Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

Quest - Turn 3 Battle of Nune Reef Part 3
[X] Keep her Head Down [Will stay down with the rowers, safe from wound tests unless boarded]

[X] Widen line, then advance on weakened flank
-[X] Evelyn assists movement of Ai's Flotilla with a Song, then Ai's Flotilla shifts forward and left. Harriet's Flotilla shifts on the same turn as Ai's flotilla to advance into the opened up hole in the formation.
--[X] After initial movement, Ai's and Harriet's Flotilla Magic Focus change to All Out Attack
--[X] Afterwards, Ai's and Harriet's close on Lord's Flotilla. Attempt to focus fire on the Lady Sorceress and disrupt the ritual.
-[X] Dominic's Flotilla maintains range until Ai's Flotilla and Harriet's Flotilla successfully reposition, then they close on Right Wing
-[X] Miranda's Flotilla changes ranged target priority to Right Wing. Maintain range until Ai's and Harriet's Flotilla reposition, then advance together with Dominic's Flotilla against Right Wing
-[X] Alice's Flotilla holds right flank and protects allied advance. Attempt to prevent RL, LL, and Enemy Reserves from enveloping on the right.

The battle hung in the balance, with victory and defeat there for the taking. In the end, there was no question as to what Evelyn would do.

It was time to strike.

Only a moment of indecision passed while Evelyn summed up her force and the enemy. What followed was a whirlwind of commands and signals passed and relayed between ships, the sky turn multihued with the flash of flares. This was her moment, her chance to forge her name. The red blood was surging as she barked her orders. A concentration of power was what they needed, to crush the leading elements of the enemy.

Once the fleet was in motion, she placed her shield upon her back and sang to the Royal Navy flotilla. Failing this gambit could doom them all to a savage reversal. They had to steal the march here. Thankfully, there were ways to help that along. Her voice cut through the tumult of the battle, where the elite of Sartier and Tranquillity savaged each other with loosed arrows. It harmonised with the singing of her mother and Yvonne as they gathered their power in the face of the foe.

Currently at Range 2 between closest fleet elements (RW/Dominic)

Ai's Flotilla turns to port, redeploying on left diagonal.. Starboard flank now shown to enemy.
Evelyn attempts to sing Ripsong on Ai's Flotilla
Need 50+, 8d20 = 101, success
Flotilla gain +d10 to Speed/Agility

SW Oliana and SW Naia combine to cast Whirlpool on Ai's Flotilla
Need 30+, (3+2)d20 = 74, success
Ai's Flotilla approach roll reduced by (8+5=13 / 2 = 6)

Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d6(Evelyn) + d10 (Ripsong) - 5 (Under Fire) - 6 (Whirlpool) = 45
Ai's Flotilla successful move

Lord's Flotilla approach to Close and Board with Ai's Flotilla not directly countered
Ai's flotilla advances into position
Advance to Range 2

Right Wing shifts left, approaches Dominic's Flotilla to Close and Board
Rw - 5d10+d15+d12(Cassandra)+d5(Dierdre)-3(Plan) = 41

Dominic's Flotilla approach to Ranged Battle with Right Wing
Dominic - Approach is settled, retains +5 to Archery

RW/Dominic settled, advance to Range 1
Strongarm falling behind. Lightning dead in the water, attempting repairs and bailing

Right Line approach to Close and Board with Miranda's Flotilla
RL - 4d10+d10+d12(Gordon)+d5(Dierdre) - 5 (Bad Start Positioning) - 3 (Plan Difficulty) + 10 (Distracted Opponent) = 46

Miranda's Flotilla approach to Ranged Battle with Right Wing
Miranda - 4d10+d16+d8 (Miranda)+d6(Evelyn) + 5 (Carryover Positioning Advantage) = 44
Sides gain parity no advantage bonus next roll

Right Line and Miranda's Flotilla Advance to Range 3

Left Line approach to ranged battle with Alice's Flotilla
LL - 4d10+d10+d9(Mashar)+d5(Dierdre) = 39

Alice switches to approach to Ranged Battle, focus on protecting fleet right flank
Alice - 5d10+d20+d9 (Miranda)+d6(Evelyn) +15 (Adv) = 65
Alice's Flotilla exceeds by half-again
Alice holds good line of approach, advantage sustained

Harriet's Flotilla advances to battle line, port and ahead
SW Veronica Collaer casts Rising Tide on Harriet's Flotilla
Need 25+, 3d20 = 22, failed, Backlash!
25 / 3 = 8 hits - 3 (Sea Witch) = 5 hits
Toughness 2, Casting Dice 3, use C for Toughness
MR 8, Need 13+ = 16, 20, 18, 4, 8 = 3 pass, 2 fail
3 hit v T3, Veronica Collaer is Wounded!

Harriet - 3d10+d8+d10 (Harriet) + d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Fleet Carryover Advantage) + 5 (Reserve Advancing to Battlefront) = 41
Harriet's Flotilla joins the battle line

Left Line and Alice Advance to Range 4


















Left Line





Right Line



Ai's Flt

Lord's Fl

Right Wing





Harriet's Fl

Dominic's Flt

Miranda's Fl

Alice's Flt








Rita prepares to sing Symphony of Typhoon on Lord's Flotilla
Monica prepares to sing Song of Joy on Ironsides
NS Yvonne Dale prepares to sing Wavesong on Lord's Flotilla

Lorelei continues ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno on Ai's Flotilla

Ai's Flotilla Exchanges Longbow fire with Lord's Flotilla
Harriet's Flotilla fires upon Lord's Flotilla with Bows


Loquacious fires artillery at Right Wing
VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
VS Georgie Hulland prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
SS Candice Kettleblack prepares to sing Song of Shock on Right Wing
Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Song of the Gust on Right Wing

MW Cassandra casts Torrent on Pride of Harper

Dominic's Flt and Right Wing Exchange fire with bows

Miranda's Flotilla Fires upon Right Wing with bows


MSW Charlotte Elain casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
MSW Michel Loam casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
SW Collette Ruger withholds casting

Right Line casters incapacitated
Right Line fires on Miranda's Flotilla


MSW Alice Ruger and SW Catherine combine to cast Sea Wrath on Left Line
SW Abey casts Aurora on Warrior # 2

Alice's Flotilla fires upon Left Line with Longbows

Whisper gains +1 Flooding, now 2pt

Rita prepares to sing Symphony of Typhoon on Lord's Flotilla
Need 55+, 9d20 = 114
Rita WR: 9d20h2+d17 = 41 - 10 (Lord MR) = 31

Lords Flotilla, All Sides, All Ships, 31 v Hp10/14T = 2 Hp
Bliss now 8/10hp, all sides above water
Golden Hand now 8/10hp, all sides above water
Whisper now 5/10hp, all sides above water, armour mod now d9, unable to turn, flooding now 4pt
November Circle now 8/10hp all sides above water
vs Crew, 31 - 5 (Half Armour) - 2d18h1 (10) = 16 / 2 (Ship) = 8 * 1 (Localisation) * 3 (Targets) = 24 / 533 = 509 (Bliss, Golden Hand, November Circle) (8 per)
vs Crew, 31 - 5 (Half Armour) - d18 (12) = 14 / 2 (Ship) = 7 * 1 (Localisation) * 1 (Target) = 7 / 153 = 146
Whisper > 25% total losses, -1 Dice

Magic Hit Wound Tests are now taken post-localisation Wounds / 2 round up

Wound Tests on Bliss, Golden Hand, November Circle are (8/2 rnd up 4 attacks)
Dierdre Wound Test
Armour 9 + 3= 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 4, Magic Resist 5 + 3 = 8
Need 13+ = 12, 20, 5, 16 = 2 pass, 2 fail, scratch damage

Noelene Wound Test
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 3, MR 5 + 3 = 8
Need 13+ = 12, 16, 20, 13 = 3 pass, 1 fail, scratch damage

Oliana Wound Test
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 2 (Replaced with Casting Dice 3) = T3, MR = 5+8=13
Need 8+ = 10, 2, 8, 6 = 2 pass, 2 fail, scratch damage

Naia Wound Test
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 2, MR 5+5 = 10
Need 11+ 13, 6, 18, 1 = 2 pass, 2 fail
Armour, <= 6 = 15, 19 = 2 fail
2 hit v T2, Naia is Wounded
C18 * (2/3) = C12, T2->T2, 12+3+2 = d6

Lorelei Wound Test
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 4 (Casting Dice 5) = T5, MR 5+9=14
Need 7+ = 3, 18, 11, 9 = 3 pass, 1 fail
Armour, <= 6 = 2 = 1 pass, 0 fail, no disruption to ritual

Wound Tests on Whisper are (7 / 2 rnd up 4 attacks)

Thron WT
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, T2, MR 5+6 = 11
Need 10+ = 8, 14, 5, 6 = 1 pass, 3 fail
Armour = 9, 16, 13 = 3 fail
3 hits v T2, Thron is Incapacitated

Monica prepares to sing Song of Joy on Ironsides
Need 25+, 8d20 = 94
+38 / 2 (Ship) = 19 MR

NS Yvonne Dale prepares to sing Wavesong on Lord's Flotilla
Need 40+, 5d20 = 42, success
WR: 3d20h2 + d12 = 44 - 10 (Lord MR) = 34

Random Target = 3, Whisper
Whisper starboard above, 34 v Hp10/(14/2 (Wavesong) = 7)T = 4 Hp, now 1/10 Hp
Damage > 75%, unable to row on starboard side, Whisper is dead in the water
vs Crew, 34 - (10/2=5) - d18 (11) = 18 / 2 = 9 * (0.6 Local) = 5 / 146 = 141

Lorelei continues ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno on Ai's Flotilla
Need 250+, Have 59, 5d20 = 50, 109/250

Ai's Flotilla and Lord's Flotilla exchange fire
Ai WR: 5d20h3 = 46
Ai Ch WR: d13 (Ai), d8 (Yvonne) = 3, 4

LF WR: 5d20h3 = 35
LF Ch WR: d13 (Lorelei) = 13

Ai's Flotilla by 11!
LF Cohesion Roll, 35+ => 70, 88, 66, 70 = 4 pass, 0 fail
Ai Ch Mod: 3 - (3*(6/20)) = 2
Yvonne Ch Mod: 4 (4*(6/20)) = 3
Ai's Flotilla Ch Tgt = 3, 4, Whisper, November Circle

Lorelei: 13 - (13*(6/20)) = 9
Lorelei Tgt = 2, Harrower
LF Mod: 46 - 10 - 2d18h1 (16) = 20 / 2 (Ship) = 10 * 5 (Shooters) = 50 * (3/4) = 37 / 505 = 468 (12.3 ea)

Whisper Mod: 46 - 10 - d18 (14) = 22 / 2 (Ship) = 11 * 5 (Shooters) = 55 * (1/4) = 13 / 138 = 125
Ai's Mod: 35 - 10 (Armour) - 2d20h1 (13) = 12 / 2 (Ship) = 6 * 4 (Shooters) = 24 / 439 = 415 (4.8per)
Harrower, >10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll 30+ => 16, fail, -1 dice, Wound Test for Yvonne Dale
Whisper, > 10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll 35+ => 55, pass

Yvonne Wound Test
Armour 9+3 = 12, T2
v Pro Troops, d10 = 5
Armour = 12, 12, 8, 11, 19 = 3 pass, 2 fail
2 hits v T2, Yvonne Dale is Wounded!
C19 => C12, 12+3+2 = d6, T2=>T2

Harriet's Flotilla fires on Lord's Flotilla
HF WR: 5d20h3 = 31
HF Ch WR: d14 (Neris Muir) = 2
Neris Mod: 2 - (2* (6/20)) = 1
Neris Tgt = 2, Golden Hand

LF Mod: 31 - 10 - 5 (Bow v Med) - 2d18h1 (11) = 5 / 2 (Ship) = 2 * 4 (Shooters) = 8 * (3/4) = 6 / 471 = 467
Whisper Mod: 31 - 10 - 5 - d18 (8) = 8 / 2 (Ship) = 4 * 4 (Shooters) = 16 * (1/4) = 4 / 125 = 121


Lightning conducts bailout and repairs
Bailing roll: d5 = 4, -4 Flooding
Repair bow: 2, 5, 2, 1 = 0 hp, now 5-7/9
Repair port: 2, 1, 6, 3 = 1 hp, now 5-7/9
Repair starboard: 3, 1, 6, 2 = 1 hp, now 5-7/9
Repair stern: 5, 2, 5, 6 = 1 hp, now 5-7/9
All flooding halted, ship may move at half-speed

Lightning prepares to retreat to Nune Reef Harbour

Strongarm, +1 Flooding, now 3pt

Loquacious fires artillery at Right Wing
Aim Penalty: -30 (Base) - 5 (Range) - 6 (Both in motion) + 5 (Dedicated crew) = -36
Artillery Crew 5d20, Need 37+
Weapon 1 = 76 (0 Nat 20s) = hit!
Target Random = 2, Wicked Eyes
Artillery WR: 5d20h3 = 46

v Wicked Eyes Port side, Hp9/14T = 3 Hp, 6/9
> 25% damage Port, armour mod reduced to d16
vs Crew = 46 - 10 (Med) - 2d16h1(14) = 22 / 2 Ship = 11 * (0.6) = 6 / 2 (Type) = 3 / 179 = 176

Weapon 2 = 71 (0 Nat 20s) = hit!
Target Random = 5, Immortal
Artillery WR: 5d20h3 = 39

v Immortal Port side, Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, 6/9
vs Crew = 39 - 10 (Med) - 2d16h1(4) = 25 / 2 Ship = 12 * (0.6) = 7 / 2 (Type) = 3 / 174 = 171

VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 = 63
Miranda Tgt = 5, Immortal, Side d3 = 1, Bow
Miranda WR: 5d20h2+d11 = 36 - 5 = 31

Immortal, 31 v Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, now 7/9 Hp
vs Crew = 31 - (10/2=5) = 26 / 2 = 13 * (0.4 Local) = 5 / 171 = 166

VS Georgie Hulland prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 = 75
Georgie Tgt = 5, Immortal, Side d3 = 2, Starboard
Georgie WR: 5d20h2+d12 = 42 - 5 = 37

Immortal, Starboard, 37 v Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, now 7/9 Hp
vs Crew = 37 - 5 = 32 / 2 = 16 * (0.6) = 9 / 166 = 157

SS Candice Kettleblack prepares to sing Song of Shock on Right Wing
Need 30+, 3d20 = 34
Candice Tgt = 1, Shadow, Side 3 = 3, Port
Candice WR: 3d20h2 + d8 = 22 - 5 = 17

Shadow, 17 v Hp9/14T = 1 Hp, now 8/9
vs Crew = 17 - (10/2=5) = 12 / 2 (Ship) = 6 * (0.6 Local) = 3 / 179 = 176

Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Song of the Gust on Right Wing
Need 20+
Dominic Rios 2d20 = 30, succes, +d6 to Missile Exchange
Natalie Tellar 2d20 = 10, failed
Nick Lang 2d20 = 16, failed
Lawrence Hulland 2d20 = 20, success, + d6
Sonja Raleigh 2d20 = 16, failed
Patricia Frunkle 2d20 = 19, failed

Cassandra casts Torrent on Pride of Harper
Need 30+, 4d20 = 59, success
WR: 3d20h2+d8 = 38 - 5 (Oboe MR) = 33
Side, d3 = 3, Port

Pride of Harper, Port, 33+15 (Torrent Penetration)=48 v Hp8/12T = 4Hp, now 4/8 Hp, 50% sides damage, armour mod reduced to d12, speed/agility reduced to 2d10+d12
vs Crew, 33 - (10/2=5-15=0) = 33 / 2 Ship = 16 * (0.6) = 9 / 89 = 80
> 10% Marine Casualties, Wound Tests required of Dominic Rios, Natalie Tellar, 5 attacks

Dominic Rios Wound Test
Armour 9+3-9(Torrent)=3, T3 or C2=T3+1 (House Rios Lifeguards) + 1 (Crew) = T5, MR = 5 (Base) + 6 (Magic Bonus) + 6 (Children of the Song) = 17, Max 15
Resist, Need 6+ = 10, 10, 7, 18, 13 = 5 pass, 0 fail, no damage

Natalie Tellar Wound Test
Armour 9+3-9 = 3, T4 or C2 = T4+1 (Spellknight Lifeguards) + 1 (Crew) = T6, MR = 5 (Base) + 5 (MB) + 6 (CotS) = 16, Max 15
Insufficient hits

Dominic's Flotilla and Right Wing exchange Bow fire
DF WR: 5d20h3+5 (9 ships) = 41
DF Ch WR: d5 (Miranda), d12 (Patricia), d12 (Levar) = 4, 3, 2
DF Mg Boost WR: d6, d6 = 2, 3 = 5
Miranda Mod: 4 => 3, Tgt = 7, Strongarm
Patricia Mod: 3 => 2, Tgt = 2, Wicked Eyes
Levar Mod: 2 => 1, Tgt = 2, Wicked Eyes

RW WR: 5d20h3 = 36
Dominic's Flotilla by 5!
RW Cohesion Rolls: 45+ => 22 ; 9 ; 55 ; 12 ; 26 ; 51 ; 32 = 2 pass, 5 fail, -5 dice
RW Mod: 41 - 10 - 5 - 2d16h1(8) = 18 / 2 = 9 * 9 (Shooters) = 81 + 5 (Boost) = 86 * (5/7) = 61 / 863 = 802 (12.2per)
RW Mod: 41 - 15 - d16 (1) = 25 / 2 = 12 * 9 = 108 +5 (Boost) = 113 * (2/7) = 32 / 307 = 275

Immortal, Strongarm, Hardnut > 25% Total Casualties, -3 dice
DF Mod: 36 - 15 - 2d12h1 (12) = 9 / 2 = 4 * 7 = 28 * (8/9) = 24 / 731 = 707 (3 per)
DF Mod: 36 - 15 - 2d16h1 (13) = 8 / 2 = 4 * 7 = 28 * (1/9) = 3 / 142 = 139

Miranda's Flotilla fires upon RW
MF WR: 5d20h3 = 49
MF Ch WR: d13 (Paula Thistle) = 9

RW Mod: 49 - 10 - 5 - 2d16h1 (12) = 22 / 2 = 11 * 8 (Shooters) = 88 * (5/7) = 62 / 802 = 740 (12.4per)
RW Mod: 49 - 15 - d16 (8) = 26 / 2 = 13 * 8 (Shooters) = 104 * (2/7) = 29 (14.5per)

Paula Mod: 9 - (9 * (6/20)) = 7
MF Ch Tgt: 7, Strongarm

Wicked Eyes > 25% Total Casualties, -1 Dice

Cassandra [7 Dread, Heavy Losses], Right Wing is breaking away from the combat

Strongarm falling behind


Warrior # 9, Warrior # 11, +1 Flooding gained

MSW Charlotte Elain casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
Need 30+, 4d20 = 37, success
Target = 2, Warrior # 8
Charlotte WR: 3d20h2+d10 = 39

Warrior # 8, 39 v Hp8/12T = 3 Hp, now 4/8, speed/agility cut in half, remove ship component, remove armour re-roll, may not ram, +2 flooding/turn, now vulnerable to Crew Damage from Sea Wrath
vs Crew, 39 - (10/2=5) = 34 / 2 (Ship) = 17 * 0.4 (Local) = 6 / 200 = 194
Warrior # 8 drops out of line
Narice [Chiv 1, Pirate], decides to turn back to Nune Reef

Right Line is turning back to home base

MSW Michel Loam casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
Need 30+, 4d20 = 58, success
Target = 6, Warrior # 12
Michel WR: 3d20h2+d10 = 29

Warrior # 12, 29 v Hp8/T12 = 2 Hp, now 6/8, remove ship component of speed/agility, may not ram, +1 flooding/turn

SW Collette Ruger withholds casting

Right Line casters incapacitated

Right Line fires on Miranda's Flotilla
RL WR: 4d20h3 = 31

Miranda Mod: 31 - 10 (Armour) - 5 (Bow v Md) - 2d12h1 (12) = 4 / 2 (Ship) = 2 * 6 (Shooters) = 12 / 800 = 788
Miranda Ignoring Fire, Disruption Cohesion Roll, 45-10=35+=> 98 ; 39 ; 83 ; 58 ; 89 ; 34 ; 14 ; 6 = 5 pass, 3 fail, -3 dice


MSW Alice Ruger and SW Catherine combine to cast Sea Wrath on Left Line
Need 30+, 6d20 = 54, success
Target random = 3, Warrior # 3, turns into the wave!
Alice WR: 3d20h2+d(9+6) = 31
Warrior #3 Bow, 31 v Hp8/12T = 2 Hp, 6/8, +1 flooding

SW Abey casts Aurora on Warrior # 2
Need 25+, 3d20 = 25, success
+9 Parry v Missiles

Alice's Flotilla fires upon Left Line with Longbows
AL WR: 5d20h3+5 = 47
AL Ch WR: d9 (Elisabeth Ruger), d12 (Amor Baille), d8 (Amy Ruger), d13 (Veran Kilrain) = 6, 11, 2, 12
Elisabeth Mod: 6 - (6 * (6 Medium Armour / 20)) = 5
Amor Baille Mod: 12 - (12 * (6/20)) = 9
Amy Ruger Mod: 2 - (2 * (6/20)) = 2
Veran Mod: 12 - (12 * (6/20)) = 9

Left Line mod: 47 - 10 (Medium Armour) - 2d12h1 (5) = 32 / 2 (Ship) = 16 * 5 (Shooters) * (5/6 Proportion) = 66 / 1000 = 934 (13.2 per)
Warrior # 2 mod: 47 - 10 (Medium Armour) - 2d12h1 (11) - 9 (Aurora) = 17 / 2 (Ship) = 8 * 5 (Shooters) = 40 * (1/6 Proportion) = 6 / 200 = 194

AL Ch Tgt = 5, 4, 4, 1 = Warrior # 5, Warrior # 4, Warrior # 4, Warrior # 1
>10% casualties, Warrior # 1, Warrior # 4, Cohesion Roll 50+ => 22, 65, -1 Dice
Left Line Flotilla Strength 1,104 / 1,200

Loth Wound Roll
Armour 12, T2+1=T3
v Pro, d10 = 1, scratch damage

Mashar Wound Roll
Armour 12, T3+1 = T4
v Pro, d10 = 10
Armour Save = 17 ; 16 ; 13 ; 13 ; 7 ; 4 ; 9 ; 9 ; 18 ; 11 = 5 pass, 5 fail
5 hits v T4, Mashar is Incapacitated!

The moves went like clockwork, in spite of the attempted trickery of Tranquillity Sea Witches. The jaws of the allied fleet were widening around the bloodied but fearsome elite of the pirate horde. Harriet's Heavy triremes reached the battle line as the Royal Navy made their move and swung out around the enemy, turning in at the last. Evelyn now had her foe exactly where she wanted them.

Yet it was not a bloodless task, and soon another Songweaver, and a Khironex Sea Witch, nursed wounds as the arrows flew.

Arrows flew so thick and fast that to the marines on the edges of the line it seemed as if a dark smudge against the sky, a relentless tide that poured between the ships. Colourful fletching sprouted across the hulls and shield walls of ships such that ships in the thick of the fighting like Harrower or Pride of Harper appeared to be transforming into living creatures with fur coats before the eyes of their comrades.

But more than ships were struck by the missiles. Marines and Pirates alike tumbled and fell as the arrowheads found their mark, and dozens were cut down in mad minutes of bloodletting. The corsairs of the right wing suffered worst of all as a vicious enfilade of over a thousand archers and a series of songweavers rent hull and hide, cutting down over hundreds as they came.

But the most terrifying sight was carved from the will of Rita Hulland, whose voice reached out and smote not just a ship, but the entire Lord's Flotilla with the Symphony of Typhoon. Evelyn had to put a hand on the shoulder of May, the young Khironex aide, as she watched one of the most feared songs of Sartier do its bloody work. Ships bucked and shields were ripped from their mountings while blood stained the timbers as blasts rippled out from the epicentre of Rita's casting, weaker than the Tornado yet striking everywhere.

When it was over, one of the enemy Lords was nearly floundering, with the oars of one side now a ruin. Over with the Corsairs it was little better, to the extent that even as Evelyn watched, one of the corsairs began to come about, turning away from the line that Dominic's ships held so staunchly.

"This is it," she whispered to herself. A moment later her voice rose to a terrible roar. "Attack! Send the order, all Royals, all Standards, all Oboes, go for knife range! Ram or board!"

Currently at Range 1 between closest fleet elements (RW/Dominic)
Evelyn has lost command & control of right-wing fleet elements
Miranda's Flotilla, Alice's Flotilla, Devolve to Alice's Command & Control
Alice's Priority: pursuit and destruction of retreating elements, leaves Miranda to continue attack on Right Wing, takes Alice's Flotilla forward

Tranquility fleet is turning to retreat, requires one turn to reorient and commence disengagement
Reserves: [Gloryhound override] - Reserves are approaching to board Alice's Flotilla

Ai's Flotilla approach to ramming attack on Lord's Flotilla
SW Oliana and SW Naia combine to cast Whirlpool on Ai's Flotilla
Need 30+, (3+2)d20 = 58, success
Ai's Flotilla approach roll reduced by (8+5=13 / 2 = 6)

Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d6(Evelyn) + 10 (Side-on Attack!) - 6 (Whirlpool) +10 (Opponent Turning About) = 58
Ai's Flotilla successful move

Lord's Flotilla coming about to Disengage, Need 30+
LF - 5d10+d15+d11 (Lorelei)+d5(Dierdre) - 10 (Mid-Battle Disengage) - 5 (2 Flanks) = 32, turn success

Ai's flotilla advances to Range 0, ramming attacks to follow
Ai exceeded by more than half again, +10 to Ramming attacks

MSW Charlotte Elain casts Wave Master on Right Wing
Need 35+, 4d20 = 44, success
Right Wing -10 to approach roll
MSW Michel Loam casts Wave Master on Right Wing
Need 35+, 4d20 = 46, success
Right Wing -10 to approach roll

Right Wing attempting to come about to disengage, Need 30+
Rw - 5d10+d15+d12(Cassandra)+d5(Dierdre)-10(Mid-Battle Disengage)-20 (Wave Master) = 23, failed, +23 to next attempt to come about

Dominic's Flotilla approach to Ramming with Right Wing
Dominic - 4d10+d12+d11 (Dominic)+d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Carryover Positioning Advantage) + 15 (Opponent Turning About) = 70
Exceeds by more than double, all individual attempts to ram gain +15 instead of +10

Collette Ruger attempts to cast Rising Tide on Miranda's Flotilla
Need 25+, 3d20 = 29, success
+re-roll to ship's component
Miranda's Flotilla ordered by Alice to approach to Ramming with Right Wing
Miranda - 4d10+2d16h1+d8 (Miranda)+d5(Alice) +5 (Flank Attack) + 5 (Carryover Positioning Advantage) + 10 (Opponent Turning About) - 6 = 49
Exceeds by more than double, all individual attempts to ram gain +15, instead of +5

