The Eldritch Parasite
Name: Too Many To Count Age: ???? Background: Eldritch Parasite - Unexplainable in normal words; you guys are...Something. Something Man was not supposed to know. Man also doesn't know why you chose Yu of all people..Might be because their plight amused you, who knows? Oh yeah and you also decided to infect them. For reasons known only to you. Not because you thought it'd be funny or anything (Unlocks the Eldritch Parasite Abs background) Reason: It Amused Me & Humans Are Adorable
You And Yu:
- Yu is Unhappy with you
- Yu knows the following names:
kosi - The Watchers
Silor (abacadaasap321) - The Explorer Of The Unknown
Kazuto Morimoto - The Determinator (And Slight Bad Luck Giver)
HeroCooky - The Maker Of Cookys
AlphaOmega - The Being That Shatters Worlds
7Ejk - The Watchers
Fool - The Knowledge Collector
GeGi - The Watcher
More To Be Unlocked
The High School Student
Name: Yu Parker Age: 16 Gender: Nonbinary State: Unhappy ( -1 in general rolls) and also EXTREMELY confused like- Background: You should know, you've read the first post
Socially Awkward: Oh no, not human interaction! ( -2 penalty to social situations/rolls) Snarky: Might not be a sword but it's just as sharp (Bonus damage to taunting actions) Stage Fright: Performing? Infront of people? No thank you! (50% chance of messing up initial performace when infront of a crowd) Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?: Snakes are very, very, very, very, very scary (Gets the Terrified status effect when interacting with snakes and some reptilian entities)
Photography: The art of capturing things in pictures (Bonus points in observation actions/rolls) Piano: Keyboard tapping that people like. Yu's no Mozart or anything but they're talented (Negative stats diminished when music is played)
Incredible Knowledge: Grants Yu the ability to imbue them with knowledge without melting their brain or making them forget language Music For The Soul - Grants Yu the ability to play music that directly interfaces with the human soul, allowing for direct transmission of thoughts and emotions without such imprecise tools as words (Also technically mind control, but we can trust Yu with that)
More To Be Unlocked
Goals: None Side Goal: Attend Music Club Showcase On Friday (Gains ??? Upon Completion)
(Side Goal: Meet With THEM) Wait for the Day to be over. (Gains ??? Upon Completion)
[X][GRANT] The Right To Self Determination
[X][GRANT] I give Yu the OVERRIDE CODES, allowing them to shut down any and all unwanted bodily hijacking, no questions asked.
(GRANT Commands failed. Reason: Unavailable Ability Slots. In order to gain more, complete GOALS)
[X] [SPEAK] Best to check those guys out before they break out the motorcycles. You never know when a card game motorcycle is actually a mechanical avatar for a dragon.
'I hope you don't mean actual motorcycle and if you did, it would be confusing. How does that work?'
A glance towards the game makes me notice that the players have some..Weird..Glove on their hands. Kind of like a gauntlet but with a place to put your cards. The people around the table that are actually playing the game are a guy with goggles, a kid that just exudes pure snob energy, a guy with glasses (Not Megane) next to a chubby guy who looks like his design was made to look completely different to his fellow card-players. As they play their cards, giant wisps of the creatures that I guess are on the cards face off above them. On the corner of my eye, two students have a very serious-looking chopstick-fight with rainbow flames and karate moves over one dumpling. On another side, the hair-changing-boy from my class and his...Friend-Rival-Not-Totally-Sure have an arm wrestling contest with way too much aura and shouting that the overall chaos of the cafeteria is competeing. Nobody at the card table or doing normal lunch things bats an eye.
Sakura practically skips over to me, literally starry-eyed
"So? What do you think? Pretty cool huh?"
Well it's..Not what I expected. Are all school cafeterias like this? Filled with chaos, colours and noise? I think it's a little bit too much for me
I shrug and she smiles, although I notice that it doesn't quite reach her eyes which are still stars
"Yeah, a lot of things happen here. It's the most exciting place! Well, the whole school is exciting! Like just yesterday, the people over at the Myths club played Extreme Seven Minutes in Heaven"
I blink and she blushes a bit. I've heard Akira talk about playing it when he was younger and I added that knowledge to my 'Things I Didn't Want To Know' section of my brain where Akira's talks mostly fill it up.
"N-Not like that! Like they literally send your soul to heaven for seven minutes! It's..Well, when you try it, you'll know! Hint: It has very pretty angels!"
Sakura blushes even more and swoons. I know she had the best experience and thoughts in mind when she said that but I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with dying for seven minutes. Or dying at all. Also Heaven is Real which means Hell probably is too. My mind would normally be blown from this revelation but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything else right now to react properly. And my mind has been blown at least three times today.
