Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain.[1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing[0 Influence Cost, -1 Relations with Vincennes, Place ban on further recruitment or replenishment of forces]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem.[+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Brittany Capo, a third cousin of the current Capo heir, Brittany has had a broad education but is still looking to figure out exactly where she belongs. Theo thinks she has a lot of potential.[Increased ties with Capo, puts a very solid fighter near Andres at nearly all times]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
[] The Root of the Tree
No. of votes: 2
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain.[1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing[0 Influence Cost, -1 Relations with Vincennes, Place ban on further recruitment or replenishment of forces]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem.[+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Caitlyn Timbre, the sister of Laurent Timbre, who came to Evelyn's attention when she arrived in Etela on an errand for her brother. A few discreet inquiries tells you that Timbre would be glad for you to help the girl realise her potential.[Increased ties with Timbre, will help their young court gain influence and make Carlisle happy]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon Tellar, 14 (2nd in Line), and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar, 12 (3rd in Line), and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
No. of votes: 1
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain.[1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing[0 Influence Cost, -1 Relations with Vincennes, Place ban on further recruitment or replenishment of forces]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem.[+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Caitlyn Timbre, the sister of Laurent Timbre, who came to Evelyn's attention when she arrived in Etela on an errand for her brother. A few discreet inquiries tells you that Timbre would be glad for you to help the girl realise her potential.[Increased ties with Timbre, will help their young court gain influence and make Carlisle happy]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon Tellar, 14 (2nd in Line), and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar, 12 (3rd in Line), and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
[] The Root of the Tree - Arnold sat for years in the innermost counsels of the Vincennes. Now that he has fled his Teuvian sympathies are lain bare. How deep did the rot go? Who was he connected to, who did he report to? Perhaps between you and the spymasters of the Capo you can find an answer.[25% base chance,
4,000g, 1 Influence Cost, Gain details on Arnold Vincennes]
No. of votes: 1
[] Plan FriedIce
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down.
[-1 Influence, -4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing
-[] House Tellar Veto on calling the banners
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp.
[][SEC] Violet Tsu
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement
[] The Root of the Tree
[-1 Influence, -4,000g]
No. of votes: 3
[] Plan Spectrum
[][ARNOLD] ...issuing a substantial Bounty for him, dead or alive, to persuade others to pick up the trail. [0 Influence, sets aside
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing
-[] House Tellar Veto on calling the banners, not original listed Sanction [-1 Relations with Vincennes, 500g to Setup, 1 Minor Courtier is dispatched, Tellar may veto any raising of the banners]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem. [+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Caitlyn Timbre, the sister of Laurent Timbre, who came to Evelyn's attention when she arrived in Etela on an errand for her brother. A few discreet inquiries tells you that Timbre would be glad for you to help the girl realise her potential. [Increased ties with Timbre, will help their young court gain influence and make Carlisle happy]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement [+2 Relationship with Tarrant,
1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon Tellar, 14 (2nd in Line), and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement [+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo,
1,000g, Gregory Tellar, 12 (3rd in Line), and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
[] Recruitment - With the growth in tension and the fact that one of the land's premier generals has fled to a nominally unfriendly kingdom, Antonia is interested in setting up an army expansion ahead of schedule with some of the free time on her plate. [
1 Influence Cost, gold crown cost as per troop types] (NB: Your Minor Houses are not allowed to support Professional troops, but each can support two more Semi slots. Please refer to Tellar datasheets if you want to see what everyone currently has)
-[] House Tellar - 1x Tellar Inner Guard, 1x Tellar House Longbows [
-[] House Reynolds - 1x Harper Longbows [
2625g from each]
-[] House Hulland - 1x Harper Longbows [
2625g from each]
-[] House Rios - 1x Harper Longbows [
2625g from each]
-[] House Tsu - 1x Harper Militia, 1x Harper Longbows [
3625g from each]
[] The Root of the Tree - Arnold sat for years in the innermost counsels of the Vincennes. Now that he has fled his Teuvian sympathies are lain bare. How deep did the rot go? Who was he connected to, who did he report to? Perhaps between you and the spymasters of the Capo you can find an answer. [25% base chance,
4,000g, 1 Influence Cost, Gain details on Arnold Vincennes]
No. of votes: 2
@Aegir FYI your current vote does not use all of our influence. If you were to take the Root of the Tree option that pretty much everyone else has, that would align you with Katreus. At that point votes would stand at 3-2-2-2, with FriedIce having a single vote lead by plan but not a majority of votes, if that matters.