Canon Side-Story: Popping the Clones
$10 patrons are eating well recently. This is over 4000 words. This is one of the longest pieces of media the story has ever had, and it's a side-story.
It's fucking awesome, I love it, I'm blocking anyone that complains and tries to ruin my hype XD (Okay that's not true but you bet your ass my finger's on the trigger, aint nobody ruining my mood on this one.)
I am super proud of myself, it's ridiculously over the top.
And honestly, I'm not even sure where it and its aftermath fit in the timeline because like. This is after Arc 6 but 7 starts like a few days after 6, and she spends a good portion of that time building a rock. I genuinely don't know, and if someone else has any ideas feel free.

But uhhhhhhh, enjoy!
I take my week vacation now, please sink your teeth in.

Enjoy. Patreon/Discord link: Sendicard/WitchAtTheEnd | Linktree

If a year ago someone had told her that her brother was going to take her out for lunch, she would have laughed at them. A part of that is that she didn't have a brother a year ago, but even if they specified Naruto, she still would have found the concept preposterous. She always assumed she would be paying if she said yes, even when he was consistently asking her out. She didn't know his situation was as bad as it was until they became teammates, but she always knew he was poor. She's a little ashamed to admit his smelly clothes and his clearly lower social status was a part of why she rejected him so offhandedly.

The other part was her having zero interest in romance, not wanting to devote the time away from her games, and being so zoned out from a lack of sleep that she probably missed him asking most of the time. Ino says he straight up harassed her but she doesn't remember that at all, which is probably a good thing. Even at her worst, her parents made her look moderately presentable - by her standards - so she never left the house with clothes that had holes in them or had food in her hair. She'd also never experienced going a week without hot water or not being sure where her next meal was coming from. She had the luxury of forgetting to eat, Naruto couldn't always eat.

Looking back, she doesn't regret rejecting him. She doesn't even regret hitting him that much, she stopped well before she got strong enough to really hurt him and they're closer for it. What she regrets the most is not realizing his situation and offering help when she had the means to do so for the entire academy. She could have made his life so much better, all she had to do was open her eyes and miss a guild raid or two to clear her head. With how easily her parents took him in, she's pretty sure she could have done it years ago. She would have too, if she'd only known.

All that to say she's out at a fancy sandwich deli - eating chicken alfredo noodles of all things - and Naruto's paying. More importantly, Naruto's in need of her opening her eyes and offering her help. No more dallying because it's uncomfortable, Naruto's going to freaking die if they don't deal with this. She's going to be a much better sister than she was a year ago, mostly because she wasn't a sister a year ago but details like that aren't important when it comes to her brother. "The clones need to pop, Naruto." She urges him in between bites.

He bristles, expression scrunching, his gaze is focused right on his roast beef sandwich. It has a salty dipping sauce she'd like to try, maybe she'll get a sandwich next time. "The twins too?" He asks her, nudging his sandwich and then deciding otherwise when his stomach flops.

"Uh-huh. Besides, getting their memories will probably make you happier, they spend half their time hugging someone. Hundreds, if not thousands of hours of hugging people, Naruto, imagine the cozy memories hitting you all at once. It'd be like a bath of fluffy greatness." She draws his attention towards the possible positives. "You'll learn to read better and understand advanced concepts in an instant, any lingering depression will be cured in the time it takes to breathe." She throws her hands up and pulls them away from each-other, imagining a rainbow spawning between them as she completes a crescent.

She continues with a bright smile and stars in her eyes. "Imagine a world where your warm moments are so omnipresent that trauma can't exist, that's the twins and their memories. More importantly, you won't immediately pass out and die in combat because one of them tripped down the stairs while you were fighting."

"I dunno, it just feels wrong. They have their own personalities they developed on their own from their different experiences and perceptions. Kakashi says I need to think about ethics, because you and Sasuke need to think about survival and I can hide behind a wall as long as I want. Isn't this ethics? I should think."

"Yeah, how about never listening to anything Kakashi says, ever. I feel like if you immediately recreate them; it's like a nap. There's nothing ethically concerning about a nap." Sakura points out, scooping up some deliciously creamy noodles. It's smooth, and seasoned with what tastes like a little bit of salty sweetness. "It's three seconds in the abyss and then they're right back to the colorful world around them and a mountain of hugs, pop the clones."

Intellectually, she perfectly understands his concern. She's being callous about something he cares about, but it's important. While it bothers her that she's being forced into the role of being the bad guy, her eyes are wide open, and her brother deserves her attention and care. She'll pop the clones herself if she has to.

"Can you do it?" He asks her, as if reading her mind.

"Nope, I promised never to hit you outside of a spar, remember?" She lies directly to his face. He needs to be pushed, but she'll cave if she has to and they both know that. He's more important than some lesson she's not even fully sure she's right about.

"That's not what you meant when you said that." Naruto huffs, grabbing his sandwich and taking an angry bite. Anger is a lot better than the queasiness he had a moment ago, so this is a fine twist in her opinion.

"How would you know what I meant?" He's right, of course, but there's some things he needs to be able to do. "I'm going to go visit Tenten and get Hunger sharpened, please figure this out before I get back." Her fork placed down on an empty plate, she leaves with a lot on her mind that she hopes he'll deal with on his own. Inwardly, she knows the truth, she's not great at lying to herself.

