You know for other Eggman's iterations a good chunk of them in our head, but we really haven't discussed all of the Internet iterations of him and there are lots of them

Let me start of possibly known versions of him on the Internet
Sonic for hire
Sonic stupid zombies
Sonic Christmas
Sonic abridged
And those old sonic Sprite, videos with the robotic talking voices

And those are the ones that I know
Snively: (has Belle in his grasp) "You fool! I will turn you to scrap you useless little-! ...Why do I hear boss music?"

Belle: "Someone's going to need a hospital... And it's not going to be me."

Metal: (blaring heavy metal as he makes his way over to them)
Oh no, doubt about it. It would be pretty cool to see how metal would fair against him.

But still, you know he is pretty strong

Metallix literally just is Metal Sonic. Just given a new look. But the character and power is more or less 1-1 with Metal Sonic.

Oh he's super aggressive. Betrays Eggman. Absorbs other Metal Sonics and etc etc. Yes. That is precisely what Metal Sonic would do if off the leash.