Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

Uh, well, the inner Court is clear, but their Military and outer Court aren't. I would hesitate to say just yet that they're yet cleared of significant infiltration.
Yeah, but now that we know the Inner Court is clear we can tell them about the Teuv and let them check their own military and outer court. Why waste the actions when we know the inner court is fine. We'll need to spend the actions cleaning up in courts where the inner court ins compromised (and therefore we can't tell them anything).
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Yeah, but now that we know the Inner Court is clear we can tell them about the Teuv and let them check their own military and outer court. Why waste the actions when we know the inner court is fine. We'll need to spend the actions cleaning up in courts where the inner court ins compromised (and therefore we can't tell them anything).
I would not necessarily take as given that the courts can handle their own problems by default. It seems like it was an open secret inside Carentan that Teuv is a problem, so they should have been taking actions this entire time. That things have gotten this bad indicate that whatever they've done on their own is insufficient. Because of that, just because an inner court is clear, I wouldn't necessarily try to move on immediately.

Again, triage. I understand what you're trying to drive at in terms of saving actions, but my starting end position is that we have to/should be prepared to effectively write off an entire Minor House or two when this thing kicks off--but in doing so be reasonably confident that every other House is clear and so the battle lines will be clear (itself a valuable and desirable state).
I would not necessarily take as given that the courts can handle their own problems by default. It seems like it was an open secret inside Carentan that Teuv is a problem, so they should have been taking actions this entire time. That things have gotten this bad indicate that whatever they've done on their own is insufficient. Because of that, just because an inner court is clear, I wouldn't necessarily try to move on immediately.
Honestly, given that Mei has been observed to have been the only House actively working against the Teuvians and they're, to all appearances, the least infiltrated house by far I'm inclined to believe they've got their affairs largely in order and let them handle the checks against Teuvian infiltration.
Again, triage. I understand what you're trying to drive at in terms of saving actions, but my starting end position is that we have to/should be prepared to effectively write off an entire Minor House or two when this thing kicks off--but in doing so be reasonably confident that every other House is clear and so the battle lines will be clear (itself a valuable and desirable state).
I agree. Being frank there's exactly three districts I care about having clean for the rebellion: Arbalen, Southmarch and Usone Bay (the two main population centres and the castle district). If we let some of the other districts slip slightly due to piss poor checking on the part of the Minor Houses, so be it.

When it comes down to it, we're going to have the resources of the entirety of Sartier on tap for when this rebellion starts. If we can confirm the loyalty of the Dale and Mei troops we'll have the Border Rorce, the Royal Army, House Dale and House Mei, which should be enough to hold out until we can bring troops in from Harper/Carrenten/Etela to crush the rebellion.
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About Harper
Part the Bronx, part Upper East Side, with a colouring and look of Ancient Cairo
Harbour/River Name: Barossa River
List of Fortifications: Great Barossa Citadel
List of Landmarks: The Flats (Warehousing/Merchant Area), Harper Markets, Seirnshaw (rich residence district), Linshaw (slum), Julinte Crook (poor district), South End (redlight), Songweaver's Guild
Brief: Harper is a river city with a tremendous population, and great inequality between rich and poor. River traffic and commuting is frequent, with the wealth living on one bank and then traveling to the other. The home of Melody Hall, greatest of the Songweaving guild headquarters. Despite the poverty of the west shore, it is a place of tremendous colour and energy.

Harper was filled with broad, shallow roofs, arranged on the east bank in large, well-ordered estates, and in sprawling masses of winding streets and clustered dwellings on the west. The mighty spires of the Songweaver's Guild rose up from the east bank, its bright colours and gleaming heights a beacon of hope to peasants across the river. The river docks constantly bustled with activity between, for all they were old and increasingly in disrepair. Women and men worked the docks, feeding goods to the market bazaars.