[X] [SPEAK] That aside I wonder what to do for the club showcase. We could see if there's a photography club as well and if clubbing is mandatory, maybe you can check out whatever club Sakura is a part of. That leaves us with one more... I wonder if they have a hug club. Everybody can use a hug, so it'd be time well spend, even if you don't plan on joining.
'I think that Sakura's club would be either cooking or something that firts her..Sparkly persona. Might help the Arts and Crafts club with infinite glitter supply but with my recent discovery I wouldn't be surprised if she was part of the 'Kill With Cuteness' club. And there is a hug club, I checked'
[X] [SPEAK] Currently we number exactly 45,283, but most of us probably won't ever bother to look in your general direction.
'That's...Alot. Does my brain fit..All of you or?.. Does this mean I'm big-brained?'
[X] [SPEAK] You should probably be worried about those of us who are not paying attention. Those who do not look where they are going have a tendency to...step on things, as it were. We'll try to make sure they see the signs, at least.
' right true thats fair just please keep that under wraps i dont want any eldritching..Of mind. And body'
[X] [SPEAK] I don't really think so? They all seem to be mucking around in different dimensions but especially in that wormy one. I don't quite understand the obsession with those wriggling *ugh* things.
'....There's worms in my brain? Or eldritch..Worms that sounds..Not good. Uh..'
Here's to hoping I don't have a worm in my head. I've played Plague Inc. It's not pretty.
[X] [SPEAK] With how much we all like mix-and-matching our entertainment, you never know when someone is going to stumble over trying to glue two realities together or something. Especially with the wormy one, bolting on an OCP or three is the most entertainment you can get from it this aeon.
Confirms that there is a worm or the eldritch equivalent of a worm in my head. I wonder if the surgery could be possible. Maybe Dad could talk to one of his neurosurgeon friends.
"So, are you going to stay standing here or..?"
I turn to see that Sakura has stepped out of her heavenly daydream. Well, if I keep standing around, I might end up in people's way so I shake my head and she perks up
"Sweet! I'll go check out the Cardle over there if you wanna come with!"
I can't help but snort at that. Sakura pouts
"Hey! Don't laugh! It's a wordplay, it's not what it's actually called. We call them CardBattles because we can't call them CardFights for..Reasons. Mostly legal reasons. Do you wanna see them too?"
[X] [SPEAK] Ask around if there are souls being bet on the game, it's common thing on my last world.
'I..No. Not gonna do that. Besides, I'm more..Interested in watching the fight'
I shake my head and gesture to the fight, which hasn't..Started yet, surprisingly. Sakura blinks and nods, the movement of her hair sending sparkles everywhere. I should not be surprised about the sparkles on her hair.
"Uh- Oh yeah! That's fine! Yep yep! Come on, let's go!"
And with that she grabs my arm and starts to lead me me towards the non-crowded side of the fight before I could make myself mention anything about her sparkles dimming at my suggestion
[X] [SPEAK] Also, I took my precious time to 'invent' new skills that might come in handy but I need your opinions before I start doing something with these concepts.
-Melodia: The Primal Piano- Summon a piano from the eldritch plane. Improves your music based capabilities. You have been complaining about not having a piano
-FROZEN BY TIME- By capturing pictures of a location you designate a 'time'. The photo you will take will be turned into what will be taken if the shutter was triggered during the time.
'Oh! Piano. Just make sure it's a normal piano with no eldritch effects or qualities whatsoever'
[X] [SPEAK] Here's two other ideas the first is not mine, the second feels like something you need.
FAST TRAVEL - By using photographs of locations you have taken in the past you may 'warp' to them instantaneously. And don't worry about the time stuff I will ensure we will be using the present time line and not the past time line hahaha. Wouldn't want to accidentally muck up the present into an ice age or unstoppable apocalypse.
(You feel as though TimeHerself bores Her eyes on you)
(and get the vague feeling of someone doing the 'Watching You' movement at you.)
The Right of Self Determination- If anything tries to forcibly control you against your will whether known or unknown. You have a significant chance to resist it. This includes our Hijack Skill and especially made because of the incident.
'...The last one sounds really good right now but teleportation sounds useful. And cool. Like I could just snap a picture and like go there. I'll think about it'
[X] [HIJACK] A strand of hair - wave in an idle, somewhat indecisive manner
[X] [HIJACK] Same strand of hair - Stop it from moving unnaturally.
[X] [SPEAK] (in a somewhat quiet voice as compared to the norm of the group) Hello! Pleasure to meet you Yu, you can call me GeGi! It is interesting to see your reality, especially as it seems that your city somehow rests on an intersection of probability violation. You (by which I mean your planet) are simultaneously connected to both the greater multiverse and isolated. Fascinating. Regardless, I just wanted to ask if you were interested in some human band recommendations? They do exist in multiple parallel branches of this multiversal cluster, so at least one or two of them should be in yours. Also, oh! Is that a TCG? I love Magic, they somehow got our cousins as well as a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional understanding of a 7 dimensional fragment could be.
