Self-Insert Idea Thread

Okay, so I wrote up a very rough first draft for the potential first chapter of my idea. Tell me what you guys think?

RWBY - Whale Of A Time

Ch. 1?​


Is anyone there?

Bored bored bored.


A small school of fish - minnows, I think? I don't know fish, but these ones are small and silvery - drifts some distance away, stunned into paralysis by the sudden force of my mind on their tiny little psyches. I lazily swim through them, open-mouthed, and catch whichever happen to get in front of and down my maw. Don't even have to chew, they just go right down.

Catching food in this body used to be kind of exciting, once. I mean, I'm about twice the size and speed of an orca, and even without telepathy I can sense a hering twitch in the water at like a hundred feet away. Then I found out that telepathy just knocks most lower life forms right stupid, and whatever sport there was in hunting went right out the window.

I'm being That Guy. The guy who was given super powers and complains that his laser vision is the wrong shade of magenta. But I'm bored. Almost terminally so. I mean sure, psychic eldritch alien whale powers are nice.

Although to be fair, if they come attached to the horsefoot of having to spend the rest of your days mostly underwater, far off from any intelligent company able to appreciate/be impressed by said psychic eldritch alien whale powers, it all seems rather pointless, right?




Memories flood my brain like cream cheese bursting out of a pancake roll. A stern, darkly mustachioed face, patriarchal and grim, and the sickening roil of filial fear, naive and nauseating. The tickle of blond hair, a cooing voice, soft hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. The gleam of naked steel, the heft of slumbering violence. Longing. Longing.

Holy Dagon, somebody picked up my broadcast. Social activity hoooooo!

Oh man, I gush out, and yes, the mind that I pinged felt male, that part's right, you're a lifesaver! I've been out here all alone for basically the last month, I was going. Nuts. Seriously. Started to talking to myself and everything, it was bad. Surprising, too, since it's usually not such a problem for me, having lived alone and stuff for a while, but I didn't even have a book or something this time to keep the bad thoughts away. Thank you, dude, thank you.

There's a notable silence from the mind I just contacted, and I catch a disturbingly distinct impression of confusion, a hint of fear, and a heaping helping of being overwhelmed. Wow. Human thoughts feel totally different from fish thoughts. Taste different, somehow.

"Who are y-... where are you? Are you in my head? I can hear-"

Oh yeah, right. Sorry. Yes, I'm in your head. Well, not physically in your head, but I am telepathic, so eh. Only way for me to communicate effectively at the moment, I'm afraid. My mouth parts aren't really good at talking any more.

I pause for a moment, thinking.

Talking in a human language, if we're going to be exact. But those are the only ones I know, so same difference, right?

"I… suppose- Are you in the water?" I pause

You're one perceptive fella, aintcha? Totally right, though. Huh. Why don't you tell me where you are? I'll wave and we can have an actual conversation, face to face-like."

"I'm down at the waterfront, next to, uh, this little fishing boat? I think? Why are you in the water?"

Embarrassingly, it takes me a couple moments of aimlessly turning around myself until I realize that the coastline is right there in front of me. Huh. I could've sworn I was further out.

Oh man, on land? I didn't realize I had drifted that far off! Gimme a sec to sort myself out.

I slowly drift to the surface. Okay, I haven't had this body long enough to completely get used to the night vision, so everytime I try to guess the approximate time of day from sunlight I tend to be a few hours off, but I think it's evening, getting dark? Or maybe really early morning? Probably a good idea to get a bit closer.

A little twitch and wiggle of my tail brings me to about a hundred feet of the shoreline Peeking out a bit through the water's surface I take a quick gander around.

Okay, so the place seems to be a sort of rocky beach type of deal. There's a sort of landing stage jutting out into the water - it's mainly made out of big rocks, the cracks filled in with concrete or something. Next to it, on the shore, lies a rather small white - or perhaps just sunbleached, I sort of lose color vision once things start to go darker - boat, little more than a large canoe, and next to that stands a man.

Or, well. Boy, rather. Guy's probably no older than, I dunno, sixteen or something. Light hair, light skin. Weird, bulky shirt - or at least that's what it looks like, at this distance. Jeans. He's looking intently out into the water.

I stretch up a tentacle and give a jaunty little wave.

"Is that you over there? … Is that your arm?!?!?" Aaaand suddenly the note of fear I was pinging from the guy shoots up, tainting the taste of his emotional mind-soup (okay, no idea where that metaphor came from, dissect it later). Damn it, that's such a reasonable reaction, too, considering the circumstances! Quick, humanise yourself!

Sure, let's go with that. What's your name, my dude? Mine's Lucas. Pleasure to make the acquaintance.

To my relief, once he has a name to go with the voice, my conversation partner calms down a bit. Phew. First meeting with the locals, success! Well, sort of. They probably won't strain the waters with nets and pitchforks for me, I hope.

"It's Jaune. Jaune Arc. Wh-what are you doing out there?"

Jaune Arc. Huh.