Naruto still hasn't left the deli or eaten his food when the twins and Business Naruto arrive. He had scheduled an outing with them to finish his lunch even before Sakura brought up the topic of popping them, because Sakura eats really fast, and he often spends half the meal alone. He chooses not to think about how his clones make better company than Sakura sometimes. Maybe the family should team up and teach her to chew her food better. Watching her eat is a bit like watching a snake open up and devour everything on the plate. "You have knowledge that I need." Naruto waits just long enough for their food to arrive - he ordered ahead - before he begins. "I'm pretty sure there's entire people you know that I've never met, it's awkward to get greeted by complete strangers on the street. We need to talk about popping you already."

"There are other worker clones." Both blonde haired pigtail wearing girls point out at the same time. It's a little creepy when they do that, but it's him so he puts in active effort not to get weirded out. "If you need our information, you probably need to pop all of them too. You're basically saying you want to commit a great purge. That's not like you."

Naruto rubs his chin. They're right, of course, this is all Sakura. But Sakura's right too, this needs to happen. "I can recreate you immediately." He tries, feeling a little queasy at his own logic - well, Sakura's logic. "It'll be a nap at best. We nap all the time."

"Give me an hour to get everyone together, after lunch." Business Naruto says, reaching into his suit and touching something. It makes a click. "It should be done at all once, that way there's no panic."

After a short visit home to ask her mother where Naruto is, Sakura finds herself deflecting stray kunai on her way to meet her brother. They flow across the street like a river of metal. Neither side is ever without ammunition because they're provided fresh blades by their enemy as quickly as they throw them, creating an infinite cycle of sharp objects flying every which way and covering the land with a blanket of death.

The sight before her isn't one she expected, but it feels oddly familiar to something out of a game. Naruto and a troop of his clones are taking cover behind metal boxes being delivered in real time by courier clones. The office of the cleaning company has boarded up windows with slots for throwing outwards cut into them, and a horde of clones inside the building are firing upon him. The dirt has been torn up by numerous jutsu that were clearly just preamble to the back and forth currently flying everywhere all at once. It looks like bombs went off, and the real Naruto is distinguishable by the chunks of grass and dirt in his hair. Most of his side probably died already, it's a good thing he can replenish them in seconds.

"We will not be silenced!" Sakura hears an electric screech assault her ears, and her eyes draw towards one of the twins standing on top of the roof of the three story office building. The huggable blonde looks even smaller than normal up there, her normally miniature stature undermining her position greatly. She's got a megaphone in one hand, and sunglasses over her eyes. A mop symbol replaces the leaf symbol that should be atop the headband being used to hold her bangs out of her eyes. Not a single part of her body except her face and hair is unprotected, metal plates and padded orange layers form a complete combat suit that protects her from stray attacks. Sakura's Item Observation skill tells her that the armor is real, which brings up a tactical thought. What if they outfitted clones with real gear to extend their life? Could Naruto form an actual army and conquer?

Her thoughts are cut short when directly after the small girl shouts at them, a volley much bigger than the previous exchanges flows through the air from above her like arrows in a movie. Shuriken rain from the sky as a waterfall of death aimed directly at the original. "They're really trying to kill you." Sakura realizes with a shocked gasp. She decides to stop considering them Naruto the moment she sees it, she'll kill them all. For this, not a single clone will escape her sword.

"Wind Blast!" Naruto shouts, holding up his hands towards the death barrage. Before she can blink, enough wind chakra is shooting off into the sky that Sakura is sure she'd pass out if she even attempted to repeat the technique. The spinning whirlwind of black metal is met with a hand-made tornado. Within seconds, shuriken are sent flying and the sound of windows shattering all around is muffled by the ferocious winds. The Twin manning the megaphone has to cross her armor plated arms over her face to protect her from the hostile wall that slams into her and knocks her into the air. It's so thick and dense Sakura can't tell if the girl is popped or just knocked back onto the roof, but the amount of power put into Naruto's counterattack is enough to put most of the battles she's seen into perspective. Naruto is a walking siege weapon, and she needs to start respecting that.

Sakura has to take a step back as the winds lash out at her for daring to be in the proximity of his attack. She can't imagine how much force just smashed into that little girl. If that Twin isn't popped, she has serious questions about Naruto's technique that she's not even sure she wants answered. She looks around as the chaos enters a lull of awe, both sides getting their bearings before deciding on their next tactical move. She finds most of the street is completely vacant. That makes sense given a warzone has come alive, if she wasn't a part of it she'd probably duck for cover too.

They're probably getting pulled into a disciplinary meeting after this. The laws don't expressly prohibit having an all out war with yourself in the street, but she gets the feeling there'll be a rule about that this time tomorrow.

"Naruto, what is this?" She steps in front of her brother and his portable cover with her sword drawn and a gleam of excitement in her bright red eyes. The flood of weaponry begins again before she can even finish her question, and a deep breath is all she has time for before her dexterity trait activates. With a flash of her blade so fast she can't even begin to track her own movements, a thousand kunai are knocked out of the air in half a second, sparks create a second sun in the middle of the street, and the molten slag hitting the ground beneath her is enough to remove a lot of the ammunition from the stalemate on its own. The screech of metal would scare everyone into cover if they didn't already run, and shockwaves send the clones and Naruto behind her back along with the cover. If the lawn didn't look like bombs had gone off before, it does now. Her sturdy and rapid movements create the essence of a man-made volcano in the front yard. Naruto's never seen this technique before, something she's glad for because of the sheer effect she manages to have on him. Both sides stop stunned, watching her with baited breath as she creates a wind almost as strong as Naruto's from the sheer force behind her conceptual movement. Sonic booms shoot down the street in both directions, shattering the windows previously spared by Naruto's kunai tornado. She finds herself wincing at the sound as it invades her ears and deafens the world for a second.

