Self-Insert Idea Thread


Is this a good place to talk about those Lantern Insert stories?
Personally on the fence about them.

Like.... yeah, Lanterns are cool, but they're also so freaking strong that... well, it can honestly feel like they suck tension out of the story. Yes, I know that none of them are sheer, unbridled power, whether that be mental corruption, limits of what fuels them, or just hard-coded rules, not to mention how... well, dime-a-dozen they are, and most of them do a lot of the same things, at least from what I've seen.
Self inserting as a Lantern.

Sample oath;

Against all forms of despair and fright, I hang this lantern of blue light. For those afflicted by foe famine or blight, I stand in defense, a Cobalt Knight!
Wait, do you mean self-inserting as a member of a corp or as the actual Power Battery? Because honestly, being self-inserted as an entity of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum sounds awesome.
Meant the former, referring to "Lantern" as in, the job title/hero name, but yeah, being what's essentially a Patron does sound pretty awesome.

Also... I do admittedly have a bit of a burning question to you fine folks, and that's in regards to giving an SI a power that's from a different setting. Nothing too broken, just something that'll let an SI not die horribly to the things in the setting, y'know, essentially a pistol to defend themselves with.

Decided to ask this, since that's kind of my main shtick, with usually trying to find some level of thematic relevance between the setting and the power, though with Trails of Cold Steel... I kinda just gave up and went with Triggers from World Trigger, albeit changed around a smidge, namely regarding energy.
Might as well unload.

Here are some of my ideas. Maybe someone will like one or two. Not going into too many details.

- SI as Tech-Priest ported in RWBY during events of Volume 1
- SI as Crown prince/ss of Atlas in RWBY during events of the Great War
- SI as Ghost Operative ported in Skyrim (during Alduin's return) or RWBY (Vol-1/3)
- SI as Jarl of Space Wolves Great Company directly preceding First War for Armageddon
- SI as an ordinary human in Star Wars Galaxy circa around 50BBY

And these are for masochists
- SI as a perpetual during the Long Night
- SI as Jedi Temple Security Officer after order 66, additional option for non-security oriented Temple Support Staff position instead.

Also... I do admittedly have a bit of a burning question to you fine folks, and that's in regards to giving an SI a power that's from a different setting. Nothing too broken, just something that'll let an SI not die horribly to the things in the setting, y'know, essentially a pistol to defend themselves with.
Can't see why not. I personally see it as a way to make the story more interesting in more dangerous settings.

PS: If any of my readers see this: The stories aren't dead yet.
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- SI as Tech-Priest ported in RWBY during events of Volume 1
I don't know what a Tech-Priest is, but frankly, any sort of tech-upgradey fella into RWBY is welcome, considering some of their "choices" regarding technology.
- SI as Crown prince/ss of Atlas in RWBY during events of the Great War
Oooh, yeah, the Great war's honestly an interesting spot in time to insert into, since a lot of stuff is still unclear, but we can make some key assumptions, and we know at least a couple of base gists, like Oz and Salem having their lil' shadow war.
- SI as Ghost Operative ported in Skyrim (during Alduin's return) or RWBY (Vol-1/3)
I have no idea what a GO is, but again, tossing a powerful SI into RWBY is always interesting.
And these are for masochists
- SI as a perpetual during the Long Night
- SI as Jedi Temple Security Officer after order 66, additional option for non-security oriented Temple Support Staff position instead.
I have no idea what a Perpetual is, but I do know that the Long Night is bad news all around.
Can't see why not. I personally see it as a way to make the story more interesting in more dangerous settings.

Yeah, sadly, some powers just... just plain do not play nicely outside of their own setting, at least not without some heavy edits. Like... JoJo Stands, namely the humanoid punchy ghosts, they're kinda broken in non-JoJo settings, considering how we do know that Ghosts can't see them, but can be affected by them, though yeah, magic can be handwaved as being able to affect them, but still, in most settings, a Stand that's even remotely A-OK in fisticuffs is p much an invisible and immortal tag partner, and that's not even getting into what effects a Stand might have.

Harry Potter SI are awesome, just wish there were more
True, HP SIs can be very interesting, especially if the writer gets inventive and changes some things around. Like... early on, I kinda had an HP SI idea where I mixed the Huntik setting into HP, with the SI working undercover as a Suit, before getting involved with the HP stuff.
I don't know what a Tech-Priest is, but frankly, any sort of tech-upgradey fella into RWBY is welcome, considering some of their "choices" regarding technology.
Basic member of Adeptus Mechanicus from 40k. A very technophilic cyborg engineer basically. The number of cybernetics can wary from relatively little to outright being a brain in a jar.