Much could be found in those bazaars. Despite not boasting the exotic wonders of the Etelan markets, the plenty of the Gambier markets or the sinister services that could be procured in the markets of Capo's Carentan, the breadth of what was available remained notable. All you would need could be found in these markets, under large, fraying shadecloths. Through the working day the merchants and craftsmen would head to their work, to the bazaar over the lunch hour, back to work, and then finally off to the public houses as the sun set.

Though the peasantry is poor, a culture thrived among the shaded overhangs and layers of stretched linen over laneways. Poets and street painters busied themselves on corners and in alleys, and theatre troupes plied their trade upon primitive sets. A lot of the sentiments were political, and the mood was not complimentary. Relations between Etela and Harper had been good before the usurpation of power, and none of the local peasantry felt particularly impressed to now live in the political centre of the island. Outright dissension was rare, though the city seethed beneath the feet of the noble class. If the height of the troubles can be survived, then time could heal much, and new prosperity even more, but for now there were dark tensions hidden beneath the poet and the pint.

Across the river the tremendous bulk of the Barossa Citadel sat in the centre of the east bank settlements. It was a mighty compound encircled by low, broad walls with crenellations and battlements. The raised mounds on which the buildings were formed were so old as to defy memory of their origin, whether man-made or natural. Successive generations of Tellar nobility had built up the Barossa Citadel to become what it was now, the second mightiest stronghold in all Sartier, only bowing to the Great West Citadel of Etela. Rings of smaller walls contained drill yards and barracks, and in the centre a sprawling estate that housed the family members of the Tellar, and in which the council met.

Around the Citadel is the Seirnshaw, the rich district for the estates of nobles, especially those not entitled to reside in the Citadel itself. There are many estates here, with surprisingly few walls. With the river between them and the peasants, and the heavy protection of the guards, the nobles and well-to-do sit comfortable in their security.

The Songweaving Guild meets in a building called Melody Hall, which is a gorgeous and colourful building, renowned throughout the land as one of the architectural marvels. It was arranged in an octagon-shape, with a spire at each vertex, and a great, vaulted hall in the middle. Many outbuildings surrounded the main hall. On the hall itself, ribbing in the form of wings and buttresses give the hall its distinctive shape. Architects from Memphrabi had much to do with the construction. This building is the headquarters for all of the Songweaving Guilds and academies in Sartier. All who would become an Elite Songweaver come to Melody Hall to learn the arts at the hands of an existing Elite Songweaver.

The Flats is the area just behind the dockyards on a sort of floodplain, which is the cause of a number of protective dykes built into the west bank. It is home to a large array of warehouses, factors and merchant concerns, places of business and trade. It is not the bazaar itself, which is further inland, but it is the "backstage" for that market. Four cobblestoned roads in varying levels of repair lead up out of the Flats into the rest of the city, the centre two of which lead up the slope into the centre, and through to the bazaar. The Bazaar of Harper is formed in two circular open areas, with permanent aisles set-up for traders and hawkers to set up their wares at, and shade cloth overhead to keep the sun off.

The poorest district in Harper is called Julinte Crook, which is on the west shore, near an inward river kink. It is a cluttered, cramped collection of many peasant abodes. However, despite the poverty here, traveling through the hovels of Harper is a bright and colourful trip, with ever present bright clothes hung between buildings, or used to add colour to walls.

South End, which as its name suggests is south of the main merchant area, is a red-light district, filled largely with fairly desperate boys and girls trying to earn money in a land where commoners don't get many breaks. Looked down on by nobles, even as they buy their services. Commoners are a little more accepting, but it still isn't well-regarded work, and they face the worst social stigma in Sartier, though notably Gambier and Dyelin are close behind, with Gambier being decidedly more dangerous to boot. Part of the problem is that the lack of wealth among the commoners means that for most the conditions are fairly bad because the money can't come in, apart from the ones that the nobles frequent, and not even those are that good for the workers themselves.

