Scrambled Eggs. A Sonic X Sega All Star Villains CK2 Quest
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Take control as Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, as he tries to reclaim what is his and expand the glory of the Eggman Empire to new heights in this brand new world filled with interesting adversaries!
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Once More Unto the Breach
It was a great day to be alive! Thought Mr.Tinker as he saw some children enjoying Eggmanland! The playground he had just built, one of his finest creations so far!

Seeing all those kids play in the slides, swings and sandbox he spent the morning building gave him a warm feeling on his chest, he may not remember who he was or how he ended up losing his memory but he knew he was meant for building things.

"I must say, Mr.Tinker, you did quite a good job today." Ramsey, the village's head, said as he walked towards him, cane grasped with both hands, a warm smile on his face. "I haven't seen the little ones so animated in a while."

"Oh, you are making me blush." Mr. Tinker said as he looked away and rubbed his head with a sheepish smile. "This is the bare minimum I could do for all you have done for me." He shrugs as they continue to watch the kids continue playing around.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, it's never wrong to help someone in need." Ramsey comments sagely. "I admit we have our…fears." "Ramsey's face looks away as a frown appears on his face for a moment. "But you have proved that we were just the worrywarts. We are so happy to have you be part of our village." He finishes as he pats Mr.Tinker on the shoulder.

Mr. Tinker stares at the head of the village with a surprised look on his face. "Oh…I don't know what to say to that, but… Thank you, sir." He says as he smiles, a truly grateful expression on his face.

"Now, if you excuse me… I believe Ms. Meadow wanted help with making a new dresser for her house." Mr. Tinker said as he walked towards his toolbox, left on the ground nearby the playground.

"Very well, but be careful not to push yourself too hard, Mr. Tinker." Ramsey advised as he watched the once-dictator, go on with his day. "I see you all the time working, you ought to take a break once in a while!"

"Will do! Mr. Ramsey! Once I finish this I will-" Mr. Tinker starts, but he gets cut off once the earth start shaking… it starts glow, at a low intensity, but little by little the magnitude intensifies!!!

"I-Is this an earthquake?!" Mr. Tinker screams fearfully as he stays paralyzed, doing his best to keep his balance.

"No…that-that's impossible! There has never been any earthquake here!" Ramsey says scared too, as he goes towards the children, who start crying, terrified of what is happening.

Both Mr.Tinker and Ramsey were wrong assuming it was an earthquake. The earth shook, but so did the surrounding houses, the trees, the very air itself was shaking dangerously!

"C'mon kiddos, hurry, we need to get somewhere safe!" Mr.Tinker shouts, scared but gathering whatever courage he had left to go assist the village's head to protect the children.

(Unfortunately, for Mr. Tinker, his happy times were set…)

Mr.Tinker takes the hands of two children as they start running towards a barn.

(To end just…)

Suddenly Mr. Tinker falls to his knees, clutching his head as the vibrations gets worse and worse, specially on him, who can be seen starting to vibrate, as several alterimages of similar men like him start to surround him.

Mr.Tinker feels as he drops to his knees but only barely, his hands releasing the children and clutching his head as the vibrations ring through his mind, images flashing across his vision of men who looked so very similar to himself.



Everyone heard that sound, not just Mr. Tinker, and the people in the village, not only the restoration, not only Zavok and his lackeys on their faraway planet…

Everyone heard this sound across the multiverse.

And with that, an era ended…and a new one started.

For Mr.Tinker, being him right now was suffering.

"Confidence…A fool's substitute for intelligence."

Everything hurt, the shaking had just gotten worse and now, his head felt like someone had grabbed a wrench and was beating his brain directly with it.

"This is nonsense! You will obey me! Or there will be dire consequences!"

"Ah! Happiness is always so much more enjoyable when it's based on the misery of millions!"

Mr. Tinker starts shouting, partially cause of the pain, but also hoping he can drow out the other voices…he fails unfortunately.

"I was so close! And then that Stupid Hedgehog!...Of course! The Chaos is the constant!"

"I come to make an Announcement!!!"


"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" Mr. Tinker shouts as reality unravels before him…

And then…

There is silence only.

"-ease tell me this has worked. This has to work!"

A voice rings out from the darkness of the void, waking the mind inside…

"Please Doctor, Is that you?" He feels a pair of hands grab his shoulders, helping him get up and steady him.

Little by little, the muddy waters that surround him start to diminish, allowing for a clarity that he hasn't felt in…he can't remember. Everything is still blurry, his vision severely impaired.

"The process was a success! I know it was. That idiotic "Mr.Tinker" personality should have been erased…Please Doctor, we need you!" The voice continues to ask him questions, but he is still trying to sort himself, he starts seeing colors again, the low red tint lights of the room giving enough illumination.

Soon, sensations come back to his limbs, and he can feel his motory functions to recover, allowing him freedom of movement.

And now that he has awoken, the only thing he wants..

"Dr. Eggman, answer me! Please! Is that you?" The voice continues, clear worry evident in it.

For a moment of DAMM SILENCE!

"Quit it! You annoying fool!" Dr. Eggman shouts as he pushes away the mysterious voice, as he slowly but surely gets to his feet…when did he fall to the ground?

He turns to look at the other inhabitant in the room. A platypus, with stylish hair and a weird globe with a rock on it, sitting on the ground, stares at him, with a hopeful and happy face.

"Dr.Eggman, you are back! Yes!" He exclaims as he gets back on his feet, and continues to stare at him with amazement. "How are you feeling?!"

"I will be the one to ask the questions here!" The doctor shouts as he makes an assessment of his surroundings, he seems to be in one of his bases, the exact one is something that escapes his mind for the moment, but he just needs a bit more time to cross reference data to locate it, if he doesn't find the answer before. "You better have an explanation of what's happening or else you will come to regret it."

The face of the platypus gets worried once again. "Y-you don't remember? What has happened so far? About Metal?"

"What are you talking about! What does my greatest creation have to do with…" And that's when he sees it. On a bench on the corner of the room, several pieces of a machine that Eggman is quite familiar with, and above all, the robotic head of one of his most dangerous creations. All dented, all broken down…destroyed.

"What. Happened." The demand, never a question, the Demand snarled out of the doctor and the sheer rage in his voice made the platypus shudder.

"Well…Sir..It's quite the tale…"

A few hours have passed since the conversation with Dr. Starline, his surprising savior, who found him while he was in that "Mr.Tinker" phase, and helped him come back to normal.

Eggman was sitting in front of the bench that had Metal's remains, he was quite taken back by the information that Starline had just dropped on him.

The world seemingly broken and mixed with other strange realities? Zavok and his pack managing to take command of his empire and most of Green Hills? Black Doom returning and an Empire declaring war on both Doom and the Eggman Empire? That blasted hedgehog disappearing?!

Too much, too much information, too many sudden developments, new variables to consider. He didn't expect Sonic being able to foil his latest plan, but that was fine for him. The rat wouldn't be his nemesis without being capable of this much, that was within acceptable parameters.

But the rest? Losing his memory, the world somehow changing completely out of nowhere? These new pests fooling around in his playground? Sonic just disappearing?

He couldn't just wait here with his arms crossed, he needed to do something…but what? Take back his assets from Zavok? Obviously, that was the right thing, but with so little resources at his disposal, it wouldn't be an easy task, fixing Metal would be a priority for that.

Look for the Hedgehog? Nah, sooner or later Sonic would appear to mess with this, his time would be better served preparing for their glorious rematch.

Luckily no one knew where he was, so he had time to think of his next move. But, and as much as he hated to admit it… he didn't know what was the correct step. He needed more data before trying a dangerous experiment like this.

And as he debated his next course of action, a loud crash could be heard outside the hidden base he was in. Did someone manage to find them?! That could be a problem. Checking the security cameras it seems like something had just crashed right at the entrance of the base… focusing more on the mysterious object he was able to find out it was:

Starting vote, please only choose 1:

[ ] A partially robotic version of Amy Rose, with half of her face covered in metal? Her body seemed severely damaged, with an arm torn off from the elbow and a leg missing entirely, her body was sparking all over. This was…


Gain: Rusty Rose as a Hero Unit.

Connection to the Sonic Prime Plotline unlocked!

Gained a useful Power hero unit and good assistant to doctor Eggman!

Will cause lots of confusion seeing a robot version of Amy!

[ ] A woman? No, a robot version of one clearly. Were she standing she would easily be as tall as he was, her black and silver clothing along with her visor damaged in whatever explosion she suffered. Her body was in shambles, her upper body along with her legs completely intact, but the rest was in shambles. The amount of damage she received was… significant to to say the least. How…


Gained: Mecha Robotnik as a Hero Unit!

Useful bodyguard for Dr. Eggman!

Connection to the Archie Sonic Plotline unlocked.

Laser Beams!!!

[ ] A weird robot with a design never seen before. it was clearly a female form with a white, sleek form covering her robotic body, somehow angelic in style. Her purple hair and unconscious face was a clear contrast from the rest of her body. As she saw it… Eggman could help but think…

This had potential.

Gain: Giselle as a hero unit!

Powerful Hero unit with great capacity for growth!

Connection to Stella Glow Plotline Unlocked!

Possibility for Eggman to obtain new Tech from another setting sooner!

This is a Project I have been working for a long time, and finally managed to work enough of it to be able to get started.

I enjoy CK2 quest and crossovers a lot, and have always wanted to try and QM one of this. This is a crossover between Sonic main continuity and the Sega All Star Villains doc, while the information wasn't complete, there was enough lore here to make it work alongisde a few aditions.

Finally, I would like to thank @Boohoo the 3rd @Ranger65 @KA$H and @ShepardCom for all their assistance and inviting me to participate on the Qm of the quest, without you guys, i would have never taken this step. I tahnk you from the bottom of my heart.
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What is this?

This is a CK2 quest inspired by the great works of Doofquest, Fatherquest, Guzmaquest, Hellfish and Rocketquest. Here, you play as the one and only Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik as he renews his conquest in this brand new world.

Inspired by the DVV spin off "Sega All Star Villains" (Disney Villains Victorious Auxiliary - Google Drive ), this is a crossover between Main Sonic games/IDW Comics with the several other games that come from Sega. Aside from the entries of Eggman, Metal Sonic and Heavy King, you can expect the rest to be pretty much on point, with a few changes of course, and new kings from our own invention added to the mix.

After an event dubbed as the "Shattering" happened, realities crashed and mixed together, creating a new and scary world. One where the evil Commander Galcian and his armada from Arcadia dominate the skies and look to expand his rule. Where Dr. Roy Curien finally snapped and decided that humanity, being as flawed as it is, was a lost cause, and his creations the next step of evolution, and seeks to make that a reality. And that's only the beginning.

This is a world shrouded in darkness, but not all hope is lost, there are still some flickering lights on this world, burning as brightly as they can to face the upcoming wave of evil. The question is, would that be enough, or will they fail and leave it up to Dr. Eggman to show all these newcomers their place?

Is up to you to decide that.​

As normal CK2 Quest. each turn will represent a set amount of time where Eggman can accomplish certain tasks and Obligations. It can be from researching something, to building some robots, attacking someone or even just reaching out to talk with somebody. The actions are a culmination of Eggman's efforts alongside whoever else is assigned to that action. Each turn will represent 1 month of time in the world.

There Are 6 types of actions that can be taken during each turn. Power(Martial), Heart(Diplomacy), Logistics/Leadership(Stewardship), Brains(Learning). Trickery(Intrigue) and Mystic(Occult).
Currently Eggman can only do one action in each category, but there will be chances to expand and gain more actions.