Dominic and Miranda's Flotilla advance to Range 0, ramming attacks to follow

Strongarm falling behind. Lightning attempting to flee

Right Line attempting to come about to disengage, Need 30+
Dominant Speed is 4d10+d0 due to damage, 4/6 ships turning at half-speed, 2d10+d0
RL - 2d10+d0+d12(Gordon)+d5(Dierdre) - 5 (Bad Start Positioning) - 10 (Mid-Battle Disengage) = 46

Right Line and Miranda's Flotilla hold range

Left Line attempting to disengage, Need 30+
LL - 4d10+d10+d12(Gordon)+d5(Dierdre)-10 (Mid-Battle Disengage) = 30, successfully come about

Alice switches to approach to Ramming, aimed at Left Line, attempting to close range
Alice and Catherine casts Friendly Sea on Alice's Flotilla
Need 40+, (4+2)d20 = 75, success
Alice - 5d10+2d20h1+d8 (Catherine)+d5(Alice) +15 (Carryover Advantage) +d10 (Friendly Seas)+15(Opponent Turning About)-6 (Plan Difficult) = 81
Alice's Flotilla exceeds by over double
Alice holds good line of approach, advantage sustained
Alice's Flotilla advances to Range 2, -10 to LL attempts to retreat

Harriet's Flotilla maintain range 1 unopposed

Left Line and Alice Advance to Range 2
















Left Line / ^Reserve \/




*Lightning ^

Right Line ^



Ai's Flt ->

Lord's Fl

Right Wing ^


^ Alice's Flt



^ Harriet's Fl

^ Dominic's Flt

^ Miranda's Fl










Battlezone 1: Ai's Flotilla, Harriet's Flotilla v Lord's Flotilla

Evelyn attempts to sing Breakwatersong on November Circle
Yvonne Dale attempts to sing Wavesong on November Circle
Rita Hulland attempts to sing Symphony of Tornado on November Circle
Monica Reynolds attempts to sing Song of Joy on Ironsides

Lord's Flotilla exchanges fire with Harriet's Flotilla
Ai's Flotilla fires on Lord's Flotilla

Blue Hawk attempts to ram, Tgt = Whisper
Harrower attempts to ram, Tgt = Bliss
Victory attempts to ram, Tgt = November Circle
Trumpeter attempts to ram, Tgt = Golden Hand
Ironsides hangs back


Battlezone 2: Right Wing v Dominic's Flotilla, Miranda's Flotilla

Loquacious fires artillery at Right Wing
VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
VS Georgie Hulland prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
SS Candice Kettleblack prepares to sing Song of Shock on Right Wing
Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Thunderhymn on Selves

MW Cassandra casts Torrent on Pride of Harper

Right Wing and Miranda's Flotilla exchange fire

Right Line fires on Miranda's Flotilla

Dominic's Flotilla and Miranda's Flotilla launches Ramming Attacks against Right Wing
Tellar Ascendent attempts to ram, Tgt = Hardnut
Pitch Perfect attempts to ram, Tgt = Lightning

Sunder attempts to ram, Tgt = Immortal
Sea Shanty attempts to ram, Tgt = Wildhunt
Holly attempts to ram, Tgt = Strongarm
Tideracer attempts to ram, Tgt = Wicked Eyes
Windthief attempts to ram, Tgt = Shadow

Song of the Sea attempts to ram, Tgt = Quickblade

Others prepare to join boarding actions


Battlezone 3: Alice's Flotilla v Right Line, Left Line, Reserve

Alice's Flotilla exchanges fire with Left Line (Reserves caught in the way)

Reserves fire on Alice's Flotilla


Battlezone 1: Ai's Flotilla, Harriet's Flotilla v Lord's Flotilla

Evelyn attempts to sing Breakwatersong on November Circle
Need 55+, 8d20 = 90, success
Evelyn WR: 8d20h3+d16 = 51 - 10 = 41

November Circle, Port, 41 v Hp10/(14/2=7)T = 5Hp, now 3/10, > 50% damage
vs Crew, 41 - (10/2=5) - 2d18h1 (17) = 19 / 2 = 9 * (0.6) = 5 / 152 = 147
November Circle > 25% Total Casualties, -1 dice

Yvonne Dale attempts to sing Wavesong on November Circle
Need 40+, 5d20 = 39, failed

Rita Hulland attempts to sing Symphony of Tornado on November Circle
Need 65+, 9d20 = 90, success
Rita WR: 8d20h3+d16 = 9d20h3+d19 = 65 - 10 = 55

November Circle, All Sides, 55 v Hp10/14T = 3 Hp, all sides, now 5/10, 5/10, 0/10, 5/10
Ship is now dead in the water, +6 flooding
vs Crew, 55 - (10/2=5) - 2d18h1(16) = 34 / 2 = 17 * 1 = 17 / 147 = 130
>10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll, 35+ => 62, pass
All Sides Magic Attack, Wound Test for Lorelei, 17 / 2, rnd up, 9 attacks

Lorelei Wound Test
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 4 (Casting Dice 5) = T5, MR 5+9=14
Need 7+ = 7 ; 1 ; 1 ; 16 ; 7 ; 19 ; 7 ; 8 ; 18 = 7 pass, 2 fail
Armour, <= 6 = 5, 14 = 1 pass, 1 fail, -5 to Ritual, scratch damage, 104

Lorelei continues ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno on Ai's Flotilla
Need 250, Have 104, 5d20 = 72 + 104 = 176 / 250

Monica Reynolds attempts to sing Song of Joy on Ironsides
Need 25+, 8d20 = 98, success
+19 to Magic Resist

Lord's Flotilla exchanges fire with Harriet's Flotilla
Lord's Flotilla WR: 5d20h3 = 37
Lord Ch WR: d13 (Lorelei) = 6

Harriet's Flotilla WR: 5d20h3 = 51
Harriet Ch WR: d14 (Neris) = 10
Neris Mod: 10 - (10 * (6/20)) = 7, Tgt = Bliss

Harriet by 14!
Lord's Cohesion Rolls, 35+ => 86, 72, 70, 98 = 4 pass
Lord Mod: 51 - 15 - 2d18h1 (17) = 19 / 2 = 10 * 4 = 40 * (3/4) = 30 / 437 = 407 (10 per)
Whisper Mod: 51 - 15 - d9 (4) = 32 / 2 = 16 * 4 (Shooters) = 64 / (1/4) = 16 / 121 = 105

Bliss > 25% Total Casualties, -1 dice
Harriet Mod: 37 - 10 - 2d16h1 (6) = 21 / 2 (Ship) = 10 * 4 (Shooters) = 40 / 400 = 360
Mount Valaran, Olirand Ridge, >10% Casualties, Cohesion 45+ => 5, 1 = 2 fail, -2 dice
Wound Tests for Loris Randle

Loris Randle Wound Test
Armour 9+3=12, T3+1 (Crew) = T4
v Pro Troops, d10 = 9
Armour = 13 ; 16 ; 9 ; 18 ; 14 ; 7 ; 1 ; 3 ; 17 = 4 pass, 5 fail
5 hit v T4, Loris Randle is Incapacitated

Ai's Flotilla fires on Lord's Flotilla
Ai WR: 5d20h3 + 5 = 40
Ai Ch WR: d13; d6 = 4, 4

LF Mod: 40 - 10 - 2d18h1(10) = 20 / 2 = 10 * 5 = 50 * (3/4) = 37 / 407 = 370 (12.3pt)
Whisper Mod: 40 - 10 - d9(2) = 28 / 2 = 14 * 5 = 70 * (1/4) = 17 / 105 = 88

Whisper [>50% casualties, No escape chance] Whisper has surrendered!

Blue Hawk attempts to ram, Tgt = Whisper
Called off from surrender!
Has time to join boarding attempts.

Harrower attempts to ram, Tgt = Bliss
Harrower: 5d10+d20+ d5 (Yvonne) +10 (Advantage) = 61

Bliss: 5d10+d15+d10 (Dierdre) = 44
Harrower engages in boarding on Bliss instead
Blue Hawk attempts to join boarding, need 35+
5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d10(Advantage) = 42, success, comes alongside Harrower

Victory attempts to ram, Tgt = November Circle
Victory: 5d10+d20+d11(Evelyn) + 10 = 54

November Circle: 2d10+d15+d11 = 31
Exceeded by half again, ramming successful
Victory WR: 8d20h5+d20 = 74

November Circle Port below water, 74 v 14T = 5Hp, +7 flooding/turn, now +13 flooding/turn
vs Crew = 74 - 10 = 64 / 2 (Ship) = 32 * (0.6) = 19 / 2 (Type) = 9 / 108 = 99
November Circle has surrendered, Lorelei cancels ritual

Trumpeter attempts to ram, Tgt = Golden Hand
Trumpeter: 5d10+d20+10 = 56

Golden Hand: 2d10+d0+d6 (Oliana) = 14
Exceeded by half again, ramming successful
Trumpeter WR: 8d20h5+d20 = 95

Golden Hand Port below water, 95 v 14T = 6 Hp, now 3/10, +9 flooding/turn, now 17pts
vs Crew = 95 - 10 = 85 / 2 = 42 * (0.6) = 25 / 2 (Type) = 12 / 138 = 126
Golden Hand [>25% casualties, no escape chance, peers surrendered], Golden hand has surrendered!

Harrower and Blue Hawk board Bliss
Obstacles apply, +d9 to Bliss WR, +d18 to Parry
Yvonne Dale not boarding due to wounds [Overriden - Chivalry 7] Yvonne Dale attacks
Ai Ritter challenges Dierdre to duel!
Dierdre [Dread 7, Pirate Lord self-preservation] refuses!
Blue Hawk, 5+1CDP 86 Marines; Harrower, 4 CDP 78 Marines (Combined 10/2 Dice = 5 CDP)
Ai Ritter w/ Honour Guard (+1 Melee Combat Dice, +5 Morale, +5 Armour Pen, +1 Character Toughness)
RN WR: 5d20h3 +5 (Longsword v Med) = 55
RN Ch WR: d13 (Ai), d6 (Yvonne) = 6, 5
Ai Mod: 6 - (6* (9/20)) = 3, 2

Dierdre with Blackhearts (+1 Combat Dice, +10 Morale, +1 Character Toughness)
Bliss, 4+1CDP 124 Crew
Bliss WR: 5d20h3 + 5 (Longsword v Med) + d9 (Boarding Defence) = 57
Bliss Ch WR: d13 (Dierdre), d10 (Noelene) = 8, 8
Dierdre, Noelene Mod: 8 - (8 * (9/20 Armour)) = 4, 4

Bliss by 2! Beachhead not conceded!
RN Cohesion Roll: 30+ => 78, 88 = 2 pass
RN Mod: 57 - (15 (Md Arm + Shield) - 2 (Longsword Pen) = 13) - 10 (Longsword Parry) - 8 (Armour Parry) + 5 (Cautious Trait Parry) = 21 / 2 (Ship) = 10 + 8 (Ch) = 18 / 164 = 146
> 10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll 30+ => 49, 24 = 1 pass, 1 fail, Harrower -1 Dice

Harrower > 25% Total Casualties, -1 Dice
Bliss Mod: 55 - (15 (Md Arm + Shield) - 2 (Longsword Pen) - 5 (Honour Guard) = 8) - 10 (Longsword Parry) - d18 (14 - Boarding Parry) = 23 / 2 (Ship) = 12 +3 = 15 / 122 = 107
> 10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll 35+ => 47, pass

RN Morale Test: d100 + 125 (Base) - 30 (Chaos) - 20 (Dice) - 20 (20%) - 2 (Lost By) + 15 (Peer Enemy Surrendering) - 30 (Casualty Shock!) + 5 (Honour Guard) + 18 (Ai Martial) + 16 (Fleet Admiral Half-Martial) = 145, pass
Bliss Morale Test: d100 + 120 (Base) - 10 (Dice) - 30 (30%) + 2 (Won By) - 5 (Outnumbered) - 20 (Peers Routing) - 10 (Flanks Insecure) - 30 (Casualty Shock!) - 20 (No Escape) + 10 (Blackhearts) = 80, failed by 20, Bliss is retreating!
No escape route, Bliss surrenders!