Co-QM Note: I just realised we never posted Harper's own city write-up. If you have Arbalen's and you have Etela's, then you ought to have this one too.
Comparisons: Part the Bronx, part Upper East Side
*thinks about Tellar's infrastructure and sociological issues*

Hey now, what are you trying to say here? :p
Harper was filled with broad, shallow roofs, arranged on the east bank in large, well-ordered estates, and in sprawling masses of winding streets and clustered dwellings on the west. The mighty spires of the Songweaver's Guild rose up from the east bank, its bright colours and gleaming heights a beacon of hope to peasants across the river.
Yes, yes, the bridge is important, we get it. ;X

Though uh some of the nobles may then finally decide to wall up, I guess? *laughs*
Quest - Turn 4 - The Royal Subject - Part 1
The Royal Subject - Pt 1

A hundred soldiers of the Etelan Guard present themselves along the dock as Pitch Perfect pulls up to the dock, all clad in their finest ceremonial garb. Hana is there, with one of the twins in tow. It's a much more ornate and formal reception that the one you came by the year before. The fact this jetty sits in the shadow of one of the harbour arrow towers doesn't escape you though. But then, which part of this harbour didn't sit in the shadow of a fortress? The whole place is a testament to architectural paranoia!

"Concerto Evelyn Tellar, welcome to Etela," says Hana as you disembark and walk up to the shore.

"Symphonia Hana Sonissimmo, I am in your care," you reply with as grave a look as you can muster. You want to impress that you aren't here on a pleasure cruise, after all.

You turn to the younger man next to her and finally identify which half of the twins he was. "And good to meet you again, too, Aria Ethan." So she hasn't given up on that. Interesting.

"I see you can still tell us apart," says Ethan with a grin.

"Of course!" you reply as if it was the easiest thing in the world and you hadn't been weighing it up until the last step.

After a few minutes of pleasantries, Hana leads you away to waiting carriages. Your servants and Lifeguards follow, along with the Sonissimmo retainers. Together the three of you disappear into the city. Right away you are watching the streets like a hawk, trying to gauge where you are heading. You are intrigued to see a lot of decorations beginning to go up, and an usual number of people hawking scarves. It twigs an old memory in you of your time in Etela.

In the heart of Etela is the great round bulk of Miriel Hill. The district around the hill forms the main public space of Etela. A colonnade rings the the hill like a crown of sapphire: the Milerean, ceremonial heart of the city. So many of the important civic buildings cluster around it. The University can be found there, as well as the songweaving academy, the greatest Library in Sartier, and many salons, baths, and public houses.

[Evelyn Diplomacy >= Elite]

Your thoughts turn to where Hana might be taking you and what it means.

A neutral approach would have been to take you to the Court straight away, an illustrious palace built in the broad courtyards of the second ring of the Great West Citadel. If Hana is looking to play hardball, she could set this meeting in the heart of the Citadel, and made you go through four mighty gatehouses before feting you on top of the main keep. A meeting at the Sonoria, the local Songweaving Hall, would have been a rebuff, a reminder to you that Sonissimmo has their own skills with magic and that they would not be bullied.

So when the carriage lets you out at the doorstep of one of the most exclusive salons in the city, your first few thoughts are trying to figure out what that means. Somewhere more comfortable, less formal, would mean that she is hoping to lean on your personal connection and negotiate in earnest.

Today will be only the first set of meetings in what will be a marathon of diplomacy. You have a position that starts at one point, they have a position that starts at another point, and you need to try and stretch those positions so that they bump into each other without breaking. It will take many meetings, both with Hana, her Council members, and with your own advisors that you brought along.

But first impressions count.

Your hosts usher you within and you take a moment to marvel at the beautiful artwork painted across the domed ceiling. Hana plays a very generous host, and Ethan is, as ever, the charming half of the twins.

