[X] Stand Off - Attempt to refuse boarding actions and keep to a magic and arrow approach. [Easier to react to changes in the battlefield, Alice expects to have the upper hand in the ranged duel, hard to prevent the enemy from beaching on the island base]
[X] The Victory [A Sartieran Royal]
[X] Offensive Focus [When given a choice between inflicting or mitigating damage, priority will be given to hit the enemy with attack songs, lesser Songweavers will pitch in for support roles]
[X] With the Royals [Puts her firepower at the point of attack, but it is a risky spot]
[X] With the Sartier Oboes [Helps anchor the line, similar speed, mandatory if Levar commands the Sartier Oboes]
[X] Retain them purely for the ground battle [Conscript Flutes from your Minor Houses and use them to carry the Knights alongside the transports, will land with first wave]
[X] The Ready [Naval battles are dangerous, but Courtiers are always useful, recruit those who are 20 and over, and Good combat and over, but more likely for a character to end up in over their head]
[X] Dominic Rios [Additional +10 to Flotilla Rolls coming to support another flotilla, bodyguarded by Natalie Tellar]
Battle plan laid in, now time for people to blow up into lyrical chunks.
5 Votes lodged, winning with 3 votes is:
[X] Stand Off - Attempt to refuse boarding actions and keep to a magic and arrow approach. [Easier to react to changes in the battlefield, Alice expects to have the upper hand in the ranged duel, hard to prevent the enemy from beaching on the island base]
[X] The Victory [A Sartieran Royal]
[X] Offensive Focus [When given a choice between inflicting or mitigating damage, priority will be given to hit the enemy with attack songs, lesser Songweavers will pitch in for support roles]
[X] With the Royals [Puts her firepower at the point of attack, but it is a risky spot]
[X] With the Sartier Oboes [Helps anchor the line, similar speed, mandatory if Levar commands the Sartier Oboes]
[X] Retain them purely for the ground battle [Conscript Flutes from your Minor Houses and use them to carry the Knights alongside the transports, will land with first wave]
[X] The Ready [Naval battles are dangerous, but Courtiers are always useful, recruit those who are 20 and over, and Good combat and over, but more likely for a character to end up in over their head]
[X] Dominic Rios [Additional +10 to Flotilla Rolls coming to support another flotilla, bodyguarded by Natalie Tellar]
For reference, next post will be the start of the naval battle itself. A lot of rolling will occur but at this juncture there shouldn't be many more things to vote on.
I believe it's been alluded to that there'll be a final vote on how to approach the ground battle? There was an IC argument about which side to approach the fort from (harbor or circle around).
I believe it's been alluded to that there'll be a final vote on how to approach the ground battle? There was an IC argument about which side to approach the fort from (harbor or circle around).
Yes, there will be some options for that phase of the battle before it begins. However, for the rest of the naval phase it will mostly be votes for targets of opportunity or attempts to recover from reversals when they happen on a fleet scale.
And poor pirates! They are too people; haven't you ever watched Black Sails?
NB: Colour-coding will apply for actions below for convenience
Allied Fleet - CO Evelyn Tellar (Flagship, Victory) - Ai's Flotilla (5 RN Royals, 500 Professional Marines, 500 Professional Rowers) -- 1 ENS, 1 ES, 1 VNS, 1 NS, 1 CC
-- Ai Ritter, Flagship: Blue Hawk
Blue Hawk, Harrower, Victory, Ironsides, Trumpeter
Ai Ritter
Royal Navy Commodore, Task Force 6
Martial Poor
Combat Elite
Stewardship Great
Diplomacy Poor
Intrigue Good
Piety Low 3
Chivalry 3
Wild Streak; Noble; Child of Tarrant; Veteran; Sailor; Sea Master; Longbow-master; Tutored; Gifted General; Atheist; Betrothed; Eavesdropper; Sneaky General; Royal Marine; Sword-master;
Yvonne Dale
Royal Navy Songweaver, Task Force 6
F 31
Martial Poor
Combat Fair
Stewardship Poor
Diplomacy Fair
Intrigue Fair
Magic Great
Piety High
Chivalry 6
Attractive; Child of Dale; Songweaver; Noble; Tutored; Blooded; Longbow-master; Sword-master; Sailor; Trained; Romantic; Enthusiastic; Royal Marine; Naval Songweaver;
- Dominic's Flotilla (8 Tellar Oboes, 1 Memphrabi Quinquereme, 950 Semi-Pro Marine, 20 Artillerists, 1,000 Militia Rowers) -- 2 VS, 1 SS, 6 SP, 3 CC
-- Dominic Rios, Flagship: Pride of Harper
Pride of Harper, Song of Storms, Song of the Sea, Sword and Song, Sea Shanty, Tellar Ascendent, Pitch Perfect, Harp of the South, Loquacious
Harriet Ruger
Khironex Flotilla Leader
Marital Great
Combat Great
Stewardship Elite
Diplomacy Good
Intrigue Fair
Magic Great
Piety High
Dread 5
Wild Streak; Smart; Cunning; Beautiful; Drinker; Daughter of Khironex; Sea Master; Captain; Tutored; Sea Witch; Veteran; Sailor; Longsword-master; Consummate Merchant; Eavesdropper; Employs Spies;
Character Key:
SS - Songweaver
VS - Veteran Songweaver
ES - Elite Songweaver
(N) - Naval Songweaver (NS, VNS, ENS)
SP - Spellsword
SW - Sea Witch
MSW - Master Sea Witch
LS - Lady Sorceress
CC - Non-magic combat character
On the third day after leaving their staging areas in Billfarthing, the combined fleet of the Tellar met the defenders of Nune Reef in open battle. Their ships, crude of hull and blue of sail, their crews clad in leather and axe, boiled forth from the harbour of Nune Reef. The seas were calm in spite of the strong breeze, setting a beautiful cerulean mat before the attackers as they strove at the island. Rita stood at the prow of the Victory, her hair fluttering in the wind as the oars surged and the trireme picked up speed.
"You said you've fought these dogs before?" she asked as she looked out over the enemy.
Evelyn folded her arms over her chest as she nodded. "A few times," she replied. The young commander had found that she had calmed and settled into her role easier after they had left Sartier behind. The salt air and the sea breeze agreed with her. She was ready, with no regrets, only purpose. "A couple big battles, too. Nothing on this scale."
"How tough did you find them?" she asked of her daughter.
"It's like you haven't been paying attention," said Evelyn with a snort.
"I'm just your walking explosions, Evie, the rest was up to you, dear," said Rita. The way she smiled, though, told Evelyn her mother was more interested in not letting her stew as the fleets approached.
"They're not 'tough' like you or I think of tough," replied Evelyn. "Discipline, chivalry. But they're dangerous because of their desperation. Every last one of them..."
Tranquility was a blasted, ruined place, Evelyn knew. Teuv's first port of call five decades ago. Aristocracy slaughtered, institutions uprooted, it had never recovered. The living legacy of those days remained in the reckless hunger of their mariners. There was glory or there was death.
