...why?! Wasn't she trying to keep it a secret?

She could have just gone "I heal really fast. works a bit like a bloodline". It wouldn't even have been a lie!
Who the hell is going to believe it? Imagine Haku trying to convince someone that the girl from Konoha treats the whole world as a game. Including her body. He would sound completely deranged. Unless someone spends months observing Sakura and gathering info to confirm everything anyone else who tried to explain her status is going to sound like a madman.

At least until later when she gets a reputation for looting her way across the continent.
...why?! Wasn't she trying to keep it a secret?

She could have just gone "I heal really fast. works a bit like a bloodline". It wouldn't even have been a lie!
Perhaps because it is only dangerous in the hands of people she trusts? Knowing she operates on 'game physics' isn't tactically useful. Even knowing what those physics are isn't significantly more useful than the basic 'how does she fight' info you would want about any ninja.

Her worry was that she would be vivisected by her own village. She now thinks that danger is largely passed after Kakashi largely shrugged it off.

Related: While she is very intelligent and can be rather clever she is still very dumb in a lot of ways.
Hmm, I felt like this chapter was noticeably worse than the last couple. I would guess it's because I struggled to get invested in this chapter - I think Sakura's jump straight into crazy/delusion negatively affects my suspension of disbelief.

It was especially evident when she talks about the game "respawning" people for the second run through. It's just a little hard to get invested in her perspective when it is so far off-kilter. In my opinion, a delusional narrator destroys the connection between readers and the events in story.
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Also Kakashi is pretty soft-hearted as far as elite jounin with a dark past go. If Sakura (and Naruto) pushed to help Wave, I think he'd fold. And it seems like Sakura wants to tell Narut and Sasuke anyway, so she can explain the quest thing as well.
Maybe before Sakura nearly got killed trying to block a flying guillotine. Now her judgment is in question. Even by herself, if she has any sense at all.
Maybe before Sakura nearly got killed trying to block a flying guillotine. Now her judgment is in question. Even by herself, if she has any sense at all.
IF (and it's a big if) you can trust the quest alert, they'd know where Gato is. and considering the choice would be between waiting for Zabuza to recover and then face both him and Haku, or kill Gato and remove the incentive for them to have to fight... There's a good argument that killing Gato is easier.

Of course that's a big IF.
...why?! Wasn't she trying to keep it a secret?

She could have just gone "I heal really fast. works a bit like a bloodline". It wouldn't even have been a lie!
Because she's never had a teammate with a blade to em before and is woefully under-experienced with the idea that her actions might get her new brother hurt.

Or maybe she's just bad at secrets, I hear all gamers are.
Hmm, I felt like this chapter was noticeably worse than the last couple. I would guess it's because I struggled to get invested in this chapter - I think Sakura's jump straight into crazy/delusion negatively affects my suspension of disbelief.

It was especially evident when she talks about the game "respawning" people for the second run through. It's just a little hard to get invested in her perspective when it is so far off-kilter. In my opinion, a delusional narrator destroys the connection between readers and the events in story.
Literally said I was pretty sure I forgot the final edit.
It's actually worse. I'll probably update it sometime next week, it's why it isn't on the other two sites. Life has been stressful.

Can you point out when she talks about fucking reincarnation? Because I don't remember that and I feel like I'd remember that.
As for her being a little crazy... That's been the entire story, I dunno what to tell you.
Can you point out when she talks about fucking reincarnation? Because I don't remember that and I feel like I'd remember that.
Were I to hazard a guess I would say they are talking about this bit:
That's fine, she thinks. Gato's dead the first clear anyway.
Five clears… how does she justify to her team five clears of the same dungeon?
How does that even work, will it generate more people for them to fight? Probably.
Were I to hazard a guess I would say they are talking about this bit:
Ah. That's how game mechanics work. That's the kinda thread the entire story has been on.

Feels a little weird to make your first comment on chapter 9, and have it be a complaint about the core concept of the story.

To each their own though.
Feels a little weird to make your first comment on chapter 9, and have it be a complaint about the core concept of the story.

