Self-Insert Idea Thread

Its a SI Megaman Battle Network Fic!
*Reads the synopsis*

Interesting notion, tho... what exactly is stopping the OCI from just escaping the crappy NetOperator? Like, just fear of accidentally getting deleted or something?

Also, funny coincidence, I had somewhat of a similar idea.... though, instead it was for the Battle Network anime, around Duo's arrival, with the SI being partnered with a FM-ian named Scorpio, thus forming Blade Scorpio, partly due to the SI's 'deck' being a Bushido deck from Star Force 3.

*Reads the synopsis*

Interesting notion, tho... what exactly is stopping the OCI from just escaping the crappy NetOperator? Like, just fear of accidentally getting deleted or something?

I've actually thought about this quite a bit. I know in the games and anime there are solo navis and there have been cases where navis have left their operators willingly without problems. The way I've written around this is that the operator needs the MC to stick around in order to help complete his goals because they're a "special" navi and he's willing to threaten the MC with deletion or reprograming if the MC tries to leave. The MC is a "special" Navi but not just because they were once human, the operator doesn't know that fact. The MC also doesn't know that they're "special", they just think there are regular navi at first.

So basically from the MC's perspective since he doesn't know what all the rules the world are, he's being extra careful because he's paranoid about his situation. And for the operator he's secretly really desperate to keep his Navi loyal so he's willing to threaten him to keep him in line. Whether the operator is willing to actually delete or reprogram him is intentionally ambiguous at the start of the story since the MC doesn't know him very well yet. One of the focus is of this thick is the relationships between Operator and Navi so the relationship between the MC and the operator and how it develops is a key part of the story.

Also, I like your idea as well. Adding what essentially is a star force character to the battle network anime sounds very interesting. I also really like their designs!
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I've actually thought about this quite a bit.
I can see that, though I suppose that any offer of independence might be real tempting for the MC, if the Operator gets toxic enough.

One of the focus is of this thick is the relationships between Operator and Navi
I mean... does it really work, if the MC isn't really a navi, but an Isekai'd human, stuck in the body of a Navi?

Also, I like your idea as well. Adding what essentially is a star force character to the battle network anime sounds very interesting. I also really like their designs!
Danke. And yeah, playing with the timeline was sorta the gist of the Friend-Insert (Though alas, my partner cut comms after I left the server), as I'm largely unfamiliar with the BN era, though we did cook up some neat stuff with both elements. And thanks, I had a real blast making the designs, especially since my Birth Zodiac didn't get an FM-ian... well, at least in the calendars that treat October 23 as Scorpio.

Right, so, about Scorpio. I originally got the idea to make him this big, hulking bruiser of an FM-ian from Transformer Prime's Shockwave, and that cold, no nonsense intellect does carry over to Scorpio, albeit with more morals included.

Initial partnership would be formed during Duo's first attack on Earth, SI and Scorpio EM Wave changing into Blade Scorpio as a matter of survival, which gets Duo's attention, Blade Scorpio being warped to the lil' chatroom Duo had with our two heroes, though her appearance is filtered.

Scorpio's initially reason for sticking around and wanting to keep earth safe is his scientific curiosity regarding the SI and the EM Wave Change phenomenon, thinking it a foolish waste to simply erase Earth.

After the initial attack, SI would go undercover in the local college, making a fake ID and stealing money as Blade Scorpio from either criminal and/or defunct accounts, along with a side-hustle of translating Battle Cards into Program chips.


In terms of the first arc, there would be a string of AsteroidNavis causing mayhem on campus.

First one would be Asteroid Darkman, given to a sadistic student who's using it to harass a teacher, iirc. Deleted by Blade Scorpio's light-based weaponry

Second one would be AsteroidGateman, given to a student whose grown fearful after all the various Asteroid Navi attacks, locking herself away, panic striking her after Scorpio unlocks the door for the SI to enter the room, thus causing her to beg Gateman to help her, the Navi going overboard and turning the entire building into a proverbial castle, possessed appliances and what-not pushing out the other residents. Defeated by Blade Scorpio, but A!Gateman is spared, due to showing more concern with protecting his user, rather than causing mayhem.