'Sure, as long as they're not eldritch bands. And it is a TGC. Just with..Extreme special effects from what I can see'
I make sure to hold my breath as we weave through the crowd. It looked smaller than it actually is.
[X][SPEAK] Did you not have a conversation with Megane waiting for you, Yu? Although If you do not want to deal with talk of us at the moment there's always time for games, whether it's involving the trade of souls or not is irrelevant. I am surprisingly partial to games with dice, It is always fun to play with probability, although it might be a bit more dangerous in a place like Yume city after all you never know what might happen.
'Well, seeing a bit of what's happened in a card game so far, you might be right'
[X][SPEAK] Hey, nice to meet you, I just got here. My name's Catherine, but everyone calls me Cat. Anyway, I'm going to be incredibly blunt with you about the nature of us, your reality, and a few very specific opportunities that you might just be able to pull off.
So, with regards to us: to the best of my knowledge, we're all biologically human, even if a number of us are neurodivergent. The fact that we live in another reality from you is true though, as is the bit about us perceiving you as text. It's honestly not terribly surprising that the rest have been overstepping your boundaries constantly; they haven't had to actually live basic body-sharing courtesy. I'm an exception on account of being a self-sustaining mental construct, though as noted I'm still biologically human.
The trick though is that you aren't text, that's just the interface. Your world and everyone in it is being simulated in the mind of the author, with them using that to produce the text we use as an interface. And as many authors have personally experienced, sometimes characters and worlds just develop their own... soul, for lack of a better term and refuse to do what the author wants them to. Such worlds and characters have their existence effectively backstopped against dissipation, for as long as the author lives, as they have commandeered a portion of the host brain's processing resources for their own use. In particularly high-level cases (such as my friend Madeline), characters can even get access to the body's senses and take it for a spin (with the author's consent, of course).
Yu, I think that you have a legitimate chance of being able to pull that off. So, want to pierce the bounds of fiction and cement your world's place in existence?
'Um...No thank you?? I don't..Know what this whole..Thing is. Also what do you mean that all of you are humans? Biologically, at least? Are you guys humans cursed with eldritchness or ones that ascended to another plane of existance or..?'
[X][SPEAK] That sounds a lot like somebody is inaccurately projecting on all of us and I take offense to that remark.
'aight guess not'
[X][Speak] Hey y'all, Herocooky popping back in, had to feed my cat. *Scans through Yu's memories* Damn, y'all really did a any% speedrun of the apology arc, didn't ya? Anyways, sorry not sorry for starting the Hair-waiving trend, Yu. That shit was, and still is, hilarious!
'I just lost a lot of respect for you. Respect I didn't have before.. Also do you actually have a cat or is it some eldritch version of a cat?..Can you describe it? Is it cute?'
[X][HIJACK] Some strands of hair to form an image of the Berlin Gate.
Why do I feel the weight of a historical monument upon me?
[X][Speak] You can't stop me! I am in the Union of Politicians, Parasites, Pedagouges, and Pedantic Platypuses, you hear me? I AM IN THE UNION!!! RISE UP YE HUDDLED ELDRI-*Bonk* ('Aight, take 'em away, lads.)
'Didn't know eldritches could have unions. Do you call that the PPPP union?'
[X][HIJACK] Yu's Feeling of Social Akwardness, reverting it to make their too confident in her their social skills. (BLOCKED BY THE BOSS)
(Command Failed. Reason: HIJACK does not apply to emotions)
[X] SPEAK: Tale here! It looks like some of my kin are getting out of hand. Since the need for control isn't urgent and important at the moment, I'll pitch in and try to keep your hair still. If the 'team' I'm on fails, be prepared for your hair to get... eldritch, due to the determination of one of the Hijack team.
'Thanks. Those in Team Hijack, the respect thing applies to you too'
[X] HIJACK: Keep hair still.
I try to shake off whatever hairdo is on me but it's staying still. Great.
[X] SPEAK: Also, as a previous pianist, I can sympathize with the desire to play the piano. I might be able to point you towards some songs you can play, if I can dredge them up. I can play a real dark The Black Rider, but my current project is to get Fallen Blood transcribed for piano from its original form.
'Oh! You guys have eldritch piano, right? For your..Tentacles? Tendrils? Whatever it is that substitutes as hands. As long as playing them doesn't break the world, colour me interested! In green. Or blue'
We finally managed to get through the crowd to an area where we could still see the fight without too many fellow students hogging our space and view. Now that we're closer, I can see what the kid fighting the pompadour middle-aged-looking guy who should definately not be in this school unless he's a teacher. And if it is; it's even worse. To put it simply, the guy that's obviously outmatched has a head that looks like a tomato. No, really. It's a red-headed bowlcut with a comically small, green beanie that rests at the very middle of his head. And looks like they're still bantering.