First up, that was me originally not @Angelform, they had nothing to do with my comment - probably worth an apology to the other poster cause you tagged them in your post

I was referring to this but here:
How does that even work, will it generate more people for them to fight? Probably.
I read that Sakura sees the NPCs as reusable, regeneratable characters.

Secondly, fair point about the engagement being negative. I'll attempt to give more positive feedback to authors in the future

Thirdly, there is a world of difference in my mind from a Gamer fic where the Gamer power affects just the protagonist versus a Gamer fic where it bends the world around to cause her life to be a game.

My understanding was that this story was of the former type - ie the whole world doesn't revolve around Sakura and her power

Hence, I find it hard to relate when Sakura is being crazy-ish about consequences of her actions. My understanding is that random Mook 1 does probably have a family and life in-universe and is not auto-generated for Sakura. So I am finding her perspective delusional and thus hard to follow or relate to her actions
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First up, that was me originally not @Angelform, they had nothing to do with my comment - probably worth an apology to the other poster cause you tagged them in your post

I was referring to this but here:

I read that Sakura sees the NPCs as reusable, regeneratable characters.

Secondly, fair point about the engagement being negative. I'll attempt to give more positive feedback to authors in the future

Thirdly, there is a world of difference in my mind from a Gamer fic where the Gamer power affects just the protagonist versus a Gamer fic where it bends the world around to cause her life to be a game.

My understanding was that this story was of the former type - ie the whole world doesn't revolve around Sakura and her power

Hence, I find it hard to relate when Sakura is being crazy-ish about consequences of her actions. My understanding is that random Mook 1 does probably have a family and life in-universe and is not auto-generated for Sakura. So I am finding her perspective delusional and thus hard to follow or relate to her actions
Yeah they were uh, aware I was talking about you.
Angelform has been here a while, I obviously wasn't saying it was their first post.
They're even in my Ino quest, which is doing noticeably less well, for obvious reasons.

As for them being reusable, regenerating characters.
Yeah she uh, thought the demon twins were created specifically for her to kill. That was Chapter 6. It's an established point of the story's canon that she's under the impression the ability is generating bags of EXP.

The fact that she is wrong about this has not been approached yet. It will, I promise, it's actually in one of the unposted chapters... Kind of something I've been building to for a while.

But the idea that dungeons might in fact do that, isn't absurd. It's how pretty much every game ever works, and she's still not sure if it's the former or the latter. You have meta knowledge implying it's the former, that doesn't change what she knows. To be honest, even if dungeons did auto-generate NPCs for her to kill (not saying either or here), it wouldn't change how the power interacts with the broad world at large.

Dungeons might just be instanced and different. It's not abnormal for a gaming power to have another dimension, or alternate reality where things work differently.

As for you finding it difficult to connect to... I'm not sure what to say. Sakura being kinda crazy has been a part of the story from moment one. You'll find a lot of it in chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, and yes, this last one.

If that's a huge problem for you, why did you read this far?
I'm not saying "Don't like, don't read" or anything of the sort, I appreciate any and all readers.
But like, legitimately, if you don't like the concept why are you torturing yourself? I didn't ask you to do that. I'm enjoying writing the story, and I am working under the assumption that all readers are enjoying reading the story. If you're not, I'd honestly rather you not.

And if you do like the story, and you do like Sakura's craziness, it's just this particular craziness you don't like, that's so specific it seems odd to comment when you could DM me and have a whole conversation about it.

I dunno, this is 400+ words so clearly I'm in a ranty place.
Objective: 0/1 Gato Killed, 0/1 Gato Tower Dungeon Cleared
Bonus Objective: Clear Gato Tower 5 times to "find" his hidden treasure, and restore Wave with
I imagine Sakura is going to tell Kakashi that they need to find Gato's hidden treasure to help Wave. So he'll go looking for it. Look in all the places a businessman would hide it.

Either the loot already exists or it is created from nothing. By Tower Clear number three Kakashi is probably thinking if he hasn't found a treasure by now then they aren't going to find it. Then the quest reward automatically deposits in Sakura's inventory or appears with glorious light and musical fanfare.
If that's a huge problem for you, why did you read this far?
I'm not saying "Don't like, don't read" or anything of the sort, I appreciate any and all readers.
But like, legitimately, if you don't like the concept why are you torturing yourself? I didn't ask you to do that. I'm enjoying writing the story, and I am working under the assumption that all readers are enjoying reading the story. If you're not, I'd honestly rather you not.