That's a pretty wack story. I answer, distractedly. Short version, I had a failure of communication with a butterfly.

I'm generally not a superstitious kind of guy, but methinks I see the hand of fate at work here. And the pink-spotted bastard's not even trying to be subtle.

But why are you out here all alone, Jaune? Needed a place to think?

Just going by his appearance, I already have a pretty good idea. The bulky clothes are armor. And now that I know what to look for, I can see the length of white steel lying next to him, half hidden in the shadow of the boat.

Jaune laughs a bit uncomfortably and starts rubbing his neck. "This sounds sort of silly when I say it out loud." he says. "But I'm running away from home."

AN: the SI ended up with a weirdly himbo sort of energy. Don't ask me how that happened. I don't dislike it though.
EDIT: added a quick little hyperlink for (very little) context.
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It's not supposed to be some kind of sneaky reference, if that's what you mean.

My thought was that it would be symbolically fitting as an outside-context power that transplanted the main character. You know, since there's a general cultural connection with butterflies in the phenomenon of the butterfly-effect, ie a small disturbance/deviation growing to larger and larger proportions, and - in some places - with butterflies as the messengers of dreams and stuff. Both, I thought, very thematically fitting to the self-insert genre.
A long time ago, literally on page 2 of this 7-year-old thread, I did a little idea about self-inserting during the first season of Sailor Moon (original 90's anime, not Crystal, though I may poach some elements of Crystal here and there if I ever watch it). I'm deciding to put actual planning effort into it now after all this time.

To recap, the basic gist is that my SI wakes up as a youma. Now, the specific design of my youma is up in the air for me, but I can decide after everything else. My main concerns are getting the setup right and mulling over potential plot holes that I will need to work through simply to keep the story going.

First, setup. As a youma, the SI feels various ingrained compulsions and distortion of personality that push her to feel more like an anime villain in her own head. Youma brain space comes with conditioned subservience to Beryl and reverence for Metallia, as well as heightened aggression, overconfidence, and an inflated ego. Instinctually, I'm going to feel negative about the Senshi and feel distaste for humans.

The fact that I know so much about the setting only serves to make me more dangerous to both myself and everyone else because of the youma condition. In my many years since seeing Sailor Moon, I've developed the typical view of the campy nature of the anime as well as the silly mahou shoujo tropes it leans on as well as pioneered in its day. I find it silly, nonsense, dumb, yet still endearing because it was a big part of my childhood exposure to anime.

That view is going to get wildly distorted. I'll be way more annoyed and pissed off about the silly aspects of Sailor Moon than I realistically would in real life. My inflated ego would tempt me to feel better than this because of course, I am. I know all this stuff, I'm not from this universe, and I'm not a dumb teenager, why shouldn't I consider myself above all the dumb crap I'm surrounded by? Stupid humans, stupid Senshi, how the hell hasn't my majestic ruler Beryl already destroyed you? You always look like such morons in the show, and Tuxedo Dolt has to bail your asses out every time. Idiots. Can't you do anything yourselves? I'll show you. I'll kick your middle school asses around to make you get it. Then, maybe, you won't be totally embarrassing as enemies of the great Metallia.

See, the above is the kind of thought tangent my SI may fly into. She may start with an apparently logical line of reasoning based on her conscious desire to, ya know, survive, do good, help the Senshi somehow, and so on. However, many times without her even noticing she'll just veer off a cliff into mahou shoujo villain logic that warps the output. Her actual goal is to somehow benefit the Senshi, but there's functionally a form of schizophrenia throwing a spanner in her works. Plus, a lot of this is also exagerrating my perception of those silly elements. Usagi very much managed to fight and defeat multiple youma during the Jadeite arc with no help from Tuxedo Kamen, and she looked fairly creative more than once. It's just, I have not personally watched Sailor Moon in many years, so some of my memory is fuzzy unless I actively try to remember details like that.

The first major hurdle to overcome is figuring out how my SI survives long term in this situation. She wants to help the Senshi even if that desire is now filtered through her highly distorted psyche. So, she falls prey to this idea she's going to smack sense into people by playing the bad girl for a while. She'll try to become a recurring villain. She'll fight the Senshi, make it convincing, and then somehow "fail" without being killed. Problem is, she's a minion of the Dark Kingdom, and we all know how Beryl treats minions that keep failing her. She let Jadeite have slack for a decent while, sure, but my SI isn't one of the Shittenou. She may live through apparent failure one time, but after that, she has to actually win on some level. Beryl's not going to tolerate serial fuckups.

I'm not sure how to strike that balance and it's currently the biggest hangup for my planning. A lot of this depends of course on when I decide the insertion should happen. My main decision is before Jadeite gets offed by Beryl or after. I have an idea for a plot hook for the "operation" my youma will be rolled up in, and I don't think it fits Nephrite's style of poaching a single person at the moment they reach their life's fated energy peak. I also think getting into the series after they've already started finding pieces of the Ginzuishou is less than ideal because the rating for success or failure is very binary in that part of the series. I either got a crystal, or I didn't, so there's no weaseling out of punishment by then.