Ai Wound Test:
Armour 9+3-1=11, Parry = 13 + 3 (Sword) + 3 (Shield) + 0 (Heavy Armour) - 5 (Pro Troops) = 15 Max Parries 6, Toughness 4 + 1 (Honour Guard) + 1 (Cew) = 6
v Pro Troops, d10 = 7
Parry, 6+ = 14, 4, 1, 13, 15, 9, 8 = 5 pass, 2 fail
Armour = 18, 17 = 0 pass, 2 fail
2 hit v T5 = scratch damage

Yvonne Wound Test:
Armour 9+3-1=11, Parry = 6+3+3+0-5=7, Need 14+, Max 6, Toughness 2+1 (Cew) = 3
v Pro Troops, d10 = 1, scratch damage

Dierdre Wound Test
Armour 9+3-1=11, Parry = 13 + 6 (Longsword) + 3 (Shield) + 0 (Heavy Armour) - 5 (Pro Troops) = 15, Toughness 4 + 1 (Blackhearts) + 1 (Cew) = 6
v Pro Troops, d10 = 7
Parry, 6+ = 7, 10, 10, 4, 12, 13, 10 = 6 pass, 1 fail

Noelene Wound Test
Armour 9+3-1=11, Parry = 10+6+3-5 = 14, Toughness 3 + 1 (Crew) = 4
v Pro Troops, d10 = 6
Parry 7+ = 10, 8, 13, 9, 3 = 4 pass, 2 fail

Battlezone 1 cleared - Lord's Flotilla subdued
Royal Navy losses 103
Clan Ruger losses 40
Character wounds - Monica Reynolds, Yvonne Dale, Veronica Collaer, Loris Randle (Incap)

Tranquility losses 368
Tranquility captured: 432
Character wounds - Thron (Incap), Naia


Battlezone 2: Right Wing v Dominic's Flotilla, Miranda's Flotilla

Loquacious fires artillery at Right Wing
Aim Penalty: -30 (base) - 6 (Both in motion) + 5 (Dedicated Crew) = 31
Need 32+
Weapon 1: 5d20 = 55, hit!
Tgt = 6, Wildhunt
Artillery WR: 5d20h3 = 21

Wildhunt Starboard, 21 v Hp9/14T = 1 Hp, now 8/9, no further effect
vs Crew 21 - 10 - 2d16h1 (15) = 6 / 2 = 3 * (0.6) = 1 / 2 (Type) = 0 / 154 = 154

Weapon 2: 5d20 = 66, hit!
Tgt = 1, Shadow
Artillery WR: 5d20h3 = 41

Shadow Starboard, 41 v Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, now 7/9, no further effect
vs Crew, 41 - 10 - 2d16h1 (7) = 24 / 2 = 12 * 0.6 = 7 / 2 (Type) = 3 / 152 = 149
Shadow >25% Total Casualties, -1 dice

VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 = 38, failed
VS Georgie Hulland prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 =46, success
Georgie WR: 5d20h2+d12= 48 - 5 (Corsair MR) = 44
Tgt = 6, Wildhunt

Wildhunt Starboard above, 44 v 9/14 = 3 Hp, now 5/9, Armour mod now d8, agility now 2/d10+d15
vs Crew, 44 - 5 - 2d16h1(16) = 23 / 2 (Ship) = 11 * 0.6 = 6 / 154 = 148

Wildhunt > 25% Total Casualties, -1 Dice, now 3

SS Candice Kettleblack prepares to sing Song of Shock on Right Wing
Need 30+, 3d20 = 42, success
Candice WR: 3d20h2+d8 = 39 - 5 (Corsair MR) = 34
Tgt = 7, Strongarm

Strongarm Starboard above, 34 v Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, now 3/9, Armour mod now d8, agility now 2d10+d0
vs Crew = 34 - 5 - d16 (2) = 27 / 2 (Ship) = 13 * 0.6 = 7 / 107 = 100

Strongarm 50% Casuatlies, -1 Dice, now 2

Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Thunderhymn on Selves
Cast 15+
Dominic 2d20 = 26, success, +d3, now d14
Natalie 2d20 = 23, success, +d2, now d16
Nick Lang 2d20 = 14, failed
Lawrence Hulland 2d20 = 22, success, +d3, now d14
Sonja Raleigh 2d20 = 10, failed
Patricia Frunkle 2d20 = 12, failed

MW Cassandra casts Torrent on Pride of Harper
Cast 30+, 4d20 = 33, success
Cassandra WR: 3d20h2 + d8 = 17
v facing Bow

Pride of Harper Bow, 17+15 (Torrent Penetration) = 32 v Hp8/T12 = 2 Hp, now 6/8, 25%, may not ram, speed/agility at 2d10+d0
vs Crew, 17 - (5-15=0) = 12 / 2 (Ship) = 6 * 0.4 = 2 / 80 = 78

Right Wing and Miranda's Flotilla exchange fire
RW WR: 4d20h3 = 53
Miranda WR: 5d20h3 = 52
Miranda Ch WR: d13 (Paula) = 6
Paula Mod: 4, Tgt = 2, Wicked Eyes, 4 / 149 = 145

RW by 1!
Miranda Flotilla Cohesion Rolls, 45+ => 93, 8, 91, 5, 89, 11, 45, 90 = 5 pass, 3 fail (Arrowhead, Lanternbearer, Sunder)
RW Mod: 52 - 10 - 2d16h1 (12) = 30 / 2 (Ship) = 15 * 8 (Shooters) = 120 * (4/7) = 68 / 582 = 514 (17 per) (Quickblade > 25%, -1 Dice, now 3 Dice)
RW Mod: 52 - 10 - d16 (4) = 38 / 2 (Ship) = 19 * 8 (Shooters) = 152 * (2/7) = 43 / 277 = 234
RW Mod: 52 - 10 - d8 (4) = 38 / 2 (Ship) = 19 * 8 (Shooters) = 152 * (1/7) = 21 / 107 = 86, Strongarm > 50%, -1 Dice, now 1 Dice
All Ships > 10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll 45+ => 74, 1, 90, 17, 91, 75, 24 = 4 pass, 3 fail, -3 Dice (Wicked Eyes, Quickblade, Strongarm)

Miranda Mod: 53 - 10 - 2d12 (5) = 41 / 2 (Ship) = 20 * 7 (Shooters) = 140 / 788 = 648 (17.5per)
All Ships > 10% Casualties, Cohesion Roll 45+ => 14, 98, 37, 21, 4, 18, 72, 98 = 5 fail, 3 pass (Windthief, Wavehopper, Lanternbearer, Holly, Sunder, Trusted)

Sunder has 2 dice left, turning away from battle, Lanternbearer and Trusted have 3 dice left, turning aside from battle

Sunder replaced by Arrowhead in ramming attack

Strongarm has 0 dice left, surrendering! Wicked Eyes has 1 dice left, surrendering!

Dominic's Flotilla and Miranda's Flotilla launches Ramming Attacks against Right Wing
Tellar Ascendent attempts to ram, Tgt = Hardnut
Ram - 4d10+d12+15 (Advantage) = 36

Evade - 3d10+d15 = 26
Ramming failed, escape failed, move to boarding
Hardnut Morale: d100 + 110 - 20 (Dice) - 30 (30%) - 20 (Peers Surrender) - 10 (Flanks Insecure) - 20 (No escape) = 37, ship's crew shattered!
Hardnut surrenders!

Pitch Perfect attempts to ram, Tgt = Lightning
Ram - 4d10+d12+15+d4 (Patricia) = 47

Evade - 2d10+d0 = 15
Ram successful!
Pitch Perfect WR: 6d20h4+d12 = 59

Starboard 59 v Hp9/14T = 4 Hp, now 1/9, +11 Flooding/turn!
Flooding now at 50, >75%. Irrecoverable flooding, Lightning is Sinking!
vs Crew, 59 - 10 = 49 / 2 (Ship) = 24 * 0.6 = 14 / 2 (Type) = 7 / 163 = 156

Arrowhead attempts to ram, Tgt = Immortal
Ram - 4d10+d16+15+d9 (Charlotte) = 50

Evade - 3d10+d15+d4 (Beria) = 21
Ram successful!
Arrowhead WR: 6d20h4+d16 = 52

52 v Hp9/14T = 3 Hp, now 6/9, +6 Flooding/turn!
vs Crew, 52 - 10 = 42 / 2 (Ship) = 21 * 0.6 = 12 / 2 (Type) = 6 / 115 = 109
Immortal [Peers Surrender, Rammed, No Escape, > 25% Casualties], Immortal surrenders!

Sea Shanty attempts to ram, Tgt = Wildhunt
Ram - 4d10+d12+15+d9 (Arnold) = 42

Evade - 2d10+d15 =18
Ram successful!
Sea Shanty WR: 6d20h4+d12 = 60
60 v Hp9/14T = 4 Hp, now 5/9, +7 Flooding/turn!
vs Crew 60 - 10 = 50 / 2 = 25 * 0.6 = 15 / 2 = 7 / 131 = 124
Wildhunt [Peers Surrender, Rammed, No Escape, 25% Casualties] Wildhunt surrenders!

Holly attempts to ram, Tgt = Strongarm
Aborted due to surrender!

Tideracer attempts to ram, Tgt = Wicked Eyes
Aborted due to surrender!

Windthief attempts to ram, Tgt = Shadow
Ram - 4d10+d16+15+d8(Miranda) = 64

Evade - 2d10+d15+d12 (Cassandra) =23
Ram successful!
Windthief WR: 6d20h4+d16 = 65

65 v Hp9/T14 = 4 Hp, now 5/9, +7 Flooding/turn!
vs Crew, 65 - 10 = 55 / 2 (Ship) = 27 * 0.6 = 16 / 2 (Type) = 8 / 132 = 124

Shadow has surrendered!

Song of the Sea attempts to ram, Tgt = Quickblade
Ram - 4d10+d12+15 (Advantage) = 42

Evade - 2d10+d15+d5(Petra) = 31
Ram failed, escape failed, close to boarding
Quickblade [Peers Surrender, No Escape, >25% Casualties, < 3 Dice], Quickblade surrenders!

Battlezone 2 Cleared - Right Wing subdued

House Tellar - 115
Clan Ruger - 152

Characters - nil

Tranquility - 588
Captured - 1,012

Characters - nil


Battlezone 3: Alice's Flotilla v Right Line, Left Line, Reserve

Alice's Flotilla exchanges fire with Left Line (Reserves caught in the way)
Alice WR: 5d20h3+5 = 53
Alice Ch WR: d9 (Elisabeth), d12 (Amor), d8 (Amy), d13 (Veran) = 9, 2, 8, 10
Elisabeth Mod: 6, Tgt = 4, Warrior # 10
Amor Mod: 1, Tgt = 4, Warrior # 10
Amy Mod: 5, Tgt = 6, Warrior # 12
Veran Mod: 7, Tgt = 4, Warrior # 10

LL WR: 4d20h3 = 34
Alice by 19!
LL Cohesion Roll, 50+ => 18, 24, 93, 87, 53, 77 = 2 fail, 4 pass
LL Mod: 53 - 10 - 2d12h1 (11) = 32 / 2 (Ship) = 16 * 4 (Shooters) = 64 / 981 = 917 (12.8p)

Alice Mod: 34 - (10+5 (Bow v Med)=15) - 2d16h1 (11) = 8 / 2 (Ship) = 4 * 5 (Shooters) = 20 / 400 = 380 (5 per)
Overflow damage on Reserves
Reserves Mod: 53 - 10 - 2d10h1 - 10 = 33 / 4 (Ship and Crowding) = 8 * 4 (Shooters) = 32 / 400 = 368 (8 per)

Right Line fires on Miranda's Flotilla
RL WR: 4d20h3 = 44

Alice Mod: 44 - 15 - 2d16h1(13) = 16 / 2 (Ship) = 8 * 6 (Shooters) = 48 / 380 = 332 (12p)

Wound Tests required

Alice Ruger WT
Armour 12+3 (Bow) = 15, T3+1=4
v Militia, d8 = 6
Armour <= 15 = 19, 6, 6, 4, 4, 7 = 5 pass, 1 fail

Catherine Ruger WT
Armour 12+3 (Bow) = 15, T3+1=4
v Militia, d8 = 5
Armour <= 15 = 6, 5, 10, 1, 7 = 5 pass

Elisabeth Ruger WT
Armour 9+3 (Bow) = 15, T2+1=3
v Militia, d8 = 4
Armour <= 12 = 17, 11, 12, 11 = 3 pass, 1 fail

Ingrid Mallory WT
Armour 9+3 (Bow) = 15, T2+1=3
v Militia, d8 = 1, scratch damage

Amor Baille WT
Armour 9+3 (Bow) = 15, T4+1=5
v Militia, d8 = 3, scratch damage

Amy Ruger WT
Armour 9+3 (Bow) = 15, T2+1=3
v Militia, d8 = 6
Armour <= 12 = 10, 12, 3, 7, 19, 16 = 3 pass, 3 fail
3 hits v T2 = Amy Ruger is Wounded

Veran Kilrain WT
Armour 9+3 (Bow) = 15, T4+1=5
v Militia, d8 = 1, scratch damage

Reserves fire on Alice's Flotilla
RS WR: 3d20 = 28
Alice Mod: 28 - 15 - 2d16h1 (11) = 2 / 2 = 1 * 4 (Shooters) = 4 / 332 = 328

Alice's Flotilla halting pursuit, Alice casualty shocked by 18% Marine losses in a turn, plus a family member being wounded

Reserves coming about and retreating after seeing destruction of Right Wing

Warrior # 8 surrenders after being overtaken in the retreat (Speed 2d10+d0)

Left Line retreats to Nune Reef Harbour, 2 x Warrior regiments join defence

Right Line retreats to parts unknown
Reserves retreat to parts unknown

Ai's Flotilla, Dominic's Flotilla and Miranda's Flotilla entangled, pursuit impossible

Battlezone 3 Cleared - Forces disengage
Clan Ruger - 72
Tranquility - 219

Naval Battle of Nune Reef concludes - Sartier/Khironex Victory

Across the line the ships of Sartier and Khironex leapt forward with alacrity. Maintaining the bloodletting of missile and magic as they rowed, the ships closed with the enemy, picking targets that were trying in vain to turn and escape. With the pummelling that the magic had given them the Right Wing flotilla in particular was utterly helpless as the rams closed in. One after another the sharp crack and booming thunder of several tons of ship and manpower crashing into the timbers of the enemy echoed across the fleet. The overcommitted flotilla of corsairs was utterly put to the sword.

Some didn't even wait for the end, but threw down their weapons and hauled down their colours, too bloodied and battered to continue the battle. But some still dreamed of escape.

Evelyn drew her sword and held it aloft for the waiting marines. "Straight for the sorceress, captain. Ramming speed!"

The hail of arrows had finally let up, letting Royal Navy marines take a moment to pluck shafts out of their jerkins or gather up wounded comrades. Victory had been hit more lightly than the others though, as some in the flotilla could be seen to have notable gaps on their decks. Instead the pirates had turned their wrath on Harriet's newcomers, unleashing a savage hail that slew many as the enemy flotilla struck out even in its death throes.

