Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

I have so many questions.

So Evelyn basically ran off after her fosterage is what I'm getting. Did that put Sonissimo / Tellar in an awkward spot or is this sort of thing normal for either Sartier nobles or Evelyn in particular? I'm imagining a Tellar entourage showing up to pick Eve back up and there's just this long silence when Sonissimo realizes Eve is nowhere to be found in their manor.

For that matter, that's possibly years of the Tellar heir being incommunicado and possibly dead. Was someone else declared acting Concerto during that time (and hence, might resent Eve coming back) or did Tellar always know where Eve was and just had some undercover spies keeping an eye on her? Do they just randomly decide at one point or another - ok, that's enough, time to come back home?

Last, what did Isolde think when Evelyn's status came out? Did she figure out the other part (being a Sartier noble) at the same point in time re: songweaver or later on? And did Eve get kicked off the ship when Isolde realized that or they let her stay on until Tellar came to call?

Cute story. :) No wonder Alice and Eve are such good friends.
I have so many questions.

So Evelyn basically ran off after her fosterage is what I'm getting. Did that put Sonissimo / Tellar in an awkward spot or is this sort of thing normal for either Sartier nobles or Evelyn in particular? I'm imagining a Tellar entourage showing up to pick Eve back up and there's just this long silence when Sonissimo realizes Eve is nowhere to be found in their manor.

For that matter, that's possibly years of the Tellar heir being incommunicado and possibly dead. Was someone else declared acting Concerto during that time (and hence, might resent Eve coming back) or did Tellar always know where Eve was and just had some undercover spies keeping an eye on her? Do they just randomly decide at one point or another - ok, that's enough, time to come back home?

Last, what did Isolde think when Evelyn's status came out? Did she figure out the other part (being a Sartier noble) at the same point in time re: songweaver or later on? And did Eve get kicked off the ship when Isolde realized that or they let her stay on until Tellar came to call?

Cute story. :) No wonder Alice and Eve are such good friends.
Bit late at night to answer all those, @Macchiato and I will try to reply tomorrow :)
I have so many questions.

So Evelyn basically ran off after her fosterage is what I'm getting. Did that put Sonissimo / Tellar in an awkward spot or is this sort of thing normal for either Sartier nobles or Evelyn in particular? I'm imagining a Tellar entourage showing up to pick Eve back up and there's just this long silence when Sonissimo realizes Eve is nowhere to be found in their manor.

For that matter, that's possibly years of the Tellar heir being incommunicado and possibly dead. Was someone else declared acting Concerto during that time (and hence, might resent Eve coming back) or did Tellar always know where Eve was and just had some undercover spies keeping an eye on her? Do they just randomly decide at one point or another - ok, that's enough, time to come back home?

Last, what did Isolde think when Evelyn's status came out? Did she figure out the other part (being a Sartier noble) at the same point in time re: songweaver or later on? And did Eve get kicked off the ship when Isolde realized that or they let her stay on until Tellar came to call?

Cute story. :) No wonder Alice and Eve are such good friends.
Okay, basically, it's not really a Sartier tradition, but it's not uncommon for Tellars. Look at Antonia Tellar, who was the inheriting half of the Symphony. She and Luna did something very similar by bumming around Sartier playing shonen anime protagonist-on-quest-to-get-stroooongeeeeeer during their youths.

Sonissimmo had actually kinda left the scene at that stage, Evelyn chose to take ship the long away around Sartier, ostensibly to see a bit more of the joint before she had to go home. Well, she stopped in at Gambier and decided fuck this, I want to see the world, gave everyone the slip, pretended to be a handy replacement marine, and off she went. She left correspondence behind her telling her family what she intended.

Now she has two younger siblings, the ones who are currently starting their own fostering, and for the duration that Evelyn was away, Shannon Tellar, 6, would have been next in line to be Concerto. (However, if something happened to dissolve the Symphony before Evelyn returned and before Shannon was old enough to even have an idea of whether she would be Marshall or Executive, the pair that would likely have taken over the top job in the interim would have been Andres and Antonia's younger sibling, Natalie, and her husband, and your current agent, Dominic Rios).

Now, key point is that it's doubtful Shannon was ever even told that she was acting Concerto, nor really would have understood it at all, so she wouldn't be likely to be resentful. And don't be shocked if in three years time she up and goes on her own crazy gap year...

As for Isolde and Evelyn, well, that's a story for a different time... ;)


Ahem! Now, there is another matter to bring up. We have obviously noticed that the option spam is wearing on people, and that it's frustrating and hard to come to grips with. And with eight agents and four influence points straight from the word go, you guys have had minimum fourteen actions to handle and not much guidance, and a lot of new concepts.

Now there are a few things that are about to be revealed as near crisis level, and a decent amount of fighting likely to come up in your futures. Basically, there's going to be plenty on the plate of the House Marshall, which is what Evelyn will be eventually.

So what we are proposing, and looking to canvass opinions on from the thread as a whole, is that we reduce the scope of the actions to just Diplomacy and Martial actions, removing the rest of the matters. In terms of story, Antonia is giving Evelyn her big test, her chance to shine (and you'll see why she would, too, because hahaholyshit Evelyn had some funky rolling this turn). In terms of gameplay, we cut things down to Evelyn, Luna, Theo, and Dominic, two influence points, and we handle the other parts of it for now. Then as people feel more comfortable with the system, we can open more parts of it up. Instead of handling the other areas directly, there will be a simple vote for a few different basic strategies.

So voting becomes a lot easier, plus you get to learn one specific sphere of the world very well, before expanding out into the rest of it.

Would love to get people's opinion on whether they think this is an approach they are interested in, or if people would prefer to stick with the full whole-of-House approach?
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I think it'd probably GREATLY simplify if you just split the actions to phases(e.g. voting for Diplomacy in phase 1, then Martial, then Intrigue, etc, each voting phase updating and locking as we go) without outright cutting everything. More accessible, though also more temptation to overspend.
I think it'd probably GREATLY simplify if you just split the actions to phases(e.g. voting for Diplomacy in phase 1, then Martial, then Intrigue, etc, each voting phase updating and locking as we go) without outright cutting everything. More accessible, though also more temptation to overspend.
That's something that has been mentioned to us but I don't think we've yet thought up a way to divide up the resources between the phases. Possibly with a phase 1 that is actually divvying assets between the other phases.

I'd just worry about the amount of times I'd hear "Can we go back and undo this agent assignment from the previous phase!?"
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I am a little surprised you two didn't decide just to do the CK2 system that's fairly popular here in the first place. Although this current system gives a lot more customization, I think it's pretty clear people are a little paralyzed by all the options.

Even if it might be less flexible, an easy way to fix this would be to assign agents to certain categories of actions in the first place, maybe allowing Evelyn as the protagonist to float around to help on any action. So, someone like Hamid could only be assigned to intrigue options, which would also make a split up phase a lot easier to run. The players would know beforehand these are our options, these are the people that could be assigned.

The other problem is influence points, which would also seem to require or lead to requests to go back and redo based on new phase knowledge.

But on the other hand, if you already know agents can only be assigned to certain options, then perhaps a split up isn't necessary since that limits the amount of choices in the first place.
I actually enjoy the option spam, lol. Its one of the things that makes this quest distinctive, and I'm pretty sure you've got less options than Ulthuan Quest.
Would dividing the voting into phases spoil that in your opinion?
My main worry with dividing it up into options is 'OH MY GOD, WE NEED ANOTHER MARTIAL CHARACTER BUT WE SPENT LUNA ON DIPLOMACY THIS TURN', or being conservative the entire voting round and ending up having to burn all our assets this turn on intrigue.

RE: CKII normal system; CKII quests in the typical fashion are a dime a dozen, and the inflexibility granted by the system (and the reliance on dice rolls) means that you have to make the quest easier for it to be playable. I don't really enjoy easy quests.

My suggestion to reduce the option spam a bit is you move the influence points soley to the mid-turn. So we can't use influence in the main turn, only in the mid-turn (with the exception of certain influence requiring options like the sanctions were - or perhaps the roads option). It'd reduce the number of options by a fair amount, and probably increase the importance of the midturn a fair amount. There's only so important something can be when you're only getting two actions out of it a turn after all.
Of course, I'll not that the Quest as you have it right now *is* a CK2 Quest. You know why I know it? Because it's a tag and therefore it's a ck2 quest.

Just like my Quest is totally a CK2 Quest despite this being the format of the latest Turn Vote.

Issue # 4: Panopticon's Eye (Choose 1)

The Panopticon's grasp has been improved, but it is not yet to full strength. Yet it is strong enough to do some good.

[] Continue Repairing the Network (74/???)
[] Have them gather information on…
-[] The Gardiners.
-[] Northside Kings.
-[] The Vampires.
-[] Write-in.
[] Have them have a general outward focus (get more rumors, more hints, but none of the specific details of a specific investigation).

General Orders For Fall (Choose 1)

[] Scour the goblin markets for anything of interest, there is a certain market coming up, but more than that, there might be hints of this new world.
[] Investigate the Gardiners.
[] Investigate the Northside Kings.
[] Continue their River-mapping
[] Research the differences in law, society, and history.
[] Continue looking into the new magic system and all it might imply.
[] They should begin to try to learn to do a magic/blocking circle as is mentioned in the pamphlets.
[] Checking up on the spear that was found in Galway.
[] Write-in.

Asset (Allied) King Stoneguts (Choose 1)

[] Investigate
-[] Gardiners.
-[] Northside Kings.
-[] Vampires.
[] Act against any threats on the River.
[] Look into matters with Jonathan.
[] Put agents in place at sister cities to learn about problems like these earlier on.
[] Aid another asset…
-[] Choose which action.
[] Write-in.

The Prophet Circle (Asset, Institution: Subordinate) (Choose 2)

[] Look into and begin examining the nature of the visions that Eva and the others had (excepting Roy Taylor)
[] Continue helping Roy Taylor with his problems.
[] Attempt to convince him to share the information from his dreams. It is more likely now that he shall share *some* of the information, though not even close to all. Dribs and drabs, as it were.
[] Go talk to Layla, make sure she doesn't do anything...foolish.
[] Ride the Prophet Circle to get increased knowledge on upcoming events as well as the past and future. (Results somewhat random).
[] Have Augusta begin to use her Clairvoyance again to spy on potential enemies of the Freehold.
[] Check up on Jason "Smiles." He's been very quiet recently.
[] Work on each of the members of the circle willing and with time on improving their powers and abilities.
[] Spend extra time helping out Layla on developing her powers. (more focused than the one above.)
[] Spend extra time helping Eva on her Quest/with her work.


The Lord Sages of the Unknown Reach (Asset, Institution: Allied) (Choose 1)

The Lord Sages are bristling with all sorts of ideas for what they can do to help both the Freehold and themselves, and of course all sorts of ways that Cora can help them. If anything, the problem is how much there is to do, and how little time there is.

[] Examine Malthus M. Riddle's "New Spirits."
[] Aid Mad-Cap Manny in acquiring the ghoul necklace.
[] Follow Lydia Zero's odd hunches involving her field of interest.
[] Help Persephone find a topic of study.
[] Talk to Anton LeFay.


