Self-Insert Idea Thread

That sounds very interesting as a concept, but I personally feel myself running up against a wall when trying to spin that concept into an actual story (although that might just be my own rather shallow knowledge of and investment in W40k). Is it just going to be a novelization of the rise of the Necrons? That might be interesting, but how would the SI-aspect change things?
I had an idea in the 40K thread of a Void Dragon SI.

My main idea is that it would be instead of Emps fighting the Void Dragon and imprisoning it on mars The Void Dragon and Emps would-be allies of a sort. Not friends but more two creatures who have the exact same goals.

Could be an interesting story IMO.
I had an idea in the 40K thread of a Void Dragon SI.

My main idea is that it would be instead of Emps fighting the Void Dragon and imprisoning it on mars The Void Dragon and Emps would-be allies of a sort. Not friends but more two creatures who have the exact same goals.

Could be an interesting story IMO.
I'd hope that they'd only be similar goals, since the Emperor's goals were... kind of shit.
Been thinking about a YJ SI (real original lol). Figure the SI is 'me as of age 14-15 or so' and thus rife with teenage nonsense to fling at the team and neatly avoiding the deep weird inserting an older SI in causes with a teenage team. Also given some personal elements there's some good drama there I figure.

But I'm not sure if the power would be neat or convoluted? See, I'm thinking at first she assumes it's Symbiote fun with shifting clothing and webbing and all that Venom-y goodness. No actual Symbiote mind or anything though, which is a little weird but hey whatever she's in a comic book universe sense is optional. Then later she figures out that she's actually a Cadmus experiment, an attempt to make a Martian/Human hybrid akin to Superboy that kinda failed on account of accidentally using some DNA from the 'organic clothing' Martians have in YJ. Thus shapeshifty goo powers. SI essentially 'landed in' the failed experiment and then sort of escaped due to Dubbilex figuring out the trove of intel in her head and yeeting her away once he'd learned some of it to avoid Cadmus proper realizing what they had (this would be figured out over time, and is in part a way to bring all the genomorph stuff into a more central position for the plot). Is that overcomplicating things? Should I just go with like The Other did it or something instead, different Spider-flavor that's unconnected to YJ's extant plot nonsense?
I'd hope that they'd only be similar goals, since the Emperor's goals were... kind of shit.
Similar goals such as containing chaos, knocking some sense into the eldar, containing the orks, and trying to keep things from going to shit.

Other than that the SI's goals would differ, such as trying to find a way to reverse bio transference, prepping the galaxy for the Tyranids and so on.
Similar goals such as containing chaos, knocking some sense into the eldar, containing the orks, and trying to keep things from going to shit.

Other than that the SI's goals would differ, such as trying to find a way to reverse bio transference, prepping the galaxy for the Tyranids and so on.
Thank god that the SI would fix things. I really would want to read this type of fic.
Is that overcomplicating things? Should I just go with like The Other did it or something instead, different Spider-flavor that's unconnected to YJ's extant plot nonsense?
I personally don't think that story beat sounds convoluted enough to consider it "overcomplicating things", so it probably would be fine if you just left it in. Plus, there are definitely people who like to get powers and background lore and stuff like that explained to them.


Just having that whole story about Martian clothing and stuff go nowhere except "and that's how my powers work" does seem kind of… both a bit weird and also wasteful, so I'd have it become a bigger plot point later down the road, maybe something like once the SI finds out about it, M'gann finds out, and through her eventually Martian Manhunter, and through him one of the ruling councils of Mars, and they become unhappy and worried with some Earthling stealing their technology, and then consequences from that (somebody sending down a delegation/ordering Martian Manhunter to retrieve it/find the culprit and recruiting the SI to help, etc.)

Just as an idea. It would probably also make the story stand out a bit from the other YJ SI stuff circulating around - I don't think there are very many stories that focus on the Martians and their relationship to Earth.
A SI where you have the abilities of The Nowhere King, minus the whole split self thing.
You could be in worm(of course), Young Justice(of course), Warhammer 40k(WARP FAHKERY!!!!), or MCU.

A Dovahkin SI in Warhammer Fantasy.