An enemy Lord loomed large as the Victory surged forward. The rest of the battle would have to deal with itself for the time being; there was only one ship on Evelyn's mind.

"Brace yourself, Concerto," yelled the Captain of the Marines as the rowers reached their highest pitch. "It makes a bit of a noise as it goes in!"

"Ha, only if you do it right!" the noblewoman yelled back from her spot near the prow. Evelyn glanced around the safety of the timbers from behind her shield, catching sight of panicked pirates scrambling away from the oncoming hit even as oars desperately worked.

When the impact came it knocked her straight onto her backside, and tumbled even a number of the seasoned Royal Navy warriors. With a fierce cry, however, Evelyn was back on her feet and leading the way to the enemy deck...

...only to find naught but surrendering pirates. Blood and bodies were everywhere, some in states that barely resembled the humans they had once been. High-end songweaving had smashed the ship from prow to stern, and the effects were gruesome.

The ship's master, the Lady Sorceress who named herself as Lorelei, surrendered her axe and bow to Evelyn and Rita. She asked with a distant, hollow voice if they were the casters who had so savaged her ship in the last exchange, and when they confirmed it, she bowed her head.

"Then I have met a better," she said. "I did not think it possible in the ranks of the Sartierans. Perhaps they should give your magic more thought in the courts of the Sage of Heaven?" A bitter looks twisted her features briefly. "I know they definitely should in Solemn Bay. A quarter of my crew are dead, and that again wounded." The bitterness left her features and she just shook her head like a lost soul.

When Evelyn was able to get sight of the rest of the battle again, it was already over. The pirates had been too badly battered by several rounds of magic and shot, and then suffering the attentions of over twice their number, plus a magical advantage they couldn't hope to match left them unable to stand up in the clash of decks, normally a speciality of Tranquillity. All of the elite ships were captured, bar the luckless Lightning which was sunk.

It was far from a bloodless victory of course, and the thought of how close she came to losing so priceless an asset as Monica Reynolds on her watch terrified Evelyn. Beyond that, when the ships came together it was clear that over a hundred were dead, and more than twice that wounded. But all ships beyond the Pride of Harper were still in fighting trim, ready for the next phase.

After all, the reason for the battle, the new island fortification of Nune Reef still waited for them, the half-finished keep rising up above the waters, a clear target. But no matter. Three thousand soldiers were ready to land and put paid to the stronghold. As Evelyn met with her fellow nobles and officers on the blood-stained decks of the Victory, with the transports coming up fast, she prepared to put the next phase of her plan into action.

Allied Fleet: 482

Royal Navy: 103
(20+4d6 - 5 (Mostly Ranged)) = 30
(2d6-4) = 6
31 KIA, 72 WIA (6 crippled)

Dominic's Flotilla: 115
(20+4d6-5) = 26
(2d6-2) = 1
30 KIA, 85 WIA (1 crippled)
(11 Memphrabi included above - 3 KIA, 8 WIA)

Miranda's Flotilla: 152
(20+4d6-5) = 27
(2d6-2) = 4
41 KIA, 111 WIA (6 crippled)

Alice's Flotilla: 72
(20+4d6-5) = 28
(2d6-4) = 5
20 KIA, 52 WIA (4 crippled)

Harriet's Flotilla: 40
(20+4d6-5) = 32
(2d6-2) = 1
13 KIA, 27 WIA

Total Fleet, 135 Killed in Action, 347 Wounded (17 crippled)
[4.4% KIA, 11% WIA for Marines, 2.2% KIA, 5.6% WIA for whole fleet]

Total Royal Navy, 31 Killed in Action, 72 Wounded (6 crippled)
Total House Tellar, 30 Killed in Action, 85 Wounded (1 crippled)
[Total Sartier, 61 Killed in Action, 157 Wounded (7 crippled)]
Total Clan Ruger, 74 Killed in Action, 190 Wounded (10 crippled)

Characters: Wounded: Monica Reynolds, Veronica Collaer, Amy Ruger, Yvonne Dale - Incapacitated: Loris Randle

Ships: Damaged - Ironsides (very minor); Pride of Harper (moderate, 100g repair)

Tranquillity Fleet: 1,171

Lord's Flotilla: 368
Right Wing: 588
Right Line: 96
Left Line: 89
Reserves: 32

(20+4d6+5 (Tier 3 Magic)) = 43
(2d6) = 7
505 Killed in Action, 668 Wounded (82 crippled)

Captured - 1,655
Unwounded Captured - 693
Captured Casualties - 962 (414 KIA, 548 WIA)
Escaped Casualties - 91 KIA, 120 WIA

Characters: Wounded: Cassandra, Naia - Incap: Horland, Mashar, Thron
Captured - 3 Pirate Lords (Dierdre, Lorelei, Cassandra), 3 Pirate Witches (Naia, Oliana, Horland), 5 Pirate Heroes (Noelene, Thron, Coria, Petra, Beria)

Ships - 1 Corsair Sunk, 4 Lords Captured, 7 Corsairs Captured, 1 Warrior Captured
Hulks will be beached at Nune Reef Harbour post-land battle for evaluation and assignment between Royal Navy, Great House Tellar and Clan Ruger.
Last edited:
Ai's Flotilla turns to port, redeploying on left diagonal.. Starboard flank now shown to enemy.
Evelyn attempts to sing Ripsong on Ai's Flotilla
Need 50+, 8d20 = 101, success
Flotilla gain +d10 to Speed/Agility

SW Oliana and SW Naia combine to cast Whirlpool on Ai's Flotilla
Need 30+, (3+2)d20 = 74, success
Ai's Flotilla approach roll reduced by (8+5=13 / 2 = 6)

Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d6(Evelyn) + d10 (Ripsong) - 5 (Under Fire) - 6 (Whirlpool) = 45
Ai's Flotilla successful move

Lord's Flotilla approach to Close and Board with Ai's Flotilla not directly countered
Ai's flotilla advances into position
Advance to Range 2
In the presence of good rolls, any plan can work. :3 (I, uh, may have forgotten about enemy sea witch casting. Whew.)

Harriet's Flotilla advances to battle line, port and ahead
SW Veronica Collaer casts Rising Tide on Harriet's Flotilla
Need 25+, 3d20 = 22, failed, Backlash!
25 / 3 = 8 hits - 3 (Sea Witch) = 5 hits
Toughness 2, Casting Dice 3, use C for Toughness
MR 8, Need 13+ = 16, 20, 18, 4, 8 = 3 pass, 2 fail
3 hit v T3, Veronica Collaer is Wounded!

Harriet - 3d10+d8+d10 (Harriet) + d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Fleet Carryover Advantage) + 5 (Reserve Advancing to Battlefront) = 41
Harriet's Flotilla joins the battle line
Sea Witches just gonna do Sea Witch things, which is apparently backlash when inconvenient. One of the other advantages of Songweaving to not do that.

Rita prepares to sing Symphony of Typhoon on Lord's Flotilla
Need 55+, 9d20 = 114
Rita WR: 9d20h2+d17 = 41 - 10 (Lord MR) = 31

Lords Flotilla, All Sides, All Ships, 31 v Hp10/14T = 2 Hp
Bliss now 8/10hp, all sides above water
Golden Hand now 8/10hp, all sides above water
Whisper now 5/10hp, all sides above water, armour mod now d9, unable to turn, flooding now 4pt
November Circle now 8/10hp all sides above water
vs Crew, 31 - 5 (Half Armour) - 2d18h1 (10) = 16 / 2 (Ship) = 8 * 1 (Localisation) * 3 (Targets) = 24 / 533 = 509 (Bliss, Golden Hand, November Circle) (8 per)
vs Crew, 31 - 5 (Half Armour) - d18 (12) = 14 / 2 (Ship) = 7 * 1 (Localisation) * 1 (Target) = 7 / 153 = 146
Whisper > 25% total losses, -1 Dice
Yaaaay, now in range for the shotgun. Kinda mediocre wound roll, though.

Thron WT
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, T2, MR 5+6 = 11
Need 10+ = 8, 14, 5, 6 = 1 pass, 3 fail
Armour = 9, 16, 13 = 3 fail
3 hits v T2, Thron is Incapacitated

NS Yvonne Dale prepares to sing Wavesong on Lord's Flotilla
Need 40+, 5d20 = 42, success
WR: 3d20h2 + d12 = 44 - 10 (Lord MR) = 34

Random Target = 3, Whisper
Whisper starboard above, 34 v Hp10/(14/2 (Wavesong) = 7)T = 4 Hp, now 1/10 Hp
Damage > 75%, unable to row on starboard side, Whisper is dead in the water
vs Crew, 34 - (10/2=5) - d18 (11) = 18 / 2 = 9 * (0.6 Local) = 5 / 146 = 141

Yvonne Wound Test
Armour 9+3 = 12, T2
v Pro Troops, d10 = 5
Armour = 12, 12, 8, 11, 19 = 3 pass, 2 fail
2 hits v T2, Yvonne Dale is Wounded!
C19 => C12, 12+3+2 = d6, T2=>T2
Not so nice!

Cassandra casts Torrent on Pride of Harper
Need 30+, 4d20 = 59, success
WR: 3d20h2+d8 = 38 - 5 (Oboe MR) = 33
Side, d3 = 3, Port

Pride of Harper, Port, 33+15 (Torrent Penetration)=48 v Hp8/12T = 4Hp, now 4/8 Hp, 50% sides damage, armour mod reduced to d12, speed/agility reduced to 2d10+d12
vs Crew, 33 - (10/2=5-15=0) = 33 / 2 Ship = 16 * (0.6) = 9 / 89 = 80
> 10% Marine Casualties, Wound Tests required of Dominic Rios, Natalie Tellar, 5 attacks

Dominic Rios Wound Test
Armour 9+3-9(Torrent)=3, T3 or C2=T3+1 (House Rios Lifeguards) + 1 (Crew) = T5, MR = 5 (Base) + 6 (Magic Bonus) + 6 (Children of the Song) = 17, Max 15
Resist, Need 6+ = 10, 10, 7, 18, 13 = 5 pass, 0 fail, no damage

Natalie Tellar Wound Test
Armour 9+3-9 = 3, T4 or C2 = T4+1 (Spellknight Lifeguards) + 1 (Crew) = T6, MR = 5 (Base) + 5 (MB) + 6 (CotS) = 16, Max 15
Insufficient hits
That is a surprisingly big spell.

VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 = 63
Miranda Tgt = 5, Immortal, Side d3 = 1, Bow
Miranda WR: 5d20h2+d11 = 36 - 5 = 31

Immortal, 31 v Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, now 7/9 Hp
vs Crew = 31 - (10/2=5) = 26 / 2 = 13 * (0.4 Local) = 5 / 171 = 166
Didn't notice it last turn, but interesting to see her being useful here. Hopefully(?) the investigation correctly doesn't find anything on her?
Miranda's Flotilla fires upon RW
MF WR: 5d20h3 = 49
MF Ch WR: d13 (Paula Thistle) = 9

RW Mod: 49 - 10 - 5 - 2d16h1 (12) = 22 / 2 = 11 * 8 (Shooters) = 88 * (5/7) = 62 / 802 = 740 (12.4per)
RW Mod: 49 - 15 - d16 (8) = 26 / 2 = 13 * 8 (Shooters) = 104 * (2/7) = 29 (14.5per)

Paula Mod: 9 - (9 * (6/20)) = 7
MF Ch Tgt: 7, Strongarm

Wicked Eyes > 25% Total Casualties, -1 Dice

Cassandra [7 Dread, Heavy Losses], Right Wing is breaking away from the combat

Strongarm falling behind
Uhuh, no you don't, we're gonna chase you~ Totally worth focus firing to help convince them to run this turn.

Right Line fires on Miranda's Flotilla
RL WR: 4d20h3 = 31

Miranda Mod: 31 - 10 (Armour) - 5 (Bow v Md) - 2d12h1 (12) = 4 / 2 (Ship) = 2 * 6 (Shooters) = 12 / 800 = 788
Miranda Ignoring Fire, Disruption Cohesion Roll, 45-10=35+=> 98 ; 39 ; 83 ; 58 ; 89 ; 34 ; 14 ; 6 = 5 pass, 3 fail, -3 dice
Yeah, ignoring fire penalty isn't great, but still worth IMO.

Mashar Wound Roll
Armour 12, T3+1 = T4
v Pro, d10 = 10
Armour Save = 17 ; 16 ; 13 ; 13 ; 7 ; 4 ; 9 ; 9 ; 18 ; 11 = 5 pass, 5 fail
5 hits v T4, Mashar is Incapacitated!