A little while later a Khironex girl named May, a young niece of Alice Ruger who had been lent to Evelyn as a liaison, came to the fleet commander. She tugged on Evelyn's armoured sleeve and presented the scouting reports she was able to find on the pirate leaders, whose pennants they could see flying atop the enemy fleet.
Enemy Fleet, led by Dierdre in the Lord's Flotilla
4 Lords (Professional Triremes) in 1 Flotilla (Lord's Flotilla), led by Lorelei
8 Corsairs (Semi-Pro Triremes) in 1 Flotilla (Right Wing), led by Cassandra
12 Warriors (Militia Triremes) split into 2 Flotillas (Right Line, Left Line), led by Gordon
4 Raiders (Levy Triremes) in 1 Flotilla (Reserve)
Tranquility Fleet Leader
F 29
Martial Great
Combat Elite
Stewardship Good
Diplomacy Great
Intrigue Elite
Magic Bad
Piety Middling
Dread 3
Veteran; Longsword-master; Sailor; Sea Master; Exile of Renmi; Wild Streak; Smart; Beautiful; Pirate Lord;
Tranquility Corsair Flotilla Leader
Martial Elite
Combat Elite
Stewardship Poor
Diplomacy Bad
Intrigue Great
Magic Good
Piety Low
Dread 7
Old Campaigner; Axe-master; Sea Lord; Natural General; Child of Tranquility; Gay; Chaste; Cunning; Maestro of Shadows; Master Sea Witch;
Tranquility Lord's Flotilla Leader
Martial Great
Combat Elite
Stewardship Bad
Diplomacy Great
Intrigue Great
Magic Great
Piety High
Chivalry 3
Veteran; Axe-master; Sea Master; Child of Memphrabi; Renegade Scholar-Lady; Cunning; Drinker; Longbow-master; Lady Sorceress; Starkeep Trained; Intrigued by Kasunaj;
Tranquility Line Leader
M 44
Martial Elite
Combat Great
Stewardship Fair
Diplomacy Fair
Intrigue Poor
Magic Bad
Chivalry 4
Smart; Sea Master; Sober; Kabilee Knight; Child of Kabilee; Spear-master; Veteran; Aged;
The two fleets drew closer. Vividly coloured note-flares shot into the mid-morning sky as Evelyn Tellar brought her flotillas together into a broad line abreast. Anchored on the left by Royals and on the right by the Bells, with Nexi heavies held in reserve, they made their way towards the enemy.
Initial Approach Allies - Approach to Ranged Battle - 4d10+d16+d11 (Evelyn) = 38 Pirates - Approach to Close and Board - 4d10+d10+d10 (Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 33
Allies hold the advantage, +5 Advantage to following roll Evelyn holds back Conductor of Tides re-roll
Second Approach Allies - Approach to Ranged Battle - 4d10+d16+d11 + 5 (Carryover Advantage) = 38 Pirates - Approach to Close and Board - 4d10+d10+d10-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 27
Allies hold strong positioning advantage, +10 Advantage to following roll Pirates boarding roll failed by > 10, Dierdre command and control disrupted, halves bonus for flotillas, unable to issue fleet orders until regained Evelyn holds back Conductor of Tides re-roll
Flotillas Approach each other at Range 5
Left Line
Lord's Fl
Right Line
Right Wing
Ai's Flt
Dominic's Flt
Miranda's Flt
Alice's Flt
Harriet's Flt
Right Wing v Ai's Flt RW - 5d10+d15+d12(Harriet)+d3(Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 30 Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+10 (Carryover Advantage)+d6(Evelyn) = 55
Ai exceeds by 25, continued +10 to rolls
Ai's Flotilla enters ranged battle with +5 to archery wound rolls
Right Line v Dominic's Flt RL - 4d10+d10+d12(Gordon)+d3(Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 18 Dominic - 4d10+d11(Dominic)+d6(Evelyn)+10 (Carryover Advantage) = 48
Dominic exceeds by 30, Dominic has won the upper-hand, enters ranged battle with +5 to archery wound rolls
Left Line v Miranda's Flt LL - 4d10+d10+d9(Mashar)+d3(Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 25 Miranda - 4d10+d16+d8(Miranda)+d6(Evelyn)+10(Carryover Advantage) = 34
Miranda exceeds by 9, continued +10 to rolls
Reserve v Alice's Flt
-Following fleet, not manoeuvring
Lord's Fl follows Right Wing (>25)
5d10+d15+d11(Lorelei)+d3(Harriet) = 35, success
Range 4 Entered, Combat Begins
The forces of Tranquility were coming at them in Echelon right, their Lords and Corsairs together in one mighty fist, and refusing the flank on the Tranquility side. Evelyn bit her lip as she saw the approach. A lot of this would come down to how well her Elite Songweavers would perform. But at the same time, she was relieved. This was exactly the plan she would have taken against herself if she was facing this formation without knowing about Rita and Monica's presence. If they had instead focused on the Nexi instead, it could have made it very difficult to bring her strength to bear.
But just as much of a relief was the discovery that her plans and theories were working. She was getting the better of the pre-battle jockeying, the dance of step and counter-step as the two fleets shifted their angles and approaches. She was coming in with the wind and currents in her favour. With the stronger force coming in at her face, she brought the Heavies of the reserve closer to her wing, their presence a reassuring one when she looked over her shoulder.
Fleet Shifts
Allies: Harriet's Flotilla shifts to behind Dominic's Flotilla (Speed/Agility result > 25)
3d10+d8+d10(Harriet)+d6(Evelyn) = 37, success
Tranquility: Unable to issue orders, attempt to regain control, need 11+ on d20: 9, failed
Soon, she knew, from long talks with Alice, she would lose control of the fleet as first the wings, then the flotillas, then the individual ships themselves began to devolve into smaller, ever more bitter fights. Her sphere of command would shrink until eventually she would survey only the deck of the Victory.
Out in the distance, a war chant was starting up. The thunder of axe handles against hulls and masts, of feed stamping on decking, all in unison. 'Boom, boom, boom', it went, three great percussive beats, followed by an "urrah!" ripped free from the throats of thousands of men that pulsed across the water. Then another, 'boom, boom, boom,' and a higher-pitched "arrah!" from the women on the boats. It alternate back and forth, like the heartbeat of the ocean throbbing in the ears of the allied fleet. It was an old sound, flush with ghosts and glory, with grief and pain.
Slow, steady, consistent, it raised the hairs on the necks of many waiting in the attacking fleet. But scarce had the chant entered earshot when another sound arose to strive with it; from Monica on the Ironsides, a voice lifted defiantly up in song. For all it was an old Harper battlehymn, it spread infectiously across the Royal Navy ships, and then from there like wildfire to Dominic's flotilla of Oboes, to Miranda Ruger's half of the battle line, and even onto the professionals under Alice Ruger who picked up the words quickly.
A smile broke out across Evelyn's face, slow and broad like a shark. Her mother nodded across at Monica's ship in satisfaction. "Trust that wily cat," she laughed. She turned to her daughter after that, her eyes bright. "I think I have the range now."
The young Khironex woman startled and forgot herself for a moment. "Eh!? They're still outside longbow range, even! We couldn't hit them with Sea Wrath, yet, and that's much longer range than Song of Shock."
