(OUT OF CHARACTER) Nice to meet you everybody, this is my first and probably last post on this thread, wanted to see if this get accepted and do a Big Lipped Alligator moment, Good luck to you all.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are three completely different secret rooms which all occupy the same physical location but are accessed from different directions.
Because being rendered with a portal-based engine like Marathon instead of a BSP-based engine like Doom is perfectly plausible.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are three completely different secret rooms which all occupy the same physical location but are accessed from different directions.
[X] Staff Room
[X] Club Rooms
- [X] Music Club - [X] Occult/literature Club
[X] [SPEAK] Surprisingly, we did not tear open space to get you the red cabbage omelet, that was probably just Fate hearing our murmurs and just going with it also you've probably noticed that your hair is acting up somehow, don't worry too much about it because it's just some of my fellows messing around. Unless they take over your limbs, it's probably better to leave them to it.
What school is lacking an occult club in this city, not this one.
Also, I would have definitely made Yu's hair form into a pair of cat ears.
[X] Staff Room
[X] Club Rooms
- [X] Music Club - [X] Occult/literature Club [X] [SPEAK] Anomaly(Yu), what is your thoughts(shuffles que cards)…on platypus? This is an important question, as it is needed to know how you are as a person. As long as you don't conspire with 5-legged snakes, then I know you are fine host with decent tastes.
[X] Staff Room
[X] Club Rooms
- [X] Music Club
- [X] Occult Club
[X] [SPEAK] Hmm? Oh I see you guys found a connection to this world. Well, hello human, seems like you became our window into this world. Please don't mind your hair doing weird things. It's just my kin amusing themselves and unless they do something serious, like taking over a hand or finger its better to leave them to it. They're like children that way.
[X] [SPEAK] As for where you should go I say the staff room since it's always useful to know where the authority figures are, the Music Club as it's something your interested in and it's easier to socialize when it's with people who share your passions and search for an Occult Club. I started a cult in this world a while back to try and gain a foothold here as a possible place I go to when I need a break and I honestly would be surprised if they don't have a presence in this city. You will likely be able to gain their allegiance by appearing as my Champion. Of course with the loose laws of reality this city seems to be under I would also be surprised if their the only cult running around. I just hope they didn't do anything disgraceful like being beaten by a bunch of magical high school girls. I would probably erase this reality from embarrassment in that case. My kin would tease me for ages for that.
[X] [SPEAK] A side note, but do you really don't know your preferences? From what I understand humans your age should have already discovered porn. Don't you get aroused seeing a naked woman? Or maybe a man? Or both? If porn doesn't work go to strip club and see which sections interest you more.
Out of character: I just binged this quest and it has me intrigued. It's fun though when reading 'Yu's dad's boyfriend' I need to stop and remind myself that yes it's indeed a thing in fiction, mainly because I'm not used to seeing it outside of MHA fandom. Also what kind of gender is nonbinary? Is it when a person is born with both male and female characteristics? I know the word for it in my native language but I never had to use it in english so I have no idea what it translates to.
Out of character: I just binged this quest and it has me intrigued. It's fun though when reading 'Yu's dad's boyfriend' I need to stop and remind myself that yes it's indeed a thing in fiction, mainly because I'm not used to seeing it outside of MHA fandom. Also what kind of gender is nonbinary? Is it when a person is born with both male and female characteristics? I know the word for it in my native language but I never had to use it in english so I have no idea what it translates to.
Level 1 Eldritch Parasite
Name: ????
Age: ????
Background: Eldritch Parasite - Unexplainable in normal words; you guys are...Something. Something Man was not supposed to know. Man also doesn't know why you chose Yu of all people..Might be because their plight amused you, who knows? Oh yeah and you also decided to infect them. For reasons known only to you. Not because you thought it'd be funny or anything (Unlocks the Eldritch Parasite Abs background)
Reason: It Amused Me & Humans Are Adorable
More To Be Unlocked
Level 1 High school Student
Name: Yu Parker
Age: 16
Gender: Nonbinary
State: ....