Personal Actions (Choose 3)

[] Meet with Lillian again…
-[] About? Write-in main topics/desires.
[] Begin working on personally figuring out this 'magic circle' business.
[] Follow up leads on this 'Book.'
[] Look into the historical and current-events changes.
[] Explore the Dreamscapes to see if anything has changed in that respect.
[] Pursue Visions in her spare time, what little there is.
[] Get in contact with some of the collegiate allies she knews.
[] Hang out with King Stoneguts.
[] Any Asset Action that involves helping someone can also be done as a personal action, because of Kind.
[] Follow up on this Fiddler.
[] Follow up on the vague hints of that last party crasher, the one who isn't human and arrived right about as she left.
[] Follow up on the rumors about the spear in Galway.
[] Continue work on studying the book, such as making sure the DNA tests of the book's leather is completed, and other matters.
[] Write-in.

That's how ubiquitous/important it is to call your Quest a CK2 Quest even though it doesn't use the mechanics.
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In terms of gameplay, we cut things down to Evelyn, Luna, Theo, and Dominic, two influence points, and we handle the other parts of it for now.
Even with this particular implementation, I believe you should probably take FriedIce's suggestion and move Influence point spending into the mid-turn for now anyway, because I don't think it's particularly fair to only have 2 Influence points but still being in control of Diplomacy, which tends to have the big Influence point expenditures anyway. We have to spend it all here (or arguably want to spend even more than 2 depending on choices) and will then not be able to guarantee any for the Mid-Turn. It's such a limited and important resource that not having full control of it kinda sucks.

So, someone like Hamid could only be assigned to intrigue options, which would also make a split up phase a lot easier to run.
I worry for flexibility in these cases. There are a number of agents that can be slotted into multiple areas and losing the ability to assign them to something they're not optimal at but can still do hurts a lot.

Either way phase locking assignments also hurts us for not being able to tell someone to do a Diplomatic thing and a Stewardship thing (for example) in the same turn because they're co-located.

Now, hurting us in the name of being able to get more Quest participation is itself not the worst thing, but then Oneiros and Macchiato should probably think about limiting what other nations' agents can do at the same time, if they also had the same flexibility ours did, to not actually hugely punish us.

I actually enjoy the option spam, lol. Its one of the things that makes this quest distinctive, and I'm pretty sure you've got less options than Ulthuan Quest.
Yes, but unfortunately only have 3 people capable and/or willing of even suggesting full turn plans for discussion is not conducive to the health of a Quest.

My suggestion to reduce the option spam a bit is you move the influence points soley to the mid-turn. So we can't use influence in the main turn, only in the mid-turn (with the exception of certain influence requiring options like the sanctions were - or perhaps the roads option). It'd reduce the number of options by a fair amount, and probably increase the importance of the midturn a fair amount. There's only so important something can be when you're only getting two actions out of it a turn after all.
Not really true in the current system. There were only 12 or so option sets in Turn 2 that required Influence. From those we selected 3 choices and saved the rest of our influence.

So just moving all of that to the Mid Turn would help but wouldn't really make that big of a dent in action selection once you take into account how many agents we have and how we've been allowed to jigger things to have some of them do multiple things in a turn.
Yes, but unfortunately only have 3 people capable and/or willing of even suggesting full turn plans for discussion is not conducive to the health of a Quest.
Actually in my experience this is how basically all quests that run on a plan based system work. You have two or three people who craft plans and then everyone else votes for the one they like most.

Its even like that in some of the most popular quests, like Academia Nuts'. At the height of Arankor's highly popular dragon quest a couple of years back it was still basically only uju32 and one or two other people making the plans, even though more than a hundred people turned out to vote on the most contentious issues. It was the same with saksak's Circle no Longer, though there it was Brain_Caster, VladIII and HandicappedHippo.

As for the Evelyn thing, I might suggest we put it up for a vote and let the people decide. If we do decide to go for it it would be a nice introduction to plan making though.
Actually in my experience this is how basically all quests that run on a plan based system work. You have two or three people who craft plans and then everyone else votes for the one they like most.

Its even like that in some of the most popular quests, like Academia Nuts'. At the height of Arankor's highly popular dragon quest a couple of years back it was still basically only uju32 and one or two other people making the plans, even though more than a hundred people turned out to vote on the most contentious issues. It was the same with saksak's Circle no Longer, though there it was Brain_Caster, VladIII and HandicappedHippo.

As for the Evelyn thing, I might suggest we put it up for a vote and let the people decide. If we do decide to go for it it would be a nice introduction to plan making though.
I've found that's only the case for those quests 10 or 15 turns in. It shouldn't be happening in turn 2 when in most strategy/budgeting quests there are far fewer options and complexity to deal with. (Now, if the way this Quest has been structured means they've accelerated all the way past that early phase, that's a different issue.)

The other limiting factor is not just in making plans but being able to discuss them, since a bevy of competing and agent-bound options means you need to at least understand what the tradeoffs are if you personally aren't happy with a specific portion of someone's proposed plan and want to suggest to do something different.
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I suppose with Influence points it's possible to have a final phase where you can go back and spend influence points on anything that came up in the preceding phases, or turn Influence points into, say, a re-roll on an action. Or even restructure some of the options so instead of influence actions appearing in other sections we have a specific Symphony Actions section...

Edit: Or I suppose alter the mid-turn to allow people to also spend influence points on any of the influence costing options from the main turn (sort of like allowing the recruitment option would have been).
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Quest - Turn 2 Result
Turn 2 Result - Year 1 Winter (Turn 2)

[] Non-Agent - Crime and Punishment (-1 Influence)
-[] Significant
--[] Additionally a multi-house peacekeeping force will be placed on the border on the Vincennes side

[] Non-Agent - Without Chivalry We Are Nothing (-1 Influence)
-[] Significant
--[] Additionally Lana Antilles is summoned to Harper to account for her actions

[] Luna Reynolds - Wherever needed throughout Sartier
-[] Meet the Symphony Guard!

[] Dominic Rios - Stay in Harper
-[] A Formal Position (-4000G)

[] Juan Lumen - Travel to Tarrant
-[] Foster Care - Approach House Tarrant to negotiate possible fosterings. (-1 Influence)
-[] Read the Manual - Tarrant

[] Theo Raleigh - Travel to Carentan
-[] Taking over the Case Load - Survey Greater Carentan, home of Capo and its vassals.

[] Charlie Tellar - Harper
- [] Commence a hunt for the Yellow Banner peasants

[] Hamid Hulland - Return to Harper
- [] A Formal Relationship
- [] Did You Get My Memo?

[] Free Action - Mentoring Audrey Suarez - Carmen Rios

[] Rita Hulland - Travel to Sonissimmo
- [] Hello Sailor
[] Evelyn Tellar - Wait for Alice in Harper, then travel to Sonissimmo
- [] Preparing to Take the Next Step
- [] Patching Up
[] Carmen Rios - Travel to Sonissimmo
- [] Foster Care - Approach House Sonissimmo to negotiate possible fosterings. (-0 Influence, accounted for already)
- [] You've heard rumours that "Faithless as a Tellar" is doing the rounds of the Court at Etela. That's not a good sign. You need to find some intermediaries to help try and normalise relations with the Sonissimmo.

[] (Free Action, Non-Agent) Help Needed
-[] Instruct all agents to keep an eye out for candidates in their travels.

[] Plan FriedIce
[][ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. [-1 Influence, -4,000g]
[][SANCTION] Sanction House Vincennes for failing to stop him from from fleeing
-[] House Tellar Veto on calling the banners
[][LANA] Join a Khironex attack on a makeshift pirate camp.
[][SEC] Violet Tsu
[][TARRANT] Accept Fostering agreement [-1,000g]
[][SONN] Accept Fostering agreement [1,000g]
[] The Root of the Tree [-1 Influence, -4,000g]

The hull beneath your feet is as much an old friend as her captain. The mighty Unbreakable, pride of Clan Ruger, now bestowed wholly to your friend, Alice. In the years since your time aboard you had run into Alice only once, and only for a day, though you regularly exchange letters. So even though you were astoundingly busy while in Etela, it has been an amazing few months for you.

You caught up in the proper manner of old friends, as if each year apart had been but a day. Stories had been exchanged throughout the trip to Etela, first to your mother's amusement, and then to her horror as she learns of a whole host of misadventures, misdemeanours and brushes with death that you have never before burdened her mind with.

This trip up the broad Barossa River to Harper is a little more sombre. Etela felt like stepping back in time, a return to heady days of learning your Songweaving, of old adventures, and summers fostering in that amazing city, running around with Hana Sonissimmo. But once more you find yourself on the road home, looking wistfully behind you. Work awaits, all too plentiful work.

Still, even being on this river was a bit of an adventure. The delta of the Barossa as it hit the coast was a broad marshlands that no one believed was navigable by full sized ships, down to where it met Billfarthing. That supposition has lasted for long, long years, a testimony to how infrequently outside traders visit your home province. The skilled Nexi mariners picked a way through the wetlands to the river almost purely for the challenge of it, a way that you believe can be opened up further.

"I recognise that village," you say to Alice as you stand by the dolphin-like prow of the ship. "I think we'll be able to see Harper once we round the next bend."

"Still feels strange that I've never seen your home city," replies Alice Ruger. She is a tall woman, with a longsword slung over her back and an axe hanging from her hip. "Looking forward to it though."

You grin at that. "Harper is great. East bank has some amazing buildings, like the Songweaver's guild hall. West bank is very colourful to look at, though I wouldn't bother visiting further than the bazaar."

Alice and Clan Ruger reactions positive.

Khironex skilled mariners picked a route through the marshes of the Barossa River Delta. New option unlocked.

"Hopefully we don't stay too long," says Alice. "I'm looking forward to this island attack; actually trying some of your new ideas out."

"That's the problem with a military treatise," you grumble. "A real test is a pain."

"Do you think the news has reached your folks?" asks Alice.

"What? Of my paper? Maybe," you reply. "It did take off in a big way." You look over at her and add, "I still don't know why you didn't let me put your name on it."

"Who is going to listen to a foreigner about Songweaving matters?" she says bluntly.

"Eh, point."

"Anyway, you get credit with your people, I'll write the Khironex take, get credit with my people, best of both worlds," continues Alice.

Rita Hulland -
Hello Sailor [20% base chance] Roll, 60 + 41 +14 + 10 = 125, +25 to sub-rolls
+1 Magic Stat Gain, 91+: 72 + 41 + 25 = 138, success
+1 Magic Stat Gain, 91+: 26 + 41 + 25 = 92, success
Improve Relations with Royal Navy, 61+: 76, success

+2 Magic, Gain Naval Songweaver, next turn spent learning theory behind it

Work with Lee Hagan and Linh Willow (Royal Navy Task Forces 3, 4)

Gain access to Naval Songweavers, Evelyn Diplomacy Action 30% +10 for being in Etela, Roll 54+33+13+9+10 = 119, success

Evelyn Tellar -
Preparing to Take the Next Step, 50% base chance, 23+34+14+10 = 81
Open access to Elite Songweaver training
Subroll, Magic Gain, 31+/61+/91+/121+: 31+34= 65, +2 Magic
Subroll, Naval Songweaver: 81+: Nat 100!