Only in their surprise do they stop throwing the ninja tools, and she uses the lull in their attempts to kill each-other to point her sword at the roof. The black blade contrasts perfectly with the colorful and molten environment they've created together, and her movement draws the eye towards the point of her weapon. Specifically, their eyes move towards the little sister clone that crawls back up onto the edge of the roof. She, and of course they, watch as the girl slams her armored shoe down hard enough to knock a broken brick off of the roof to dirt below. Her shining blue eyes glare down at them defiantly, challenging Naruto and Sakura with a potent rage. A single fang is visible out of the top of her mouth, pressing into her lip.

"We have not yet begun to fight! Don't you dare doubt our resolve, Sakura, you'll have to cut our beating hearts out of our chest and devour them whole before even a single one of us loses the fire welling deep within!" Hearing that proclamation shouted through a megaphone into the entire business quarter has Sakura's cheeks igniting faster than when Ino kissed her.

They're in so much freaking trouble. "Business Naruto tricked me into allowing him to gather all his forces, and now we're doing a siege." Naruto explains with so much seriousness and dread to his tone, that Sakura has to hold in a furiously powerful full body twitch and conceptualize that this is her brother, and this only sounds stupid out of context. In reality, this is very serious and kind of awesome.

"Let's go, they want to avoid losing people so if we charge they should fall back. The moment we take their territory advantage, they'll become lemmings, ready to walk into traps and off cliffs."

"I don't think they're gonna do that." Naruto points out dryly, clearly missing her well thought out reference. It's his loss. She just sharpened Hunger and made him all shiny, but he's already covered in molten slag and hardened rocks. Luckily for her and by proxy Hunger, equipment damage counts as damage and her Constitution trait negates damage below a certain threshold, so a simple slash to the side allows the flowing magma to leave her and land in the dirt, discarded and quickly forgotten. Let the sands of time deal with the environment, she has a battle to win for her brother.

She knicks her hand with the bottom of it, and feels her sword roar to life with her blood. Glowing segments of the black blade roar to life, the sigils awake and alive at her command. "Charge!" She shouts, holding her glowing weapon higher towards the sky. She feels the force of a hundred stomping feet surround her and launch themselves towards the office, while she narrows her gaze towards her objective, one of the boarded up windows on the second floor. A kunai flies towards her face and she slashes it in half, before channeling her chakra into her legs. She grips Hunger with both hands and soars into the air, her launch bringing her to her target within a single second of leaving the ground. She doesn't have time to think before she brings Hunger down with enough force to slice the boards and glass that impede her way in half. The wall caves inwards, bricks crumble, and her feet make purchase on the loudly shattering dusty fragments.

That's before the energy she charged Hunger with shoots off and a flash of fire and scorching lifeforce flow out and away from her in a wave of destruction that charts a high score for senseless property damage. A wide gouge cuts its way into the ceiling and floor in front of her, and she sees a clone barely dodge out of the way, falling on its ass. She blinks at it in surprise, but also to get some dust out of her eyes. "Oh wow, these clones are durable!" She gasps out, just before Naruto lands on the now shattered window sill behind her.

"Could you not damage the building too much? I own it. I have to pay for it." Naruto points out,

"Shoulda popped 'em before I got back." She looks back with a wink as the clone darts off. With how much damage he and his clones did outside, she somehow doubts what little she can do here will even touch the repair bill that they're going to be served with. Also like, they might get arrested.

That's an actual possibility, Naruto might get to experience jail with her for a few days. That'll be fun, maybe, sibling bonding; shared bondage edition! No, that sounds wrong for some reason.

"You're letting him escape?" Naruto asks her, looking around at the destruction with pale features. Despite her words and thoughts on the matter, she'll try not to do that again. She'll throw some of her earnings from managing Haku into paying him back if they don't end up in jail. If they do end up in jail the money's his problem, he got her arrested.

"Like you did earlier?" She asks, "forget it, let's go deeper. We don't need to fight, we just need to find the three main targets and then we deal with the less important remnants later, they should come out of hiding once they realize it's not that big of a deal."

"I don't think that's how it works." Naruto points out dryly.

She shrugs, "your jutsu, you figure it out." A moment later her black blade flows to life with her blood again, fire chakra enhancing the glow and wreathing it in potent lifeforce. Sakura trudges through the office like she's not a menace. Surely destroying an office has to give someone out there stress relief, perhaps this is a good deed in disguise.

"Please don't-awww… That's expensive." Naruto groans as her sword flows through a locked door. She tears it in half, the rending sound of cheap metal assaults their ears a second before her foot kicks the now slashed door off its hinges, revealing she didn't need to slash it at all. Chaotic red hair falls over her eyes, flowing in the wind of her own attack, and she walks into the room wreathed in her second weakest affinity, flame. "I have the key…"

Her stomp rings out as she enters, the metal door below her proof of her conquest. There's a lot to note about this office room; there's an expensive looking desk that's reminiscent of the one she saw when she was in the halfway place between worlds. There's a computer monitor on the desk that's glowing dimly with a screensaver of a duck, and there's pictures of clones all over the walls like they're Business Naruto's children and he's proud of them.