As far as more coherent personal goals go, I'd rather like if Nephrite didn't die this time. Other than that I would very much be aware of the whole Ginzuishou reset button hanging over my head at the end of the Dark Kingdom arc.
First, setup. As a youma, the SI feels various ingrained compulsions and distortion of personality that push her to feel more like an anime villain in her own head. Youma brain space comes with conditioned subservience to Beryl and reverence for Metallia, as well as heightened aggression, overconfidence, and an inflated ego.

You could take some inspiration from Girl Genius for how a monologue can start from a reasonable premise then veers into insane.
The first major hurdle to overcome is figuring out how my SI survives long term in this situation. She wants to help the Senshi even if that desire is now filtered through her highly distorted psyche. So, she falls prey to this idea she's going to smack sense into people by playing the bad girl for a while. She'll try to become a recurring villain. She'll fight the Senshi, make it convincing, and then somehow "fail" without being killed. Problem is, she's a minion of the Dark Kingdom, and we all know how Beryl treats minions that keep failing her. She let Jadeite have slack for a decent while, sure, but my SI isn't one of the Shittenou. She may live through apparent failure one time, but after that, she has to actually win on some level. Beryl's not going to tolerate serial fuckups.
Maybe have her effectively salvage an energy-gathering operation? Distract the Senshi from the main site or set up a secondary site that doesn't get hit when the main one does or something of that nature? Basically a demonstration that her different approach (because I assume even mentally Youma'd the human experience is going to filter into some of her behavior and operations and differentiate her) works very well sometimes, giving her a bit more slack on failures so long as that keeps happening every once in a while.

Speaking of older ideas, I mentioned a bit back having one about an SI who is in fact the pawn of an evil force and doesn't know that, the SI insertion and ripples being intended to initiate Evil Plan. I'm stuck on one aspect of planning though. Should I try to make it clear to the audience (though not the SI) from the beginning that she's something of a manchurian candidate type, or should I write it like the audience figures out what's going on when the SI does? I think the first works a bit better for establishing the eventual villains since I can hint more about them but it's kind of a long-term plot so I'm worried that being obvious too early would make it feel like a drag for the readers when it doesn't step into the spotlight until at least halfway through the plot.
Let me just leave this here....

I would appreciate some thoughts, mainly villain suggestions.
I'm NOT The Labyrinth's Ludo! (Star vs. The Forces of Evil/Kingdom Hearts SI)

The SI becomes SvtFoE's Ludo. Things go relatively well... until he gets forcibly enlisted into Maleficent's army. However, he convinces and manipulates various people into joining him (in addition to Ludo's canon Army, which will recieve better training) so he can take Maleficent's place! How will things go?

Let me just leave this here....

I would appreciate some thoughts, mainly villain suggestions.
Somehow he gets Norted and things get weird. So weird that SOMEHOW Sora becomes human after becoming a Heartless. That left everyone confused and begin making discussions on how did that happen and how to utilize it for more power or something.
Should I try to make it clear to the audience (though not the SI) from the beginning that she's something of a manchurian candidate type, or should I write it like the audience figures out what's going on when the SI does?
If it's a binary choice, I'd say, without knowing anything more about the premise, the latter usually seems like the more satisfying one, at least for the readers.
In any case, I myself would never outright state the twist, even if you decide to go with the former choice. You can drop some hints, sure - it's the internet, if enough people read your stuff they'll figure it out anyway, and feeling like one is solving the riddle along with the protagonist feels good (as attested by the prevalence of detective stories, the rise of lore discussions, etc) - but I wouldn't go more blatant than that, otherwise you waste the premise.

Unless you're writing like a funny tongue-in-cheek parody or something, where the SI is just too much of a dumbass to see what's happening.
Crossposting from SB:

I've been thinking of an SI/OC for a Harry Potter in fic the Tom Riddle Hagrid's older sister.

Already having an attachment to the character through having been a Harry Potter fan back in life, growing up with the honest teddy bear just endears the guy even more to her, alongside their father whom, while heartbroken because of their mother leaving, still does his best to take care of both of them, even if they like, double or even more him in height

(She's actually taller than Hagrid, and even a bit taller than Madame Maxime)

All this translates in her planning a way, any way, to save Hagrid's future from the moment she receives her Hogwarts letter. Being the same age as Tom Riddle, she takes it upon herself to at first try to steer the guy away from whatever path he's in, and after understanding his sociopathic nature, instead make damage control and get Dumbledore unto him sooner.

However, she fails. Riddle by this point hasn't been turned half insane by the Horrorcruxes, so he's still a damn smart asshole. Not only do events end up going like canon in regards to Hagrid (blamed for the opening of the Chamber and Myrtle's death, wand snapped yadda yadda) Riddle also managed to make most people believe her to be an accomplice of the whole thing. While not managing to get her expelled as well, he does manage to ruin her reputation quite a bit, to the point that, after graduating, she basically has to leave Great Britain cause basically no one wants to do anything with her.