Gain Trait "Naval Songweaver", +1 Casting Dice on water, access to Naval Songweaving songs, +1 Mg
Gain Unique Trait "Conductor of Tides", +1 Influence, +1 M, +1 Mg, +1 Casting Dice on water, can force re-roll for naval jockeying for position

Patching Up 46+33+13+9 = 101, success, +1 to Subrolls
Subroll, Friendship with Hana restored, 41+: 96+33+1 = 130, success
-Overflow used to salvage a failed Hana personal action
Subroll, Evelyn safety 31+: 60+33+1 = 95, success
Subroll, Joint Influence Gain, 101+: 57+33+1 = 91

"Best of both worlds," you repeat. "Well, it'll be the best of both worlds as well when we hit that base."

A Shield of Our Own Complete
+4 Oboe Triremes delivered from Vassal House Carlisle's shipyards
+4 Oboe Triremes delivered from Vassal House Vincennes shipyards

House fleet increases to 14 Oboes


*Place order for 4 Oboes, Auto-Success, 4,000g, 2 turns, Influence frees up
+4 Oboes for House Carlisle

Locked to Turn 3

*Assist non-coastal Minor Houses lay down ships (Ask all Minor Houses to contribute to the coastal defence) [60+4 (Oscar Martial) + 6 (Scott Martial)=70%, 2 turns] - 50
4 x House Innslaught, 2,000g / 500g upkeep
2 x House Loskaria, 1,000g / 250g upkeep
2 x House Pentan, 1,000g / 250g upkeep
Need 41+, Roll 50 + 4 + 6 = 60, success, No bonus to sub-roll
Keep House Innslaught Happy: Need 41+ = 100, Inspired success! +2 relations with Innslaught, +1 Relations with all minors
Keep House Loskaria Happy: Need 41+ = 51, success
Keep House Pentan Happy: Need 41+ = 32+17 (Oscar Diplo) + 12 (Relations) = 61, success


Greater Harper fleets increase to: 36 Oboes, 58 Flutes

Other Regions:

Penny Sonissimmo - Expand Balan Arsenal to 5 Royal Slipways -10,000g, 4,000g/turn, 3 turns, +1,000g Civil Upkeep
Roll 29 + 33 + 14 + 13 = 89, success
Decrease duration, 101+: 31 + 33 = 64, fail
Decrease cost, 81+: 36 +33 = 69, fail
Decrease Civil Upkeep, 81+: 94+33 = success

Shipyard Capacity to 12/12/5, 10,000g, 4,000g/turn, 3 turns, +500g Civil Upkeep

LOCKED to end turn 4

*Shipbuilding Order
+8 Oboes at Balan Harbour for House Fleet, 6,800, 2 turns (1,200g savings)
  1. Sale of 4 oboes to Sarba nets 600g profit.

LOCKED to end turn 3, Influence Released

*Contract 4 Oboes with House Sonissimmo + 2 at Home,4,000g, 2 turns, Influence frees up

LOCKED to end turn 3, Influence Released


You find your father and aunt together at the top-most balcony on the inner keep of the citadel. Father has his arms folded across his chest as he looks out over the vista, his shoulders hunched forward. Aunt Antonia is drinking wine from a mug. Her face is creased with worries. Her young wife is there as well, sipping wine but leaning with her back to the balcony, which lets her be the first to spot you.

"Oh, welcome back, Concerto Evelyn," the young woman says smoothly.

"Candice," you reply. You hide behind a smile. Antonia never should have divorced Luna.

It isn't even just that she's a commoner, though that doesn't help. She just doesn't belong. It takes some will not to sneer when you see the sword that hangs in a beautiful white-and-red moon enamelled scabbard. Given the family she has married into, it's a silly little affectation. If it comes to it, you have no doubt that you could mulch her by steel or song. Still, at least her conduct over the last six months has proved that she's loyal to Tellar and not to her native Dale, anyway.

"Evelyn, my dear, just in time," your father says, looking over from his vantage point.

"Over here, Evie," calls Antonia. You obey, joining them at the railing. The view is amazing. You overlook the courtyards below, the wealthy city around you, and also the west bank of the Barossa. Twilight falls upon Sartier, and the lights and colours of the poorer quarters are just starting to be joined by the lamps. You can even clearly make out the ships of the Khironex at the docks of the near shore, bright and splendid in the torchlight.

Looking down you can see two full regiments in tight ranks massed in the grand courtyard of the inner citadel walls. One wears the brilliant emerald and bone white livery of the Tellars. The other is a visiting force of Men-at-Arms from your vassals, the Tsu, in their red and green livery. The Tsu reside in the castle district that guards the northern approaches to Harper, a powerful obstacle to any who would invade. Over the tumult of men and women in bloodless combat you can hear the voices of the Songweavers casting the Song of the Hills to armour-proof the two regiments.

"Who is winning?" you inquire.

"We are," your aunt says. "Our sister is down there, having some fun. Lea Tsu and that Tsu heiress are down there as well, uh, somewhere." Your aunt flips a hand at the fighting below. "Bah, let her have her fun. Meeting time for us." Antonia softens her voice and says a few whispered goodbyes to Candice, who leaves in a cloud of - fake, in your opinion - smiles and grace.

The three of you take seats by the study desk. "So how is Rita doing?" is the first thing Andres asks when he sits down.

"Mother is fine," you reply, rolling your eyes. "Etela is a pretty comfortable place to spend a few months. Alice and her crews thought so as well." You glance back out at the balcony, and the distant Bell-type trireme you know sits by the river. "It was interesting to have the input of a master Sea Witch while learning the Royal Navy's songweaving. I think it gave me a lot of new insights."

Your father nods along. "I bet. Rita and Monica both love getting outside influences to help further their work."

"I wrote some papers about it," you continue. "I mean, I wish I coulda done more, it's been a stupidly busy few months. Still, I, uh, kinda made a stir among the maritime houses and nobles. Don't know if you guys have heard?"

Antonia laughs at that, and you cock your head at her. She reaches over to a bound sheaf of parchments and lifts it up for you to see. The pages are dog-eared and scuffed, and you can see where notes have been made in the margin. "We've heard. That we have."

"News of your scholarship precedes you," your father quips, and the pride that's clear on his face makes you feel warm and fuzzy in a way you didn't think parental approval still could.

"Let's just say, I can't wait to see what you and Alice cook up for this island assault," confides Antonia with a devilish little grin.

"You're going to hand it to me?" you ask, blinking in surprise. Turning down a shot at battle didn't sound much like your aunt.

"Oh, I'll be there, no matter how much Luna tries to tell me it's a younger woman's game," snorts Antonia. "But I never much liked boats. I'll leave the sailing to you."

"Now, let's see, today's agenda," says your father firmly.

"Let me guess," you reply. "Our two problem Houses didn't listen to my great arguments about why they should shut up and take their medicine?"

"Ha, you were expecting it, weren't you?" says Antonia with a dire-sounding chuckle. "But no. Did you hear about Lana all but prostrating herself to try and get her chivalry back?"

"Yeah, that story hit the gossip circles in Etela pretty hard," you confirm.

Antonia grins wickedly. "Your fault."

[] Non-Agent - Crime and Punishment (-1 Influence)
-[] Significant
--[] Additionally a multi-house peacekeeping force will be placed on the border on the Vincennes side

Diplomacy Test 40% base
Need 61+, Roll 60 + 33 (Evelyn) + 13 (Diplo Bonus) + 9 (Antonia) - 10 (Additional rider) = 104
Punishment accepted, no issues

[] Non-Agent - Without Chivalry We Are Nothing (-1 Influence)
-[] Significant
--[] Additionally Lana Antilles is summoned to Harper to account for her actions

Diplomacy Test 40% base
Need 61+, Roll 100 + 33 +13 +9-10(Additional Rider) = 144

Unique Trait gain for Lana Antilles - The Penitent Knight (+2 Chv, +1 M, +1 C, +1 D - Lana is hell-bent on redeeming the honour of her House)

Unique Trait gain for Evelyn Tellar - Spin Doctor (+2 D, +10 to all Sub-Rolls after a successful Diplomatic Test in Foreign Courts)
+1 Relations with House Dale

"Oh...kay then," you say slowly, after Antonia explains a number of behind the scenes conversations with Lana. "So, uh, is the feud dying down?"

"Ha, fuck no," laughs Antonia. "Nah, Lana just wants to make sure Dale murders Vincenni with 'true Chivalry' from now."

Andres shakes his head and grunts. "If that means we don't have to worry about them attempting to skulk through our patrol forces, well, I'll take it."

"So then. What about Vincennes, still saying this is a beat up?" you continue.

Your aunt is next to shake her head. "Vincennes has shut up, actually."

"About fucking time," you say with a heaved sigh.

"Yeah, they've finished their own investigations and admit Arnold was crooked," says Andres.

Jessica Vincennes -
Trust but Verify - 20% base chance, attempt to verify Arnold Vincennes story, 2,000g
Need 81+, Roll 27 + ?? + ? + ? = ??, success

Arnold Vincennes story exposed as a lie to House Vincennes
Provides proof of disloyal army elements carrying off Arnold to Renmi without House approval.

"The Vincennes spymistress, who'd gut someone as soon as shake their hand, actually looked embarrassed. So old Hamid tells it, anyway."

"I can't even be happy," says Andres with a deep exhalation. "We met with their Mezzo, Gordon and Allison, and they're both just shattered."

"Play stupid games, get stupid prizes," grunts Antonia. Andres looks at her for a moment and she grimaces and throws her hands up. "I know, I know."

"It's such a waste, too," your father continues. "Allison Vincennes is one of the finest stewards that Sartier has to offer. This fucking feud consumes that talent. A feud that everyone thought had killed her best friend, no less."

You pounce on the odd word choice instantly. "Had thought?"

From Turn 1:

Dale Spellknights charges VV (Vincennes Spearmen formation, 3 regiments)
VV Unordered, Requires Cohesion Roll: 45 + 10 (Ambush) + 10 (Cavalry) + 10 (Flank) = 75+ => 82, 66, 31, 2 of 3 fail!
VV Panic Roll: d100 +110 + 11 (Arnold) +6 (Kayli) - 20 (ambush) - 20 (panic!) - 20 (flanked) - 15 (dice) - 10 (10%) - 10 (night) - 10 (ranged) - 10 (magic) - 18 (Harvest Hymn) = -6 (Nat 1 rolled), VV Shattered! Ridden Down!