When rolling for an Action, here is how the Dice will be counted:

1d100+Eggman relevant stat+Hero Unit relevant Stat+Loyalty+Traits that apply.

Each of these categories have stats assigned to them, indicating how good or bad someone is at that particular area:

The Stats goes as follows:
Power: Not Only referring about Physical Capability but also Combat Progress. It's about ones presence in fights as well as tactics. Overall representation of how capable one is to enter conflict and handle themselves.
0: Physically incapable of doing something
1-5: Physically weak and with no experience.
6-10:Average physical capabilities.
11-15: Has been in some fights, knows how to throw and take a punch.
16-20: Experienced, knows how to handle himself in a fight, great physical condition.
21-25: Veteran of combat, can handle mooks easily.
26-30: Elite fighter, in the top of body conditions, possess skills or abilities above the common folk.
31-40: World class fighter, possess skills and abilities aproaching the levels of physical limits, several years of experience.
40+: Incomparable fighter, cream of the top, whoever reaches these levels is a weapon of mass destruction.

Heart: The ability of a person to reach out to others to communicate with them, make their points and emotions clear, and most importantly, being able to understand what the other person you are talking with feels. Being able to reach an understanding and middle ground. Overall representation of how well a person can connect to others.
0: Absolute lacking in social skills, physically unable to empathize with others.
1-5: Annoying and obnoxious to talk to, can't communicate with others easily.
6-10:Average communication and empathy capabilities.
11-15: Decent charisma and social skills, emotionally adapted
16-20: Experienced negotiator, great at reaching out with others
21-25: Skilled talker that is an old hand with talking with people and easily starts or join conversations.
26-30: Charming person, easily able to befriend others. Possesses emotional maturity and experience that goes on hand.
31-40: Natural born talker, even to get most people talking and listening to him. Only the most strong willed could actually be able to close their hearts to them.
40+: No one is safe from them, whoever reaches these levels can easily influence the masses with the correct time and effort.

Logistics: Refers to one's ability to organize and plan projects. Able to organize steps and processes in order to complete a job or activity. Overall capability of a person to manage resources and supplies to achieve a goal.
0: Doesn't even understand the basics of organization.
1-5: Wasteful person, bad with planning stuff.
6-10: Average organization abilities.
11-15: Possesses basic planning skills. Can handle small projects.
16-20: Has experience managing resources and equipment and knows how to organize things.
21-25: Can handle long term projects in an efficient manner without wasting resources
26-30: Able to work in several large projects effortlessly, knows the ins and outs of project planning.
31-40: Professional in logistics, knows how to sketch out plans and ideas for projects without an issue.
+40: Whoever reaches these levels is basically a god of planning, can handle any project by creating the necessary plan seamlessly. Can manage several amounts of resources without wasting anything.

Brains: How much knowledge a person posses. A combination of ones intelligence and wisdom to use it. Can have deep understanding of a particular subject, while being oblivious to others. Overall capacity of a person to understand facts and data and research, as well as to know what to do with the gained intel.
0: Simplemind person.
1-5: Uneducated, illiterate person most likely.
6-10: Average intelligence of a person.
11-15: Possesses College level education, familiar in several topics.
16-20: Considered smart on some subjects, can do research and test in certain areas
21-25: Experienced scientist or researcher. Proficient in some areas of study.
26-30: Doctorate level of knowledge, second to only some people regarding their area of study.
31-40: Experts in their fields, can easily handle most experiments or research.
+40: Whoever reaches these levels can be considered of the smartest human alive in their area of expertise.

Trickery: Trickery refers to the ability of someone to outsmart others, either by words or by acts. To be able to plot against others and to see through the lies and deceptions and find the plots of others. Overall capacity of one to do subterfuge activities, lies and deceit as well as see throught them.
0: Completely naive or oblivious. Doesn't know what lying is.
1-5: Easy too fool, can't do or recognize plots unless outright shown to their faces
6-10: Average ability of people to lie or do ploys.
11-15: Used to lying and cheating out of their way. Can come up with decent scams.
16-20: Has more experience with lies and deceit, can think up some mean schemes.
21-25: Veteran manipulator. Can easily outsmart competition and has a good poker face.
26-30: A criminal mastermind, someone for which lying and tricking others comes as natural as breathing.
31-40: Can conceal the truth in plain sight. Able to create schemes that leave people going in circles. Can be considered a criminal mastermind.
+40: Whoever reaches these levels can make any type of plot that can catch even the most vigilant people. You never know when they are lying or telling the truth, and can easily understand the intentions of others.

Mystic: Mystic refers to one's ability with supernatural stuff. How experienced or knowledgeable are they on these subjects? Not only that, it is an indication of how well they can wield said powers for their own means. Overall skill of someone to engage in the supernatural, and handle themselves appropriately.
0: Doesn't know that magic exists.
1-5: Knows some myths and legends but aside from that has no contact with the supernatural.
6-10: Had contact with the supernatural in one way or another, and possesses actual knowledge of the stuff, but doesnt actually wield any form of mystic themselves.
11-15: Possesses a form of supernatural ability, like ESP, actual spellcasting abilities or similar things.
16-20: Experienced in the use of arcane knowledge as well as in using said skills in combat. Can go toe to toe with people on their same level.
21-25: Veteran in mystical matters, has had time to refine their skills and can use their confidently against several threats.
26-30: Accomplished wizard, psychic person, or something like that, that can bend or influence reality in a significant way with their knowledge and skills.
31-40: Have seen almost everything that the moonlit world has to offer, prominent figures in the mystical arts, forerunner in the research of their area of expertise.
+40: Whoever reaches these level not only is an accomplished person with supernatural talent, possesses most likely one or several artifacts of great power that boost their skills considerably, but aren't reliant on them.


Opinion: a way to track how much a Hero Unit like Eggman, as well as how likely it is for them to do the tasks that you assign them to.

This indicator can go from -100 to 100, and depending what's the current opinion of a respective hero unit, they might get Bonuses or Maluses when doing actions.

Eggman as you may know is a…controversial figure in the world of Sonic, everyone has heard of him and his great feats and that has caused most citizens to have a pretty negative view of him, expect most Hero Units recruited from this setting to have a low to negative opinion of Eggman.

As mentioned above, the value that Opinion has will give hero units a particular boost or decrease to rolls, here is the scale:

  • 0: Don't give any bonus, because the person doesnt have a strong opinion or you/doesnt really care, so no bonuses.
  • -1 to -25 and +1 to +25: Gives a -/+10% decrease/increase in the relevant stat, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
  • -26 to -49 and +26 to 49: Gives a -/+15% decrease/increase in the relevant stat, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
  • -50 to -74 and +50 to 74: Gives a -/+20% decrease/increase in the relevant stat, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
  • -75 to -100 and +75 to 100: Gives a -/+25% decrease/increase in the relevant stat, rounded down to the nearest whole number.

To make clear, having 100 opinion in a hero unit wont mean that they will do all that you say all the time, they still are people and have their own thoughts and preferences…unless they are robots programmed to follow all of Eggman's orders. In that case, you have nothing to worry about.

Drives are goals that Eggman has set for himself to accomplice. This drives are what pushes our egg shaped villainous character forward. It's what motivates him to get out of his bed every day and wage war against heroes and whoever else dares to oppose him.
At the start of this quest, Eggman will have some drives already chosen/assigned to him, those ones will be: "To conquer Green hills and become its rightful master" and "Find the whereabouts of the blue hedgehog".
Later down the line, Eggman can obtain more drives to follow, either by natural story progression or because the quester pick them for him.
Drives ARE important to chase and to achieve, not only that will help Eggman grow as a character, increasing stats or unlocking new traits, but if you go too much time without taking personal or national actions that works towards clearing them, Eggman will start getting debuffs when doing things not focused on those drives. Those debuffs will disappear once enough progress has been made again in any main drive.
Side-drives are a thing, where they can be considered to short to medium long term, and the drives can be seen as long term stuff to work one step at a time. Side-drive allow eggman to work on other relevant stuff that he sees as important at the moment and can even reward him if he manages to complete them in quite a spectacular way.​

Metal is the lifeblood of Eggman's future empire. Metal units represents the amount of resources Eggman currently possess. Its a generalization of raw materials that he has to work with. It will be used as a form of currency, where Eggman uses metal points to build Badniks, repair stuff, create bases, machinery, etc.
At the start Eggman will have little metal to work with, and few ways to create or generate it. But he can scavenge for it, set up trades, steal it, and eventually, create zones that passively generate Metal.
If an action requires metal points to use, you need to be able to cover the cost upfront to even take the actions. Good thing is, once you pay the cost of an action, you don't need to pay it again in case you fail it…unless it's a critical failure.

The Badniks (Name already patented by Eggman Truly), are the primary robotical army that Eggman employs for his schemes. They represent the main bulk of his forces and first line of defense and attack against his enemies.
Badniks are made of a metal frame with diverse weapons and gadgets, and an energy source that employs living beings to fuel its mechanisms and A.I.
These robots will be one of the main things in which Eggman (And the quester) will use their metal. Eggman will need to rebuild his army basically from 0. You can use metal points to create batches/squads of Badniks, which will work as your main way of defending from and attacking your rivals.
Not all badniks are for combat. One such as Eggman wouldn't create robots with just one skillset. Throughout his career, Eggman has created badniks that possesses different specs, either as ground combatants, flyers, infiltration, sabotage, or even just as a builder of more of their kind.
The Amount and Types of Badniks that you can create are limited only by the Metal you have, and whatever Eggman (You questers), decide to create.
Badniks are needed to patrol and secure Eggman's territory and holdings. They are their primary way of repelling enemy attacks and infiltrations, as well as the ones that will open the way through the enemy lines.

Even though there isn't a limit to how many Badniks you can create, aside from logistics/metal at hand, there will be a limit to how many Badniks you can deploys in attacks, invasions, adventures, etc. It wouldn't be okay for Eggman to bring all his might to wield and leave his territories undefended. No sir!

Each splatton of badniks has a particular Power Value, the value is determined by the amount of metal employed in their creation as well as their loadout or equipment they have. When you decide to employ your Badniks either for a national action to attack some enemies, assault a convoy, or even just protect a place, there will be a hard cap to the amount of Power Value that your badnik army deployed can have.

You can pick any combination or number of badniks as long as their Power Value doesn't go over the Cap.

The cap will vary depending on several factors, either the situation where they are deployed, the enemy force, Hero unit assigned to lead the Badniks (If you assign one), etc, etc.
Buzz Bombers: Mass Produced robotics bees that possess flight abilities, stingers with rail detonator blasts as well as laser beams.
Buzz Bomber
Creating a batch of this robots will cost 10 METAL!
Once created, they will give a bonus of +5 to combat rolls, that bonus becomes +10 against enemies that can't fight back against aerial units!
1 batch of Buzz Bombers will have a Power Value of 2!
In a national action to attack some invaders to green hills, aside from assigning a hero unit to help repel the attack, a squadron of Badniks to support the hero unit or to deal with it themselves can be deployed. You will be allowed to assign any type Badniks as long as their Power value does not surpass 10! (For that particular action, Power Cap will vary each time)
As a side note, 10 metal is the minimum required to create a batch of badniks. And Power values can be small from 1 to up to 20.
The smallest bonus that a badnik can give is +5. thought they may have traits that dont give bonuses, but allow for other advantages,
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Hero Units
Computer online.



Welcome Dr. Eggman.