I've been thinking about whether this was a rhetorical question, and I don't believe it was - so I'll share a short response.

I think that writing a story with a crazy narrator is very challenging. I see it as walking a fine line between showing the characters' skewed perspective whilst still maintaining the reader's empathy for that character's actions. Reader empathy will naturally diminish if they don't connect with or understand the characters' motivation. I think you done a great job writing a skewed perspective through the story. It's been an important part of Sakura's character that you've showed well whilst still maintaining user empathy for Sakura and her actions.

Hence, in my comment, I was attempting to give you feedback that, for me, the story has just slid past the line during the last chapter. It was not feedback that the premise of a crazy narrator was challenging to me. I understand that maybe that's not the positive feedback you'd have liked. In the future, I will refrain from giving feedback.
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I've been thinking about whether this was a rhetorical question, and I don't believe it was - so I'll share a short response.

I think that writing a story with a crazy narrator is very challenging. I see it as walking a fine line between showing the characters' skewed perspective whilst still maintaining the reader's empathy for that character's actions. Reader empathy will naturally diminish if they don't connect with or understand the characters' motivation.

Hence, I was attempting to give you feedback that, for me, the story has just slid past the line during the last chapter. I understand that maybe that's not the positive feedback you'd have liked. In the future, I will refrain from giving feedback.
Just gonna spoiler this because it's fucking huge.
I was asking why on earth you would read a story that's core concept bothers you.
Made me concerned for your health, that's not a very nice thing to do to yourself.

It was less, not wanting your feedback, and more that you weren't really clear what the issue was.
If you'd said it like you just did, or said it in DMs, you would have gotten a very different response. Mainly "Errr, sorry bro. I don't think she got crazier this chapter I think you noticed it more for some reason. Like how it took me 3 watches of Angelbeats to realize it's called Angelbeats as in Angel-Beats, not all one interesting sound but a direct correlation from the plot to the title."

I don't think that bit about dungeons made her seem any crazier, and I've explained my view on that.
You do, and that sucks but there's not much I can do about that perspective. I honestly don't think Sakura's that unhinged at all in this. She, much like canon, has logical reasoning for almost every action, assumption, and idea she has.
She's incredibly logical minded, and maybe a bit socially inept, but not really insane in any way. She might not be neurotypical but she's not a madwoman, she possesses vast amounts of empathy and deliberation. She worries about consequences, and is considerate of even the random child they live with currently. I've had someone on another site comment about how they have ADHD and my Sakura made them feel so seen. Which was concerning because I don't have ADHD so my characters shouldn't, but alright, sure, she's insane.

The most crazy thing she's done is adjust really, really well to having gaming powers and that's in the name. "Gaming addict."
Before the start of the story she was sleeping 4 hours a night at max, had multiple MMO subscriptions, and if I thought it was possible in the Narutoverse I'd say she's probably the only person in Konoha to have a "Living Pokedex." I aint doing the research to figure that out though so no LP for her.

So like yeah, realistically her life was more game than RL anyway.
Wasn't a hard switch. It's just that now when she accidentally applies gaming logic to reality, she doesn't have to turn around ten seconds later and call herself an idiot, it just works.

If she crossed a threshold for you, that's good to know. The reality is that every datapoint is useful because if enough people report the same thing, something is wrong there. It's not always what was reported, but something is in fact wrong. Maybe the Tazuna conversation wasn't written right, maybe it was her playing a game with Inari, maybe it was that she genuinely asked a man robbing her about her switch, and that was just too damn far so your brain was hyper focused and noticed the dungeon thing. Or maybe you're right and I have a warped view of reality.