DSK Wound Roll: (6+2=8)d20h3 + d10 (Spellknight Charge) + 15 (Cavalry Lance Charge) + 10 (Warhorse Charge Bonus) = 90
DSK Character Wound Roll: d15 (Belinda) + d10 (Lana) + d10 (Sarah) = 12, 5, 1 (Sarah)
VV Wound Roll: 5d20h3 + 10 (Spear vs Cavalry) = 45
VV Character Wound Roll: d10 (Arnold) + d7 (Kayli) = 3, 7
VV Mod: 90 - (15 - 15 (Lance Charge) = 0) - (13 - 3 (magic) = 10) = (80+18=98) * 1.5 (run down) = 147 / 1273 = 1126
DSK Mod: 45 - (40 - 5 -4 (magic) = 31) - 5 (Shield Parry) = 9 * 3 = 27 + 10 = 37 / 2 (run down) = 19 / 2 (Lords of War) = 10 / 200 = 190

DSK Extra Attack Roll: 8d20h3+5+d15+d10+d10 = 67 (6,9,2)
VV Mod: 67 - (15 -2 = 13) - 10 = 44 / 1150 = 1082

-- snip --

Lana hunts down Kayli
Lana Superheavy Armour, Heavy Shield, Lance, Longsword Warhorse, Parry (9+0+3+0+6-3=15, Need 6+, Max 6), Armour (12+6 = 15(max))
Kayli -Medium Armour, Shield, Longsword, Parry (7+6+3+6-4 = 15 (max), Need 6+, Max 6) Armour (6+3-3 = 6)

d9 v d7 = 9, 1, Kayli stumbles!
Kayli Parry = 1, 4, 2, 11, 12, 8, 15, 6, 6, 6 pass, 3 fail
Kayli Armour = 20, 18, 10 = 3 hits
3+1 (Stumble) = 4 v T2 = Mortally Wounded
Lana Antilles orders Songweaver healing, Victor Dale responds
Kayli is captured, but believed by the fleeing Vincennes forces to be dead

Vassal House Dale: Kayli Vincennes released from Captivity, given Parole by sending her to Great House Tellar.

Vassal House Vincennes: Accept parole conditions of not fighting Dale. Some resentment on part of other nobles, but overridden by Executive Allison Vincennes just being overjoyed that Kayli isn't dead.

"Mhmm, surprise, Kayli Vincennes has been kicked outta the dungeons of Arbalen," replies Antonia. "Got sick of her company, I guess, so they sent her to us."

You rear up and try but fail to think of something to say. Instead your jaw just bobs about like a fish out of water. Finally you just squeaked, "To us...?"

"Ha, yeah, talk about your mixed fucking blessings," laughs Antonia. You know what she's talking about of course. You both read Carmen's full report on the fiasco. There were some lurid rumours doing the rounds of Kayli's behaviour around the battle over summer.

"Seems their Court Songweaver kept her alive after Lana's lance nailed her," adds Andres. "And then realised they didn't wanna give back an Elite Songweaver, but also didn't dare execute her. So she was given parole to us instead of Marlingtay."

"Right," is all you manage. "Sure, uh. Okay, good news for Sartier. Has it been well-received?"

"At the highest level of Vincennes? Yes," says Andres. "Allison is beside herself with relief. They're cooperating with our efforts to chase the traitor."

[ARNOLD] ...putting together a force of assassins who will hunt the rat down. Hamid has sent out our deadly agents to put down this villain. [1 Influence Cost, 4,000g]
Roll 96 + 38 + 13 +9 = 156, success, +56 to sub-rolls

Assassins Melody Piar, Daisy Connor sent

Sub-Roll, Access Renmi Safely, 51+: autosuccess
Sub-Roll, Pick up Trail of Arnold Vincennes, 71+: autosuccess
Sub-Roll, Identify ???'s ??? Status, 111+: 7 + 32 (Melody I) + 56 = 95, failure

Team in place, have picked up Phedre Dell

COMMENCED, Influence Released

*Organise House Vincennes hunt for Arnold
Assassin Phedre Dell dispatched, 4000g
31+38+13+10+20 = 112, +12 to Sub-Rolls
Agent access Renmi, 51+: Roll 90 + 31 + 12 = 133, success
Agent picks up trail of Arnold, 71+: 5 + 31 + 12 = 48, failed
Agent links up with other assassin teams, 61+: 96+31+12=139, success

Olivia Feliste - Find Angelica Laine [30% base chance, 4,000g, 1 turn, finds information on/locates Angelica Laine]
Roll 16 + ??? (Intrigue) + ??? (Lana) + ??? (Spymaster) + ??? (???) + 10 (Minority Report) = ???, success, no Sub-roll bonus

As Arnold has flown the coop, this becomes an action to send agents after Arnold who is carting off Angelica Laine.

Olivia Feliste, Richard Laine travel to Renmi
Sub-Roll, Gain access to Renmi: ???, autosuccess
Sub-Roll, Get on the trail of Arnold Vincennes: ???, autosuccess

Olivia ??? Roll: Nat 1,

Oh dear....

"We're not the only ones that have released the hounds either," your Aunt continues. "Hamid reported that in addition to us: the Vincennes, the Dale, and I'm told soon the Capo will have daggers in the field."

"Sounds busy," you say dryly. "How goes the hunt in Renmi? Are the Renmi authorities being much of an obstacle?"

Antonia's laughter breaks into coughing and choking as she tries to rein it in.

"Sister, dear...," drawls Andres. "I don't get the joke."

"S-Sorry. Renmi. 'Obstacles'. You know," coughs out Antonia. You and father exchange an alarmed glance. "Pah, you two blushing delicates just let me and Hamid worry about the mayhem in Renmi."

"Mayhem...?" you ask, shifting uncomfortably.

"Who did Hamid send?" asks Andres, his brow furrowing as he fixes Antonia with a look.

Your aunt shrugs artfully. "That lovely Daisy Connor girl, and that new Melody Piar person. They'll be fine." Under her breath she adds, "Don't know if I can say the same for bystanders."

Your aunt and father exchange another silent look. "Right, moving along. Teuv," says Andres, handing you a sheet of paper.

"And by bystanders I mean anyone in neighbouring districts."

Andres glares at Antonia for a moment, then turns back to you. "Theo brought back some disturbing news."

"Alright, how bad is it, let's see." You quickly scan it over. And then you read it again more slowly, feeling your chest constrict as you take in the contents. "Oh shit."

Theo Raleigh -
Survey Greater Carentan Need 51+, Roll 48 + 14 (Theo) + 8 (Charlie) + 9 (Antonia) = 79, success
Subroll Get along with Antilles Justice 61+ 100, Nat100!
Subroll Get along with Red Order 51+: 79
Subroll Get along with Capo Justice 61+: 4, bad fail!
Subroll Get along with Dale Justice 51+: 3, bad fail!
Subroll Teuv detection 41+ ??? intrigue test: 70 + 26 = 96
Subroll Capo survey 51+: 85 + 14 - 20 (Bad Relations) = 79, success
Subroll Dale survey, 51+: 74 + 14 - 20 (Bad Relations) = 59, success
Subroll Antilles survey, 51+: 69 + 14 + 30 (Inspired Relations) = 113, success

Theo - +1 D, +1 I

Theo Raleigh gains unique trait "Silver Fox" (+1 D, +10 to Diplomacy rolls with female characters, additional +10 with younger female characters)

Gain accurate details for all provinces.
Come to the attention of Teuvian Missionary
Teuvian Missionary Attempt to Cast: 'Touched By the Gods', Opposed Intrigue Test, Base Chance 50%, Need 51+, Roll 4 + 26 (Jessica) - 14 (Theo) = 16, Failed

Theo became aware of Teuvian Missionary Jessica Hoff
Jessica Hoff goes to ground

Theo feedback - "I'm surprised that I didn't get jumped, actually, but I think they didn't want to try me head on."
Commoner Mood / Teuvian Influence Levels (High Mood good, High Influence bad)
Carentan (Capo) - ???/10 (Poor) - 7/10 (Heavy)
Talesa (Antilles) - 5/10 (Fair) - 6/10 (Heavy)
Arbalen (Dale) - ??? (Bad) - 9/10 (Extreme)

"Arbalen is our crisis point," says Antonia. "Carentan and Talesa are both in slight danger of a popular Teuvian uprising breaking out at any point, but Arbalen is terrible and apparently getting worse as we speak."

"Arnold knew exactly where to hit Dale to open up the way for Teuv," adds Andres.


The Root of the Tree - Arnold sat for years in the innermost counsels of the Vincennes. Now that he has fled his Teuvian sympathies are lain bare. How deep did the rot go? Who was he connected to, who did he report to? Perhaps between you and the spymasters of the Capo you can find an answer. [25% base chance, 4,000g, 1 Influence Cost, Gain details on Arnold Vincennes]
Roll 94 + [23 (Hamid D) + 18 (Alouette D) /2 = 21] + 8 (Spymaster D) + 9 (Antonia D) = 132, success, +32 to Sub-Rolls
Hamid Hulland Investigation, need 61+: 36 + 38 + 32 + 10 (Antonia: Maestro of the Hunt) = 116, success. Vincennes side revealed.
Alouette Mistlehaim Investigation, need 61+: 100 + 44 + 32 = 176, success, role of Arbalen Missionary Revealed.

Alouette gains unique trait Teuvian Insights, +1 Influence +2 P, -50 to Personal Conversion Rolls, +5 to Rolls involve Teuv

Write-up to be posted later.


"Because he was following the orders of a missionary based in Arbalen," summarises Andres. "A wandering Soothsinger of considerable power who follows the Teuvian god Kasunaj."

"Fuck! Just how many Teuvian agents are running around at the moment?" you blurt out.

"Wish we knew for sure," sighs Andres. "There's at least three missionaries that have been sent here that we have learned of, though we aren't sure of the identity of the third missionary."


Andres nods back at you. "Jessica Hoff in Carentan, Veronica Nils in Arbalen, and then Carmen believes there is one in Etela."

"I'm sure you two are already onto this," you slowly say, "But if Capo has one, and Sonissimmo has one, then what would you like to bet that we have one, too?"

"Heh, no takers," snorts Antonia. "Hey, possibly related, though this is probably nothing, but keep an eye out for May and her eldest, okay?" You cock your head at her and your Aunt shifts in her seat. "You see, when we showed Veronica's description to people, I swear they recognised Nils, but neither said anything."

"Uh... of course, Auntie," you reply.

"I still say you're reading too much into it," says Andres. "Her youngest debuts at court soon, and she's busily trying to duel anyone who will offer to prove herself."

Your sword-hand itches. "Oh really?" you ask.

"Evelyn Tellar, don't you dare," your father snaps, taking you back a decade in your memory.

Your hands come up defensively. "Okay, okay, I won't," you lie baldly. "Right, I'll read the full report before Council meets. How did everyone else's missions go?" you ask. "Did the fostering go ahead? I was doing my own thing and didn't get the full report of what happened."

"Well, that old battleaxe outdid herself entirely," informs Antonia. "We were impressed by her Dale-Vincennes investigation, but this blew that out of the water."

"I hope Carmen lives to be a hundred," says your father wistfully.

Carmen Rios -
Foster Care - Approach Sonissimmo = 99 + 27 + 13 + 9 = 147, +47 to subrolls!
Diplomacy Test, 51+: 21 + 27 +47 = 95, success
Relationship boost 81+: 23 + 27 + 47 = 97, success, +1 Relations with Sonissimmo
Influence gain 121+: 80 + 27 + 47 = 154, Carmen Influence Trait Gained

Unique Trait, "A Kindly Word", +2 Diplomacy, +1 Influence, +10 to Rolls and Sub-Rolls Involving Relationship Gain, No penalty for hostile relations in diplomacy tests


Faithless as a Tellar = 16 + 27 + 13 +9 = 65, success
Sub-Roll, +10 Bonus to Foster Care roll, 61+ = 4, failure
(Carmen) Sub-roll, Teuv Investigation in Etela, 71+: Nat 100, obtain the results of Oscar Rostyn's survey
Sub-roll, ???, 111+: 9, failed, action occurs unnoticed

Carmen Rios gain Unique Trait - "Old Tricks" +2 I, +5 to rolls involving the Teuv or identifying Teuv influence.