Rita just ruffled the girl's hair. "What do you need from me, Evie?"
Evelyn looked out over the waters again, smile still in place. "Break the sky and throw it down around their ears."
Rita laughed, winked, and began to sing. After several bars set flight from her tongue, a distant light ripped up out of the waves. A bright flash of woven Song crumpled the bow of a distant Pirate Corsair.
Left Line
Lord's Fl
Right Line
Right Wing
Ai's Flt
Dominic's Flt
Miranda's Fl
Alice's Flt
Harriet's Fl
Range 4 between Ai's Flotilla and Right Wing
Range 5 between Dominic's Flotilla and Right Wing/Right Line
(All Songweavers on a Royal gain +1 Casting Dice, +3 Magic Bonus)
Rita Hulland prepares to sing the Orcasong at Right Wing
No others have range.
Rita Hulland sings Orcasong at Right Wing
Need 60+, 9d20 = 90, success
Target Random = 3, Lightning
Rita WR: 9d20h3+d17 = 70 Lightning, Bow, Hit points 9/14Toughness v (70-5 MR = 65) = (65/4 Rounded Down) = 4Hp dmg, 5/9 Bow Hit Points left
Bow < 75% hp, +1 pt underway flooding/turn, unable to ram
vs Crew, 70 - 2d16h1 (7) - (10/2=5) - 5 = 53 / 2 (Ship) = 26 * .4 (Local) = 10 / 200 = 190
Fleet Shifts
Tranquility: Unable to issue orders, attempt to regain control, need 11+ on d20 = 20, success
Dierdre regains effective command and control of the Tranquility fleet.
A cheer went up from the throats of Sartieran and Khironex marines as the green corona of the songweaving's aftermath rose into the air. Rita sagged for a moment, catching her breath after the sensation of being a living conduit of power, while the reverberating notes faded from the air. "Good to finally be able to put that into practice," she chuckled.
"What a reach," the Khironex aide said in a whispery awe.
"You haven't seen anything yet," chuckled Rita. "That was little more than a flight arrow."
The captain of the Royal Navy marines could be heard behind them, bellowing to their soldiers as the longbows bent and drawstrings creaked. Monica's voice could be heard across the waves once more, a crystal clear soprano, and soon Rita's rejoined them.
"They're getting close enough for Sea Wrath," warned the Nexi aide May as the two fleets edged closer.
The Concerto nodded back. "I can't hit as distant as mother or Monica, but some support wouldn't go astray until then, I guess." Soon Evelyn's voice also began to draw upon the leylines of the world around them.
Currently at Range 4 between closest fleet elements
Right Wing approach to Close and Board
Rw - 5d10+d15+d12(Cassandra)+d5(Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 41 Ai's Flotilla approach to Ranged Battle Rng 3
Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+d6(Evelyn)+10(Carryover Advantage) = 58
Ai's Flotilla by 17 - 2nd > 10 failure, Ai's Flotilla holds current and wind, able to conduct advance to ramming approach with +10
RW/Ai Advance to Range 3
RL/Dominic settled, Advance to Range 4
Left Line approach to ranged battle
LL - 4d10+d10+d9(Mashar)+d5(Dierdre) =40 Miranda approach to ranged battle
Miranda - 4d10+d16+d8 (Miranda) +d6(Evelyn) +10 (Carryover Advantage) = 37
Miranda loses advantage, parity achieved on approach
Advance to Range 5
Reserve and Alice Advance to Range 6
Left Line
Lord's Fl
Right Line
Right Wing
Ai's Flt
Dominic's Flt
Miranda's Fl
Alice's Flt
Harriet's Fl
(All Songweavers on a Royal gain +1 Casting Dice, +3 Magic Bonus)
Veteran Naval Songweaver Evelyn prepares to sing Song of Joy on Victory
Naval Songweaver Yvonne Dale prepares to sing Song of Grace on Harrower
Elite Naval Songweaver Rita prepares to sing Melodyspout on Right Wing
Elite Songweaver Monica Reynolds prepares to sing Symphony of Tornado on Right Wing
Master Sea Witch Cassandra prepares to cast Sea Wrath on Ai's Flotilla
Loquacious fires at Right Wing with Artillery Ai's Flotilla fires upon Right Wing with Longbows
Evelyn sings Song of Joy on Ai's Flotilla
Need 35+, 8d20 = 103, success Victory gains +32 Magic Resist
Yvonne sings Song of Grace on Ai's Flotilla
Need 15+, 6d20 = 77, success Harrower gains +12 Magic Resist
Rita sings Melodyspout on Right Wing
Need 70+, 9d20 = 73, success
Target Random = 3, Lightning
Rita WR: 9d20h3+d17 = 63 Melodyspout hits under waterline, all sides, full hit Lightning all sides, Hp9/14T v (63 - 5 = 58) = 4 Hp, all sides 5/9
> 25% underwater damage, 7pt flooding /turn/side
Gain 28 pts flooding, now 30/63
vs Crew, 58 - d0 - (10/2=5) = 53 / 2 (Ship) = 26 * 1 (all sides) = 26 / 190 = 164
> 10% casualties, Cohesion Roll 45+ => 19, failed, -1 dice to Combat Dice Pool
Avoid Capsize Test roll (C9 - 3)+ on d20 => 6, passed
Lightning dropping out of formation, switching to emergency repairs
Monica Reynolds sings Symphony of Tornado on Right Wing
Need 55+, 8d20 = 110, success
Random target = 8, Strongarm
Monica WR: 8d20h3+d19 = 70 - 5 (Corsair MR) = 65 Strongarm, all sides, Hp9/14T v 65 = 4 Hp, all side 5/9
> 25% above water damage all sides, armour mod reduced to d16, slight flooding
vs Crew 65 - 5 - d16 (3) = 57 / 2 = 28 * 1 (all sides) = 28 / 200 = 172
> 10% casualties, Cohesion Roll, 45+ => 50, passed
Cassandra casts Sea Wrath
Need 30+, 4d20 = 33, success
Ai's Flotilla elects to sail into the wave, -1 Dice to WR and null crew damage, but guaranteed hit and +10 to RW closing range next turn
Random Target = 4, Ironsides, Monica Reynolds' ship
WR: 2d20 + d8 = 30 Ironsides Mod: 30 - 15 (Royal-class Magic Resist) = 15 v Hp10/15T = 1 Hp dmg to Bow, 9/10 Hp
Loquacious fires Artillery
Aim Penalty: -30 (weapon base accuracy) - 6 (both in motion) - 20 (range) = -56
Artillery Crew 5d20, need 57+
Weapon 1 = 45 (0 Nat 20s), miss
Weapon 2 = 36 (0 Nat 20s), miss
RW Execute pre-planned left oblique, auto-success
RL Execute pre-planned left oblique, auto-success
LL Execute pre-planned left oblique, auto-success
The winds changed abruptly and the powerful arrows of the Navy's longbows were knocked askew, largely missing their targets. What absolutely did not miss their targets, however, were the Songweavers in Ai's Flotilla. Fire from the marines slackened in favour of gasps and oaths as first a mighty pillar of water blasted up from the ocean beneath an enemy vessel in a spray of timber and scattered pirates. Such was the ferocity of the blow that Evelyn was astonished to see a ship remain at all when the misted water faded. Yet the surviving ship could be seen to sit low in the water. Her oars were stilled, and soon the ship fell behind the others.
