Self-Insert Idea Thread

How about a Harry Potter Wizard Self Insert where the person who's inserted is there instead of Subaru. This could go one of two ways, them using spells from HP that they already know or able to use a few spells at first and gain some as time goes on.

On the subject of Isekai, another idea is for a person to find a button and ends up being inserted into the world of Isekai Quartet. With all the shenanigans that occur. I can imagine everyone's reactions towards the SI's first Isekai experience being that of Quartet.
That's the premise of After Transformation, Mine and Her Wild Fantasy
I'm not sure if it actually recommend it, since I gave it up pretty early, but it qualifies.

Just a warning the mods tend to be very vigilant about linking scanlation and the like. I recommend unlinking the link.

But yea, the premise of 'I don't remember anything must have been a boy cause fem!me not being interested in men' really stood out to me in the first chapter when I saw this years ago.

I kinda hate amnesia nobody protagonists in general, because you could just have them had move cities or made them the child of some hermit non-magic luddite and then you streamline the words you need to uphold suspension of disbelief.
My old cybertronian Titan SI snip posted on SB, I'm not gonna be using its current iteration but has lots of ideas that I'll be revisiting in the future... eventually, maybe.

- Name pending Cybertronian SI Titan (Multicross) -

My... awakening, or rather, activation wasn't like I expected to start the day, much less my week.

Imagine being in a department, living a normal almost NEET-like life given the pandemic and all sorts of crap that has been going on only to sleep soundly and almost expecting to go through that again the next day, only to wake up literally in deep space, inside of a huge alien warship from a work fiction, mainly from a video game based on a TV show which was also based on a freaking, popular toyline!

I'm talking about waking up inside the bridge of the Nemesis from Transformers, especially that one that is the comatose Trypticon. at least, that's the original case I thought.

You see, my dear readers, this isn't Trypticon's Nemesis form I'm now inhabiting and controlling.

This is me.



Nope! You're reading it right!

I am the ship.

Or rather I was one of many of the Nemesis Class Warships that was mainly used by the Decepticon during the beginning of the war. Trypticon just happened to adopt the form with some modifications planned in its design but overall, I was the same and instead of being or feeling like a mechanic space whale in empty vacuum, I had another body I directly control inside of my decks, alongside of my 'crew'.

Yes, I have a 'crew' for the lack of a better word.

I'm going there shortly.

My 'second' body was of a multiformer, I tested it on my idle time here alone while exploring my innards and the rest of my decks with it. A medium-sized frame with so many alt forms, including an alien-futuristic Fighter/Bomber flyer form, A truck form, and even a Tank form and that's just the beginning. Now the issue is that it lacks Robot Form..

I know; a multiformer with no Robot form?! such a travesty, right?!

Instead, it has a Beast Mode as the default form, a "feathered" dragon with the ability to hurl plasma fire. Still, no bad. Pretty badass too, the 'feathers' are mini drones that can detach and hover around, I could use them to connect with rest of my components, consoles and terminals.

I mean, I could access them without it but...

Well, moving on!

As for the 'crew'...


You know. I had the feeling that this ship was meant to be used with the most minimal crew possible but calling it automated feels like an understatement given that I do have a sizeable population under my control especially- EEKK!!!





"Peter!" I snarl as turned to the little Demon that just descended on my back "How many times I told you to not DO THAT!?" This is the third time it happens. I told you explicitly this little monstrosity to never come to the bridge unless it's important!"

The little 8-legged (possibly human or car-sized, I don't know, my sense of scale is screwed) freak simply stared at me blankly, with its 8 unblinking optics into my very soul- spark, whatever..

Yet, I could feel amusement and smugness radiating from him, this little nugget takes joy on make me jump by landing on my back and surprises me for when I less expect it.

Fuck you, Peter. If you weren't useful, I would have squashed you a while ago.


...I'm calm.

What does he want now?


The Mechanical Spider jumped out of my back and onto the console I was using, one of its legs turned into a data stick and was inserted into the terminal. Digital Information washed over my mind, it was... really weird but I could make sense of it.

I frown

"Seriously? They're fighting again?" Peter chirped in affirmative. Ugh! I thought, they would behave if I assign them to different areas but it seems to be not the case.

Cats will be cats and dogs will be dogs.

See? I don't have a crew in the traditional sense of the word. My ship, my body, its full of reprogrammed Mechanimals of all kinds that mantain, regulate and.. well, crew my awesome-looking hull. To be more specific, I have 12.046 Mechanimals, My full compartment is for 6000 body-able crew members but I have none, only critters, the only second beast thing.

(I'm not sorry.)