Carmen Rios learns from Sonissimmo sources the Teuvian Influence Levels of greater Etela. Confirmed Etela's level herself.

Etela (Sonissimmo) - 2 (Low)
Bartier (Tarrant) - 2 (Low)
Sarba (Sarba) - 1 (Negligible)
Wellshead (Timbre) - 1 (Negligible)

Carmen commentary - "They're cleaner than either us or the Capo. However, there is a Teuvian agent down here somewhere."

Juan Lumen -
Foster Care - Approach House Tarrant Roll 89+20+13+9=131, +31 to Sub-Rolls
Diplomacy Test, 51+: 87 + 20 + 31 = 138, success
Relationship boost 81+: 31+ 20 + 31= 82, bare success, +1 Relations with Tarrant
Influence gain 121+: 18 + 20 + 31 = 69, failure

Fostering with Tarrant will go ahead.


Read the Manual - House Tarrant 55 +28 +10 +9 = 102, +2 to Sub-Rolls
Sub-roll, Get along with Georgie Spinnaker, 61+: 45 + 20 - 10 (Dread-Chiv Pen) = 55, bare-failure
Sub-roll, Husbanding related research, 71+: 59 + 28 - 5 = 82, pass
Sub-roll, Trading Port research, 71+: 23 + 28 - 5 = 46, fail
Sub-roll, Bridge-building research, 71+: 85 + 28 - 5 = 108, pass

+1 S

Improvements to infrastructure options chances and results, possible new options


Juan Feedback - "We'll go back over the plans for improvements with what we've learned. We learned a lot about animal husbandry, and examining the great bridges that span the forks of the Arbair was inspiring."

May Lumen mission complete, now returns to Harper

May Feedback - "Had a surprisingly good time in Marlingtay. They have some fascinating old superstitions and cultural artifacts. There's over a year to go on the harbour redevelopment and fortifications, but the planning is all done now. It'll look amazing when its all done."

"Juan also had good fortune up in Tarrant," says Andres. "I've heard some of his ideas since he came back."


Andres nods at you. "Yeah, things that will really kick-start the province, if you ask me. Some of the farm-related stuff may make the Minors happy as well. And the fostering is going ahead."

"So Shan and Greg are going off to foster?" you ask.

"Yes, yes, that's all sorted," your father replies. "Shan is going to spend her time with a slightly older girl named Jessica Ritter, and both girls will split their time between Etela and Bartier. The Tarrant Mezzo promises they'll help continue her martial training, and help her earn her spurs."

"Gets her nicely out of the way before we have to go hit that Tranquility base, too," you remark. "I just know that after we took her and cousin Dominique to the war college she'd want to go with the battle."

"Well, make sure you shut them down and don't let them sneak along," warns Andres. "Jessica is apparently a lot like you at that age."

"Oh yeah?" you say, brightening up.

"Hotheaded to the point of overriding her natural good sense," damns your father, and you hunch over a little. "But she is smart, pretty, popular in the Etelan court, so it should be a good match. They'd like us to help her become a Spellsword during the seasons we host her."

"Easy enough," you reply. "I'll probably write Hana a letter to help things go smoothly." After all, you reckon, there are things a sister knows that a father was better off not hearing.

Andres nods at that. "Greg is going to spend time with a boy his age named Peter, from the Quinn family. He has close blood ties to both the Sonissimmo Symphony and the Tarrant Mezzo, so he's well placed there. Smart cookie, apparently, like Greg, so hopefully they get along."

Fostering is now in effect for Shannon Tellar and Gregory Tellar.

Shannon will gain trait Fostered with Tarrant.
Gregory will gain trait Fostered with Sonissimmo.

Their partners will gain Fostered with Tellar.

They will be located away during odd-numbered turns, and at home during even-numbered turns.

While this is in effect, there is a chance to ameliorate a loss of relation between these houses, and the Houses involved will be less likely to engage in conflicting actions.

"Luna went well with the Royal Army," continues Antonia. "Met the boys and girls in charge and made a good impression. They've also come out and bent the knee to Tellar. Shock surprise, though, they don't want to move their headquarters."

"Well, yeah, have you seen the Etelan Pit fortress?" you ask dryly. "It's bigger than Raleigh or Carlisle's main castle."

Meet the Symphony Guard! 46 + 21 + 13 + 9 = 89, success
Sub-roll: ???, 91+: 63 + 21 = 84, bare failure
Sub-roll: Avoid drama in Arbalen, 61+: 92+21, success
Sub-roll: Martial Gain: 45 - (39-30=9) - 31 = 5, stat gain, +1 Martial

Sub-roll: Luna meeting Royal Castellan Ronan Tellar, (+5 to response rolls), 61+: 61 + 21 + 10 (Tellar) = 92, success
Sub-roll: Luna meeting First Castellan Melody Sonissimmo (+5 to response rolls), 61+: 71 + 21 - 14 (Chiv Diff) = 78, success
Sub-roll: Luna meeting Marshall Maria Carlisle (+10 to response rolls in east), 61+: 78 + 21 - 22 (Chv) + 5 (Vassal) = 82, success
Sub-roll: Luna meeting Marshall Alice Antilles (+10 to response rolls in west), 61+: 82 +21 = 103, success

Royal Army acknowledges Great House Tellar as the ruling House of Sartier publicly, 81+: 61 + 21 + 20 (Favourable Responses) = 102, success

Links opened to the Royal Army.
+20 to Response rolls from East Army Base
+20 to Response rolls from West Army Base

Royal Army officially acknowledges itself to be under the command of Great House Sartier


Luna Feedback - "Progress, looks like there won't be any problems getting them to listen to orders."

"We'll look at options," says Antonia with a shrug. "While we're on army topics though, Evie, I'm going to be taking recruitment over directly."

"Are you going to have enough time?" you ask.

"Ha, Harper people make good soldiers," laughs your aunt. "Doesn't take me long to knock the farmer out of those boys and girls."

[Army Recruitment switched to an Influence action instead of an Agent action]

Your father shuffles some parchments. "Apart from that, let's see, Hamid Hulland officially signed on Melody Piar." He held up a finger and looked at you with a dark, dangerous expression. "But him and Charlie made a complete balls-up of their attempt at cooperation."

You sigh with feeling at that.

Hamid Hulland -
A Formal Relationship, Roll 36 + 38 + 13 + 4 = 91, pass
Avoid Melody attempting to kill Hamid, 41+: 60, pass
Confirm Trait List: 41+: (Subtract Melody intrigue): 45 + 38 - 32 = 51, pass
Melody Acceptance, 61+: 72 + 23 = 95, pass


Did You Get My Memo? Andres has long wanted his Spymaster and Justice to work more closely together, feeling the spies can provide many clues to potential unrest. Both councillors are interested in looking into it further. [30%, Diplomacy-Intrigue test, unlocks new options]
Charlie-Hamid Diplomacy Test: 8 + 23 (Hamid D) + 14 (Charlie D) - 22 (Chivalry v Dread) + 18 (Andres D) = 41, bad failure

Sub-rolls cancelled

Penalty of -5 to rolls for Justice and Intrigue actions due to a row between Hamid and Charlie, lasts for two years.
No counter-espionage check rolls next turn due to infighting


Charlie Feedback - "I can't work with that treacherous sneak!"
Hamid Feedback - "How can I work with anyone that hidebound!?"

"That said, Charlie hasn't been idle," Andres adds. "She's spent a lot of time attempting to pin down the Yellow Banner."

Free Action -
Charlie Tellar - Commence a Hunt for the Yellow Banner
Roll 97 + 24 (Charlie Intrigue) + 8 (Justice Bn) + 4 (Andres Bn) = 133, success, +33 to Sub-Rolls!
Sub-Roll: Interrogation of Prisoners, 61+: 12 + 24 + 33 = 69, success
Sub-roll: Limit effects of raiding: 91+: 21 + 24 + 33 - 10 (???) = 68, fail
Sub-roll: Avoid Ambush, 91+: 3 + 24 +33 - 10 (???) =56, fail

-Charlie Tellar escapes unharmed, +1 Combat
-Charlie Tellar reaction 96 + 20 (Victory) + 20 (Veteran) = 136, inspired, +5 to any Yellow Banner related roll next two turns

Sub-roll: Locate home district, 71+: 32 + 24 +33 - 10 (???) = 79, success
Sub-Roll: District d10: 1 = Palkerend District, Lands of Minor House Lumen
Sub-Roll: ???, 111+: 36 + 24 + 33 = 93, fail
Sub-Roll: Clarify Teuv or just Peasant, 71+: 93 + 24 +33 = 150

14 Tellar Casualties inflicted
22 Yellow Banner Casualties inflicted

Yellow Banner Hero Emina Geitel Wounded, but escapes

Charlie - "Aheh, yeah, we got hit, but we gave better than we got."

"They're coming out of Palkerend district," says Antonia. "But may be on the move now that we're closing in on them. But good news!"

"Oh?" you query, all eyebrows.

"They're just bog-standard angry peasants, not Teuvian," she finishes.

A few grumbles along the lines of 'peasant chaff' escape you.

"Let's see," mutters Andres. "What else... Ah, right, Dominic Rios is having a good run with his plans for adding an Ambassador role to the council. It will take a while to get everyone on board, but he's making progress."

Dominic Rios -
A Formal Position [65% base chance, 4,000g, 2,000g per turn, on completion +2,000g upkeep, 3 turns, gain one free Diplomacy action per turn]
Need 36+, Roll 36 + 29 + 13 + 9 = 87, success
Subroll Cost Overruns 51+: 82 + 19 = 101, success
Subroll, Diplomatic Bonus, 101+, 19 + 29 = 48, fail
Subroll, Duration -1, 101+, 57 + 29 = 87, fail

"And news from down Hulland way," continues your father. "Nothing new from Georgie Hulland yet."

Georgie Hulland General Magic Research Roll
Mg 33, Bn 11, Court Songweaver Bn 16
33+16-20=29%, 11+16-20=7%
Roll = 58, Nothing

Independent Minor Houses - Hulland is doing a Coastal Fortification Survey, 3,000g, 1 turn, 30% base, Roll 84 + 20 (Minor Martial) + 8 + 8 Martial = 120, success, +20 to Sub-Rolls
Include Harbour Fortifications in Plan 61+: 95 + 20 + 20 = 135, great success, will be able to conjoin actions for both forts
Convince other Minor Houses to Lobby (Influence Cost required to turn down plan), Need 71+, Roll: 36 + 20 + 20 = 76, success

"Plus the bloody House down there is apparently trying to convince all who will listen that they should be the southern answer to Castle Mastiff, the first bulwark against Tranquility pirates. If we want to shut them up, we'll need to throw our weight around."

"Got it," you reply. "I saw Violet out there, any problems getting her to be secretary?"

"No, no, she was pretty flattered to be chosen," replies your father. "The Tsu are very happy to have one of their number in and around the Council. And it also brought someone interesting down."


"Louise Tellar is back in town," informs Antonia. "Your father is interested in seeing if she'll do work for the Council."

"She's good with her sums, isn't she?" you ask. "Could be promising. Any other interesting people at Court?"