Following hot on the heels of the that song, Monica unleashed her wrath across the waves. A great pillar of purple and red rose up above another corsair, building in coherency. Suddenly it all ripped apart from the top to the bottom until a red hammerblow smote the waters beneath. Again, the ship remained, but every side of the ship was twisted and heavily damaged, such that it began to fall behind the others.
Evelyn shouted encouragement at her songweavers and the ship's crew as she scanned the horizon for threats.
"Sea Wrath!" a sharp-eyed marine called out as they spotted the nascent unnatural wave shooting in at their flotilla. A few moments later and they could see it's targeted victim was Ironsides, Monica's ship. Flares of magic lit up into the sky from Ai's flagship, the Blue Hawk, ordering the flotilla to continue to sail into the wave rather than try and evade it. It was a calculated risk, as evading it would weaken their positioning against the enemy. It proved to be the right call, as the soaked-in magic resistance of the Royal resisted the blow of the enemy with only light damage as the trireme boomed through the wave.
A moment later, more calls went out. The enemy fleet was turning to port. At first Evelyn hoped they might be turning tail already, but it wasn't to be. A smooth, well-ordered turn, that left behind the ship stricken by Rita Hulland's power, saw the corsairs now aimed for Dominic's flotilla. From behind the corsairs, however, came the Pirate Lords, four deadly ships now bearing down on the Royal Navy's force.
"Come one, come all, let's cut them down!" Evelyn called out to the ship's archers, getting a rousing response. Soon more flares carried the message to the rest of the fleet: keep to the plan, sail on, then hold range.
Currently at Range 3 between closest fleet elements (RW/Dominic)
Ai's Flotilla approach to Ranged Battle with Lord's Flotilla
Ai's Flotilla retains advantageous wind and current
Ai - 5d10 + d20 + d6 (Ai) + d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Carryover Advantage) = 50 Lord's Flotilla approach to Close and Board with Ai's Flotilla
Lord's - 5d10+d15+d11(Lorelei) + d5 (Dierdre) - 3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 52 Ai loses positioning advantage for further rolls, retains +5 to Longbow fire
Advance to Range 3
Right Wing shifts left, approaches Dominic's Flotilla to Close and Board
Rw - 5d10 + d15 + d12 (Cassandra) + d5 (Dierdre) -3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 41 Dominic's Flotilla approach to Ranged Battle with Right Wing
Dominic - Approach is settled, retains +5 to Archery
RW/Dominic settled, advance to Range 2 Strongarm falling behind. Lightning dead in the water, attempting repairs and bailing
Right Line approach to Close and Board with Miranda's Flotilla
RL - 4d10 + d10 + d12 (Gordon) + d5 (Dierdre) - 5 (Bad Start Position) - 3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 32 Miranda's Flotilla approach to Ranged Battle with Right Line
Miranda - 4d10 + d16 + d8 (Miranda) + d6 (Evelyn) = 42
Miranda gains positioning advantage, +5 to next roll
Right Line and Miranda's Flotilla Advance to Range 3
Alice Ruger and Catherine Ruger attempt to cast Friendly Seas
Need 45+, C4 (Alice) + C2 (Catherine) = 6d20 = 63, success
Re-Roll on Ship component gained for Alice's Flotilla
Left Line approach to ranged battle with Alice's Flotilla
LL - 4d10 + d10 + d9 (Mashar) + d5 (Dierdre) = 40 Alice approach to Ramming Attack
Alice - 5d10 + 2d20h1 (Friendly Seas Bonus) + d9 (Miranda) + d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Carryover Advantage) - 6 (Plan) = 66
Alice's Flotilla exceeds by half-again
Alice gains good line of approach, advantage increases to +15
Left Line and Alice Advance to Range 4
Left Line
Lord's Fl
Right Line
Right Wing
Ai's Flt
Dominic's Flt
Miranda's Fl
Alice's Flt
Harriet's Fl
Rita Hulland prepares to sing Melodyspout on Lord's Flotilla
Evelyn prepares to sing Song of Joy on Victory
Monica Reynolds prepares to sing Symphony of Tornado on Lord's Flotilla
Yvonne Dale prepares to sing Woodsong on Ironsides
Sea Witch Oliana and Sea Witch Naia prepare to cast Sea Wrath on Ai's Flotilla
Lady Sorceress Lorelei prepares ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno for Ai's Flotilla (250 cast)
Ai's Flotilla and Lord's Flotilla exchange Longbow fire
Loquacious fires artillery at Right Wing
VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
VS Georgie Hulland prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Songweaver Candice Kettleblack prepares to sing Song of the Hills on Harp of the South
Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Song of the Gust
MSW Cassandra prepares to cast Sea Wrath on Dominic's Flotilla
Dominic's Flotilla and Right Wing exchange Bow fire
MSW Charlotte Elain casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
MSW Michel Loam casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
SW Collette Ruger casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
SW Horland prepares to cast Sea Wrath on Miranda's Flotilla
Evelyn prepares to sing Song of Joy on Victory
Need 35+, 8d20 = 67, pass Victory gains +16 Magic Resist
Yvonne Dale prepares to sing Woodsong on Ironsides
Need 45+, 6d20 = 63, pass
6/2 = +3 Hp to Ironsides bow, now 10/10 Hp
Rita Hulland prepares to sing Melodyspout on Lord's Flotilla
Need 70+, 9d20 = 79, pass
Random Target = 2, Golden Hand
Rita WR: 9d20h3+d17 = 36 - 15 (Lord-class Magic Resist) = 21 Golden Hand, underwater, all sides, 21 v Hp10/14T = 1Hp, 9/10 all sides
No flooding damage
Avoid Capsize check, 6+ on d20 = 13, pass
Monica Reynolds prepares to sing Symphony of Tornado on Lord's Flotilla
Need 55+, 8d20 = 90, pass
Target = 3, Whisper
Monica WR = 8d20h3+d19 = 66 - 15 (Lord-class Magic Resist) = 51 Whisper, all sides, 51 v Hp/14T = 3 Hp, 7/10 all sides
vs Crew, 51 - (10/2=5) = 46 / 2 = 23 * 1 (non-localised damage) = 23 / 200 = 177
For Magic Hit incurring Crew Damage, Wound Test for Passengers: Thron
Thron Wound Test
Armour 9+3=12 / 2 (Magic) = 6, Magic Resist 5 (Base) + 6 (Thron Magic Bonus) = 11
All-sides attack, roll Monica's MB twice and take highest for number of attacks.