The second one would be Asteroid!Swordman... though initially, it would seem as though Asteroid!Kendoman is the culprit, the pair given to two different students in the college's Kendo club, one righteous, one malicious. The way the scenes would be portrayed is A!Kendoman and his NetNavi practicing, the former remarking something nebulously evil (been a while since I touched the project)

The next day, there'd be some vandalism done on the area, with three different kinds of sword-styles being used to cause it. This being an early hint to A!Swordman

When A!Swordman would be revealed, a flashback would play out, continuing the scene where A!Kendoman and his partner were, the latter essentially instilling morals into the former, who is a blank canvas, unaware of right and wrong until then.

Asteroid-Swordman would be deleted by Blade Scorpio and A!Kendoman tag-teaming. In the aftermath, Meijin-san, an alumni of the college and Kendo Club, would visit A!Kendoman's operator, essentially getting him registered, though the latter would keep quiet about the SI's secret.

Final Boss of this arc would be Asteroid Planetman, given to an Astrology exhibit curator, where essentially a display goes haywire, Blade Scorpio tries to fight, but the gravity powers are too much, thus requiring help from the two allies made during this arc.


The next Arc would bring Blade Scorpio to the attention of the canon cast proper, starting with the SI's attempt of stealing the Zerker tribe sword from a museum... happening at the same time as Asteroid Yamatoman's raid on the museum, resulting in the two fighting, Blade Scorpio forced to retreat when Megaman and Laika interfere, the attempted theft of the Zerker Sword causing SciLab to take interest in it, and bringing it in for testing.

This in turn prompts the SI to break into the laboratory, initially just flat-out molly-wopping Megaman, due to the EM Wave's faster speed and more powerful Battlecards, the usage of them shocking Lan and Co, along with Blade Scorpio's ability to simply phase through walls, and the ability to drag people in and out of the net, the latter capability greatly shocking Lan's dad, who heatedly demands to know what Blade Scorpio's connection to the Wily and Light Programs are, much to the confusion of Blade Scorpio.

However, Blade Scorpio would fail in stealing the Zerker Sword. This, would result in the SI and Scorpio attempting to synthesize a version of the Noise Control form, aiming for either Rogue, Wolf, or Gemini noise, the Zerker sword moved to a different facility for research, the scientists realizing the special waves its emitting essentially being a stronger, more stable version of what they've been using for Cross Fusion.

Though, they would not be the only ones benefitting from this discovery, Dr. Wiley obtaining the Shinobi tribe's OOPart, eventually using it to reconstruct Shadowman into an EM-Navi, allowing Dark Miyabi to EM Wave Change with the Navi

Blade Scorpio, now armed with the first rendition of the Noise program, would follow after the Zerker Sword, leading her to a facility that Laika's looking over, with Dr. Cossak doing research on it, with Princess Pride also joining the battle, fusing with Knightman, the SI forced to use the experimental Noise Change system to match them.

Eventually, this lands in Blade Scorpio and Pride in a tug of war over the Zerker OOPart, before it shatters into two halves, the two consumed in lightning and flurry of Noise, revealing the two in a Zerker Tribe-On, Zerker-Pride, lunging at Laika, filter between mouth and brain gone, whislt Zerker Scorpio isrampaging around them, before Ninja Miyabi arrives, thus drawing the two Zerkers' attention to the rivaling tribe's appearance.

Tl;dr: Miyabi and Laika manage to neutralize Pride, while Blade regains control and decides to retreat.


Beyond that, just got some faint memories of doing a version of the movie, With Megaman going through a Bass Noise Change.

One other note is that Duo and Slur are essentially an attempt to recreate Le Mu, their creators being folks who got left out of Mu when the proverbial doors closed.
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I can see that, though I suppose that any offer of independence might be real tempting for the MC, if the Operator gets toxic enough.

Yeah he'll be real desperate, especially early on. I also have an idea for the MC to come into contact with a group of rouge navis, so they're involvement could potentially make this aspect extra interesting.

I mean... does it really work, if the MC isn't really a navi, but an Isekai'd human, stuck in the body of a Navi?

Well he was a human and is now a Navi. He'll still do navi things with his operator and depending how the story goes they could learn to both trust each other and properly work together like how an "ideal" operator and navi should. So I think what I said still works. Also I want to have other Navi and operator pairs be prominent in the story to compare and contrast the main duo. But they're not nearly as developed out side of some vague ideas and archetypes lol.