They're not drones, they all have sparks, albeit smaller and primitive and their limited brain processors make them easy to reprogram and their minds enslaved to the ship computers. Well, not really enslaved but make them easy to follow complex orders from me or anybody that is a registered crewmember which is nobody at the moment except for me, "NAMEPENDING00".

Awesome name, right?

Moving on.

They all crew me and come from different shape, size, and forms, all resembling animals with vehicles and things parts added on them (they also looks like transformable Zoids, now that I think about it, much of their range weapons are in the back.) they can transform from size changeable tools, objects, guns to hoverbikes, cars, trucks, tanks, futuristic fighters and so on (again my sense of size is screwed up, so I'm really not reliable for those). Insectoids are my engineers, Mammaloids and Reptiloids are my land-based personnel who take security, and tactical, commands (boost my communication to them) and my Avianoids are the fliers, medics, and science (the last two being regelated with outfitted Energon Repair Rays and quite advanced scanning and sensors deeply connected to me.)

They're awesome little critters (again, size screw up- fuck I'm repeating myself a lot, do I?) and come in handy. However, I don't know what it is for me, still pretty good at having a maintenance crew. Some tactical material, I won't have trouble getting boarded any time soon (still going to prevent that in any given moment. Good thing I come with energy shields.)


One has to note that despite having a crew and literal army of cute robot critters programmed to do very complex tasks and follow my every order and bidding through me, they're and will still behave like animals with everything that entails, I might have some kind of hivemind-like control over them and direct them to follow complex orders, they're still autonomous animals; Felinoids and Caninoids fight each other in any given opportunity they get and which is very often, much to my chagrin. The Reptilenoids and some Avianoids and insectoids hunt each other and other Mammal-based Mechanimals, Vulpinoids love to mess with everybody with their cloaking devices.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

At least, they don't leave a mess as real animals do..

That would be very unfortunate.

From what I can understand on the memory banks, the owners of this ship, The I.D.W Predaconus' Might, were Predacons- a band of Transformers with beast-like Robot Modes, no the actual ones -that joined the Decepticons with their own army of heavily programmed mechanimals to follow them and tied them to the ship controls, because of this, they didn't need Vehicons as each mechanimal do their job and maintain their ship as well used as their chosen shock troops but as the war progressed, the Mechanimals went gradually extinct and they were forced to employ vehicons, fellow cybertronians, and drones.

At that time, they didn't have installed a cloning bay and foundries decks as the technology didn't exist back then but I do have them because I don't know, reasons? Maybe have to do in replacing their numbers or that I going to lose a lot of them?

Another question for another time.

Returning to the previous topic.

The ship was supposedly destroyed with all hands after one of their own, Sky Lynx, betrayed them for personal moral reasons that involved his fellow literally cannibalizing their PoWs..



No really paint a good light to any possible descendants of Onyx Prime.

Interestingly enough, they were likely the reason why Shockwave had such a hard-on in cloning technology and do it with the actual Predacons, and because some of their members had a deep connection to the ship, made the Decepticon scientist think on making Trypticon for some reason. 'Sadly' for them, they died after the Titan came to life.

Talking about Trypticon... I might too be a Titan. Considering my body was a lifeless machine previous to its destruction. It was somehow found, repaired, and modified to have all the parts needed to become a transformer and had me installed.

During my days here I have seen my- very isolated -Computer Cores and Nerve Center and there is a huge spheroid in its center connected with a series of metal tubes and cables and displaying several holographic screens and colorful data patterns. Then I went to my power core and noticed a much larger and reinforced container attached to the walls, pulsing with energy, its center shines in bright blue light.

My Brain Module and Spark, respectively.

I saw how I look from the outside and I do have some resemblance to the Decepticon Titan's Ship Mode, even the whole hull looks like Trypticon's head and Maw. Even with those sick-looking forward "horns" which are forward rail guns, and for ramming.

With this all in mind, you must be asking, why I don't transform?

Well, dear readers! Here is the thing!

My T-Cog, an interestingly tiny thing right beneath the bridge (which looks like a much bigger version from Prime's Nemesis, which is really cool), is damaged and so I'm stuck in ship mode until I have it repaired or replaced, and search for a replacement is impossible since Titans aren't around anymore, and even if I find one I won't be going to ask them to lend me their T-cog nor I'm going to kill them for it. I'm not a butcher, and neither I'm going to salvage from their corpses. I'm not a defiler or a ghoul either.

So I'm just like my elder 'sibling.' Stuck in my alt-mode.


At least, I have a drone body to move around.

Just... Ugh!

Out of all SI situations, this is probably the most...