She travels the world, making good use of her giant heritage alongside being especially gifted for Defense and Magical Creatures (last one thanks mostly to Hagrid) and she doesn't manage to return to England until the mid 60s, when Dumbledore becomes headmaster.

He asks her to come back and become the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher (this butterflies away Voldemort going to Hogwarts to get the job and stuff, and all that affects with the Horcrux and stuff, also no cursed job).

Initially she's very reticent to go, the experiences she had back in Magical Britain plus the 20 years she's travelled abroad have turned her into quite the bitter, cynical person and she's desillusioned with the possibility of being able to change anything.

However, the knowledge that she could ends up teaching the Marauders generation is what ends up convincing her to do it. That's the most key generation, the Marauders, Lily, Snape and the Death Eaters, that right there is what would decide everything that happens in the books and Magical Britain.

It's now or never to finally change things for the better. Besides, she would finally be able to see Hagrid face to face after so many years.

And so she accepts.

But once again, she's not Teacher of the Year material. She's crass, foul mouther, embittered and cynical, and having to teach people that she knows will pledge their life to the monster that ruined her and her little brother's life will prove to be quite the challenge

Wether she succeeds in changing things for the better or not, who knows
Not only do events end up going like canon in regards to Hagrid (blamed for the opening of the Chamber and Myrtle's death, wand snapped yadda yadda) Riddle also managed to make most people believe her to be an accomplice of the whole thing.

This would probably annoy people.
There's so many ways it could be averted (Tom blames someone else, Hagrid hides Aragog better, Aragog 'accidentally' gets squished early, they realize that Myrtle didn't die of venom, they ask for evidence etc...)

You could get pretty much the same results by having her successfully prevent Hagrid's expulsion, and maybe even Myrtle's death, but get her reputation ruined/expelled herself.

Then you could also play with the idea of what would Hagrid be like with a complete magical education?
He might very well still be Groundskeeper, but think of the dangerous animals he could take care of with his own magic!
Maybe he'd have a dragon-breeding license!
This would probably annoy people.
There's so many ways it could be averted (Tom blames someone else, Hagrid hides Aragog better, Aragog 'accidentally' gets squished early, they realize that Myrtle didn't die of venom, they ask for evidence etc...)

You could get pretty much the same results by having her successfully prevent Hagrid's expulsion, and maybe even Myrtle's death, but get her reputation ruined/expelled herself.

Then you could also play with the idea of what would Hagrid be like with a complete magical education?
He might very well still be Groundskeeper, but think of the dangerous animals he could take care of with his own magic!
Maybe he'd have a dragon-breeding license!

Oh I really considered making an AU where she does manage to change things and all that.

However, rewatching the Prisoner of Azkaban, and the Time Turner scene made me think of how Time and the Universe in HP seems to work, not to mention the existance of actual prophecies.

Time and the world in Harry Potter seems to be very inmutable and linear, difficult if not outright impossible to change.

And from there, I started to think on how that could affect a mostly optimistic person (she was sorted into Hufflepuff). The sheer crushing revelation that maybe, just maybe, all her efforts to change the timeline may be for naught. That Time and the Universe have already adapted to her presence and 'follow the script' of sorts.

And the main conflict would be on that, on if it's truly impossible to change this world for the better, or she just was inexperienced the first time she tried

I think it makes for an interesting premise for a SI/OC story
The sheer crushing revelation that maybe, just maybe, all her efforts to change the timeline may be for naught. That Time and the Universe have already adapted to her presence and 'follow the script' of sorts.

I've seen plenty of stories that do that, and it mostly comes across as annoying.

Starting with the assumption that the character knows the future, when they already know they are in an AU because they exist.
Then they tend to jump really hard into the "nothing can possibly change" attitude when one setback doesn't really warrant it.

It also tends to be a rather shallow interpretation of the situation.
If you have it detailed enough to explain that they came to this conclusion for reasons X,Y and Z, then you have a character that thinks "it happens because FATE" is kinda lazy reasoning.
They're looking at the scenario as characters in a play instead of looking at the motivations of real people.

Then it comes across as sticking to the stations of canon (which also annoys readers) because the character is deliberately holding the idiot ball.

Obviously it's better to write the story that you want to write, but I think you could get a lot more mileage diving into AU as much as you can.

If you want the character to be depressed about being at the mercy of the author fate, then you could have them think that Hagrid's Fate fell onto them as some kind of automatic Destiny Equalization.
"I saved Hagrid, so I was blamed in his place!"
So, next bit of my random Sailor Moon musings. I have a couple of things I wish to ramble about, those being basic plot map, and my youma design. Let's talk about the easy part for me first.

Yes, the simple decision for me is to insert fairly early, way before Jadeite kicks it. My youma is going to want to plan and accomplish various things before the situation gets beyond her and she has to seriously fight anyone, which means she needs to have time to gear up and train her skills. Learning how to fight properly is hard. It takes time, effort, and expert instruction. As a youma, she will have fighting instincts built-in already. However, it won't be an actual skill, but talent. Talent unwatered by effort and unnourished by focus languishes and dies. Everybody in Sailor Moon clearly has superhuman physical ability, but aren't specifically trained to use it.