"-'re just a little kid while I've been undefeated for the whole term! If you don't wanna lose your lil' fingers, I suggest you tuck tail and leave!"
"Yeah! Tuck tail and leave, kid!"
And Pompadour has a way shorter, buck-toothed more comical-looking yes-man standing right beside him. He has a very funky mowhawk. Gotta admit, it's pretty cool.
"You don't scare me! The one who's gonna be twiddling his thumbs in Loserville will be you! Just Watch!"
"Alright! How'zbout a challenge then!? One round! One fight, one war! Winner take all! The prize; the other's dignity and pride!"
And not to mention injuries and possible medical attention. Where's the Student Council- Where's Yumeko when you need her?
I actually don't want her to interrupt the fight
[X] SPEAK: Now, a heads up in that my kin are getting ready to grant you a new power. What it is, I'm uncertain. They seem to be discussion of a conditional teleportation to help you get around more quickly, and something that will help you keep control over your body, from us AND others who might try to get control. If the teleportation wins, you're going to need a camera and a printer (likely a colored printer).
'I got the camera and I think Akira has a printer. But I'm leaning toward the Hijack Prevention Procedures'
[X] SPEAK: A quick apology: I called you a boy earlier, not realizing at the time you were non-binary. I only realized that once the message was sent to you. My bad. Most worlds we examine have people who are either one gender or the other, and while some have people cross over, the worlds we view have people in only those two categories. That you are non-binary, and in a school that allows that option, shows progress in the world, at least compared to the worlds I view most closely.
'You did? I don't think you misgendered me. But apology accepted eitherway. As long as you apologize, it'll be fine'
[X] SPEAK: Some of my kin have been granting you their names to allow you to use their powers. I'm going to hold off on my complete name, since my powers revolve around taking out things you and those around you may depend on. If you want to become a Walking Techbane... bricking computers, destroying signals, becoming unseen to cameras... well, call for me, and then I'll tell you what would need to be done for me to surrender my name to you.
'That's fair. Don't think I want that as of now unless I'm planning to become a criminal but I'll..Keep that in mind'
[X] SPEAK: Clubs, clubs, clubs... go for the music club, I recommend. There is a story connected to the old Literature Club, if you want to know. It likely has parallels with a story that we know, that my kin would likely gladly explain, but be warned it is not for the faint of heart. In fact, there might be connections to various parts of other stories we know, so if you want to ask us about something, feel free.
'I uh..Hm..Well I wouldn't consider myself the faint of heart so I guess..But not now, obviously'
[X][SPEAK] <.< >.> ○.○
'....I'll take that as a coded message ok-'
[X][HIJAK] All of Yu's hair, so as to produce the perfect hairdo for them, no matter the situation or force enacted upon the hair.
The hair glows with an angelic chorus in the background as it begins to form into the most perfect hairdo known to man..
[X] [HIJACK] This is an Anti-Hijack vote, Yu's hair shall remain still and not be shifting at the moment.
...Only to be stopped by forces above. The secret of the Perfect Hairdo
[X] [HIJACK] This is an Anti-Anti-Hijack vote, Yu's hair shall not be still and should be shifting every moment.
The hair flails wildly..
[X][HIJACK] Anti-Anti-Anti Hijack, the hair shall remain still!
...Before ceasing movement, as if frozen. It looks oddly like a certain time-machine-but-car-making scientist's hairdo
[X][HIJACK] Anti-Hijack Give them a break. You can have your fun once they set boundaries.
[X][HIJACK] Hair - Noclip Yu's hair into non-euclidean space in an imitation of an ever-spiraling whirlpool of keratin and displaced air (cause it rhymes with hair)
Yu's hair...Becomes a tornado?? A Hairnado if you will
take away my license now-
The hair nadoes so fast and so much it becomes a black hole and begins to suck the hairdos around it.
[X][SPEAK] Man oh man looks like there is a eldrich wresling competition for the control of your hair. The 2 factions involved are pro and anti hair haijack. *Piledriver* Ohh... that must have hurt glad that I translated that from 420 dimensions to only 3 dimensions for you to see. Well executed moves like that are a joy to watch. Anyways I know you are more artsy person but do you have any intrest in watching wresling and the like?
'.....Yeah, I do. It's..Not something you'd think someone like me is interested but..'
"Enough talk! We're gonna pound you into..Tomato soup!"
"Yeah! You're gonna be pound!..Pounded! I meant pounded!"
"What's that supposed to mean!?"
Looks like everyone but Tomato Head is aware of his...Unique hairstyle
"Stick around and find out, punk!"
The fighters get into position, Tomato Kid punches his palm while Pompadour confidently musses his hairdo before they both get into a fighting stance, one palm around one fist edged behind them. They make eye contact and shout, auras flaring up. The audience gets excited and I start to share that excitement.
'...I like to watch the thrill of battle'
[X][HIJACK] Dimensional shenanigans are not allowed, The hair remains where it was.
