Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

Fair. However, I do want to comment that I was comparing the threat from Tellar only having one loyal house vs two disloyal houses--at which point the balance of basic military power appears vaguely even to me (leaving aside comparisons of Songweavers and such which are less easy to decide). I do not dispute at all that we're not in danger of being turned on by Vincennes as the primary. But perhaps things could reverse down the line so someone wants to make it Greater Gambier. Now, this is also a stupid fucking name, but less so than Marlingtay.

I've no idea how Capo would feel about that particular action instead of Vincennes trying to take over. I mean, as has been speculated in the past, perhaps they're more than willing to let Tellar to screw up so it leaves them as the default leading Symphony?

Anyway, my point is that Vincennes is a mess and seems likely to continue to be a mess, so if somehow our hand is forced or anything else happens that pisses off one of the other two houses, I'd prefer it to not suddenly be attractive for them to consider a coup of their own.
Now that is all purely a discussion for the players ;)
Uh..don't we have more House power than our vassals to the point where if they wanted to do more than suicide with us for spite, they'd need to ALL team up?

We don't rely on them for our core so much.
Uh..don't we have more House power than our vassals to the point where if they wanted to do more than suicide with us for spite, they'd need to ALL team up?

We don't rely on them for our core so much.
You can judge for yourself:

1 Harperknights

1 Inner Guard (Pro), 500
3 House Spearmen (Pro), 1500

1 House Cavalry (Semi), 200
8 House Men-At-Arms (Semi), 4000
2 House Longbows (Semi), 1000
Total: 7200 standing

20 Harper Militia (Militia), 10000
5 Harper Archers (Militia), 2500
9 Harper Longbows (Militia), 4500
Total: 17000 militia

58 Levy, 26000


1 Spellknights

1 The Dusk Chorus (Pro)

1 Household Guard(Pro)
9 House Carlisle Men-at-Arms (Semi)
1 House Longbows (Semi)

33 Gambier Militia (Militia)
7 Gambier Militia Bows (Militia)

48 Levy


1 Spellknights

1 House Raleigh Guard(Pro)
1 House Raleigh Archers (Pro)
10 Spearmen (Semi)

20 Militia (Militia)
7 Militia Bows (Militia)

44 Levy


1 Spellknights

2 Halberdiers (Pro)
1 House Vincennes Swords (Pro)
7 House Vincennes Longbows (Semi)
16 House Vincennes Spears (Semi)

29 Militia Spearmen
15 Militia Archers

44 Levy

Now, yes, commander/songweaver/spellsword quality and terrain will absolutely change things, but strictly with paper units, we're vaguely on par with any given other Vassal House and honestly that vaguely is lesser than.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain.[1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing[0 Influence Cost, -1 Relations with Vincennes, Place ban on further recruitment or replenishment of forces]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem.[+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Brittany Capo, a third cousin of the current Capo heir, Brittany has had a broad education but is still looking to figure out exactly where she belongs. Theo thinks she has a lot of potential.[Increased ties with Capo, puts a very solid fighter near Andres at nearly all times]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
[] The Root of the Tree
No. of votes: 2

[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain.[1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing[0 Influence Cost, -1 Relations with Vincennes, Place ban on further recruitment or replenishment of forces]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem.[+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Caitlyn Timbre, the sister of Laurent Timbre, who came to Evelyn's attention when she arrived in Etela on an errand for her brother. A few discreet inquiries tells you that Timbre would be glad for you to help the girl realise her potential.[Increased ties with Timbre, will help their young court gain influence and make Carlisle happy]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon Tellar, 14 (2nd in Line), and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar, 12 (3rd in Line), and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
No. of votes: 1

[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain.[1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing[0 Influence Cost, -1 Relations with Vincennes, Place ban on further recruitment or replenishment of forces]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem.[+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Caitlyn Timbre, the sister of Laurent Timbre, who came to Evelyn's attention when she arrived in Etela on an errand for her brother. A few discreet inquiries tells you that Timbre would be glad for you to help the girl realise her potential.[Increased ties with Timbre, will help their young court gain influence and make Carlisle happy]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon Tellar, 14 (2nd in Line), and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement[+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar, 12 (3rd in Line), and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
[] The Root of the Tree - Arnold sat for years in the innermost counsels of the Vincennes. Now that he has fled his Teuvian sympathies are lain bare. How deep did the rot go? Who was he connected to, who did he report to? Perhaps between you and the spymasters of the Capo you can find an answer.[25% base chance, 4,000g, 1 Influence Cost, Gain details on Arnold Vincennes]
No. of votes: 1