Regardless of the case, you're the only one who seems to have disliked the chapter so, it's one data point. Maybe I'll get more later. I actually woke up the other day to a PM about how fuckin awesome Sakura is, so like, I'm not worried I'm screwing up too bad. Could be, don't think so.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

If you have a genuine concern about the story, or significant negative feedback that you think is constructive, please DM me.
If you have a minor to moderate negative thought, or a single typo you want fixed, please point out what you liked before you point out what you disliked, it's just common courtesy and it's even how we do business emails. But you should post those to the thread.

If you respond purely negatively in public, without having really established yourself as a supporter of the story who's feedback is helpful, expect to be treated like the rude, negative jerk you're being. I'm not gonna think through your message to try and see if there's a hidden meaning I missed, I'm gonna tell you to "stop talking" in the most SV and considerate person standard way I can, by pointing out how fuckin weird that was and moving on.

Because people stop commenting on the story when people do shit like that.
They don't want to see me responding to critical reviews in a dramatic way.
Take it to PMs, it's not about me, it's about you and being considerate for everyone who's followed the damn thread so they get messaged when I respond!
Besides, anything that interrupts the groove of Friday night/Saturday Morning likes is mean! Wait till Sundaaaaayyyy! I can wait to see a DM until I'm ready!

I don't have to hate feedback to not want to be called out for the same day I just posted the results of professional level work I spent a part of three days on.
Do I think this is commission quality? No, don't be absurd, commissions come before everything. I don't even get drunk to write those, but I'll get drunk to write this. I'm currently high as balls. Weed's Legal in NM, so, weeeeeeee!
Unless this suddenly picks up as the most successful fanfiction in history - don't quote me on that - it's not gonna hit commission level.

But I'm still a professional who can put an actual dollar count of value into my work, so I know damn well it's not bad enough to be worth a rude call out.
So like, jeez man...
Lighten up. Have fun.
Read the story, enjoy the story, go read my quest after.


Ino Yamanaka and the Endless Tournament [Battle Quest]

You're Ino Yamanaka, and you're trapped in an endless contest in a statistic filled simulation with no real hope of getting out. Luckily, you're not known for giving up easy. Just ask Sasuke.

I wouldn't call it great but I have fun.
Take a nap.
I don't care just drink some water and have a good time. Not hard.
Ehem. In short, because, holy shit I just wrote 1000 words for no damn reason - I'm sorry I'm actually quite high. Like really, fuckin, accidentally write 1000 words high. Wish I had that kinda energy sober.
Be considerate, that's all I ask. You're allowed to complain, just treat me with the same respect I'd respect you. I respect you and everyone else enough to - while blazed - put that shit in a spoiler.
But not enough to delete it. Come to conclusions from there.

Maybe, go back and read your post and understand why that message and this one is different. Or, point out how it's not, I dunno, whatever makes you happy.
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Team Bonding, a Wild Haku's murder button is broken, and a Random Encounter has Implications
Friendly reminder I made a Discord: Join the Sakura Haruno, The Gaming Addict Discord Server!
I thought it'd be cute, and allow me to interact with people's thoughts better.
It'll also host the Patreon stuff once that's a thing but that's not the reason for it. Please come join me!
I did edit Chapter 9, so if you end up rereading, it'll be better.

The fire jutsu is even more simple than the earth jutsu. It has three parts but they're all stupidly simple and kind of the same action. First, she must convert chakra into fire chakra, then she has to layer her hand in fire chakra, then she has to send all the excess into some stones in her hand until they're red. The important part is getting the stones hot enough that she needs to protect herself with what's in her hand and then gauge how much of each is needed, and that's the part she's failing.

Six hours in, and she's gotten them hot enough to feel uncomfortable. It's progress, but she's so used to learning everything almost instantly that it's really disheartening. She doesn't know how to keep herself motivated trying the same thing for hours. Even as a gamer she's never tried speedrunning or anything, she's just not used to this kind of failure. She succeeded with valor regardless of the challenge, and she wants to continue that pace as long as possible.
It turns out, as long as possible, is about until fire chakra.

"Which is why I'm asking for help." Sasuke looks genuinely distraught with her explanation. She'd call it angry if she didn't know him better, he just looks confused, a little worried, maybe even disturbed.