A Warhammer Self insert where it starts shortly after the birth of Slaanesh or at the start of the great crusade that the emperor started, the SI is the God of Heroes, complete with his/her throne of heroes and access to all Nobel Phantasms. Though they'd have to figure out how to use their powers. They can summon the past heroes of the Warhammer universe, both human and Xeno. They can also(by the author's choice) have access to heroes from other fandoms(Such as Madara, Hollow Knight, Percy Jackson, etc) and can also use their Nobel Phantasms. This also goes for the beforehanded mention of this universe's heroes.

A SI who becomes the character they recently cosplayed as as they're sent to Familiar of Zero.
Warhammer 40k: SI as an Eldar.

Sequel Crossover: Eldar SI Wraithseer in Worm.

Alternate Sequal: SI and craftworld end up in Mass Effect.
I was thinking a bit more about this, and technically speaking a lore accurate Dragonborn would be wielding enuncia. Exactly how they would fit into the world and when would be the key point.
Just blame it as one of Sheogorath's tricks on the Dragonborn. "How funny would it be if I plopped one of Skyrim's best heroes into a dimension that would obviously benifit from him being there."
An ASOIAF/GOT SI as a Dragon (literally, not a Targ). Congratulations you are a walking tank who breathes fire, on the minus side you can't talk or write or interact normally with most people, good luck!
An ASOIAF/GOT SI as a Dragon (literally, not a Targ). Congratulations you are a walking tank who breathes fire, on the minus side you can't talk or write or interact normally with most people, good luck!
Sounds funny on paper, but I could see that being a bit frustrating to read/write. People'd probably try to very blatantly control/manipulate you, at least until you could convince them that you're a thinking, sentient being (at which point they'd try to control/manipulate you with slightly greater degrees of subtlety). And considering the prevalence of Tywin Lannisters and Olenna Tyrells in that freaking setting, you could probably never have a interpersonal relationship with someone that someone wouldn't try to exploit, no matter how gruesome of an example you'd make of the first one who'd try.
Just throwing this out here...

The SI lands in Fódlan, of Fire Emblem Three Houses. Byleth is missing, and, in order to not get killed, you wind up having to make a deal with Garreg Mach and being recruited in their place to teach a class at the Officer's Academy. With disaster coming, and foreknowledge of events, it would be a simple enough matter to direct the story where they want to go, right?

Yeah, well, when they show up, all the students are out of character, and in various degrees of surprise at the fact that Byleth has been replaced by the SI. Almost like they were all replaced with SIs as well...
Time to play SI Idea: Fun or Dumb?

A self-insert into Iron-Blooded Orphans (or another mecha show but the SI has an IBO Gundam), with the gimmick that the OOC information is all stored inside the mech and not the SI's squishy sloshy meat sack. She can only remember the events of the show while jacked into the Gundam, and outside of it only has the plans she thought of in there and not the whys of them outside of vagaries.
Time to play SI Idea: Fun or Dumb?

A self-insert into Iron-Blooded Orphans (or another mecha show but the SI has an IBO Gundam), with the gimmick that the OOC information is all stored inside the mech and not the SI's squishy sloshy meat sack. She can only remember the events of the show while jacked into the Gundam, and outside of it only has the plans she thought of in there and not the whys of them outside of vagaries.
There is no such thing as a bad idea only bad execution.

I would wonder whether I had multiple personality disorder if something like that happened to me. If everybody gets the OOC knowledge downloaded while in the Mech I would be less scared.
Yeah, well, when they show up, all the students are out of character, and in various degrees of surprise at the fact that Byleth has been replaced by the SI. Almost like they were all replaced with SIs as well...
You wanna know how to make this FANTASTICAL?
Make it so that either the main 3 are the same, or make it so that the ROB that truck-kun'd all of them is masquerading as Gatekeeper.
Or one body and three SI's thrown into a scenario where one SI knows the realm and lore, one has out of world designs and knowledge to bring those designs to reality, and the third SI has all the combat and survival skills to keep them alive.

Imagine watching that from the outside, one moment they are an inventor and the next their are a battle hungry warrior
Would be even better if one of them had a preferred husbando in order to complete the chaos.