Danke. And yeah, playing with the timeline was sorta the gist of the Friend-Insert (Though alas, my partner cut comms after I left the server), as I'm largely unfamiliar with the BN era, though we did cook up some neat stuff with both elements. And thanks, I had a real blast making the designs, especially since my Birth Zodiac didn't get an FM-ian... well, at least in the calendars that treat October 23 as Scorpio.

Right, so, about Scorpio. I originally got the idea to make him this big, hulking bruiser of an FM-ian from Transformer Prime's Shockwave, and that cold, no nonsense intellect does carry over to Scorpio, albeit with more morals included.

Initial partnership would be formed during Duo's first attack on Earth, SI and Scorpio EM Wave changing into Blade Scorpio as a matter of survival, which gets Duo's attention, Blade Scorpio being warped to the lil' chatroom Duo had with our two heroes, though her appearance is filtered.

Scorpio's initially reason for sticking around and wanting to keep earth safe is his scientific curiosity regarding the SI and the EM Wave Change phenomenon, thinking it a foolish waste to simply erase Earth.

After the initial attack, SI would go undercover in the local college, making a fake ID and stealing money as Blade Scorpio from either criminal and/or defunct accounts, along with a side-hustle of translating Battle Cards into Program chips.


In terms of the first arc, there would be a string of AsteroidNavis causing mayhem on campus.

First one would be Asteroid Darkman, given to a sadistic student who's using it to harass a teacher, iirc. Deleted by Blade Scorpio's light-based weaponry

Second one would be AsteroidGateman, given to a student whose grown fearful after all the various Asteroid Navi attacks, locking herself away, panic striking her after Scorpio unlocks the door for the SI to enter the room, thus causing her to beg Gateman to help her, the Navi going overboard and turning the entire building into a proverbial castle, possessed appliances and what-not pushing out the other residents. Defeated by Blade Scorpio, but A!Gateman is spared, due to showing more concern with protecting his user, rather than causing mayhem.

The second one would be Asteroid!Swordman... though initially, it would seem as though Asteroid!Kendoman is the culprit, the pair given to two different students in the college's Kendo club, one righteous, one malicious. The way the scenes would be portrayed is A!Kendoman and his NetNavi practicing, the former remarking something nebulously evil (been a while since I touched the project)

The next day, there'd be some vandalism done on the area, with three different kinds of sword-styles being used to cause it. This being an early hint to A!Swordman

When A!Swordman would be revealed, a flashback would play out, continuing the scene where A!Kendoman and his partner were, the latter essentially instilling morals into the former, who is a blank canvas, unaware of right and wrong until then.

Asteroid-Swordman would be deleted by Blade Scorpio and A!Kendoman tag-teaming. In the aftermath, Meijin-san, an alumni of the college and Kendo Club, would visit A!Kendoman's operator, essentially getting him registered, though the latter would keep quiet about the SI's secret.

Final Boss of this arc would be Asteroid Planetman, given to an Astrology exhibit curator, where essentially a display goes haywire, Blade Scorpio tries to fight, but the gravity powers are too much, thus requiring help from the two allies made during this arc.


The next Arc would bring Blade Scorpio to the attention of the canon cast proper, starting with the SI's attempt of stealing the Zerker tribe sword from a museum... happening at the same time as Asteroid Yamatoman's raid on the museum, resulting in the two fighting, Blade Scorpio forced to retreat when Megaman and Laika interfere, the attempted theft of the Zerker Sword causing SciLab to take interest in it, and bringing it in for testing.

This in turn prompts the SI to break into the laboratory, initially just flat-out molly-wopping Megaman, due to the EM Wave's faster speed and more powerful Battlecards, the usage of them shocking Lan and Co, along with Blade Scorpio's ability to simply phase through walls, and the ability to drag people in and out of the net, the latter capability greatly shocking Lan's dad, who heatedly demands to know what Blade Scorpio's connection to the Wily and Light Programs are, much to the confusion of Blade Scorpio.

However, Blade Scorpio would fail in stealing the Zerker Sword. This, would result in the SI and Scorpio attempting to synthesize a version of the Noise Control form, aiming for either Rogue, Wolf, or Gemini noise, the Zerker sword moved to a different facility for research, the scientists realizing the special waves its emitting essentially being a stronger, more stable version of what they've been using for Cross Fusion.

