Self-Insert Idea Thread

I really really did not want to necro this thing... But i fear that my indecisive state may not be cured if i don't post this.


Alright here goes nothing.

I have three plot bunnies in my head. All of them have been trying to win over each other and the mental brainstorm of a war has not calmed much. And i want to make a desition before they all merge together into an literature abomination.

All are 40k based and they are being a pain on my ass to pick. Most are Self Inserts in a way.

1.. Stacking Perpetuity.

Semi Self Insert. You wake up as a perpetual technopathic psyker created by the sciences and warpcraft of the last surviving Old Ones to enact their final directive. Alone in this civilized/hive world, you have been subjected to a bleak and grueling life. Guilt clings on you like a cloak, reminding you of those you love having been taken from you by the arch enemy. But even that does not come half as close to the spiritual scars that paint your soul, the remnants of a self enacted exorcism you only sirvived thanks to your immortality. Now you walk the hives and abandoned cities, like an perpetual engine running on hatred and grief hunting down the deluded foolish servants of chaos. This has been your life for the past three years. That is... until a certain inquisitor enters your life.

Dark fic at first. May turn more lighthearted (slightly) as it progresses. "Hopes" for a Noblebright ending... Though since its 40k its more of a Nobledark one instead.

2.. Astral Calamities.

True self insert. Crossover with Terraria Calamity mod. You wake up in the vowels of a long dead hive city as the sentient astral infection. You are the chosen of the Astral God of the Heavens, the inheritor of the powers of the divine plague. As you grow and evolve, consuming and creating life, so does the galaxy try and consume you. As time passes you see your own mind be altered by war and the divine spirit you have inherited. A god swims the materium and none are ready in this cruel age for its judgement.

Starts out more lighthearted and mainly done from an external POV from the MC. MC suffers from divine message transmission errors (Each person hears his words differently). Starts turning darker as the MC has to struggle with his nature altering his mind.

3.. Tabula Rasa

Semi self insert. You walked by His side during the Age of Nightmares. You fought in His armies during the Dusk of Time. Daemon, man, angel, horror, abomination, machine. You have been called all those names and all are as right as they are wrong. And now He has one final task for you. To return to the past where all paths can be broken. Where all are both weak and strong enough to resist and die. You have but one mission. And despite how much you may have said no to it during another lifetime, now you are too broken and hateful to even allow the time you have existed in to persist any longer. Because sometimes the only way to win, is for everyone, including you, to lose.

SI sent from the unending apocalyptic nightmare that is 60k to the relative sunshine of 40k in the body of the greatest and most horrible weapon of the Iron War. The men of iron were humanitys greatest creation, but no one knows what was the iron men's greatest. It starts out calm and soft. It escalates very fast after that.

So... Yeah.... Any help? Thanks in advance to any that reply.
I got an idea, maybe it's just dumb power fantasy but I'd like to publish it here for future references and revisions until I have an fuctioning computer to write it.

Here is a summary of it.

For those that know of FATE franchise and series, I got an idea that would become Multicross but I want to start slow. Taking bits from Kaleido Liner Prisma☆Illya, the SI is inserted on an body not of his own (an Random Homonculus) and thrusted into an world similar to his own, with the mission of learning magic and the Kaleidoscope, and take things slowly.

Unfortunately, like in Prisma Illya, he does have to deal with the Class Cards and its manifested forms as Blackened Servants and doesn't have an Kaleidostick to help him but have the Knowledge to Install/Uninstall implanted on his brain as well magecraft that come with the body. To make matters worse, the events of the world he is been inserted it's starting (Jump Force) becoming slowly into an Death World. The Worst part is that some of the Class Cards gained enough ego, sentience and power to become into full-fledged servants on their own despite no having Grial War system made by the Einzbern and needing Mana from a Master.

In reality, there are Masters and are tasked with the goal of finding him and kill him for "The wish-granting grail infused in his hody". All of this is a Experiment, an Test made by people that inserted him into that world to sees how he evolves through the struggles; physically, mentally and spiritually.

I'd like to go through the an pseudo original world using Jump Force setting as bases of it, the SI know nothing of the 'plot' (for the lack of better word) of Jump Force and assumes anybody as his enemy as he'll try to survive in an America about to get razed by Venoms (Game's main enemies), Hollows (Bleach), Titans (Attack on Titans), among many others.

His Class Cards are one of the 'Knight' Classes, Two of the 'Calvary' Classes (Assassin and Caster) and one of the 'Extra' Classes.