Appearance in question can wary dramatically depending on Priest in question.
Oooh, yeah, the Great war's honestly an interesting spot in time to insert into, since a lot of stuff is still unclear, but we can make some key assumptions, and we know at least a couple of base gists, like Oz and Salem having their lil' shadow war.
Indeed. The plot direction options and freedom in tweaking the setting are quite numerous.
I have no idea what a GO is, but again, tossing a powerful SI into RWBY is always interesting.
Ghost Operatives are specialist units from Starcraft with psychic (psionic) abilities. Abilities are personalized and quite wide-ranging from premonitions, pyrokinetics, mindcontrol to throwing blasts of psionic energy etc. Most common are telepathy and telekinetics. Plus some nice high-tech gear is possible as well.
I have no idea what a Perpetual is, but I do know that the Long Night is bad news all around.
In 40k Perpetuals are rare human immortals that just can't die. They can be killed, but eventually, their body will heal and they'll wake up. Emperor is best known perpetual. Basically the worst thing that could happen to someone in 40k.
I don't know what a Tech-Priest is, but frankly, any sort of tech-upgradey fella into RWBY is welcome, considering some of their "choices" regarding technology.
A person that worships any and all forms of technology, except for the forms of technology that are not approved of by their cult, in which case they become murderously angry at anyone using/owning it.
Besides themselves of course, because hypocrisy is alive and well.
Meant the former, referring to "Lantern" as in, the job title/hero name, but yeah, being what's essentially a Patron does sound pretty awesome.

Also... I do admittedly have a bit of a burning question to you fine folks, and that's in regards to giving an SI a power that's from a different setting. Nothing too broken, just something that'll let an SI not die horribly to the things in the setting, y'know, essentially a pistol to defend themselves with.

Decided to ask this, since that's kind of my main shtick, with usually trying to find some level of thematic relevance between the setting and the power, though with Trails of Cold Steel... I kinda just gave up and went with Triggers from World Trigger, albeit changed around a smidge, namely regarding energy.
At least with trails you can go buy some magic relatively cheaply. Worst case is scraping by until you can pass the junior bracer exam.
At least with trails you can go buy some magic relatively cheaply. Worst case is scraping by until you can pass the junior bracer exam.
I mean... arguably cheap, since you also need a battle orbment to use Arts, and we have no clue how much those go for.

But yeah, I might've picked Triggers because I was legit running out of options, but... the tech aspect could get interesting, especially with ah... well, a certain addition I'm doing to the SI, drawing comparisons to Millium...

Basically... I'm giving the SI Aftokrator horns, mainly to balance out Geist's problems -kinda thinking of using Geist as the S-Craft equivalent- and to kinda handwave away the idea of the SI being able to equip triggers that she didn't start out with, but for a starting build I have...

-Asteroid x2
-Hound x2
-Shield x2

Mainly because I love magic knight-esque builds, mixing ranged and close range, and yeah, yeah, Arts are a thing and only take about 4-6 seconds to cast normally, judging by cutscenes, but the ranged triggers are essentially acting as crafts.
A person that worships any and all forms of technology, except for the forms of technology that are not approved of by their cult, in which case they become murderously angry at anyone using/owning it.
Besides themselves of course, because hypocrisy is alive and well.
I could see that being fun, although "Tech-Priest" is a bit vague as a concept (since, as far as I remember, the modern priests know actually very little about the technology they're messing about with). But a character who'll flip their shit when the students are taking their weapons apart because they are failing to pay proper respect to the machine spirit and who'd lampshade some of the weird mechashift stuff could be funny. For a while, at least.
I could see that being fun, although "Tech-Priest" is a bit vague as a concept (since, as far as I remember, the modern priests know actually very little about the technology they're messing about with).
More specifically they believe that all "proper"/"usable"/"non-Heretical" technology has already been invented and only needs to be rediscovered.
Also, for reference;
The Mysteries
  • 01. Life is directed motion.
  • 02. The spirit is the spark of life.
  • 03. Sentience is the ability to learn the value of knowledge.
  • 04. Intellect is the understanding of knowledge.
  • 05. Sentience is the basest form of Intellect.
  • 06. Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension.
  • 07. Comprehension is the key to all things.
  • 08. The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all.
The Warnings
  • 09. The alien mechanism is a perversion of the True Path.
  • 10. The soul is the conscience of sentience.
  • 11. A soul can be bestowed only by the Omnissiah.
  • 12. The Soulless sentience is the enemy of all life.
  • 13. The knowledge of the ancients stands beyond question.
  • 14. The Machine Spirit guards the knowledge of the Ancients.
  • 15. Flesh is fallible, but ritual honours the Machine Spirit.
  • 16. To break with ritual is to break with faith.
I could see that being fun, although "Tech-Priest" is a bit vague as a concept (since, as far as I remember, the modern priests know actually very little about the technology they're messing about with). But a character who'll flip their shit when the students are taking their weapons apart because they are failing to pay proper respect to the machine spirit and who'd lampshade some of the weird mechashift stuff could be funny. For a while, at least.
The original idea was for a self-insert into RWBY with a body of Tech-Priest/Engineseer, so mentality wouldn't be that of an ordinary Martian priest. But if you are interested you are of course free to change it as you see fit. A core of my original idea was to use the bullshit tech of AdMech to supplement for lack of Aura/Semblance.
The original idea was for a self-insert into RWBY with a body of Tech-Priest/Engineseer, so mentality wouldn't be that of an ordinary Martian priest. But if you are interested you are of course free to change it as you see fit. A core of my original idea was to use the bullshit tech of AdMech to supplement for lack of Aura/Semblance.
I honestly don't think I know the source material well enough for that (as you might have surmised). Not beyond a one-shot at some point, maybe.