Background: You should know, you've read the first post
Socially Awkward: Oh no, not human interaction! ( -2 penalty to social situations/rolls)
Snarky: Might not be a sword but it's just as sharp (Bonus damage to taunting actions)
Stage Fright: Performing? Infront of people? No thank you! (50% chance of messing up initial performace when infront of a crowd)
Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?: Snakes are very, very, very, very, very scary (Gets the Terrified status effect when interacting with snakes and some reptilian entities)
Photography: The art of capturing things in pictures (Bonus points in observation actions/rolls)
Piano: Keyboard tapping that people like. Yu's no Mozart or anything but they're talented (Negative stats diminished when music is played)
Ability: Incredible Knowledge: Grants Yu the ability to imbue them with knowledge without melting their brain or making them forget language Music For The Soul - Grants Yu the ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such imprecise tools as words (Also technically mind control, but we can trust Yu with that)
More To Be Unlocked
Goals: None
Side Goal: Attend Music Club Showcase On Friday (Gains ??? Upon Completion)
[X] Staff Room
[X] Club Rooms
- [X] Music Club
- [X] Literature Club(s)
[X][SPEAK] Given that Yumeko is your friend now and going through the effort of giving you a tour, I think you should show some interest in her work as well, so to the student council it is. Try your best to admire her and make her feel appreciated. She mentioned being the student council president, so I'm sure she works hard for the sake of the students, which includes you.
'While saying that she's my friend is a long stretch, that's..A pretty nice thing to do but she mentioned this being one of her duties also I don't really think I'll be allowed to be there?'
[X][SPEAK] Once that's done, we should check out the music club. I hope they have a piano for you to play. I really want to listen to your music.
'....You guys really are eager, huh. My music isn't really..That great to be honest. But I guess I can do it since I can't really see you'
"Um..W-we could..Um.."
Yumeko doesn't seem to mind and simply hands me a notepad filled with the names of the clubs. And there are many, neatly organized in alphabetical order. with checkboxes I have to flip a few pages to finally get to 'Music Club' and check it with Literature a few pages after. She nods
"Then we shall head to the Music Club room first"
And with that, we start walking past the less dense halls with Sakura by my side and Yumeko leading as she should be. I assume people are in the cafeteria right now which is great since it means less chance of bumping into people and them invading my personal space, which they really like to do here for some reason. I realize a bit too late that the scenery on the rooftop would've made some killer photos and that's not just the Kaiju-Cop dance battle. The twins would say I photoshopped it but hey, they're more 'won't believe it till I see it' kind of people
[X][SPEAK] Yu, listen here. The more corners a shape has, the closer it is to a circle and therefore not evil. You can be romantically involved with one person, or a dozen. It's only when your relationship diagram takes the shape of a triangle that we've got a problem.
P.S. If that pyramid model is still in your home, smash it to pieces and burn it. Doing so will wastly improve the feng shui of your home and stop me from accidentally driving you insane with constant screams of fear.
'As hilarious as that sounds, eldritch screaming might have more than a few consequences. Least severe being my ears bleeding. Also I don't think my dad would appreciate me breaking a present because a voice inside my head said so. I'll put it in a box or something'
[X][SPEAK] hey did you know king arthur was a girl or was that a another world its so hard to keep track of which gender historical figures are across all the timelines
[X][HIJACK] A Different strand of hair so as to make a ahoge Like a certain blonde heroine
Sakura gives me a weird look, question mark pupils, sparkles and all with a tilt of her head
"Ne, Yu-chan..Was your hair always like that?"
Like what? Messy? I give her a 'so-so' gesture and she lets out an 'Ohh'
I was way too busy running late to brush my hair, ok? I run a hand through my head in an attempt to brush it with my fingers.
[SPEAK] Sure thing bossperson! *fingerguns* I'll make sure nobody (else) will do that. BTW, the BOSS gave us a go on the names-beyond-human-psyche giving you powers instead of insanity! Congratulations! My name is HeroCooky, you should try it out sometimes! Mine usually gives people a cooky they crave at that moment, with none of the calories (or nutrition) of a cooky! Yey!
'....Oookay? I expected something borderline eldritch but nice to meet you. Wonder why the cooky power wasn't available twenty minutes ago'
"Say, Yu-chan, who do you think won th-EEK!"
I notice that Sakura trips on air and I quickly catch her by the cuff of her uniform, pulling her back. She really does have the agility of a rubber duck..
"A-are you okay?"
Sakura giggles and does the cute head-knock-tongue-out thing
"Wow, I'm so clumsy! Thanks for the save again, Yu-chan!"
I nod and she smiles at me before picking up the pace. I see Yumeko sigh in the corner of my eye. I turn back to Sakura to keep saying what she wanted but she's preoccupied sparkling a lot in my general direction. I guess she really is thankful. Feels nice to save someone twice in a row even if it's two very different levels of danger.