"So, let me get this straight." He stares deep into her eyes around their campfire. Sneaking out of Tazuna's house to hang around Naruto as he tries to get this tree walking thing perfected is automatic for them. He can do it now, they all can, but Naruto's never been one to be happy with just being okay at something, and Sakura's here for it. "In one day, you've managed to go from never having molded fire chakra at all, to heating these stones enough that the air around them is visibly distorted." Sasuke points at her hand, and the little waves in the air that signify her minor accomplishment.

"Yes." She nods.

"And you're discouraged?" He asks.

"Shouldn't it be faster?" She asks, awkwardly rubbing her arm with the hand not holding stones and molding chakra.

"No!" Sasuke palms his forehead quite forcefully. "No it shouldn't! You know how long it took me? Months. It took me months to learn how to mold fire chakra well enough to cast my first real fire jutsu, and I'm a natural fire element. All Uchiha are natural fire elements."

"That sounds painful." She admits with a harsh wince. "Is there like a cheat code?"

"Yes." She's surprised enough by his blunt answer to set the stones down. "There actually is, it's just stupid." At her eager look, he realizes he's spoken too much, and decides the rabbit hole should just be opened directly. "Forget the objective, and focus solely on generating fire chakra as an automatic response. You'll do this by focusing on generating the fire chakra around your hand, and sticking it directly in fire. Either you'll succeed, or you'll get burned. Repeat until you can do it for long periods of time without getting hurt."

"I thought you didn't like me hurting myself." She points out.

"I don't." His disdain is clearer in his tone than his eyes. He's a scary boy. "But you're going to do it anyway, you should probably be good at it."

"Ah. That makes sense."

"So, my life is a game." It hangs in the air, resting there awkwardly. A team meeting in the woods at five in the morning wasn't how she expected to make this reveal, but if she's going to be giving it out to random strangers like this Haku, even if it's to protect Naruto, then her team deserves the details.

"Sakura, I have a great guy I talk to." Sasuke says, somehow even more awkward than her. He's sitting in the grass, while Naruto stands sideways on a tree. He figured out how to just hang there last night, and now he's using it as a core exercise. She should probably do that, the effort to stay sideways has to be an amazing work-out. The fact that he's flapping his arms like a bird and making the occasional rooster adjacent sound only makes it better. His sense of humor hasn't gotten a lot better since becoming a part of her family, but it has gotten a lot more bold. It makes her snicker. He's able to be this happy almost directly after a senbon was held at his eye.

Actually, all things considered, he was stupidly calm yesterday. Has he been threatened a lot? She needs to investigate that too when she gets home. Sword, Naruto, how to get away with murdering people who threaten her boys, in that order.

"Unfortunately for us, I think she's telling the truth." Kakashi says. Injured or not, he'd never pass-up a team meeting when he can move. They brought his sleeping bag out here to the forest for him, and he's resting in the fluffy blankets like a caterpillar about to change into a butterfly and destroy their enemies.

"Kakashi…" Sasuke sighs.

"I mean it. She's gained two elements in three days, and learned how to mold fire chakra while she was at it." Kakashi says bluntly. "Those three days were not peaceful village days under a powerful tutor either, they were a day after getting stabbed through the gut, with a teacher who was bedridden and couldn't help her much."

"So she's a prodigy, she can still be crazy." Sasuke points out. "In my experience, most prodigies are up the wall bonkers and chewing on a stick."

"Oh believe me, I know." Kakashi laughs pitifully under his blanket. "I know. But this is a different kind of crazy. She can't lie, we know this. Either she's telling the truth, or she believes she's telling the truth."

Sasuke doesn't like it, she can see that much. But he stops arguing, and merely looks at her with great concern. "I have stats." Sakura says.

"Everyone has stats, Sakura." That's Naruto, she's recently gotten him into some fun co-op RPGs like dark souls, and while he's very, very bad at it, it's been a lot of fun teaching him cool new concepts like the statistics menu and leveling up. She figured it would be nice to help him understand before she had to spring this on him, now she's not as sure. "We grow stronger when we do things to get stronger. Like um… push-ups give you strength, and thinking real hard gives you intelligence?"