Access Plans for World Domination
Access Ideas to one up the Blue Rat.
Access List of Things left to Do
Access list of Current Assets available
***—>Access Profiles of People of Interest***

Accessing Profiles:

Beginning Audio:

Eggman: *Seeing the new annoyances that have appeared during the…time I was unavailable, I have decided to make a series of profiles of people either I'm currently employing…or a threat to be aware of.
I have taken the liberty of gathering all important data myself and after careful analysis…*

Cubot: *But me and Orbot helped too sir! We watched countless hours of tapes-*

Eggman: *Silence! Don't interrupt my Monologue! Ahem, as I was saying; I have carefully studied as much data I could gather to make Bios depicting all these individuals strengths and weaknesses, as well as any other interesting data I found important to add.*

*Will keep updating these as time grows by and my list of enemies increases…or gets smaller.*

EggProfile1: Dr Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik:

*Of course I had to start with myself, in order to set a proper example! I'm the Eggman! The 300 IQ genius that almost brought this world to its knees with its machines!*

*If only that Hedgehog hasn't interfered!*

*No matter the setbacks I face, my genius and my determination shall see me the victor in this game we have been playing. With my machines, there shan't be no retreat!*

Power: 18 (Thought my intellect is my strongest weapon, I have not ignored my body. I have taken extreme care to be always at top shape.

Unfortunately, I have never bothered to learn any kind of formal training. Why would I need that? My machines are plenty enough that I barely need to sully my hands!)

Heart: 7 (I will never do the so called "Heroic Speeches", that's more Sonic's wheelhouse. I barely need to understand other peoples emotions. Once I conquer the world and everyone becomes my subject, they will know how great I am with the new era I will usher!)

Logistics: 32 (Of course a Genius like myself can do something as simple as planning. For Chaos, calling planning what I manage doesn't do it Justice, the projects I'm able to achieve in short time are nothing to sneeze at!)

Brains: 40 (I would assume my 300 IQ speaks for itself, but if I must explain more I shall!

I have proficiency in many, if not all fields of science. My experience in the hard sciences is unmatched! My smarts have been the key to many of my schemes success! Not only that, my badniks, one of my greatest inventions, are a sight to behold!)

Trickery: 22 (my ability to outsmart wannabe heroes remains one of my greatest skills if I do says so myself. Even I'm surprised the amount of times the fool Sonic and young Prower have fallen for my trick, with how long we have faced each other.)

Mystic: 8 (I have interacted and even controlled supernatural forces that bend all logic and would have lesser men traumatized.

I had never bothered to look ways to wield supernatural forces myself, I mean, why would I do that when my genius is already unmatched? The chaos emeralds are all the fancy magical stuff I need to succed!)


***I am the E.G.G.M.A.N***: I am the man who had taken control of almost all the world! I had left my mark in the minds of all the citizens of my world, few not know my name! For better, people will recognize me when they see me.

(Doubles or halves opinion gains with people from the Sonic franchise that are aware of Eggman's actions.

Also makes it easier or harder to increase a Hero Units Loyalty, depending on the Hero in question.)

***Eggtronics***: My main field of experience, if you really need to tell a specific one, pfft, it's robotic engineering, there's no machine I can't build, I just need a reason too!

(+20 to all robotic related rolls, either when building or researching some mechanical contraction or just general knowledge in robotics.)

***Shattered Memories?***: After the "Shattering" occurred, I have felt…something gnawing at the edge of my mind, my mind palace doesn't seem to be able to find what that is. Sometimes I feel close to grasping it and finding more about it, but it always seems to escape my grasp.

But sometimes I can see it, glimpses of memories, or are they dreams? I'm not sure myself at this point.

(On ocassions, if the specific trigger occurs, a roll can be made with a high Dc and if the check passes, Eggman will access memories and skills of one of his "variants", or Eggman's from other series to be more specific, getting a trait and will gain bonuses or maluses depending of what eggman.)

Hatred of the ***Blasted Hedgehog:*** The rivalry I possess with Sonic is unmatched, what he has managed, no…dared to attempt, feels my very being with a ***Hate*** I never knew I could feel.

Only I can can defeat that blue rat. I must! For once I manage to defeat him, nothing else shall stand in my way!

(Eggman's priority will always be defeating his nemesis Sonic the Hedgehog, until he does rhat, he will never be able to *Win* this game.

+10 rolls related to Sonic the hedgehog Actions. Any attempt to focus on other things when his obsession with Sonic is aflame will get a -10 malus.)

***Mind over Ancient!:*** Dark Gaia, Chaos, the Time Eater, beings of unthinkable might and wonder that were under my command even for a short time. I have become quite adept at handling them.

(Bonus when trying to use or control ancient beast of myth and their powers. +10 bonus to rolls related to researching myths and legends.)

***Cubot and Orbot:*** Two of my most older works. Thought they might be annoying from time to time, they have their uses. I can leave them some small tasks and they usually don't mess up that bad.

(Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Stewardship Action that doesn't count for the total Action limits in a turn, when they are assigned they count as a Hero Unit, they give a +10 bonus to the roll.)

Nonbeliever:I have come across many mystical and occult peoples and powers through my life and have come to a firm conclusion as a man of science. Just because it's real doesn't mean I should believe in it. (Eggman will refuse to use occult as anything more than a power source or a reigns to contain a great power. Exceptions made for most sonic occult options)

I got the moves like Carrey!: +25 to all dancing related rolls

EGG Pilot: +10 to Eggman's contested combat rolls when using a Mecha, vehicle or robot of his own invention.

Mano a Egg: +5 Power to Contested Power Roll when fighting in a Mech or robot. reroll the first natural Critical failure (Nat 1) that Eggman rolls specifically when fighting.(Only works once per raid/adventure)

El Gran Gordo!: In another life, I was the hero of the people, El Gran Gordo! While the costume may have been embarrassing, I did manage to wrestle that blasted hedgehog head to head! (Eggman gains +10 to all contested combat rolls when involved in hand to hand combat which becomes +15 if there is a large crowd watching, +20 if they're cheering for him.)

Eggman Drives:
Complete your conquest of Green Hills!
Deal with Talk with Belle one more time
Side Drives:
Find information about Sonic the Hedgehog.
Find Zavok and deal with the Zeti once and for all
Deal with GUN once and for all.
Take Care of the Restoration

EggProfile 2: Dr. Starline

Power: 11 (Starline has shown some durability, but isn't a particularly competent combatant.)

Heart: 5 (Starline has shown himself to be, quite frankly, socially deficient. He doesn't seem to work well with others besides myself, and is prone to fits of jealousy and rage that could be quite cumbersome.)

Logistics: 23 (He has his flaws here and there, very notable ones, but Starline was decently able to scheme his way into restoring me. That has to count for something.)

Brains: 30 (His ego, inconvenient as it is, isn't completely unearned. He seems well versed in a variety of subjects, and he is fairly knowledgeable on yours truly.)

Trickery: 20 (He is a decent manipulator, but seems his best targets are the naive or truly moronic. Still, he works them well enough.)

Mystic: 7 (He seems to have some degree of awareness of the Occult, if his mysterious Warp Topaz is anything to go by. I should study it at some point...)

Loyalty: 55+30


Eggfanboy: Starline is quite impressed with me. Strangely so, bordering on obsession. it is as flattering as it is strange. (Unless Eggman does something absolutely drastic, Starline's loyalty will always be locked at 40.)

The "Smartest" In the Room: Starline is utterly convinced he is my equal. I plan to... dissuade him from having such a notion, but for now, it is a flaw he retains. (When Starline is assigned to a Learning action, roll a 1d8. On a 1-3, stats are halved from him overestimating himself.)

Warp Topaz: The device is sound, and could potentially be quite useful in the correct hands. To say Starline has used it completely poorly would be an exaggeration, but still, so much more uses! (+15 on Infiltration actions as Starline just teleports inside.)

Duckbilled Dabbler: Starline seems to mostly engage in a wide variety of fields, but he has the occasional focus. (+5 to psychology and cybernetics actions.)

Stoneline: They might not truly like each other but they both know that when it comes to following my orders, it's better they cover each other's weaknesses. (When Stone and Starline are on an adventure together, Stone adds his Heart to any Heart roll Starline makes and Starline adds his Brains roll to any Brains roll Stone makes. Additionally, the first time on the adventure that one of them would roll a failure, the other one covers, allowing a reroll.)

Starline Drives
Assist Doctor Eggman in his conquest!
Complete one of your experiments!
Side Drives: Try to impress Dr, Eggman!

EggProfile 3: Rusty Rose

Power: 24 (She is by no means the most expertly designed, but this strange facsimile of that blasted Hedgehog's hanger on has quite the range of fighting capabilities.)

Heart: 7 (Rusty is exactly how I like my machines: Cold and emotionless. But still, she seems to have a little spark.)

Logistics: 6 (Rusty can do as she must unguided, but she flourishes under orders.)

Brain: 10 (Rusty has quite a bit of knowledge programmed within her, but is overall average at using it.)

Trickery: 8 (Rusty is well aware people can engage in trickery, but she appears to be no expert.)

Mystic: 0 (Rusty claims to have never engaged with mystical properties, and I have no particular reason to disbelieve her.)

Loyalty: 75


OBEY EGGMAN: Due to her foolish creators, An Eggman is an Eggman to her. (Rusty cannot disobey or betray Eggman and gains +10 to defend against conventional attempts to convince her to do so.)

Limbs Akimbo: Rusty's most notable combat skill is her limbs' fascinating stretching capabilities. (+5 to Rolls to use her limbs to escape a situation where people don't expect her to have such mobility. Plus +7 to combat rolls.)

Rusty Rose Drives:
Drive: Serve Dr Eggman to the best of her ability.

EggProfile 4: Agent Stone

Power: 13 (He claims, through his association with another me, He was technically a government agent, so he can't be completely weak. The damage he can sustain certainly speaks to this.)

Heart: 17 (Stone has admitted he can make small talk, but he rarely interacted with many people outside that other you, at least for extended periods of time. He did tend to be your middle man though apparently, so he has learned to get along with others, at least long enough to form alliances.)

Logistics: 29 (Stone is dutiful and deeply skilled at obeying even the most unorthodox of commands. He would find a way to solve nuclear fusion if I were to request it.)

Brains: 17 (He is slightly above average, mostly from years of observation.)

Trickery: 20 (He's not perfect at this, but he did get his current coffee shop via framing an innocent man for embezzlement. That requires certain skill - and a hidden deviousness that even I have to take notice of.)

Mystic: 6 (He seems aware magic exists, but has little ability to utilize it.)

Loyalty: 50+5 from omake+5=60


I Am Your Rock: Stone's utter willingness to accept any treatment seems to extend solely to me, but it is still odd, if useful. (Stone's loyalty is always capped at 50, with even the most drastic of actions having reduced opinion losses.)

I'm Here, Doctor (I Am His Rock ): Stone displays an uncanny knack for knowing what exactly I might require. (When Assigned to an action that results in Critical Failure, roll a 1d6. On a 1-4, the action is reduced to a mere Failure from Stone anticipating this might have happened and taking measures to end up reducing the effects.)

Your Austrian Goat Milk Latte, Doctor: ...He makes a fine cup of joe. (+5 to Rolls Involving making coffee.)

Stoneline: They might not truly like each other but they both know that when it comes to following my orders, it's better they cover each other's weaknesses. (When Stone and Starline are on an adventure together, Stone adds his Heart to any Heart roll Starline makes and Starline adds his Brains roll to any Brains roll Stone makes. Additionally, the first time on the adventure that one of them would roll a failure, the other one covers, allowing a reroll.)

Drives: Assist Dr. Eggman in the best of your abilities.