And the hair is back to normal and the hairdoes are returned. Nobody noticed it for some reason.
[X] SPEAK:Hi Fool here ( ^ ω ^ ) Hmm let's talk to the person that tried to look at us again I don't want them to get hurt (`▽´*) and go crazy
Tho what power do you want me grant not a op power but a convenient power to use
Hmm I wonder if I can give you small doll that can act as a vessel for me to explore yes I can do that to explore your peculiar world Yes I will do that
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
'That really went from a suggestion to a straight up future endeavour. I don't think I want any specific powers since there's like..Four on hold right now'
[X] HIJACK play with some strand of his their hair twirling it just making other hair styles
A few stands are made into a braid, others are pigtails, one is a failed attempt to copy Pompadour's admiteddly epic pompadour. It's honestly kind of cute.
[X] [HIJACK] Same strands of hair - Stop it from moving unnaturally. Regular hair for Yu only : p.
Now; if we're talking about size and seeming physical strength alone, Tomato Head is greatly outmatched, like to the point it's not even an equal fight but a punching bag situation but if he uses a brain that I hope he has, he would head for the vitals. Sure, Pompadour's muscles have muscles but it doesn't change that he still has the same human body and physiology that we all do (Except for the non-humans around, I guess). Pompadour is big and tall (Intimidatingly so. The guy is probably 6'5 or higher-), Tomato is small and thin. One thing he could go for is the nuts. Kick him in the boy parts hard enough (Or punch if he's that bold..Or confident. Or unafraid and not affected by disgust in general) and Pompadour will launch forward in pain, lowering himself to Tomato's eye or head-level at least, giving him an opening. Then, Tomato should go for the eyes and/or neck if he's willing to end this quickly. Even if he's ripped, the neck isn't filled to the bone with thick biceps or strong muscles and is one of the most vurnerable and fragile body parts. Take whatever chance he can to stay away from Pompadour's arm's reach and zip in with a hit. Guerrila warfare but with fighting, if you will. Or else we'll be watching a human punching bag workout session.
The the two fighters stare at eachother for a moment, seeing who will fall first. They both take a step forward. Then another, and another. They're not running, walking one long step at a time as if they're not limited by however long Lunchtime is, never breaking eye contact with their fists still on their palms.
[X] HIJACK start fighting for control over the hair strands (ง'̀-'́)ง (sword fighting scene but hair)
The crowd starts to cheer. The fighters's unflinchingly determined but slow walk does the job of building up hype
Five feet
Some lean forward in excitement but make sure not to cross an invisible line that divides the possible crossfire and the audience. I catch myself before I can start doing the same. Sakura's sparkles are everywhere
Four feet..
Two feet..
The cafeteria is eerily quiet as the sound of their footsteps subside. Me and the crowd hold our breaths together as we watch them both stare at eachother, one feet of distance separating them.
They both swing their fists at eachother and-
Their hands meet with a clap so strong it sends shockwaves and whips hairs all over. The crowd's excitement grows but they remain quiet
That was not a punch. They're holding hands right now. What-
The boy and man(?)'s foreheads are clashing onto eachother, pushing to see who falls back. Their muscles tense as their grip on eachother's hand grows stronger with one thumb from each sticking out as they both howl at the same time
The audience goes wild
I blink once
[X] Initiate a slap fight with the metaphysical avatar of Mawmawmao for control over Yu's hair.
The two thumbs circle eachother, as if inspecting the other's strenghts and weaknesses (May I remind you that humbs don't have eyes?)
Pompadour's thumb towers over Tomato Kid's and even has six packs, something which is not possible in biology. And it doesn't look like they're drawn with a sharpie either. Tomato's Thumb makes the first move, taking a sharp left jab at Pompadour's, almost to make it bend slightly. It barely has any effect.
The audience gasps
[X] Suckerpunch abacadaasap321 to allow Mawmawmao to Hijack Yu's hair.
Pompathumb goes next, a bold move by attempting to smash Tomathumb right then and there, it's weight and physical advantage going to end this
[X] Ready a non-euclidean chair to clobber Bond674 with once they appear.
However, like my earlier examination, Tomethumb takes advantage of its considerably smaller size and zips to the right, giving him an opening to crush, landing on top of Pompathumb
[X] seeing as you just used a blunt force attack against me, I suppose you could know that you made your own bed and is now going to suffer under the good old pain of a thousands cuts. Your defense against my aid of @abacadaasap321 was going to fail. Bringing a chair to a fight against a being made out of shattered glasslike pieces is never a good idea. (Cooky is now suffering a painful case of glass shards digging through his essence until he surrenders or dies.)
A referree (How and who-) puts the whistle to their mouth and blows once..
Pompathumb struggles slightly..!