Attacking MB = 19, 2d19h1 = 1 (You are the luckiest SOB on earth) Scratch damage
Sea Witch Oliana and Sea Witch Naia prepare to cast Sea Wrath on Ai's Flotilla
Need 30+, (3+2=)5d20 = 59, pass
Random Target = 3, Victory
Sailing into attack
WR: 3d20h2 + d13 = 45 Victory Mod, Bow: 45- 15 (Royal) - 16 (Song of Joy Magic Resist) = 14, Hp10/15T = 0 Hp dmg
Damage nullified
Lady Sorceress Lorelei prepares ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno for Ai's Flotilla (250 cast)
0 out of 250, gain 5d20 = 59 / 250 = 191
Ai's Flotilla and Lord's Flotilla exchange Longbow fire Ai Wound Rolls: 5d20h3 + 5 = 55
Ai Character Wound Rolls: d7 (Ai), d7 (Yvonne) = 5, 7 LF Wound Rolls: 5d20h3 = 53
LF Character Wound Rolls: d13 (Lorelei) = 8
Ai's Flotilla by 2! LF Cohesion Rolls, 35+ => 63, 47, 80, 85 = 4 pass, 0 fail, 0 dice lost Ai Mod: 53 - 10 (Medium Armour) - 2d20h1 (20 Ship Armour Mod) = 23 / 2 = 11 * 4 (Shooters) = 44 / 500 = 456 (8.8 per ship) LF Mod: 55 - 10 (Medium Armour) - 2d18h1 (14 Ship Armour Mod) = 31 / 2 = 15 * 5 (Shooters) = 75 / 800 = 725 (18.75 per ship) Ai Ch Tgt = 4, 1 = Bliss, November Circle LF Ch Tgt = 4 = Ironsides
>=10% casualties, Bliss, Whisper, November Circle, Cohesion Test 35+ => 55, 62, 36 = 3 pass, Wound Tests for Dierdre, Noelene, Thron, Lorelei >=10% Marine casualties, Ironsides, Trumpeter, Cohesion Test 30+ => 91, 99 = 2 pass, Wound Test for Monica Reynolds
Dierdre WT
Heavy Armour + Shield v Longbow = 9+3+0 = 12, T4 (Base) + 1 (Crew's Protection) = T5 (Armour 12, must roll this or below to make a save. Toughness 5, it requires this many unsaved hits to wound the character)
v Professional Quality Troops, roll a d10 for number of Attacks = 10 Attacks Sustained
Armour <= 12 = 12, 13, 4, 9, 11, 5, 9, 8, 20, 8 = 2 fail, 6 pass
VS Miranda Long prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 = 58, success
Target Random = 4, Quickblade
Miranda WR: 5d20h2 + d11 = 33-5 (MR) = 28 v Quickblade Stbd, Hp9/14T = 2 Hp, 7/9 vs Crew = 28 - (10/2=5) - 2d16(9) = 14 / 2 (Ship) = 7 * (0.6) = 4 / 199 = 195
VS Georgie Hulland prepares to sing Song of Concussion at Right Wing
Need 40+, 5d20 = 34, failed
Songweaver Candice Kettleblack prepares to sing Song of the Hills on Harp of the South
Need 25+, 3d20 = 34, success Harp of the South gain +8 to Armour Mod (/2 Ship = +4)
Dominic's Flotilla Spellswords prepare to sing Song of the Gust
Need 20+
Dominic Rios 2d20 = 9, failed
Natalie Tellar 2d20 = 19, failed
Nick Lang 2d20 = 26, success, + d5 to Missile Exchange Wound Roll
Lawrence Hulland 2d20 = 38, success, + d6
Sonja Raleigh 2d20 = 20, success, + d5
Patricia Frunkle 2d20 = 27, success, + d5
Nick Lang Wound Test
Hvy + Shield vs Bow = Armour 12+3 = 15
Fleet Battle, +1 T = T4
vs Semi-Pro, d10 = 4
Armour Save = 10, 7, 11, 9 = 4 pass, 0 fail No damage
Madeleine Chin Wound Test
Hvy + Shield vs Bow = Armour 15
Fleet Battle, +1 T = T5
vs Semi-Pro, d10 = 8
Armour Save = 19, 2, 15, 19, 4, 17, 9, 2 = 5 pass, 3 hit Scratch damage
Right Line will sail into Sea Wrath
MSW Charlotte Elain casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
Need 30+, 4d20 = 37, success
Target = 3, Warrior # 9
WR: 3d20h2+d10 = 31 v Hp8/12T = 2 Hp, Bow 6/8, 25% damage
MSW Michel Loam casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
Need 30+, 4d20 = 30, success
Target = 2, Warrior # 8
WR: 3d20h2+d10 = 23 v Hp8/12T = 1 Hp, Bow 7/8
SW Collette Ruger casts Sea Wrath on Right Line
Need 30+, 3d20 = 37, success
Target = 5, Warrior # 11
WR: 3d20h2 + d7 = 35 v Hp8/12T = 2 Hp, Bow 6/8
SW Horland prepares to cast Sea Wrath on Miranda's Flotilla
Need 30+, 3d20 = 25, failure, Backlash! Sea Wrath, 30/3 = 10 hits - 3 (Sea Witch) = 7, T3 (Casting Dice)
MR 8, Need 13+ = 20, 9, 5, 13, 4, 20, 7 = 3 pass, 4 fail
4 hit v T3 = Incapacitated!
Everyone at the prow of the Victory with any magical sense at all gasped when they felt the leylines running through the oceans skew violently, warped by something weighty coming from the Tranquility side. "What fresh bastardry is this?" the ship's marine captain blurted.
"The Lord's Flotilla carries a Lady Sorceress of Memphrabi," cried out May, the Khironex aide having to raise her voice to be heard over the twang of bowstrings. "This must be her: Lorelei of the Starkeep!"
"Mother, do you know anything about Memphrabi magic?" asked Evelyn.
Rita shook her head as she let herself recover from her last casting. "Very little. Monica or Levar could probably tell you about it, but I've never had much to do with it. But they use slow rituals that result in devastating spells."
"Right, so we don't want to be wherever this Sorceress is aiming when she finishes," Evelyn says with a sigh. She swore after that as a flurry of long arrow shafts slammed into the deck alongside her. The battle wasn't going to wait for their conversation it seemed. Soon after it was Victory's turn to face a powerful Sea Wrath magic wave, and as it faded in a series of lights and a sound like wind chimes, Evelyn sighed in relief; if it hadn't been for her Song of Joy that strengthened the ship against magic, it could have done some harm.
Across the battle line the Sartieran ships went into action, and the mages between the Khironex battleline and the approaching left line of the enemy. Arrow fire was plentiful against the cream of the enemy's crop, but between the magical edge held by the Sartierans and the edge in approach they had managed to gain, the allied force held the upper hand. The corsairs were holding their flotilla together with little more than hatred and desperation, still rowing in at the enemy despite increasing damage.
The Lords were having the starch taken out of them by Ai's Flotilla, even though Rita and Monica both grimaced with dissatisfaction as they unleashed their songs upon the enemy. Between the tougher construction and better magic resistance of the Lords, their ships came through with little harm. But the other side fared worse with their magic, their desperation to match the damage output of the enemy forcing them into risks Sea Witches shouldn't take, and first one, then another mage fell silent after suffering backlashes.