Ai's Flotilla approach to ramming attack on Lord's Flotilla
SW Oliana and SW Naia combine to cast Whirlpool on Ai's Flotilla
Need 30+, (3+2)d20 = 58, success
Ai's Flotilla approach roll reduced by (8+5=13 / 2 = 6)

Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d6(Evelyn) + 10 (Side-on Attack!) - 6 (Whirlpool) +10 (Opponent Turning About) = 58
Ai's Flotilla successful move

Lord's Flotilla coming about to Disengage, Need 30+
LF - 5d10+d15+d11 (Lorelei)+d5(Dierdre) - 10 (Mid-Battle Disengage) - 5 (2 Flanks) = 32, turn success

Ai's flotilla advances to Range 0, ramming attacks to follow
Ai exceeded by more than half again, +10 to Ramming attacks
Nice bonus! You guys tried with your spells but good dice prevail. :3

MSW Charlotte Elain casts Wave Master on Right Wing
Need 35+, 4d20 = 44, success
Right Wing -10 to approach roll
MSW Michel Loam casts Wave Master on Right Wing
Need 35+, 4d20 = 46, success
Right Wing -10 to approach roll

Right Wing attempting to come about to disengage, Need 30+
Rw - 5d10+d15+d12(Cassandra)+d5(Dierdre)-10(Mid-Battle Disengage)-20 (Wave Master) = 23, failed, +23 to next attempt to come about

Dominic's Flotilla approach to Ramming with Right Wing
Dominic - 4d10+d12+d11 (Dominic)+d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Carryover Positioning Advantage) + 15 (Opponent Turning About) = 70
Exceeds by more than double, all individual attempts to ram gain +15 instead of +10

Collette Ruger attempts to cast Rising Tide on Miranda's Flotilla
Need 25+, 3d20 = 29, success
+re-roll to ship's component
Miranda's Flotilla ordered by Alice to approach to Ramming with Right Wing
Miranda - 4d10+2d16h1+d8 (Miranda)+d5(Alice) +5 (Flank Attack) + 5 (Carryover Positioning Advantage) + 10 (Opponent Turning About) - 6 = 49
Exceeds by more than double, all individual attempts to ram gain +15, instead of +5
Oh yeah, RW is about to get messed up by the rams.

Harriet's Flotilla maintain range 1 unopposed
As you indicated to us before, the Heavies don't have any inclination to board, much less ram, and so will just sit there and shoot.

Ironsides hangs back
*glances at Monica* I am 100% okay with this.

Evelyn attempts to sing Breakwatersong on November Circle
Ooooh, what does this do...

Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Thunderhymn on Selves
There we go, now it's your time to shine. We shepherded you all throughout this battle, now go mess them up. :D
Evelyn attempts to sing Breakwatersong on November Circle
Need 55+, 8d20 = 90, success
Evelyn WR: 8d20h3+d16 = 51 - 10 = 41

November Circle, Port, 41 v Hp10/(14/2=7)T = 5Hp, now 3/10, > 50% damage
vs Crew, 41 - (10/2=5) - 2d18h1 (17) = 19 / 2 = 9 * (0.6) = 5 / 152 = 147
November Circle > 25% Total Casualties, -1 dice
Difficult spell, but big damage. Single target facing, not sure if any special piercing power?
Lorelei Wound Test
Armour 12 / 2 = 6, Toughness 4 (Casting Dice 5) = T5, MR 5+9=14
Need 7+ = 7 ; 1 ; 1 ; 16 ; 7 ; 19 ; 7 ; 8 ; 18 = 7 pass, 2 fail
Armour, <= 6 = 5, 14 = 1 pass, 1 fail, -5 to Ritual, scratch damage, 104
Sheesh, what's it take to get anything through on her?
Lorelei continues ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno on Ai's Flotilla
Need 250, Have 104, 5d20 = 72 + 104 = 176 / 250
Pretty high roll from her there. Good thing we managed to close this turn to avoid any unpleasantness.

Ai's Flotilla fires on Lord's Flotilla
Ai WR: 5d20h3 + 5 = 40
Ai Ch WR: d13; d6 = 4, 4

LF Mod: 40 - 10 - 2d18h1(10) = 20 / 2 = 10 * 5 = 50 * (3/4) = 37 / 407 = 370 (12.3pt)
Whisper Mod: 40 - 10 - d9(2) = 28 / 2 = 14 * 5 = 70 * (1/4) = 17 / 105 = 88

Whisper [>50% casualties, No escape chance] Whisper has surrendered!
Poor guys. Surrendering without even getting boarded.

Harrower attempts to ram, Tgt = Bliss
Harrower: 5d10+d20+ d5 (Yvonne) +10 (Advantage) = 61

Bliss: 5d10+d15+d10 (Dierdre) = 44
Harrower engages in boarding on Bliss instead
Blue Hawk attempts to join boarding, need 35+
5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d10(Advantage) = 42, success, comes alongside Harrower
Just to state it explicitly if I understand it: In order to successfully ram, they need to be 1.5 times the enemy roll, so in order to realistically do this, they need to pick up modifiers from gimping their ships with damage, flanking, getting a good positional roll on the previous movement stages, and so on. Otherwise, if they still beat the evasion roll, they at least get to board.
Victory attempts to ram, Tgt = November Circle
Victory: 5d10+d20+d11(Evelyn) + 10 = 54

November Circle: 2d10+d15+d11 = 31
Exceeded by half again, ramming successful
Victory WR: 8d20h5+d20 = 74

November Circle Port below water, 74 v 14T = 5Hp, +7 flooding/turn, now +13 flooding/turn
vs Crew = 74 - 10 = 64 / 2 (Ship) = 32 * (0.6) = 19 / 2 (Type) = 9 / 108 = 99
November Circle has surrendered, Lorelei cancels ritual
Yaaaaaaaay, our ships will not be on fire. :3 What was the * 0.6 modifier on wounds after the Ship /2 for?

Ai Ritter challenges Dierdre to duel! Dierdre [Dread 7, Pirate Lord self-preservation] refuses!
*glances at stats* I'm not actually sure you really wanted that duel, Ai.
RN Morale Test: d100 + 125 (Base) - 30 (Chaos) - 20 (Dice) - 20 (20%) - 2 (Lost By) + 15 (Peer Enemy Surrendering) - 30 (Casualty Shock!) + 5 (Honour Guard) + 18 (Ai Martial) + 16 (Fleet Admiral Half-Martial) = 145, pass
Bliss Morale Test: d100 + 120 (Base) - 10 (Dice) - 30 (30%) + 2 (Won By) - 5 (Outnumbered) - 20 (Peers Routing) - 10 (Flanks Insecure) - 30 (Casualty Shock!) - 20 (No Escape) + 10 (Blackhearts) = 80, failed by 20, Bliss is retreating!
No escape route, Bliss surrenders!
I love see all the modifiers written out. =D
By the way, may want to find and replace throughout. Her name should be Deirdre.
Sunder has 2 dice left, turning away from battle, Lanternbearer and Trusted have 3 dice left, turning aside from battle
Pffft, weaksauce.
Strongarm has 0 dice left, surrendering! Wicked Eyes has 1 dice left, surrendering!
See, those guys kept fighting that long before running away!

A few color fixes in this section necessary:
Dominic's Flotilla and Miranda's Flotilla launches Ramming Attacks against Right Wing
Tellar Ascendent attempts to ram, Tgt = Hardnut
Ram - 4d10+d12+15 (Advantage) = 36
Evade - 3d10+d15 = 26
Ramming failed, escape failed, move to boarding

Hardnut Morale: d100 + 110 - 20 (Dice) - 30 (30%) - 20 (Peers Surrender) - 10 (Flanks Insecure) - 20 (No escape) = 37, ship's crew shattered!
Hardnut surrenders!
Evade should be in blue.
Pitch Perfect attempts to ram, Tgt = Lightning
Ram - 4d10+d12+15+d4 (Patricia) = 47
Evade - 2d10+d0 = 15
Ram successful!
Pitch Perfect WR: 6d20h4+d12 = 59
Starboard 59 v Hp9/14T = 4 Hp, now 1/9, +11 Flooding/turn!
Flooding now at 50, >75%. Irrecoverable flooding, Lightning is Sinking!
vs Crew, 59 - 10 = 49 / 2 (Ship) = 24 * 0.6 = 14 / 2 (Type) = 7 / 163 = 156
Evade in blue, Starboard, Flooding, Crew in blue.

Arrowhead attempts to ram, Tgt = Immortal
Ram - 4d10+d16+15+d9 (Charlotte) = 50
Evade - 3d10+d15+d4 (Beria) = 21
Ram successful!
Arrowhead WR: 6d20h4+d16 = 52
52 v Hp9/14T = 3 Hp, now 6/9, +6 Flooding/turn!
vs Crew, 52 - 10 = 42 / 2 (Ship) = 21 * 0.6 = 12 / 2 (Type) = 6 / 115 = 109

Immortal [Peers Surrender, Rammed, No Escape, > 25% Casualties], Immortal surrenders!
Evade, 52, vs crew, Immortal in blue.
Sea Shanty attempts to ram, Tgt = Wildhunt
Ram - 4d10+d12+15+d9 (Arnold) = 42
Evade - 2d10+d15 =18
Ram successful!

Sea Shanty WR: 6d20h4+d12 = 60
60 v Hp9/14T = 4 Hp, now 5/9, +7 Flooding/turn!
vs Crew 60 - 10 = 50 / 2 = 25 * 0.6 = 15 / 2 = 7 / 131 = 124

Wildhunt [Peers Surrender, Rammed, No Escape, 25% Casualties] Wildhunt surrenders!
Evade, 60, vs crew, Wildhunt in blue.

Song of the Sea attempts to ram, Tgt = Quickblade
Ram - 4d10+d12+15 (Advantage) = 42
Evade - 2d10+d15+d5(Petra) = 31
Ram failed, escape failed, close to boarding

Quickblade [Peers Surrender, No Escape, >25% Casualties, < 3 Dice], Quickblade surrenders!
Evade, Quickblade in blue.

Overflow damage on Reserves
Reserves Mod: 53 - 10 - 2d10h1 - 10 = 33 / 4 (Ship and Crowding) = 8 * 4 (Shooters) = 32 / 400 = 368 (8 per)
Ah, so there's the overcrowding penalty.

Alice's Flotilla halting pursuit, Alice casualty shocked by 18% Marine losses in a turn, plus a family member being wounded

Reserves coming about and retreating after seeing destruction of Right Wing
PFFFT. C'mon Alice, what're you doing. Well, I guess all the good mages and better shooters are on the other side of the fleet and you didn't really need to bring those guys to ground, but sheesh.

"Brace yourself, Concerto," yelled the Captain of the Marines as the rowers reached their highest pitch. "It makes a bit of a noise as it goes in!"

"Ha, only if you do it right!" the noblewoman yelled back from her spot near the prow. Evelyn glanced around the safety of the timbers from behind her shield, catching sight of panicked pirates scrambling away from the oncoming hit even as oars desperately worked.
The journeyman test of banter is to do so just before combat. (The mastery test is during, natch.)
When the impact came it knocked her straight onto her backside, and tumbled even a number of the seasoned Royal Navy warriors. With a fierce cry, however, Evelyn was back on her feet and leading the way to the enemy deck...
All right Evelyn, time to take some hea--

...only to find naught but surrendering pirates. Blood and bodies were everywhere, some in states that barely resembled the humans they had once been. High-end songweaving had smashed the ship from prow to stern, and the effects were gruesome.
--ds. Oh. Well, that's awkward.
The ship's master, the Lady Sorceress who named herself as Lorelei, surrendered her axe and bow to Evelyn and Rita. She asked with a distant, hollow voice if they were the casters who had so saved her ship in the last exchange, and when they confirmed it, she bowed her head.
savaged? Poor pirates :3
All of the elite ships were captured, bar the luckless Lightning which was sunk.

Alice's Flotilla: 72
(20+4d6-5) = 28
(2d6-4) = 5
20 KIA, 52 WIA (4 crippled)
*glances at other casualty numbers* I realize you took that mostly in one turn Alice, but c'mon, that's pretty weak.

Left Line retreats to Nune Reef Harbour, 2 x Warrior regiments join defence

Right Line retreats to parts unknown
Reserves retreat to parts unknown
Hmm. Don't care about a couple Warrior regiments that much. RL and Reserves may be more troubling if they decide to come back mid-ground action but all of our ships are mostly healthy enough that it shouldn't be a big deal.
Captured - 1,655
Unwounded Captured - 693
Captured Casualties - 962 (414 KIA, 548 WIA)
Escaped Casualties - 91 KIA, 120 WIA
...they escaped overboard? Or is this the casualties on the ships that got away?
Ships - 1 Corsair Sunk, 4 Lords Captured, 7 Corsairs Captured, 1 Warrior Captured
Hulks will be beached at Nune Reef Harbour post-land battle for evaluation and assignment between Royal Navy, Great House Tellar and Clan Ruger.
Tellar is totally gonna take one of those Lords for ourselves. :3
Just to state it explicitly if I understand it: In order to successfully ram, they need to be 1.5 times the enemy roll, so in order to realistically do this, they need to pick up modifiers from gimping their ships with damage, flanking, getting a good positional roll on the previous movement stages, and so on. Otherwise, if they still beat the evasion roll, they at least get to board.

Basically ramming is PRETTY hard, considering your need to be building up momentum and that takes distance, but your opponent can evade, and the better your angle for doing horrific damage to them, the easier it is to evade entirely.
Next on the hit parade, the castle assault. Currently putting together a post with the final scout report on the castle, defenders, and attacking plan options. Hopefully we can keep this going in a similar prep-mid-finale order and keep this from getting bogged down in battles forever and a day!

I'd like to think that, other than there being a lot of it, the combat system has been fairly transparent and clear to follow? Ideally at the end of this, magic, naval, and ground combat should be fairly understood to help people make informed decisions on turn posts.

Just to state it explicitly if I understand it: In order to successfully ram, they need to be 1.5 times the enemy roll, so in order to realistically do this, they need to pick up modifiers from gimping their ships with damage, flanking, getting a good positional roll on the previous movement stages, and so on. Otherwise, if they still beat the evasion roll, they at least get to board.
1.5x to ram, yes. It's not easy to ram nose to nose with an enemy who is still in full control of their ships, so you need to get things going in your favour before you can hit them. That's why approaches to ram incur an additional penalty on approach. Of course, even a failed roll still usually ends up with you getting into arm's reach of the enemy.

