Anyone remember when the last status update was?

This skill can be Evolved, please ask your Sensei about the "Whispering Goddess" Technique.
Kinda surprised it said please.

You are very dangerous.
Danger is relative. To a civilian she is an unstoppable murderblender. To the average genin she is a moderately terrifying murderblender. To a jonin she is… amusing.

Rollout: C Rank Earth Ninjutsu where the user covers themselves in a ball of stone covered in spikes, and rolls around. Fragile
Did she ever actually use this? And has she played Metroid?

Eventually, Kakashi will drop another C rank mission on them, hopefully an actual C rank this time. It probably will be… Maybe.
If pure canon there will be nothing before the insanity of the exam. If filler there will be some definitely not C rank missions to pick from.
Either way she is probably not getting her milk run.
And let her drop bombs
exploding tags wrapped around rocks.
should be simple enough.
i wonder if she can make it big enough to carry passengers inside?
use henged clones to make it look like the rock ball was just an attacking projectile jutsu that missed, while everyone inside safely sneaks away?
Anyone remember when the last status update was?

Did she ever actually use this? And has she played Metroid?

If pure canon there will be nothing before the insanity of the exam. If filler there will be some definitely not C rank missions to pick from.
Either way she is probably not getting her milk run.
In order.
1. A long fucking time ago, it was back when Sakura passed out next to Inari. I don't like status chapters so I try to avoid doing them regularly, and it would be too much of a pain in the ass, personally, to keep track of and give constant notifications for improvements. It's a lot easier, from the writer perspective, to silently note when something should improve and then every week or two look over the list and go "has this happened yet?"
You're actually caught up with Patreon as far as status updates go. They know a few more little details on statistics but not enough hardcore training and changes have happened for me to make another status update chapter yet.

2. She didn't, I tried to work it into the Vampire Gato fight but I couldn't find a place.It's a pokemon move. She has played Metroid, I have not. She also plays pokemon, and I don't. I'm actually kind of boring. Most of my life is work, budget, write - which is also work just a different type - sleep. Maybe one day my writing will pay off enough I can stop working boring jobs and start full time gamin

3. The Chunin exams are Arc 7, this is arc 3.
Though arc 5 and 6 are going to be rather small.
She will not get her milk run.
What If: Inari Gained Mario Powers
Another week with Patreon above $70, another What If.
This idea was provided by my fiance. If you'd like it to be your name up here you should join the Discord and give me ideas, I have a channel for this.

It was shortly after Sakura left that Inari first noticed it. His jumps were higher, and his landings had a lot more impact.

That was before the Koopas attacked. Like they came right out of the game Sakura had left him, he watched the turtle monsters climb from underground, from caves, and come from the water. It didn't matter where you looked, you would find more of the infestation spreading throughout the village, and no one knew what to do with them. They were hostile, but if you managed to keep your distance they would just roam around in their pre designated areas and munch on whatever was available. They never seemed to stray from their path, and always did exactly what they had done the very first time they took to their own routine and started waddling around.

They were found to be quite resistant to weapons, and forced people out of their homes with nothing but their clothes and what little food they could scrounge.

That was before Inari took action. "Squish-squish-" The turtles underneath his feet feel a little gross, before they explode into pixels and he's awarded coins. He's got himself a new pack to pick up the massive golden objects which are doing wonders for Wave's economy, and he happily carries them around with a smile. He's stronger too, strong enough to carry the thick overweight pack while jumping around and landing with enough impact to shake the ground and create small craters when he really puts his all into it and does a little flip before slamming down butt first.

He's not sure what all the powers are, but he can tell the gist. Sakura's game somehow gave him a gift just before the disaster, and now it's his daily job to go around clearing out people's homes and fixing what damage is done so that Miss Jenkins can make her boys lunch and his grandfather can get the building done.

"You can do it Inari!"
"We believe in you!"
"Smoosh them turtles!"
It's not his friends cheering him on, though they do sometimes do just that.

It's Naruto.
Specifically three Naruto in different forms. One of them's a girl that looks a lot more like Sakura than he's probably been given permission to make her look.