But I am currently developing an idea for a RWBY-story myself where the SI, mostly as per standard formula, gets transplanted into the setting a couple years/month/whatever before canon begins - except he's an Aboleth. So he can't spend a very long time on land, where all the story happens, and is instead relegated to staying on the sidelines for most of the time (except whenever the situation gets so bad that it needs an urgent application of half a dozen tons of angry whale flesh right frigging now), staying in contact with the cast via telepathy issuing (not so) sage advice. (Eventually stuff does, of course, happen that allows/forces him to take a more active part in the story, but that's then.)

So I'm thinking he attaches himself to one of the main cast in the beginning, but I'm sort of unsure about who - that's the still-developing part. My first idea was Jaune, because the kid is such a hot mess that the comedy basically writes itself, but I feel that's sort of overdone. Or am I overthinking this? Yang and Ruby have a bit too much general social support in their lives (ie their dad and uncle) for that interaction to go the way I'd like to, but the rest might work; Pyrrha seems so starved for real social contact that she would probably accept a strange voice in her head pretty quickly, despite likely initial suspicions; Weiss is too stubborn and prideful to be scared off by it and would probably engage the SI just to prove to herself that she could; and Blake, especially after the events of the Black trailer, would probably be too distraught and just grateful for a friendly ear to not listen to a strange alien whale talking in her head. Ren and Nora might be trickier to justify - Nora is just quirky enough that she would probably just accept a "new invisible fishy friend" outright, but Ren seems more like the suspicious type.
So he can't spend a very long time on land, where all the story happens, and is instead relegated to staying on the sidelines for most of the time
Aboleths can travel on land.
It's just that they have a land speed of 10 as opposed to their swim speed of 60, and their mucus cloud only forms while submerged.
Also usually massively arrogant, so they don't often feel like crawling around on the ground when they can make a thrall do it for them.
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for whatever reason i'm imagining a Tech based SI with the Alchemy from FMAB, mixed in with some speed based power...
can create all sorts of neat tech, build it really quickly, and can change things into parts he needs to build it...
Aboleths can travel on land.
It's just that they have a land speed of 10 as opposed to their swim speed of 60, and their mucus cloud only forms while submerged.
Also usually massively arrogant, so they don't often feel like crawling around on the ground when they can make a thrall do it for them.
I mean, it's not a stretch to assume that they actually can't live on land long term or need periodic immersion to stay healthy.
Giant Mobile Fishbowl?
It's been done, IIRC the Aboleth got fed up with it eventually and just started using Levitate and Water Elementals instead.
Or possibly that one type of liquid Golem that Aboleths sometimes make?
I mean, it's not a stretch to assume that they actually can't live on land long term or need periodic immersion to stay healthy.
IIRC they need to stay really moist, but don't need actual submersion, and they are okay with both fresh and salt water.
IIRC, again, the ones that adapted to the Elemental Plane of Air( they have a fricking Fly speed instead of a Swim speed) get enough moisture by staying inside of clouds.
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I actually have an idea on how to solve the dessication problem, it just wouldn't be immediately relevant as far as the story's concerned. Also, an alien-looking tentacle fish is hard to hide when it's the size of a bus, even when you can try and mind-whammy everyone around you into forgetting you are there - cameras are still a thing. Hiding in the bay makes actually makes sense there, I think.

For a while, anyway.
I honestly don't think I know the source material well enough for that (as you might have surmised). Not beyond a one-shot at some point, maybe.
I am open to consulting certain parts. I just can't afford to dedicate another portion of my writing time to a new project. I have enough work with the ongoing ones as it is.