Self-Insert Idea Thread

Sounds like a potentially interesting idea, but likely a complicated one.

My knee-jerk reaction is to say that seven SIs is too high a number, but that 's not necessarily true - introducing that many new characters, likely all at once (or at least very closely to each other), it'll be very easy to fall into character bloat. Especially if they all share the same body - it means there'll be less opportunity for the reader to differentiate them from each other, and the appearance of one is likely also going to automatically include the others, too.

Not saying you can't do it with as many as seven, but doing so well is going to be difficult, I think.

Other than that it's definitely a very different premise, and not one I've seen done a lot. I've had a bit of a hard time understanding exactly what kind of role the SIs would play in that story, or how character interaction would look like, so if you could maybe elaborate on that a bit more?

Like, do the SIs primarily try and use their powers to influence the people around them, to protect them? Is it going to be a mad, panicked scramble for survival/security on the SIs part that might eventually see their morals compromised?

Or are they more open, enter into negotiations with the powers that be, try to gain political leverage with foreknowledge/similar?

You know, stuff like that.
Eh, it's just an idea, I'm completely willing to modify it as needed to make it work, so long as I have constructive criticism to draw upon.
In that case number one would be to reduce the number of SIs - it'd just make things simpler. Maximum of three, I'd say. That way you could do the whole ego, superego, I'd kind of inner dialogue. Two would also work, with a similar dynamic, probably. One as well - I don't actually understand why you thought of multiple inserts, but that's up to you.
a SI as a High tier super in The Boys (comics or show) but without having the memories of the series but carrying the memories of "modern" superheroes and "How" they are supposed to function

another idea I had was a Zombie apocalypse universe (or other apocalypse universes like fallout) Isekaied to before the "event"
like a year or 2 before the start (zombies for the zomb universe, nuclear war for fallout and metro ) and your goal is to survive (maybe even add more effects so it gets fun ( like using the Celestial forge, thinker of fiction, and inspire invention or a mass crossover of most zombie media for more diversity) so its less scavenging for food and more actually making a society that actually survives)
I don't actually understand why you thought of multiple inserts, but that's up to you.
maybe they did it because of the multiple heads?
another idea I had was a Zombie apocalypse universe (or other apocalypse universes like fallout) Isekaied to before the "event"
like a year or 2 before the start (zombies for the zomb universe, nuclear war for fallout and metro ) and your goal is to survive (maybe even add more effects so it gets fun ( like using the Celestial forge, thinker of fiction, and inspire invention or a mass crossover of most zombie media for more diversity) so its less scavenging for food and more actually making a society that actually survives)
try and get the Ghoulification drug so you can survive until the time of the setting?
Maybe the Super mutant serum as well?
And this guy gets it. I mean, seriously! A fully matured False Hydra has about seven heads, so I was planning for each SI to wind up defaulting to one particular head each.
I knew that. And it's certainly a good excuse to put in seven separate SIs in the story, but I was wondering about the reason for having them. How it would serve the story.

But I suppose "Because" is as good a reason as any other when it comes to those things.
So, this is an SI idea I've been toying with for weeks by now. Never figured out much concrete stuff for it, mind you, but the basic outline is sound and the plot is... as solid as I can make it.

The world of One Piece is, for lack of a better word, treacherous. If a ROB sends you there, you know he's an absolute asshole. But, what happens to me, since my ROB is trying to prove he's the biggest asshole ever?

My mind gets slam-dunked into the uncomfortable-looking shoes and rat-eared hood of Marine Captain Nezumi, of course. At least he gave me one nice thing and put me in about a week before the Straw Hats reach Cocoyashi.
So, this is an SI idea I've been toying with for weeks by now. Never figured out much concrete stuff for it, mind you, but the basic outline is sound and the plot is... as solid as I can make it.

The world of One Piece is, for lack of a better word, treacherous. If a ROB sends you there, you know he's an absolute asshole. But, what happens to me, since my ROB is trying to prove he's the biggest asshole ever?