More important than the grey carpet beneath her feet, the dust and metal fragments scattered and sent flying every which way, and the desk chair she sent tumbling onto its side when she kicked the door off; she spots the main three clones huddled behind the desk. They're shaking in terror, which'd make her feel bad if they hadn't just tried to execute her brother for real. Two sets of twintails poke up from behind the desk, as does Business Naruto's dry cleaned suit. "I can offer money!" Business Naruto shouts at them.

"Stop being a baby, you're going to come back to life in ten seconds." Sakura says, hoisting her sword in the air while channeling fire chakra into it. She's been practicing this trick so she should be able to limit damage to the room and not, you know, set the whole building on fire. The bloody sword is quickly coated in a haze of orange that brightens up the carpet below and causes a glare to surface on the pictures. She lets out a breath that steams from the sheer temperature difference swirling around in front of her.

She sees a familiar hand sign from the businessman. Naruto's savvy alternative is no longer hiding and bargaining with her, something she prefers greatly. Within an instant, another suited and well groomed Naruto appears in front of her. "Go my minion!" The cleaning CEO shouts.

"Your clones can make clones?" Sakura shouts at Naruto. "Naruto, why didn't you say that-" She doesn't get to finish her statement as the new clone demonstrates a fundamental difference between Naruto's semi-permanent clones and a new one.

Specifically, new clones lack an attachment to life. It flies at her on the balls of its feet, pulling out a kunai it coats in a windy whirlwind like it's nothing to him. His clone's clone has more chakra than her, life is unfair but she's a step ahead of that. Genin Agility lets her accelerate to top speed in an instant, and stop that speed just as fast. Her instant sidestep around the attack looks elegant enough to be considered a part of a dance, but most dances don't end with a glowing sword slashing out and bisecting something with a sense of malicious vengeance. The room is filled with smoke from its death before she takes her first step towards the desk.

It's a little wet, and it's barely loud enough to overcome the crackling sound her sword makes in the small office, but she picks it out despite the sound of flowing dust crystals and crackling flame, because the sound is behind her.. A look down and to the side reveals something that makes her twitch. Naruto is unconscious. He's laying face down in the carpet, drooling with comically dazed eyes and nothing around him to have caused his sudden state.

She looks up at the bewildered Business Naruto.
She looks down at her brother again.
She gazes at the twins, who look very confused, then back to Naruto again.

"Business Naruto." She begins, coughing into her fist while actively trying to draw as much attention away from her flaming sword as she can. "Did that clone contain all your memories?"

"I think so?" The furrowed browed business man stares.

"... You mean to tell me you could have just created a clone and popped it, at any time?" Sakura's sword loses its intensity entirely, and her blood - no longer needed as anything but a stain to commemorate the moment - splashes down into the carpet below. She palms her forehead with a loud smack, almost louder than Naruto dropping to the floor was.

"Let me cut you a deal." She growls lowly through grit teeth, willfully ignoring the way the carpet burns up a little from the flame chakra dissipating into the air. Luckily nothing actually catches on fire, which would have been a problem. She should practice water jutsu a little more for situations like this. She sheathes her sword and kneels down, grabbing Naruto's hands and turning him around. With a grumble under her breath, she drags him over the metal door she cut in half. "Pay for some of the damages I caused out of your cut - not Naruto's, I know you have something weird going on there - and summon clones to pop for Naruto every few days, and we'll pretend this didn't happen."

She watches the twins nod. "We can do that." Business Naruto audibly agrees for the three of them.

"And please clean up, this place is a mess." She slowly drags Naruto's unconscious body out of the office, maintaining an awkward stare with them as she does, until she can pull him around a wall.

"My brother can't be this stupid!" She tries to hold it in, but her scream shakes the building.
Business Naruto watches the computer monitor fall off his desk and smash into the carpet, shaking his head mournfully.

They're in so much freaking trouble, and they only have themselves to blame!
Also like, Naruto's going to have memories of the other side too so he's probably going to be scared of her again. She's not sure which she hates more, that they're about to be apprehended by anbu and thrown in a cell for trashing an entire city street, the repair bill, or that Naruto's not going to meet her eyes for weeks!
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But it's not...that's not how...awh, fuckit.

You've nicely preserved Naruto's silly stupid.
Weirdly enough, I think this is one of the first times in a while where I felt like something I wrote could have been in real canon.

Like, obviously with less Sakura and maybe some less vivid imagery. Remove Naruto owning a building.

But I could totally see a horde of Naruto's clones somehow lasting long enough to not want to die, and forcing him to do a freaking siege, while team 7 gets roped into it because of course they do.
I should have included Sasuke, would have been great. Though Sasuke being ominously not there is like, the most canon something can get.
I should have included Sasuke, would have been great. Though Sasuke being ominously not there is like, the most canon something can get.
Also there's a not insignificant chance that while all this nonsense was going down Sasuke was doing chores, or visiting his therapist, or any other number of sensible things one does on a day off.

Hell considering how he and Naruto have been bonding lately (thanks to Kakashi of all people) the only thing he'd feel after hearing about this is annoyance at missing out on the training fighting the siege would have given him.