Births: nil
Deaths: nil
Departures: nil
Debutantes: 5 (2 Debutantes from a Minor House, 3 Hostages from Dale/Vincennes)

Amy Vincennes, 14, Heir to Vincennes
Brandon Anzios, 8, Heir to Vincennes' vassals, Minor House Anzios
Mercedes Dale, 6, Heir to House Dale

Great House Tellar now holds hostages from Dale and Vincennes, greatly reducing chances of Dale or Vincennes attacking you. Opportunity also exists to influence heirs.

"Two kids with ambitions from our Minors in Morcombe, and the three kids from Dale and Vincennes," counted off Andres.

"We'll make sure we take good care of them," you state confidently. "That sounds like everything?"

"Yep," says Antonia.

"So... Has word of the Tournament up in Bartier filter down here yet...?" you ask.

"No. They staged a tourney?" asks Andres, perking up and setting his shoulders back.

"Bah, jousting," gristles your pragmatic aunt. "Silly ways to get yourself killed."

"And that's why we let Evelyn handle most of your diplomacy work," sighs Andres before waving a hand at you.

"Yeah, a small tournament, celebrating the return of Joan," you explain. "You know, the girl I rescued from the Bladesingers?"

"Oh right," replies your Aunt.

"Who was champion?" asks Andres.

Tournament of Harrowfield, hosted by Minor House Takeda in Bartier Province

16 Knight Field
Name (Combat Bonus) - Title

Claire Yin (11) - Capo Courtier (born Dale)
Joan Takeda (9) - Sonissimmo Courtier (born Tarrant)
Hiromi Ritter (9) - Tarrant Courtier
Ellie Dale (9) - Tarrant Courtier (born Dale)
Shiyam Tarnbirn (7) - Tarrant Courtier
Jarrad Kaeler (10) - Antilles Vassal (Minor House Kaeler Marshall)
Miyako Llaynfell (7) - Antilles Vassal (Minor House Llaynfell Executive)
Victor Llaynfell (9) - Antilles Vassal (Minor House Llaynfell Marshall)
Sagar Hansard (9) - Sarba Secretary
Nick Lang (9) - Tellar Courtier
Janie Chin (11) - Tellar Courtier
Alwyn Quinn (7) - Sonissimmo Courtier
Samantha Ghediya (7) - Sarba Vassal (Minor House Ghediya Marshall)
Valerie Tellar (8) - Carlisle Courtier
Nessie Tarnthistle (10) - Sonissimmo Courtier
Xavier Quinn (8) - Sonissimmo Vassal (Minor House Quinn Vice-Marshall)

Alwyn Quinn, Wounded
Shiyam Tarnbirn, Badly Wounded
Samantha Ghediya, Badly Wounded

Results of Tellar Courtiers:
Nick Lang - First Round exit, def by Hiromi Ritter
Janie Chin - First Round exit, def by Nessie Tarnthistle

Semi Finals:
Hiromi Ritter d Victor Llaynfell
Valerie Tellar d Sagar Hansard

Final Tilt:
Valerie Tellar d Hiromi Ritter - tiebreak

Notoriety of becoming tournament Champion means that Natalie Tellar and Dominic Rios has learned their daughter has left the Carlisle, whom she had been fostered with.

You cough into your hand. "Cousin Vicky."

"Bollocks, Evie," snorts Antonia like burst steam pipe. "She isn't old enough to tilt." You just stare back at her with a face like stone. Antonia swears violently after a moment of gauging you. "Natalie and Dominic are going to blow the roof right off the citadel when they hear." She turns to Andres and glares. "You people and your fucking chivalry."

Carlisle: Fair, improved on last season
Raleigh: Fair, continuing to get over the skirmishing fiasco
Vincennes: Very Good, have managed to navigate the post-incident mine-field safely

All relations in Carentan are positive and stable
Capo: Very Good
Antilles: Good
Dale: Good

Sonissimmo: Stabilising slowly, as peaceful voices are winning out over hostile ones. Hana is a leading voice for reconciliation now, which helps a great deal.
Tarrant: Relationships normalised, even cordial.
Sarba: Fair, but well down on historical highs
Timbre: Poor, well down on historical highs

Known Sartieran Flashpoints:
Tarrant-Antilles - Boiling on both sides, as it is revealed that Antilles successfully evaded the warhorses embargo through subterfuge. However, actors on both sides are attempting to pull the houses back from the brink of war.

Vincennes-Dale - Calm. They despise each other, and that may never change, but the pressure being brought to bear has forced both houses to step back. The fact their heirs are residing at the Court at Harper helps too.

Known Sartieran Love-ins:
Sonissimmo+rest of Greater Etela - Solidarity in the face of hardship has bonded them together stronger than ever

Dale+Antilles - Know that the few must stick together against the many

EVENT - A Masterpiece of Armour has been produced by the Blacksmiths of Dyelin. All the nobles and warriors who have seen it are struck by how it combines beauty with a nigh impervious construction. Yet again word of the primacy of House Raleigh's smiths spreads across the land, even unto foreign shores. [+1 Influence, new mastercrafted armour may be used as gear or gift]

River Docks Infrastructure Project [50% base chance, 5,000g, 5,000g/turn, 4 turns, Income boost, 1/3 Infrastructure Projects], Roll 96 + 27 (Natalie Raleigh) + 9 (TChief) + 9 (Indus) = 141, +41 to Sub-Rolls
Reduce Duration, 101+: 12 + 27 + 41 = 80, fail
Reduce ongoing to 4,000/turn, 81+:46+27+41=114, success
Mezzo Stewardship, 91+: 90 + 41 = 131, success, +1 to Beatrice and Indus
Count as Gentry Project 1/3, 101+: 69 + 27 +41 = 137, success
Build in Fortification Foundations, 81+: 53 + 27 + 41 = 121, success, +20 to future River Fort Rolls

Locked to end turn 5

Influence Point 2
Negotiate with Bladesingers regarding dire state of the poor [Base chance 40%, Nullify actions of Heroes of the Poor for 3 turns, possible Commoner Mood improvements, tax improvements]
Need 61+, Roll 3 + 24 (Carlos Raleigh) + 8 (Exchequer) + 9 (Indus) = 44, bad failure

Repercussion: Bladesingers Monastery +1 Action, starting Turn 3

Roberta Orthgain - Infrastructure Project in Gambier 2/3, 8,000g/turn, 4 turns, 40% base chance, 1% tax income boost, +4% for Minor Houses
90 + 33 + 8 (Jing) + 11 (Samantha) = 142, +42 to sub-rolls
Cost reduction, 6,000/turn, 81+: 19 + 33 + 42 = 94, success
Count as gentry, 101+: 94 + 33 + 42 = 169, success
Tax to 2%, 91+: 100, Tax to 3%, Minor Houses to 8%
Duration -1, 101+: 89+33+42, success

6,000g/turn, 3 turns, 3% tax income boost, +4% Minor tax income boost, 1/3 Gentry Projects

Scott Linderman - Lowenton District Coastal Watchtower System
[23(Martial)+23(Stewardship)+4 (Oscar Martial)+ 6 (Scott Martial)%, 12,000g, 3,000g per turn, +400g Civil Upkeep for Alwyn, 2 turns] +10 to Lowenton Pirate Intercepts.
Need 61+, Roll 74 + 23 + 8 + 4 + 8 = 117, +17 to Sub-Rolls
Sub-roll, Reduce costs to 8,000g, 81+: 40+23+17 = 80, fail

Windair, 3,000g/turn
Loskaria, 3,000g/turn
Innslaught, 3,000g/turn
Joint plan to improve river links, 4 turns, may count as infrastructure action 2/3, +1,500g trade, +2% Tax Income
Roll, 91 + 25 + 9 + 11 = 136, +36 sub-rolls
Duration -1, 101+: 77 + 25 + 36, success

FREE ACTION - Keep Army on High Alert, 8,000g
Not called into action this turn.

Ethan Sonissimmo - Assist Tarrant with Border Fortifications 40% base chance, 12,000g, 5,000g/turn, 2 turns, +1 Fortification to 3 Minor House

Oscar Rostyn - Teuv Survey, Greater Etela, 60% base chance, 2,000g, 1 turn
Roll 60 + 28 (Oscar Diplo) + 9 (Avery) + 9 (Avery) + 10 (Lawbringer) = 116, +16 to sub-rolls

Carla Mehdi Battlefield Magic Research Roll
36+12-30=18%, 12+12-30 = -6% (Needs more funding to increase base chance)
Roll 88, Incremental Improvement to Battlefield Magic, Song of Shock cast requirement -2

Shiyam Bellamine -
Community Mood Repair, 40% base chance, 4,000g, 2 turns, +1 Commoner Mood, possible other benefits

*Regional Farm Assistance [35% base chance, 10,000g, 3,750g/turn, 4 turns, +200g Civil Upkeep, +8% Minor House Tax Income, +2% Tarrant Tax Income]

Fortify Border with Antilles [12,000g, 2,000g/turn, 6 turns, +1 Fortification to Sowelu (Ansur), Rokeby (Tarnbirn), Harrowfield (Takeda) (3,000g/turn from each minor)

House Justice Scott Elderman has been murdered, the assailant and their affiliation is unknown. The Renmi quarter of Wellshead is in chaos, with many believed to be missing.

Hogan Capo - Prepare a Ready Response Group [Autosuccess, 6,000g]
1 Chimaera, 1 Sanctum Guard, 2 Men-at-Arms, 1 Longbow, 2 Carentan Mil, 1 Carentan Bow
3,000g Upkeep for Militia, 3,000g for Supply and upkeep for others.

Ongoing, Agent Released

*Theresa Capo Military Survey - Anti Insurgency Fortifications [55% base chance, 2 turns, 8,000g]

Recruit two Cavalry units with warhorses smuggled from Tarrant.

Attempts were made to clear out suddenly active insurgent groups, resulting in massive skirmishing in Antilles with Tarrant Marauders and Antilles Rebels.






Great House Tellar



10 (1)​


Vassal House Raleigh



29 (2)​


Vassal House Antilles



215 (16)​


-Vassal House Antilles



73 (6)


-Minor House Piraino



58 (3)


-Minor House Hullwarton



84 (7)


Vassal House Dale



46 (2)​


Total Sartier Noble



300 (21)





66 (5)​


Antilles Rebels



90 (10)​


Bartier Marauders



30 (4)​


Yellow Banner



16 (1)​


Total Enemy Factions



202 (20)


Total All Factions



502 (41)

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Khironex skilled mariners picked a route through the marshes of the marshes of the Barossa River Delta.
redundant words?

Subroll, Naval Songweaver: 81+: Nat 100!

Gain Trait "Naval Songweaver", +1 Casting Dice on water, access to Naval Songweaving songs, +1 Mg
Gain Unique Trait "Conductor of Tides", +1 Influence, +1 M, +1 Mg, +1 Casting Dice on water, can force re-roll for naval jockeying for position
*whistles* Daaaaaaamn Evelyn. Totally worth not having her do more productive for the House this turn.