It brings a mild blush to his cheeks every job well done. "You know you three could help!" He says, leaving a run-down shack that had a spiny. He had to hit it with a chair to knock it on its back before he could jump on it.

"Wouldn't dream of it."
"It's your glory Inari!"
"Do your best!"

With a sigh he moves onto the next house infested, they came from the drains this morning. Who'da thought something could just travel through the pipes like that? He'll never poop with a calm mind again.

He hopes the clouds don't start throwing them down tomorrow, the clean up would be ridiculous.
I honestly love the status update chapters. It's why I read gamer fics. The numbers going up is what it's all about. Gamer!Sakura is around mid genin now, that's pretty nice. She gained most of that in around a month. Since there is a large gap between Wave and the Chunin Exams, her physical stats will probably hit around the 60s (bare minimum chunin). I honestly can't wait to see what she does then.
I honestly love the status update chapters. It's why I read gamer fics. The numbers going up is what it's all about. Gamer!Sakura is around mid genin now, that's pretty nice. She gained most of that in around a month. Since there is a large gap between Wave and the Chunin Exams, her physical stats will probably hit around the 60s (bare minimum chunin). I honestly can't wait to see what she does then.
Pure statistics wise, mid-genin, but that's Mid-genin in everything, most Genin specialize.
Which makes her high genin in reality, though she's a close quarters unit so even a mid-genin ranged focus would probably bully her. She has her crossbow but the bolts are limited and she's not training with it like she should be, that'll change in time.

Her skills and traits are where things get scary.
She discussed it earlier when the sleep ability was first introduced, but the ability to go all out, get injured, and be fine isn't even the scary part.
It's the full chakra heal.
A full chakra pool takes about 3 days to fully heal, and a big part of being a ninja is figuring out how to ration it so you don't burn out.
Her chakra reserves are therefore about 3x higher than they actually are, because she gets them back daily, and if she has time to rest mid-day, she could have 6x. I actually nerfed this, the initial plan was for it to take a week.

The numbers actually aren't a big part of this story. It's one of the reasons I go out of my way to say "it's not a gamer fic"
Saying it is would be horrific false advertising. I don't give the numbers the justice they probably deserve. I love numbers, but I don't have that kind of energy, I'm fixing my schedule up though so maybe soon I will and I can give a side chapter exploring the numbers more thoroughly. It wouldn't be main though, be like a Tuesday thing.

But the numbers don't lie, Sakura's fucking scary. I am keeping track of them and what they mean.
Arc three is lax but Arc 4 lets Sakura cut loose.
It's literally called "Brawling in the Streets"
I'm enjoying writing it. Though that poor one guy that was grossed out by the Wave arc's dungeons, might need to skip a few scenes. I give him full permission, he can even DM me to ask what happened.
I do wonder how long it will take her to start picking up Dangerous Forbidden Techniques. Things like the Eight Gates and the Akimichi pill where it will near guarantee your victory but at horrible mid-to-long-term cost. Which a normal ninja needs to keep as their emergency trump card but that Sakura can afford to use as her opener and sleep it off.
The Numbers, What do they Mean?
For those who give a shit about systems, I wrote a thing.
For those who don't. Skip this.

A creature has its own natural statistics, stat points are a multiplier on that.

I haven't figured out a flat number per say, but 10% wouldn't be an unreasonable approximation. Sakura is a small teenage girl - preteen really - so her natural stats are relatively low, but with a Strength of 43 she 100%+430% = 530% the Strength that a preteen girl in the Narutoverse should be, which is already a lot stronger than a preteen girl in our world should be.

This does mean that stat points have diminishing returns as they get stronger, but I've accounted for that by giving traits at certain stat point thresholds. There are a couple of stats that this gets weird with, but hopefully a basic rundown of what the stats actually mean will make this a little clearer in how it works and when it doesn't work.

Let's run through them.

Party Contribution Level: This is an estimate on how strong the challenges you should be capable of managing in a group of three equal partners. This takes stat points into consideration only, and so odd skills and traits like "Jinchuriki" and "Being Sakura" aren't considered. Equipment isn't considered either, so high tier equipment like Hunger also isn't considered.