Things took a sharp turn for the worse, however, when a flurry of signal flares shot skyward from Ironsides. Evelyn felt sick to her stomach as she translated: Monica Reynolds, one of only ten Elite Songweavers in all Sartier, was down with an arrow lodged somewhere. Anxiety built until a follow-up message indicated the woman was still alive, if walking wounded. But it left a dilemma. Keep her unleashing spells in her weakened state, or tough it out without her and keep the priceless asset safe. There would be a butcher's bill to pay without her, though.
Order Monica to...
[ ] Continue Fighting [Will continue to cast Songs, but she is wounded and more vulnerable now]
[ ] Keep her Head Down [Will stay down with the rowers, safe from wound tests unless boarded]
The fleet itself sat at a crossroads. The enemy fleet had had its nose bloodied badly, especially among its elite ships. Yet there was still far more to do before the back of the enemy was broken. Perhaps it was best to continue on the ranged battle, whittling down the enemy until they turned and broke. Or perhaps it was time to try and closed the distance and take the fight to the enemy's doorstep? The latter let the fleet make the most of the enormous disparity in magic that had been brought to the battle, while the latter exposed the fleet to some of the close-combat nightmares lurking in the Tranquility ships. But at the same time, keeping a distance would let the enemy keep good order as they fled, while a successful ram would settle a lot of hashes pretty quick.
Evelyn bit her lip as she prepared to decide the course of the battle.
Order the Fleet to...
[ ] Continue to keep range
[Stand-off order continues, Alice may continue to angle for an attack run]
[ ] Exploit your advantage
[Charge in and scatter them! Higher risks, but may crush the Tranquility fleet before it can escape]
[ ] Write in: Any other orders (Move the reserve, change magic focus, shift the battle line)
I've done my best to make the working out behind the scenes easy to follow. For convenience, everything is colour coded by faction. Tranquillity is blue, Royal Navy is orange, Tellar is green, Clan Ruger is red.
That said, the behind the scenes details aren't critical, the narrative should convey the salient points of the battle.
[X] Continue Fighting [Will continue to cast Songs, but she is wounded and more vulnerable now]
[X] Exploit your advantage
[Charge in and scatter them! Higher risks, but may crush the Tranquility fleet before it can escape]
[X] Prioritize and try to take down their sorceress before she finishes what she's building up.
Excellent update Oneiros. While going through the spoilers afterwards, it is really impressive that you've put so much thought into how the combat will play out.
[x] Veekie
Pretty much what I was going to vote for, though I would hope incapacitating the Lady Sorceress to be aimed for regardless it's best to make sure. I'm don't believe we need to change any of the actual orders given what we have is working, and the reserve is the reserve for a reason. If you don't need to commit it for the actual battle then it's best put to use when pursuing the fleeing fleet, as our reserve seamen will be rested while the opponents would be tired.
Excellent update Oneiros. While going through the spoilers afterwards, it is really impressive that you've put so much thought into how the combat will play out.
[x] Veekie
Pretty much what I was going to vote for, though I would hope incapacitating the Lady Sorceress to be aimed for regardless it's best to make sure. I'm don't believe we need to change any of the actual orders given what we have is working, and the reserve is the reserve for a reason. If you don't need to commit it for the actual battle then it's best put to use when pursuing the fleeing fleet, as our reserve seamen will be rested while the opponents would be tired.
I hope it was clear enough what was going on. I just went through and spent some extra time expanding some of my short-hand and adding a few notes here and there as to how different parts worked.
Well, I'm also hoping it'd be automatically included, but when you hear things like "large long cast spell that will wreck you" you don't take chances.
[X] Go below will be safe from wound tests unless boarded
[X] Exploit your advantage
[Charge in and scatter them! Higher risks, but may crush the Tranquility fleet before it can escape]
[X] Prioritize and try to take down their sorceress before she finishes what she's building up.
we've removed two of there characters from play so it should be fine to let one of ours rest and not risk a lucky hit take her out.
"I'm just your walking explosions, Evie, the rest was up to you, dear," said Rita. The way she smiled, though, told Evelyn her mother was more interested in not letting her stew as the fleets approached.
"They're not 'tough' like you or I think of tough," replied Evelyn. "Discipline, chivalry. But they're dangerous because of their desperation. Every last one of them..."
Tranquility Lord's Flotilla Leader
Martial Great
Combat Elite
Stewardship Bad
Diplomacy Great
Intrigue Great
Magic Great
Piety High
Chivalry 3
Veteran; Axe-master; Sea Master; Child of Memphrabi; Renegade Scholar-Lady; Cunning; Drinker; Longbow-master; Lady Sorceress; Starkeep Trained; Intrigued by Kasunaj;
Allies hold strong positioning advantage, +10 Advantage to following roll Pirates boarding roll failed by > 10, Dierdre command and control disrupted, halves bonus for flotillas, unable to issue fleet orders until regained Evelyn holds back Conductor of Tides re-roll
Right Line v Dominic's Flt RL - 4d10+d10+d12(Gordon)+d3(Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 18 Dominic - 4d10+d11(Dominic)+d6(Evelyn)+10 (Carryover Advantage) = 48
Dominic exceeds by 30, Dominic has won the upper-hand, enters ranged battle with +5 to archery wound rolls
The forces of Tranquility were coming at them in Echelon right, their Lords and Corsairs together in one mighty fist, and refusing the flank on the Tranquility side. Evelyn bit her lip as she saw the approach. A lot of this would come down to how well her Elite Songweavers would perform. But at the same time, she was relieved. This was exactly the plan she would have taken against herself if she was facing this formation without knowing about Rita and Monica's presence. If they had instead focused on the Nexi instead, it could have made it very difficult to bring her strength to bear.
A smile broke out across Evelyn's face, slow and broad like a shark. Her mother nodded across at Monica's ship in satisfaction. "Trust that wily cat," she laughed. She turned to her daughter after that, her eyes bright. "I think I have the range now."
The young Khironex woman startled and forgot herself for a moment. "Eh!? They're still outside longbow range, even! We couldn't hit them with Sea Wrath, yet, and that's much longer range than Song of Shock."
Evelyn looked out over the waters again, smile still in place. "Break the sky and throw it down around their ears."
Rita laughed, winked, and began to sing. After several bars set flight from her tongue, a distant light ripped up out of the waves. A bright flash of woven Song crumpled the bow of a distant Pirate Corsair.
Oh, interesting. I didn't realize beforehand that you tracked above water and under water HP separately. Above affects armor mod and movement, below affects flooding moreso?
A moment later, more calls went out. The enemy fleet was turning to port. At first Evelyn hoped they might be turning tail already, but it wasn't to be. A smooth, well-ordered turn, that left behind the ship stricken by Rita Hulland's power, saw the corsairs now aimed for Dominic's flotilla. From behind the corsairs, however, came the Pirate Lords, four deadly ships now bearing down on the Royal Navy's force.
That's an...interesting formation shift. You lead on the flank to turn into the center? I guess that shields the people behind you but now you've put the people who've already soaked fire into the center where they're going to take even more fire.