Normally these sorts of fights end up with a lot more boarding action, but the concentration of magic howitzers on the left shook things up. Elite Songweavers are not the sort of thing normally embarked, if only because Tellar is only belatedly turning to the sea. Even normal Naval and Veteran Naval Songweavers are a big part of why Royal Navy task forces are feared.
Difficult spell, but big damage. Single target facing, not sure if any special piercing power?
It's the big daddy version of Wavesong; a Song of Concussion that ignores half of the target's Toughness value, making it very handy for Lord and Corsair type ships.

Yaaaaaaaay, our ships will not be on fire. :3 What was the * 0.6 modifier on wounds after the Ship /2 for?
0.6 applies to casualties localised on a side, 0.4 applies to casualties localised on a bow/stern.

...they escaped overboard? Or is this the casualties on the ships that got away?
Casualties on the ships that got away, yes.
Normally these sorts of fights end up with a lot more boarding action, but the concentration of magic howitzers on the left shook things up. Elite Songweavers are not the sort of thing normally embarked, if only because Tellar is only belatedly turning to the sea. Even normal Naval and Veteran Naval Songweavers are a big part of why Royal Navy task forces are feared.
I don't know if you already planned to do it or not, but a post-mortem once everything is wrapped up would not be unwelcome.
Pretty good plan, @Spectrum! I think that worked out very well. We got all their heavies, including, I would guess, the majority of their leadership and witches.

So looking at it -

4/4 Lords Captured - Deirdre (captured), Lorelei (captured)
7/8 Corsairs Captured, 1 Sunk - Cassandra (wounded, captured)
1/12 Warriors Captured, 2 Retreat to NR, 9 Unaccounted For - Gordon (escaped)
0/4 Raiders Captured, 4 Unaccounted For

I think we can presume that Gordon's got control of the 9 Warriors and 4 Raiders.

For reference, Gordon:

Tranquility Line Leader
M 44
Martial Elite
Combat Great
Stewardship Fair
Diplomacy Fair
Intrigue Poor
Magic Bad
Chivalry 4
Smart; Sea Master; Sober; Kabilee Knight; Child of Kabilee; Spear-master; Veteran; Aged;

Ouch. Seriously, what's up with all these elite level martials?

As for who he's got -

Tranquility Warrior-type Trireme
Crew 200, Quality Militia, Axes & Bows
Mid-tier vessel, able to outfight a Flute, while as fast as an Oboe. Hull and armour equal to an Oboe.

Tranquility Raider-type Trireme
Crew 200, Quality Levy, Axes & Bows
Ship is of limited quality, similar to a standard Sartier Flute, notably inferior to an Oboe

Since we came off pretty lightly (ship wise), I think even with Ai's rather mediocre martial, our better ship quality and quantity should be enough to fend them off if they decide to come back.

Also captured:
3 Pirate Witches - Naia (wounded), Oliana, Horland (incapacitated)
5 Pirate Heroes - Noelene, Thron (incapacitated), Coria, Petra, Beria

Also, there's someone named Mashar on the incapacitated list but the character isn't listed under one of the categories. What's important about Mashar?
Well, you also get a lot of people who could have really known what they're doing, but they died on a raid gone wrong in bumfuck nowhere.

The school of hard knocks fails an awful lot of people, but graduates are highly prized.
Well, you also get a lot of people who could have really known what they're doing, but they died on a raid gone wrong in bumfuck nowhere.

The school of hard knocks fails an awful lot of people, but graduates are highly prized.
(You count among your Courtiers some of the finest warriors in Sartier, and making use of them will be a powerful weapon. Of course, naval battles are very risky business, and where would you be if promising court members are left floundering in a rammed ship? You need to decide how many to take with you to the coming battle.)
[ ] The Eager [Accepts volunteers, getting many of your young and hotheaded Courtiers]
Well, you also get a lot of people who could have really known what they're doing, but they died on a raid gone wrong in bumfuck nowhere.

The school of hard knocks fails an awful lot of people, but graduates are highly prized.
I'm not saying it's flawless, I'm saying it's not real surprising to me that the dreaded pirate nation people's officers are mostly really good at war when we're facing a serious base and not novice raiders yet to get real experience.
I'm not saying it's flawless, I'm saying it's not real surprising to me that the dreaded pirate nation people's officers are mostly really good at war when we're facing a serious base and not novice raiders yet to get real experience.
Yeah, Katreus didn't post their stats since they're probably not still a going concern, but for the Lord-type Triremes:
Tranquility Lord-type Trireme
Crew 200, Quality Professional, Axes, Longsword, Longbows
The pinnacle of what Tranquility can put in the water. Inferior to a Royal, but not by a comfortable margin. Innate magic resistance and boost for casters. Tough hull, good speed.
These are the ships of the mightiest, most ruthless Pirate Lords, which the Harbour Masters build only rarely. But you do not need many to be a tremendous danger. Its ram is superior to most ships, but still inferior to Royals or Bells.
You can expect the mightiest, most ruthless Pirate Lords to be rather good at this whole fighting thing. Well, I guess you can say that it goes hand in hand: We're attacking an actual pirate fortification, with Real Pirates deployed, who bring with them the best ships.
Since I've a couple of spare minutes I feel I should apologise to @Spectrum for my behaviour in this thread ~a month ago. I interpreted what he said as a slight, when I'm sure now that it wasn't meant that way. Spectrum, you have my apologies for my behaviour there.
By the by, sorry the next post is taking a little extra. I'm making some changes to the infrastructure of spreadsheets I have going in order to streamline battles for myself (@Macchiato lets me handle the battle related parts :V) in future, and doing a lot of extra profile rolling to flesh out some of the minors since they're providing your infantry here.
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Since I've a couple of spare minutes I feel I should apologise to Spectrum for my behaviour in this thread ~a month ago. I interpreted what he said as a slight, when I'm sure now that it wasn't meant that way. Spectrum, you have my apologies for my behaviour there.
Hey, it happens. We both care about the direction of the Quest and things can sometimes get heated in that sort of situation. Apology accepted, it's all water under the bridge.
Purely for the schadenfreude, double posting to draw attention to something funny that may not have gotten noticed:
Rita Hulland sings Orcasong at Right Wing
Need 60+, 9d20 = 90, success
Target Random = 3, Lightning
Rita WR: 9d20h3+d17 = 70

Lightning, Bow, Hit points 9/14Toughness v (70-5 MR = 65) = (65/4 Rounded Down) = 4Hp dmg, 5/9 Bow Hit Points left
Bow < 75% hp, +1 pt underway flooding/turn, unable to ram
vs Crew, 70 - 2d16h1 (7) - (10/2=5) - 5 = 53 / 2 (Ship) = 26 * .4 (Local) = 10 / 200 = 190
Rita sings Melodyspout on Right Wing
Need 70+, 9d20 = 73, success
Target Random = 3, Lightning
Rita WR: 9d20h3+d17 = 63
Melodyspout hits under waterline, all sides, full hit

Lightning all sides, Hp9/14T v (63 - 5 = 58) = 4 Hp, all sides 5/9
> 25% underwater damage, 7pt flooding /turn/side
Gain 28 pts flooding, now 30/63
vs Crew, 58 - d0 - (10/2=5) = 53 / 2 (Ship) = 26 * 1 (all sides) = 26 / 190 = 164
> 10% casualties, Cohesion Roll 45+ => 19, failed, -1 dice to Combat Dice Pool
Avoid Capsize Test roll (C9 - 3)+ on d20 => 6, passed

Lightning dropping out of formation, switching to emergency repairs
Pitch Perfect attempts to ram, Tgt = Lightning
Ram - 4d10+d12+15+d4 (Patricia) = 47

Evade - 2d10+d0 = 15
Ram successful!
Pitch Perfect WR: 6d20h4+d12 = 59

Starboard 59 v Hp9/14T = 4 Hp, now 1/9, +11 Flooding/turn!
Flooding now at 50, >75%. Irrecoverable flooding, Lightning is Sinking!
vs Crew, 59 - 10 = 49 / 2 (Ship) = 24 * 0.6 = 14 / 2 (Type) = 7 / 163 = 156
What this is showing is that Rita Hulland two-turned a Corsair all on her lonesome. After the second shot, she forced it to bail water for two turns and it was out of the fight after that. It managed to save itself and tried to turn for the dock but took on so much water that the successful ram was a deathblow.
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Quest - Turn 3 Assault on Tidespray Castle Pt 1
Sartier Landing Force, 3,200 strong, CO Symphony Antonia Tellar

Tellar's Army, 1,500 strong, CO Capriccio Luna Reynolds
- Brigade "TM", 1,000 strong, 12/2 CDP, CO Lea Tsu
-- House Morcombe Men-at-Arms, 500 strong, +1 CDP
---- Symphony Antonia Tellar (Tellar Lifeguards) VS, Lea Tsu CC, Don Hake* CC, Kira Ng* VS
-- House Reynolds Men-at-Arms, 500 strong, 500 strong, +1 CDP
---- Capriccio Luna Reynolds (Reynolds Lifeguards) SS, Lily Reynolds SS, Miriel Schoen* VS
- House Tsu Longbows, 500 strong, 5+2 CDP
---- Capriccio Jacqueline Tsu* (Tsu Lifeguards), Alto Violet Tsu (Tsu Lifeguards)

Capo's Army, 1,500 strong, CO Aria Alana Capo
- Brigade "CM", 1,000g strong, 12/2 CDP, CO Capriccio Art Thanh
-- House Capo Men-at-Arms, 500 strong, +1 CDP
---- Claire Yin SS, Capriccio Tay Northrop SS (Northrop Lifeguards)
-- House Thanh Men-at-Arms, 500 strong, +1 CDP
---- Art Thanh CC (Thanh Lifeguards)
- House Capo Longbows, 500 strong, +1 CDP
---- Aria Alana Capo SS (Capo Sanctum Knights), Amanda Capo VS

Dale Spellknights, 200 strong, 6+3 CDP CO Lana Antilles
---- Mezzo Lana Antilles (Dale Lifeguards), Capriccio Cassandra Mei (Mei Lifeguards), Capriccio Sarah Laine (Laine Lifeguards)

* = Joined from the Minor Houses (Hake is a Morcombe Courtier, Ng is the Morcombe Court Songweaver, Miriel Schoen is the Reynolds Court Songweaver, Jacquelin Tsu is the Marshall of House Tsu and Violet Tsu's mother)


Tellar Men-at-Arms
Medium Armoured Semi-Professionals with Spears, Axes, Shields
Traits: Children of the Song (+10 MR)
Cost: 5,250g

Tellar House Longbows
Light Armoured Semi-Professionals with Longbows, Swords, and Spellsword Training
Traits: Children of the Song, Spellswords (Tier 1 Spellsword Regiment)
Cost: 23,500g

Capo Men-at-Arms
Heavy Armoured Semi-Professionals with Spears, Longswords, Shields.
Traits: Shieldwall, Cautious (+5 Parry), Warded (+10 MR), Iron Hearts (+d3WR)
Cost: 10,500g

Capo House Longbows
Skirmish Armoured Semi-Professionals with Longbows and Swords
Traits: Warded, Ironhearts
Cost: 14,000g

Dale Spellknights
Super-heavy Armoured Elite with Spears, Longswords, Shields
Traits: Lords of War, Spellknights, Oath Bonds
Cost: n/a


Tellar Lifeguards, Capo Sanctum Knights
+1 Character Toughness, +1 CDP, +5 Morale, +5 Steadfast, +5 Armour Mod/Weapon Pen

Tellar Minor Lifeguards, Dale Minor Lifeguards, Capo Minor Lifeguards
+1 Character Toughness, +1 CDP, +5 Morale, +2 Steadfast, +2 Armour Mod/Weapon Pen

CDP - Combat Dice Pool; for a multi-regiment force, the final dice pool used is average of dice rounded up

There has been a change to the battle system whereby attached units like bodyguards that provide extra dice cannot push it past normal dice pool +1.

Tidespray Castle
Level 1 Castle [1 Keep, 2 Gates, 1 Set of Walls]
North Gate: Reef Gate; South Gate: Ram's Gate
Level 1 Harbour Fort [Weak Harbour Chain and Anchors, 1 Harbour Tower]
Castle Commander: Keep Master Raine
Harbour Fortress Commander: Dock Master Vaian

Green: Open ground
Gray: walls
Purple: Keep
Brown: gatehouses
Blue: harbor
Bright blue: harbor stronghold

Enemy Forces:
1 x Corsair Regiment (C Regiment), 500 strong
2 x Warrior Regiments (WW Brigade), 1,000 strong
2 x Warrior Regiments (WF Brigade), 1,000 strong

Keep Master Raine
Keep Master F27
Martial Great
Combat Elite
Stewardship Bad
Diplomacy Poor
Intrigue Good
Magic Poor
Piety Middling
Dread 1
Veteran; Axe-master; Sailor; Pirate Lord; Child of Tranquility; Smart;

Dock Master Vaian
Dock Master F25
Martial Fair
Combat Good
Stewardship Good
Diplomacy Poor
Intrigue Fair
Magic Bad
Piety Very Low
Dread 3
Veteran; Axe-master; Child of Memphrabi; Longbow-master; Cunning; Sober; Tutored; Pirate;

Note: Gatehouses, and walls all provide additional protection for defenders against missile fire, and +1 Combat Dice when attacking targets below, or defending the walls from a ladder assault.

Assault on Tidespray Castle, Part 1

Steel armour is a familiar and comfortable weight for Antonia Tellar. It is a weight she has carried since girlhood, when she set off with Luna and marauded her way around Sartier. Sure, the seaspray coming over the side of the transports is new, and the way the deck rocks and bobs beneath her would seem more at home in post-victory celebrations. But the feel of cold steel is the same. The butterflies in her chest are the same. The ranks of soldier crowding together, yeah, all that is old hat.