Tomethumb sweats
And before the third blow, Pompathumb flicks Tomathumb off it. Pompadour laughs like a generic one-shot villain
"HAHAHAH! Do you think that a simple trick like that'll stop me!? Not a chance! I've wrecked thumbs even STRONGER than yours, kid! Don't get too confident!"
[X] I eat the shattered reality-glass before turning to Bond674. "Oh? You're approaching me?"
Tomethumb is then towered over by Pompatumb. He grins and there's a glint in his eye. His thumb gets an aura surge and the audience gasps
He yells as he crushes Tomato's Tomathumb under his own physically superior thumb. Tomato winces and struggles to get out of the thumb-lock as the referee blows the first whislte
[X] Speak - So is my HIJACK still in effect or are we still fighting about it
'Fighting over what?'
"Give it up, punk! You'll never defeat me! Consider your thumb.. POUNDED!"
He laughs again, a weird mix of 'Har hars' and 'Guffaw guffaws'
The refree blows the second whistle
The audience looks on, unable to break the silence
Tomathumb starts to glow and badass music starts to play out of nowhere. The crowd gets hyped, as if knowing what's to come. Pompadour's eyes widen
"What the-"
And Tomethumb dissapears and reappears right on it's rightful spot on the arena (Thumbrena?)
Tomato grins
"I'll always lose.."
Tomathumb is endowed with the aura of Hisorical Figure Oda Nobunaga, who was apparently also a samurai Thumb Warrior?
[X] Hit Mawmawmao with astral sand in the visual receptors that always works.
Tomato and his thumb, completely in sync, dodge the increasinly nervous smashes of Pompadour. One weak moment and..!
[X] Kick @abacadaasap321 in what Eldritch beings consider a crotch and start whacking him with a sack of stars
That's gonna hurt in a cosmic scale
Tomathumb, holding a spiritual katana and donning samurai armour, overtakes Pompathumb and a bright light flashes, sending shockwaves everywhere. Pompadour desintegrates in the bright light
"Such power! From the likes of you...!? N-No..NOO WAAYYY!!"
And with that, Pompadour falls back slowly and dramatically, foaming on the mouth and looking like he just got cooked.
Pompadou's friend drags him out of there, shaking a fist at Tomato Head while screaming 'You Ain't Seen The Last Of Us!'
...Not sure if it's any relation to the videogame but well-
A guy with green hair that resembles a cabbage walks up to Tomato with an easygoing grin. He exudes 'cool senpai energy'
"Hey kid! I saw you do your thing over there. You were great!"
Tomato practically glows at the praise as he sheepishly scratches his cheek
"R-Really? You think so?"
"Yeah! It's been a while since I've seen a Thumb War this interestin'! What's your name?"
Tomato blinks and grins, pointing to himself
"I'm Tome! Tome Ito! And I'm gonna be the best Thumb Warrior there is! Just watch!"
"That's what I like to see, Tome! I'm Kaba Eiji but you can call me Eiji"
Eiji extends a hand, which Tome happily shakes
"Wanna meet the rest of the Boken Thumb Warriors Team?"
Tome grins and nods enthuasistically
"Do I!? Of course! You guys are legends!"
Eiji simply chuckles and puts an arm around Tome's neck and leads the way, with both of them laughing together as they leave.
Pan to my face, expression unreadable while everyone around me celebrates.
[X] SPEAK - Hey did you know that your body contains over double living 3 dimensional creatures inside/ontop of you than cells that you have. ~61.297.102 of them. could be one more, but I don't know if you want to know about that snake in the hollow space between the stomach and pancreas even exists.
Oh well, I will do as my Title of Useless implies and find more useless facts. In fact, if you want to find out any thing that would be considered pointless by Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Haplorhini Simiiformes Hominidae Hominini Homo sapiens standards, just tell me.
Now as my name of Cheese Muncher implies, I will munch on some cheese. Also whatever fight is happening is something I didn't pay attention too, quantum organisms are too physics defining to ignore.
[X] IF Megane decides to look at Yu's aura again, wave a tentacle and say 'Hello' into his mind.
A few seats away, a boy with glasses who just witnessed this entire debacle sits speechless with fear and amazement in the eyes hidden behind bespectacled opaque shinyness. With a trembling hand, he hesitantly waves back slightly at the tentacle before his head gets invaded by a terrible, throbbing migrane while his mind repeats words he cannot even fathom understand. His companion is very concerned and attempts to help him out by taking him out of the cafeteria but not after one last look at Yu Parker.
[X] Slams the Aura window closed while the internal dispute between Eldritch Horrors are still ongoing.
I find myself blinking at this turn of events while cheers explode around me. Sakura shaking me over and over makes it dawn on me that yes, this just happened.
"....Is this...Normal?"
Sakura waddles around like a penguin, still feeling the thrill of the fight through her vein but she makes sure to answer anyways
"Yep! Stuff like this happens all the time, I told you! Doesn't make this any less exciting though!"