Side Drive: Perfect your coffee making skills.

Current Equipment:
Imposter Unit - A simple steel ring that when activated projects the visage of another over the wearer, granting them +10 to Trickery rolls when attempting to impersonate someone or Infiltrate an area. It can also be used to briefly turn the wearer invisible, granting +20 to Trickery rolls to remain hidden, but after doing so it must recharge and cannot grant the holographic disguise.

EggProfile 5: Metal Sonic

Metal Sonic Power: 31 (I built Metal Sonic to surpass that hedgehog, and no one can say I've fallen short! Metal has the speed to match(if not surpass) Sonic and the firepower to fry him to a crisp!)

Heart: 0([No. Metal has shown me time and time again that granting them independence will only lead to headaches down the line. Metal will be a weapon, and STAY that way until I deign otherwise)

Logistics: 10 (Metal can manage itself without my supervision)

Brain: 4(While Metal Sonic is undoubtedly one of my most advanced machines, the bulk of his processing power is devoted to combat and high-speed situational awareness; leaving them with precious little to spare outside of its prime objectives)

Trickery: 8(+2 from ninjutsu specialist)=10 (Metal can recognize deception and potentially return it in kind, putting them far ahead of most Badniks)

Mystic: 5(Metal posseses a bare understanding of Magic, and can sense unusual energynsignatures, but cant replicate them nor wield arcane powers beyond those of the gemstones I imbed in his chest)

Loyalty: 70


OBEY EGGMAN: Metal [either has an automatically high loyalty or is fundamentally incapable of betraying Eggman on his own] and gains +10 to resist being forced to do so by outside forces such as hacking, magic, or the like.

Mano-focused: Metal Sonic is made to fight, not lead. (Metal cannot be used to command Badniks, Minions, or Allies except as as an instrument of Eggman's will)

Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.

Heart and Fist of Steel: Ah Metal is learning how to speak so well in his language of choice, Violence! (Metal can be assigned to certain Heart and Recruitment actions and apply his Power instead of his Heart score as certain problems can be solved just as well through violence. These actions will be marked and if they're not, yell at the QMs.)

Plasma Pulse: each round of combat, a 1d8 is rolled, on a 7-8, metal adds +20 to his total combat score for the round.(Doesn't stack with other upgrades except fopr those gained from copycat skill.)
Ring Spark: If an opponent scores a hit against Metal, the must pass a Power check of 100 (1D100+Their power+relevant traits-each person/hero unit/unit that was involved in hitting metal) and if failed, they lose 1 HP, can only be used twice per battle. (Each unit must roll individually/separate from the rest)

6 Valve 300cc orgone engine: +5 Mystic.

A Bond of Metal and Wood: Metal doesn't seem to like anyone besides myself... Belle Is slowly becoming an exception. Metal may allow Belle to reroll a failed roll with half his Power added on Adventures, and Belle may allow Metal to reroll a failed roll with half her Heart. Can only be used once per Adventure.

Copycat: Metal can analyze the biodata of an opponent and replicate their abilities(Metal can scan an organism to copy their combat traits. If a suitable trait doesn't exist, Metal will synthesize one in its place) (Current cap: 3 traits)

Copied Traits: ( 3/3 Slots filled!)
Death Hog: During Combat Encounters Metal Sonic will always have access to one of following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
->incremus: Metal wreathes himself in flame, adding a +5 to his(and another) roll. The other person's buff will last for that round.
->Noxi: Roll 1d100+5(mystic) with an opponent's Power as the dc. Pass applies -5 for the round, crit=2rounds. Casting noxi within the timespan if another noxi lowers the dc to an opponent's Power-5. If the new noxi timer is lower than the current noxi timer, use the old noxi timer. Noxi cannot stack.
->Sacrem/Sacremus: Metal rolls 1d100+5(Mystic). If the result is more than the lowest roll difference that lowered their hp by 1, restore that hp. (Basically So lf the hero unit rolled 80 and the villain rolled 120, the dc is 40 to heal the damage)

Ninjutsu Specialist: Increase Trickery by 2 and add half trickery stat to combat rolls.

Metal Buster: Powerful Energy blast that come out from metal's Chest. He Can fire them in Quick Succession. 5 bonus to all combat Power Rolls. +10 when attacking specifically from long range.

Help Eggman Conquer the World!
Prove that you are the REAL Sonic the Hedgehog!
Find and Face Shard again (And Win obviously!),

EGGPROFILE 6: Belle The Tinker

Power: 13 (Belle has a slight defense mechanism installed, but she is no fighter.)

Heart: 26 (Belle is a kind hearted, helpful, and friendly individual who gets along well with others despite some shyness and self confidence issues.)

Logistics: 16 (Belle helped... Her father with projects here and there and can follow instructions rather well.)

Trickery: 8 (Belle is a very openly emotional person. She dislikes lying and duplicity.)

Brains: 15 (Belle is perfectly average really, it appears. Hmmph. One would think I- Her father would provide more advanced intelligence in his state.)

Mystic: 0 (Belle has never heard of Magic)

Loyalty: 30+5+5+5+5-20+5=35


Trial Period: Belle has come home with me, but her current opinion is... Volatile. (Belle's Loyalty gains and decreases are both doubled as she adjusts to Eggman.)

Friend to All Children: Belle was created partially to be a comforting presence to the youth. (+10 to Rolls Involving helping children, reduced to +5 if they are teenagers or adults.)

Last Name Makes Sense: Belle is ultimately not as much an expert as others, but she is well versed in handling her fellow machines. (+10 to Rolls to tinker with machines and other Badniks.)

The Power of Friendship: Belle is undeniably an individual who easily makes friends. Better her than me. (Belle gets a +10 to all Rolls made to befriend potential allies and +5 to Rolls to get them to join the Eggman Empire)

The Daughters Robotnik - While Sage and Belle may have different views of who their father is, neither deny their bond of sisterhood. While on an adventure Belle can host Sage and not be completely taken over by her. Additionally when Sage makes a Heart roll, Belle adds half of her Heart to that roll and when Belle makes a Brains roll, Sage adds half of her Brains to that roll.

Sisters in tinkering:

if Isara and Belle go on an adventure together. One Can add half her Logistic stat and relevant trait to a Loggistics check the other does. Moreover. Isara adds half her Brains stat to any Brain roll Belle does.
Re roll the first Heart check rhat any of the 2 fail on an adventure but only the first time.

A Bond of Metal and Wood: Metal doesn't seem to like anyone besides myself... Belle Is slowly becoming an exception. Metal may allow Belle to reroll a failed roll with half his Power added on Adventures, and Belle may allow Metal to reroll a failed roll with half her Heart. Can only be used once per Adventure.

Twins Of Strings: The two puppets see an echo of themselves in one another, bonds grown between two lost girls bound by stings of their own hearts. When on an adventure together, if Belle would ever suffer the consequences of a Critical Failure or damaged from a Critical Success, Rusty can make a DC90 Heart Check. If successful, she manages to pull Belle out of the way just in time, negating the Critical. If Rusty would ever suffer the consequences of a Critical Failure or damaged from a Critical Success, Belle can make a DC90 Power Check. If successful, Belle manages to knock the cyborg out of the way just in time.


Find out what Happened to her Father.

Determine if this "Eggman" is a bad or good person.

Side drives:???

EggProfile 7: The Pronghorn Sisters

Power: 30 (Clove has training in the use of an energy scythe that is powerful enough to cut through one of my Super Badniks and experience in leading forces and Cassia even in the Omega Care Suit has decent combat experience to handle herself.)

Heart: 23 (Her level head and reasonable demeanor even when talking to her foes makes her quite persuasive. She does like peaceful and diplomatic solutions too much for my taste. Cassia in the other hand, has an easy and carefree nature that allows her to get along with people)

Logistics: 26 (Leader of an entire armed force that was supposed to take the majority of a continent, Clove does have a fair amount of experience with Logistics.)

Trickery: 18 (While she does not lie as easily as she breathes, Clove does see the utility of lies and deception.)

Brain: 20 (Smart enough to be given orders and honestly a good head on her shoulders, she has been outsmarted before.)

Mystic: 5 (Not an actual user of magic by any means, Clove did witness the rise of one of Dark Gaia's temples and that counts for something.)

Loyalty: -30+35(her only chance)+5+5+35=50


Eggboss: Clove served under her version of me as an entire Army division, she has gained some knowledge on how to command and lead. (+10 to any rolls leading or organizing troops under the Eggman banner.)

Calm and Collected: The Egg Boss has a way of speaking that is very calm and reasonable, even to her enemies. (Clove can add half her Logistics to her Heart rolls.)

Sister-Sister: I have started to keep my part of the deal, the cure for Cassia is almost withing reach, as always, my Genius knows no equal! Those sisters better be thankful for this by serving the Eggman Empire proudly! Hahahahaha!

The Pronghorn sisters cannot have their loyalty to Eggman reduced below 25 outside of dramatic action on Eggman's part.

Egg Defense Force: The Pronghorn sister gain +5 in combat against The Black Arms and other alien factions.


Side Drives: ???

Current Equipment:
Death's Flight - A dark black and, if I can say so, stylish set of boots that were designed to strike fear into the hearts of those that see Clove streaking through the air after them with her scythe! Oh yes, they also fly. This gives both The Pronghorns the ability to fly and +10 to any pursuit and flee rolls, as well as +10 against any foe that cannot fight back against flying foes.

EggProfile 8: Canann

Power: 30(+2) (This young lady seems to be a hardened combatant. Fitting if what Starline says about being a professional Mercenary is true. )

Heart: 26(+5) (She seems like the cool and aloof type of person, but surprisingly seems to be decent enouhg at socializing.)

Logistics: 20 (As a mercenary, Canaan is proficient in planning out her mission in order to guarantee a succesful mission. She seems like a decent choice to assign some task and not worry about them blowing up...hopefully.)

Trickery: 23 (Seems to be quite sharp when spotting lies or any kind of deception. While not that proficient herslef on lying, her serious attitude lets her keep a decent power annoying.)

Brains: 9 (Canaan doesn't seem to have that much of a formal education, pfft. Seems like mercenaries tend to forget their studies a lot don't they?)

Mystic: 2 (Canaan seem really inexperienced when it comes to mystical dealing...uh. Mildly interesting.)

Loyalty: +15+10+20(Drive completed!)=45


Expert Sharpshooter: +5 to Combat rolls.

Synesthesia: After being infected by a weird virus. Canaan seemed develop the ability to see emotions of people as colors...letting her easily sense someones motives as well as identify friend from foe... How Intriguing.

+10 to Trickery contested rolls. Allows to add half of her Trickery to any Heart roll she mades. +5 to Combat roll against living enemies.

Shining Star: That girl that Canaan and the rest brought from her little adventure is quite the piece of work. So happy, bubbly and excitable, that annoys you a great deal! Still you cannot deny she and the Mercenary make a nice pair.

...What? i don't judge?

Still, I'm pissed she refuses to return the Egg Gun I gave Belle, the disrespect!

Maria Gives Canaan +2 In power, and +5 in Heart. If Canaan fails a National Action(That doesn't involve direct combat), a d6 is rolled, on a 6, the Action is rerolled, as Maria managed to assist her girlfriend and prevents further screw-ups.)


Help the Rudies defeat Gouji (Maria and Canaan shared drive)


Side drives: ???

The Maria - A weapon designed to Canaan's exact specifications, it connects to Judgement and has advanced target projection based on the emotions Canaan's synesthesia shows her, giving her +15 to all combat rolls against those with emotions, +5 against all other units.