... I don't know, Anticlimactic?


Awesomely Anticlimatically Wierd.

Let's go with that: I'm a functioning battle station with an army of furrious armed critters with cloning facilities and foundry actives and capable to lay constant siege comfortably with all my weapons systems online and still have energon spared to last for a few more years.

And yet, I'm literally in the middle of nowhere! The first thing I saw after waking up was Peter of all things! (I woke up as the drone, took me two days to realize I was the ship- Titan, I'm not going to divulge that.)


On the positive side, I'm not going native faster than I thought it would be, like Salvage or Scavenger(?) While I like being a Battleship of pure destruction incarnate, I enjoyed being a squishy monkeyman meatbag because... Well, I like- liked being me, I'm not a transhumanist but I can adapt but still don't like and it's boringly depressing to be with a bunch of literal robo-animals which reminds me how much I miss my family..

At least, they keep me company and not go insane faster, that's it, which is the only respite I have...


Except for you, Peter.

Yes, you! Fuck you, Peter! You made my new life miserable ever since I saw you!

Hope you're happy with yourself, 8 legged freak!

'Chirp!' Wait, w-what are you doing? Why yo- no... no!

Stay there!

Don't jump! Stay on the console!

On. The. Console!

Back! BACK! 'Chirp!'







This... is my life now.

Being a Lone Titan with a Robo-Zoo for crew..

And an over-affectionate face-hugging spawn of Robo-Satan!


...Fuck you, Peter... out of all the companions here, you are the worst!


- Chapter 1.1: Name pending - Ends -
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Here's a fanfic I found:

Title: The members of the game Group of Ten Thousand Worlds are all myself

Raw name: 游戏万界之群员全是我自己

Summary: Xia Yu the Fade: Who can be as miserable as me, but I have traveled to the game world of old thieves!
Undead Xia Yu: Oh...
Ash Xia Yu: Oh...
Neil Automata Xia Yu: I am the end of the world and I didn't say anything...
Resident Evil Xia Yu: Who is not......
Tomb Raider Xia Yu: It's okay, okay, I'm doing much better, by the way, my wife Laura!
Xia Yu, the third wizard: +1, my wife Ciri!
Final Fantasy 7 Xia Yu: +1, Tifa my wife!
Devil May Cry Xia Yu: +1, but I don't have a wife...
Assassin's Creed Xia Yu: +1, neither do I...
The original god Xia Yu didn't dare to speak, and dived silently, diving with the leader Xia Yu, the adventurer Xia Yu, Commander Xia Yu, Ranger Xia Yu, Xiuxian Xia Yu...
This is a chat group for the game Myriad Realms. There is only one person in the group, but it's not just one person. We are all Xia Yu, Xia Yu from different game worlds.
Here's a fanfic I found:

Title: The members of the game Group of Ten Thousand Worlds are all myself

Raw name: 游戏万界之群员全是我自己

Summary: Xia Yu the Fade: Who can be as miserable as me, but I have traveled to the game world of old thieves!
Undead Xia Yu: Oh...
Ash Xia Yu: Oh...
Neil Automata Xia Yu: I am the end of the world and I didn't say anything...
Resident Evil Xia Yu: Who is not......
Tomb Raider Xia Yu: It's okay, okay, I'm doing much better, by the way, my wife Laura!
Xia Yu, the third wizard: +1, my wife Ciri!
Final Fantasy 7 Xia Yu: +1, Tifa my wife!
Devil May Cry Xia Yu: +1, but I don't have a wife...
Assassin's Creed Xia Yu: +1, neither do I...
The original god Xia Yu didn't dare to speak, and dived silently, diving with the leader Xia Yu, the adventurer Xia Yu, Commander Xia Yu, Ranger Xia Yu, Xiuxian Xia Yu...
This is a chat group for the game Myriad Realms. There is only one person in the group, but it's not just one person. We are all Xia Yu, Xia Yu from different game worlds.
I googled it and found it but the translation seems pretty awful, is it ML?
I've gone insane, that's all I can take away from this brain worm that's burrowed into my skull today.

I have been playing Rush Duels on YuGiOh Duel Links, and this has caused me to hyper fixate on the very silly idea of making a SI protagonist play Rush Duels... against normal YuGiOh.

Now, this is very absurd for various reasons, if you know anything that I'm saying.

Normal YuGiOh, nowadays called the Master Rule format, you have 1 Normal Summon per turn, you have 5 zones for monsters and 5 zones for spells/traps. You start with 5 cards, and draw 1 card per turn. In older YuGiOh formats, the rules let the player who went first draw a card. Later they changed the rules and you don't draw going first anymore. There is a second Main Phase that takes place after the Battle Phase. If a card doesn't specifically state its effect can only be used once per turn for a card of that original name, it can be reused as many times as you can put it on the field. Also, you can respond to the activation of opponent's cards with your own cards that are Spell Speed 2 or 3.

