I fully admit there's a notable list of characters you guys have mentioned I really hope we find a way to squeeze in, but it's unclear if we will manage to do so XD

The least likely one to show up I have seen people bring up but I would love to use is Phage

Partially because I have personal attachment to her from a different project and partially because I just think her and Sage in the same room writes itself XD
The least likely one to show up I have seen people bring up but I would love to use is Phage

Partially because I have personal attachment to her from a different project and partially because I just think her and Sage in the same room writes itself XD

Phage would mesh well with Sage, if she don' devour Sage.A digital cthulu on our side would be interesting.

There's a fic tgat actually treat Phage as the alpha version of Sage.
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I might be misremembering this, but did Eggman ever have a giant gacha machine to decide which robot sidekick he got?
To give a peek behind the curtain, Grimer from Fleetway Sonic was briefly tossed around as a Hero Unit idea, but he was vetoed for being a less interesting version of Snively for all intents and purposes
In all seriousness I don't know what I can confirm without the other Co-QMs' approval

To make up for it you can ask my personal headcanon for the fates of 4 Sonic characters XD

Keep in mind these would be my headcanons of what I personally think happened, so Co-QMs can come in and veto me later
TBH I want stuff from various continuities, like Shard being part of Cream bunch of robots that went good is for sure gonna screw a lot with Metal.

Especially considering Shard was the original Metal Sonic of the archie continuity.

There is also Sonic assorted family over the years, like Archie, Underground, Manga and technically the movies, just because that will cause Eggman a headache to no end.

Like the blue rat has like 4 to 5 parent groups and technically 4 siblings counting Tails.

Nicole is also someone I want to see just so she can start a rivalry with Sage.

The hardboiled heavies too, just cause Heavy king is fun.
Also this is important, what are the goals behind the Empire invasion in Green Hills.

Like is given one of their goals they come to Green Hills in order to mine ragnite. Considering how many Work Camps they are building all over the place.

However they may come here for something else, technology. More specifically our infrastructre.

Like sure by now they would have seize some badnik factories while they can't produce them it does not mean they can investigate our factories
from what I understand the Empire is built to be in constant war, they need to find somebody to target or shit will start falling apart. they're also struggling with resources according to isara's interlude, and the Villains Victorious doc says that Max will target any area that looks like an easy target, with Green Hills so divided it definitely doesn't look like a region that could put up a fight.
In all seriousness I don't know what I can confirm without the other Co-QMs' approval

To make up for it you can ask my personal headcanon for the fates of 4 Sonic characters XD

Keep in mind these would be my headcanons of what I personally think happened, so Co-QMs can come in and veto me later
Three people I am interested in are Nicole, Mighty, and most of all Sally.
I do like the idea someone proposed where Sage and Nicole develop their own Eggman and Sonic level rivalry XD
Our little girl needs to learn the family bussiness if she wants to take over the empire one day.

What better way to start with someone who no doubt she will be interesed in, but also misjudge her capabilities much like what Eggman did when he met Sonic for the first time.

Like I said Eggman will be crying saying how they grow up so fast.

Not even 2 months back in and she already got her own rivalry going.
We can't underestimate them. They're racist assholes, but they aren't stupid.

They aren't stupid, but humanity literally had to invent whole new fields of study to make use of modern computers let alone the bullshit that Eggman runs on. I'm not saying they can't copy shit they don't really fully understand, especially at the level of hero units.

However, hero units are one thing, but the random people working in the WW2 factory is another. Sure if you put them in a prebuilt factory, and told them every single thing they needed to do, they could probably manage, but institutionally they need to get a bunch of barely educated peasants a good understanding of sciences they didn't even know existed a few months ago. The sheer magnitude of such a task is insane.

But to be fair, they don't need to teach everyone everything. They just need to get the factories good enough to produce something relevant , just need to teach soldiers enough to work some relevant.

But it is good to note, that actually establishing new industries on this scale is insanely difficult. Don't expect them to start mass producing weapons in par with us even with alot of good learning units any time soon
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They do grow up so fast, but I guess we haven't really answered one question I think that's been annoying at us ever since we made the discovery

Where the hell is sonic? We know he must've got sent to Camelot, but he left based on the bounty board description.

So what do you think he's currently up to because he might be the biggest pain to any king currently because we know as egg man, that guy can really mess up anyone