There are no other patrons in the salon; it couldn't have been cheap to totally book out the House of Golden Bells, but, then, that's a drop in the bucket on the budget of a Great House. So you find yourself in the middle of a sea of empty seats and empty tables, with just you and Hana at the table. You ask Ethan to hold back for a moment and he obliges, leaving you, Hana, and a bevy of servants.

So basically just you and Hana.

"So...," says Hana at first.

You sip at a cup to buy a second for your thoughts, and decide it is best to attack. "Your letter said that this is Blake's doing," you reply.

Hana grimaces and nods. "I took on our land forces, including a permanent recruiting bureau. Blake handled the naval buildup."

"Why are you building up?"

Hana's lips quirk upward. "In case we have to fight you, obviously," replies Hana. Everything sounds reasonable in her beautifully refined voice. She makes an elegant little shrug and tosses her hand. "Or Capo. I mean, be serious. You're in bed with Lucas Capo."

You shiver visibly at the thought of the literal meaning. "Don't even joke about that." Sorry, Alana, but your dad is terrifying.

Hana snickers. "He's your ally, not ours. Anyway. We've had to worry that a war is a possibility."

"A war is more than a possibility. It's starting."

Shock ripples over Hana's face, giving you a moment of satisfaction for catching her out, then puts a pleasant smile on her face. "Rather curious of you to deliver yourself into our possession before saying so."

"Hana," you say admonishingly. You pick up the wine glass a servant places on the table and smile grimly. "Not us. Teuv."

Hana swears under her breath. Her whole countenance darkens as swiftly as a solar eclipse. A long silence follows while the cogs almost visibly turn in her head. "Is this the Capo problem we discussed last year?"

"More or less," you confirm. "Arbalen has hit the tipping point. Nothing will stop the collapse to a revolt now, I don't think, but we're doing our very best to make it happen on our terms."

Hana shakes her head at you. "What are you doing for them?"

"We have people on the ground there," you reply, and then give her a brief run-down of the situation.

"So this border force, was that a ploy?" asks Hana after a moment.

You hold up a hand defensively. "No, no, but I'll admit it's a relief to know there are clean forces close at hand." You glance about quickly. "It may make the difference between holding Arbalen and having to invade it from without."

Hana sighs. "You have people on the ground?"

"Yes, a team of agents, with the cooperation of the Mezzo."

"At least Capo is following through on the reason they backed you," says Hana. The Symphony grimaces and for several seconds you're regaled by the soiled silk sound of Hana swearing. "Stupid, stupid, stupid stuff."

"So I'd like to think we can both take violent action off of the table when we decide what to do about these Royals," you slyly slip in. "There are bigger matters for you to worry about than innocent old Tellar."

Hana drums her fingers on the table for a long time. "Lynnie, sometimes I really hate you."

"Pfft, no you don't."

"Tsk, you're so cocky," she replies. "Violent action is of course off the table. Blake may be many things, but he won't bring you to harm here. At the least, I've told him that if anything happens to you on this trip, no matter the apparent cause, I shall deliver him directly to Symphony Antonia."

"I suddenly feel safer than I have in years," you laugh.

"You'll be with us awhile, I'm sure, so let's not spend your first day in the city trying to solve every matter of state," dismisses Hana. "Mind if I bring Ethan back over?"

"You do know the idea of marrying him isn't very popular back in Harper?" you say as Hana waves at her brother.

"Ah, give him a chance," she says.

Ethan strolls up to the table with a bright smile and a cheerful voice. "Ah, sister, back to your attempts to pimp me out?"

"Ethan!" blurts Hana as she goes bright red and you laugh.

"The meat market of political marriages is unkind to those of us in the middle," you say. "I'm probably lucky that my esteemed father and mother are unable to agree enough to cooperate on finding me a match."

"And it's no doubt good to be the eldest," he replies as he sits down between you and Hana. "That said, it's good to have you back. Pity Blake is being such an ass, but he'll come around."

"Not as fast as his new ships can, I bet," you tease.