I have a feeling he'd hear Sakura complain, chalk it up to Her gaming world marble weirdness combined with Naruto's... Narutoness, and just write the whole thing off as a filler arc he was happy to miss.
I don't think that "just create a clone and pop it every few days" is a longterm solution. When you create a single shadow clone, then that clone has half your chakra. It gets popped, that chakra is gone. Clones can only work with what was given to them at the moment of their creation, so Business Naruto might have started out with 50% of Naruto's chakra but if he continues to make clones then he'll be out of chakra within ~2 weeks at best. Less if he also uses other ninjutsu.

This is also why no one sane spams clones in combat, only a jinchuriki can afford to do so because their chakra regenerates quickly. Kakashi creates three clones and for the rest of the day he's running on 25%. Naruto creates a thousand and an hour later he's at 100% again. Well, depending on the type of seal used and the cooperation with the tailed beast, I guess.

So no matter how you twist it, Naruto's clones will pop sooner than later. All they achieved for now is that the amount of memories that is going to hit him was reduced, so he's not going to fall unconcious in the middle of combat.

But I see no way to keep the original clones around permanently, they are just temporary chakra constructs that only managed to stick around for so long because Naruto is ridiculous.

This is very different from the Tailed Beasts, who aren't (shadow) clones. Instead the Ten-Tails' chakra was split with the Rinnegan and the parts given their own form. Nothing was copied, it was more like someone melted down a sword and made nine daggers from the steel. Even if all the beasts agreed, they couldn't pop or recombine on their own. Their forms are hardwired into their chakra, if they die they simply reconstitute a few years later. Also, their forms are real, meaning they are living beings made from flesh and blood that create their own chakra.
I don't think that "just create a clone and pop it every few days" is a longterm solution. When you create a single shadow clone, then that clone has half your chakra. It gets popped, that chakra is gone. Clones can only work with what was given to them at the moment of their creation, so Business Naruto might have started out with 50% of Naruto's chakra but if he continues to make clones then he'll be out of chakra within ~2 weeks at best. Less if he also uses other ninjutsu.
if they dispell themselves or if the user does it, some of the chakra is refunded.
they can also gather nature energy, as shown in the Pein and Sasuke fight, where they gather energy and pop to send it to Naruto.
also the user can give them more chakra as well.
I have to assume Business Naruto is either doing his own chakra recovery, or picking up enough chakra from Naruto Prime creating and popping new clones that he's got a chonky piggybank
I don't think that "just create a clone and pop it every few days" is a longterm solution. When you create a single shadow clone, then that clone has half your chakra. It gets popped, that chakra is gone. Clones can only work with what was given to them at the moment of their creation, so Business Naruto might have started out with 50% of Naruto's chakra but if he continues to make clones then he'll be out of chakra within ~2 weeks at best. Less if he also uses other ninjutsu.

This is also why no one sane spams clones in combat, only a jinchuriki can afford to do so because their chakra regenerates quickly. Kakashi creates three clones and for the rest of the day he's running on 25%. Naruto creates a thousand and an hour later he's at 100% again. Well, depending on the type of seal used and the cooperation with the tailed beast, I guess.

So no matter how you twist it, Naruto's clones will pop sooner than later. All they achieved for now is that the amount of memories that is going to hit him was reduced, so he's not going to fall unconcious in the middle of combat.

But I see no way to keep the original clones around permanently, they are just temporary chakra constructs that only managed to stick around for so long because Naruto is ridiculous.

This is very different from the Tailed Beasts, who aren't (shadow) clones. Instead the Ten-Tails' chakra was split with the Rinnegan and the parts given their own form. Nothing was copied, it was more like someone melted down a sword and made nine daggers from the steel. Even if all the beasts agreed, they couldn't pop or recombine on their own. Their forms are hardwired into their chakra, if they die they simply reconstitute a few years later. Also, their forms are real, meaning they are living beings made from flesh and blood that create their own chakra.
Three days was a hasty number Sakura just came up with while still actively mad at them trying to kill Naruto. They'll renegotiate with actual Naruto.

It'll likely be closer to a week, each one done on a different day.

And they do have recovery methods built in.
I just haven't gone into it because I personally am not 100% how I want to deal with the clone citizens yet.

I do know the food matters. Chouji's clan's techniques alone show calories can be converted to Chakra.
How? Iunno, not a biologist.
Not a shonen whisperer either. I just make shit up and people either like it or get mad at me.
I really hate the business naruto stuff. It completely breaks the setting, is super out of character for Naruto, and this is not a solution in any way. The longer BN exists, the greater a problem it becomes, and this is acknowledged in universe.

Naruto is incredibly selfless, there's no way in hell he would put his team in danger by having the possibility of getting knocked out in the middle of a mission because a clone got a paper cut.

The second business naruto saw that happen, he should have immediately offered to be popped.
I really hate the business naruto stuff. It completely breaks the setting, is super out of character for Naruto, and this is not a solution in any way. The longer BN exists, the greater a problem it becomes, and this is acknowledged in universe.

Naruto is incredibly selfless, there's no way in hell he would put his team in danger by having the possibility of getting knocked out in the middle of a mission because a clone got a paper cut.

The second business naruto saw that happen, he should have immediately offered to be popped.
1. This is pretty AU, it only breaks the setting if I say so. Long term clones are already a thing in Shippuden, and even without that, I don't care about what does or doesn't fit canon in my story.