Judgement - A set of goggles designed to further tap into Canaan's synesthesia, these help organize and analyze the colors she sees much quicker and also causes Canaan to see a darker hue around those with malicious intent. While equipped, these goggles increase the bonus from Synesthesia to 15+ in contested Trickery rolls, allow her to add 3/4 of her Trickery to her Heart rolls, and have advantage on Tricky rolls to identify threats.

EggProfile 9: Isara Gunther

Power: 17 (At such young age, young Isara seems to have gone throught the basic of military training, if her skills with handling guns and tanks is anything to go by.)

Heart: 25(You haven't seen such a charming individual like her in a long time. It reminds you of Sonic and his group of friend, uggh. How disgusting)

Logistics: 28 (For such a young child, if so surprise me the level of skill she possesses to plan and organize projects, thought of course it doesn't come anywhere near ny level.)

Brains: 28(I almost scoffed when she informed me she was a professional Engineer. But she quickly proved she had the appropriate credentials. Uh, this level of skill reminds me of young Prower.)

Trickery: 9(At the end, Isara is just another foolish person that seems to trust people at their word. Such a young mind full of potential, but so malleable.)

Mystic: 3(While she may be knowledge of the legends of her homeland, her lack of experience with the supernatural is clear)

Loyaty: 20(Rescued her from that place.)+5+5+5=35


Darcsen Heart: Apparently in her world, there are a race of people called Darcsen that suffer heavily of indiscrimination. The Empire being the main source of this. How disappointing. Everyone knows it's better to hate everyone equally!

(Isara is mainly against the Empire and while she is okey with actions that opposes it, doing actions that hurt innocent people or if sheer cruelty (and that target Darcsen), will quickly reduce her loyalty to Eggman.

Mechanical Valkyrie: +20 to all Engineering related rolls.

Tank-proficient: +15 bonus to combat rolls when Isara is fighting from a tank or a similar vehicle.

Darcsen helpers: If that Girl wants to bring to me more mouths to feed then they better be able to work for a place to stay! (+10 bonus to some actions, like construction or ones where many hands are needed.)
Sisters in tinkering:

if Isara and Belle go on an adventure together. One Can add half her Logistic stat and relevant trait to a Loggistics check the other does. Moreover. Isara adds half her Brains stat to any Brain roll Belle does.
Re roll the first Heart check rhat any of the 2 fail on an adventure but only the first time.

Assist in Defeating the Empire
Help your fellow Darcsen in their plight.
Side Drives:
Learn more about this new strange inventions Eggman has.
Built an airplane

Current Equipment:
Tiny Tank - A compact vehicle designed to contain 90% of the function of one of those unsightly empire tanks while only needing a single person to operate it! Grants +15 to all combat bonuses where the Tiny Tank can actually fit but can only be operated by someone who is Tank-Proficient because they need to run an entire tank by themselves.

Egg Profile 10: Piastol

Power: 23(Piastol claims to have wiped put entire ships by herself(plus her pet), and she has the acrobatics to back it up)

Heart: 3(Piastol doesn't talk to others outside of building or mailing death threats)

Logistics: 8(She doesn't see the need to do more than it takes to get by)

Brains: 5(I honestly doubt this girl even went middeschool)

Trickery: 17(Piastol has been hunting people down since she was ten)

Mystic: 20(Piastol can conjure bladed tornados and shards of magical glass)

Loyalty: 0+10=10


Angel of Death: Piastol hates pirates with a passion. +20 when fighting or intimidating pirates, -20 when working with pirates.

White Dwarf: Piastol is a prodigy of White Magic. Piastol can add 1/2 of her Mystic to her Power in combat and outside combat gains +10 when casting spells related to "Life", "Death", and Void.

Deathhound: Piastol's pet ferlith. When present, Piastol may add her full Mysticism to her Power in combat instead of Half.


Keep searching for Vise!

Side Drives:
Continue hunting pirates
Get Stronger!

EggProfile 11: Sage
Power: 1 (While Sage is a Brilliant and capable AI, she possesses the current limitation of being a being of Pure Data, ergo, she cannot fight personally, at least when we aren't in the Digital Realm).
Heart: 14 (As fitting of someone of my brilliance, Sage has managed to evolve beyond her usual programming and shows an amazing range of emotions to communicate with people. Though she lacks emotional maturity and social experience.)
Logistics:38 (As an AI, Sage ability to analyze data and formulate plans is a step above most beings. Even I find myself outmatched when it comes to this. Her processing speed just allows her to plan things around with such efficiency.)
Trickery: 6 (As a being or pure logic, the concept of lying and deceit is something Sage still has problems grasping. She had little experience in regard to lying or knowing when someone is tricking her.)
Brain: 40 (Of course my child is one of the smartest beings on the planet. I designed Sage by giving her as much data to analyze and use. Her overall intelligence is even a match for mine, I would say. Ha! I expect nothing less.)
Mystic: 7 (While Sage has read the records, she still hasn't encountered herself the concept of Magic, being an area where she still struggles a lot.)

Loyalty: 70


"Ghost Girl": As an AI, Sage's ability to realize projects it's somewhat limited. I'm afraid to say, while she can control machines to do her work, it's not the same as the rest of us living beings.

(Sage cannot be assigned to National Actions that require physical contact or that occur outside of Eggman's base, where she can operate. Badniks can be assigned to her so she may operate them for her to act, but they either won't provide their bonus or will be halved, depending on if it's for combat or not. Moreover, any National action that Sage is assigned to doesn't count for the total Action cap of the turn.)

Daddy's Daughter: It doesn't matter if it was another version of me that created her, the emotions I felt are real, she is still a prideful member of my Empire and nothing will change that.

(Sage Loyalty is set at 70 and cannot go down. Any attempt to convince her to betray Eggman or the Eggman Empire whether through conventional or magical means suffers a -30 Malus.)

Artificial Efficiency: As an AI, Sage can process information at a speed incomprehensible for any human being, that means she can calculate the most efficient and effective way to do a task. With the amount of reckless idiots I'm forced to hire, Sage with pleasure would make sure to supervise them and guarantee they do an acceptable job.

(By sacrificing Sage National and Personal Action, Sage can be assigned to another National Action where a hero unit is assigned. She acts as the Hero unit supervisor, granting them a reroll for said turn. )

The Daughters Robotnik - While Sage and Belle may have different views of who their father is, neither deny their bond of sisterhood. While on an adventure Belle can host Sage and not be completely taken over by her. Additionally when Sage makes a Heart roll, Belle adds half of her Heart to that roll and when Belle makes a Brains roll, Sage adds half of her Brains to that roll.


Assist Your Father with Taking over the World
Protect your Father above all cost.
Side Drive: Get to meet the rest of your father minions.
Impress your Father!

EggProfile 12:
Conquering Storm

Power 22 ( Conquering Storm seems to be a proficient martial artist. Her hand to hand skills are…aceptable )

Heart : 16 (The Lynx's attitude is full of arrogance and narcissism, specially against those she consider her lesser. At least she seems to show the proper respect to her superiors)

Logistics: 25 (Apparently she is the Leader of her "Raiju Clan", who she herself took over. Her followers seem to love Her and she has shown appropiate leadership skills)

Trickery: 28 (Being a Ninja, her skills at subterfuge are one of her best assets. Her ability to scheme and trick people will be an asset for you!)

Brains: 10 (Conquering Storm is qhat you would call "Book Dumb" unfortunately, when it comes to non-ninja or martial stuff, she really cant tell you much.)

Mystic: 9 (her experience with the mystic has been límited, she May have tango-ed with fabled beast, but she refuses to employ Magic and Focus only on her Martial Skills)

Loyalty: 50

Eggboss: Having loyally served an alternate version of you with her ninja clan, she had the skills to lead your troops in battle and claim victory!

(+10 to any rolls leading or organizing troops under the Eggman banner.)

Ninjutsu Specialist: Adds half of her Trickery to combat rolls.

Arrogant before the fall: Her pride in her own might also makes her overconfident, and if she isnt careful, this can lead to her suffering quite the hummilating defeat!

If Conquering Storm is defeated by someone in battle, next turn she will have -5 to all rolls to national, adventures and Personals. But next time she faces whoever humíllatete her, she receives a +10 to all rolls during the encounter.

Nin-nin: +15 to All infiltration rolls Conquering Storm is involved. +10 to all Contested Trickery checks she partakes.


Proof your skills to Eggman and everyone else
Partake in glorious conquest!

Side Drives:
Take Revenge against Zazz
Get your payback against this... Satan!

Egg Profile 13: Thunderbolt the Chinchilla

Power: 14(Thunderbolt may be small and untrained, but she more than makes up for these faults with an innate zeal for ruthless and brutality that few others could ever cultivate)

Heart: 3(Thunderbolt rarely bothers with social niceties unless they're directed at me. I can respect that, but not everyone will be so enlightened)

Logistics: 18(Thunderbolt is an adept administrator, even with her habit of dropping whatever she's doing to demand someone pay me proper respects)

Brains: 24(Thunderbolt is an exceptional mind whose skills as an electrician make her an excellent lacky to have in the lab)

Trickery: 7(Thunderbolt's no mark, but her unfailing vigilance against insubordination is hamstrung when her first instinct upon encountering even an iota of dissent is to immediatly respond with overt threats of violence)[<-change threats of violence to acts of violence when she gets her mech suit]

Mystic: 2(Thunderbolt's knowledge of the occult begins and ends with the public's accounts of my exploits)

Loyalty: 70

The only egg in her basket: Thunderbolt is completely, utterly, and shamelessly devoted to me.(Thunderbolt's Loyalty can never go below 60. When Thunderbolt contributes to a roll on an adventure, add +10 if the leader is eggman)

Electric Love: Thunderbolt wears her inspiration on her sleeves. +10 to designing or modifying electronics

Small Sadist: Thunderbolt's Power is reduced by 1/2 when in direct combat
[is rendered null whenever Thunderbolt pilots her mech suit. +5 Power] (Need to build it again, GUN confiscated it)

Drive: 「Earn Eggman's acknowledgement」

Egg Profile 14: Honey The Cat

Power: 14 (Trained in a style of fighting that relies more on speed and trickery, if a foe manages to land a blow against her she isn't the most durable.)

Heart: 22 (Honey does seem to understand what others want, it is what has allowed her to get so far in the fashion world.)

Logistics: 21 (The girl ran a multinational fashion company that did clothing and accessories while at the same time being the lead designer AND networked for the entire company. She at least is willing to put in the time and effort.)

Trickery: 19 (The art of Shadow Sneak allows the girl to be surprisingly slippery, leaving behind after images and moving incredibly quickly.)

Brain: 14 (Well versed in the fashion world and an accomplished business woman, but by no means a researcher or a scientist.)

Mystic: 7 (Was actually entrusted with the guardianship of one of the chaos emeralds in her home world, she knows the touch of mystic power.)

Loyalty: -15+5=-10

Diva Deva: Starting from the ground up and managing to get a queen to be the main model for her line of clothing, Honey knows a thing or two about fashion. (Honey adds +15 to all rolls that involve fashion and clothing design.)

Shadow Sneak: An obscure art of combat, Honey uses incredible bursts of speed and misdirection to take opponents off guard. (Honey adds half her Trickery rounded down to her Power rolls.)

Conflicted: The girl was a fashion magnet and a "hero" in her world, apparently directly opposing me on several occasions. She appears to be having issues getting past that. (Honey's loyalty starts at -15 and receives halved loyalty gain until Eggman can give her a serious fashion related project or her loyalty increases to 30.)