"Yes." She gives him an approving nod, she's happy he's learning, even if it's a thorn in her side at the moment. If she could see his statistics, she's pretty sure he'd be so much better than when she first got him. Kakashi's been very helpful for her and Sasuke, but she's been very helpful for Naruto. Watching him tremble and struggle to stay upright against the tree is hilarious, he looks like he's going to fall apart any second, but he's persevering in a way she likes to believe she's contributed to. "But mine are different, I can see them, and they seem to be going up faster than they should be. I'm almost half again as strong as I was when I graduated from the Academy a month ago. Years of my life, nothing compared to recent weeks."

"You're also pushing yourself a lot harder." Sasuke points out. "And doing psychotic things."

"Yeah, sorry." Sakura winces. She didn't apologize, or even touch on his concerns the other night, and that eats at her in a way she wishes it didn't. Life was so much easier before she grasped social convention enough to recognize when she's done something wrong. Empathy sucks. "I'll try to be more careful, your concern was valid, and I shouldn't just forget you have feelings like that."

Your Charm has raised to 11
Congratulations, you have achieved Academy Student Charm
Academy Student Charm: We didn't think we'd have to make Academy Student Traits, but here we are. Someone's mood will now appear beside their head in one of those mood chart pictures if you're struggling to identify their expression.

It's nice to see her efforts helping, though it's sad that such a simple statement is enough. To think, her charm is almost double what it was a month ago. She's starting to understand facial expressions now, and not just the monotone ones one sees in a game like 'that guy is angry because he has an angry face.' She hates to say it, but that skill will probably be really helpful. She's such a lost cause, or was, now she just has to get better.

"I don't have a good way to convince you." Sakura admits, while Sasuke's emotions flicker behind his eyes. "And it's okay that you don't believe me. I just felt like you needed to know. It's not fair that I've been hiding something so big, when you were so open about your brother."

She knows she hasn't won, but she can see it now. Sasuke wants to believe her, he just can't. He's seen someone he believed in lose it before. "Now for the real reason I called this meeting." Sakura stands up, just as Naruto loses his grip and crashes into the dirt in a sprawled penguin-like position. She has to hold back a snicker, this is serious but his groan is funny. He's just flopping around over there trying to find purchase like his legs don't work anymore. "Yesterday, I met the enemy. Today, I plan to meet the enemy again, and I really don't want to be alone when I do that… I don't want to die again. Help me."

Her team is hidden. Naruto and Sasuke are pretty far away, because they're not particularly stealthy, but Kakashi's a jonin and is very good at stealth. He's got a nice signal jutsu planned for if they have to fight, so the boys can join and they can handle this together. It's with that knowledge that she allows her feet to walk into what might be a very dangerous scenario.

She hopes that if things go wrong, Kakashi's in good enough health to turn the tide, but he looks so hurt even after all this time. It wasn't until seeing Kakashi so injured for so long over something so small, that it really clicked with her just how overpowered her sleeping ability is.

To think she went so many years actively trying not to sleep.

Haku is waiting there for her when she arrives, standing tall and patient. It's a little intimidating, when so shortly ago Haku had Naruto in his grip. She doesn't believe she could have won that fight, reflection on it is pretty clear, Naruto could have died because she was impatient and reckless. She needs to learn patience, even if it means spending time away from her sword.
It'll be easier once she knows exactly what it's doing, and if it's the sword at all. She could just be seeing her natural borne impatience in the field, and blaming it on magic because magic is a very convenient explanation. Knowing the difference will be very valuable.
"You actually came alone." The boy stands in the same clearing, waiting for her while she approaches. "That was stupid."

"I trust you." She avoids saying anything that's a lie. She genuinely does trust him. He could have killed them, he could have just not saved her. They're still alive, this boy can be trusted.
"You shouldn't."

"But I do." Sakura leans against a tree, sword still completely sheathed. "I owe you my life, I'm pretty sure that counts for something."

"Without us you wouldn't have been injured in the first place." This Haku's expression is so stone, she could learn a thing or two from those pretty cheeks and well formed face.

"That just makes it all the more confounding." Sakura says. "Why save me if I'm the enemy? I've played enough games to know that you're not evil."