In Rush, you have unlimited Normal Summons. You start with 4 cards and every turn you draw until you have 5, or draw 1 if you have 5 already. You only have 3 zones for monsters and spells/traps. There is no second Main Phase. Also, the way card activation works is even different. "Chain link 2" doesn't exist in Rush because cards can't be chained to other card activations. There's very few if any means of card negation, one of the only I know of being Jinzo, which in Rush is a Legend card and limited to 1 copy per deck by game mechanics. Also, every card effect is an inherent once per turn, without having to say so on the card, but there are no limits on using multiple copies of a card or re-using the same card in a turn if you can get them into your hand.

Obviously, these are incompatible, and in order for this idea to work I have to specifically tailor the rules to allow for a coherent Rush Rule vs Master Rule duel. I am not sure how to realistically handle that, and it depends on specifically which show I insert to.

Aside from that, the context behind why I would be specifically doing this in a particular show. In which series does this have the most "fun" potential?

In GX it would be stupid. I could run over everyone most of the time due to the sheer ease and consistency with which a Rush deck can slap giant beaters on the board every turn. GX and to an incrementally lesser extent 5D's suffers from everyone believing in the epic and unbeatable strategy of "use 1 or 2 cards every turn until I make large man" and Rush Duel is able to bulldoze that kind of play effortlessly. Even with a deck that contains mostly normal monsters, I would likely blitz the crap out of people simply by being able to set 3 monsters every turn to block everything they have, and then run over their single monster and kill them with my giant asshole.

I think that, in general, the best setting to insert to is probably Arc V. They are already on that good "summon a million monsters at once" stuff via Pendulum Summoning, and have tools needed to interact, in some cases maybe too much for me to handle. There's also a very broad cast and a surprisingly large scale story to mingle with. Most likely I could start out in the Fusion dimension because Fusion is the only Extra Deck mechanic available to Rush Duels

Now, one thing that does give standard YGO duelists a leg up is their profuse usage of battle traps, which fuck up Rush decks specifically. The entire play style of almost every Rush deck revolves around beating over your opponent's board to remove their monsters. This means that I may just get blown out and have to hope my opponent can't kill me the next turn.

It's actually funny that, depending entirely on weird quirks of anime deck building and luck, a regular duelist can get punched into the Sun by my deck's mechanics, or totally obliterate me with a single card. As a disclaimer, I don't know most of the cards available throughout the current lifespan of Rush Duels, and I would need to do a lot of research to figure out what I want to do.
@Einsig ever since the rush duels hit DL, I'd been thinking slightly the opposite of an SI dumping me into the Sevens line with Endymion retooled into rush duel format. But I think your way might be more tenable
I am not sure how to realistically handle that, and it depends on specifically which show I insert to.
You could keep Deck Masters as a thing Kaiba incorporated into the regular game and give the SI a deckmaster that lets them play Rush while everyone else is playing regular Duel Monsters.
You could keep Deck Masters as a thing Kaiba incorporated into the regular game and give the SI a deckmaster that lets them play Rush while everyone else is playing regular Duel Monsters.

My main concern wasn't coming up with a reason I'm allowed to do this in-character. I can make up many wacky reasons including whatever magic nonsense is taking place in that particular series, or my Duel Disk is just able to hack the system and enforce the rules I play under. What actually concerns me is making functional rules for the game so that the duels don't become nonsense.

There's a lot of concepts from the Master Rule format that were just removed or simplified in Rush Duel. Cards don't target. The concept of target effects simply does not exist in Rush Duel. Every effect selects a thing to affect, but the terminology of targeting was removed. Discarding doesn't exist in Rush either, you are simply told to send cards to the grave from your hand to pay for effects. You also can't banish in Rush, because no banish zone exists. Chain links don't exist, so cards can't be responded to when they activate.

The practical results of all those things add up to a lot of ruling conundrums if I force a Rush vs Master duel to happen. If I play this straight, all of my cards are non-targeting, cannot be responded to, and my cards are unaffected by banishing effects, but I have very few to no methods of removing monsters without destruction effects or battle. Also, the opponent can't use effects that make me discard because it's not even a game rule for Rush. Sometimes my deck will have no method of interacting with an opponent's monster in any way, but in other cases my opponent literally can't interact with the way my cards work.

It's just a mess, honestly, and with this much of a problem arising from the base premise I am not sure I want to put in the effort to figure out the rest of the concept.