2. That would be the reason why Sakura's argument saying that exact thing is what made him fold and agree to pop them. He hadn't really thought about it, once he had, he agreed.

3. Naruto already has his memories, the issue is nullified. Why would he offer to kill himself for literally zero reason? The entire deal's purpose is to ensure that doesn't happen in the future.

(Edit: Argument cleaned up to be nicer and more considerate after looking into it and realizing Bladeruler is a long time lurker with a few comments, and genuine appreciator of the story, not just a flamer)
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genuine appreciator of the story, not just a flamer)
Yeah, sorry, post sounded a bit more hostile than I wanted, I have just seen clones used to do so many things I don't think they should be able to do in so many stories it frustrates me.

It's an AU, so obviously the rules are whatever you want them to be, my brain just likes to run with the implications behind long term shadow clones that have individual personalities and can create clones and it makes me question the entire setting because that's so just so useful.
Yeah, sorry, post sounded a bit more hostile than I wanted, I have just seen clones used to do so many things I don't think they should be able to do in so many stories it frustrates me.

It's an AU, so obviously the rules are whatever you want them to be, my brain just likes to run with the implications behind long term shadow clones that have individual personalities and can create clones and it makes me question the entire setting because that's so just so useful.
You would be surprised just how many people's first post in this thread (or the SB one) is to come in and actively start a fight as their first post.
Once I looked you up, saw you had been here a while, I rewrote my post to be a lot less aggressive in response.
As for your thought.
That's just a thing in Shippuden. So I don't think it's a big stretch for me to use.
And the thought is, to be clear.

Narutos clones are just built different. I'm not afraid to admit it, the Kyuubi has effects in this story.
I'm not sure why Kishimoto was so afraid to do things with the entire premise of the story. That the main character has a biju.

I plan to do stuff with them, plain and simple.
And Sakura has crazy shit which will help ensure a sort of long term balance.
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I'm not sure why Kishimoto was so afraid to do things with the entire premise of the story. That the main character has a biju.
Obviously because all other parts of his worldbuilding and chacra theory and practical rules for how chackra works are completely and utterly set in stone for the entirety of the series.... erm.... well... okay, not really....

Hmm. Idk.

Could have been a case of actually wanting the main character to be Mr. Waaaaaaangst, deliberately making everything possible revolve around him, and.... kind of having to pull in Mr. Moron Ninja Jesus as a last-resort "actually interesting" face for the series?
The clones of a jinchuriki powered by the nine tailed kitsune being built different is a fine enough explanation.

Wasn't there some out there filler that involved some of Naruto's Clones throwing a coup of some sort against him?

I feel like that was an episode once.
The clones of a jinchuriki powered by the nine tailed kitsune being built different is a fine enough explanation.

Wasn't there some out there filler that involved some of Naruto's Clones throwing a coup of some sort against him?

I feel like that was an episode once.
If there wasn't, there should have been. It's just a great idea.
From the very beginning of the anime - not sure about the manga - we see Naruto's clones acting differently. They argue with him, they do stuff slightly different. There's this very real sense that they are not exactly the same person, but a very slight splitting derivative.
I think a lot of fanfiction uses clones as a theme because the way we are shown them is one of the coolest concepts in the entire setting.

They interact outside of the main body.
The surpass basic limitations by allowing the MC to be in two places at once.
They create a sense of subterfuge.
And with them interacting in a way that's not 100% the original, we get this very real sense that something more could be done here from the very first episodes.
With the hundreds of thousands of Naruto fics (it was at least around 100K last I checked just on FFN.), I would be genuinely surprised if even one thing I do with this story is original.
(No longer a reply, just general thoughts)
Regardless of not having originality, I am sick of people judging my work, and getting annoyed at me over the fact that they've seen something I've doing elsewhere.
From literally the start of the story, I've had people get angry at me for using themes they dislike in other stories. First of all just like, I'm not those other people. I don't even read Naruto fanfiction, haven't in 10 years.
This story is almost as close to isolation as you can get in a fandom, I don't care what anyone else did, ever XD

So I'm just gonna do what I want, and I'm gonna have fun with it, and I'm going to keep writing what gets me excited, and working on the plot I've made which I am excited about.
And using the themes that personally excite me, sometimes planned, sometimes spur of the moment because I'm human and cool things pop into my head sometimes and like hell I'm not writing them down for later or current use.
And hopefully people will continue to enjoy. But I uh, truthfully, one of the reasons I lash out at people who complain is that I legitimately don't care, and they're being negative when I'm enjoying myself, in my thread. Go elsewhere to bitch.

If someone wants create a thread titled "Sendicard sucks and here's why I hate their story" go nuts. Feel free.
You have my permission (but probably not SV's permission so maybe don't do that, I think that's very directly against the rules.)
I might even read through it sometime, could be a fun way to spend a day, making notes on stuff people didn't like, figuring out why, maybe coming up with lessons for my next work.

But in this thread, right after I've posted a chapter?
I'm not posting it because I give a fuck about anyone's opinion, I'm posting it because I want to hear some fun reactions, see some smiles, make some people happy, and move on with my damn day.
So when someone shows up directly after a chapter, hostile, negative... Let's just say, my block list is a lot bigger than before I started this story, and not go into detail on that.
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From the very beginning of the anime - not sure about the manga - we see Naruto's clones acting differently. They argue with him, they do stuff slightly different. There's this very real sense that they are not exactly the same person, but a very slight splitting derivative.
I got the impression the problem was they were the same person. If you made an exact copy of me, we'd probably fight over who got to use the computer.