Despite this, from the Wave Dungeon, it can be determined that it's not completely accurate for enemies either. Trash mobs fell over while the boss was a force to be reckoned with despite their advantages above the level of the dungeon.

This is because enemy skills, traits, and equipment aren't considered in the calc either. This is why party contribution level is best used as an approximation for "I am probably ready to play with this dungeon" but one should likely be higher level or come with serious advantages for "Inescapable" dungeons.

HP: A representation of how much damage she can take, it's calced very simply using Constitutionx3.

It can be viewed as such, even if it will rarely come up outside of dramatic moments:
5/5s, full health
4/5ths slightly injured
3/5ths moderately injured
2/5ths incredibly injured
1/ths on last legs.

Sakura does not instantly die upon reaching zero, she will fall unconscious. Her fate from there is on any teammates or rogue Haku's around. It is not currently known if she can respawn, she has decided not to test this.

Chakra: The Chakra pool for a ninja recharges at a constant rate, and takes 3 days to fully fill. A ninja recharges a stable 0.72% of their Chakra every hour, meaning higher Chakra also equates to higher Chakra recharge rates.

Upon reaching 10% Chakra remaining, a Ninja enters Chakra Exhaustion, a status in which calling upon their Chakra is 300% harder, and every drop used past it not only slows down recovery rate but puts the user's life at risk. At 0% Chakra, a user will instantly die, and without traits to enable use to such an extent, or special techniques, a ninja cannot use below 5% no matter how hard they try.

Chakra is calculated using the lowest of Constitution and Mental. As Sakura's Mental is so high, the only way for her to increase her Chakra is to train her Constitution.

Strength: Strength is her ability to apply force with her body. Kicks, punches, mining, running, clashing her sword against an enemy's and tearing off a wolf's jaws with her bare hands. Strength is different based on body size, but is also modified by the type of person.

Civilians have natural caps on their ability to exert force so they don't hurt themselves.

Ninja bodies have been trained not just to increase their Strength, but also to reinforce their muscles, bones, structure, so that they can exhibit a significantly higher percentage of their capable force without shattering. The going logic I'm using is that Chakra is fucking awesome, but if you're a nutritionist, you're totally okay believing it's something they put in the Academy fountains.

Samurai, and most monsters, are capable of putting 100% in, and do frequently injure themselves. Samurai focus on pure body reinforcement Chakra techniques, and frequently come back from jobs in need of a medic. Monsters just heal faster, because their Chakra networks are focused less on jutsu or interactivity and more, well, not dying. It turns out regeneration is a great trait evolutionarily.

Constitution: Constitution has two different primary functions. How much damage one can take, and also how hard it is to cause damage. Think of it this way, there has to be a minimum threshold to cause damage, otherwise atmospheric pressure alone would deal constant 1s to Sakura until she exploded.

What this threshold is, is based on her natural body, followed by her Constitution stat.
When we first started, Sakura had 72 HP, now she has 138.
It can safely be concluded that not only does Sakura have the ability to take 1.769 times the pounding, an attack also has to be around 1.769 times as potent before it can even deal damage to her.

This means she is well over double where she started. For this reason we can also conclude that Naruto likely wasn't taking damage from Sakura abusing him throughout the academy, but being hit by your crush is still pretty fucked up Mentally.

This Constitution reduction to damage is considered natural Armor, so actual Armor does enhance its ability.

Dexterity: Reaction time, ability to follow through with it, hand movements and footwork. If a rogue needs it, it's probably accomplished through Dexterity. It's her ability to put her brain's orders into actions, which means as long as her Mental is higher than her Dexterity she will feel like her body isn't responsive. Years of being unresponsive has led to her accepting this is how bodies work, and she's not completely wrong. If you've ever been better at something Mentally than physically because you're just a little older than you used to be when you were good, this is basically what's happening to you. Sakura's getting it in reverse.

As her Dexterity improves, Sakura will become more responsive from moment to moment, and her attacks and movements will become faster. Target beware, she's got a sword.

