The greatest victory is a battle not fought. And some times the best way to avoid a battle is to make it very clear how little effort winning would require.

"I can do anything except engage in violence.
I imagine he has clones to do that for him, should the need arise. Although presumably a ninja village would have very little violent crime.

"I'd like it to be equalized," Naruto begins, "that way who each employee works for is based on their specialty and the work environment they would like. If we all paid our workers the same and charged similar amounts, it would create a results driven competition instead of economy driven competition. We could also work out fair pricing for different types of cleaning and properties, and keep our own specialties without having to worry about undercutting each-other."
You know with that much buisness knowledge and corporate jargon in him if Business Naruto ever pops then bio-Naruto is going to have his brain leaking out of his ears. Or at the very least blood dripping from every cranial orifice.
He can regenerate, its fine
Prenotice: I am drunk
And I want it noticed, one of my points of pride in this story is that you're still reading.
Veekie, you're nutorious for leaving very shortly into things, so that you're still here tells me I'm doing something incredibly right. You're a part of my pride, I mean that, anyone fuck with you here I'll snap their kneecaps.

Buw ath do you even mean by that?
I thought one of the reasons Naruto started his business was to raise money for Wave? Why is he wondering what to do with his money when Wave almost certainly needs so much of it? Or did Sakura ban him from doing so and I've just forgotten?

I know what Naruto proposed here is extremely illegal where I live (as it's basically an oligopoly colluding to price fix), but I wonder if it's illegal in Konoha.
I thought one of the reasons Naruto started his business was to raise money for Wave? Why is he wondering what to do with his money when Wave almost certainly needs so much of it? Or did Sakura ban him from doing so and I've just forgotten?

I know what Naruto proposed here is extremely illegal where I live (as it's basically an oligopoly colluding to price fix), but I wonder if it's illegal in Konoha.
It is not illegal to price fix in pretty much any place.
It's only illegal if that price fix is a price hike, it's called gouging.
You cannot gouge in most places. If two businesses get together and agree to raise prices together, that's illegal.

In this event, prices are likely lowering across the board, even if Naruto's price is likely raising. Because he's threatening WMD on their asses.

Naruto is not suggesting a price increasing across the board.

Either way, I imagine Konoha is more uh, wild west, in its laws on non-critical businesses.
Cleaning services are not critical.
It is not illegal to price fix in pretty much any place.
It's only illegal if that price fix is a price hike, it's called gouging.
You cannot gouge in most places. If two businesses get together and agree to raise prices together, that's illegal.

In this event, prices are likely lowering across the board, even if Naruto's price is likely raising. Because he's threatening WMD on their asses.

Naruto is not suggesting a price increasing across the board.

Either way, I imagine Konoha is more uh, wild west, in its laws on non-critical businesses.
Cleaning services are not critical.
From "Illegal price fixing occurs whenever two or more competitors agree to take actions to raise, lower, maintain, or stabilize the price of any product or service."

Also, how would the prices be going down when profit margins are being maintained and workers are getting a 60% wage increase?
From "Illegal price fixing occurs whenever two or more competitors agree to take actions to raise, lower, maintain, or stabilize the price of any product or service."
That would make pretty much every business illegal.
Definitely feel like that's a gross over simplification on their part.

Either way, this is every major service in Konoha, them not being allowed to work together would be terrible.
As for your question, that question only makes sense under the assumption that the businesses were being fair and not exploiting their workers.
Unfortunately, exploitation is excessively common among in the cleaning industry. In fact, I had a friend who was paid below federal minimum wage to work at a cleaning business for a few years, as a teenager.

Now whether that would port over to Konoha is debatable, obvs.
But realistically, assuming exploitation, Naruto could easily leverage his wmd status to force them to pay fair wages, in exchange for reasonable pricing on his own behalf.

Because the alternative is he destroys the entire industry for fun.
Specifically, lowering prices to eliminate competition is illegal under the FTC. It's called Predatory Pricing, which Naruto basically threatened to do here.

It's illegal specifically to prevent a store chain like Walmart showing up to a town, lowering its prices to an absurd degree, eating the lost revenue due to larger organizational support, and jacking the prices back up once all local businesses have evaporated, thus forming a local monopoly.

But, this is a Ninja Death World where every Hidden Village is ruled by military dictatorship, and Naruto is Konoha's WMD. It probably doesn't really mesh well with our laws.

Even then, "normal" business owners who try pulling this stuff probably get ninjas sicced on them by the competitor. Either they die, or they pay for ninjas to defend them. Thus there's a whole Ninja Assassin/Protection aspect you have to deal with as a business owner in the world of Naruto. Naruto, or at least his clone, is probably just the first Jinchuriki to ever go into business.

