Seizansha: How Do I Survive Highschool With Voices In My Head?

Next updates are gonna be slower/shorter because Exam Week(s). Feel free to ask questions/discuss amongst yourselves or what have you in the meantime ^^

Edit: Also I've given the ones with names Titles. I guess. So I can remember what power to give them fir when the Calling can be Granted. Hope y'all's like em
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Well, I guess there are two dimension shatterers here, not that I mind that all too much.
And holy hell is it easy to feel sorry for Yu having to deal with our horrible selves, after all, we don't seem to understand how to not play around with their body at all...
[X] The Intense Card Game

[X] [SPEAK] Best to check those guys out before they break out the motorcycles. You never know when a card game motorcycle is actually a mechanical avatar for a dragon.
[X] [SPEAK] That aside I wonder what to do for the club showcase. We could see if there's a photography club as well and if clubbing is mandatory, maybe you can check out whatever club Sakura is a part of. That leaves us with one more... I wonder if they have a hug club. Everybody can use a hug, so it'd be time well spend, even if you don't plan on joining.

How many of you are there?
[X] [SPEAK] Currently we number exactly 45,283, but most of us probably won't ever bother to look in your general direction.

[X][SPEAK] That sounds a lot like somebody is inaccurately projecting on all of us and I take offense to that remark.
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[X] Megane And Kako

Friendship must prevail. Also don't worry about the slower updates Boss the most important part of this equation is you after all.
[X] [SPEAK] Currently we number exactly 45,283, but most of us probably won't ever bother to look in your general direction.
[X] [SPEAK] You should probably be worried about those of us who are not paying attention. Those who do not look where they are going have a tendency to...step on things, as it were. We'll try to make sure they see the signs, at least.
[X] The Intense Card Game

[X] [SPEAK] Ask around if there are souls being bet on the game, it's common thing on my last world.

[X] [SPEAK] Also, I took my precious time to 'invent' new skills that might come in handy but I need your opinions before I start doing something with these concepts.

-Melodia: The Primal Piano- Summon a piano from the eldritch plane. Improves your music based capabilities. You have been complaining about not having a piano
-The world in songs- Allows you to hear 'background music' depending on the state of your surroundings. Relaxing during calm moments, Ominous if something is about to happen, boss music if you fucked something up. You know the drill.
-FROZEN BY TIME- By capturing pictures of a location you designate a 'time'. The photo you will take will be turned into what will be taken if the shutter was triggered during the time.


If you have any suggestions just tell me and I'll figure something out.
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[X] [SPEAK] You should probably be worried about those of us who are not paying attention. Those who do not look where they are going have a tendency to...step on things, as it were. We'll try to make sure they see the signs, at least.

[X] [SPEAK] I don't really think so? They all seem to be mucking around in different dimensions but especially in that wormy one. I don't quite understand the obsession with those wriggling *ugh* things.
[X] [HIJACK] Same strand of hair - Stop it from moving unnaturally.

Now it begins. The Struggle. I wanna at least give Yu some time to cool down and have at least 1 update without being hijacked.

-FROZEN BY TIME- By capturing pictures of a location you designate a 'time'. The photo you will take will be turned into what will be taken if the shutter was triggered during the time.

Also great idea using their photography skills. We have so far been monofocused on their musical talent we have overlooked the others.

I would like to propose:
FAST TRAVEL - By using photographs of locations you have taken in the past you may 'warp' to them instantaneously. And don't worry about the time stuff I will ensure we will be using the present time line and not the past time line hahaha. Wouldn't want to accidentally muck up the present into an ice age or unstoppable apocalypse.
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-The world in songs- Allows you to hear 'background music' depending on the state of your surroundings. Relaxing during calm moments, Ominous if something is about to happen, boss music if you fucked something up. You know the drill.




[X] [HIJACK] Same strand of hair - Stop it from moving unnaturally.

Now it begins. The Struggle. I wanna at least give Yu some time to cool down and have at least 1 update without being hijacked.

Ima just say that I've made it my mission to only act/talk via hijacking a peice of hair - also to try and act in as many updates as possible lel
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Random question time; what five clubs would you join for Club Showcase? Like if there's an alphabetical list of clubs, which five would you join?

I'd join Anime Club, Art Club, Adventure Club, Movie Club and Literature Rap Club
[X] [SPEAK] I don't really think so? They all seem to be mucking around in different dimensions but especially in that wormy one. I don't quite understand the obsession with those wriggling *ugh* things.
[X] [SPEAK] With how much we all like mix-and-matching our entertainment, you never know when someone is going to stumble over trying to glue two realities together or something. Especially with the wormy one, bolting on an OCP or three is the most entertainment you can get from it this aeon.
[X] [SPEAK] (in a somewhat quiet voice as compared to the norm of the group) Hello! Pleasure to meet you Yu, you can call me GeGi! It is interesting to see your reality, especially as it seems that your city somehow rests on an intersection of probability violation. You (by which I mean your planet) are simultaneously connected to both the greater multiverse and isolated. Fascinating. Regardless, I just wanted to ask if you were interested in some human band recommendations? They do exist in multiple parallel branches of this multiversal cluster, so at least one or two of them should be in yours. Also, oh! Is that a TCG? I love Magic, they somehow got our cousins as well as a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional understanding of a 7 dimensional fragment could be.

[X] The Intense Card Game
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[X] Megane And Kako
[X][SPEAK] Did you not have a conversation with Megane waiting for you, Yu? Although If you do not want to deal with talk of us at the moment there's always time for games, whether it's involving the trade of souls or not is irrelevant. I am surprisingly partial to games with dice, It is always fun to play with probability, although it might be a bit more dangerous in a place like Yume city after all you never know what might happen.

I likes me some clickety clack rocks in real life.
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[X] [SPEAK] Here's two other ideas the first is not mine, the second feels like something you need.

FAST TRAVEL - By using photographs of locations you have taken in the past you may 'warp' to them instantaneously. And don't worry about the time stuff I will ensure we will be using the present time line and not the past time line hahaha. Wouldn't want to accidentally muck up the present into an ice age or unstoppable apocalypse.

The Right of Self Determination- If anything tries to forcibly control you against your will whether known or unknown. You have a significant chance to resist it. This includes our Hijack Skill and especially made because of the incident.

The Right of Self Determination- If anything tries to forcibly control you against your will whether known or unknown. You have a significant chance to resist it. This includes our Hijack Skill and especially made because of the incident.

Aww, how thoughtful

FAST TRAVEL - By using photographs of locations you have taken in the past you may 'warp' to them instantaneously. And don't worry about the time stuff I will ensure we will be using the present time line and not the past time line hahaha. Wouldn't want to accidentally muck up the present into an ice age or unstoppable apocalypse.

Wait so is this like teleportation or timetravel? Like say if Yu takes a picture of them and Akira at a park and use this ability, will they just teleport/fast travel to said park or travel back in time to the point where they took the photo?