"You've what?"

"You're the secret character you get by making all the right choices." Sakura explains. "I don't think I'm gonna get you, I'm not very good at making the right decisions, but… I do think you're too good natured to hurt me unprompted. You wanted to talk, so I'm here, let's talk."

"You're different." Haku decides. "I am Haku."

"Sakura Haruno." She introduces herself. "I believe you owe me an explanation?"

"I said we'd trade, you gave me nonsense." The boy crosses his arms across his chest. "I do not like being mocked."

"I'm not sure what to tell you." Sakura shrugs, slowly, evenly. Her breath hitches harshly as she realizes that if Sasuke doesn't believe her, why would a random enemy? "I told you the truth. My life is a game, and every step is another portion of a quest. Gato is going to die, and with him, Wave will be restored. It's that easy."

"Say I actually did believe you," Haku begins, "what would that even mean for me?"

"It'd mean you're doomed to fail. You're the antagonist, and the whole system is based around a goal you're actively fighting."

"And if I killed you right now?" He asks.

"You won't." She doesn't even reach down to her weapon at the threat, there's no point. Even if he did, Kakashi would save her… probably. She hopes.

"Kakashi makes my skin crawl, Sasuke makes my heart beat faster every time he glares, even Naruto can raise my blood pressure when he's in a bad mood. But I feel nothing from you, not the slightest presence of desire to kill. The anger that dwells within every ninja, ready to lash out at the enemy and commit atrocity for their village and their people, simply doesn't exist within you. You're a ghost."

"You're stretching." Haku says. "And a bad liar."

"Really bad." Sakura laughs, "soooo bad."

"But you're right." It's that statement hanging in the air that allows Sakura to breathe.
The tension within her fades just a little with every filling of her lungs. "I believe you." The boy nibbles his lip, looking down to her hip where her sword lays pointlessly. He seems to be remembering something, probably the same bloodbath that haunts her dreams. She's had problems sleeping again lately, but luckily she only needs six hours so once she finally manages to get to sleep after a couple hours of laying there she's good. "I saved you because I don't want this."

"Don't want what?"

"This. Wave, all this suffering, all this death. The children can't even afford to eat, and even if they could, the shopkeepers don't have food to sell them." Haku says, voice quivering ever so slightly. His eyes look damp in a way she hasn't seen in quite some time. Ninjas don't cry from emotions, not normally. That kind of reaction is trained out of them in the academy. Aside from when it was her turn with the stick, she can't really remember the last time she cried. "You're not strong enough to pose a threat, so why let you die? Why let another person fall pointlessly for a goal I don't even want?"

"I feel like your master wouldn't be happy to hear this." Sakura says.

"He knows, he just… we need the money." Haku says. "I won't turn against him, you won't have my aid. But… if you were to try to solve all this, I might be able to turn his attention away from your actions."

"I'm not ready." She says.

"Then get ready." There's a growl there, under his tone. An angry chart face appears next to Haku's head, and she has to hold back a sweat drop. It's so big and needless and colorful. The overly pronounced expression of the chart face looks nothing like Haku's diligently held together features.

"I will return here every few days. You will leave a note for me when you are ready to accomplish this quest of yours. Once you have confirmed that I have collected your note, you will have a short time period to do what you want. I can promise no more, I will not betray my master."

"Why even do that much?" Sakura asks.

"Because if Gato is gone, we can leave." Haku says. "A mercenary's word is all they have. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't go back on the mission while Gato is around."

"But if he's dead, then you can go. Why not kill him yourself?" Sakura asks.

"Are you deaf?" The femboy asks. "I said our word is all we have."

Even Sasuke's advice isn't working.

Well, okay, it is. On the surface she's made a lot of progress in just a few short hours, nut deeper, she really hasn't. If her goal is to accomplish every element before she has to make the dungeon crawl, she has to hope lightning and wind are easier than fire. If they aren't, it's far more likely she'd benefit more from doing physical exercises like Naruto and hoping to etch out just enough extra advantage to go on the dungeon crawl.