If Gato is the typical representation of a business man in Naruto, this whole meeting tracks very well. Though, I might start thinking of Business Naruto as Kingpin Naruto.

...Huh. I wonder how criminal laws take sentient shadow clones into account?
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That would make pretty much every business illegal.
Definitely feel like that's a gross over simplification on their part.

Either way, this is every major service in Konoha, them not being allowed to work together would be terrible.
I honestly don't know why you would say that. It's pro-competition law that is intended to force businesses to compete with each other with the idea that it will be better for consumers and society at large if they do. Though, as this chapter indicates, it also screws over the workers in the race to the bottom. It is a fundamental aspect of the pitch for capitalism. Though, it's also starting to get wildly off topic ;)
As for your question, that question only makes sense under the assumption that the businesses were being fair and not exploiting their workers.
Unfortunately, exploitation is excessively common among in the cleaning industry. In fact, I had a friend who was paid below federal minimum wage to work at a cleaning business for a few years, as a teenager.

Now whether that would port over to Konoha is debatable, obvs.
But realistically, assuming exploitation, Naruto could easily leverage his wmd status to force them to pay fair wages, in exchange for reasonable pricing on his own behalf.

Because the alternative is he destroys the entire industry for fun.
I'm not sure why you would think that I thought they weren't exploiting their workers. The chapter was very clear that they were, and my question only really makes sense in that context. If they weren't exploiting people, then there'd be no need for a 60% wage increase.
I honestly don't know why you would say that. It's pro-competition law that is intended to force businesses to compete with each other with the idea that it will be better for consumers and society at large if they do. Though, as this chapter indicates, it also screws over the workers in the race to the bottom. It is a fundamental aspect of the pitch for capitalism. Though, it's also starting to get wildly off topic ;)

I'm not sure why you would think that I thought they weren't exploiting their workers. The chapter was very clear that they were, and my question only really makes sense in that context. If they weren't exploiting people, then there'd be no need for a 60% wage increase.
I guess the real statement is that profit margins aren't being maintained.
The Jinchuriki said no.

They're likely all taking a profit margin loss, in exchange for being allowed to continue existing.
Prenotice: I am drunk
And I want it noticed, one of my points of pride in this story is that you're still reading.
Veekie, you're nutorious for leaving very shortly into things, so that you're still here tells me I'm doing something incredibly right. You're a part of my pride, I mean that, anyone fuck with you here I'll snap their kneecaps.

Buw ath do you even mean by that?
I wander in and out of fics randomly. Uses to just follow everything but its no longer feasible.

Was making a joke about Naruto having to regenerate the damage from Business Naruto popping and downloading a massive amount of economic lore at once
It's notionally for a good cause but Naruto's behavior is probably illegal also, as noted. Still, he kinda deserves a win.
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It's notionally for a good cause but Naruto's behavior is probably illegal also, as noted. Still, he kinda deserves a win.
Threatening to out compete them?
I doubt it.

Asking them to comply with his demands lest he out compete them, gray area, might be awkward in certain regions.
Could be considered black mail depending on the region, hella illegal in that case.

Now there might legitimately be a legal argument to be made about not paying his employees.
But then we get into shadow clone rights and honestly, fuck that XD
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Now there might legitimately be a legal argument to be made about not paying his employees.
But then we get into shadow clone rights and honestly, fuck that XD
Idk, I figure he's paying all of his employees quite well, since he's his only employee and he gets 100% of the profits ;)

Though, I do wonder if the clones eat. If so, then he probably pays them in ramen...
Its just an unfair advantage clause, so they basically have to suck it up unless they can make a valid case that he's undermining village stability.

There shouldn't be any law against it any more than the housing industry has anything for "Hashirama singlehandedly spawns a whole village of houses"
Though, I do wonder if the clones eat. If so, then he probably pays them in ramen...
If they do, he eats before making them, so he only has to shell out for one meal, then they dispel when they get hungry and he eats again. As much as he loves old man Teuchi, he can at least observe that there is a limit to Ichiraku's possible output.
If they do, he eats before making them, so he only has to shell out for one meal, then they dispel when they get hungry and he eats again. As much as he loves old man Teuchi, he can at least observe that there is a limit to Ichiraku's possible output.
He's in training for the next month or so. I don't think he can dismiss and re-summon the cleaning clones until the training is over.
Its just an unfair advantage clause, so they basically have to suck it up unless they can make a valid case that he's undermining village stability.

There shouldn't be any law against it any more than the housing industry has anything for "Hashirama singlehandedly spawns a whole village of houses"
As noted above, laws against undercutting to prevent monopolies from forming because he could then raise prices after forcing all the other competitors out of business.