For example, Usagi got slashed across her face by a spear in one of the early episodes, but it did nothing but cut her skin a little. Unless Ramua just had horrifically bad depth perception or was fucking around for fun with that first swing, Usagi's skin when she's transformed literally stops swords. Considering youma behavioral patterns, I can also just as easily assume Ramua was being a fucking idiot and intentionally did it to enjoy the fear in her victim. Even so, I will err on the side of assuming Senshi have super durability on some level because it makes the most sense.

Also on that note, they clearly don't know how to dodge in a sensible way given almost every time Usagi was about to get hit by something she power dove out of the way in the most comical way possible. It worked, yes, but only because Sailor Moon villains don't have actual training or genuine martial ability either. They have so much power at their fingertips they never gave enough of a crap to learn.

The operation I'm thinking of taking part in is a kendo club. My youma self gets this "brilliant" idea based on needing to learn fighting skills, so rather than just doing it to get energy she'll actually be trying to train for serious. She'll spend a lot of time going to professional kendo trainers to learn, using the club to both practice and slowly sip on energy to make her look good for Beryl. The problem is deciding where I do that because you bet your tiaras there's no way I'm doing that at Juuban Middle School. That is inviting every plot contrivance imaginable to come crashing down on me and get me dusted. However, I will still probably become victim to the great hand of Sailor Moon's trope-based reality, and accidentally end up going to someone else's school. One that was never named in the canon, because she'd already transferred to Juuban by the time of her appearance.

Of course, I won't just be doing kendo. I'll be roving around using my youma disguise powers and mind control nonsense to get training wherever I can. I'll probably never sleep, and I'm not sure youma need to anyway.

Next, deciding on my youma's design. My youma is loosely based on the yuki-onna or snow woman, and she primarily uses a cold blue fire that can manipulate the dead and raise spirits. She functions much like a ghost, allowing her to phase through walls and objects. The blue fire is related to shiranui, or unknown fire, a ghost light phenomenon that has been sighted off the coast of Kyushu for hundreds of years. I think initially my youma will not use any weapons, but because I like the theme of the Shiranui archetype from Yu-Gi-Oh, I'll go get a sword as soon as possible and train my ass off with it. The kendo club idea ties into that. I feel like youma had simple enough designs that I don't need to worry about being super unique, just about whether I have a powerset conducive to not being killed easily.
Oh I really considered making an AU where she does manage to change things and all that.

However, rewatching the Prisoner of Azkaban, and the Time Turner scene made me think of how Time and the Universe in HP seems to work, not to mention the existance of actual prophecies.

Time and the world in Harry Potter seems to be very inmutable and linear, difficult if not outright impossible to change.

And from there, I started to think on how that could affect a mostly optimistic person (she was sorted into Hufflepuff). The sheer crushing revelation that maybe, just maybe, all her efforts to change the timeline may be for naught. That Time and the Universe have already adapted to her presence and 'follow the script' of sorts.

And the main conflict would be on that, on if it's truly impossible to change this world for the better, or she just was inexperienced the first time she tried

I think it makes for an interesting premise for a SI/OC story
I've seen plenty of stories that do that, and it mostly comes across as annoying.

Starting with the assumption that the character knows the future, when they already know they are in an AU because they exist.
Then they tend to jump really hard into the "nothing can possibly change" attitude when one setback doesn't really warrant it.

It also tends to be a rather shallow interpretation of the situation.
If you have it detailed enough to explain that they came to this conclusion for reasons X,Y and Z, then you have a character that thinks "it happens because FATE" is kinda lazy reasoning.
They're looking at the scenario as characters in a play instead of looking at the motivations of real people.

Then it comes across as sticking to the stations of canon (which also annoys readers) because the character is deliberately holding the idiot ball.

Obviously it's better to write the story that you want to write, but I think you could get a lot more mileage diving into AU as much as you can.

If you want the character to be depressed about being at the mercy of the author fate, then you could have them think that Hagrid's Fate fell onto them as some kind of automatic Destiny Equalization.
"I saved Hagrid, so I was blamed in his place!"

The easiest way, in that case, to have your cake and eat it too (sort of) is to begin the story when the SI returns back to England, or just before that. You know, sort of in media res.
You can tell the backstory later, in conversation or when it becomes relevant - I've found that most people can guess that stuff from context clues anyway, and you keep a potential mystery to develop later on in case you want to put a twist on Tom's framing of Hagrid or something. Also, people like to theorize and stuff, and that would let them do just that.
The easiest way, in that case, to have your cake and eat it too (sort of) is to begin the story when the SI returns back to England, or just before that. You know, sort of in media res.
You can tell the backstory later, in conversation or when it becomes relevant - I've found that most people can guess that stuff from context clues anyway, and you keep a potential mystery to develop later on in case you want to put a twist on Tom's framing of Hagrid or something. Also, people like to theorize and stuff, and that would let them do just that.