Though, they would not be the only ones benefitting from this discovery, Dr. Wiley obtaining the Shinobi tribe's OOPart, eventually using it to reconstruct Shadowman into an EM-Navi, allowing Dark Miyabi to EM Wave Change with the Navi

Blade Scorpio, now armed with the first rendition of the Noise program, would follow after the Zerker Sword, leading her to a facility that Laika's looking over, with Dr. Cossak doing research on it, with Princess Pride also joining the battle, fusing with Knightman, the SI forced to use the experimental Noise Change system to match them.

Eventually, this lands in Blade Scorpio and Pride in a tug of war over the Zerker OOPart, before it shatters into two halves, the two consumed in lightning and flurry of Noise, revealing the two in a Zerker Tribe-On, Zerker-Pride, lunging at Laika, filter between mouth and brain gone, whislt Zerker Scorpio isrampaging around them, before Ninja Miyabi arrives, thus drawing the two Zerkers' attention to the rivaling tribe's appearance.

Tl;dr: Miyabi and Laika manage to neutralize Pride, while Blade regains control and decides to retreat.


Beyond that, just got some faint memories of doing a version of the movie, With Megaman going through a Bass Noise Change.

One other note is that Duo and Slur are essentially an attempt to recreate Le Mu, their creators being folks who got left out of Mu when the proverbial doors closed.

Dang you had a fair amount planned out. It all sounds pretty good too. Glad I got to read some of it.
My idea for a self-insert is a self-insert hanging out with three youtubers in a hyper realistic zombie simulation. The premise if what if your standard adult sitcom character, ended up in a serious drama. Basically, what if the Gang from IASIP met Rick Grimes' group in the apocalypse?

And there's a lot of screwing over, and a lot of comedy centered around the characters.

It's called 'The Jackasses' which is also the name of the main group.

I might make them crossover with other fictional universes through the simulations. Idk.
Taking inspiration from a number of short/one-shot manga:

The MC Transmigrates into the body of Kase Kenta, a would-be manga protagonist, the Summer before his series' canon begins. This stops his series from beginning in the first place, and also alters his family's series in surprising ways.

Note: OTL!Kenta would've had a rough-looking scar across his face from tripping and falling a good distance after his sister and cousin push him away for being annoying. Our Kenta was instead pushed into a campfire, being knocked out by the impact, and suffers from massive scarring down his head, neck, and chest.

Every member of the Kase household - potentially the entire extended family as well - is the protagonist of their own series. Their series would normally have cross-overs on occasion, but the MC's transmigration fundamentally changes the nature of this. Assuming the entire family is made up of protagonists, then this household is the one that largely consists of more light-hearted series that only occasionally dip into drama.

Kase Kaori, the youngest member of the family, is the protagonist of a cutesy gimmick romance series, such as "The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses" or "Teasing Master Takagi-san". Her series is the least effected by her brother's replacement, as the MC still winds up delivering her lunch or walking her home from school on occasion, being mistaken for someone dangerous to her. He begins acting as her advice board.

Kase Kenta, the MC, would have originally been the protagonist of a drama/romance/coming-of-age series, where the protagonist is brought out of his shell by a meddlesome member of student government who can't leave well-enough alone. The MC completely derails this, both by being injured in a much worse way that Kenta originally would have been, and by opting for homeschooling so he doesn't have to deal with someone's attempts at bullying a grown-ass man. The MC is, obviously, much more competent in a lot more fields than who he replaced.

Note: The MC keeps expecting the Nerima Wrecking Crew or Higurashi Kagome or something similarly fantastical (and fantastically similar) to pop up, resulting in him stumbling into the magical community of his new world. His magic winds up being used as a gag in other's series or, in more serious moments, offensively against his older sister's enemies "without knowing" he's doing shit like that.

Kase Kagami, the "oldest" of the Kase siblings, is the protagonist of an action/comedy magical girl series that only delves into the dramatic a couple of times a season. Her guilt at being responsible for her younger brother's injury would have been used by a monster of the week, the injury being much worse means that the monster of the week in that instance is much more successful. She's much better off than many of genre contemporaries, by way of her brother dealing with a lot of the weakest members of the Dark One's army.

