[X] Next to Class Rep Yumeko - Seems responsible and also holds the most power in the class
[X] [SPEAK] Don't worry about being awkward, you're a human teenager. And we're all here instead of standing in the corner awkwardly at a Big Bang party for a reason. Just know its better to be bluntly honest than being a doormat in social interactions, the latter just leads to you being hurt an then blowing up at everyone later. Like just tell Pink you need some quiet, that is okay. Anyway, less serious stuff, the kid near the window is in the Protagonist Seat, probably involved in some shonen-manga plot, the guys in the back might be involved in something more Dark. Though whether that's underground fight club, Horror manga, or just something kept out of sight of 99% of the population is up in the air.
[X] Next to the quiet boy who keeps staring at Yu with narrowed eyes - Seems mysterious...Also dangerous
[X] [SPEAK] Remember, as sweet as you are to your fellow human meatlings, you are ALSO a mere human meatling, but one who has our attention. As such, keep one of your eyes (only two in their entire being, how horrendous!) out for the WORLD messing with you through them. Cuteness must be protected!
[X] [GRANT] Music of the Spheres: Ability which allows an attack on the concept of the WORLD using our chaotic power channeled through Yu's music, causing distortions and rips in time and space whenever Yu attempts to use this ability by forcibly channeling their stress through their music that can allow short area teleportation and short term time alteration based on direction of playing and notes. Probably gonna make reality hate Yu even more but will keep them safer in the long-term.
[X] Next to Class Rep Yumeko - Seems responsible and also holds the most power in the class
[X] Next to the kid with glasses and a quiet girl - Seems to give the least amount of conversation
[X] [SPEAK] - Do not fret Yu to introduce oneself is as simple as this sentence "Hello there my name is Yu Parker. May I ask what is yours?" And if you are having difficulties facing your seatmate just imagine our faces superimposed on top since you can easily interact with us.
[X] [GRANT] Portals - as has been pointed out to me before and as seen in the previous interaction I must first prepare this power. Initially by analyzing the space-time continuum to find exploitable weak spots then finding a good hiding spot so that I will not be seen by minds that consider me unfeasible while performing my work on the "portals".
Since Yu seems to find the power likable I will try my best to make it feasible.
If no new votes come in, the easy solution is always to flip a coin, especially seeing how the seats aren't that far away from each other. (Or just throw your own vote in and pick which ever grooves with you more in that moment.)
Alternatively, in an entirely sincere and ingenious bit of problem solving, the indecision means that Yu should be sandwiched between them, which could effectively be achived by sitting down on Codex Pinkett's lap.
Alternatively, in an entirely sincere and ingenious bit of problem solving, the indecision means that Yu should be sandwiched between them, which could effectively be achived by sitting down on Codex Pinkett's lap.
Level 1 Eldritch Parasite
Name: ????
Age: ????
Background: Eldritch Parasite - Unexplainable in normal words; you guys are...Something. Something Man was not supposed to know. Man also doesn't know why you chose Yu of all people..Might be because their plight amused you, who knows? Oh yeah and you also decided to infect them. For reasons known only to you. Not because you thought it'd be funny or anything(Unlocks the Eldritch Parasite Abs background)
Reason: It Amused Me & Humans Are Adorable
More To Be Unlocked
Level 1 High school Student
Name: Yu Parker
State: Oh man human interaction again-
Age: 16
Background: You should know, you've read the first post
Socially Awkward: Oh no, not human interaction! ( -2 penalty to social situations/rolls)
Snarky: Might not be a sword but it's just as sharp (Bonus damage to taunting actions)
Photography: The art of capturing things in pictures (Bonus points in observation actions/rolls)
Piano: Keyboard tapping that people like. Yu's no Mozart or anything but they're talented (Negative stats diminished when music is played)
Ability: Incredible Knowledge: Grants Yu the ability to imbue them with knowledge without melting their brain or making them forget language
(Slot Open)
More To Be Unlocked
Goals: None
(GRANT Command not granted. Reason: Not enough Votes)
[X] Next to Pink-Haired Girl - She's waving at Yu a lot. Might be nice to go with someone they already met
[X] [SPEAK] We are in fact above fate in the overall universal rankings, but we find it highly amusing to watch other entities suffer under the yoke of fate. Surprisingly, we've managed to grant you the ability to understand the knowledge we'll grant you later on even though some of us wanted to fill your mind with things beyond your understanding, you can now thank us for our kindness. Also do sit down next to the pink one, It will be amusing for us all.
'This makes me wonder if my suffering makes for a great vacation story you can share with other eldritch friends of yours'
[X] [SPEAK] Arguably. Depending on whom you ask and where exactly you ask. You are most definitively not. Not yet, anyway.
On unrelated note, you qualify for a boon. If your interest is music, you'll be pleased to know that is a classic, very respected choice. If your interest is shaping of flesh, or travel, there are also boons that could assist with such.
'I'm..Slightly worried of the results if I say yes..Music would be nice. I don't think I'll be able to play the piano anytime soon though'
[X] [SPEAK] You should try and connect with the cute girl you rescued, because she's cute and nice. Cuteness is good, and mutually reinforcing. Also, associating with nice humans has been generally observed to facilitate human survival.