"Ah, those bloody ships," he replies. "Don't talk to me about those ships. As a House Justice, seeing my brother do that was annoying."

You snicker, then say, "Thankfully my own siblings aren't old enough to do anything too bad yet. But anyway, how is Court here these days?"

"Well, the usual gossip mongering grist in the main," says Ethan. "I have a cousin coming to terms with accidentally getting a lady with child, and of course my other cousin, Exchequer Connor the stewardship wizard, is still being chased by nearly every eligible girl and boy in town while he just plays the field."

"The last few months with Timbre have been all manner of exciting," says Hana dryly.

You laugh sympathetically. "So we heard."

"But the biggest thing is that all of Etela is gearing up for the Vittorioso," continues Ethan.

"The celebration of victory over Teuv? Oh, fuck, I forgot that was this time of year," you blurt, forgetting your sensibility for a moment.

"There's a big ball to kick off the week of celebration, starting three days from now," informs Hana. "You'll be going, surely?"

"Of course," you say. "Damn, I'll have a lot to organise to be ready in time."

Hana's lips twist slyly. "I can help you with a date at least, if you like. I may not be the queen of the social scene, but people don't baulk when the Symphony asks them to clear their dance card."

"I suppose that's one worry off my plate," you begin slowly.

"Who would you like me to ask for you? Maybe Ethan here?"she suggests in a teasing tone.

You carefully mull over the diplomacy behind the choice, and think to yourself...

(Pick One)
[ ] Ethan - 'Well, Ethan is a safe choice, and it will certainly start things off on a good foot with Hana.'
[ ] Raj - 'The Royal Admiral is single, if ten years my senior. It certainly shows that my eye is firmly placed on the Royal Navy during this trip.'
[ ] Connor - 'He was sharp as a spear tip when I was spending time here in my youth, and Connor Sonissimmo hasn't gotten any duller. Hana may throttle me if she thinks I'm trying to poach her Exchequer, though.'
[ ] A Generic Noble - 'Someone without Sonissimmo for a surname will show that there's some distance between us and them, and express some displeasure.'
[ ] Hana - 'Hey, we haven't raised hell in a while, and this is a safe choice without any particular signalling.'

"Okay, I'll see what I can do," says Hana.

"What did you have in mind to do until then?" asks Ethan.

A moment passes as you stop and consider. With only a couple days before the start of the celebration week, you only have room for one full day of work before you start to prepare. Where to go though? "Well, to be honest, I was thinking of starting off..."

(Pick One)
[ ] "... at the Royal Arsenal. Get them to give me the tour and find out what makes this place special." [Learn about the Arsenal, what goes into making Royals, how it fits together with the Navy and Sonissimmo]
[ ] " the Ambassador's Quarter, and meet a few of the dignitaries there. [Take some time to meet a few of the other kingdoms]
[ ] "... going to Balan Cloister and seeing if they'll dare try to keep me out. [Go see the Royal Navy and start throwing your weight around]
[ ] "... at Court, try to show people not all Tellars are evil." [Gauge the mood of the Court, start building some rapport]
[ ] "... spend some time relaxing before the Vittorioso. There'll be time enough for serious matters later." [Gauge the mood of the Etelan public to what is going on. ???]
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Hana snickers. "He's your ally, not ours. Anyway. We've had to worry that a war is a possibility."

"A war is more than a possibility. It's starting."

Shock ripples over Hana's face, giving you a moment of satisfaction for catching her out
Evelyn practicing her trollface the entire voyage over, I see.
[ ] "... at Court, try to show people not all Tellars are evil." [Gauge the mood of the Court,
Missing bracket/potential missing second benefit.

Connor tempts me as a choice for lulz, as does Hana.

@OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato How does the second choice interlock (if it does), with Evelyn's separate action this turn of "In the Navy"? Trying to establish if these choices will supercede/buff/debuff that action if it's still separate, if it got merged into this so we have to pick these if we want to continue what was selected, or if it's entirely separate so if we wanted to we could entirely ignore the RN and leave it back to straight rolls on the other action.
@OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato How does the second choice interlock (if it does), with Evelyn's separate action this turn of "In the Navy"? Trying to establish if these choices will supercede/buff/debuff that action if it's still separate, if it got merged into this so we have to pick these if we want to continue what was selected, or if it's entirely separate so if we wanted to we could entirely ignore the RN and leave it back to straight rolls on the other action.
All of Evelyn's actions in Etela are now merged together into the interludes.

Important to note that this is simply about where you start. Not picking Balan Cloister this time does not mean that you ignore the RN. After all, Evelyn is there for a few months, a day here or there isn't so important :V

Wow the speed on these uppdates are picking up.

Been trying to :D
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@OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato Speaking of which, any answer now as to how long Sonissimmo had been leading Symphony before?

[X] Hana - 'Hey, we haven't raised hell in a while, and this is a safe choice without any particular signalling.'

Hana kept things casual and personal. Figure this is safer than picking a 'business' choice.

[X] " the Ambassador's Quarter, and meet a few of the dignitaries there. [Take some time to meet a few of the other kingdoms]

Thinking of this for signaling purposes for all the ambassadors here just prior to the anti-Teuv celebration.
[X] Ethan - 'Well, Ethan is a safe choice, and it will certainly start things off on a good foot with Hana.'

[X] "... at the Royal Arsenal. Get them to give me the tour and find out what makes this place special." [Learn about the Arsenal, what goes into making Royals, how it fits together with the Navy and Sonissimmo]
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[X] Connor - 'He was sharp as a spear tip when I was spending time here in my youth, and Connor Sonissimmo hasn't gotten any duller. Hana may throttle me ifshe thinks I'm trying to poach her Exchequer, though.'

He sounds like an interesting conversation partner, and the one who most appeals given he can likely inform us on some of the topics from read the manual such as economics.

[X] " the Ambassador's Quarter, and meet a few of the dignitaries there. [Take some time to meet a few of the other kingdoms]

Evelyn is our diplomacy expert so we may as well take advantage of the political infrastructure and relationships Etela created while ruler of Sartier.
Haha, that was written before even Turn 1...

So, what you're saying is, you were planning to hint about the bridge before the quest started? :V

Today will be only the first set of meetings in what will be a marathon of diplomacy. You have a position that starts at one point, they have a position that starts at another point, and you need to try and stretch those positions so that they bump into each without breaking. It will take many meetings, both with Hana, her Council members, and with your own advisors that you brought along.

'bump into each other', fairly sure.

"You do know they idea of marrying him isn't very popular back in Harper?" you say as Hana waves at her brother.

the idea, not they idea.

[X] Raj - 'The Royal Admiral is single, if ten years my senior. It certainly shows that my eye is firmly placed on the Royal Navy during this trip.'
[X] "... at the Royal Arsenal. Get them to give me the tour and find out what makes this place special." [Learn about the Arsenal, what goes into making Royals, how it fits together with the Navy and Sonissimmo]
[X] Connor - 'He was sharp as a spear tip when I was spending time here in my youth, and Connor Sonissimmo hasn't gotten any duller. Hana may throttle me if she thinks I'm trying to poach her Exchequer, though.'

I confess, I'm picking this choice to troll Hana with.

[X] "... spend some time relaxing before the Vittorioso. There'll be time enough for serious matters later." [Gauge the mood of the Etelan public to what is going on. ???]