Known only as Miss Kase in her and other's series, Kase Emi is the mother of the Kase household. She is the protagonist of a gag manga centering around the supervisor of an office who everyone looks up to, but who secretly just wants to go home and loaf around with her family. Her son likewise plays the role of being mistaken for a "dangerous person", though he also handles many household duties she would've normally taken care of if he weren't home all day.

Known only as Mister Kase in his and other's series, Kase Kousei is the father of the Kase household. He is the protagonist of a gag manga about an office worker whose colleagues all think is cool but who is secretly a complete and utter dork that just wants to hang out with his wife and kids and geek out about anime and vtubers and shit. His son would normally act grossed out about his dad's interests, by the MC just tells him his taste is shit. The MC has taken over his dad's role as "advice board" for his siblings.

Finally, Momo is the Nekomata mascot character to Kagami's series, and the reasoning behind Kagami and her compatriot's abilities. Her own gag series, about watching a self-taught mage be much better at general magic than her hand-chosen spellswords, began when Kenta "accidentally" let her in on his magical nature when he used TK to reach a cat bed she was interested in at a pet store. When Kagami is at school or asleep, she hangs around the MC while he goes about his business within Japan's magical underground.

I'm thinking the SI would only get the occasional POV chapter, with the rest being from the perspective of characters from his family's series as they interact with his personal brand of magical bullshit.
I have this idea for a XC3 SI, one who has been around since events of Future Redeemed (not that anyone knows it)

It would be set during the canon game, never be from the SI's PoV, and mostly work as an exploration of Mobius & their abuse, as well as how even if the SI was unable to change to the 'River's Flow', the smaller details can make a huge difference.

It's title would be 'Catalytic Converter', as a nod to how the device reduces the harmfulness output.

(The two stories that provided most of the inspiration for the idea are Trent Blackmore's "Ars Nova" & Raelhorn's "Red Left Hand of Fate")

The biggest change that people would run headfirst into is that Orion performs an Interlink with Gurnica - after all, Gurnica obviously would have gained that due to being at the epicenter of the Waveform Emission.
So, I'm going to spew a bunch of incoherent thoughts relating to an SI fic that I did a long time ago.

Yes, I'm talking about Fog in my Windshield. Much of my desire to discuss it again is being fueled by me being in a severely dark emotional place and needing to get some sort of outlet for it. Another part is me coming to grips that more than likely I'm never going to continue Song in the Fog. Baughn left the story to me a long time ago, a reality I should have accepted years ago really, and I just... don't feel the same drive for it that I did with him around, at least not the way I am. Some day, I guess, I can do it. But not right now.

This brings me to what the hell I do now, and that has got looking back on my time with Morgan/Alexis and wanting to have another swing at it.

First order of business, what would be the goal of rebooting that story? Well, there's the rub. It's not clear to me yet. One of the key components that the story hinged on was something Code Geass ended up canonically writing out of the official timeline once they did the recap films, which they used as the basis for the Resurrection movie. This is something I assume is the case even up until now with the new series, which I am intensely hesitant to watch if I'm being honest.

(I attempted to watch it in the midst of writing this. I hated it within ten minutes.)

Shirley is not dead in the current "canon" timeline. They pushed her out of the way of the conflict, replaced her with other characters doing the same thing (like Deithard shooting Viletta), and even completely deleted Mao from the story because his arc directly involved Shirley's tragedy. This leaves me wondering whether I try to consider the consequences of all those changes or not. Ultimately the core plot of Code Geass remained unchanged. So, my first instinct is that nothing they changed in the movies is relevant at all.

Another thing I've come to reflect on is that I now have massively different context for the Fog. Everything to do with Gretel Andvari, The Admiralty Code, has dramatically upended assumptions I went into all of my old Arpeggio fanfics with. We know a lot more about her now that she is directly appearing as an active participant in the manga. Even so, Gretel remains maddeningly vague and enigmatic as a character, with her actual motivations being no less opaque now than they were 9 years ago. This would also entirely shift how Morgan herself is used in the plot of the reboot, which I'm not even sure should involve her being a self-insert. Much of the how and why of Morgan existing doesn't make sense anymore. I don't think Gretel would willfully create someone that is able to willy nilly question and doubt everything about her, and if Morgan is copied from a more recent mind state of myself, she's going to be actively suspicious of Gretel every single second if not antagonistic toward her. The thing is, it probably isn't intentional on her part to begin with. The Fog at large having mental models at all is something she did not intend to happen.

