Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

Is the Rune of Death like Killing Blow, Monstrous Killing Blow or Heroic Killing blow?

None of them, it comes from an edition that predates those rules. It resembles Heroic Killing Blow, but rather than triggering only on a 6 to Wound, it triggers whenever you Wound someone at all.

That's why you want to pair it with a Rune of Might.
Ouch... that sounds strong. A bit too strong actually to be honest.

It's a very expensive rune. From the days where some kinds of balance was a little bit less of a concern, so things were a lot swingier. Sure, when you got your dwarf Lord into combat and you killed the dragon with it your were overjoyed, but if you were blown up at range by an equally overpowered spell it was useless.

Any suggestions as that rune sounds insane. (Wait is that a standard or master Rune as that sounds like a master rune)

Master Rune.
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Even so, 'I nicked a dragon therefore it is dead' feels too strong.

It was in an edition where things were a lot more rock-paper-scissors. If you happened to build a strong counter to an enemy you dominated, but if you came expecting to fight a monster or hero heavy army and you instead found your dwarf lord facing chaos knights or an empire gun line after betting hard on the Master Rune of Death you were ruined
Ya, why I trying to think of a way to nerf it a bit. As with that rune you would end up killing anything you came across without an issue. So how do i nerf the damn thing. (Unless it has very specific activation circumstances like the user been near death or outmatched. Which kind of sucks as it lower your chances to die in combat a fair bit)
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Ya, why I trying to think of a way to nerf it a bit. As with that rune you would end up killing anything you came across without an issue. So how do i nerf the damn thing. (Unless it has very specific activation circumstances like the user been near death or outmatched.)

The traditional counter-measure in that edition was to tar pit the wielder of a super expensive weapon in chaff so they could never earn back the amount spent on it.

That actually still applies here. Sure, you can kill trolls or dragons with it, but it's in the hands of a slow moving dwarf so while it's an amazing trump card against an ignorant enemy most things you'd want to use it on are significantly more manoeuvrable so can just avoid it or dogpile them with goblins who would be killed by a decent rune sword in a single blow anyway.
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True. (here a few that you can choose)
Also, a number of these runes come from RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR QUEST by soulcake
So feel free to go and take a look at it if you not seen it. (Keep in mind I might rework them a bit for the quest itself)

(might change this at a later date but you can make use of these) (Dunno if I will buff them or nerf them yet but we will see)

Master Rune of Breaking: The weapon has a chance of outright destroying shoddier weapons it strikes. (Addition by me is it affects undead quite a bit and gives you +15 To all attack rolls.)
Master Rune of Conduction: The weapon heats up to a blazing temperature before transferring the energy once it connects. (+15 To all attack rolls. Also rolls a D100 with a DC of 70 on setting your opponent aflame)
Master Rune of Currents: The weapon cuts like the biting winds at the mountain's peak, faster, sharper and nearly unblockable. (+15 To all attack rolls. Higher DC save when using the weapon)
Master Rune of Flight: Weapons cannot be lost, and can be thrown at the enemy as if launched from a bolt thrower (+25 To all attack rolls against large groups. Do note that a low roll will have the character fighting without his weapon for a bit)
Master Rune of Grimnir: The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed. (Negates all Injuries you accumulate during battle and +10 against enemies you have a grudge with)
Master Rune of Smiting: Every blow by a weapon bearing this Rune strikes with force beyond reckoning. (+25 To all attack rolls against monsters and +15 against standard enemies)
Master Rune of Thunderbolts: The weapon crackles with barely controlled lightning that erupts in a massive burst of electricity that travels through nearby foes or can be concentrated at a lesser foe in a single strike. (Special attack every four combat phases but requires practice to work. Unless you want to end up cooked.) (Requires special training and weapon skill of 20 to make use of the rune properly)
True. (here a few that you can choose)
Also, a number of these runes come from RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR QUEST by soulcake
So feel free to go and take a look at it if you not seen it. (Keep in mind I might rework them a bit for the quest itself)

(might change this at a later date but you can make use of these) (Dunno if I will buff them or nerf them yet but we will see)

Master Rune of Breaking: The weapon has a chance of outright destroying shoddier weapons it strikes. (Addition by me is it affects undead quite a bit and gives you +15 To all attack rolls.)
Master Rune of Conduction: The weapon heats up to a blazing temperature before transferring the energy once it connects. (+15 To all attack rolls. Also rolls a D100 with a DC of 70 on setting your opponent aflame)
Master Rune of Currents: The weapon cuts like the biting winds at the mountain's peak, faster, sharper and nearly unblockable. (+15 To all attack rolls. Higher DC save when using the weapon)
Master Rune of Flight: Weapons cannot be lost, and can be thrown at the enemy as if launched from a bolt thrower (+25 To all attack rolls against large groups. Do note that a low roll will have the character fighting without his weapon for a bit)
Master Rune of Grimnir: The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed. (Negates all Injuries you accumulate during battle and +10 against enemies you have a grudge with)
Master Rune of Smiting: Every blow by a weapon bearing this Rune strikes with force beyond reckoning. (+25 To all attack rolls against monsters and +15 against standard enemies)
Master Rune of Thunderbolts: The weapon crackles with barely controlled lightning that erupts in a massive burst of electricity that travels through nearby foes or can be concentrated at a lesser foe in a single strike. (Special attack every four combat phases but requires practice to work. Unless you want to end up cooked.) (Requires special training and weapon skill of 20 to make use of the rune properly)
So, we can create new runes now? Or did I misunderstood something
Hmm. So no Master Rune of Death. To be fair, it would be a bit brutal in this setting, even if possibly appropriate for a sword inspired by Gazul's.

Thematically, Master Rune of Conduction may be best. Pair it with Rune of Might to be even better at monster killing, and possibly Rune of Fury to build on that.
Too bad there's no master rune of stupidity. Then we could turn it upside down have have a rune of smartness...

That is how runes work right? I failed Dwarf 101 on my first day when I was late for class and my excuse was that it took too long for me to shave.
The Master Rune of Currents is pretty ideal for a sword. The Rune of Gazul would also be fitting for the sole Runic Sword we have.

[X] Weapon Plan: Zharrvengryn
-[X] Weapon Name: Fated End
-[X] Master Rune of Currents
-[X] Rune of Fate
-[X] Rune of Fire

This Rune combo is modeled after Gazul's own sword, Zharrvengryn.
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The Master Rune of Currents is pretty ideal for a sword. The Rune of Gazul would also be fitting for the sole Runic Sword we have.

[X] Weapon Plan: Zharrvengryn
-[X] Weapon Name: Fated End
-[X] Master Rune of Currents
-[X] Rune of Fate
-[X] Rune of Fire

This Rune combo is modeled after Gazul's own sword, Zharrvengryn.

would not braking be better it has a effet on the dead
would not braking be better it has a effet on the dead
If we were going for something that specialized in slaying undead, sure. But I think this is better in a general sense. There's also the fact that it's Runes are roughly the same kind of Runes, Cutting, Fate, and Fire, that are on Zharrvengryn, Gazul's personal weapon, so I would imagine that the combination will be highly effective on undead as well.
Does anyone mind if I just put the sword into the main vote? As is there are scattered votes for either but rarely both and it would probably be best to just handle them now.