This choice is more serious though, taking some time out to gauge the mood of the Etelan public could be very useful (though I can guess what their opinions are). Also, mystery box is mystery box.
I've been doing some thinking about what each of these choices represent.
(Pick One)
[ ] Ethan - 'Well, Ethan is a safe choice, and it will certainly start things off on a good foot with Hana.'
Ethan Sonissimmo, House Justice
+ Makes Hana better inclined towards us (means negotiations might be easier)
+ Lets us get to know him (on the off chance we might actually be interested in marrying him)
+ Trolls Blake (who apparently caused this mess to derail the chance of an Evelyn-Ethan betrothal)
- Gets Hana's hopes up about the chances of Evelyn-Ethan

[ ] Raj - 'The Royal Admiral is single, if ten years my senior. It certainly shows that my eye is firmly placed on the Royal Navy during this trip.'
Raj, The Royal Admiral
+ Clear statement of intent
+ Should give us the chance to talk to him one on one and work our diplomacing magic/find out what the fuck he thought he was doing building Royals for Sonissimmo
- Relationships with an age difference of more than seven years is considered scandalous in Sartier (this isn't a relationship, but going as his date might be considered scandalous anyway)
- Laser focuses us onto the Royal Navy

[ ] Connor - 'He was sharp as a spear tip when I was spending time here in my youth, and Connor Sonissimmo hasn't gotten any duller. Hana may throttle me if she thinks I'm trying to poach her Exchequer, though.'
Connor Sonissimmo, House Exchequer
+ Good conversation
+ Chance of stealing a top-tier stewardship agent from Sonissimmo
- If we steal him from Sonissimmo we can say goodbye to getting anything else out of Hana
- Has a good chance of pissing Hana off

[ ] A Generic Noble - 'Someone without Sonissmmo for a surname will show that there's some distance between us and them, and express some displeasure.'
Someone who isn't a Sonissimmo
+ Says 'I am very unhappy with you' very aptly
- Sacrifices everything else to say 'I am very unhappy with you'.

[ ] Hana - 'Hey, we haven't raised hell in a while, and this is a safe choice without any particular signalling.'
Hana Sonissimmo, Sonissimmo Marshal
+ Hana is single isn't she...
- Doesn't really do anything

Based on those evaluations, I'm actually leaning towards Ethan. Its not like going on a date with him sets us up for anything major and it should make the negotiations easier.

Although, I am wondering what would happen if we turned to Hana and said that whilst we're not prepared to marry Ethan, we will marry Connor... I give it a 50/50 chance of blowing up in our faces.
Definitely something I don't want to do either, but if we tapped him as our Executive, she probably wouldn't be that angry.
On one hand having a top tier Executive might be worth the security risk. On the other hand, think of the security risk...

Then again, he's the 49 stewardship Exchequer isn't he? That +17 to all stewardship rolls is delicious. And the security risk would be to Sonissimmo, who we all know can't into intrigue anyway.

The lack of an intrigue bonus might hurt a bit though.
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On one hand having a top tier Executive might be worth the security risk. On the other hand, think of the security risk...

Then again, he's the 49 stewardship Exchequer isn't he? That +17 to all stewardship rolls is delicious. And the security risk would be to Sonissimmo, who we all know can't into intrigue anyway.

The lack of an intrigue bonus might hurt a bit though.
There is -probably- a +30 Bonus for being "Person in Charge of Intrigue of the target you're trying to deceive". ;X
- Relationships with an age difference of more than seven years is considered scandalous in Sartier (this isn't a relationship, but going as his date might be considered scandalous anyway)
The Sartieran taboo on age gap between people in a relationship is when you exceed ten years difference. Obviously, the more the gap, the more the scandal. A date isn't considered a scandalous thing in and of itself, but you're in the clear here anyway.

Overall Sartierans are not obsessed with young women as the be-all and end-all of beauty (and young men tend to do just as much peacocking, especially among the nobility), so there's little to no focus on "trading in for the younger model". Antonia doing what she did wrt Candice was very much against normal practice. For that matter, status and accomplishments count for a lot among both genders (as an example, Rita is 45 and doesn't have the attractive or beautiful trait, Audrey Suarez is 19 and has attractive, but because of her status as Tellar Court Songweaver, an Elite, and second strongest in Sartier after Monica, Rita has a lot more chance of making the 'come hither' work). Relationships and sexual politics in Sartier differ from western standards quite a lot, but it isn't something we've had much occasion to go into so far.
[X] "... spend some time relaxing before the Vittorioso. There'll be time enough for serious matters later." [Gauge the mood of the Etelan public to what is going on. ???]