Focus on regaining your Store's former glory
Achieve your vengeance against Zavok!

Power: 11 (The young witch might be an experienced spellcaster, but she posseses the physical capabilities of an untrained young woman. Hmmp.)

Heart: 21 (Yahan has shown emotional madurity far beyond her age...I guess the talk about being older than she looks could have some merit...)

Logistics: 17 (She seems to possess some experience with planning and use of resources, thought it's nothing compared to mine skills.)

Brains: 7 (Her lack of familiairy with technology does support that she ,might be used more to...the arcane arts, that or she comes froma. complete backwards and technological inept environment.)

Trickery: 20 (She seems to be a decent liar, being able to keep quiet and not reveal much details about her background...)

Mystic: 28 (Revealing clothing aside, Yahna seems to be the real deal, she has shown profienciy and kowledge of "magic", Isuppose she really is proficient in the arcane arts...thought I still refuse to consider magic as a field of study!)

Loyalty: 0


Witch-Class: She has shown a propficiency for combat by casting spells. She uses her Mystic instead of her Power Stat for all combat rolls. (Doe not apply for Power checks, just literal combat rolls.) In battle she has accessd to the following spells:

Icebolt (1 AP): Contested combat roll using her Mystic against the Opponent's power with a +10 bonus. If successful. Opponent must pass a Power score of 50+7(Effective Mystic Stat) if failed, they lost their turn

Magic Conferral (1 AP): Add half her oriignal Mystic stat to an ally's next combat roll (Ally gains a +14 to the literal next attack the hero unit does (they must initiate the attack).

Gravity (2 AP): Contested Mystic roll against opponent (Using effective mystic stat) , if successful, they roll with disadvanatge while affected by this. (Must be casted continuiosuly-in other words, needs to take the option each turn, to keep the effect, and if attacked and damaged, the spell is broken)

Recovered youth-Diminished magick: She claims that she managed to develop a spell to return one's youth, but that using it consumed most of her magical power...Pfft just an excuse. Thoguth she calims she can recover some of her might with time.

(Yahna effectic Mystic Score in battle is just 1/4 of her original one. In other words, she rolls with with an effective score of 7 in battle. Yahna can "level up" her magic by training and partaking in fights.)

Witchcrafter: +15 bonus to All research mystic rolls and rolls that involve creating rituals, spells or magical artifacts.
Return your Magical Powers back to their peak

Research these new and mysterious magical artifacts of these new land.
Temporary Hero Unit:

Rouge The Bat

Power: 25 (Those kicks of hers are no joke, being enough to break through steel itself. She mostly uses combat as another ruse for an escape or a caper, but she's no slouch.)

Heart: 15 (While she can play nice, Rouge is often haughty and thinks a lot of herself. She is used to doing solo work and it does show.)

Logistics: 25 (Her heists often end up meticulously planned out and rarely tripping an alarm. The bat girl has a good head for planning things out.)

Trickery: 40 (Rouge has been everything from a master thief, to a master spy, to a master treasure hunter and in every field of trickery and deceit she has done nothing but excel.)

Brains: 20 (While by no means a genius, she's got a good head on her shoulders.)

Mystic: 15 (Not an active practitioner, but she has raided more tombs and handled more cursed gems than anyone alive. I'd be shocked if she didn't have some form of talent when it came to at least handling them.)

Master Thief: Rouge is the ultimate thief and could steal the clothes you were wearing and the car you were driving without you noticing. (Rouge gets +10 to all Trickery rolls and an additional +15 to all thievery rolls.)

Eyes On The Prize: I will give her this, when the woman sets her mind to a goal she is like a dog after a bone or I suppose a bat after a gem. (When Rouge rolls a failure or critical failure on an action, she may reroll it and take the highest roll. She cannot use this trait again until she satiates But It's So Shiny!)

But It's So Shiny!: The woman is crazy for gemstones of all cuts and sizes. She truly does want all the gems in the world to belong to her. (Rouge is easily distracted by gems and will steal them whenever possible. A successful gem heist will get her back on track.)

Black Wave: She's managed to pick up some level of magical ability, but seems to prefer to sneak out when she can. (Rouge can add half her Mystic to her Power rolls.)

Team Dark: Once a solitary cat burglar by trade, Rouge has made friends and allies with The Ultimate Life Form and The Most Powerful Robot. (Rouge has +10 to any rolls that involve working with the other members of Team Dark.)
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Still Work in Progress.
This is a rought rought version of the map. And light not be the final version. Is subject to changes if the Co-Qms and I decide to change it

Here is the list of kings corresponding with the images:
1) Green Hills
2) Maximilian (Valkyrie Chronicles)
3) Jaken the Great (Alex Kidd in Miracle World)
4) Goji Rokkaku (Jet set radio)
5) Satan (Puyopuyo)
6)Merlina (Sonic and the black knight)
7) Dr. Knavik. (Psychic World)
8) Dural (Virtua Fighter)
9) Dr Z (Dino King)
10) Dark Raven (Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg)
11) John Adams (Conduit)
13) Black Evil (Amazing Island)
12) Adder (Mushiking: The King of Beetles)
14) Death Adder (Golden Axe)
15) Silver Gauntlet (Beyond Oasis)
16) Noa (Madwolrd)
17) Wolf Hongo ( Dynamite Cop)
18) Napoleon (rhythm thief)
19) Dr. Roy Cuhren (House of the Dead)
20) Masato Arakawa and Kyohei Jingu (Yakuza)
21) Nakahara (Shinobi)
22) Bane (Mystaria The Realms of Lore)
23) Darksol (Shining Force )
24) Lan Di (Shinmue)
25) Mr. X (Streets of rage)
26) Leland (Condenmed)
27 Wizeman (Nights)
28 (Warhead) (Vectorman)
29 (Purge) (Space Channel 5: Part 2)
30 Neff (Altered Beast)
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List of Available Badnik Units
Badnik Units:

Egg Pawns: The general foot solider of the Eggman Empire that counts more on their number than their ability but are surprisingly durable. Come equipped with Egg Guns and Egg Spears.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Horde Tactics: The first unit of this badnik does not count towards the Power Cap of any task.

Catrerkiller: Ground forces that move slowly but are covered in spikes and scatter its body to damage all around when damaged.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Spikey Parts: When this unit is destroyed, it makes one last attack against the unit that destroyed it.
Aim For The Head: When this unit is destroyed, roll a d100. On a 90+ the Metal used to make it is refunded.

Moto Bug: A ground based motorized ladybug badnik for fast ground assaults.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +8 to combat rolls, +10 to all Patrol and Scouting rolls

Jaws: Mass produced robotic sharks that are made to patrol the waters and chomp down on any foe.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +0 on land. +10 to all combat and patrol rolls made in the water.

Blasteroid: A mass-produced, bunker-based badnik that is used to guard strategic points or just shoot at anyone nearby.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls and -10 to all attacks made against this unit.
Locked In: This unit cannot be brought on adventures and can only be used as defensive fortification. Can be repositioned by other badnik units.

Egg Hammer: An upscaled and heavily fortified version of the Egg Pawn, these are juggernauts created for horde breaking and as metallic battering rams.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to facing other minions and all siege rolls.
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
Heavy Metal: This unit is undamaged if the unmodified attack roll of the foe is 30 or less.

E-1000: Mass produced and streamlined versions of the E-100 series, these models replace all the free will and moral questioning with dual cannons and loyalty to the eggman empire.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Dual Cannons: This unit makes two attacks per round of combat.

Burrowbot: Mole like badniks that use their drill like nose to launch attacks from underground, though they are more useful as excavators and builders most the time
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +15 to all excavation and building rolls
From Below: The first attack roll made by these units gets +5.

EggRobo: The mass-produced Badnik based off their brilliant creator, Dr. Eggman. Used as commanders for the more simple minded badniks, they can even fill in for the doctor on the front lines.
Metal: 30
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
Made In His Image: The Eggrobo can use 1/3rd of Eggman's own stats when commanding other badniks.
Eggtegration Systems: This unit can use vehicles and weapons designed for Dr.Eggman at 3/4th efficiency

Shadow Android: Elite Badniks designed after the likeness of Shadow, these copies don't hold the chaos control of the hedgehog, but all the arrogance.
Metal: 20
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +5 to Patrol rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
I'm The Coolest: This unit has a flair for dramatics and if its foe is almost defeated, takes a -10 to combat rolls as it gloats about how superior it is.
Air Shoes: +10 to all pursuit or flee rolls and this unit can run on air.

Newtron: The mass-produced chameleon based badnik is able to camouflage itself with great ability and rocket away from danger.
Metal: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 for stealth/spying rolls
Camouflage: This unit can turn completely invisible, giving sight based checks to find them -15
Rockets Activate: This unit can remove all stealth benefits to gain +15 to its pursuit or flee rolls

Quizon: Mass-produced badniks designed to be the construction back bone of the Eggman Empire which are rarely seen on the frontlines.
Metal: 10
Bonus: +15 to construction rolls

Buzz Bombers: Mass Produced robotics bees that possess flight abilities, stingers with rail detonator blasts as well as laser beams.
Cost 10 METAL
Aerial Superiority: they will give a bonus of +5 to combat rolls, that bonus becomes +10 against enemies that can't fight back against aerial units!

Toxomister A mass produced badnik designed to choke the life out of living creatures and leave the superior metallic creations of Dr.Eggman at a distinct advantage.
Metal: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Toxic Cloud: This unit releases toxic clouds that destroy living creatures. All non-badnik units have -15 to their rolls while effected by the toxic gas.
Locked In: This unit cannot be brought on adventures and can only be used as defensive fortification. Can be repositioned by other badnik units.

Fire Breath Mass produced badniks first deployed on Angel Island, these flying flame throwers are designed to remove foliage to make room for the certainty of steel.
Metal: 25
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to all deforestation and terror attack rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
Flamethrower: This unit's combat bonus is doubled against non-armored units and can attack multiple non-armored units at once.
Flying: This is unit can fly, gaining +5 to all pursuit or flee rolls.

Hey Ho: Mass produced badniks depoyed during the second half of the Angel Island incident, it is designed to clear cut vast swaths of forest and remove and creatures living in them just as efficently.
Metal: 20
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to all deforestation or logging rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
Cleave: Can attack multiple units at once.

SWAT-Bot A mass produced badnik designed to be the policing force of the Eggman Empire, don't you feel better knowing the SWAT-Bots are always watching and on patrol?
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +10 to combat and patrol rolls

Blowfish Transporter: A mass produced troop transport in the shape of a blowfish, these floating flagships are actually made with hammerspace technology to allow more troops than should be possible.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to patrol rolls
Durable: This unit has two hp
Troop Transport: Up to (10) power of badniks can be loaded into the Blowfish Transporter to make them move at double speed and over any ground based obstacles.
Flying: This unit has +15 to escape any unit that doesn't have a ranged weapon and cannot fly.

Balkiry: Mass produced bird/plane hybrids, these make up much of the badnik air raid forces as they drop their cargo and return quickly to resupply
Metal Cost:15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +15 to siege rolls
Bombing Run: The Balkiry drops explosives, making attacks in an area from the air.
Flying: This unit has +20 to escape any unit that doesn't have a ranged weapon and cannot fly.

Egg Fighter - A mass produced badnik made to fight along side the Egg Pawn, these frontline bruisers can take more damage and deal it back much harder.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +8 to combat rolls
Brawny: Bare Failures to damage this unit become Failures and Bare Successes in combat by this unit become Successes

Crabmeat - A mass produced badnik in the likeness of a crab that is a surprisingly effective anti-aerial combat unit with its missile launchers.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to combat rolls against aerial units.