I still admit that the broader context for Morgan's character development hinges a lot on her remembering being human initially. She doesn't need to be an insert of me for that to work. Arpeggio of Blue Steel has done this exact thing at least twice in its own canon, with both Kotono Amaha and Gretel Andvari. They initially believed they were humans, only to "remember" being what they really are later on. Gretel's case seems to be far more extreme, as she had her human identity and personality overriden by her identity as The Verdict, something she appears to be aware of and wants to get back.

That leads me into the last crux of Morgan's initial character state that I need to decide on. Foreknowledge. Does she need to have it? This is where I must accept that Morgan entirely functioned based around her status as a Self-Insert character, up to and including how she approached interacting with others and how she felt about events taking place around her. All the jokes, the character dynamics, how Morgan contextualized her persona, all of that came from her knowing things beforehand. Considering how quickly things can butterfly out of control until any foreknowledge she might have becomes almost useless... maybe she doesn't need to know much at all.

Maybe the real answer is that Morgan isn't the same thing she was before. Gretel has a specific job that she has been given, and her job is not to fuck with the Code Geass version of Earth. She is the Verdict of the Earth that she is on right now, and she is unlikely to be directly involved in something going on elsewhere.

There could always be another Verdict.

And with that, I have returned to my old "post at 3 AM with addled brain soup" behavior I engaged in back when I was writing that story. I guess I'll regurgitate more thoughts later.
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I have my own idea for a SI Worm fanfic that I already made one chapter of and am currently making another chapter.

First, I'll start with the intent. One of my favorite things are comedies, especially stupid comedy, with stupid characters. And one thing I thought of doing was introducing dumb characters to Worm, And seeing them interact, I already did something similar with IASIP in Worm, and Ultimate (my own original character) in Worm. So I wanted to make people laugh by doing something similar to Red Vs. Blue S6. Put serious characters next to dumb characters and make people laugh with their interactions.

Basic premise? Raphael, (me), Alex, (UnrealEntGaming) Kyle, (Twelthofadime) and Damian, (Makemebad35) go into a simulation of the world of Worm and generally wreak havoc upon the world. using scams, schemes, and strategies, to make it to the top!

Theme? Teamwork and the importance of it.

Function of the Jackasses? To provide a stupid, comedic relief to the rest of Worm.

Execution? Character-based comedy with arguments and witty exchanges galore.

I finished the first chapter of it. A Worm SI and it's right here.
Okay, I have issues. I know. This one isn't getting out of my head.

System start_

Resonance spectrum range widening_


Alert. Report error. Anomaly detected during boot_









Network socket accessed_

Unknown β6D ID received. Security alert_


β6D ID accepted_

SH-Server connected_

Receiving install repair package_

Package downloaded_


Installing "δ-Incarnate System Kernel"_

Installing FLIP executable functions_

New shape memory data installed. Reformatting_


TNL frequency at 9.18 x 10^18 Hz. Holding frequency until consciousness awakening_

Telomeres stable. Degradation rate… negligible_

D-Cellophane cohesion… stable_

Symphonic Reactor ignition… Output rising at 12,000 SHmag/s per second… Maximum output achieved in 83.4 seconds_


System ready_

ID lookup_


Artificial intelligence boot_


Cosmosphere formation... Soulspace in equilibrium. Closing Boundary Gate_

Consciousness awakening_


Reducing TNL frequency by 3.3 x 10^14 Hz for long term stability. Symphonic Reactor entering standby, holding at 400 SHmag/s_

Nethook installed_





My name is [-----]_


I felt like I'd just awoken from a long, pleasant dream. It was filled with lovely music. I started humming the tune I remembered. It felt so familiar. I groaned and rolled onto my other side, moaning into the mattress as I fumbled around for my missing pillow that had seemingly been thrown off in my sleep.

Suddenly a powerful yawn escaped me as the groggy feeling of oversleeping hit me. Right. I needed to wake up. Things to do, house to maintain, brother who doesn't cook his own damn food. Blearily I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing with some confusion that I seemed to be inside a glass covered bed of some sort. No, not a bed. Rather, it was a sealed tube of metal with a soft gel mat under me and a small glass window on the front. Outside, I saw the sky and some sparse clouds. I thought I could also hear water, like the ocean.