Honestly, I don't know if I gonna get anywhere with this but this idea that has been plaguing me for a good while and chances are that isn't gonna be realized beyond the idea phase.
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For those that know of FATE franchise and series, I got an idea that would become Multicross but I want to start slow. Taking bits from Kaleido Liner Prisma☆Illya, the SI is inserted on an body not of his own (an Random Homonculus) and thrusted into an world similar to his own, with the mission of learning magic and the Kaleidoscope, and take things slowly.
One query I have about this: Does the Homunculi body have the shortened lifespan that most Homunculi seem to have, or not?
I wonder what a Burnish SI would be capable of...

They seem to regenerate as long as they are alive... wonder if they could refuel themselves to extend their lifespan?
I wonder what a Burnish SI would be capable of...

They seem to regenerate as long as they are alive... wonder if they could refuel themselves to extend their lifespan?
I mean... yeah, I do like the Burnish Aesthetic... and as for the refueling... well, if the setting has Magic or sufficiently high tech, I don't see why they couldn't.

Also yeah, I'm gonna ignore the whole issue of where the Burnish's powers come from, because that's not super-fun to consider.

Now, as for what they could do... well, they seem to be able to make constructs, so I imagine that even at a small scale, they could do a lot of stuff, not to mention the general pyrokinesis they seem to have, being able to control even external flames that weren't made by them.

Although there is the slight problem of their mental issue that the powers give them... and as we saw with the big bad, trying to repress the urge to burn things just causes that urge to grow to a cataclysmic level, even if they don't actively think or act on it.

EDIT: Also, I thought that the Lifespan was an issue only when their flames were forcefully ignited.
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EDIT: Also, I thought that the Lifespan was an issue only when their flames were forcefully ignited.
Not too sure to be honest, haven't managed to track down the full film, but the regeneration they have made me think of potential immortality
Although they do still need to eat and drink i think, unfortunately

Maybe some Similar type of Fire elemental powers, with a Burnish theme?
One query I have about this: Does the Homunculi body have the shortened lifespan that most Homunculi seem to have, or not?
I'd like to say yes, an incentive to continue the experiment and if he is a success, have his lifespan extended but I have an plot relevance for that later on.
He is, in fact, an Einzbern Homunculi but not any Homunculi for he was no made but born, like Illya. His body come from an Justeaze-Class Homunculi Mother, extensively made to be almost indistinguishable from a normal human being; An perfect Homunculi but blank slate unlike an traditional Einzbern creation, it's an customized commission ordered by those that inserted the SI and paid with books that gives "Knowledge and close insight to reach complete understanding and hope to wield the Heaven's Feel once more." The SI doesn't know this, believing that he is an low quality one like an Yggdmillenia's as his eye color and hair simply do not match with those of the Einzbern's but with all this said, What has to do with anything, what he gain? Nothing.

He just gain the knowledge that he isn't an Normal Homunculi and have relatively normal lifespan, despite the short size. I honestly don't know if to really make him the vessel of the Holy Grail, considering that the 'War' he is going to be participating is not an traditional one (Then again, which Holy Grail War was normal by Fate Standards?), the whole experiment is to see the performance of some Class Cards and how the SI evolves through the adversities before him. He is just an Homunculi with an abnormally high magic circuits as for some of his cards are very demanding on Mana. He was specifically tailored for those cards since he doesn't have an Kaleidostick or anything similar to supply him nearly infinite energy, others would be nearly exhausted to just mantain them in servant form, much less keep it up in battle and use their Noble Phantasm which would kill them upon use.

You would say that is he is given too much power early on but in the world he is on, he is just 'decent' enough to survive and he only know merely the basics of Magecraft and innate knowledge of Einzbern brand of Alchemy.

But all of this is just still in idea phase and it's bound to change.

But nothing is final.
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I'd like to say yes, an incentive to continue the experiment and if he is a success, have his lifespan extended but I have an plot relevance for that later on.
He is, in fact, an Einzbern Homunculi but not any Homunculi for he was no made but born, like Illya. His body come from an Justeaze-Class Homunculi Mother, extensively made to be almost indistinguishable from a normal human being; An perfect Homunculi but blank slate unlike an traditional Einzbern creation, it's an customized commission ordered by those that inserted the SI and paid with books that gives "Knowledge and close insight to reach complete understanding and hope to wield the Heaven's Feel once more." The SI doesn't know this, believing that he is an low quality one like an Yggdmillenia's as his eye color and hair simply do not match with those of the Einzbern's but with all this said, What has to do with anything, what he gain? Nothing.