It isn't even just that she's a commoner, though that doesn't help. She just doesn't belong. It takes some will not to sneer when you see the sword that hangs in a beautiful white-and-red moon enamelled scabbard. Given the family she has married into, it's a silly little affectation. If it comes to it, you have no doubt that you could mulch her by steel or song. Still, at least her conduct over the last six months has proved that she's loyal to Tellar and not to her native Dale, anyway.
But seriously, put away the claws. XD

Diplomacy Test 40% base
Need 61+, Roll 100 + 33 +13 +9-10(Additional Rider) = 144

Unique Trait gain for Lana Antilles - The Penitent Knight (+2 Chv, +1 M, +1 C, +1 D - Lana is hell-bent on redeeming the honour of her House)

Unique Trait gain for Evelyn Tellar - Spin Doctor (+2 D, +10 to all Sub-Rolls after a successful Diplomatic Test in Foreign Courts)
+1 Relations with House Dale
And daaaaaamn again, Evelyn. Yeah, that looks like justification to me to see what Evelyn can do given more rope.

"It's such a waste, too," your father continues. "Allison Vincennes is one of the finest stewards that Sartier has to offer. This fucking feud consumes that talent. A feud that everyone thought had killed her best friend, no less."

You pounce on the odd word choice instantly. "Had thought?"

Olivia ??? Roll: Nat 1,

Oh dear....
...welp, that should prove hilarious. Is that the Nat 1 you were laughing about earlier?

Your aunt shrugs artfully. "That lovely Daisy Connor girl, and that new Melody Piar person. They'll be fine." Under her breath she adds, "Don't know if I can say the same for bystanders."
*laughs* Yes, I suspect many people there should perhaps check their food more carefully now that Melody is involved.

Subroll Get along with Antilles Justice 61+ 100, Nat100!
Subroll Get along with Red Order 51+: 79
Subroll Get along with Capo Justice 61+: 4, bad fail!
Subroll Get along with Dale Justice 51+: 3, bad fail!
*glances down*

So, uh, is the Antilles Justice perhaps female?

Theo Raleigh gains unique trait "Silver Fox" (+1 D, +10 to Diplomacy rolls with female characters, additional +10 with younger female characters)
*laughs and laughs* Theo, control thyself, please.

Theo feedback - "I'm surprised that I didn't get jumped, actually, but I think they didn't want to try me head on."
Just according to keikaku. *smug*

Commoner Mood / Teuvian Influence Levels (High Mood good, High Influence bad)
Carentan (Capo) - ???/10 (Poor) - 7/10 (Heavy)
Talesa (Antilles) - 5/10 (Fair) - 6/10 (Heavy)
Arbalen (Dale) - ??? (Bad) - 9/10 (Extreme)

Oooooh shit that's bad.

Alouette Mistlehaim Investigation, need 61+: 100 + 44 + 32 = 176, success, role of Arbalen Missionary Revealed.

Alouette gains unique trait Teuvian Insights, +1 Influence +2 P, -50 to Personal Conversion Rolls, +5 to Rolls involve Teuv

Write-up to be posted later.
Is that Nat100? Good for them.

"I still say you're reading too much into it," says Andres. "Her youngest debuts at court soon, and she's busily trying to duel anyone who will offer to prove herself."

Your sword-hand itches. "Oh really?" you ask.

"Evelyn Tellar, don't you dare," your father snaps, taking you back a decade in your memory.
Snrk. Evelyn, plz, stop.

"I hope Carmen lives to be a hundred," says your father wistfully.

Unique Trait, "A Kindly Word", +2 Diplomacy, +1 Influence, +10 to Rolls and Sub-Rolls Involving Relationship Gain, No penalty for hostile relations in diplomacy tests
...yes. Yes, so do we all. Ye gods.

(Carmen) Sub-roll, Teuv Investigation in Etela, 71+: Nat 100, obtain the results of Oscar Rostyn's survey
Sub-roll, ???, 111+: 9, failed, action occurs unnoticed

Carmen Rios gain Unique Trait - "Old Tricks" +2 I, +5 to rolls involving the Teuv or identifying Teuv influence.

No, seriously, so do we all.

Oneiros I know we might lose access to the non Martial/Diplo actions but I hope we maintain enough direction so that I can argue towards putting Carmen on the Teuv research action like I declared intent of last turn. :3

Carmen Rios learns from Sonissimmo sources the Teuvian Influence Levels of greater Etela. Confirmed Etela's level herself.

Etela (Sonissimmo) - 2 (Low)
Bartier (Tarrant) - 2 (Low)
Sarba (Sarba) - 1 (Negligible)
Wellshead (Timbre) - 1 (Negligible)

Carmen commentary - "They're cleaner than either us or the Capo. However, there is a Teuvian agent down here somewhere."
That's not so bad. Good jorb Sonissimmo, way to not be fuck-ups at at least one thing!

Read the Manual - House Tarrant 55 +28 +10 +9 = 102, +2 to Sub-Rolls
Sub-roll, Get along with Georgie Spinnaker, 61+: 45 + 20 - 10 (Dread-Chiv Pen) = 55, bare-failure
Sub-roll, Husbanding related research, 71+: 59 + 28 - 5 = 82, pass
Sub-roll, Trading Port research, 71+: 23 + 28 - 5 = 46, fail
Sub-roll, Bridge-building research, 71+: 85 + 28 - 5 = 108, pass

+1 S

Improvements to infrastructure options chances and results, possible new options


Juan Feedback - "We'll go back over the plans for improvements with what we've learned. We learned a lot about animal husbandry, and examining the great bridges that span the forks of the Arbair was inspiring."
Noooooo the Trading Port one. Would've been nice to trade that with Husbanding to stack the bonus there, since it also got improved itself before by the results from the turn prior, but oh well. Getting a Bridge bonus should hopefully cut down the hilarious price/duration or improve the effect on that one that people seemed to kind of like in principle.

Sub-roll: Luna meeting Royal Castellan Ronan Tellar, (+5 to response rolls), 61+: 61 + 21 + 10 (Tellar) = 92, success
Sub-roll: Luna meeting First Castellan Melody Sonissimmo (+5 to response rolls), 61+: 71 + 21 - 14 (Chiv Diff) = 78, success
Sub-roll: Luna meeting Marshall Maria Carlisle (+10 to response rolls in east), 61+: 78 + 21 - 22 (Chv) + 5 (Vassal) = 82, success
Sub-roll: Luna meeting Marshall Alice Antilles (+10 to response rolls in west), 61+: 82 +21 = 103, success
*glances at names*

I suspect this serves as confirmation that Sonissimmo didn't at least purge off the officers for the Army.
Confirm Trait List: 41+: (Subtract Melody intrigue): 45 + 38 - 32 = 51, pass
Whew. Good job Hamid.

Is there are more detailed result on this or do we just take the old bio posted as more confirmed now?
Did You Get My Memo? Andres has long wanted his Spymaster and Justice to work more closely together, feeling the spies can provide many clues to potential unrest. Both councillors are interested in looking into it further. [30%, Diplomacy-Intrigue test, unlocks new options]
Charlie-Hamid Diplomacy Test: 8 + 23 (Hamid D) + 14 (Charlie D) - 22 (Chivalry v Dread) + 18 (Andres D) = 41, bad failure

Sub-rolls cancelled

Penalty of -5 to rolls for Justice and Intrigue actions due to a row between Hamid and Charlie, lasts for two years.
No counter-espionage check rolls next turn due to infighting


Charlie Feedback - "I can't work with that treacherous sneak!"
Hamid Feedback - "How can I work with anyone that hidebound!?"
*facepalm* You know what, honestly we had enough good successes that a single failure was expected somewhere and this isn't the worst place to eat it.

I, personally, did not realize Chivalry v Dread would fuck us here so I'll take some of the blame for that, though.

[spoilers=Debutantes, Births, Deaths, Departures]

Births: nil
Deaths: nil
Departures: nil
Debutantes: 5 (2 Debutantes from a Minor House, 3 Hostages from Dale/Vincennes)

Amy Vincennes, 14, Heir to Vincennes
Brandon Anzios, 8, Heir to Vincennes' vassals, Minor House Anzios
Mercedes Dale, 6, Heir to House Dale

Great House Tellar now holds hostages from Dale and Vincennes, greatly reducing chances of Dale or Vincennes attacking you. Opportunity also exists to influence heirs.

Broken spoiler code here.

Name (Combat Bonus) - Title
*laughs* You know, I scrolled down too fast and saw just the () and thought for a second that that was the age marking, then had a double take at 7 year olds jousting. Then I had to look back up.

Final Tilt:
Valerie Tellar d Hiromi Ritter - tiebreak

Notoriety of becoming tournament Champion means that Natalie Tellar and Dominic Rios has learned their daughter has left the Carlisle, whom she had been fostered with.

You cough into your hand. "Cousin Vicky."
Just checking real quick--intending Vicky to be a nickname for Valerie? (Uncommon to me, so just asking.)

Known Sartieran Flashpoints:
Tarrant-Antilles - Boiling on both sides, as it is revealed that Antilles successfully evaded the warhorses embargo through subterfuge. However, actors on both sides are attempting to pull the houses back from the brink of war.
Secretary pick could've helped here, but oh well.

Carla Mehdi Battlefield Magic Research Roll
36+12-30=18%, 12+12-30 = -6% (Needs more funding to increase base chance)
Roll 88, Incremental Improvement to Battlefield Magic, Song of Shock cast requirement -2
*shakes fist* We're supposed to be the Magic house, Georgie what are you doing!

House Justice Scott Elderman has been murdered, the assailant and their affiliation is unknown. The Renmi quarter of Wellshead is in chaos, with many believed to be missing.
*takes notes* That's...not good.

Great update, @Macchiato @OneirosTheWriter


If'n I read the traits right, I think we might have just picked up 2 Influence from Evelyn and Carmen's trait gains? That's enormous if so.
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I love this quest so much - each update is well worth the wait and I love reading them. On the other hand, I feel like I need a spreadsheet to keep track of what's going on overall.

Evelyn had a pretty amazing turn. Guess the time with the Khironex paid off. She's starting to round out in a pretty good way for a House Marshall. She's got the personal combat chops (sword + magic) and the naval experience. And if last turn was any indication, she can do charges at least.

Also, Dale. :cool: OK, so they're a hotbed of Teuv rebellion, but on the other hand, their House seems to be trying their best and look, they kept the Elite Songweaver alive! Good job, good job. Very pleased with them.

Is that whole Valerie ran away from Carlisle to attend a tournament thing going to be an issue? I mean, beyond her parents throwing a fit.

So, next turn, - May + possible Teuv, Tarrant + Antilles brewing conflict, Timbre falling apart, Dale Teuv hotbed, Raleigh is about to get peasant uprisings?, and Tellar infrastructure.
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Evelyn had a pretty amazing turn. Guess the time with the Khironex paid off. She's starting to round out in a pretty good way for a House Marshall. She's got the personal combat chops (sword + magic) and the naval experience. And if last turn was any indication, she can do charges at least.
Evelyn just needs ideally maybe 5 more points of Martial and she could reasonably take over as Marshall without any real dropoff from Antonia if things came to it. Just a hair more seasoning, basically.