'.....Not sure about this specific human to be honest'
Pink Party Popper is still beckoning me over to her seat. You're not wrong, honesty. While she has the agility of a rubber duck and energy I can't match, I can't just leave her like that, I'd look like a bad guy and something tells me that she's really good at puppy eyes. Maybe it's the sparkles. Yumeko-san is right in front of her so if anything goes wrong, she'll take care of it.
[X][SPEAK] Don't feel too bad Yu. You might consider yourself to have failed, but I think you did great. Potential friend: Code Pink deserved to be told how cute she is and she reciprocated in kind. This is the beginning of a symbiotic relationship where you bring each other well deserved happiness.
'Not sure if that is supposed to be reassuring but okay..'
[X] [SPEAK] That being said, I could understand if you want to make even more new friends and Yumeko sounds dreamy. It's not rude to judge people by their name, is it?
'Eehhhh...Friends sound nice but having to embarrass myself again? What if I make it awkward?'
[X] [SPEAK]Don't worry about being awkward, you're a human teenager. And we're all here instead of standing in the corner awkwardly at a Big Bang party for a reason. Just know its better to be bluntly honest than being a doormat in social interactions, the latter just leads to you being hurt an then blowing up at everyone later. Like just tell Pink you need some quiet, that is okay. Anyway, less serious stuff, the kid near the window is in the Protagonist Seat, probably involved in some shonen-manga plot, the guys in the back might be involved in something more Dark. Though whether that's underground fight club, Horror manga, or just something kept out of sight of 99% of the population is up in the air.
'...Right. I don't really mind that she talks it's just..Um..I haven't talked to people my age in a while, if we don't count the twins..'
I decide to relent and walk over to Pinkie Sparkie to her happiness. The sparkles multiply and I have to cover my eyes for a bit. She grins and her pupils turn into stars again and she makes little jazz hands of adorableness
"Yay! You picked me, the second most fun person in the class! Only one-upped by Hiro-kun over there"
She gestures to Protagonist Seat Boy, however you called him, still looking out the window in boredom as the Background Kaiju breakdances on some towers. Being around her is definately not uneventful if that's what she's talking about. I noticed that his hairstyle has changed colours and shape even though the extreme spikiness is still there.
"Hiro-kun's hair changes all the time, don't worry about it! I tried to ask him which hair gel he uses and he dodged the question! Literally ducked away from me! Can you believe it? It's not like I need it, my hair is naturally sparkly but I think Ibaru-kun would like to know"
She puffs her cheeks in a way that reminds me of a hamster before shaking her head, getting sparkles everywhere before turning to me
"Oh yeah! What's your name again? You were stuttering and mumbling so much I couldn't really hear you"
My face flushes a bit. Oh right, talking to crowds has never been my best. I'm pretty sure I only managed because I was staring at the floor
My tongue twists and my throat lumps.
[X] [SPEAK] - Do not fret Yu to introduce oneself is as simple as this sentence "Hello there my name is Yu Parker. May I ask what is yours?" And if you are having difficulties facing your seatmate just imagine our faces superimposed on top since you can easily interact with us.
'I..Haven't seen your faces and I have a feeling that seeing them would make me blind. Even if I did, the girl is way more adorable than any of you can be, no offense'
I take a deep breath and softly bap my cheeks before exhaling
Roll To Not Embarrass Self: 5 (-3) = 2 (FAIL)
"..Hello Yu yours!"
What the double docky ducks did I just say? I sink onto my chair and cover my face with my hands and groan. Great, now Pink Discoball thinks I'm weird..Or atleast weirder than she probably initially thought I was..
'It's as simple as a sentence, you said..'
I hear sugary giggles. Great, now she's laughing at me. When I thought things were going well, now they don't. Now I'm going to be the weird kid who can't even make a coherent sentence.
"You're so funny and cute! Just like me!"
Huh? I peek at PINK from my fingers and notice that her pupils are hearts and she has a smile on her face. She giggles again and gently pulls my hands away. She has very soft hands. Somehow the glitter from her skin doesn't get on my hands.
"Oh I'm such a dummy! Forgot to introduce myself!"
She lets go of my hands and knocks herself on the head, sticking her tongue out. The sparkles make her brighter
"My name is Mochi Sakura-desu! Nice to meet you! What's your name?"
Mochi? Like the rice cake? Fits the whole Cute Scheme she's having. Atleast I don't have to come up with Pink nicknames anymore.
"Nice to meet you, Yu-chan!"
I can feel a small smile appear on my face
"...You too"
[X] [SPEAK] Remember, as sweet as you are to your fellow human meatlings, you are ALSO a mere human meatling, but one who has our attention. As such, keep one of your eyes (only two in their entire being, how horrendous!) out for the WORLD messing with you through them. Cuteness must be protected!
'Right. It'll be better if I ask about this city. Akira hasn't told us much.'
What Should Yu Ask Sakura About?
[] The Classmates - Time To Scour for potential allies and enemies
[] The Teachers - So who are going to be in charge of these chaotic bunch?
[] The Weird Morning - What the hell happened earlier?