He just gain the knowledge that he isn't an Normal Homunculi and have relatively normal lifespan, despite the short size. I honestly don't know if to really make him the vessel of the Holy Grail, considering that the 'War' he is going to be participating is not an traditional one (Then again, which Holy Grail War was normal by Fate Standards?), the whole experiment is to see the performance of some Class Cards and how the SI evolves through the adversities before him. He is just an Homunculi with an abnormally high magic circuits as for some of his cards are very demanding on Mana. He was specifically tailored for those cards since he doesn't have an Kaleidostick or anything similar to supply him nearly infinite energy, others would be nearly exhausted to just mantain them in servant form, much less keep it up in battle and use their Noble Phantasm which would kill them upon use.

You would say that is he is given too much power early on but in the world he is on, he is just 'decent' enough to survive and he only know merely the basics of Magecraft and innate knowledge of Einzbern brand of Alchemy.

But all of this is just still in idea phase and it's bound to change.

But nothing is final.
....Ok, so then I do have some minor questions... namely... how did the SI get yeeted into another world? The Operation of Parallel worlds is under the purview of the Second Magic, which only Zelretch can use, as far as people are aware.

See, if the SI was just ROB-yeeted (Irregardless of whether or not said ROB stayed silent or not) into a world, then I wouldn't have issues.... but if they are an experiment by a Magus family... then there is an issue.
....Ok, so then I do have some minor questions... namely... how did the SI get yeeted into another world? The Operation of Parallel worlds is under the purview of the Second Magic, which only Zelretch can use, as far as people are aware.

See, if the SI was just ROB-yeeted (Irregardless of whether or not said ROB stayed silent or not) into a world, then I wouldn't have issues.... but if they are an experiment by a Magus family... then there is an issue.
Again, All of this is subject to change, I originally wanted for a more... 'Traditional' SI insertion, as it's just a ROB'ed in with not explanation possible and never to be hear or tackle on again.

But I wanted to start a bit differently.

As for the Wizard Marshall, I did considered him to be the responsible of his insertion before but got into some issues mostly based on his canon stance, he is not the kind of guy that would 'isekai' someone into an setting for whatever reason. The whole troll thing is just fanon stuff due to misunderstanding surrounding certain aspect that are tied to him, such as the Kaleidosticks. So I have to think on something or someone else that would fill his 'role'.

Just to let you know, I have not an 'OC donut steel' Magus Family that know the Second True Magic, nor I intend to make one for the sake of this fic.
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Travelling to other worlds is not that hard in the Nasuverse. Musashi even does it by accident.

As other example all masters of the Labyrinth Grail War come from different universes.

What Zelrecth does with the second magic is basically deciding which timelines continue and which ones get erased because there is a unknow limit of how many worlds can exist at the same time before they start to get randomly erased by timelocks.
Again, All of this is subject to change, I originally wanted for a more... 'Traditional' SI insertion, as it's just a ROB'ed in with not explanation possible and never to be hear or tackle on again.
Yeah, that's p much how I handle my own SIs, no muss, no fuss, you're here, an ROB is prolly involved, but like a good audience member,t ehy don't step onto the stage, just deal with the hand you're dealt.

As for the Wizard Marshall, I did considered him to be the responsible of his insertion before but got into some issues mostly based on his canon stance, he is not the kind of guy that would 'isekai' someone into an setting for whatever reason. The whole troll thing is just fanon stuff due to misunderstanding surrounding certain aspect that are tied to him, such as the Kaleidosticks. So I have to think on something or someone else that would fill his 'role'.
Yeah, I know... even if some Troll!Zelretch portrayal's are kinda fun.

Also, I just ignore a few contextual bits when it comes to magecraft, like the Foundations, since they genuinely do not matter in the grand scheme of things a lot, and make things very, very boring real fast.

Like... using a El-Melloi II CYOA, I've sorta built up an Magus who rolls with Arabic/lightning-inspired Magecraft, with Mystic codes relating to Indra-related things, along with following the trail of symbolism to make binding chains that're super-weak to dogs... yes, tying to Fenrir's myth, namely a chain forged by Thor.

I'm honestly just paying lip-service to the grander Fate Lore, working off of symbolism and the like.

Still, personally a touch undecided where to yeet the SI... well, I do have some ideas... just undecided.