"The fuck?"

Then I noticed that I was seeing pretty well. My vision wasn't blurry at all, in fact it was nearly perfect. I could make out those clouds in crisp clarity like I'd never been able to since I was about 12 years old. Panic quickly hit me when that oddity failed to distract me from this situation's strangeness. I threw up my hands and smacked the inside of the glass, trying to push it off. This, of course, brought my arms into view.

These were not my hands. For one, they were too slim. Also, they were too well-tanned. Way too well-tanned, like, I'd been baking in the tropical sun for years kinda well-tanned. Also my sleeves were way too big and long, since I hated wearing long baggy sleeves, and also my nails were painted yellow. My sleeves were black with a floral gold embroidering and a white inner sleeve. Okay, this was obviously my favorite color combination, so nothing too odd there.

A cloud passed over the Sun, covering my sealed tube bed in shade. Without the glare, I suddenly was able to see my reflection in the glass. I looked closer, examining the face. It was framed by a huge mane of somewhat messy, nearly pitch black hair with a slight hint of cocoa in the parts that caught light, dark reddish bronze skin, and had big amber eyes. Extremely obviously not my normal face, and also, a very feminine face. Attached to my hair was what looked like a gold hairpin of a tiny mandolin set on a 4-pointed star.

I quickly slapped myself. Yep. I felt it. Not dreaming. I started to panic for real at this point.

"Oh fuck, oh god, what the hell?!" I freaked out loud, looking down and seeing, yep, I had those. They were pretty noticeable and heavy. I was clothed in what seemed to be a fitting pressure top going from my collar to my stomach to keep them contained and cover the, uh… the cleavage… over which was a sort of yukata-like black and gold-trimmed coat which was where the long baggy sleeves came from. It reminded me slightly of Misha's outfit from Ar Tonelico 1, though the coat was only waist long. Under that, I was wearing long white pants with a slight flaring out of the ankles for a subtle bell-bottom look, as well as a pair of black boots. Around my neck I had a series of concentric necklaces of amber beads, with the edge layer being threaded with a few black magatama. There was also a large brown leather belt hanging a bit slanted around my hips, bearing a few leather pouches. On the left side of the belt was a long silver wallet chain with a bunch of tiny jingle bells every inch or so, and some hand length brass tube with a tassel attached to the tip hanging from the right side. All down the length of the tube was a bunch of Hymmnos characters.

At this point, I became aware that the pod I was in was bobbing in water. A storm of frantic questions rolled through my head, such as how I was going to get out of this thing, why I very blatantly had the stylistic elements of an Ar Tonelico character all over me, and what the hell I was even going to do should I open the pod and find out I was in the middle of the damn ocean. These thoughts and fears were quickly interrupted when I heard a metallic clunk sound that vibrated the whole pod.

"Alright, you got a good clamp! Lift it out!" I heard someone shout outside, muffled through the metal walls around me.

"What? Hey! Ahhhh!" I screamed as I was suddenly and violently jostled around, unable to see what I'd been hit by through the small window. My tiny world went very topsy turvy when the pod was moved entirely out of the water. My stomach lurched as I felt the distinct sensation of being rapidly lifted higher like in an elevator.

"Okay, set it down. Careful, now!" the voice said, and I felt the lurching movement going in the opposite direction.

Eventually my personal coaster ride came to a stop with a light thump. Trying hard not to hyperventilate myself into passing out, I jerked in fright when suddenly something moved in front of the window of my pod. I looked up and saw a huge square face of a guy with a metal plate covering his mouth and a rounded helmet covering his brow. He was staring down at me with a concerned look in his triangular blue eyes which seemed to be framed by red face paint that extended down his cheeks in two long lines, disappearing against his metal jawline. As I looked into his eyes I could make out a subtle hint of artificiality to his irises, like they were a complex camera lens of some sort.

"Uh, there's a person inside," the masked guy said, with a voice that oddly tickled my memory somehow. "Should I break it open?"

"No no no, you big oaf. Let me, I bet there's a latch somewhere," replies a feminine voice that quickly approaches with a sound of light footfalls. "Let's see… here we go."