Oh I absolutely was planning to begin the story when the SI returns.

In my mind, the first chapter would be split between two POV's: Dumbledore and the SI's.

Dumbledore's would focus on him adapting to his new life as Headmaster, taking in the resignation letter of the current DADA teacher, and then his visit to the recently attacked Lupin family.

Knowing the full risks of allowing a werewolf inside of Hogwarts, even if he is inmensely sympathetic to the Lupins, he knows he can't have just anyone fill in the DADA position. He hopes that whomever takes it would be someone understandable of Remus's plight, and be able to help him as much as possible.

And then he recalls the news he had received from one of his personal biggest failings: news from what Frida Hagrid had been doing (knowing full well that Frida was nothing but a victim that was forced to flee because of Tom Riddle's machinations).

Being hailed as an excellent mercenary (wand for hire?) and greatly knowledgeable on Defense, the Dark Arts and Magical Creatures, not to mention her half giant physique.

And that's when the gears start turning inside of Dumbledore's mind.

A half-giant (AKA a half-breed) that is very knowledgeable about Defense and the Darks Arts, and also Magical Creatures. One that potentially could be strong enough to restrain or at least contain a werewolf if everything went wrong.

And (from what he remembers) an incredibly kind girl that was wrongly accused and judged, now considered tainted by society at large for sins she never even commited.

Dumbledore quickly makes his decision and starts writing a letter.

Meanwhile, back with Frida (the SI) she's shown in some grotty wizard bar somewhere in the Soviet Union, waiting for the client that contracted her for her payment (this would be a day or something after the Dumbledore scene)

She's crass, cynical, deeply embittered and overall the complete 180 of what Dumbledore remembers her as. She spends her time at the bar drinking like a fish and beating drunk wizards in arm wrestles with her pinky.

Overall, not the most pleasant mood.

And then out of nowhere barges in a bird. Not just any bird, not even an owl, but a goddamn phoenix.

Frida recognizes it almost immediately.


And attached to him there's a letter, on adressed ro her. From Albus Dumbledore, and bearing the Hogwarts's official wax stamp

A letter that pretty much tells her to come back to Great Britain, that Dumbledore wants to speak with her.

And it's then that Frida realizes that the gears of story and history are turning once more.
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Something like that is also more in line with what I figured. And it sounds promising - if you ever get around to writing it, post a link or something.
Some more ramblings about the Sailor Moon youma SI.

Consider that Beryl can instantly teleport me directly to her throne room with a thought, regardless of where I am. She did this to Jadeite within seconds of Thetis dying, so she knew Thetis was dead immediately and yoinked Jadeite on the spot. I probably can't just surrender to the Senshi, considering that. If she knows I've turned on her or given up, and I'm not prepared to face her somehow, I'm dead.

With that in mind, I also can't directly tell the Senshi I'm not evil or really trying to kill them. To be honest I wouldn't trust them not to fuck up and let Beryl know by accident. Not that they would believe me, to begin with, at least not easily. Still, while they would likely try to help me if I convinced them, it's too much of a risk.

Moon Healing Escalation may or may not just kill me. The Silver Crystal is probably hax enough to heal me once Usagi has it, but it's still pretty iffy. I'm not under a youma's control like the people who were hosting the Rainbow Crystals. I am the youma. Regardless of what I, as the author, decide about this problem, the youma me in the story is going to be very adamant to never try it unless she has absolutely no choice. She'll be way too paranoid to risk it, and also unlikely to give up her powers if she finds no way to get home before extinction events like Pharoah 90 show up. Go ahead. Convince me to go back to being a squishy human when cosmic horrors are on the way.

Sailor Pluto may or may not immediately take note of my existence in the timeline and I'm not sure how to approach that.

Also, another random idea for a solo operation I might be able to pitch to Jadeite. Obviously, human criminals expend a lot of energy in their efforts to get away from the law, so why don't I go around chasing crooks at night under a glamour disguise as some vigilante and run them dry?
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Sailor Pluto may or may not immediately take note of my existence in the timeline and I'm not sure how to approach that.
Depends on what interpretation you use... and on what you think would make for the most interesting plot. I could see arguments both for her being absent and for her being a shadowy menace who spends her time and effort trying to get your SI killed before they mess up the timeline too much.

