means you could justify having the SI learn how to read/write at an accelerated pace - if some of the script is derived from English, then grammar and stuff would probably be similar as well.
So I have been looking and I haven't found any Jawa self insert (yet) I probably have not found it yet.

What I want is to read a story that a SI gets himself reborn as a Force sensitive Jawa And does not become a Jedi or Sith what I was thinking was the first force order he ran across are the Matukai then decide to seek out and learn from other small groups.

Later maybe he becomes a mandalorian maybe start a house or clan go back to tatooine pickup more jawa's for it maybe make contact with Anakin.
Here's a Naruto SI fanfic I found:

Comic System in Naruto's World

Summary: I, Akabane was graduated from the university of arts & design in the 21st century then suddenly traversed into the Naruto's world, by bringing my knowledge of arts and my love of Naruto comic I decided to recreate Naruto comic here… [Ding! Comic System has been activated!] Great! Ninjutsu? Kekkei Genkai? As long as I can draw more comics, I would be unmatched! …Or am I?

Thoughts? Cause I'm wishing for a Fairy Tail version of this fanfic.
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Here's a thing that's been in my mind.
I, Gendo.

Tou wake up one day as Gendo Ikari, leader of NERV and leading the fight against the Angels. How will you respond when you're tasked with trying to bring about Instrumentality and repair your bond with your son?

Something to think about
Here's a thing that's been in my mind.
I, Gendo.

Tou wake up one day as Gendo Ikari, leader of NERV and leading the fight against the Angels. How will you respond when you're tasked with trying to bring about Instrumentality and repair your bond with your son?

Something to think about
At which point? If it's already episode 1, I doubt there's much wiggle room.
Would be interesting to see someone doing an SI in the Marvel Universe but they are so fed up with the typical messes that universe does for the sake of drama (all of the superheroes being at each other's throats was already tiring BEFORE becoming possible collateral damage) that they go full Zen or even One-Punch Man-esque, but running on Hulk rules ("leave me alone." "We won't because we are too nervous about your power, you will either join us or be removed as a potential threat." "I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" -curb stomp!-)
Da Neo Toon Patrol (Who Framed Roger Rabbit SI)

It's 2020, multiple decades after the events of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The Toon Patrol name has been disgraced by the actions of those 5 devious weasels. However, when a New, moral Toon Patrol is founded in response to reports of Increased Toon Crime, I, as an SI Toon Patrol head, must redeem the Toon Patrol name alongside my fellow members. Can I do it? I sure hope so!

A few SBers and SVers are sent into Yharnam via their own goverment. They are turned into hunters and are forced to fight throughout this world. Will they save Yharnam and keep their minds somewhat intact? Or will they fail and turn into the beasts that roam the streets?

A SI where you are adopted by Junko(touhou) and are raised by her. You also have either absolute body, or true immortality. The former being you can become(with time) like Superman Prime 1 mill(or is it 10 mill?), and the latter makes you immune to being erased.
A few SBers and SVers are sent into Yharnam via their own goverment. They are turned into hunters and are forced to fight throughout this world. Will they save Yharnam and keep their minds somewhat intact? Or will they fail and turn into the beasts that roam the streets?

Most likely they'd just wind up burning a good portion of the city down while evacuating all that they can.
Okay, so, I've just had an idea inspired by @SpiritualSlacker's D&D/RWBY Aboleth!SI story idea and the False Hydra, which I was doing research on a couple of days ago.

Basically, it's the same thing, but replace the one SI with seven, and cram them all inside the form of a young, one-headed False Hydra. They come to within the bowels of the natural cave system inside of what will eventually become Mount Glenn long enough before Canon that the Great War would be kicking off at, oooohhhh... 'round about the same time as their eventual emergence from the caves, give or take about four-to-six months either way. Either that, or long enough before the first round of 'Brother Gods wipe out all human-and-faunus-kind' that the two have yet to start trying to take control of the world.

The rest of story would cover the resultant shenanigans of Remnant trying to deal with a False Hydra that a) is sentient, sapient, self-aware, intelligent and moral enough to not immediately surrender to its baser instincts, and b) is sufficiently competent and self-aware enough to have a fairly good idea as to what it's doing. And that's before you take into account that they would have absolutely zero prior knowledge of the species, and no actual way to know how to counter it if it became hostile (or even remember it enough to know that it became hostile). Maybe I'll even do an epilogue or two covering how modern day Remnant views the whole thing, and the after-effects of having seven other-worlders in the body of an aberration present. Assuming that I actually do it, of course. Any and all of you lot are completely open to taking this idea for yourselves.

What do you all think?
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