My mind gets slam-dunked into the uncomfortable-looking shoes and rat-eared hood of Marine Captain Nezumi, of course. At least he gave me one nice thing and put me in about a week before the Straw Hats reach Cocoyashi.
Honestly, at that point the best option might be to run?

If you stop covering for Arlong and, say, send evidence of his actions to Marine HQ, they'll probably end up arresting you, too, for aiding and abetting him. And that's provided Arlong doesn't find out first - because in that case he'd just as likely kill you.

But you'd at least have the cash to do it.

You might be able to collect some good will with the Straw Hats if you were able to adequately demonstrate a change of heart - by helping them out against Arlong, and/or funneling money to Cocoyashi village (although that might get Arlong on your tail, if he finds out), and/or by helping out any potential refugees from Gosa - but I wouldn't count on it. In Nami and Nojikos' eyes Nezumi has been aiding Arlong to oppress the Conomi Islands potentially for years, after all, maybe even since the guy killed Bellmere (I don't remember that part well enough to be sure if Nezumi was already around by then, you'd have to check).

Biggest butterfly in the story, though? Nezumi is originally the guy responsible for the first bounty on Luffy's head, so if you just don't do that, he won't be a known pirate by the time he gets to Loguetown, meaning Smoker is less likely to take an interest in him, let alone abandon his post to chase after him (which means he'll likely also not be around in Alabasta, or even the rest of the story - the East Blue is considered to be among the most peaceful parts of the world, so there likely won't be as many opportunities for promotion for him - but that's up to you).

There's definitely other stuff, too, but I wouldn't want to do all your work for you.

Another question is how you'd keep the story going after Arlong park - what'll you do then? Will Nezumi's earlier machinations come to light and land you in jail - likely awaiting execution, since he did cause the death of several marine crews? Will you flee, becoming an outlaw yourself? Etc.

Also, what exactly are Nezumi's strong points? The guy must've become a Captain for a reason, after all, and it wasn't because of his personal power - Nami could beat him up no problem. Maybe he is very administratively good, and got his promotion because he was such a good pencil pusher. Or maybe he was very good at buttering up his superiors, or even had blackmail material on them.

Or maybe he was just an asshole with no redeeming qualities that got promoted up and send to a small provincial agrarian community so his colleagues didn't have to deal with him.

Just something to think about.
Wow. Was it good or meh?
I should clarify the post by saying that the fanfic I read didn't have a full-on crossover with SATAM but another story in that series, Blood and Metal, did and that had the aforementioned twist of the SI, Davey Crockett (yes, that is the SI's actual name) being Robotnik's son. Haven't read it, but from what I could skim off the first chapter, it seems like it's off to a good start.

The fanfic I read, involving Sailor Moon (and Power Rangers and a lot of western Tokusatsu), have Robotnik mentioned in passing but the fanfic died before he himself got involved.

As for the quality of the Sailor Moon crossover itself... It started off somewhat decent, with Sailor Moon winding up in America and having to adjust to her situation while Beryl and Lord Zedd team up. Though, after the squicky reveal of Serena's true parentage (since it's not as simple to explain as "Robotnik had a daughter") where the major takeaway from Davey and Serena was to go "This means I can't get into a relationship with you!" and not "So my dad was a mad scientist who wanted to turn animals into robots?" And then they fight Zoicite and the fanfic degrades into soapbox hell, especially once Zoisite got involved. After that point, the only enjoyable moment was this completely unrelated sub-story about Nephrite coming back to life to save Molly, but that's it.

So, overall, the fanfic was meh at best, bad at worst. Again, the potential storylines for the SI to have both Dr. Robotnik as a father (especially if he was had before Julian Kintobor became Robotnik) and have Sailor Moon as a sister could be interesting.
Psst I made the HK SI fic

A Fate and Naruto fic is summoned along with Arturia, but NOT as a servant and more or less as chakra/kaleidoscope fuckery. I suggest Post Naruto Shippuden(not during Boruto with how Nerfed the writers made him).

