For starters, we can train some as our own police/occupying force. A organic group supported by badniks will probably be better recieved than just machines.

Otherwise we likely have them as supervisors, overseeing (always small) groups of badniks in certain industries outside of ones like music.

I think overseers factories and other civilian stuff is the way to go.

Darcsen culture is of no retaliation except when the situation demands. There are outliers but is not something that is in great quantity.

Forcing them to fight for us is a... bad taste move.

I mean, honestly speaking, I'm thinking Piastol, Stone, and Metal Sonic being sent with them would be a good idea.

What about Eggman?

He does have good stats and his Brain stats can make him do very interesting stuff in a high tech city without need to sacrifice other heroes.

Canaan can easily cover for him in the Heart department.
Remember whoever we want to send is also unavailable for national actions that turn.
I am aware. I desire to send them specifically because we've got actions that we can afford to not really get much out of, or that others can cover for them.

Hell, Metal is mostly there purely for Muscle's sake.
What about Eggman?

He does have good stats and his Brain stats can make him do very interesting stuff in a high tech city without need to sacrifice other heroes.

Canaan can easily cover for him in the Heart department.
Nah, this is a more Trickery based Mission. And while good Brains would be useful, I don't see much reason to risk our own neck.
I think overseers factories and other civilian stuff is the way to go.

Darcsen culture is of no retaliation except when the situation demands. There are outliers but is not something that is in great quantity.

Forcing them to fight for us is a... bad taste move.

What about Eggman?

He does have good stats and his Brain stats can make him do very interesting stuff in a high tech city without need to sacrifice other heroes.

Canaan can easily cover for him in the Heart department.
Plus, if we do send eggman, his stats will still be added on the national action still
Nah, this is a more Trickery based Mission. And while good Brains would be useful, I don't see much reason to risk our own neck.

He is no slouch in Trickery department.

A party with him and Piastol would be failry balanced since she also can cover the Mystic side, so each Hero can cover each other weakness.

Edit: not only that but Piastol ship can be used to carry a large badnik force that can be deployed in case of trouble.
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Thinking about it locating María would be fairly easy of we can hack Gojo security system, no doubt he has the city setup for a shit ton of cams and silent alarms
He is no slouch in Trickery department.

A party with him and Piastol would be failry balanced since she also can cover the Mystic side, so each Hero can cover each other weakness.
I just really don't want to send Eggman. The chance of getting caught and grabbing a King's Ire when we're already dealing with the Deadly Six, the Empire, and the Restoration at least is already a headache.
I just really don't want to send Eggman. The chance of getting caught and grabbing a King's Ire when we're already dealing with the Deadly Six, the Empire, and the Restoration at least is already a headache.
Well, there is always us giving him a virus, forcing him try to remove it and maybe we can nab one of the gangs he has hypnotized

I definitely think the noise tanks would very much appreciated or we could even meet Professor K or any other of the ruddies that could probably help us
I think overseers factories and other civilian stuff is the way to go.

Darcsen culture is of no retaliation except when the situation demands. There are outliers but is not something that is in great quantity.

Forcing them to fight for us is a... bad taste move.

Thats true, I forgot about that aspect of their culture. I guess that means outside of a militia, it would be better to have them stick to nonviolent roles.

Though I wonder what will Eggman think of his new citizens when they start coming in the next few turns. Isara did give him a glowing impression so far.
I just really don't want to send Eggman. The chance of getting caught and grabbing a King's Ire when we're already dealing with the Deadly Six, the Empire, and the Restoration at least is already a headache.

Canaan already out she's working for Eggman thanks to the radio broadcast and because there's no doubt several factions from Green Hills and neighboring Kings are keeping a close eye on our battle and since we will send her into the field.

Sending her there would already imply she's in there on Eggman's orders either way.

Thats true, I forgot about that aspect of their culture. I guess that means outside of a militia, it would be better to have them stick to nonviolent roles.

Though I wonder what will Eggman think of his new citizens when they start coming in the next few turns. Isara did give him a glowing impression so far.

We have yet to use the ones we have.

Putting Isara on Egg-Colonizer would use the darcsen she is "commanding" to help in the project therefore they can earn they bread and Rggman can see if they are worthy all this troubke or not.
Canaan already out she's working for Eggman thanks to the radio broadcast and because there's no doubt several factions from Green Hills and neighboring Kings are keeping a close eye on our battle and since we will send her into the field.

Sending her there would already imply she's in there on Eggman's orders either way.
Right, I forgot about that one, sorry.

Still, just something strikes me as wrong trying to sneak into another King's Territory with Eggman himself. Don't know what, just got a bad feeling.
Right, I forgot about that one, sorry.