[X] SPEAK: Lessons are important, but bonds are what bring together a world. Finds worthy peers to reach new heights with, rivals to challenge the ideals you hold close to your heart, and those cherished few who shall surpass any other. Or that one guy who you just shoot the shit and meme with, their good too. Play on music man. Never forget that you can sing a Song of Life.
'.....Thanks. I'll look up that song. Also I can't sing but I get what you mean'
We arrive at a very long hallway with labeled doors on both sides and benches between them, club names in silver plates beside them in alphabetical order and a small window with each room surprisingly decorated for each club. Americaboo Club has a lot of eagles, Obama posters and targets with the 45th president's face , Anime Club has way too many things to name, Astrology Club has a very neat looking space-wallpaper and what I think is a telescope among others. It'll be a while until we get to the Ms, it looks like. This school really is prestigious.
"This is the Club Corner. It is not a corner but a conglomeration of different halls but Principal-sama really enjoys alliteration"
Yumeko explains as we take a right turn to the Ds. Clubs there include Distressed Damsel Club, Demon Slaying Club (which has a lot of complaints stacked on it's door and on it's plaque, there's a sticker that adds "VERY EVIL!!!" to its title) and Domino Club from where a lot of muffled screaming is coming from. Sakura and Yumeko walk past them nonchalantly.
"....S-so do you..Have enough rooms or..?"
Sakura interrupts Yumeko's explanation
"Well, that depends! If a club disbands, their plaque goes poof! So does the decor! Atleast, until a new club gets approved by Yumeko-chan's entourage. If there's no space, a new door just..Appears!"
Yumeko's displeasure at being interrupted is evident but she nods at Sakura's words
"That is true. Our school tends to dabble in a mixture of technology and what you might call unnatural means ("Maagiiic~" Sakura says, wiggling her fingers with extra sparkles for dramatic effect) instead of focusing on one completely. That is why we allow otherworldly beings ("Demons like Kako-chan!" Sakura adds with jazz hands) and more mechanical ones ("Like Class 1-2's new sensei! I heard it's an android!" Sakura interjects, now doing rock'n'roll hands) to attend our school instead of one or the other"
I nod. That makes..Way too much sense.
[x] SPEAK - I told you that I got you covered. Although the Pink One was the one who ate it sooo... Eh, we'll just try again later. Also, like the guy before me said, My name is @Kazuto Morimoto; sounds Japanese I know but I assure you that it's just been translated in a 'mentally friendly language' thanks to your new ability to understand eldritch knowledge. Anyone you directly told about it will experience a watered down version of "Murphy's Law" for a day.
'...I don't think I'll be telling anyone about you anytime soon, Morimoto-san. Or any of you to be honest.'
[x] HIJACK - A strand of hair - flail wildly
Sakura gives me more curious looks. Please don't tell me she's envisioning me as a knight in shining armor, magical person or worse, a Super Sentai
[X] [SPEAK] It would seem that our names will soon grant you Yu of powers. They are less powerful than if we were to combine our powers but they are also more varied. I say "will" in that in will not happen happen in the near future of your world. Since apparently The Boss is saying something about the world imploding if we pour in more power without gaining a more stable foothold through your actions? I am not quite sure but that seems to be a bad thing so we will be holding off on granting you more powers for now. Also beware it would seem my fellows are more subtle than I realize. I did not expect this level of stealth from them so please just be more aware.
[X][HIJACK] A strand of hair so as to fall onto their face annoyingly ever so often.
Some of my hair falls on my face and I push it back past my ear
'Be aware of what? Specifics please since I can't really see what you're doing nor do I have any idea of what you're talking about. Is this because of the whole red cabbage thing?'
Some more hair falls on my face and I regret not bothering to brush today. Sakura's head tilts and she giggles. I wonder if I'd look weird in a super sentai uniform. Aren't those usually spandex-looking with ornaments and a motorcycle helmet?..
You know, now I realize that cosplaying as a Super Sentai character isn't that hard
We soon get to the Ls and Sakura notices something
"Ne, Yumeko-san? Why do we have two literature clubs?"
That makes Yumeko stop on her tracks and I almost bump into her as she snaps her head at Sakura, raised brow in confusion
"What do you mean two literature clubs?"
"Oh, you know! The one that turned into a Rap Club and this one?"
She points at a door with the silver Literature Club plaque. Looking at it's window, it looks a bit..Gothic? With fancy bookshelves and all of that. Yumeko pinches the bridge of her nose
"They approved this without my-" A sigh "...Do they not know what happened the last time we had a Literature Club?"
"We never got to do that Poem Showcase event.."