So, I have drawn up a draft idea of how the rules will work, and without effectively testing it somehow I don't know if it's going to be good.

  1. Rush cards do not target and anti-target protection or effects that trigger from targeting do not work. This may seem a bit busted, but I am thematically considering it identical to the introduction of Link monsters in Vrains, which made a point of showcasing how they have no levels and don't have any defense, which specifically countered cards that have protection and effects based on those characteristics.
  2. Rush cards cannot be responded to if they do not affect any opponent's card directly. Effects that specifically affect the opponent's cards can be chained to. However, due to Rush cards having no hard once per turn on activation, negating a Rush monster's activation without destroying it or removing it from the field some other way will allow me to simply activate that effect again. This is the way normal YGO handles activation being negated, as the game state simply doesn't consider the effect ever having been used.
  3. The above rule is also reciprocal. If the opponent activates any card that would directly affect a Rush card, that card can be activated in response as long as it otherwise can meet its activation requirement (ergo, it's not restricted to the turn you normal summoned it). A simple example of this is things like Torna the Windweaver, which can switch a monster's battle position. Some traps which have no specific activation condition or otherwise activate outside of the window of the opponent normal summoning (a common trap trigger window in Rush) then those traps can be used.
  4. Rush cards cannot be banished, as the Rush field has no banished zone. Any effect that would banish a Rush card from the hand, deck, or field will instead send it to the graveyard, also, any effect that would cause a card to be banished instead of going to the GY (Macro Cosmos) or banish it from the GY (D.D Crow) will shuffle that card back into the deck instead. (in various cases this can be extremely disruptive to some Rush decks, so it's almost as good)
  5. Effects that discard from the opponent's hand still work, but they only send them to the GY as discarding is not a Rush game mechanic. This is semantically different for the most part but there's probably corner cases where that matters for optional triggers of other things.
  6. It will be possible for some Master Rule cards to be placed in my Rush deck, but only specific cards. Most cards that fall under this rule will transform into Legend cards the moment they enter my Duel Disk, though minor cards will simply turn into a Rush version with edited text. Pendulum Cards will literally refuse to be put in my deck, if that turns out to be where I insert. Pendulum has functionally no purpose to a Rush deck unless we consider recursion of tribute bodies over multiple turns, as in the first turn you would need an entire hand of just monsters to see any value from it, and you'd probably just die on your opponent's turn anyway.
  7. The Extra Deck will allow non-fusion cards to be placed in it, but any non-Rush cards that end up in my Extra Deck will be transformed to a Rush variant that is redesigned to function with the Rush ruleset. I personally don't like the idea of going to Vrains so Link summoning is a non-starter. However, Xyz is entirely generic and seems perfectly fitting for Rush. Synchro would be more complicated, due to needing Tuners, but I think many low power Tuners will easily be allowed in a Rush deck. The bigger concern is that Tuner access allows Rush decks to easily normal summon all the levels they need for a Synchro every turn as long as they draw the correct cards, but if we're being honest here, Xyz is even easier to do so I'm not that bothered.
  8. The number of Legend cards which can be used will not strictly be 1, as I've decided certain Legends may be very necessary just to combat Master Rule decks. Torrential Tribute would certainly be very helpful. However, the rule that you can't have more than 1 different Legend card of each supertype still applies, I am just removing the 1 copy only rule in some cases. The 1 copy limitation is just going to be entirely removed for most Legend monsters.
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I finally did it.

No, not the YuGiOh thing. This is something else I've had cooking in the back of my head for like ten years, and I've mused about it a couple times in this thread since basically the start of Sufficient Velocity. I am very concerned with hitting the right notes here, and I don't feel like I've gotten it right yet. But, this is the first draft of the intro, and I'm expecting to be rough.

Cold. Darkness. Emptiness, growing and growing around me. I see nothing, feel nothing but a biting, bitter chill that creeps deeper inside my soul. It crawls and claws at me, reaching further and further, grasping around my slowly dying heart, and as my beating stills, my breathing grows silent, the cold creeps inside my mind, until, eventually…

My eyes open, or rather, creak apart as flakes of ice crack off of my eyelids. I stare up blankly at a ceiling of warped and distorted rock, as if the stone had become playdoh and been slapped around into a nonsensical texture by some demented child. My body feels incredibly heavy, and strange. With an excessive amount of effort, I try to raise my right arm and find that I can't. I feel like I'm encased in something solid, but I can't really feel what it is.