Also a TTS SI where it not only goes beyond what the episodes are at, but also has the SI be a ghost.

A Warhammer SI where the SI is basically the DOOM Slayer in terms of power, except no doom demons and can absorb warp-stuff without being corrupted.

Genshin Impact SI where the SI has elemental powers(2-4 max) and joins the travler(be it Aether or Lumine) on their adventure!

Hyperdimension Neptunia SI where the SI is a long lost CPU. Also less meta jokes.
Here's a fanfic I found:

Marvel Movie Destruction

I picked up a crimson at the beginning, and became a life and death enemy with Iron Man by the way. Does this style seem to be wrong?

Fortunately, it comes with a golden finger, but this system seems to be a little abnormal?

I want to be a good person, why is the whole world pushing me?

A single infinite stream based on the Marvel world.
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I've always been amused by the idea of a character (SI or otherwise) landing in a world they think they know only to discover that what they know is wrong.

Take Star Wars for example. In canon Star Wars the Empire is evil, Darth Vader casually murders his subordinates, and the Emperor is having a Death Star constructed so he can cement his rule on the galaxy. Except things are different. In this version the Empire is too big for one ruler to oversee everything. There's a lot of corruption and graft. Because of the Galactic Civil War the systems of the Republic-turned-Empire that should function to keep corruption limited are no longer functional.

For a police procedural example instead of Internal Affairs looking for corrupt cops IA is either ineffective or is busy being corrupt themselves.

The Emperor is trying to keep the Core Worlds intact and knows that the Empire is going to Balkanize badly. He is doing his best to drag the primary military assets - Super Star Destroyers for example - back into the Core Worlds. He's actively trying to prevent people from building Death Stars. Tarkin isn't a close ally of the Emperor. Instead he's one of the people scheming to become a warlord and claim as much of the Empire as he can. Darth Vader isn't evil and he doesn't try to murder his subordinates. Instead he's doing his very best to try and resolve crises to buy his friend and Emperor time to engineer a "soft landing" for the Core Worlds.

Note this doesn't mean that the Rebellion is evil or even wrong. Given the further away from the Emperor you get the more corrupt things are the Rebellion has just as much of a reason to want to tear down the Empire. They're just wrong about the Emperor being the biggest part of the problem. With the rule of law compromised practically everywhere, Moffs causing all kinds of misery among the people they are supposed to govern, and Imperial military officers behaving like warlords instead of honorable soldiers the galaxy could use a little Rebellion..

I used Star Wars as an example of the idea here because it is a common piece of media for people to have seen. I wouldn't particularly want to write or read the example above because of the side effects of what I'm proposing. With widespread corruption from the Imperial government (even if not the Emperor) and an impending Balkanization there would be decades of war just over the horizon. Sectors breaking off, fighting one another, getting conquered, and so on.

That said I hope people can come up with their own examples from media they enjoy.
How interesting would a SI into DC or Marvel be if, rather than inserting into an official continuity, it's one of the SI writer's own devising?
How interesting would a SI into DC or Marvel be if, rather than inserting into an official continuity, it's one of the SI writer's own devising?
It could be rather interesting since the reader won't really know what changed and what hasn't, thus keeping them on their toes for when the shifts do happen.

So, to give as an example, the beginning of the SI shows and implies that the Marvel Universe is mostly MCU but then throws the curveball of, say, Wade Wilson being a major antagonist similar to the assassin he was named after. Yes, Wade Wilson, though the final battle results in him being the Deadpool we all know and love/loathe.
I REALLY wanna see a Fairy Tail SI fic where the SI has one of or all of the following(that get unlocked as the story progresses) Rinnegan, Shari Rinnegan(my 2 personal faves), and/or sharingan with the magenkyo being Kamui. Also access to Susano'o