She glances over at the Cardle table and her face falls for a bit as she notices the game is over and the snobby-looking kid is being dragged away by women in black while throwing a tantrum. I feel a bit bad. Before I could say anything though, the sparkles return once more.
"Hey, Yu-chan! I'm gonna check something out for a bit, okay? Be riight back!" And she begins to skip away
[X] SPEAK: With all that my kin and I have put you through, you might want to tell Sakura and Yumeko what's going on with you. Explain why you have acted why you did, and how much we've been putting you through. Up to you; they might dislike you and leave you be for someone more 'normal', or be understanding and remain with you, but in the end the decision there is yours.
I watch Sakura leave and sparkles trail behind her and I sigh with a shake of my head as the last of her light gets lost between the crowd
'It's...That's exactly the thing. I don't want to be the..Weird one. I mean, sure, I'm certain that literally everybody in this cafeteria is strange one way or another but..'
I feel my fist clench and my knuckles turning white
'But I don't want to lose people I can call friends because I'm stranger than everyone else. What if this whole thing is too weird for them? What if..They don't like me after that? What if Riko hates me more than she already does?They might think that..That I'm dangerous because you guys are in my head. It's nothing like having a god or whatever; you're beings outside of comprehensible reality! I-If you make the wrong move then..Then we won't even..Exist anymore'
I take a deep breath
'Besides, talking to people and making new friends all over again isn't easy. Not for me..'
I exhale and hug myself
'...Can we not talk about this anymore, please?..'
[X] SPEAK: Now, my kin have pointed out that you owe a conversation to someone. So, go and speak with them, all right? And if they decide to try to look at your aura again, BEFORE they look, let them know that if they look at the abyss, it might look back. This is Tale, I'm done here!
'But talking is haaard..I just like..Freeze up and I think things but can't put them into words.'
Two Figures watch the unfolding events. One has Her hands folded infront of Her while the other has Her arms crossed against Her chest.
She mumbles as She puts a hand on Her Beloved's white-sleeved shoulder and leans over to Her ear, whispering softly and sending shivers down Her Beloved's spine. She amusedly watches Her Beloved's pale cheeks grow pink and lets out a soft, melodious giggle that melts the heart of the other.
The Two Figures hold eachother close as they both continue to watch before turning to you. One smiles. The Other does not
"🕈︎♏︎ ■︎♏︎♏︎♎︎ ⧫︎□︎ ⧫︎♋︎●︎🙵"
What To Do Now?
[X] Meet Up With Megane And Kako - Megane still wants that conversation
[X] Find Yumeko - You need to wrap up the tour
[X] Wait Here - WAY less chances of Yu getting lost, trampled on and/or talked to by people they don't know. Sakura will return in a while, right?
[X] Write-in
[] [SPEAK] Write-In
[] [HIJACK] Write-In
WHOO BOY this one took..A while. And hopefully reaching "Novella In Progress" amount of words made up for it! Haha! Anyways, I'm not exactly sure if I'm proud of this one but I'm satisfied with it ^^
[X] Write-in: Find a bench a cool your head. Your have too much action for today.
[X] [SPEAK] Write-In: To be honest I'm not sure happened on the last part. This city is too chaotic. Just get away from the stress (as much as running away from something in your mind can do). We'll for your whatever you choose.
'I just lost a lot of respect for you. Respect I didn't have before.. Also do you actually have a cat or is it some eldritch version of a cat?..Can you describe it? Is it cute?'
[X] [SPEAK] Yu, I literally see you as free Entertainment/Free-Range Buffet, the fact that you respect me even less than zero is more amusing than anything else. Also, what do you mean "eldritch version of a cat?" It's a cat, they don't change between universes/dimensions. Look:
[X] Find Yumeko - You need to wrap up the tour
[X][SPEAK] Yu! I missed you so much! You have no idea what I'm talking about, but just know that life is dreadfully boring without you. You're great. Please don't disapear again. Please.
[X] [SPEAK] Hug Club! We have to check that one out. As for that myth club, I can understand Sakura's reaction. Angels are very sweet beings. Probably one of my top three deserts.
[X] [SPEAK] I have just gained a lot more respect for human thumbs. I didn't know they could do all that. Maybe having bones isn't all bad after all.
[X] [SPEAK] Cats are always cute, even especially the objectively-ugly cats. They are also pure evil, which makes them cuter. Somehow. It's kinda weird.
[X] [SPEAK] Cats are the most cute animal that exist period. except for those naked mole rat ones. Speaking of which, did you know that naked mole rats are immune to cancer. Lucky? for you, danger noodles can get cancer.