Egg Magician - A mass produced badnik designed to support the other badniks with a light bit of magic and drain foes of their own vitality.
Metal Cost: 20
Requires Rings
Bonus: +5 to non-research Occult rolls.
I Need Healing: This unit can take an action to restore one hp to an injured badnik unit. If used on a badnik with a max of one hp, it gains an additional hit point until this ability is used again.

Egg Knight - A mass produced variant of the Egg Pawn designed to be the leader of the weaker baniks without needing a super badnik.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Lesser Commander: This unit can be assigned to lead a group of badniks with a combined power total of 10 or less.
Horde Commander: All badniks with a power cost of 5 or less gain +2 to all bonuses when assigned with this troop.

Hotaru - A mass produced badnik designed in the shape of a firefly and uses their lighted ends to shoot lasers at their foes. In large numbers, they can combine.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +5 to scouting rolls
Clear As Light: The first time any unit of Hotaru would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen to one Hotaru once per scene.

Hotaru Hi-Watt - A collective of multiple Hotaru that have combined together to become a much larger and more powerful badnik.
Metal Cost; N/A
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +10 to scouting and patrol rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
We Are Many: If two or more Hotaru are assigned to a single action, they combine into this unit. For each Hotaru beyond the second, this unit gains another use of the Clear As Light ability.
Clear As Light: The first time this unit would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen once per scene.

Klagen - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a jellyfish with a specialty for capturing targets whole and intact.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to all capture rolls
Abduction: If this unit reduces another unit to 0 hp, instead of destroying or killing it, this unit captures the target in a stasis field and will attempt to flee with them.

Mega Choppers - A small mass produced badnik designed similarly to a piranha, this unit is made to latch onto a target and drag it down into deep water.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +0 on land. +15 to combat rolls in the water.
Drag Them Down: After making a successful attack roll on a unit, this unit attaches to their target and does not let go until destroyed. Each turn this is attached to a target, it will attempt to drag it deeper into the water.

Tunnelbot - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to dig through the ruins of Marble Garden Zone's temples, this drilling robot is rocket propelled and made to excavate.
Metal Cost: 25
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls, +25 to all excavation rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp

Cluckoids - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a rooster, it inhales large amounts of air before releasing a bellowing gust of wind to blast away enemies.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls.
Blowhard: This unit gains +10 to any combat rolls against light targets or units that are gliding or flying.

Turtloids - A set of mass produced turtle badniks that act as heavy air support by launching energy spheres and are quite durable.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Duable: This unit has two hp.
Aerial Superiority: This unit has +10 to combat rolls against enemies that can't attack aerial units.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Spinners - A mass produced bat badnik that uses their wingblades to slash at any opponent that draws close.
Metal: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Dervish of Blades: If a unit touches this unit, this unit gets to make an attack against them with +5 to its normal roll.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Ice Ball - A mass produced badnik which pilots a small vehicle that sprays a freezing cold blast at foes to freeze them solid,
Metal: 10
Bonus: +7 to combat rolls.
Chill Out: If this unit rolls a 90+ on its attack roll, the opposing unit is frozen solid and misses its next turn.

Big Icedus - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to control the IceCap Zone, this Super Badnik creates enormous floating blocks of ice to attack foes with.
Metal: 25
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to any climate control rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp.
Flying: This unit can fly, gaining +5 to all pursuit or flee rolls.

Badniks Power Values (Basically the cap of how many badniks can be assigned to an Action/adventure):
Eggpawns: 1
Catrerkiller: 1
MotoBug: 3
Jaws: 2
Blasteroid: 4
Egg Hammer: 10
E-1000: 5
EggRobo: 15
Shadow Android: 15
Newtron: 5
Quizon: 2
Buzz Bombers: 2
Toxomister: 5
Firebreath: 6
Hey Ho: 6
SWAT-Bot: 3
Blowfish: 10
Balkiry: 5
Egg Fighter: 3
Crabmeat: 2
Egg Magician:4
Egg Knight: 6
Hotaru: 5
Hotaru Hi-Watt: N/A
Klagen: 4
Mega Choppers: 5
Tunnelbot: 8
Spinners: 5
Ice Ball: 6
Big Icedus: 10
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Starting Hero Unit Vote
Voting is Open! The options you can vote for are:

[ ] A partially robotic version of Amy Rose, with half of her face covered in metal? Her body seemed severely damaged, with an arm torn off from the elbow and a leg missing entirely, her body was sparking all over. This was…

Gain: Rusty Rose as a Hero Unit.

[ ] A woman? No, a robot version of one clearly. Were she standing she would easily be as tall as he was, her black and silver clothing along with her visor damaged in whatever explosion she suffered. Her body was in shambles, her upper body along with her legs completely intact, but the rest was in shambles. The amount of damage she received was… significant to to say the least. How…

Gained: Mecha Robotnik as a Hero Unit!

[ ] A weird robot with a design never seen before. it was clearly a female form with a white, sleek form covering her robotic body, somehow angelic in style. Her purple hair and unconscious face was a clear contrast from the rest of her body. As she saw it… Eggman could help but think…

Gain: Giselle(Stella Glow) as a hero unit!

This will be your starting hero unit! Choose whoever you want.
About Omakes

If anyone is interested in writing Omakes for this quest, well… First, Thank you for the time and effort given! We appreciate your contribution and that your decided to write something for this project! You have no idea how much it means for us. And that leads us to our second point, how we will reward omakes.

The reward to an Omake will be similar but a bit different to how other VV Quests have handled it.

Instead of giving XP that is transferred to a bonus to national actions, we will reward the omake writer with a bonus they can use to next turn dice rolls, but the bonus might be specific regarding the contents of the omake.

For example, let's say someone writes an Omake of Eggman spending time planning his revenge against sonic or how to get back his empire from Zavok or Orbot and Cubot doing some shenanigans in the base, we will reward the writer with a +5 or +10 or so to a National action roll fitting According to the Omake, or instead a bonus to his next Personal action.

We will do our best to tailor the rewards with the created. In case someone writes an omake that has nothing to do with Eggman and instead involves the rest of this crossover world, we will do our best to assign a reward fitting to it, like bonus to a roll in the Power or Brains Category or the like. It's even possible it might reach canon status!

If you write something REALLY great, we Co-QMs may allow you to ask any question you wish about the world, though we can veto things deemed too spoiler-y. So keep that in mind!

Happy writing! And thank you if you decide to write anything! Hope you guys enjoy the quest!

WARNING!!! Omakes written by A.I won't be rewarded at All. we appreciate the effort people put into writing omakes for this quest but won't simply reward things that a machine did with just typing a few words.

You have been warned.
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Turn 1- January 2XXX

Turn 1

Winning Vote: Rusty Rose!

Rusty Rose obtained as a Hero Unit!

Trait: Shattered Memories? Procs!

Dc 85
(If Roll fails, Dc for next time it procs will be reduced by 10. Once the check passes, DC resets to 85. Actions can be taken to reduce the normal DC of Shattered Memories)

Result: 84! (So close!)

Eggman fails to remember Anything!

"Mmm…Chaos Council…New Yoke City…Interesting." Eggman couldn't help but mutter as he reviewed the information from this "Rusty Rose" Database. What he had learned so far really intrigued him.

It was morning already, the doctor, once he saw their unexpected gift, wasted no moment in springing back to action, waking Dr.Starline to help him bring the robotic version of Amy Rose to their Lab. Both of them were able to drag the very heavy machine to this base workbench and began the hazardous task of repairing her.

Oddly, once Eggman laid eyes to her personally, a flash of pain surged on his brain, something was trying to resurface, like a long lost memorie that was always there, but had no reason to appear.

He seemed to see flashes of a city…but then he saw what seemed to be like a baby version of him and made him recoil in disgust, letting whatever it was fade away. He didn't want to know what that was about.

Anyway, both of the doctors spent the last few hours fixing this weird robot, and he had to comment, her design was incredibly similar to his badniks…but at the same time not. He could see several of his ideas and personal touch on her, but it was bizarre, like if someone used his brilliance in unexpected ways he never thought of, which was ridiculous, no one anyone could do something like that!

After, replacing her power core with a new one, and building the new limbs for her. Eggman spent the last few hours digging inside the robot Memory Banks. Much of it was corrupted, the damage he suffered was so great that he doubted the Robot could remember much of the last few days' events.

Even so, there were nuggets of info he could find in the database that told loads of information. A program for total obedience for any Eggman in the Chaos Council? That implied there was more of one version of him that she obeyed…Curious. Some coordinates for a New Yoke City that didn't appear anywhere on his data banks? Possibility of her coming of an alternate reality, not unexpected. He would need more time to dig through what he was able to salvage of the original data.

"How fairs our patient, Dr. Starline?" Eggman asked as he decided it was enough for now. It was time to put this generous gift to new use!"

"She should be ready to be reactivated, good Doctor!" His wannabe fan said with much enthusiasm, being happy to assist him on working on this project, currently he was wearing a welding mask as he finished integrating a new leg unto this "Rusty Rose". "Should I reactivate her?"

"Of course! Our newest recruit needs to meet her master after all!" Eggman shouted excitedly. With this unexpected gift, he had a few ideas already in mind of how to employ her to the best of her ability.

"Right away!" Starline shouted as he disconnected the power cables connected to Rusty and gave the command to reactivate her systems.

In no time Rusty Rose opened her eyes and stood up from her bench. Expression blank as her systems rebooted, eyes glowing red with the symbol of the glorious Eggman Empire. Eggman rubbed his hands excitedly while Starline watched in awe.

"New software detected. Change of directives detected. Analyzing new parameters." The robot said with a monotonous tone as several digital sounds could be heard coming from her. "Update complete."

She then turned to look directly at Eggman. "Good afternoon doctor. How may I be of service today?" She asked as she adopted a more formal posture, ready to obey any command.

"You may be no Metal, but you will do just fine for now." He commented as he rubbed his chin. "There's too much to do now…finding those Emeralds could help a lot right now."

"Um… Dr. Eggman. I forgot to mention this before buuuut…" Starlien says as he retrieves a small chest from inside his coat, opening it, he shows the contents to Eggman.

Eggman stares at the contents for a second before breaking into an evil laugh, as he grabs the chest from Starline.
In his hands, the Blue Chaos Emerald shines brightly, ready to be used in whatever grand scheme the doctor can think of.

"Oh yes! Now, we are working with real power tools!" He says as he goes to leave the lab. "Follow me, both of you! There's much work to be done!"

"I need to remind the world who is their true leader, and there are lots of preparations to do for my grand return!"

1 hidden base
1 Metal Sonic remains.
1 Chaos Emerald (Blue one)
100 Metal Units.

You guys have 1 action available in each category.
Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Logistics action that doesn't count for the cap.
Dr. Eggman can pick 4 Personals per turn. Other hero units can pick only 1 per turn.


Establish a Defensive Parameter DC:40/60/90
There are more nuisances than ever and it's best they stay out of your hair for the time being. As they say, good fences make good neighbors, so put up some barbed wire and make sure everyone knows that until you decide to change the deal, you'll be an excellent neighbor.
Reward: Defensive Parameter established around your territory and the beginnings of your borders established.