[] The Kaiju = Is nobody concerned about that?
[] Write-in
[X] [SPEAK] Write-In
[X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that.
[X] [GRANT] Music of the Spheres: Ability which allows an attack on the concept of the WORLD using our chaotic power channeled through Yu's music, causing distortions and rips in time and space whenever Yu attempts to use this ability by forcibly channeling their stress through their music that can allow short area teleportation and short term time alteration based on direction of playing and notes. Probably gonna make reality hate Yu even more but will keep them safer in the long-term.
[X] [GRANT] Portals - as has been pointed out to me before and as seen in the previous interaction I must first prepare this power. Initially by analyzing the space-time continuum to find exploitable weak spots then finding a good hiding spot so that I will not be seen by minds that consider me unfeasible while performing my work on the "portals".
[x] The Weird Morning - What the hell happened earlier? [X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that.
[x] The Weird Morning - What the hell happened earlier?
[X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that.
[X] The Teachers - So who are going to be in charge of these chaotic bunch? [X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that. [X] [SPEAK] D'aaw, the two of you are cute together. I have half a mind to glue you together at the hips, but I imagine you would prefer to ability to have some time away from other humans. Still, don't forget that you don't have to settle for asking her about the city. You can also ask her to show you around in person. [X] [SPEAK] Also, you should invite Sakura to listen to you playing music, it'll be a great way to express yourself without having to worry about tripping over your own words. Especially, if the others like the present I want to give you.
[X] [GRANT] Music of the Spheres: Ability which allows an attack on the concept of the WORLD using our chaotic power channeled through Yu's music, causing distortions and rips in time and space whenever Yu attempts to use this ability by forcibly channeling their stress through their music that can allow short area teleportation and short term time alteration based on direction of playing and notes. Probably gonna make reality hate Yu even more but will keep them safer in the long-term.
[SPEAK] as amusing to see you interesting socially interaction, did we just see a giant thing break dancing, if so how does that even work, like I know this are not strangest thing we have seen but from what I can see the law of physics is still a thing for you world, and we haven't sense any thing like us nearby.
[X] The Breakdancing Kaiju = Is nobody awed about that?
[X] The Kaiju - Is nobody concerned about that?
[X] The Weird Morning - What the hell happened earlier?
Anything to point how crazy everything is. Yu shall be designated "straight man". Which is funny considering they hear voices in their head.
[X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that.
Considering how bad their social rolls have been they definitely need the boost. Also would 100% trust them with the mind control powers.
Also do you use D10 dice? No problem with that just wanna know how low we really have been rolling.
My gosh with a whopping -2 to every social interaction Yu is definitely gonna need all the boost they can get.
[X] [SPEAK] - I apologize Yu. I have only just now realized how truly severe this problem really is. Seeing is believing after all. I had also asked The Boss a question and the answer has revealed to me its true magnitude of the problem. Luckily Yu through the power of democratic voting we have decided to grant unto thee the power to COMMUNICATE through music. I would be worried about granting this power to any other human but I know I can trust you to be careful of the mind control.
[X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that.
[X] The Teachers - So who are going to be in charge of these chaotic bunch?
[X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that.
[X] [SPEAK] So then you've decided to protect the pink one from herself, I do believe we can work with that. Also Let's just ignore the background giant monster, as long as it's just breakdancing on top of towers without breaking them, then it's no concern of ours.
Because of how the description of how the Kaiju is described, it doesn't seem to be doing much harm right now.
Level 1 Eldritch Parasite
Name: ????
Age: ????
Background: Eldritch Parasite - Unexplainable in normal words; you guys are...Something. Something Man was not supposed to know. Man also doesn't know why you chose Yu of all people..Might be because their plight amused you, who knows? Oh yeah and you also decided to infect them. For reasons known only to you. Not because you thought it'd be funny or anything(Unlocks the Eldritch Parasite Abs background)
Reason: It Amused Me & Humans Are Adorable
[X] The Breakdancing Kaiju = Is nobody awed about that?
[X] The Kaiju - Is nobody concerned about that? [X][GRANT] Music For The Soul - The ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such inprecise tools as words. Also technically mindcontrol, but we can tust Yu with that. [X] [SPEAK] Like HELL it is of no concern to us, that thing got moves! It is IMPERATIVE that we know more about the Dance-Ju right this instant! ...also, can someone pass me the ketchup? Thanks.
[X] The Breakdancing Kaiju = Is nobody awed about that?
[X] [GRANT] Music of the Spheres: Ability which allows an attack on the concept of the WORLD using our chaotic power channeled through Yu's music, causing distortions and rips in time and space whenever Yu attempts to use this ability by forcibly channeling their stress through their music that can allow short area teleportation and short term time alteration based on direction of playing and notes. Probably gonna make reality hate Yu even more but will keep them safer in the long-term.
[X] [SPEAK] Sentient, we are currently voting what kind of music to enlighten you with. Music that would let you truly speak with your fellow sentients, instilling in them your thoughts and desires. Or perhaps music that would as you perceive, warp space and time. How satisfied would rate you are with your new throve of eldritch knowledge? Customer feedback would be deeply appreciated.