She rides with the men and women of House Morcombe, good standing troops. No nobles, but they are good yeomen and gentry, who tend prosperous farms, own businesses, who take on much of the cost of maintaining their gear. Only the very youngest among them haven't seen battle.

Antonia grunts and heads up to the prow of the ship. In her wake are the stony-faced knights of her Lifeguard, a select force that protects the leaders and heirs of the House. When she reaches the prow she looks out to the landing site ahead of her and sees...

(Pick One)
[ ] [LANDING] ... a dingy, half-built harbour, and slum-like settlement behind it, with the castle rising up behind it.
(Charge through the harbour, crushing the anchor points of the harbour chain with magic from Rita and Monica, and disgorge your troops on the docks. You will be under the arrowheads of a harbour keep, but it is only a small stronghold, and once you are in the city you will have cover from the fortress wall garrison. It will be a somewhat pell-mell advance, however, with limited coordination.)

[ ] [LANDING] ... a green field, gently sloping up to the tall earthen walls of Tidespray Castle, where you can see many small figures moving between the arrow shelters already.
(Gather up your forces safely and then advance on the southern gatehouse. You will have no non-magical cover from the walls, and will be landing under fire from the walls, but you will be able to organise and make your move in an orderly fashion.)

A look to port side reveals another galley, and for just a moment Antonia's eyes catch those of Luna. She stands, like Antonia, at the prow of the ship, a shield in her house's colours on her back.

"Once more for the road, you miserable old bastard," chuckles Antonia.

Luna looks back and sees her liege looking her way, and snaps off a salute. Which she then follows up with a vulgar gesture, held carefully on the far side of her body to the rest of the crew. Antonia snorts, and looks away. Luna can be such an ass. The Tellar Marshall looks off to starboard and sees...

(Pick One)
[ ] [CAPO] ... the rest of the Capo landing force, joining your assault wave, and the Dale Spellknights.
(All regiments will land in the place nominated above, to swamp one location)

[ ] [CAPO] ... the Flutes carrying the Spellknights of Dale, with Lana and two of her Minor House Marshalls behind her.
(Capo's force is landing on the opposite side of the island, at the site you did not pick above, in order to pincer the enemy. The Dale Spellknights will join the Tellar attack.)

[ ] [CAPO] ... the open ocean.
(Capo's force is landing on the opposite side of the island, at the site you did not pick above, in order to pincer the enemy. The Dale Spellknights will join the Capo attack.)

"We're about to reach arrow range, Symphonia," one of the Lifeguards interrupts.

"Hmph," grunts Antonia as she turns and walks down to the waiting Men-at-Arms of your Morcombe vassals.

"Nearly landing time, soldiers," bellows Antonia as she reaches their ranks. "The fleet has done their job. Now for the main show!" When she nears the first soldier, a middle-aged, hard-eyed man leaning on his spear, she grabs his breastplate, boiled leather over a gambeson, and jerks hard, testing the fastenings. Satisfied, she claps him on the arm and moves along.

"Let's cut to the quick," she continues, her voice carrying throughout the ship. "I have not asked you here to die for Tellar. I have asked you here to kill for Tellar." She takes the shield of a young yeoman. It's a broad, round device, of wood, rawhide, and steel banding. Antonia gives the green and brown liveried wood a sharp whack and listens for the sound. She passes the shield back and gets a grateful smile from the young woman.

"There are pirates by the bushel on that rotten island, and they need a lot of killing!" With a click of her fingers, a backup axe is passed to her. Careful not to cut herself, she inspects the edge, nodding approvingly. "I have been at this killing business for a long time. And I can say without a doubt that there are none so undeserving of their lives as the scum from Tranquility!"

The crowd is parting before her as she walks, and closing up behind her. She can hear the high voices of Songweavers in the distance, and winds picking up to answer their call, Whirlwinds to deflect the coming arrows.

"Fight like bastards, fight like villains," bellowed Antonia. "Do not stay your hand, do not hesitate! Strike down these wretches, for your sake and theirs!"

A ragged 'urrah erupts from the soldiers, spears pointed aloft. Antonia begins to move back towards the front of the boat, and collects her halberd from one of the Lifeguards as she goes by. Behind her voices begin to rise up, an old battle hymn sung by the forest-dwellers of Morcombe's commoners.

"I wish my niece hadn't taken both Rita and Monica," Antonia mutters to a trusted old bodyguard. Put 'em to good use, though. Rita nearly blew a corsair clear out of the water."

"You still have the Morcombe Court Songweaver," the knight replies. "You're no slouch yourself."

"Heh." Antonia shakes her head."Bit worried about the Capo contingent, I think they're a little light on for songweaving."

"They have heavy armour, so it doesn't matter so much," says the knight.

The Symphonia rolls her eyes. "Bah, well, as long as the Songweavers stick to..."

(Pick One)
[ ] [MAGIC] ... keeping those damned arrows off ... (Support focus)

[ ] [MAGIC] ... keeping those whoresgets off the wall ... (Attack focus)

"... then we should all be alright."

"As you say, sir," was all the knight says in reply.

[ ] Write in any additional orders

Movement off on the ever-nearing castle catches Antonia's eye. "Huh," she grunts, tilting her head. "They're running up a new commander's banner."

"Does it matter?" asks the bodyguard.

"Guess not, they'll get the same cure whoever it is," replies Antonia. She pauses, then adds, "Didn't that Nexi woman say something about only the Harbour Masters having anchors on their banners...?"
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[X] [LANDING] ... a dingy, half-built harbour, and slum-like settlement behind it, with the castle rising up behind it.
[X] [CAPO] ... the Flutes carrying the Spellknights of Dale, with Lana and two of her Minor House Marshalls behind her.
[X] [MAGIC] ... keeping those damned arrows off ... (Support focus)

Basically get in close with their arrows shut down by magic and then lean on unit quality.
eh if we land in the harbour we get some protection from arrows when we get closer anyways, so I would suggest going on the offensive if we land there.
Movement off on the ever-nearing castle catches Antonia's eye. "Huh," she grunts, tilting her head. "They're running up a new commander's banner."

"Does it matter?" asks the bodyguard.

"Guess not, they'll get the same cure whoever it is," replies Antonia. She pauses, then adds, "Didn't that Nexi woman say something about only the Harbour Masters having anchors on their banners...?"

Could be a good sign. The Harbor Master's martial is worse than the other commander. And Antonia's Martial is ridiculously good in comparison.

[X] [LANDING] ... a green field, gently sloping up to the tall earthen walls of Tidespray Castle, where you can see many small figures moving between the arrow shelters already.
[X] [CAPO] ... the Flutes carrying the Spellknights of Dale, with Lana and two of her Minor House Marshalls behind her.
[X] [MAGIC] ... keeping those damned arrows off ... (Support focus)

So, I think our longbows are better than Capo's, but their men at arms seem better than ours. Given that Tellar doesn't have as strong of a naval tradition whereas Capo is a Naval House - and one whose RTM gives Harbor Fort knowledge - they should be used to docks and harbor forts. Plus, we have the better songweavers so we should be better able to advance better under arrows.

So place our group where we can take advantage of Antonia's Martial and our better longbows. I placed the Spellknights with Tellar too because I'm not sure how good they'd be in close quarters fighting. Presumably, they're on horses too... But I'm open to placing them elsewhere.

@OneirosTheWriter When does the Fleet reinforce? That is, will Rita and Co. be showing up? We could do with a walking explosion to knock down the gates...
Enemy Forces:
1 x Corsair Regiment (C Regiment), 500 strong
2 x Warrior Regiments (WW Brigade), 1,000 strong
2 x Warrior Regiments (WF Brigade), 1,000 strong
For reference:
Tranquility Warrior-type Trireme
Crew 200, Quality Militia, Axes & Bows
Mid-tier vessel, able to outfight a Flute, while as fast as an Oboe. Hull and armour equal to an Oboe. An inferior ramming attack (not that you should ever take getting rammed lightly).
These form the bulk of any given Tranquility fleets.

Tranquility Corsair-type Trireme
Crew 200, Quality Semi-Professional, Axes, Sword, Bows
Higher tier vessel, a clear danger to Oboes, with a dangerous crew and a dangerous ship. Faster and better protected than an Oboe, with an equivalent ramming attack. Small innate magic resistance.
These form the anchor of most Tranquility fleets, typically between a tenth to a quarter of the number.

So place our group where we can take advantage of Antonia's Martial and our better longbows. I placed the Spellknights with Tellar too because I'm not sure how good they'd be in close quarters fighting. Presumably, they're on horses too... But I'm open to placing them elsewhere.
The Spellknights are dismounted. Ain't no fool taking horses on boats for a combat landing in this day and age.

@OneirosTheWriter Do longbows have an additional square of range compared to bows? What is bow range normally, and is either landing spot already within range for defenders on the gates? And do bows have Ammo or can they presumably fire for an extended battle without issue?

Real talk, though, do we have to make a contested landing right now? One of the plans already lets us blast things with Rita and Monica on the way in. Do they have anything that can match Elite Songweaver range if they use their longest range stuff only? Can we instead order to shell (so to speak) various targets for awhile before moving in? What is our final objective here, simply to crush the pirates (destroying forts wholesale okay) or was the intent of this mission to dislodge them and then repurpose this location (ideally with fort as intact as possible) for someone else to occupy?
edit, per the scouting report:
Note regarding ranges: every unit may move 1 "range" in a turn. Bows have a range of 2, longbows of 3. Song of Shock is range 1, Symphony of Tornado is range 3. Units are in melee when they move into range 0 (i.e., occupy the same grid space).
Didn't Rita have something with Range 4 also or is that solely on the water as ENS territory? Either way, Tornado would be Range 3 with Bows only getting Range 2. Could both she and Monica just use that for awhile and be free from reprisal?
edit2: Are Flutes big enough for embarked Archers to shoot from without penalty? Either way, would they benefit from ship armor bonuses? Would being arranged to shoot from them give penalties to disembarking?


I'm starting to envision a Clever Plan, pending answers to the above, will hold for now.
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[X] [LANDING] ... a green field, gently sloping up to the tall earthen walls of Tidespray Castle, where you can see many small figures moving between the arrow shelters already.
[X] [CAPO] ... the Flutes carrying the Spellknights of Dale, with Lana and two of her Minor House Marshalls behind her.
[X] [MAGIC] ... keeping those damned arrows off ... (Support focus)

Tentatively going with this.
Could be a good sign. The Harbor Master's martial is worse than the other commander. And Antonia's Martial is ridiculously good in comparison.
Different people - that line is saying someone new and unlisted is announcing themselves. And at the risk of sounding really confusing, Dock Master and Harbour Master are not interchangeable terms to Tranquility. The former is someone who handles the day-to-day of cargo management. The latter are the people who control and operate the shipyards.

Real talk, though, do we have to make a contested landing right now? One of the plans already lets us blast things with Rita and Monica on the way in. Do they have anything that can match Elite Songweaver range if they use their longest range stuff only?
Major reason is that your fleet is in disorder and will be for a considerable time as it processes over a thousand pirate prisoners, twelve prize ships, and hundreds of casualties. Only Alice's and Harriet's ships not entangled and are currently covering your transport galleys. But with ten ships escaped and unaccounted for, the soldiers on the ships want to get on dry land and off of their vulnerable transports. The other lesser reason is as below:

Didn't Rita have something with Range 4 also or is that solely on the water as ENS territory? Either way, Tornado would be Range 3 with Bows only getting Range 2. Could both she and Monica just use that for awhile and be free from reprisal?
edit2: Are Flutes big enough for embarked Archers to shoot from without penalty? Either way, would they benefit from ship armor bonuses? Would being arranged to shoot from them give penalties to disembarking?

Firing from elevation generates an additional point of range, so those in the towers or on the walls will hit out to range three (it's part of why they picked that island, so they could cover every part of the island from the castle).

The super-long range song (Orcasong) that Rita used is part of the Naval Songweaving, which for the time being is unable to be targeted at, or cast from, land (what you are targeting is small towers that are standing at the edge of the breakwaters to anchor a chain across the harbour mouth). Rita has some ideas for changing that in future with some additional Sea Witch research (that she would happily talk to people about at length), but for now you're looking at Symphony of Tornado at Range 3 (neither Rita nor Monica will cast Typhoon over a settlement; Rita's Dread 2 isn't enough to counter-act the fact it'd be wanton civilian slaughter and Monica is Chivalric). Now Antonia and Luna would fairly happily take the Dread hit for standing back and hitting the enemy rather than going in, but Lana and the Dale Spellknights are not here for being militarily expedient: she's hitting those castle gates whether the rest of the army is coming with her or no.

Also, the archers for those Flutes were left behind so they could ferry the Spellknights. They've basically been re-purposed from low-quality warships to (relatively) high-speed, armoured transports because no one fancied putting the flower of Arbalen chivalry on a transport galley.

What is our final objective here, simply to crush the pirates (destroying forts wholesale okay) or was the intent of this mission to dislodge them and then repurpose this location (ideally with fort as intact as possible) for someone else to occupy?

Primary objective is what you guys want it to be. At a minimum, both Sartier and Khironex have a vested interest in Nune Reef being shut down for piracy. Khironex wouldn't mind the idea of taking it over and repurposing it as a fortified way station for their trips to Sartier. None of the Sartier Houses are probably in a position to make use of it, but you may have reservations about letting another kingdom set up a fortress near at hand like that (Khironex would understand if Tellar just wants to sack the place, throw down the keep, smash the docks, and move on). At the end of the battle sequence there will be options for handling that part of the aftermath.