"C… cold." I mutter weakly, a fog of icy breath streaming from my lips like a chimney. The wisps of condensation, within a few brief seconds, suddenly crystalize into tiny flakes of snow and fall back down on my face. I barely feel it, my skin already seemingly numbed by extreme cold.

My voice… it's wrong. It's weak, and raspy from disuse, but I can still tell it sounds strange.

Why… Why is my heart… not beating?

I'm alive aren't I? Why is my heart not beating?!

I suck in a breath with all my strength, and even though my insides feel inert and dead, my muscle suddenly feels invigorated and tightly wound. The force of my ribs expanding causes the hard block of material around my torso to crack like glass. In a state of animalistic fear and panic, my arms wrench themselves free from the encasing that trapped me, seemingly with unbelievable force. It shatters, and I'm showered in shards of ice. The fragments of bitter cold frost pelt my skin, but I don't feel any pain.

And then that's when I finally see my hands. Pale, deathly so, with long and slender fingers somewhere in a confused space between daintily feminine and corpselike, long black nails that look more like claws extending from the tips. My right hand and forearm is concealed by a short red and black glove with small holes to allow my claws to poke through, while the left hand is ungloved. I have a couple black rings on the fingers and my arm has a bell-ended black sleeve around it with some white frilly fabric inside. A small sheet of ice still clings to the back of my left hand, and I stare into it to see… myself.

Angular and aggressive, with wide narrow eyes and long lashes, short and spiky crystalline white hair that ripples with strands of rainbow. A pair of vampire-like fangs glint behind my lips. What looks like a partial oni mask clings to my right eye, made of a red and black ceramic. The eye that peers through the broken mask piece looks like a horrific circle of ghostly blue surrounded by an impenetrable black void. My other eye is a comparatively normal greenish yellow color. I'm… something approaching beautiful, but twisted and demonic, with an edge of malice and feral danger. I find myself trapped in a state of mesmerization, unable to decide between self-absorbed vanity and existential horror. I can't help but notice how shredded my arms look, like I've been hitting the gym for years. The ice loses adhesion to my hand and crumbles away as I quiver, finally settling on the latter, even though the former emotion is… disturbingly palatable and tempting.

"What… is… what's going on?" I choke out, my hoarse voice finding some more strength behind it. "Gotta… get up!"

Now with most of my upper body dislodged, I turn to the side and claw at the ice around me, wrenching the rest of myself free. I flop out of what I find is a shallow pool of ice, barely deep enough to cover me up to my neck while laying flat in it. Panting, I clutch my chest, staring down to find that I am wearing a very edgy looking outfit consisting of a lot of red fabric and black leather and belts on my thighs. My… very full thighs and… long legs, and… this outfit is very fitting.

Holy… shit. I'm gorgeous

What the fuck why am I even thinking about that?!

I grab the mask on my face and try to pull it off, only to find that attempting to do so risks ripping off my skin with it. It's pretty much welded to me. I hiss and clutch my face, now stinging mightily and repeatedly muttering "ow" for a good ten seconds.

Where am I?!

Stumbling to my feet, very unsure of my balance due to my strange body and the very uneven stone floor, I see a small opening that looks to be a narrow tunnel leading upward. Water slowly drips in, and a thin layer of ice seems to coat everything. Strangely, the majority of the ice seems to be concentrated exactly where I was laying, as if it formed around me…

Whatever has happened to me, I need to get out.

The tunnel at times narrows down to such a tight space I can barely squeeze through it, especially with how wide… uh… I need to stop fixating on that right now. Regardless of random moments of embarrassment over how awkwardly I fit through some things, I manage to find the end of the tunnel. I see a significant increase in light, giving me hope that I've found the surface, and I scrabble my way toward it as fast as I can.

My eyes squint to adjust as I climb out, and then… if I still had a functioning heart, it would be hammering right now.

A massive, twisted abomination of stone and rock, warped like it melted into shape, loomed over me. It pulsates with a pastelle of sickly light ranging from a demonic red from its left side and a cool teal on its right. It's a skull's face, growing out of the cave wall. A long stairway made of similarly distorted stone leads up to it from the opposite side of the immense chasm it looms over, leading into an opening beside its grimacing maw.

My knees quiver, until, eventually, I lose all the strength to stand. I crumble to my knees and stare at the great visage, unable to stop myself from feeling pure, reverent awe. Something rooted and intrinsic within my soul calls me, bidding me to prostrate myself before something within that fortress of eldritch horror. I feel as though a force of unfathomable power and magnificence looms over me, staring down on my tiny spec of a self, but it's not aware, not yet cognisant of me in any way other than vaguely feeling my presence. It's as if it's sleeping, but still able to smell me.