"Exactly! Us in the Council had to plan a lot for it for them to just..Students were traumatized and we let the Rap Club take the room because they were the only ones willing to do so because everyone thought it was haunted ("Megane-kun had a blast with that" Sakura chips in while doing slow-dancing hands) and..You know..! Everything!"
Class Rep sighs in frustration and glances at me before composing herself
"Let's just hope they know what they're doing. If we get one complaint, maybe Principal-sama would approve my appeal for a ban on literature clubs"
Okay..Stay away from the Literature Club that's not Rap Club. Got it.
The sudden loudness rings in my head and makes me abruptly stop walking and I see Sakura frown and say something to me. I can't hear it. At least, not at first.
'Can..Can you not do that again?'
[SPEAK] Since when was there connection to a mortal in this place? Anyways greetings little one I am vanilla destroyer number 1*4-78+9^230 currently in the form of Siegfried the dragon slayer, nice to meet you.
'....Nice to meet you too? Do you think you can to-'
[SPEAK] It was a pleasure meeting you but sadly I must be off, timelines to purge, realities to destroy, normal stuff that a vanilla destroyer does-HEY!! YOU IDIOTS!!!! WHAT ARE DOING!!!!! THIS IS NOT THE TIME AND PLACE TO BE PLAYING CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!
The loudness returns, my slowly forming migrane making me more concerned about that than the probable fate of the world. I feel a bit dizzy. I can see Yumeko mouth something and not exactly see much of Sakura through the sparkles. My footing gets funny and I take a step forward
Then I hit something with my face. Or more specifically; someone. I feel steady hands on my shoulders and my vision clears a bit. I find myself facing someone slightly older than me wearing a blue jumpsuit with the letter A printed on it's breast pocket.
"Heyy, careful there. You good, buddy?"
I blink a few times and it clicks. I nod and they raise a brow, lazy smile on their face while their eyes inspect me. They hum and pat my shoulders, seemingly satisfied and take a step back, letting the concerned faces of Yumeko and Sakura take their place being in and all over my face
"Are you ok, Yu-chan? Was it the bentos? I knew those were too many bentos!"
"Do you have a headache? Should I get a first-aid kit?"
Some hair falls on my eyes as I blink, making my eyes sting as I pull the hair out of my face. My eyes water at the stinging sensation
"AH! Y-Yu-chan! Don't cry!"
"I-I'm not!"
It took a bit of coaxing to show them that I was okay. I turn to thank the person only to see that they dissapeared. Weird, they were-
"Oh, that's Janitor A! They do stuff like this all the time"
Janitors? Isn't this a Japanese school? The confusion must've been evident because Yumeko clears her throat
"While their official titles are Groundskeepers, they are in charge of cleaning up any..Messes that might occur in the school"
"So we just call them Janitors! There's four of them; A, B, C and D"
Alphabetical. Okay.
"What..K-kind of messes?"
Yumeko and Sakura share a look, mischief glinting in Sakura's eyes along with the sparkles while Yumeko's betray no emotion
"You'll find out reaaal soon, Yu-chan! This is Boken Academy hehe!"
Her diabetes-inducing giggle has a slight edge to it this time. Makes me a bit uneasy
"Now that you have recovered, Parker-san, we shall continue with the tour"
And with that, we get to the Ns, with the Ms right beside them and we finally arrive at the Music Club entrance. We spot three individuals chatting on the benches beside the doors, a two girls, one blue haired and another ginger and a guy with a bandana covering his eyes. They notice us, specifically Yumeko, approaching and they all, except Ginger Girl, stand at attention
"Student Council President-san!"
Yumeko gives them a surprisingly warm smile as she gestures them to ease up
"Hello there, Riko-san, Saitama-san and Setsuko-chan.. Did you finish lunch?"
The ginger girl, Setsuko smiles back and waves at Yumeko while Riko, the blue one nods as she gravitates to Sakura
"Yep! Cooking Club tried again to fix me but their food still tastes terrible. But not that terrible. Less terrible than last time. Which is a good thing! Means they're getting closer to a Busted Tastebuds cure"
Yumeko nods in satisfaction and beams at Setsuko for a moment, only for Sakura to grab me by the arm and sparkle as a way to get attention. Huh.
"Oh yeaaah, that reminds me! This is Yu-chan! They're new and they want to check out the music club!"
That gets the attention of all of them since within seconds, Riko is all up in my face. For the fifth(?) time today. These people don't know their personal space..