Agility: Agility is her body's ability to properly coordinate and function with the orders Dexterity is allowing her to put into action. It doesn't matter how coordinated or well thought out your actions are if upon trying to type in a complex macro of actions your body picks up your keyboard and throws it across the room like you're a Source NPC colliding with something. This will mostly show itself in her ability to land complex movements, maneuvers, and glide from action to action without needing to accommodate for previous positioning. She'll autocorrect based on her Agility, and that means running faster because she has less tripping concerns, it means slashing faster because she doesn't have to worry about overextending as much.

There is significant overlap with Dexterity, but it's pretty safe to say Dexterity is her ability to do actions quickly without feeling slowed down, and Agility is her ability to do it without screwing it up. High Agility low DEX means a very put together person who's deliberate and never messes up.

High DEX, low Agility, means you're likely so clumsy you decide to put "Accident Prone" as your title with necessary caps.

Mental: Mental is the ability to deliberate through processes quickly without having to pause to think. Sakura's high Mental stat is why she can think entire paragraphs between dialogue portions without anyone finding it odd that she's standing there blankly like a broken Quest NPC or a sitcom without a laugh track (look it up)

This helps her work through complex puzzles, find solutions in an instant, and allows her to send Mental orders to her body to do things. These orders are picked up by Dexterity, and just how well they're actually executed is based on Agility after Dexterity is done.

I wouldn't necessarily say having a higher Mental makes someone smarter, just faster, and speed is a smartness of its own. For instance, aptitude tests back in school rated me as extremely high capability, but low processing speed. This means my ability to understand and retain information is very high, as well as work through it, but I may need multiple attempts to fully understand what I'm doing because stimuli comes at me too fast for me to process it the first time.

A good example of this is that the average American has a reading speed of around 200 to 250 words per minute, with a retainment rate of around 80%, I read at 250 to 300 with 97 to 100% retainment until something fucks me and then I have to stop for a period.

You're probably a lot faster than me, which means you likely have a higher Mental. That doesn't necessarily make you smarter than me, just a lot faster. I can admit that.

Control: Is a Chakra user's ability to examine and manipulate their Chakra as well as how much Chakra they are using. Low Control users will find they use a lot of excess Chakra when they use a technique, whereas high Control users may find they don't use enough the first time they try a technique. The higher this number is in comparison to Chakra capacity, the better Control one actually has and can put into practice. For this reason Sakura's Control application will technically get worse as her Constitution goes up, as the ratio is getting worse, but the excess Chakra more than makes up for the difference. Though, if she wanted to go the medic nin route like Tsunade it might actually be best she stop raising her Constitution like right now.

Charm: Your ability to understand people is a pretty good determination of where you're going to go in life. Outside of the Ninja world, Charm is possibly the most important stat, and as Sakura is finding, even maintaining friendships requires it. Luckily the entire school system and childhood is normally spent raising this stat and socializing until you can adequately function in a non-military society.

i wonder how much Constitution Sakura would need until she can do that thing that old Raikage can do and be immune to most attacks?
i think its possible to store chakra in seals and stuff.
i wonder if Sakura could spend a few days storing up chakra before leaving on missions?
Chapter 30: Arc 3 - Coming Home: Sibling Shenans
Patreon got CH 45 today, the boys are in quite the predicament. I'm also back down to $98, the high could only last so long I guess.

Chapter 30, where you're at, is one I'm quite fond of.
Mostly, I found it very funny.

Sakura opens the door to Naruto's room, knocking gently just in time to catch the boy's eye open. "Sakura, what's going on?" Ninja are good at that, even with their close friends or family. She's never been snuck up on in her sleep from what she can tell - not that she'd know if she was truly snuck up on - and she's pretty sure she couldn't ever sneak up on Kakashi no matter what his state. That guy could be put into a chemically induced coma and he'd still shoot up to greet her if she was trying to sneak up on him. In fact, she's going to hold that in her tool box for if he ever does get seriously injured and needs to wake up.

"I had a bad dream but I'm mad at my parents so I decided to bother you instead." Sakura admits. Their scolding the other day, and subsequent threatening is still heavy on her mind. It's sad she's spending so much of her time home not hugging her parents, but she just can't bring herself to get over it as quickly as she wants. Iruka didn't help much, she wanted help understanding why her parents threatened to put her out on her ass and he just told her to talk to Kakashi.