[] Plan FriedIce
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. [-1 Influence, -4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing
-[] House Tellar Veto on calling the banners
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp.
[][SEC] Violet Tsu
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement [-1,000g]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement [1,000g]
[] The Root of the Tree [-1 Influence, -4,000g]
No. of votes: 3


[] Plan Spectrum
[][ARNOLD] ...issuing a substantial Bounty for him, dead or alive, to persuade others to pick up the trail. [0 Influence, sets aside 6,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing
-[] House Tellar Veto on calling the banners, not original listed Sanction [-1 Relations with Vincennes, 500g to Setup, 1 Minor Courtier is dispatched, Tellar may veto any raising of the banners]
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp. When Alice docked in Billfarthing she warned you that a pirate base has been newly founded on a small island in the seas east of Tellar. Alice is open to joining your fleets with her Clan fleet to wipe it out before it becomes a problem. [+1 Relations with Khironex, joint Sartier-Khironex attack on Tranquility forward base next turn]
[][SEC] Caitlyn Timbre, the sister of Laurent Timbre, who came to Evelyn's attention when she arrived in Etela on an errand for her brother. A few discreet inquiries tells you that Timbre would be glad for you to help the girl realise her potential. [Increased ties with Timbre, will help their young court gain influence and make Carlisle happy]
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement [+2 Relationship with Tarrant, 1,000g, exchange of nobles goes ahead, Shannon Tellar, 14 (2nd in Line), and Jessica Ritter will spend summers in Bartier, winters in Harper]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement [+2 Relationship with Sonissimmo, 1,000g, Gregory Tellar, 12 (3rd in Line), and Peter Quinn spend summers in Etela, winters in Harper]
[] Recruitment - With the growth in tension and the fact that one of the land's premier generals has fled to a nominally unfriendly kingdom, Antonia is interested in setting up an army expansion ahead of schedule with some of the free time on her plate. [1 Influence Cost, gold crown cost as per troop types] (NB: Your Minor Houses are not allowed to support Professional troops, but each can support two more Semi slots. Please refer to Tellar datasheets if you want to see what everyone currently has)
-[] House Tellar - 1x Tellar Inner Guard, 1x Tellar House Longbows [12000g+23500g]
-[] House Reynolds - 1x Harper Longbows [2625g from each]
-[] House Hulland - 1x Harper Longbows [2625g from each]
-[] House Rios - 1x Harper Longbows [2625g from each]
-[] House Tsu - 1x Harper Militia, 1x Harper Longbows [3625g from each]
[] The Root of the Tree - Arnold sat for years in the innermost counsels of the Vincennes. Now that he has fled his Teuvian sympathies are lain bare. How deep did the rot go? Who was he connected to, who did he report to? Perhaps between you and the spymasters of the Capo you can find an answer. [25% base chance, 4,000g, 1 Influence Cost, Gain details on Arnold Vincennes]
No. of votes: 2


@Aegir FYI your current vote does not use all of our influence. If you were to take the Root of the Tree option that pretty much everyone else has, that would align you with Katreus. At that point votes would stand at 3-2-2-2, with FriedIce having a single vote lead by plan but not a majority of votes, if that matters.
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Separately, I will ask @OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato:
The military data dump given appears to make no mention of experience level for individual regiments. Just hoping to confirm that it's not a stat you're using or if it exists and is just not one that is public facing. Courtiers/Agents/individual people do appear to get that tracked through Veteran so I wanted to check.
Separately, I will ask @OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato:
The military data dump given appears to make no mention of experience level for individual regiments. Just hoping to confirm that it's not a stat you're using or if it exists and is just not one that is public facing. Courtiers/Agents/individual people do appear to get that tracked through Veteran so I wanted to check.

It's not something we're individually tracking. Too many regiments to want the extra workload.
It's not something we're individually tracking. Too many regiments to want the extra workload.
You mean you don't want us to have to figure out how to use our just recruited Green Semi-Pro regiments to stem the Clan Teuv Invasion and buy time for us to rotate in our Elite Professional regiments with upgraded gear all the while some pissant Duke is complaining we just lost the Tamar March Dyelin and we need to take it back immediately?

(no, no, I'm not asking, please don't do this)
You mean you don't want us to have to figure out how to use our just recruited Green Semi-Pro regiments to stem the Clan Teuv Invasion and buy time for us to rotate in our Elite Professional regiments with upgraded gear all the while some pissant Duke is complaining we just lost the Tamar March Dyelin and we need to take it back immediately?