Still, just something strikes me as wrong trying to sneak into another King's Territory with Eggman himself. Don't know what, just got a bad feeling.

We can always send a large badnik force to accompany him as backup if you are that worried.

Besides Eggman does have a +10 in combat rolls thanks to the Egg Mobile and Egg Gun so is not like we are lacking in battle too.

Honestly I'd rather keep Eggman here and send him to go personally rescue Chuck and Chris. (with back-up of course.)

That advebture is going to be pure Power and Trickery.

It would be much better if Conquering Storm lead that adventure.
I mean, Chuck and Chris are almost certainly in one of Eggman's old bases. I would not be surprirsed if Eggtronics was constantly active there.

Also I really wanna attempt to proc Shattered Memories on Sonic X's Eggman.
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I mean, Chuck and Chris are almost certainly in one of Eggman's old bases. I would not be surprirsed if Eggtronics was constantly active there.

Or they are on Zeti stronghold duebto how important they are and you are proposing we send Eggman to figh a bunch of people that have combat rolls that put them into the 30-ish Power.

Like ideally it should be a Trickery adventure much like the heist but have Heroes that can pick the slack in a fight against the Zeti.

They would send Chuck to our base either way so is not like we will miss shattering memories.
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They could also theoretically have Chuck right by our... 'borders' for lack of a better way to put it. The only really known qualities is "has access to the Eggnet" and "Is a place where a lot of badniks are stored/produced."

Basically we'd need the location info before more solid planning then vibes can be done. (and yes, I do like the vibes of sending Eggman to rescue the Thorndykes.)
They could also theoretically have Chuck right by our... 'borders' for lack of a better way to put it. The only really known qualities is "has access to the Eggnet" and "Is a place where a lot of badniks are stored/produced."

Basically we'd need the location info before more solid planning then vibes can be done. (and yes, I do like the vibes of sending Eggman to rescue the Thorndykes.)

But what about they city?

Like Eggman world no doubt want to go there to see how a high tech city from.another world measure against his own cities, since in Sonic frqnchise he's the that go building them around.

Listen to your inner Eggman, he wants to see that city from another dimension.
How about double attack against Zeti?

One is meant to take as much territory while Zeti are weak.

While the second one sneaks in and freeds Chuck.
My inner Eggman is telling me to kick the Zeti out of our territory and that making damn sure Chuck stops providing computer aid to Zeti will help immensely.
My inner Eggman is telling me to kick the Zeti out of our territory and that making damn sure Chuck stops providing computer aid to Zeti will help immensely.

So that's it?

No sending Eggman to see a city from another world?

Despite the fact he can do a lot of stuff to it's systems thanks to high Brain stats. Plus the possibility to recruit the Noise Tanks?

Like he going to that place at behalf of Canaan, may as well take advantage from that adventure to do something he wants to do.

The Zeti hate Eggman with a passion, he going to rescue Chuck would give them extra motivation to pursue him extra hard if he is caught sneaking on their base.
The Zeti hate Eggman with a passion, he going to reacue Chuck would give them extra motivation to pursue him extra hard if he is caught snraking on their base.

I would like to point out that upon merely hearing the fact that we still exist was enough to drive zavok into a frenzied rage intent on killing us. I somehow doubt we can make them that much madder at us.
You kinda assume we'd be able to reliably get anything out of the city Soberan. Like, yes, it's a city from another world, so what? We'll have it anyways once we decide to take over that part of the world.
I would like to point out that upon merely hearing the fact that we still exist was enough to drive zavok into a frenzied rage intent on killing us. I somehow doubt we can make them that much madder at us.

The point they will pursue the party extra hard if he go there personally.

You kinda assume we'd be able to reliably get anything out of the city Soberan. Like, yes, it's a city from another world, so what? We'll have it anyways once we decide to take over that part of the world.

Goji is a King and they are hard to get rid off.

Plus he has that stuff that can allow him to rewrite reality.

Anyway nothing say Eggman would not be able to get anything out of that city as well.

The auction was a mini adventure this one to investigate Tokyo-to will be a proper adventure.

Edit: eveb then we couls have the opportunity to mingke woth the guests and find out more about themnif we have chosen that option.
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That option probably would have gotten us more directly involved with the kidnapping clusterfuck musing on it.

Also my personal hope is well, it'd be hard to pursue someone if they just vanish into the Aether before the zeti arrive. (or more accurately, into a funny portal.)
I will say, and this is my fault for not getting that across well and then never correcting people, if you had selected checking out the guests, Starline would have just taken a minute to look over who was there from a hiding spot or something and done some eavesdropping