Why would Kakashi have the faintest clue what her parents are thinking?

"I don't think teenagers do that, Sakura." Naruto says, eying her a little, in the doorway. One eye is still closed, the other is halfway open and not happy about it.

"How would you know? You're not normal either." She refutes, crossing her arms a little and walking into his room without invitation. She's got on bunny pajamas, she thought they'd be cute, they even have pointy long ears. She likes them enough that she hella won't be bringing them on a mission. She has learned, clothes don't last even a few days on a mission. She's not sure how the boys managed to keep their outfits the entire freaking time. She's also looking into sealing scrolls so she can have tons of back-up outfits in random places so if she gets stabbed again her pack isn't the only refuge of her items. She's learning, one tragedy at a time.

"That's… yeah." Naruto palms his face a little, blowing out air.

"Besides, this dream was relevant to us." She plops down on the bed beside him with a titter to her tone, her charm is high enough she can hear a little of her own playful nuances. You know how bad you have to be to miss that you have nuances? She does. "I dreamt I messed up badly, and Wave died from drought…"

"Sakura, Wave is an island nation, they have water." Naruto points out between groans of, well she's not exactly sure what, but it's not a smiley face on the chart.

"Yeah but… do they have enough water?" She asks her teammate, looking directly into his crystal blue eyes with her own emerald gems.

"Yes!" He throws his hands up, then lets them fall and smack him in the face again with a thwack.

"Huh, so maybe Timberborn is a bad practice module." She decides. "I thought it'd be cute because of the beavers but they keep dying!"

"Have you made progress on the reading?" Naruto asks.

"Yeah but, it turns out city planning is really complicated and a random girl - even a smart one - can't just learn everything there is to know in a week at the library… Especially not with all the procrastination I've been doing."

"Why are you procrastinating, I thought this was important to you?"

"I'm procrastinating because it's important to me, jeez, it's like you've never struggled…" She says, the blush hitting her because of how ridiculous that is before she's even done her sentence. "Motivationally, I mean, obviously you've struggled in a real sense."

"Sakura…" Naruto grumbles, "please go back to bed."

"Nope, too late, passing out here." She teases, closing her eyes and taking in just how comfy his sheets are. She needs to upgrade hers. Technically he has the better bed because she hasn't changed hers in like ten years so it's all worn out and slightly broken, and they bought the guest room beds like last year.

"Fine, I'll go back to your bed." He grunts, slipping out.

"That's not fair!" She mumbles to herself, grabbing onto his arm before he can flee. "Come back to me!"


The two new siblings with extra quotation marks arrive at the new job site with a set of bright smiles and their tools in tow. "This was a good idea." Sakura admits, referring to Naruto's suggestion this morning. Mainly, it was that she should get out of the loop of going to the library and staying home to read and play games and struggle with all her new nonsense. Wave isn't going to die in a day, and learning to clean with him at the job site could be really good for her mental health. Her entire life lately has been read, relax, D rank mission, game, train, sleep. It's nice to have more than two items on that list, but that's not impressive anymore.

She can't help but be thankful that so many of the people in her life are looking out for her. She'd be a little suspicious that he's trying to use her for free labor if it wasn't Naruto. If he really wanted an extra set of hands he'd just make one, it wouldn't be hard for him. It was harder to convince her to come help than it would be for him to make a hundred extra hands.

The gray tiles and black outer wall makes her blink for a moment before checking the mail slot beside the door. "Wow." Sakura says, "I've seen this address."

"Yeah, so have I." Naruto huffs as suddenly as she says it. He claps two hands over his mouth, before spreading them apart to create a funnel. "Sasukeeeeeee!" He shouts.

Only for a window upstairs to open, and for the boy in question to lean out of it, smirking at them with one of his telltale smirks. "Yes?" It's about this point that Sakura puts two and two together, and has to take a step back to admire the sheer audacity.

"Did you hire me to clean your freaking house?" Naruto shakes a broom at Sasuke..