Don't know if it's a new idea strictly speaking, but it sounds like it could be interesting. If you do end up writing it, drop a link, would you?
Also, another random idea for a solo operation I might be able to pitch to Jadeite. Obviously, human criminals expend a lot of energy in their efforts to get away from the law, so why don't I go around chasing crooks at night under a glamour disguise as some vigilante and run them dry?
That's funny. The idea of a youma moonlighting as a superhero hunting the scum of Tokyo while actually working for a supervillain... makes me smile. Go for it. Just be ready to run when Moon and her team shows up. Of course, one potential twist could be that the Senshi mistake the mystery vigilante for one of their own, and attempt to recruit her, which would make for an interesting conundrum. On one hand, she's definitely sympathetic towards their cause. On the other hand, horrible doom at the hands of her superiors if the mask slips and she lets slip that the infiltration is anything but business to her.
I have this Self Insert idea. Its about Sophia Hess gaining the power to buy powers from a Gacha System. It always gave her awful things if she rolled on free. Now she is now on a verge of crossing a threshold on becoming addicted to Gacha but her totally-not-girlfriend-ship with Taylor Hebert is stopping her. Unfortunately, it rolls automatically if she doesn't roll the 'free option' once a week.

And for some reason every single cape fights are in either in children card games or mahjong battles. Notably, Lung's deck is filled with the current Yu-Gi-Oh meta on children card games. Also, yes, Lung is the SI.
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Hello guys. I have that one idea after reading a few stories. Worm have many fanfics but one idea really grabbed my attention. This make me think, there are many stories with, "Tinker" as well as a few with "Master" of fiction, in one way or another. Why there isnt idea for "Breaker"? This also make me thing of "Changer"! Here are the rough ideas that i came up with, which are very close to each other.

The setting is Worm, the character is someone that feels like he is from another world (maybe SI, maybe OC, maybe something else?)
They wake up in a car, with two sets of memories and in the body of twelve, soon thirteen, years old.
One of the sets, explains that his parents are dead and he is on the way to his new family before he can panic, while the other is excited to be in another world.
The social worker presents him to his new family. He spends the majority of this day watching TV with his uncle. He talks some him and his daughter.The whole new family has a nice quiet dinner and then he cries in his bed until he fell asleep.
The character woke up the other day. They processed that they feel like they are in another world AND they have this weird feeling inside their head. Like a big shiny red button, whose presence demand to be pressed. Both sets of memories demand different things, so he compromises between the two sets of memories.
He goes into the bathroom, lock the door, after which press the shiny red button.

===A) Breaker
The character sees as hard light begins to form in the air around him.
He follows the process over a few seconds until he is in a cocoon of light.
His senses cut off for a second.
When he opens his eyes, he is in a new form.
He feels that the new one is like a costume over his old one.
He begins to speak, for some reason it just feels right. Accessing powers that he feels are unique to this form and he want to use.
"Generate luminous element. Adhere."
This command causes an object to emit light, which he bask in for a second. He looks at the mirror and sees his new body. The body so beautiful, but it feels somewhat lacking. The skin isn't soft, the internal organs or rather the lack of them and a few other things remind him that his power won't be useful for pleasure.
The character spends some time playing around with the new form.
Summoning water, fire, earth, altering hair and eye color, altering assets.
During the whole time, he feels how the time he has left in this form is diminishing with each second. Once it's close to the end, he tries to dismiss it and succeed. He sees his transformation begin to fade as the light disappears into the air. He had a moment to spot the head of his normal body, inside his fading costume for just a moment.
He losses his senses for a second, and then is back to his normal body. He is ready to leave the room but stops as there is something weird. It's like there is something new to his body. He can't pint it for a few seconds until he grasps it and instinctively speaks while activating it.
"System Call. Display, clock."
A light flashed in his vision. One that startled him, due to which he fell on the floor. Once on the floor and his eyes adjusted, he inspected the new thing in his vision. At the bottom right corner, there was a yellow box with a number made of the background, which currently was the bathroom wall. He turned his head around, but the box always stayed at the same place. Numbers ticked down with each passing second.

A moment later he guessed why his power will give him a timer. This was the precise cooldown before his next transformation. Getting up, he was ready to leave the bathroom but the mirror catches his eyes. He inspects his face once more. Noting that now, in the middle of each eye, there was a yellow box with shifting numbers.
He panicked for a moment, the implication of how the others will react upon seeing this coming to his mind. Just as fast as they came, another command came too, he speaks it.
"System Call. Hide, clock."
The box disappears, he calms down. He tried it a few more times, after which he left the bathroom.