(no, no, I'm not asking, please don't do this)

Where's my horrified rating D:

[] Plan FriedIce
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. [-1 Influence, -4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing
-[] House Tellar Veto on calling the banners
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp.
[][SEC] Violet Tsu
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement [-1,000g]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement [1,000g]
[] The Root of the Tree [-1 Influence, -4,000g]

Okay, looks like plan FriedIce has won it.

Hamid's Angels are go!
@OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato Say, does Sartier not have mercenary companies for hire, or are conditions not right for such right now, or they exist but you don't want to have to track that sort of thing so you would rule they're not relevant to us?
@OneirosTheWriter @Macchiato Say, does Sartier not have mercenary companies for hire, or are conditions not right for such right now, or they exist but you don't want to have to track that sort of thing so you would rule they're not relevant to us?
Mercenaries do exist but a bit more limited than historically. Not on a scale and level of organisation that would particularly attract the attention of noble houses, except in certain circumstances. (I.e., if they become necessary to the point of social acceptability, I'll be sure to let you know :V)
Mercenaries do exist but a bit more limited than historically. Not on a scale and level of organisation that would particularly attract the attention of noble houses, except in certain circumstances. (I.e., if they become necessary to the point of social acceptability, I'll be sure to let you know :V)
But turning gold (and loans for more gold) into mercenaries to drown your enemies in a tide of bodies is a grand strategy tradition!
Your interaction with mercenaries is more likely to be in the way that Hamid used them; bodyguard services in foreign places where you're trying to keep a low profile.
(I.e., smaller scale rather than full regiments)
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You guys can put forward topic suggestions/requests, and we'll provide any and all information that a Sartieran Great House noble would know on the subject.
Not sure if this is the appropriate venue or not, but I'd be interested in an economic overview of Greater Harper, insofar as the answer won't be "and Tellar cannot into economics".

Surely they should at least know what their important industries are and where their strategic and luxury resources are?
Various other info dumps that may prove interesting:
1) State of education and literacy and the spread of books. Curious how it's handled here especially given there's no huge church support/monasteries.
2) Inheritance laws and any deviations thereof. (Is it all primogeniture?)
3) History of magic. Who was the first discoverer, any other notable mages, why is Harper the mage area, etc
more fodder:
4) Ecology/climate/terrain of Sartier. Forests, deserts, grassland, plains, jungle, etc? Notable creatures that make up a big part of life? Any unexpected superpredators around other than humans? (Also, Timbre appears to be stuck between two mountain ranges. Does that mean it's getting fucked because of the rain shadow effect and so is kinda arid?)
Lol thanks for all of the suggestions. I'll probably do something like a Sartier Wiki entry, almost, as a starting point. So it'll touch broadly on a lot of the areas that have already been raised. It's in the works x3
Story - In Search of Adventure
=== In Search of Adventure ===

Eight Years Ago, Evelyn Tellar
Gulls wheel overhead as you look over the foreign trireme with its raucously painted hull and shadecloths. Gambier is a crowded and dirty port town, full of perils and adventure. You love it, a place not so sinister as the Shingles, nor so stuffy and ordered as the Balan shorefront. Fostering with the Sonissimmo and visiting your grandmother's family has shown you most of the rest of Sartier, but at some point on your trip home you have discovered that you aren't ready to be done with adventures. It's too soon to go home and devote yourself to being the Concerto of House Tellar. No, you have a head full of dreams and daring. Reckless to a fault, ready to duel at the drop of a hat, the thugs who see the worn hilt and immaculate blade of your longsword leave you well alone. Instead you wreak havoc among the other young nobles who are having adventures around the dock.

But there is only so long you can dally here if you want to see the world. Your father's retainers will track you down soon enough. You don't dare take ship with a Sartieran crew. A Kabilee ship seems dull. You'd never fit in with the Renmi, and you don't doubt they'd rat you out if faced with trouble. The Memphrabi don't take women in their ship crews, whereas the Khironex take nothing but. So it is to the Khironex you go.

You love the vivid colours of their trade galleys and triremes. The bright sashes of their crews. The crew is lean, wiry, mean. You find one ship, and you can see instantly it is a step up even from the Oboes the major Houses use. Its lines are sleek, the prow at the front looks like it could punch through citadel walls, let alone hulls. The marines of the ship have wedge-like backs rippling with muscle from wrangling the powerful draw of longbows. The rowers are no beleaguered lumps, they're bright, vibrant, alive. This is the ship you want. You know only a little of the Nexi script, but you make out the word on the side: Unbreakable.

Yes, that will do nicely. With a little asking around you learn that this is a Bell, the elite triremes that form the backbones of the Khironex clan leaders.