You know who never uses Shadow Clone even though I'm sure they've got the chakra for it? Orochimaru. And I'm pretty sure it's because any Shadow clone would try to kill the original and take his place.

EDIT: But I'm not complaining, it's your story and your AU and their use hasn't bothered me so far.
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Chapter 104 - Arc 7 - We're Ready Kakashi, The Chunin Exams Start Now! - The Prelim Test is at 10PM on Tuesday!
We haven't done Kakashi trolling in a while, I'm happy to have it.
This is a canon event that's just completely off the walls different because of the cast changes. Lot of opportunities to show the differences here, and yet they all feel fine to me.
Maybe I'm biased?

CH 121 on Patreon is 4K, I dunno that just happens sometimes now I guess.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas, I'm back!
Enjoy. Patreon/Discord link: Sendicard/WitchAtTheEnd | Linktree

"These are compulsory, you are joining." Kakashi says, holding out little paper booklets for them. They have red markings, and black markings, and some of them catch her eyes.

"These clearly say optional." Sakura snags one of them directly from his hand, and gives it a quick look-over to make sure she's not full of it. She's not. "Right here, and here, and here, and here it says 'if your Sensei tries to force you please report them.'"

"Does it really?" Kakashi asks coyly, snagging it right back out of her hand before whipping out a marker from his sleeve of all places with a grand flourish that misses absolutely none of them with its sheer dramatic nonsense and pure extraness. "See, right here, and here, and here…" He quickly scribbles on it, slashing and drawing and writing with flair. "Here."

"Oh wow, it says compulsory and not optional in huge letters," Sakura gasps, managing to look wide eyed at the now very modified paper deposited in her hand, "how could I have misread this?"

"Are you sure you can read, Sakura?" Naruto pats her on the back with a huge grin hard enough to send her forward a little. She gets the joke, but it's not very funny. He actually couldn't read very well, they've spent several days of free time getting him up to an actual degree of competency. Still, him saying it does- she's ruining the joke.

"Ha-ha, very funny Naruto." She rolls her eyes at him instead.

"Humor aside, are you sure they'll accept this now that you modified and damaged it so clearly?" It's Sasuke that asks, and for the first time in a while they manage to see Kakashi pale. Well, er, paler than normal, most of his body is covered in cloth at all times and he doesn't get a ton of sun.

"I will get another one to Sakura, to avoid needing another meeting." He coughs into his fist. "The Chunin exams will be held in room three oh one five days from now at three pm, be there... Oh right, before I forget, we were going to have some kids kidnapped as a test for you to see if you're actually ready, but it was decided that Sakura brutally murdering three people to save some fake kids wasn't a very good test."

"..." The stares she gets are very awkward, and she's not sure they're deserved. They're inside the village, she'd never kill someone in the village, the capturability is way higher and she could just run if she was in a life or death situation because there are ninjas in every single space around! She's not a bloodthirsty monster - screw you traits - she's a pragmatist who has a sword! Swords kill people! Besides, anyone could be an academy student practicing henge inside the village, she's not killing potential kids playing a prank on the cute redhead. Her hair is still red, she kinda likes it this way, she can't wait to use her new armor in the exams; she's going to look so badass.

She shoulda chosen ninja wire or something, she'd have such a better reputation. Woulda really countered Neji's argument back with the rebels if she was a capture specialist instead. Plus you know, moments like this wouldn't happen so frequently. Swords kill people Kakashi, that's not distinct to her, he doesn't have to act like it is. He directly gave her a demon sword that thirst for blood!

"So we've decided to do something completely different and significantly harder, while the other two rookie teams get that test," Kakashi clarifies with what she can tell is a smile even without seeing it because of his amusedly sarcastic tone. She doesn't even need her mood chart to know when Kakashi is laughing at her expense. The worst part is that it works, the stares from her teammates get a lot worse at his words. "I'm clarifying now, anything that happens between now and three days from now is not a test. Your pre-test is at ten-o-clock PM, on Tuesday, if something happens before that, do not consider it a test."

"I feel like the test is going to be before -ow!" Naruto actually snickers at her as she slumps over with a broken nose. The sudden movement from Kakashi hitting her with a wet thunk.

"Been a while since I had to do that..." Kakashi trails. "Naruto, Sasuke, I want to make this very clear, do not let horrible things happen tomorrow under the assumption it is all a test."

His one eyed glare is really focused, "what-" that is before that single eye opens wide and he's forced to sidestep a giant hammer that slams into the ground where he was just standing. A puff of smoke erupts behind Naruto and Sasuke, but he's too busy watching the girl that appeared behind him and the wooden end of the murder tool that hits the ground so hard it bounces despite being flat. "Huh..." A single glance reveals the 'Sakura' he hit is now a log.

"Like I wasn't expecting that, get real Kakashi!" Sakura huffs, throwing a fist in the air. "Shannaro!"

"What does that mean?" Naruto asks, Sakura shrugs, Kakashi kicks her in the face.
Everything is balanced.