===B) Changer
The character feels as a black substance is produced by each pore on his body. Once fully covered, he can't see but he feels. The substance, throughout a few seconds, expands until it forms a roughly humanoid form, which is a lot taller than his kid body. Then something clicks, he loses all sensations for a moment. Opening his eyes, he looks at the mirror and sees his new body. The gorgeous female body in her early twenties. Flexing different muscles he tests his new body and is pleasantly surprised that it don't feel very different from his normal one. A few places are more sensitive but that's more plus than anything else. He decides to test his powers. He begins to speak, for some reason it just feels right while using a power that he is unique to this form, pointing his, or rather her, hand toward the drain.
"System Call. Generate aqua element. Form element, sphere shape. Fly straight. Discharge"
This long command summoned a ball of water, that was sent flying toward the drain, the moment it was fully formed. The character spends some time playing around with the new form. Summoning water, fire, earth, altering hair and eye color, altering assets, testing nerve sensitivity and internal biology ;). During the whole time, she feels how the time she left in this form is slowly decreasing. Once it's close to zero, she tries to dismiss it and succeed.
Some of her senses are cut off. She feels as her body is reduced to jelly, then form that of a child and the excess is somehow compressed over and over until all of it is stored in the blood. The senses are cut off for the second time and once it returns, he is back in his chield form. He checks his body and there is something weird. There something inside his head, something that feels like another power. The words left his mouth, just as he decided to activate.
"System Call. Inspect self"
Information appears in his mind, so he closes his eyes and concentrates on it. He sees it as an image. One that appeared for only a moment, he remembered all details.
Host, condition: Optimal - Flesh, acceptable, parameters.
Respite: 07:58:38
Power List (2/4):
[???] - Host, change, temporary, Another. Host, temporary, access, Another, all, powers. Host, hereafter, access, Another, one, power. Host, denied, hereafter, exceeding, fourth, power. Host, change, termination, [???], ought, respite. Host, access, purge, self, other, powers.
[Inspect, Self] - Host, queery, data, self.
He inspected the infobox, one not so different from some of the games he had played. The most notable thing about it was that the information wasn't given in the most user-friendly way so he decided to do what he does best. Take a notebook and begin to decipher, what the fuck that means. Just like with any textbook.

===Explanation, Character
There are two ways I see that work. The first one is that the character is really inserted. The second is that the Shard fucked up the kid until he thinks that he is a self-insert, both of which will be very interesting in my mind.

===Explanation, Power
As for how the power works? Well, there are three shards.

Name: Miscellaneous
Function: Collection, store and analyze, Miscellaneous information, during the cycle. Race baseline limits, art, fiction, and whatever other info other shards consider minor.
Currently: Had received data at the beginning of the cycle. Everything that had to be done is completed. Want to experiment with how a host will react to it as a power. Dissatisfied with lack of task. WANT MORE DATA.

Name: Cartographist
Function: Map all parallel worlds, decide which will house shards, assist where there is a need for multiple shards to be connected. The majority of the powers that affect powers go through it, one way or another.
Before Connection: Spendс time making sure that the map is correct and infinity-checking anything. Dissatisfied with his rather lackluster work loud. Wants more powers and different powers to be tested.

and another one, but more for it in a second.

The three of them connected to each other, while one of them to their new host, which result in:
Miscellaneous want to explore how the host will react if the host power resembles fiction, the host power transforms them into the character of fiction, the host has access "system notification", and finally if the host thinks that they are in another world. According to the locally collected data, this will produce new data.
Cartographist wants more connection between powers to be tested, as well as different powers to interact between each other. Willing to work with, Miscellaneous, as long as each form there are different power test.
As for the third one, the one connected to the host:

===A) Breaker
Name: ???
Function: Can create hard-light constructs that are capable of imitating nearly anything, but it requires a lot of energy to create. It absorbs sunlight, which is the only source it can work with.
Before Connection: Due to, the differences in this cycle, it's heavily crippled. It is stranded on earth whose skies are covered in volcanic ash, stoping the sun from reaching it.

???, will use its host to collect energy which will then be used to fuel the power. Due to that, its output is heavily limited and will act more as an emulator. Creating a shell over the host, which will then be connected to other powers with the help of "Cartographist".

Also, "Miscellaneous", proposed to allow their host up to, "unlock", a few other uses, that are based around minimal use of "???". The proposition was defended with how, outside of transformation, their host is vulnerable, which might mean NO DATA. All three of them accepted that proposal. The first minor ability, was to project how much time is left until "???" had recharged enough to allow another transformation.

===B) Changer
Name: ???
Function: Create a bio-jelly that is very versatile and can be used for almost anything, also can shape it into nearly anything. To create it, it needs biomaterial, a lots of them.
Before Connection: It's stranded on earth without almost any biomaterial. Can create only the bare bones, needed to produce more, but lack the material to create more.

???, will infuse the host body with the variation of the jelly. When the host consumes bio-matter, everything not needed for the host's survival will be transformed into jelly. Due to the lack of resources, there is a need for compromise. Instead of the normal jelly, a very unstable version will be used. It can hold up for less than half an hour but is produced with ratio, material: jelly, 1:10, which will make the chance for host continues survival better, according to "Miscellaneous" at least. It will work by creating a bio shell around the host body, which will have "corona pollentia" on its own, which will then be connected to other powers thanks to "Cartographist".

Also, "Miscellaneous", proposed to allow their host up to, "unlock", a few other powers that are based around minimal use of "???". The proposition was defended with how, it will allow to "???" to create a few permanent constructions, it will allow "Cartographist" to have powers be tested even when the host isn't transformed. All three of them accepted that proposal. The first minor ability, was to know how much time is left until "???" had recharged enough to allow another transformation. Represented into the host mind like video game prompt, as well as little more info.

Really, to anyone that read the whole, over 2000 words, I sincerely thank you.
Also, the character that was used here was Quinella from SAO.
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