The bright side is that now that she's talked to her team, she doesn't have to make the crawl alone. The relief that comes with standing by their side is palpable, it helps her breathe, it helps her think, it helps her exist. She's very happy about it, and she probably should be.

"Now that I think about it, where is the dungeon?" The quest is nice and all but if she doesn't know where she's supposed to go, then things'll be really complicated.

Tomorrow, she'll train physically while searching the island for potential locations. It'll give her a much needed stat increase - she hasn't had a real one in a long time - and give her information she needs. Sasuke can help her search, he's a good teammate. Maybe not a great friend, he's a bit too blunt for that at times, but a good teammate.

Sitting with Inari and playing games with him really takes the edge off a day of training.
That she can do it while playing with the rocks is a bonus. He's gotten somewhat good at this, and watching him play makes it really easy to zone out and fade into the background.

You have unlocked Proto-Fire Affinity, level 1. Reach level 10 to unlock Fire Affinity.

She jumps at the sight, startling Inari who drops the system. She catches it with her free hand, happy to help and deposits it back in his hands a second later. "Sorry about that." She says, "I just got startled by something."

Proto-fire affinity. That's different to water and earth. It implies that if she doesn't naturally have the affinity, she can earn it. She'll need to tell Kakashi about this, and maybe Sasuke as well. Naruto's getting rather jealous of her power, even if she feels like he'll lay off now that he knows it's actually magic, she has no reason to make his day worse by bragging to him.

It's about respect, respect and a sense of comradeship. She will say with Naruto's impossible stamina he really doesn't get to be jealous, but it is what it is. "Oh wow you're getting really good at this!"


Searching the island isn't as simple as she'd like. Sasuke went one direction while she went another. The idea being that if he spots anything crazy and huge or out of place he hunts her down and tells her so she can check it out. She imagines the dungeon will tell her, but it won't tell Sasuke, so it's not as efficient as two of her but she has to work with what she has.

She's been afraid to check her stats since she got impaled. What if she went up like six points in constitution, or worse, didn't. In one way she has to accept that her power has been permanently stained by her untimely demise. In the other, she has to accept that all of that wasn't even worth a stat point.

She'll definitely have to check on her points tonight though, she needs to know if all this exercise is making her any better. High knees, latching onto trees and mimicking Naruto, swinging from tree to tree with her arms like a monkey, jumping around at a speed that's borderline sprinting to get her legs an extra burn. It's mostly strength and agility training, but any training is important. At her stats before this mission, a single point is only about a three to four percent increase, but getting multiple of those is a combat multiplier she can't afford to ignore.

The perks at certain thresholds only makes it more tantalizing, and it helps that even when she messes up and hits a tree or something it does so little damage her constitution skill negates it entirely. She can train in a way normal people simply can't, and she has to abuse that while searching.

It's a nice thought that resonates through her wonderfully as she lands in a clearing and takes a moment to catch her breath and stretch.
Random Encounter Started: Goblin Horde

"I'm sorry, what?" She doesn't have a lot of time to be startled by the notice before she's dodging a rock thrown at her from a tree. The entire area around her morphs quickly, lighting up as little green men spawn into existence. There's a fire, there's a chest, there's archers and swords and trip wires and pit traps and it's all clearly meant to be against her.

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It's a nice thought that resonates through her wonderfully as she lands in a clearing and takes a moment to catch her breath and stretch.
Random Encounter Started: Goblin Horde

"I'm sorry, what?" She doesn't have a lot of time to be startled by the notice before she's dodging a rock thrown at her from a tree. The entire area around her morphs quickly, lighting up as little green men spawn into existence. There's a fire, there's a chest, there's archers and swords and trip wires and pit traps and it's all clearly meant to be against her.

System - Yeah, I, like, don't do subtle? Yeah, something like this. Enjoy.
It's a shame the yamanaka therapy meme is fake because the actual IRL evidence base for talking therapy as a treatment for trauma, like Itachi inflicted on Sasuke & Sakura recently experienced, is mixed at best.

Mostly p-hacking & small effect sizes last time I read about it.

A pseudo psychic ninja mind doctor ie a subject matter expert who can perform mental surgery is a really great fictional example of plausibly highly effective mental health treatment.
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