"Really!? New member! New member! We've wanted one ever since we lost our pianist-"
She then grabs me by the ribbon and pulls me even closer, staring into my eyes. I feel myself turn red
"Please, tell us now and spare us the pain; do you have any incurable disease we may not know of? Spare us the heartbreak a second time, Kaori.. Saitama even started wearing that bandana because his tears never stop and I believe to have sucked my tearducts dry"
That sombers the mood. Saitama nods along with those words and Setsuko looks sad while Yumeko awkwardly consoles her. Even Sakura's sparkles dim out of respect. I'm sure that my dad would most definitely know if I had any disease, much more and incurable one. I wouldn't even be here since he'd be using all of his medical knowledge to cure me. So I shake my head. Riko beams and steps back, giving me my space as she opens the club room. It's any musician's heaven! Bright yellow walls filled with musical notes, instruments in a neat order with a makeshift stage in the middle and on the edge, the most beautiful piano I've ever seen..
"Oh, good! Well the position of Pianist/Keyboard Player and Backup Singer are open! I, the Club Captain and lead play the guitar, Saitama plays the drums and Setsuko sings with the occasional bass!"
The respective players wave and fingergun me. I feel like..This was what I was meant to do. For once, I don't really..Fell embarrassed or weird here. I really want to play that piano
[X] [SPEAK] Anomaly(Yu), what is your thoughts(shuffles que cards)…on platypus? This is an important question, as it is needed to know how you are as a person. As long as you don't conspire with 5-legged snakes, then I know you are fine host with decent tastes.
'Platypuses are fine and strangely adorable though I prefer my snakes far away from me. And with one tail, like normal. Lizards are scary'
(Discovered Yu Trait: Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?)
I step into the room and take a look around, a large smile on my face as I move over to the piano and run my finger across the keys, careful enough not to play them. Some hair falls on my face and I leave it there. Sakura and the others giggle as my Sparkle Companion approaches me and takes off one of her many hairpins and parts the annoying hair on it's side, pinning it with a sparkly heart pin.
"There you go! You look even cuter now, Yu-chan!"
My cheeks are now getting used to the heat that flushes to them
[X] [SPEAK] Hmm? Oh I see you guys found a connection to this world. Well, hello human, seems like you became our window into this world. Please don't mind your hair doing weird things. It's just my kin amusing themselves and unless they do something serious, like taking over a hand or finger its better to leave them to it. They're like children that way.
'...Seriously that was you guy's fault?'
[X] [SPEAK] Surprisingly, we did not tear open space to get you the red cabbage omelet, that was probably just Fate hearing our murmurs and just going with it also you've probably noticed that your hair is acting up somehow, don't worry too much about it because it's just some of my fellows messing around. Unless they take over your limbs, it's probably better to leave them to it.
'....I..We'll talk about boundaries later, like I said'
The Music club members approach me, smiling. Riko claps with her fingers, happiness on her face, as well as a grin.
"So! How do you like it? Pretty neat, huh? I know! We're pretty chill here but when it's time to play, we bring in the beat! We're also in charge of all the music in the school so.."
I don't get what she means by that but she's making me very excited
[X] [SPEAK] As for where you should go I say the staff room since it's always useful to know where the authority figures are, the Music Club as it's something your interested in and it's easier to socialize when it's with people who share your passions and search for an Occult Club. I started a cult in this world a while back to try and gain a foothold here as a possible place I go to when I need a break and I honestly would be surprised if they don't have a presence in this city. You will likely be able to gain their allegiance by appearing as my Champion. Of course with the loose laws of reality this city seems to be under I would also be surprised if their the only cult running around. I just hope they didn't do anything disgraceful like being beaten by a bunch of magical high school girls. I would probably erase this reality from embarrassment in that case. My kin would tease me for ages for that.
'......UM WELL-'
The probability of magical high school girls beating a centuries old cult is..Very high. Concerningly so.
'The offer is very..Nice, thank you but I'd rather not be involved in any cult right now? Thanks for the offer though? I'll be sure to mention you when I meet them'
Mostly to ensure my survival..
'Can the rest of you try to convince them to..Not erase this reality? Please?'
"If it interests you, Yu right? Yeah, if it does then feel free to join the club! We need a piano player after..Kaori-chan, may she rest in peace"
The others echo the sentiment
This is it. This is my chance to fit in while also doing something that I love!
[X] [SPEAK] A side note, but do you really don't know your preferences? From what I understand humans your age should have already discovered porn. Don't you get aroused seeing a naked woman? Or maybe a man? Or both? If porn doesn't work go to strip club and see which sections interest you more.