Travelling to other worlds is not that hard in the Nasuverse. Musashi even does it by accident.
True, but again, that'd work more so for a solo one-off bit, instead of a larger group getting involved in the matter long-term.
i just came up with, if not a brilliant idea, an interesting one.
so, truck-kun comes along, lovingly full-nelsons our victim subject.
they wake up in a void.
they end up NOT going insane, but nonetheless, they talk to themself.
they hear someone crying, in this instance, a child, because they were orphaned and what their parents back.
through sheer force of "FUCK YOU PURGATORY I AM OUTTA HERE" they end up manifesting into the new world.
at first, its just as a reincarnation of their original form.
but, for the series i originally came up with this idea for ZnT, the child was a noble, and SI ends up sending them to a magic academy.
and, after the portal manifests for the familiar summoning, the child hears a lovely little choir on the other side.




edit: i just realized the Unown could be a living metaphor for code.
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.....I would say yeah, kinda... but that's more so when the SI just by themselves, and not a... well, a science experiment like what your original plot was.

Ok, I might have to change some of the parts of the backstory, maybe change the whole motivation on being in an slowly turning on more of a surviving thing rather than retrieving Class Cards, find an away to get out of Jump World but also means in studying directly into the issue of what was happening with it, while going to place to place in America, looking for a safe place to continue his investigation.

The World has a lot of heroes and that can counter their own brand of Villians and he doesn't need to intervene because, as powerful the Servants are, most of them are surpassed in term of raw power and feats and the only way to defeat them or even fighting head on is to be crafty and he isn't the cunning type of guy, Essentially, an Coward that while he had all the tools to do the 'hero' work, he isn't the guy that wants to get involved. An deconstruction of the SI fics that uses meta knowledge to their adventage, he realistically can't solve this mess because is a total chaos, an clustefuck of global proportions and has no meta knowledge to begin with, only vague ideas. Least he can do is to save people in the place he is in but now he have to move on afterward for inadvertently getting attention onto one self.

Unfortunately, he won't get respite of this and will, inevitably, meet with people and others that either appeared in the game or and not, OCs or not, for his deed will get noticed by many that get interested on him, either the Jump Force, Umbras or Independent forces capitalizing on the chaos.

I might have to discard the whole class retrieval subplot but that's another thing for later.
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i just came up with, if not a brilliant idea, an interesting one.
I mean... it certainly is interesting, even if the description sounds a fair bit rough-shod.... and ZnT isn't exactly my area of expertise.
edit: i just realized the Unown could be a living metaphor for code.
I mean.... they basically are tho? Like... isn't the lore around them that Arceus used them to make the world or something? That sounds p much like coding, save for the lack of numbers.
An deconstruction of the SI fics that uses meta knowledge to their adventage
Sounds interesting, I'll give you that.

Also.... Persona-lly, got a bit of an interesting story idea while buggering about in a Danmachi SI thread over in QQ... and don't worry, it's not lewd.

Basically... drop an SI into the deeper levels of the Dungeon... with the FeMC from Persona 3 Portable and PQ2, and have them join the Loki Familia. Admittedly, I have lot more planned for the FeMC -rolling with Hamuko, y'know, to make her a distinct entity separate from Minato-, and this idea could function without an SI in the mix, but first and foremost, I am an SI writer.

Granted, the idea is very loosey-goosey, and I haven't even finished reading the novels that're out, but still felt like sharing the idea...whereas another idea is more... well, solid-ish in my head.

Basically... take an OC Magus built with a Fate CYOA... and replace their mind with an SI's, and toss them into either:

Fire Emblem Fates, specifically Nohr, and replace Peri as Xander's retainer, because flat-out, Peri should not be Xander's retainer, and that's just one of many changes I plan on making to Fates' crappy writing. From there, I admit, the specifics are more loose than planned out, but basic gist; try to achieve the Revelations ending.


Fire Emblem Three Houses, and have the SI join the Golden Deer... at first, as in this timeline, Byleth's teaching the Blue Lions, because in all honesty, the early game feels like it was built with the Blue Lions in mind, but yeah, gonna join the Deer first, haven't really figured out the howdunnit yet, but I do have a couple of interactions in mind, namely Professor Hanneman and what-not, and a general plan in mind.
One idea I found myself thinking is a sort of "future looking back" sort of narrative. Basically the OP isekai character did their thing in the distant past and people are trying to piece things together. Bonus points if the character is immortal but keeps a low profile.

The idea came from that old "self insert ends up as an immortal nanobot infused guy in a post-post-apocalyptic magical Earth" concept I have but I keep imagining parable like narratives that make it sound like Buddhist scripture which resulted in imagining it as a "look back in history" narrative.