Clear nearby area from Zavok's forces. DC:30/60
Recently, a concerning number of Badniks under the control of Zavok have been roaming near the area that you're using as a hideout. You still can't believe that idiot dared to take control of your Badniks! Time to smash them!
Reward: Presence of Zavok's minions around the area is reduced. Gain Metal from the Badnik Scraps. Passing 2nd Tier means that Zavok doesn't have any clue of what happened/doesn't get suspicious.
Cannot be taken with Quietly Retake Your Badniks
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid

Launch Attack Zavok's Base DC:200 (Actions can be taken to reduce DC)
That Zeti dares wield your own weapons and robots against you! And he dare do so quite effectively from a very well protected base! This shall not stand, this shall not stand so swears Ivo Robotnik! Build up your own forces again and show that magical menace what the might of true genius brings!
Reward: Begins assault on Zabok's base of operations with the possibility of defeating and capturing him, restoring the Green Hill Zone to your control.

Steal The Master Emerald DC:135
...This might not be the time for this but blast it all if that emerald is not the largest source of Chaos Energy on the planet! If I can manage to get the emerald back to base, power and resource management will be a thing of the past!
Reward: Begins Attack on Angel Island with the possibility of stealing The Master Emerald

Launch Attack On Black Arms Base DC175 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
Black Doom has a small foothold in the Green Hill Zone but I am loath to let those disgusting creatures hold even a shred of what will become Eggmanland! Build up your own forces again and show those man-eating aliens what the might of the Eggman empire is!
Reward: Begins assault on Black Arms base of operations with the possibility of removing them entirely from the Green Hill Zone.

Launch Attack on GUN DC:120 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
They're back!? These fools are like cockroaches. No matter. You will just put them in their place again. You did it once before, after all.
Reward: Begin assault on GUN bases, possibility to destroy GUN completely... Again.

Launch Attack On The Restoration DC:150 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
"The Restoration". How adorable, they believe they can stop resisting and start restoring the world from me? I am the change this world needs and these animals need to understand that! Let's see if I can't make the lesson stick this time.
Reward: Begins assault on The Restoration base of operations with possibility of destroying them entirely and taking prisoners and supplies.


Go Visit The "Mean Beans Coffee Cafe" Shop. DC:Autopass.
Starline has commented about a really nice Coffee Shop found in one of the towns just within the Restoration borders. The lattes they sell there seem to be loved by everyone...Mmm. With all these setbacks, you could use a Latte...
Reward: Robotnik Meets ???, ???

Try To Make Contact With "Captain Metal". DC:60
There's been rumors of a pirate roaming the seas near Green Hill, who has some similarities to your greatest Creation. This intrigues you deeply…perhaps you could try to start talks with him? While revealing yourself too soon before you are ready could be risky, this may be an opportunity.
Reward: Make contact with Captain Metal, unlock new actions, chances for collaboration with Captain Metal.

Reach Out To The Restoration: DC:90
While you acknowledge that you were the cause of almost literally every problem the resistance and now "The Restoration" has faced, you have worked together with many of their members, begrudgingly, in the past. Perhaps they would be willing to work under the banner of the Eggman Empire once more, especially in light of this new and changed world.
Reward: The Restoration "joins the empire" and begins feeding supplies and information to Eggman.


Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess.
Metal Cost: Variable (select a badnik squad to build)
With most of your factories either taken over or destroyed, you are forced to create more of your precious Badniks by hand. Not that it is really an inconvenience! You can create a squad of them with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back!
It just will take time and resources to do. You need an efficient way to produce more of them but for now this will do.
Reward: Construct a squad of the selected badniks.

List of badniks here

Stewardship: Rebuild Metal Sonic DC:50
Metal Cost: 50
You can't believe this...your greatest creation, Metal Sonic, destroyed?! How dare they!!! You cannot stand for this! That scum Black Doom and The Empire think they can just destroy your property and shame your name? Not in a million years! Once you rebuild Metal, you will show those fools their comeuppance!
Reward: Rebuild Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic unlocked as a Hero Unit.

Stewardship: Rebuild The Egg Mobile DC:Autopass
Metal Cost: 25
Your normal ride is looking less than stellar as a pile of scrap, but at this point it has been destroyed so many times you wouldn't be surprised if you could rebuild it in your sleep.
Reward: Egg Mobile rebuilt allowing you to travel further faster and granting your classic weapon/ride.


Locate "Evila's Swingin Report Show" Network Frequency DC:30
According to Starline, there's a TV station called Space Channel 5 that is constantly transmitting a news channel that relays the newest and most exciting content. Mmm... checking this "Evila" could allow you to find more of what's happening around the world. With your satellites down, your intel gathering has been... "limited".
Reward: Unlock Global Rivals report, Will be shown public things that other Kings around the world do that Space Channel 5 manages to broadcast.

Survey The Area: DC:30
You know what The Green Hill Zone looks like, but it may be best to get an idea if anything has changed dramatically and to take stock of the new lands that surround it.
Reward: Find out what changes have happened to the Green Hill Zone, what territories surround it, and possibly meet some known and unknown faces.

Making Due With Less DC:70
You are a master and making sturdy and powerful machines of destruction and weapons of war! Unfortunately you are desperately low on resources right now and may need to make due with less than ideal robotic minions. But this is only for now! Your minions will be right again once you have regained your proper place!
Reward: Unlock Scrapnik versions of all non-super versions of your Badniks which can be made at half the Metal cost, but have no traits and this ability will disappear at the end of turn 5 or when you get to 300 Metal, whichever comes first, as Eggman has an image and ego to maintain.

Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + ???.
Seems like Zavok has taken control of all my systems, having configured the badniks to recognize him as supreme leader! I could try and send a virus to the current base he uses through the Eggnet to possibly snag control of the badniks, or at the very least, put viruses to cause trouble for him.
Still, it's a risk, if this goes wrong, they could have the means to trace me... No matter, I must do it!
Reward. Managed to hack into Zavok's database, unlocks options of how to debuff him, possibility to take control of badniks back to Eggman
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid


Intrigue: Look for Promising Minions DC:30/50/70
As it stands, the resources I have to work with are more limited than I expected… As much as I hate to admit it, I must look for more Minions to employ. Starline is a good start, but he can't work 24/7 like my badniks. I need more hands I can order around...and not have to micromanage every second.
Reward: Options to recruit Hero units, quality increasing by higher successes. Automatically recruit a Hero Unit from the batch obtained. Rest can be hired with a Heart action in following Turns.

Quietly Retake You Badniks: DC:50/80
Zavok has managed to usurp control of a large number of your badniks and many are roaming the area that you use as your hideout. You are their creator and true master though, you can reassert their original loyalty programing if you can manage to reach them quietly.
Reward: Presence of Zavok's minions around the area is reduced. Gain a random assortment of lesser badniks and a small amount of Metal. Passing the 2nd Tier means that Zavok doesn't have a clue of what happened/doesn't get suspicious.
Cannot be taken with Clear Nearby Area From Zavok's Forces
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid

Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/100
You and Sonic are two sides of the same coin. To say you like each other would be a laughable lie, but only you are allowed to end this little game you play with each other.
Reward: Find Clues to where Sonic has disappeared to.

Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60
Apparently since the "Shattering." The world was completely changed, from what Starline was able to tell you, only the Green Hill Zones and Angel Island remained, everything else has been replaced by other places from other worlds or even universes! One of the closest ones to hear is a territory called the Empire, who Metal attacked and might have...spurred a bit. Now they are in a three way war between Zavok and Black Doom.
So far the Empire has managed to take over some of the territory originally to Green Hill Zones... Perhaps it could be worth infiltrating it to have some eyes on it?
Reward: Infiltrate the zone that connects the Empire with Green Hill Zone. Unlock new actions.


Gather Rings DC:5/50/90
Rings are a strange naturally spawning mystic item that covered most of the world back before the transformation. It seems they have not stopped appearing in the Green Hill area and there may be some use I can make of them, if only as a source of power.
Reward: Gain rings, the amount depending on level of success and ???

Study The Warp Topaz DC:70 (Only Starline May Be Assigned)
I have seen many different versions and knock off gemstones trying to match the power of The Chaos Emerald, but if Starline is to keep the thing he better study it, understand it, and fill out a full report.
Reward: The effects and powers of The Warp Topaz are completely understood and possible research into duplicating its effects unlocked.

Check The Area For Magical Objects DC:Variable
Back on Mobius I couldn't walk ten steps without tripping over some world ending gemstone, key to a mystical prison, or some other such magical nonsense. Those are all useful things to both have and prevent others from having, however, best check to see if things follow suit in this new world.
Reward: Possibly find various magical stuff from any of the worlds that have combined


Return to... His Lab
Mr.Tinker is not you. He will never be you. You will never be him. But still, he had a lab. You should investigate it, just to be safe.
Reward: Get old abandoned things from Mr. Tinker's lab. ???

Getting Back To The Grind
Despite what that blasted hedgehog believes, you do take care to keep yourself in good physical condition, otherwise how in the world would you manage to keep one step ahead of him?
Reward: Eggman works out, potentially gaining Power on High Rolls.

Do Some General Tinkering
You are, at the end of the day, an engineer. And there's nothing good on TV right now!
Reward: Eggman tinkers with random parts, getting items dependent on roll.

Draw Up Blueprints
When I have time it is nice to simply relax and allow my mind to rest, drawing up complex machines of war and conquest and plotting out the odd invention or two
Reward: Eggman draws up blueprints for one of his many weapons of war. High rolls have him remember something that he never made, but a version of him did.

Study your New Minion
Hmmm... You have to admit, Starline has been useful, but what you are really interested in is this new ally of yours. They're from a whole different world, and could glean intriguing information...
Reward: Learn more about Rusty Rose, unlock potential uses from their tech.

Read up on Eggman Lore
Sure, you are quite knowledgeable on the genius that is Dr. Eggman, but you can't Allow yourself to get rusty and overlooked!
Reward: Gain more insight on Eggman, potential ability to recreate something Eggman has done in the past as New Personals

Check Out The... "Local Talent"
Several of your more personal experiments are in need of "locally sourced" talent. Taking a trip into Green Hill Zone and people watching may be an excellent way to find the right people for the "job".
Reward: Dr. Starline people watches and perhaps finds subjects for a later experiment.

Talk To Orbot
You utterly refuse to entertain Cubot, you have some degree of standards even with the brilliant Dr. Eggman's tech. But Orbot is... Tolerable.
Reward: Starline talks to Orbot, potential to learn some interesting tidbits about Dr. Eggman.

Search This Base
Apparently the Eggbase you commandeered for the good Doctor is one he used to store nostalgic inventions he has no other use for. It's quite possible there could be useful items lying about.
Reward: Starline finds salvaged Eggman inventions that could potentially be repaired for his own usage.

Talk to Your New Co-Workers
This Eggman seems very different from your masters in the Chaos Council. Still, he matches them in other ways. He seems to have more... Spirited lackies at least.
Reward: Rusty talks to Starline, Orbot and Cubot. She gains useful insight into her new boss.

Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
According to your data, Dr. Eggman's greatest rival is that blue hedgehog. In order to assist the doctor in his plans for world Conquest, defeating that menace is a must!
Reward: Chances of Rusty of Gaining a trait when fighting Sonic.

Find Out Who This Amy Is.
You have been told you look similar to one 'Amy Rose' perhaps you should search for information on this person.
Reward: Find the current whereabouts of Amy Rose.

Rusty: Practice Limbs Akimbo
Upgrades and repairs have been made to your form and you must recalibrate and gain proficiency in your limbs again. They are an extension of yourself and you an extension of the Eggman Empire, there may be no flaws.
Reward: Rusty takes time to recalibrate and settle, high rolls may improve the Limbs Akimbo trait.

Yeah...that yellow zone in the territory? That was GUN, they are back Baby.

Good luck with your planning!

Vote In plan format please.

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