My face turns completely red and I cover my face, letting out a long and embarrassed shriek, taking multiple steps back.
Riko's words stab me in the heart and I peek at her only to regret doing so as I feel the whole club's feeling of hurt on me. Yumeko is giving me an intimidatingly dissapointing stare and a shake of her head and Sakura is frowning. Oh shit. I blew it.
I really blew it. They hate me now, don't they..
I open my mouth to explain but my throat becomes a lump. I think about using the Musical Telepathy but I doubt I'll be able to play anything right in this state. My shoulders slump as I stare at the ground, the silence deafening, awkward and tense.
"...I-I'm sorry, I didn't..-"
"No, it's..It's fine. We'll just find another person to become our pianist. Atleast before Club Showcase Week is over. Just gotta hope we have enough members before it is"
Riko's words skewer my heart like shish kebab. Great. Everyone knows you need atleast four people to make a club and it'll be my fault they disband. The notes on the walls seem to taunt me. Coming to school was a terrible, terrible idea..
"Uhh..WOAH! HEY let's n-not..Let's not be drastic here!"
Sakura, the princess in shining and sparkling armour-dress, comes to my aid once more
"Yu-chan is still new and this is their first day! And this is also their first time attending a normal school sooo it's normal for them to be shy!"
This school is anything but normal. But she seems to have gotten the Music Club Member's attention
"Like they actually couldn't even introduce themselves kind of shy! That's how shy they are!"
Not sure whether to feel more hurt or not
"They didn't know about Club Showcase Week! So what if you put your club in one of the Showcases Yu-chan can attend to? So they can see how cool you guys really are?"
That seems to get through to them. Saitama and Setsuko seem to not think of me as a complete monster and turn to their club leader. Riko gives me a look, not exactly a warm one but not really a super hostile one either. I must look very pitiful right now because she sighs and turns to her team
"You guys really want this..So fine. Yu can come to our showcase"
Sakura grins and Yumeko's eyes narrow slightly as Riko glances at me, the warmth now gone from her eyes as I walk past her to leave the room I feel unworthy of being in.
"Friday. Don't ditch. Come on, let's go. Imai told us he had something for us"
And with that, she leaves and the only Music Club member that waves at me is Setsuko.
'.....Thanks a lot, you guys. Thanks a whole lot. You were a great help'
The tour continues in silence as we walk to our next destination.
(Yu isUnhappywith you)
(Side Goal Menu Unlocked)
(Gained Side Goal: Attend Music Club Showcase On Friday)
Where To Next? Destination Already Decided
[X] Apologize To Yu - There Is Nothing To Choose Here
I honestly feel like crap after my last attempt failed on a level of a nat 1 I have no idea what I should say.
Also want is the option to apologise crossed out?
I honestly feel like crap after my last attempt failed on a level of a nat 1 I have no idea what I should say.
Also want is the option to apologise crossed out?
Since the QM replied I'll just post this as it's own post instead of the originals edit I did to avoid double posting. [X][SPEAK](in a regretful voice) I am honestly regretful for the consequences of my question but the time here doesn't really always sync up properly with your world so I have no idea when my words will reach you.
[X][SPEAK](in an apologetic voice) As for why I asked you said question… well from our perspective you are essentially the 'Main Character' as such it is inevitable that my kin will start to try and steer you into getting romantically involved with someone and they have at least enough tact to do it only with people you would be attracted to. So if you said you prefer women they wouldn't push you into getting together with a man for example.
[X][SPEAK] Again, I know you may not want to hear it right now but I'm honestly sorry. As a recompense and acknowledgement of my wrongdoing I acknowledge the existence of debt between me @AlphaOmega and Yu Parker, you can freely ask me for anything as long as you deem fit. And I do mean anything as long as the Boss okays it.
P.S. Don't worry about the sudden weird feeling in your soul it's just the debt binding me to you, it will force me to comply with the terms of the debt as stated earlier so I can't get out of it even if I wanted to.
[GIVE] Forge a magical contract between @AlphaOmega and Yu Parker allowing Yu Parker to call on AlphaOmegas favour for as long as they see fit. AlphaOmega may only end the contract with the assent of Yu Parker. The assent can't be forced and needs to be freely given. The contract will force AlphaOmega to grant Yu Parkers wish as long as The Boss authorises the wish.
P.S. Don't worry about the sudden weird feeling in your soul it's just the debt binding me to you, it will force me to comply with the terms of the debt as stated earlier so I can't get out of it even if I wanted to.