The pod suddenly let out a loud thunk that startled me yet again. A whoosh of air escaped the pod as it seemed the interior was slightly higher pressure than sea level atmosphere. Thankfully my ears didn't pop, and it wasn't even that unpleasant. The pod split open and I was greeted by the scent of salty ocean air and bright afternoon sun hitting my skin. My eyes adjusted very quickly, so much so I didn't feel the need to shield them from the glare as I pushed myself up and looked around. The many bells attached to my belt chain let out a constant chiming sound as I got to my feet.

I was on a dock, that much was obvious. It was a huge dock, with multiple large ships moored nearby. The ships looked like gigantic whales, with almost cartoonish eyes slapped on the front which actually moved around and looked at things as if this was fucking Disney's Cars. All around me were numerous humanoid and non-humanoid workers in retro-futuristic armor engaged in various tasks like loading and unloading cargo and moving massive shipping crates around with big walking machines.

The visual style instantaneously screamed at me. These were reploids, from the Mega Man X games.

"Miss, are you alright?" the huge guy that apparently yoinked me out of the water asked. I looked at him and noted his right arm was contained in a huge grabbing claw apparatus apparently meant for heavy container loading. The reploid was over 8 feet tall. His armor was a rather simple greenish brown pallet, bulky and rounded everywhere, with hazard markings and caution reflectors placed all over him to make sure he was visually as loud as possible to make sure people could see where he was going at all times even in the dark. Again, his voice was so painfully familiar, and his face especially felt really recognizable, but for some reason I couldn't recall who he could be.

The feminine reploid with him also ignited some sense of recollection in me, as she seemed to be a later series reploid more like… oh, of course it became obvious to me right then and there as I finally had the mental awareness to notice the giant, unfathomably massive structure looming above me. It was a titanic construction that probably stretched thousands of meters into the sky and seemed to cross most of the horizon. A single tall tower jutted from its center, forming the peak of this structure, and surrounding it were multiple smaller towers, some of which were topped with large, mushroom cap domes.

"Yoohoo, missy?" the female reploid called, waving her gloved hand in front of me to get my attention. I tried to put on a calm face as I gave it to her.

"S-sorry, I'm just disoriented. Um… just to confirm… where am I?"

"Why, Gigantos, of course. Though I guess you probably ended up here by accident, given that thing," she said, pointing at the pod, which… very blatantly screamed of musical theming by being covered in brass organ pipes.

Gigantos sounded a bit odd to me, but it wasn't difficult to attach it as more than likely being the original name of Giga City before it got localized in the western releases of Mega Man X Command Mission. Gigantos being a place built to mine a super magical space metal that apparently made reploids super powerful, but could also drive them nuts and make them addicted like a performance enhancing drug. It was a place which was also subject to a reploid uprising that drove all the humans out and attempted to establish an independent reploid state.

Which, apparently, hadn't happened yet as of me washing up here.

"How long were you in there? I don't think a human like you could have survived there very long. Gigantos is pretty far from any natural land," the big loader guy asked, his identity now clearly taking form in my head with the context of my circumstances available.

"Can't say for sure. I was asleep until a few minutes ago," I replied to the one who was not yet known as Steel Massimo.

"Well, we'll help you to the governor's office if you need it. They can sort this out and get you home. What's your name?"

My name? I thought about it, and realized I was having trouble remembering. I had a name before… but… I didn't remember it. Something new was in its place.

"My name… " I mumbled, my eyes becoming a little foggy as the memory of my dream flowed back to the forefront. I thumbed the tube hanging from my right hip, feeling the lines of the Hymmnos script engraved along it, and realized it was probably a scroll tube.

My name is [-----]_


"You can call me Solei."

Mega Man X Command Mission: Song of Rebellion
A Reyvateil in Epsilon's Cadre
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I've kind of always wanted an SI in GoT/ASOIAF from our world. However, unlike most SIs in that situation, they have no special abilities. No specialized knowledge that could be used to 'uplift' the setting with everything from farming techniques to gunpowder. Just a regular person, having to adapt to a whole new world that's not really like ours that an average person from the city or suburbs wouldn't be used to. (Didn't add rural areas, because at least then, the SI might have more knowledge about how to do a garden or maybe hunt, if like my friends out in farm country.)