No. No, what's going on? Why am I feeling this way? What have I become?! Where is this?! Why? Why do I feel… so… so welcome. It's like… I belong here.

"I summon thee, those that serve our great master!"

And that is when the inert heart in my chest finally pounds with sudden fear, deep and primal, but also, a confused mix of glee and hopefulness. I feel excited, so excited and fervent to answer this call. I recognize that voice. Why do I recognize that voice? That shouldn't really be speaking to me, it's not real. But… I recognize this place. I can't believe it, but I know where this is.

My body thrums, my ghostly masked eye starts to burn, and I grab it as I groan in confusion and pain.

"Agh! No, no, no, I can't be… not here… I can't be… o-one of them…" I stammer, trying to struggle against an overwhelming internal force bidding me to answer the summons that just resonated within my skull. "I don't want to… Please…"

I can't fight it. I can't ignore it. She's calling me. I… I must obey.

Somehow, without even consciously thinking about it, I move. I feel reality around me twist and warp as space itself caves before my subconscious will, and in an instant, I am somewhere else.

And I am surrounded by many others.

I find that I am standing shoulder to shoulder with what can only be described as monsters. Some look mostly human, but distorted in disturbing ways. Others are like full-on demons, with fantastical features and claws, standing taller than any man, covered in fur or scales, winged, and many other shapes and sizes. All of them are bent forward, bowing reverently in a great semicircle focused on one thing in front of all of us.

Before us is a throne of eldritch stone, beneath a huge warped skull with massive misshapen teeth and bug-like eyes. Sitting in the seat of horrific power, is a woman. No… not just a woman. A force of great darkness, possessed of malice and vanity, and… beauty. She's wondrous. I stare at her lovely flowing red hair and orange eyes, her long elf-like ears, purple lipstick, and the black tiara with a large round teal gem in the center, the long flowing purple dress that hugs her form. She waves her hands around a staff with a large crystal ball at its top, staring deeply into the foggy contents as the staff floats in front of her in defiance of gravity. I stand before her, captivated and reverent. Unable to withstand the instincts assaulting my mind from all directions, I hold one arm below my chest and bow, just like everyone else.

"Have you still not found the legendary Silver Crystal?"

"No, my lady," the great attendance of creatures answers.

Seemingly automatically, I find myself responding "No, my lady" along with them, in perfect sync.

"You understand we must hurry. Our great master demands results. We cannot delay. Until we procure the Silver Crystal, we must harvest energy to sustain her power!"

"As you wish, Queen Beryl," the army replies, and… me, along with them.

Why? Why am I answering her like… like… I must. I must answer her. I can't refuse. She is… she is…

She is my queen. My mistress.

I am a youma. I must serve. Our great ruler, Metallia, is waiting.
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I have this idea for a while and I wanted to hear your thought about it or if someone else wrote something similar, 'What if the ended up in a 'different' universe?
Yes, I know. An Si always enup in a diferent universe but what if that universe is not the one he remembers at all. An example: the SI wakes up in the Harry Potter Universe, so far so goods, he does standard SI stuff, get his wand, tries to get avanced spell books then he is admonished for it since he hasn't even made an spell yet , then he take the Hogward Express and then he began to notice that things are not as in the book, he talks to Harry and he answer in a very diferent way than he expected a more 'smart' response, then the hat decides to put Harry in Ravenclaw, Quirrel doesn't stutter in fact he is a decent teacher and for those who haven't read it yet, the SI is in Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality , and the SI has not read that so he is totally cluelless about what is going to happen.

The SI could also be in a more darker universe like in the Harry Dursley saga, or in the Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin world, or an even more twisted world like Rigel Black

I don't know if that is allowed but I always find myself wondering what would happen if the SI'S best weapon, his future knowledge, become absolute worthless from the beginning. I have seen the concept do it a little in some DC/Young Justice fic but not fully explored since the changes are few.
Here's a fanfic I found:

American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Zhang Yi accidentally traveled to the ruined universe of the Marvel Universe.

In this world, everything is so hopeless. There are no superheroes here. Those ways that enable heroes to obtain superpowers eventually lead to their death.

After Peter Parker was bitten by a spider, he did not become Spider-Man. Instead, he was infected with the disease and died on the street!

After finally escaping from this universe, Zhang Ye was horrified to find that the multiverse had already collapsed. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another...

Zhang Ye: If the apocalyptic universe is a
tomb, I will be the guardian of the multiverse. Grave Man.

Ruins (Marvel)
Man of Steel with some elements of Flashpoint and Supergirl (DC)
Deadpool Kill The Marvel Universe Again (Marvel)
Marvel's Wastelanders
Here's a fanfic I found:

American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Zhang Yi accidentally traveled to the ruined universe of the Marvel Universe.