So, next turn, - May + possible Teuv, Tarrant + Antilles brewing conflict, Timbre falling apart, Dale Teuv hotbed, Raleigh is about to get peasant uprisings?, and Tellar infrastructure.
Without knowing what's coming up in our offerings and whether we'll have control, my initial thoughts would be:
Martial on recruitment (yes spend the Influence, I knew it was coming which is why I was trying to get us to do it during the Mid-Turn but oh well)

Diplo on Tarrant+Antilles, and anything that improves relations with Sarba/Timbre and Carlisle/Raleigh

Stewardship on Tellar infrastructure+continue research, at least another couple Houses to visit that will be useful

Intrigue and Justice on sweeping Harper for both Yellow Banner and investigating stuff in general and looking for Teuv agents, helping Timbre maybe. My idea for Carmen to help out here was here: Original - Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!) | Page 20

Magic if anything interesting shows up, continue the Naval stuff if that's an option

And try to pick up some of the Minor House stuff finally
-Overflow used to salvage a failed Hana personal action

Well, that's interesting. And kind of cool, really.

Gain Unique Trait "Conductor of Tides", +1 Influence, +1 M, +1 Mg, +1 Casting Dice on water, can force re-roll for naval jockeying for position

That is... um... kind of ridiculous. Yay for natural 100s. Bonzai!

Though, it does make me imagine that at some point in the future Evelyn will be directing a battle at the edge of a lake and before she starts casting she throws together a raft and tosses it into the drink as a makeshift platform so she's "on water". +2 Casting Dice, get! :V

Theo Raleigh gains unique trait "Silver Fox" (+1 D, +10 to Diplomacy rolls with female characters, additional +10 with younger female characters)

Another unique trait, but not exactly what I was expecting from that... Great name, though, @OneirosTheWriter, @Macchiato ;)

Oh Theo, you dog you. :rolleyes:

Unique Trait, "A Kindly Word", +2 Diplomacy, +1 Influence, +10 to Rolls and Sub-Rolls Involving Relationship Gain, No penalty for hostile relations in diplomacy tests

And the third unique trait... I've got to wonder if he can get a combat one called "A Big Stick" that would synergize with it... :p

House Justice Scott Elderman has been murdered, the assailant and their affiliation is unknown. The Renmi quarter of Wellshead is in chaos, with many believed to be missing.

NO, SCOTT! Those Teuvian bastards... Tilly has to be devastated. Seriously, Timbre needs to get sorted out almost immediately. We might need to go in fast and hard on this one, alongside Sonissimmo if at all possible. If Timbre starts to go, it's in a prime position to cause chaos almost everywhere, given its placement.

I consider stabilizing Tellar and making inroads against the Teuvians there to be a vital and immediate priority.

I, personally, did not realize Chivalry v Dread would fuck us here so I'll take some of the blame for that, though.

Yeah, I didn't see that coming either. Something to keep in mind.

Magic if anything interesting shows up, continue the Naval stuff if that's an option

I'd say that getting the offensive magic research started should be a priority. The earlier we get it running, the more chances it will have to pay dividends, and Songweaving is our main artillery.


As far as the format for the quest itself goes, I actually prefer the different flavor that it has to it, and like the complicated nature of it. The problem for me, even as one of the people who has actually made a plan, is that it does take a solid chunk of time to complete. Multiple hours for the first one, IIRC. Add on to that factors that killed my time for the last vote, and no Aegir plan for Sartier. Putting together a plan in this quest does require a significant investment.

Overall, though, that does give it the feel of having great responsibilities and power. The agents also make it so that you have flexible responses and character added to the actions themselves, especially as they begin to gain traits to differentiate the agents from being just lumps of stats. On top of that, it also adds the pressure of figuring out how to react to everything at once, which is a tough challenge, but an interesting one. I happen to like the complexity, but it's also something that I have to put aside time for.

The only way to change things up to make them a little simpler without sacrificing Sartier's unique flavor would be to do things like vote for the actions themselves first and then have a second vote to assign agents, so that making the plans moved into a two-step process. Instead of having to determine who goes where to do what all at once, we would decide what to react to, and then who should be used to do so once we have a plan locked in place. It would drop some of the flexibility and open the possibility of a suboptimal spread winning out, but it would take some of the pressure off of the plan makers and hopefully make more people willing to discuss actions and things without feeling the need to have a full write-up ready for allocating all the agents.

Beyond that, though, I'm not really a good font of ideas at the moment. I guess I wouldn't mind the narrower focus if you wanted to go that route, though.
I was going to do a commentary but @Spectrum beat me to it and I basically agree with everything they said.

Looking at Timbre, I think that (despite Sarba probably being funding the Yellow Banner) we're going to have to make them our next point of call. They need to get their house in order, and we can't risk them becoming a problem whilst we're dealing with the clusterfuck that is Greater Carrenten.

Speaking of though, we need to get around to surveying Greater Harper this turn either give it to Theo, or someone else if we have something that needs swording badly.

I also agree on the idea that we need to get Carmen to do the Teuvian investigations action.

We should probably also have someone look into May Lumen wrt Teuvian influence.
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...welp, that should prove hilarious. Is that the Nat 1 you were laughing about earlier?
*glances down*

So, uh, is the Antilles Justice perhaps female?
Dale Justice: Stephanie Dale, 56 years old, female
Capo "Justice": Damien Capo, 60 years old, male

...Antilles Justice: Samira Antilles, 29 years old, female

There were only a few ways to interpret that :V

*glances at names*

I suspect this serves as confirmation that Sonissimmo didn't at least purge off the officers for the Army.

That's right; Sonissimmo's control of the Royal Army has never been as solid as their control over the Navy, since every noble House has a substantial land focus, while only a few have a maritime interest, and House Dale's ability to resist Great House Sonissimmo on that front was never that flash.

Just checking real quick--intending Vicky to be a nickname for Valerie? (Uncommon to me, so just asking.)
Yes, that's right.

Antonia Tellar (divorced Luna Reynolds, married Candice Kettleblack)
-No children
Andres Tellar (married Rita Hulland)
Natalie Tellar (married Dominic Rios)
-1 other child

Is that whole Valerie ran away from Carlisle to attend a tournament thing going to be an issue? I mean, beyond her parents throwing a fit.

Potentially :)

Background, because it is in character knowledge: Valerie is Natalie Tellar's eldest, and from the start of the game she has been in Carlisle. Ostensibly, this is because it was about time for the young lady (16 as of this turn) to learn more about the world by fostering. Privately, there was an element of safety first, because mother and daughter were ... not getting along. Hot-headedness runs right through the Tellar women, you see. Natalie was, if not exactly happy with it, accepting of it, as long as she knew her girl was staying safe. Alas, Valerie is very useful and the Carlisle are very pragmatic...
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Potentially :)

Background, because it is in character knowledge: Valerie is Natalie Tellar's eldest, and from the start of the game she has been in Carlisle. Ostensibly, this is because it was about time for the young lady (16 as of this turn) to learn more about the world. Privately, there was an element of safety first, because mother and daughter were ... not getting along. Hot-headedness runs right through the Tellar women, you see. Natalie was, if not exactly happy with it, accepting of it, as long as she knew her girl was staying safe. Alas, Valerie is very useful and the Carlisle are very pragmatic...

For all that Capo's vassals seem to suffer from hot tempers, Tellar isn't far off - or so it seems! Probably a good thing Capo has to try to run herd on them rather than Tellar since that really seems like a case of egging each other on. (And Tellar's vassal houses seem mostly level headed, Vincennes aside.)

... And oh, that phrasing implies that Carlisle knew about and perhaps (explicitly or implicitly) encouraged Valerie running off to attend the tournament. I was under the impression that she just stormed into it on her own and was about to wonder if Carlisle had ended up running afoul of any of their fostering obligations.

Not that Carlisle deliberately allowing this is any better than them unwittingly allowing - and perhaps worse - in Natalie's view.

As for Carlisle, what do they get from this? I mean, I assume there's some prestige and perhaps prize money for Valerie herself as the champion. Does that reflect on Carlisle's fostering? That they're really good martial teachers or something? Reflected glory? Networking event?

On another note, I'm under the impression that for all Tellar kids tend to run off, they don't do so during their fostering. That's surprisingly ... diplomatic and patient of them - and quite pragmatic, I'd imagine, given some of their ages.
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Overall a solid turn asides from one major failure on our part. I would have liked some more of the subrolls to go through but the ones that did were amazing. Those Nat 100s helped and we got some tasty traits for several of our agents including Evelyn.

For Evelyn it looks like she gained:
Spin Doctor (+2 D, +10 to all Sub-Rolls after a successful Diplomatic Test in Foreign Courts)
Conductor of Tides (+1 Influence, +1 M, +1 Mg, +1 Casting Dice on water, can force re-roll for naval jockeying for position)
Naval Songweaver (+1 Casting Dice on water, access to Naval Songweaving songs, +1 Mg)
+2 Magic,

So if I read that right, +2 D, +1 M, +4Mg for stats along with a boost to casting on water. I am really glad one of our best agents is one that we should be assured of their loyalty.
This is sort of random, but ... I just noticed who Shan is fostered to. Jessica Ritter? Is this a sneaky shout out to Krysten Ritter playing Jessica Jones? Or just random chance?
As for Carlisle, what do they get from this? I mean, I assume there's some prestige and perhaps prize money for Valerie herself as the champion. Does that reflect on Carlisle's fostering? That they're really good martial teachers or something? Reflected glory? Networking event?
Well, for one thing, they're getting the grudging respect of Raleigh and Vincennes now that Carlisle has managed to claim the Antilles wargames and the most recent Tarrant joust simultaneously. Not bad for a bunch of sailors and merchants, eh?

Valerie does get prize-money and traits, plus participants get boosts to combat, as long as they make it through okay.

This is sort of random, but ... I just noticed who Shan is fostered to. Jessica Ritter? Is this a sneaky shout out to Krysten Ritter playing Jessica Jones? Or just random chance?
Honestly just random chance. Ritter is one of the constituent Minor Houses of the Tarrant, like Rios or Hulland is to Tellar, and @Macchiato and I just went with Jessica for that name. We have enough people that we are naming that we rarely get the chance to delve too deeply in how symbolically an individual person is named.

(Yes, every Minor House has a name, no, you don't really need to worry about it much! There is no pop-quiz :D)
On the other hand, I feel like I need a spreadsheet to keep track of what's going on overall.
A rodentspreadsheet of unusual size, no less!

That is... um... kind of ridiculous. Yay for natural 100s. Bonzai!

Though, it does make me imagine that at some point in the future Evelyn will be directing a battle at the edge of a lake and before she starts casting she throws together a raft and tosses it into the drink as a makeshift platform so she's "on water". +2 Casting Dice, get! :V
Yeah, uh, twice. It was kinda mind-boggling. I figured you have to reward that kind of result. Now, she's not an I Win button, but once she hits Elite Songweaver and you're at sea, oh boy, watch out.

NO, SCOTT! Those Teuvian bastards... Tilly has to be devastated. Seriously, Timbre needs to get sorted out almost immediately. We might need to go in fast and hard on this one, alongside Sonissimmo if at all possible. If Timbre starts to go, it's in a prime position to cause chaos almost everywhere, given its placement.

I consider stabilizing Tellar and making inroads against the Teuvians there to be a vital and immediate priority.
[Tily Forlan gains Trait: Mourning] :(

Thanks to everyone who has weighed in on the topic of where to go with the turn votes for sharing their thoughts :)
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