I imagine an offensive base raid will be extremely different when their only hero unit isn't busy lying on the floor knocked out cold from a surprise ambush.
Like shadow that man got wrecked hard. We got lucky
Yes I imagine how we are currently doing it is similar if not exactly how it's be handled for people we're raiding.

Basically, I just assume they play be pretty similar mechanics to us.

Sounds entirely like Eggman and I was also thinking of calling them the Neo Eggbosses too.
Yeah, thanks I was trying to think of something like what would Eggman call these version of egg bosses
Like the guy would admit that's a pretty good concept in this new world state
Personally speaking? I want to reverse the Roboticization of Cassia. Maybe remove the cybernetics too, given if they're supposed to be purely life support, it'd be a waste to have them in someone who no longer needs them.
It not robotization it Cyberization and she does need them remember her illness progressed so far that she lost her eyesight and hearing
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It not robotization it Cyberization and she does need them remember her illness progressed so far that she lost her eyesight and hearing
Huh, didn't realize that. Then perhaps she does need the Cyberization now.

Or we continue to prove our genius by giving her functional sight and hearing, proving to the world that Eggman's technology can cure many physical malady. :p
You know, I realize that each of egg bosses when I was making the egg memo is that Sage can probably hack them and can possibly turn on the whole shutting them down from their nervous system

They're made with our tech so it's possible for Sage to just do it immediately if we have her getting range of one

Also, did you like it? Did you feel like I got a pretty down with how Eggman would view each one
Huh, didn't realize that. Then perhaps she does need the Cyberization now.

Or we continue to prove our genius by giving her functional sight and hearing, proving to the world that Eggman's technology can cure many physical malady. :p

Considering the state of the Darcsens since their time spent at the camps, it's likely they also will be in need of cybernetics or prosthetics.

I doubt the Empire cares about "safe" working environment at the mines and it will be another way to further gain their loyalty.
Jewel: "You can't join Eggman! He's an exploitative monster who will suck you and any other resources dry in his unquencible thirst for power and further resources!"

Random Darscen: "I'm not 5, I know what capitalism is."
Jewel: "You can't join Eggman! He's an exploitative monster who will suck you and any other resources dry in his unquencible thirst for power and further resources!"

Random Darscen: "I'm not 5, I know what capitalism is."
No, you're thinking of Communisim. :p

More seriously, I have little idea what we're actually going to DO with our new Darcsen Citizenry.
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We are going to have to probably create a teacher robot to get people up to speed with current knowledge.

Think X Eggman actually created one.
Considering the state of the Darcsens since their time spent at the camps, it's likely they also will be in need of cybernetics or prosthetics.

I doubt the Empire cares about "safe" working environment at the mines and it will be another way to further gain their loyalty.

Ragnite have a natural healing field that is much more potent than ragnaid, while it can't be used to grow back limbs these prisioners would be in much better shape than they have any right to be.
Earlier people were memeing about Metal Sonic getting a girlfriend, and now I am just imagining Sage, Belle, Orbot and Cubot trying to be his wingmen/women, to his annoyance.

Sage: "You know, brother is expertly designed."

Orbot: "Yes quite! He can go toe to toe with Sonic the Hedgehog-"

Cubot: "-Imagine what he could do with your enemies!"

Belle: "He's also a musician. Well, kinda. The maracas are an inst-"

Metal: (In binary) "Would you idiots get out of here!?"

Sage: "As you can see, he also has a temper, which can translate to passion."

Metal: "LEAVE!"
As a move? Yes. But as Citizens of the Eggman Empire, they do need to actually do something. If just so they don't go crazy sitting around not really doing anything.

For starters, we can train some as our own police/occupying force. A organic group supported by badniks will probably be better recieved than just machines.

Otherwise we likely have them as supervisors, overseeing (always small) groups of badniks in certain industries outside of ones like music.
We're going to have to look at actions available next turn to figure out how the heck we're handling that... and also I'm still trying to work out who all I want to send with Canaan and Belle.

Edit: I got distracted for a while and didn't hit send.
We're going to have to look at actions available next turn to figure out how the heck we're handling that... and also I'm still trying to work out who all I want to send with Canaan and Belle.
I mean, honestly speaking, I'm thinking Piastol, Stone, and Metal Sonic being sent with them would be a good idea.