Left Line approach to ranged battle with Alice's Flotilla
LL - 4d10 + d10 + d9 (Mashar) + d5 (Dierdre) = 40 Alice approach to Ramming Attack
Alice - 5d10 + 2d20h1 (Friendly Seas Bonus) + d9 (Miranda) + d6 (Evelyn) + 10 (Carryover Advantage) - 6 (Plan) = 66
Alice's Flotilla exceeds by half-again
Alice gains good line of approach, advantage increases to +15
Sea Witch Oliana and Sea Witch Naia prepare to cast Sea Wrath on Ai's Flotilla
Lady Sorceress Lorelei prepares ritual Grand Cross of Jhalan's Inferno for Ai's Flotilla (250 cast)
Rita Hulland prepares to sing Melodyspout on Lord's Flotilla
Need 70+, 9d20 = 79, pass
Random Target = 2, Golden Hand
Rita WR: 9d20h3+d17 = 36 - 15 (Lord-class Magic Resist) = 21 Golden Hand, underwater, all sides, 21 v Hp10/14T = 1Hp, 9/10 all sides
No flooding damage
Avoid Capsize check, 6+ on d20 = 13, pass
Thron Wound Test
Armour 9+3=12 / 2 (Magic) = 6, Magic Resist 5 (Base) + 6 (Thron Magic Bonus) = 11
All-sides attack, roll Monica's MB twice and take highest for number of attacks.
Attacking MB = 19, 2d19h1 = 1 (You are the luckiest SOB on earth) Scratch damage
Dierdre WT
Heavy Armour + Shield v Longbow = 9+3+0 = 12, T4 (Base) + 1 (Crew's Protection) = T5 (Armour 12, must roll this or below to make a save. Toughness 5, it requires this many unsaved hits to wound the character)
v Professional Quality Troops, roll a d10 for number of Attacks = 10 Attacks Sustained
Armour <= 12 = 12, 13, 4, 9, 11, 5, 9, 8, 20, 8 = 2 fail, 6 pass
[X] Keep her Head Down [Will stay down with the rowers, safe from wound tests unless boarded]
[X] Widen line, then advance on weakened flank
-[X] Evelyn assists movement of Ai's Flotilla with a Song, then Ai's Flotilla shifts forward and left. Harriet's Flotilla shifts on the same turn as Ai's flotilla to advance into the opened up hole in the formation.
--[X] After initial movement, Ai's and Harriet's Flotilla Magic Focus change to All Out Attack
--[X] Afterwards, Ai's and Harriet's close on Lord's Flotilla. Attempt to focus fire on the Lady Sorceress and disrupt the ritual.
-[X] Dominic's Flotilla maintains range until Ai's Flotilla and Harriet's Flotilla successfully reposition, then they close on Right Wing
-[X] Miranda's Flotilla changes ranged target priority to Right Wing. Maintain range until Ai's and Harriet's Flotilla reposition, then advance together with Dominic's Flotilla against Right Wing
-[X] Alice's Flotilla holds right flank and protects allied advance. Attempt to prevent RL, LL, and Enemy Reserves from enveloping on the right.
So, as I note, the Tranquility Pirates have done something very dumb here. They let their leading strong elements take heavy fire, then shifted them into the center where...they can take even more fire. So let's oblige them with a little focus fire from Miranda as well. (Conveniently, the SW in Right Line is out of the fight.) At the same time, our Reserves aren't doing a hell of a lot back there and the enemy Reserves don't really matter much, so we need to get them into battle. They're also more close combat focused and we want to push on the Lord's Flotilla to stop the ritual so that works out. Alice gets the lovely job of holding the flank against the healthy elements, who thankfully only really have numbers going for them.
Thron Wound Test
Armour 9+3=12 / 2 (Magic) = 6, Magic Resist 5 (Base) + 6 (Thron Magic Bonus) = 11
All-sides attack, roll Monica's MB twice and take highest for number of attacks.
Attacking MB = 19, 2d19h1 = 1 (You are the luckiest SOB on earth) Scratch damage
Order Monica to...
[ ] Continue Fighting [Will continue to cast Songs, but she is wounded and more vulnerable now]
[ ] Keep her Head Down [Will stay down with the rowers, safe from wound tests unless boarded]
The latter let the fleet make the most of the enormous disparity in magic that had been brought to the battle, while the latter exposed the fleet to some of the close-combat nightmares lurking in the Tranquility ships. But at the same time, keeping a distance would let the enemy keep good order as they fled, while a successful ram would settle a lot of hashes pretty quick.
Elite Naval Songweaver, even, if I'm not mistaken.
[X] Keep her Head Down [Will stay down with the rowers, safe from wound tests unless boarded]
[X] Widen line, then advance on weakened flank
-[X] Ai's Flotilla shifts forward and left, Harriet's Flotilla advances into hole in formation.
--[X] Ai's and Harriet's Flotilla Magic Focus change to All Out Attack
--[X] Afterwards, close on Lord's Flotilla. Attempt to focus fire on the Lady Sorceress and disrupt the ritual.
-[X] Dominic's Flotilla waits for Ai's Flotilla and Harriet's Flotilla to reposition, then close on Right Wing
-[X] Miranda's Flotilla changes target priority to Right Wing. Wait for Ai's and Harriet's Flotilla to reposition, then advance together with Dominic's Flotilla against Right Wing
-[X] Alice's Flotilla holds right flank and protects allied advance. Attempt to prevent RL, LL, and Enemy Reserves from enveloping on the right.
Its an unplanned lateral shift followed by a focussed advance being carried out by thirty different ships during battle conditions.
Its not complex on its own, but made so by the conditions we're doing it in.
@OneirosTheWriter What chance does Evelyn give a lateral shift followed by focussed advance being carried out by the entire fleet at once in these conditions going terribly, terribly wrong?
@OneirosTheWriter What chance does Evelyn give a lateral shift followed by focussed advance being carried out by the entire fleet at once in these conditions going terribly, terribly wrong?
Evelyn hasn't lost fleet-wide command and control yet (which will happen when parts of the opposing lines make contact), so it is a valid order. However, because it is an unplanned battle manoeuvre you would be needing to make a speed/agility test, like happened with your reserve when it shifted sides. Because it is in the face of the enemy, rather than shielded comfortably by the battle line, you'd be needing to hit 35 or so on the dice, with a -5 malus applied to those flotillas actively under fire.
If you make the shift, you're in your new positions, Harriet's Heavies have entered the fight with the Lords, and you're going to get a flank shot at the Lord's Flotilla (+5 to an Advance to Ramming approach). If you don't make the shift, you're not in your new positions, and you'll take a -10 to your next approach roll. Note that this will be rolled individually by Harriet and Ai's Flotillas.
So, as I note, the Tranquility Pirates have done something very dumb here. They let their leading strong elements take heavy fire, then shifted them into the center where...they can take even more fire.