"I did," Sasuke says, "it needs to be cleaned, and I have training to do."

"You just think me cleaning your house is funny," Naruto accuses, "bastard."

"That too. I didn't expect Sakura, that's a nice bonus." Sasuke says in the most monotone way a boy could possibly manage while holding back uproarious laughter. "Enjoy your day."
At that, he gives her a wink, and closes the window.

"Oh, I'ma get him later." Sakura grunts, nodding to herself.

"Already way ahead of you." Naruto says, making his now infamous in their group, shadow clone seal. "Though, first, we have to clean his house."

The first thing Sakura had to do to set Haku up properly was have all the equipment delivered, that was the easy part. Next, she had to teach Haku how to smile properly. The boy's expressions are soft and gentle but they don't feel genuine, it's too reserved, too simple. She feels sorrow when she looks at his upturned lips, not joy, and that has to change. She's not sure she's the best person to teach someone how to properly move their face when she so recently learned she has basic nuance, but it's her second job now so she does her best.

Then she has to teach Haku how to play games in their most basic form, which does require being there. She wants his first sessions to be streamed which means that teaching him requires leaning over his shoulder and being included in the initial streams. It's not a huge issue, but it does feel really awkward for her when someone asks about her in the chat. She's extremely surprised to find how quickly he gets viewers, she's heard most people who try this go weeks before there are people chatting, but here he is, an hour in, getting fangirls. It's fitting.

She's never wanted to be a streamer, she's never felt envious of them either. It's taxing to be in front of a camera, and the idea of participating with an entire chat feels socially overwhelming. She's a bit of a wimp to social pressures like that, and she imagines she'd end up in a worse place very quickly. Haku's much better than her, almost instantly taking to a calming vibe that makes the entire stream feel great even while he's struggling with basic mechanics. He learns slower than Inari did, but his charisma more than makes up for it.
That was a week ago.
She's had him streaming every day for a week, and checking up on him now…
"Holy shit." Haku's got his own cute little fanbase, complete with more than a couple fangirls. "Haku… How have you already made this much money?"

It's a lot. It's more than they're charging Haku for rent. Sakura had already paid his first month rent to her parents, and she expected to have to pay the second or third too to fudge the numbers and pretend Haku was doing great so they'd get off her back, she's not going to have to do that.

Haku is, incredible. "You make more in one day than my weekly stipend." She trails.
"And you just started. What the actual hell…"

"Is that a bad thing, Sakura-sama?" Haku asks. That's another thing, Haku's taken to showing her the utmost respect. He cares for her, he shows her attention all the time, he's even taken to making her dinner if he finds she's spent too much time researching or gaming or participating in whatever misadventures have overtaken her recently.

He's a real friend, or at least a real caretaker. Her parents seem to appreciate her having someone to look out for her. She imagines they probably thought he'd be a second Naruto they've have to look after, and maybe that was a part of their problem with him living here, but they've taken to liking having someone they can depend on to brush her hair, force her out of bed, force water down her throat, force her to eat, basic stuff. It makes her feel a little bad for being such a hot mess most of her life, but that's life.

[Charm has Increased by 1]

Feeling empathy is a desirable trait in Charm, who would have guessed. Not her.
Either way, she's grateful Haku is fitting in so well, even if she does need him to stop calling her by her name on stream lest someone recognize her and doxx him.

More than likely not for the first time, if she's honest. Using his name is fine, he doesn't really leave the house, and as he's explained it, most people don't know him at all. Using her name? That's bad, she's done stupid stuff like run a fangirl club. Hey there's Ami in his chat!
I really like how Haku helps her. She . . . really needs help. Honestly, the way the boys look out for her is also so sweet. Poor idiot savant.
Lol, Sakura I really doubt Haku would be in any danger if he was doxxed. Then again I don't think she's ever seen him cut loose, has she?
"Kakashi is a dick on purpose. Sakura, you're doing it unintentionally. Learn the difference."

But also, Ami must reeeeeaaaally resent Sakura right now. Sakura's living the dream from Ami's perspective: Successful Genin with heart throb Sasuke on her team and now a submissable bishie boy manservant? The jealous hate...