In this world, everything is so hopeless. There are no superheroes here. Those ways that enable heroes to obtain superpowers eventually lead to their death.

After Peter Parker was bitten by a spider, he did not become Spider-Man. Instead, he was infected with the disease and died on the street!

After finally escaping from this universe, Zhang Ye was horrified to find that the multiverse had already collapsed. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another...

Zhang Ye: If the apocalyptic universe is a
tomb, I will be the guardian of the multiverse. Grave Man.

Ruins (Marvel)
Man of Steel with some elements of Flashpoint and Supergirl (DC)
Deadpool Kill The Marvel Universe Again (Marvel)
Marvel's Wastelanders
Sounds interesting. You could do a lot with that premise.

thread tax: My own 'The Jackasses' is a story about me, (Raphael) UnrealEntgaming, (Alex) and Pwnageshow (Kyle and Damian) going into simulation of created and fictional universes where they basically screw over everyone, including themselves.

I also have a fanfiction called Jerks which is this but in the real world of L.A.

Jerks: Prologue

Jerks A black screen with text appears. ???: Trigger Warning: This story includes lots of swearing, slurs, misogyny, bigotry, sexualization of minors, attempted arson, and misopedy. Not to mention betrayal, attempted breaking and entering, attempted assault, ephebophilia, assault, sexual assau...

Jerks: Act One: Scene One (Third Draft)

The night was cold and generally shittier than a tapeworm’s name. The houses around these parts were always run down and gave a certain aura, a certain mix of being homey and NSFW. The smell of cigar butts was in the air. While people performed on the sidewalk in front of graffiti. People were b...

Jerks: Act One: Scene Two (Third Draft)

Jerks: EXT. Back of The Strip Club - NIGHT Damian drags Kyle to the back of the strip club. The area had graffiti in red and yellow bubble art. The door was locked and there was a picture of a naked cartoon woman on the wall. There was a neon sign on top of the wall, and there were maggots in ...

Here ya go.
Its a SI Megaman Battle Network Fic!

A semi-SI fic set in the Battle Network world but instead of becoming an operator they're a Navi!

Taking place years after the main series (or in a straight up au, haven't decided yet), one day the MC wakes up to find they've been turned into a navi, one that looks like a total edgelord at that (imagine a ninja fused with a spectre/grim reapers-esq design). To make things even worse their operator is a kid in their early teens and is a total Chaud wannabe that views navis as nothing but tools in service to his goals. Said goals being to takedown a new net criminal organization that has recently started causing trouble. Fearing deletion, our MC goes along with his operator's plans in order to hopefully find an opportunity to ditch him and figure out how exactly he became a navi in the first place. In the mean time, he has to keep up his "cool" edgelord rival persona without any other navis or his operator finding out just how human he actually is. He also has to figure out how not to lose his sanity while dealing with the craziness that is the Battle Network world.

That's the general pitch but there's also other information to keep in mind. One our protagonist is from a world like ours except the battle network games DO NOT exist so they're going in blind and will have to learn as they go along. However, our protag is also a huge freaking nerd who loves anime, manga and video games so a lot of ideas in this setting are familiar to him so they do have a degree of genre savviness, which comes in handy when detecting obvious bad guy plots. Also the MC kind of sucks at acting like a cool rival, most of the comedic scenes will be from the mc trying to act cool but failing miserably lol. The MC also has to deal with the fact that they're very conflicted about their loss of humanity. They I think some aspects of being in navi is super cool. Like the ability to net battle (even though it was super scary to them at first) and being able to explore the internet and meet other navies. But they hate the loss of autonomy they had as a human and being treated like a "pet" by their operator feels dehumanizing. However, as the story goes along the MC and operator learn to trust each other and grow closer as they learn more about each other, with the MC learning of the operator's past and their motives for wanting to take down the criminal organization. However, both are way over their heads as the conspiracy relating to the recent incidents and the criminal organization goes way deeper than either of them could even imagine.

I posted this idea on spacebattles and on another fic idea thread on here as well but since this idea also qualifies for this thread I figured Id also try and post it here as well. I was always interested in battle network as a setting and I thought a self insert as an navi would be a super interesting way to explore it. That being said I don't know if I'm actually going to commit to it yet 'cause I have little writing experience and I feel like I would have to do a lot of research on the series for it by playing the games (which i haven't played all of them yet) and watching the anime (which I never finished lol), both of which will take a while to do. But I do wanna see what you guys think. Do you like the idea? Have any questions? Please let me know!