I don't like any of the other options. They're either too aggressive and mono-focused (force our way in, Royal Arsenal) or too submissive to Etela and its advantages (court sucking up, using Etela's ambassador amenities to talk to ambassadors). I feel pretty strongly about that last actually. Ambassadors should come to us and us going to them - and not even in Harper but Etela - sets the wrong tone.

I'm hopeful we can start working off that elitist trait with this choice.

I'm not sure what to choose on the other one: Hana, Ethan, or Connor would be fine, I guess. Evelyn seems thoroughly uninterested in Ethan, and while I like Connor's apparent stewardship stat, I'm not sure the upside is worth potential trouble with Hana.
I don't like any of the other options. They're either too aggressive and mono-focused (force our way in, Royal Arsenal) or too submissive to Etela and its advantages (court sucking up, using Etela's ambassador amenities to talk to ambassadors). I feel pretty strongly about that last actually. Ambassadors should come to us and us going to them - and not even in Harper but Etela - sets the wrong tone.
That feels more than a little idealistic to me. How exactly do you want to go about letting foreign ambassadors know that you want them to come to Harper? We need/want to talk to them sooner or later. I don't even see any difference to this vs sending ambassadors or other people out to negotiate trade deals or conduct diplo talks (we have those options during the main turn also). The fact that they're all right here is a boon--during any talks with them we can then impress upon them how we'd love to host them in Harper as well and continue talks.
Evelyn seems thoroughly uninterested in Ethan

I'm just going to make a note here since this is something difficult to convey in text: both Evelyn and Ethan are, as children of Great Houses, fairly pragmatic about the idea of a political marriage. They're not the full extent of noble marriages, but they're common enough. Moreover, Evelyn in that passage is being careful about what signals she gives Hana because Elite Diplomacy means she is always mindful about how her signalling comes across. After all, if she does end up accepting the marriage, she wants to make it appear as arduous a decision as possible to Hana to extract maximum leverage from it, rather than, "Sure, it's no biggie."

Btw, since Evelyn knew these guys and has been back to Etela during the Naval Songweaving matters.

Ethan Sonissimo
Great House Sonissimmo Justice
Male, 24
Martial Poor
Combat Good
Stewardship Elite
Diplomacy Great
Intrigue Great
Magic Good
Piety Low
Chivalry 3

Aria; Just; Grasp of Numbers; Child of Sonissimmo; Tutored; Spear-master; Trained; Blooded; Songweaver; Familiar with Spies; Cunning; Nascent Statesman; Twin of Blake Sonissimmo; Charismatic; Calm; Confident;

Connor Sonissimmo
Great House Sonissimmo Exchequer
Male, 28
Martial Fair
Combat Poor
Stewardship Elite!!
Diplomacy Good
Intrigue Fair
Magic Fair
Piety Low
Chivalry 2

Bi; Wild Streak; Smart; Cunning; Tutored; Gift with Numbers; Noble; Child of Sonissimmo; Enthusiastic; Wealthy; Merchant; Nascent Statesman; Spear-master; Trained; Studious; Spellsword; Stubborn;

Raj Sonissimmo
Royal Admiral (Commander of the Royal Navy)
Male, 38
Martial Great
Combat Great
Stewardship Good
Diplomacy Good
Intrigue Fair
Magic Poor
Piety Mid-High
Chivalry 6

Lewd Streak; Smart; Cunning; Attractive; Child of Sonissimmo; Noble; Natural General; Charming; Spear-master; Longbow-master; Veteran; Tutored; Spellsword; Royal Marine; Sailor; Sea Lord; Zealous Atheist;