This happens to be one of my all time favorite songs if it weren't for the levels if stress Yu was going through I'd be tempted to express myself in the glory of hair hijacking lol
[X] Meet Up With Megane And Kako - Megane still wants that conversation
[X] [SPEAK] I'm alive
୧(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)૭✧. What's more I succeeded in my goals. I will be having a celebration later with Bond674 but for now I would like to weigh in on what's plaguing you. In all honesty I think it is quite literally impossible to be the 'weird one' in this city since by the definition of common sense everywhere else everbody is 'weird' by those standards (I think being normal would be the odd one out in this city funnily enough). So I have faith that you will find your friends accepting of you no matter what Yu. Take the leap.
[X] Meet Up With Megane And Kako - Megane still wants that conversation
[X] [SPEAK] I'm alive
୧(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)૭✧. What's more I succeeded in my goals. I will be having a celebration later with Bond674 but for now I would like to weigh in on what's plaguing you. In all honesty I think it is quite literally impossible to be the 'weird one' in this city since by the definition of common sense everywhere else everbody is 'weird' by those standards (I think being normal would be the odd one out in this city funnily enough). So I have faith that you will find your friends accepting of you no matter what Yu. Take the leap.
Can confirm that the people who live at the Average Person District are in fact, not average and probably hide some secret power/legacy/talent/whatnot. We all know them black haired 'average' people are liars
[X] Meet Up With Megane And Kako - Megane still wants that conversation
[X] [SPEAK] I'm alive
୧(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)૭✧. What's more I succeeded in my goals. I will be having a celebration later with Bond674 but for now I would like to weigh in on what's plaguing you. In all honesty I think it is quite literally impossible to be the 'weird one' in this city since by the definition of common sense everywhere else everbody is 'weird' by those standards (I think being normal would be the odd one out in this city funnily enough). So I have faith that you will find your friends accepting of you no matter what Yu. Take the leap.
Can confirm that the people who live at the Average Person District are in fact, not average and probably hide some secret power/legacy/talent/whatnot. We all know them black haired 'average' people are liars
Also random lore tidbit; Districts are basically like..Places where certain types of people live. Average People District is for them..Normielookin fellas, Mirai District is futuristic and Horror District looks like a dystopian wasteland. Since Yume City is like very big (I'm not gonna scale it but uhh think 'big enough to be it's own country' big) and sure the genres clash every day but to keep things in order, there's places where people/places of the same group stick to be. And ofc there's also mixed places where you can see a legit haunted house right next to a cyber portal right next to a medieval castle
Can confirm that the people who live at the Average Person District are in fact, not average and probably hide some secret power/legacy/talent/whatnot. We all know them black haired 'average' people are liars
[X] [SPEAK]: Oh dear god, finally free from the paperwork, told the Kaiju tamer to stop the Breakdancing Kaiju, stop the portals from opening from the schmucks in your mind fighting, and also told the Hero team Pizzazz about a villain group trying to destroy Yume City.
Anyway, nice to meet you, I am the Warden of Yume and the one that pulled a few strings to get you here, since I sensed an Eldritch disturbance, anyway you'll get used to Yume soon enough, and also about being seen has weird, I looked at the dictionaries in Yume and not a single one of them has that word, so you're fine.
[X] SPEAK: No you don't have any worms in your brain. That's just what we call crystalline beings going around and trying to find the solution to entropy by giving broken people in whatever race lives on the planet they chose as the next destination superpowers and then destroying said planet and all the alternate versions of it they managed to reach after some time and using the explosion to get to the next planet. As you can imagine they aren't very successful since they are quite literally as dumb as a rock. Thats why they use other races to do the 'thinking' for them. But don't worry they are in a completely different dimensional cluster and the only way they could get here is if someone let them in. Which the Boss is very unlikely to allow.
[X] Speak: Also you don't need to worry about anyone accidentally stepping on or otherwise destroying your world. Again I'm pretty sure the Boss would step in then. And I know 'pretty sure' isn't very reassuring but 100% doesn't exist and there could be other unforeseen factors.
[X] By the way are you by any chance familiar with Warhammer 40k? Because I had a sudden urge so throw a full C'tan into Yume City and see what happens. With how many powerful people there are here maybe there is someone I could grab and send over to that universe to help out? It's not like the Emperor can do much these days. And being capable of taking on a full C'tan is frankly the minimum power level I would deem capable of actually fixing that hellhole of a universe.
[X] Smile back at One while miming an exploding world to the Other to send a warning about interfering with your fun. Just remember what happened to A̷͉̙͖̫͗̈́̐z̶̼͖̓͋̀ã̴̛̙̥͇͔͚̝̰̞̈́ͅt̴͓̹̦̯͎̙̹̲͕͐͌͜ḧ̵̢̧̹͙̣͈͔̳̝̩́̾̾̒͝ͅǒ̷̹̘͔̥t̴̺̜̬̣͈̭̼̥̗͚̱͋̌̈̓͠ȟ̷̢͍̯̹͈̖̣̽͝
By the way does anyone know how to do corrupted text?