"I think Kakashi's gotten weaker, that didn't even hurt." Sakura says, pondering aloud to herself as she walks through the forest. One would think she'd return home after getting thwacked by her teacher, but she's got a better idea. They want to test her in the next few days, which people would think she'd be looking forward to but she's always hated tests. They're anxiety inducing, and then when they do arrive she knows the answers and then she has to sit there for an hour while everyone else finishes. She'd just sit there feeling like she answered too quickly and clearly messed up. She's looked over dozens of tests she did perfectly for crippling fear of a hasty mistake, it's freaking miserable.

That's a normal test, this one's orchestrated by Kakashi, she is so freaking good.
Nope, not happening, she lives in the woods until three PM on Thursday. That is her life now.

"Sakuraaaa! Come out damn-it!" It's Ino's voice which rouses her from her slumber in a tree. How many days has it been? Four maybe? She has to check her little notepad but yeah, it's been four days. "I've been to your house three times, your mom said you became a hermit! Haku walks this way when he brings you your meals, I know you're out here!"

Betrayed by Haku's need to feed her. She shakes her head in irritation, before looking down at the blonde girl that is once again deciding to shake up her life. The test was yesterday, right? So this wouldn't have anything to do with it. Though Ino is a ninja and therefore works for the Hokage, she could totally be in on it. "Hai!" She waves at her friend from above, catching her attention. There was always the possibility that by skipping the test she'd fail it automatically, but isn't being so sneaky the proctor doesn't find her somewhat of a passing grade on its own? Either way she didn't think about it til this morning which is probably a pretty good indicator that she still needs to work on certain common sense skills.

"What are you doing up there?" She is really quite high, she can barely see Ino down there, but Ino becomes a little more visible as she walks up the side of the tree. They taught Ino treewalking, that's pretty cool. She didn't see that when she looked at her skills last.

"I'm making wooden tools to get the Tool Making skill up so that if we lose our stuff during the Chunin exam we'll be okay." She explains, holding up a wooden pickaxe of all things.

"Sakura, Sasuke already did that," Ino scolds her with quite the furious pout, "you need to talk to your teammates instead of just assuming you need to do everything."

The infatuated girl grabs the pickaxe right out of her hands and tosses it to the ground below as soon as she gets up there, "forget silly stuff like that and come play with me."

"Ah." Sakura nods with a sudden understanding.

"Why do you look mischievous?" Ino asks her, scrunching up her features in confusion, just in time to get punched in the face hard enough to send her hurtling from the tree.

"Howwww?" Iruka of all people asks from the dirt below. He's being pushed into it face-first by her foot at his shoulder joint, his arm being held aloft by one of her hands, while she bends down so her other hand can hold the large of his back to ensure he stays down. Her entire weight is on him and not in a graceful way, if he was truly a genin he'd need a hospital visit. "What could I have possibly screwed up so badly you'd see through it with enough confidence to risk hurting her?"

"It was kind of a lot of things, teacher." She grunts with effort, stressing the joint-

"Oh, stop! Jeez!" He squirms underneath her, so she tightens her grip and slams her foot down, hearing a loud crack. "Oowww!"

"You haven't said I passed," She points out dryly, "now we're at the don't let the enemy go par-"

"No, you pass, let me go please, that hurts so much!"

"Ah." She quickly scurries off of him, careful to put her weight on the ground before she kicks away so she doesn't break anything. She quickly gets to a stand, and notices how he doesn't. Did she hurt him that bad or is he worried she'll put him back down again? Surely he's stronger than her, he's an actual Chunin… "So firstly, Ino doesn't visit that often. If I'm not available she waits a few days because if she's too insistent she risks me disappearing into the woods or something."

"... Sakura, you're already in the woods, she has nothing to lose." He grumbles.

"Yeah… Second is treewalking, Ino's lack of skills is something I actively fussed over, she'd tell me if she got a bunch of new abilities."

"She tried when her Jonin sensei taught her two days ago, you're in the woods." He grunts.

"Okay, but um, third, she wouldn't just throw away something I made like that. She's got a collection of crafts I've tried to make and horrifically failed in a box under her bed. It's kinda her version of the 'put it on the fridge' thing."

"... Sakura, that's a little creepy. Are you okay?"

"I'm great, thank-you," Sakura beams at the downed man, "I wonder how the other two are doing."

"They passed their tests at ten-PM yesterday, which you'd know if you hadn't decided to camp out in the woods!" He throws his one non-dangly hand up.

"You're right, I should have gone to the Forest of Death, I was just worried they were setting it up and didn't want to step on anyone's hard work…" She pokes her own cheek and ponders-

"That's so not the point here!" Iruka seems mad for some reason she can't understand.
It seems every step forward is two backwards.
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poor Iruka.

the tool making skill would probably be useful.

wonder if she can train her speed and strength enough that she can craft using her enemies things midbattle?
....Whoops, somebody took Iruka's lack of faith in their judgement a bit personal it seems.

Either that or he's really bad at cheating whatever game they used to see who had to go into the forest and mess with Sakura.

I must admit curiosity as to what they had planned for her at ten pm on Tuesday had she not been a paranoid psycho.
I must admit curiosity as to what they had planned for her at ten pm on Tuesday had she not been a paranoid psycho.
Nothing, they had absolutely nothing planned for her.
Merely showing up would have been enough personal growth Iruka would have admitted she's grown up.

Sasuke's and Naruto's tests will be the subject of a side story at some point.
I can't control what side stories get posted anymore, since it's all done by votes, so I can't say when. But I look forward to it.