So you stow away. Well, by your standards anyway. You spot an officer from the ship only a little older than you, whom you later come to know as Alice Ruger, and follow her to a fairly disreputable tavern. The ramshackle public house has a female clientele and a stressed-out staff of pretty beribboned lads. Your attempt to befriend the Khironex woman starts alright, but soon seems to be scuppered by an all-in brawl that erupts between two clans of Nexi sailors. But when things turn ugly in Alice's corner and your longsword forms the thin steel boundary between life and death, you find yourself with a second chance.

Alice is like you, smart, bright, and wild at heart. Both of you hide things at firstly. Her status as a Sea Bellain, that is to say, an heir to her clan, is such old hat to her crewmates that it takes you a long time to make the link. Your own status as heir to the south of Sartier is something you don't bring up either for fear of the possible political risks scaring them off taking you aboard. Likewise, you don't mention your Songweaving, to further hide your identity, and in case foreign magic makes them uneasy. Your luck holds when you find out Alice's crew is short a few of their marine complement, an issue for a trireme designed to go in harm's way. But Alice's mother doesn't trust Sartierans so much, so Alice decides to sneak you aboard and then present you when the fleet has left port.

When you are unveiled to Isolde Ruger there is a fearsome row between them, the sort you only ever see between a mother and daughter. She is a sharp, dangerous woman, the Sea-Bell of Clan Ruger. At one point you are afraid you will have to reveal your true identity just to prevent Isolde from skewering you and tossing you for the sea sharks. But they settle eventually and allow you to stay.

You travel on from Gambier, seeing the world as you travel from city to city, pulling ashore and camping overnight at any of the multitudes of small island chains that dot the seas between the major nations. On the voyage you take shifts at the oars, learn the Khironex script, spar with the other Nexi marines along the narrow deck. You admit that until you get your sea legs properly you lose the first few bouts. But once you get the knack, you quickly put a stir among the crew. The little Sartieran girl has bite. Of course, the voyage with a single-gendered crew is weird, and the attitudes they instill in you still affect you to this day.

When you run into the flotilla of pirates from Tranquility, you have been with the crew for a few months and have visited places in Renmi and Khironex, and are on your way to the Scholars of Memphrabi. The Unbreakable leads the counter-attack to protect the trade galleys. You watch in fascination as the ships posture and jockey for position, watch the flights of deadly arrows spring forth like startled seabirds when pirates draw near. Missile duels are joined by a duel of Sea Witches, harnessing the inherent magic of the sea to hurl power at each other. Your friend Alice Ruger is striving mightily against a foe on a corsair that draws level. When she falters you know you have to intervene.

Your shield bears your mother's house; Hulland orange yoke on blue field. You climb up among the archers, against the gunwales of the ship. And you sing, pouring your will out of your body into your tongue. Your Longsword is light in your hand. The enchanted wood of the Chiming Forest is in its hilt, its steel steeped in the mysteries of your people. It resonates with your voice and gleams frightfully. You focus on the side of the enemy ship, among the banks of furiously pumping oars. Fa-so-la, fa-so-la, so-la-ti-do, you continue in the Song of Shock. Every note builds the power you bring forth from the world around you.

An vivid purple and green expulsion of power erupts forth from the midships of the enemy. Flotsam goes everywhere, and you see a man incomplete hurled into the air from the gangway. When the dust clears there is an ugly rent in the side of the ship and many oars are fouled. You have cut down a dozen at a stroke and impeded the enemy ship.

Battle allows your stunned comrades precious little time to marvel, but Alice is at your side, eyes wide and giddy. But you focus on keeping up the pressure. The rising notes come forth again, and you hit the enemy again. Many of the port oars are fouled or shattered. Isolde takes the opportunity to turn in and attack. Unbreakable's prow slams into the side of the hobbled pirates, splintering thick wood like rending parchment.

Over the prow you go, leading the swords at your back behind your shield and voice, conjuring protection for the flesh of your comrades. Tranquility pirates, rough faced old sea dogs to fresh-faced youths, desperate men and women all, come at you with their axes. Alice matches you every step of the way, and both of your tools take life when the crews collide. It isn't a fight like the battles of Sartier. There is no chivalry. No pity.

"You're that ... oh, you know what I mean, that old Sartieran trick, the singing thing," babbles Alice when you both stand on the cracked timbers of the defeated Tranquility corsair.

"A Songweaver, Alice, I'm a Songweaver," you reply as you clear the blood from your sword.


QM Notes: Down to proof-reading with the results post, so @Macchiato hope to have ready in a couple days or so, just thought I'd but this here as a lead in!
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