Fwiw, what happened here was that the Pirates banked on only having to tank a single turn of Longbow fire at Range 3, outside most Sartieran songweaver ranges, so the Corsairs took a much greater beating than they expected coming in. I did my best to think of what they would do if they didn't have any way to know that a) your Elite Songweavers were in play, and b) that Rita had revived the Naval Songweaving traditions. Overwhelm the Sartieran left flank, while refusing the Bells flank made sense.
Oh, interesting. I didn't realize beforehand that you tracked above water and under water HP separately. Above affects armor mod and movement, below affects flooding moreso?
More or less, yes. Above water has secondary effects. Below water is all about flooding once you drop below 75% Hp, and getting worse with more damage. Flooding is all about your boat getting swamped. They'll usually be able to be recovered and returned to shore for repair because boats like this don't frequently sink per se. Rita's Melodyspout spell crushing all four sides is an Elite Naval Songweaver skill that is very very unfriendly to boats. There is actually a more dangerous version available to Master Sea Witches, but they very very rarely call on it because it's a very high cast requirement and will almost certainly kill you if you fail.
Fwiw, what happened here was that the Pirates banked on only having to tank a single turn of Longbow fire at Range 3, outside most Sartieran songweaver ranges, so the Corsairs took a much greater beating than they expected coming in. I did my best to think of what they would do if they didn't have any way to know that a) your Elite Songweavers were in play, and b) that Rita had revived the Naval Songweaving traditions. Overwhelm the Sartieran left flank, while refusing the Bells flank made sense.
Evelyn hasn't lost fleet-wide command and control yet (which will happen when parts of the opposing lines make contact), so it is a valid order. However, because it is an unplanned battle manoeuvre you would be needing to make a speed/agility test, like happened with your reserve when it shifted sides. Because it is in the face of the enemy, rather than shielded comfortably by the battle line, you'd be needing to hit 35 or so on the dice, with a -5 malus applied to those flotillas actively under fire.
If you make the shift, you're in your new positions, Harriet's Heavies have entered the fight with the Lords, and you're going to get a flank shot at the Lord's Flotilla (+5 to an Advance to Ramming approach). If you don't make the shift, you're not in your new positions, and you'll take a -10 to your next approach roll. Note that this will be rolled individually by Harriet and Ai's Flotillas.
Trying to toss up what is saying too much or too little, but since this is the first run with this system for everyone, I figure a bit more information is the better bet: the part most at risk of falling over is Harriet's flotilla not making it into line to plug the gap and leaving Ai's flotilla out of position and Dominic's flank open. Khironex Heavies are tough, but they're not nimble However, they're still more likely than not to make it into position (because they were designated reserve, they get +5 to joining the line and they still benefit from the fleet's +10).
So, yes, it can work.
Yes, if it works you get good bonuses to ramming attacks at the Lord's Flotilla, and pushing Lorelei into close-combat will definitely cease her casting attempts.
Yes, it has risks, and if Harriet doesn't make it into position Lorelei will probably switch targets and shiv Dominic's flotilla.
Fwiw, what happened here was that the Pirates banked on only having to tank a single turn of Longbow fire at Range 3, outside most Sartieran songweaver ranges, so the Corsairs took a much greater beating than they expected coming in. I did my best to think of what they would do if they didn't have any way to know that a) your Elite Songweavers were in play, and b) that Rita had revived the Naval Songweaving traditions. Overwhelm the Sartieran left flank, while refusing the Bells flank made sense.
In my view, it's more that they appeared to try and use the Corsairs as a shield to get the Lord's within range...but then for whatever reason put the Corsairs directly in the center. Even not expecting the Sartier fleet to keep range or to have Elite Songweavers, it doesn't make much sense to me. I would have fanned the Corsairs out to their right and let the Lord's race through the gap, which protects the Corsairs and lets them flank and attack from a safer position. If that's too difficult a maneuver to execute even planned, alternatively I would have used a Line Fleet as the shield if I was just going to send them to the center afterwards.
Spotted what I believe are some errors on closer readthrough:
Right Wing v Ai's Flt RW - 5d10+d15+d12(Harriet)+d3(Dierdre)-3 (Approach Plan Difficulty) = 30 Ai - 5d10+d20+d6(Ai)+10 (Carryover Advantage)+d6(Evelyn) = 55
Ai exceeds by 25, continued +10 to rolls
Ai's Flotilla enters ranged battle with +5 to archery wound rolls
Trying to toss up what is saying too much or too little, but since this is the first run with this system for everyone, I figure a bit more information is the better bet: the part most at risk of falling over is Harriet's flotilla not making it into line to plug the gap and leaving Ai's flotilla out of position and Dominic's flank open. Khironex Heavies are tough, but they're not nimble However, they're still more likely than not to make it into position (because they were designated reserve, they get +5 to joining the line and they still benefit from the fleet's +10).
So, yes, it can work.
Yes, if it works you get good bonuses to ramming attacks at the Lord's Flotilla, and pushing Lorelei into close-combat will definitely cease her casting attempts.
Yes, it has risks, and if Harriet doesn't make it into position Lorelei will probably switch targets and shiv Dominic's flotilla.
Ai averages a 45 and will be vs TN40. @OneirosTheWriter@Macchiato - Because of losing the roll before, it's noted this fleet has lost positional advantage. That means she does not have a +10 (or any +bonus), correct? However, Evelyn still holds a re-roll, is that applicable to this?
Harriet averages a 30 -but- she's noted to have a +15 total bonus vs TN35.
Waiting for a GM answer because it actually looks like Ai's part would be more likely to fail than Harriet's part, who would need to roll a 20 on 3d10+d8+d10+d6 which isn't that likely.
If I have the math correctly, then in that case I would ask what it would look like instead if I wanted to instead command Harriet to just commit and take up the far left flank and take the flanking position herself, keeping Ai in place. That looks to me like two turns of shifting (at what TN and with what bonuses?), then they could advance together.
Yes, something must have gone askew on a find-replace at some point; Harriet was originally named something else, and it was changed it to avoid similarity to another name.
If I have the math correctly, then in that case I would ask what it would look like instead if I wanted to instead command Harriet to just commit and take up the far left flank and take the flanking position herself, keeping Ai in place. That looks to me like two turns of shifting (at what TN and with what bonuses?), then they could advance together.
Yes, two turns of shifting. At that stage the Heavies of Harriet's Flotilla would get the bonus to ramming, as they would have the side-on position. Fair warning, since this is something that Evelyn knows courtesy of 'Sailing with Khironex' and 'Conductor of Tides' traits, that may not be the outcome you're hoping for. A Heavy is a poor rammer, especially compared to a ship that is elite at it like a Royal. They're more designed to sit there and engage in slugging matches.
I didn't see a correction on the math there nor an answer to other questions, so at the moment I'm going to assume I missed something and that Oneiros' original statement that Harriet's fleet was more likely to fail is still true. I personally don't judge that result as that likely, as Harriet rolling 10 under average is about a standard deviation and a half below, so I personally feel pretty comfortable as is and will sit on my vote for the moment.
Is it known how Rituals work? She's building it and was casting towards Ai's Flotilla. Can she switch targets without penalty? Or does she need to make a roll to maintain control over the effect at least or sometihng of tha tnature?