Or, even if he doesn't raise prices, if he himself 'goes out of business' (in ninja parlance) or otherwise stops providing the services, then the village itself has a giant hole and faces a lot of disruption.

As for housing...yes, there should be laws against that if it's not in a survival situation, because you don't want your mundane builders to go out of business, Hashirama dies, then suddenly you don't have any capability to build houses any more.
Yeah but its a ninja village. Different economic priorities.

Naruto would run into a brick wall(or rather someone has Kakashi show up to tell him to tone it down) if he tries to obsolete a skilled trade by himself, but cleaning isn't such a business.

For what the administration considers an unskilled trade they'd just deal.
I'm not sure about legalities and blackmail, but I'd image if the general cleaning labor force learn about wh got them that 60% pay raise, they would turn from hating him from making growing it like him. Or maybe outright liking him since his services aren't all that expensive.

In regards to buisness Naruto popping? That should happen soon than later, because if he doesnt pop himself then instead or falling into a coma for a few days, main Naruto could fall into a come for a week or two due to how much memories he's absorbing.

Edit: so i don't remember much about Naruto lore, but i think he lived in an orphanage for a while then was moved to his own apartment building. In this AU it was that but then moved into Sakura's home. Does Naruto have any positive or negative feelings about his orphanage?
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Meanwhile Kurama - I'll show you "without a brain" you little shit.
As a living chakra construct he presumably is brainless. Along with heartless, lungless, kidney-less, boneless, skinless etc.
Beast is also accurate as he is part of a group officially known as the tailed beasts.
Savage… that one he could object to. Although he was rather miffed at the time as I recall.
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Edit: so i don't remember much about Naruto lore, but i think he lived in an orphanage for a while then was moved to his own apartment building. In this AU it was that but then moved into Sakura's home. Does Naruto have any positive or negative feelings about his orphanage?
Gonna be honest, I'm not 100% on Naruto's canon childhood. They were kinda vague and just threw some random ideas out later and I didn't like read the data books or anything.
I am sure he sat on a swing though, mmhmm, definitely at least looked at a swing.

In this story, he was secretly housed until he started going to the Academy, which is when him coming back to any of the important ninja tossing him around like a hot potato would suddenly be noticed, because he finally had to leave the house.

The goal really was to avoid anyone finding out he was that important, and there's not a ton of risk of that if no one knew where he was because he never left, so holding him between locations and transferring him with ninja precision was fine. You can safely assume pretty much everyone that should have been looking out for Naruto, babysat at least a little bit during this period. There's not a whole lot of explanation otherwise for how 3 year old Naruto survived besides an orphanage, and I just don't think any of the war-hero, panic prone, PTSD for breakfast ninjas would have been fine with him in an orphanage. Just not buying it, I worry someone's gonna break into my house and steal my PC every time I leave my house and that was just money, and I definitely didn't go through the fuckin PC wars.

After the Academy started, and he needed to get back and forth without causing problems, they set him up in his own apartment in a medium quality district near the Academy, just called it good. Left him with an okay amount of money per month, nothing crazy. When 6-7 year olds start doing Itachi things sometimes, and you're from a generation of war and nonsense, it can be hard to remember that no, 6-7 year olds should not be forced to budget, but I actually think that's canon so it works here.

At around 10 actually valid complaints were made, because Naruto was really fucking loud. Turns out excited, training kids that don't super have to sleep are obnoxious.
And stepping in to tell everyone to shut the fuck up as a ninja order from either Kakashi, Jiraiya, or the fucking Hokage, would make his importance really obvious.
So he was simply moved elsewhere, where he learned to be quieter.

And then Sakura showed up and was like "The fug? Just come live with me, why weren't you already living with me? It's weird that you weren't living with me."

And the Hokage and co were like "why didn't we think of that?"
Used some Anbu to watch the house to ensure he wouldn't be mistreated for like a week, then called it good.

That's also why Naruto's lock works, by the way, that was an earlier joke but for real the Anbu switched it out and sent the Haruno's a bill and Mebuki was like "We hadn't fixed that damn lock? Huh."
Yeah but its a ninja village. Different economic priorities.

Naruto would run into a brick wall(or rather someone has Kakashi show up to tell him to tone it down) if he tries to obsolete a skilled trade by himself, but cleaning isn't such a business.

For what the administration considers an unskilled trade they'd just deal.
Well, the thing is that it's not just cleaning, it's cleaning in a ninja village. Ie they all have to be trusted to enter your homes and look at and potentially through your shit.

The same way that even janitors in the real world have to get clearances for certain employers/work locations. There's a bar to entry that you don't want them all deciding to go do something else.