Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
And one ring to rule them all.

And Darkness/Shardpower bind them.

you missed the 9 rings as well. Wounder if she'll Give them out to "Villains" to control with the One.

I wounder if the One actually gives her a lower master rating as you need to be wearing her rings for some time to be ensnared and even then if you happen to know it's comeing (Elves) or just be a stubborn SOB (Dwarves) your still fine.
So not the One, but the Seven. Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their halls of stone -or the Wards in their fortress of metal in this case.
And Annatar intends to kill Bakuda. No arrest, no trial, kill on sight and rules be damned.
Also, that line about no longer being human? Taylor is starting to either figure things out or her inner Maia is showing through due to stress. Either way, fun times to be had.
So not the One, but the Seven. Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their halls of stone -or the Wards in their fortress of metal in this case.
And Annatar intends to kill Bakuda. No arrest, no trial, kill on sight and rules be damned.
Also, that line about no longer being human? Taylor is starting to either figure things out or her inner Maia is showing through due to stress. Either way, fun times to be had.

Well considering that normal triggers are basically pieces of Giant Space whale surgically attached to people's souls you coud make a good argument for the Transhuman thing.

and well Rings are not safe to use in the best of times. Going full ham with one of the Three then Immediately learning that your last family nearly died because of a psycho? not the best recipe for stability.
...You want to give The One to SCION!? (Probably not, but this was my first thought.)
Rather than that - One Ring to rule them all.

To some extent, you can afford to give the Rings to people you do not trust, if you have already forged (and are wearing) the One Ring. You can even give them to your enemies. They are a most poisonous gift indeed.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

(I used to have that whole phrase in the Black Speech memorized. Plus a good bit of Quenya. Lost it with time, though. Oh well.)
Oh god, I was trying to think of a group with 9 members in Worm, but fuck all of the that. Please tell me no one is actually considering giving JACK EFFING SLASH (and freinds) a ring(s) of power.
Oh god, I was trying to think of a group with 9 members in Worm, but fuck all of the that. Please tell me no one is actually considering giving JACK EFFING SLASH (and freinds) a ring(s) of power.

Consider the LOTR cannon

the SH9 would become undead slaves forever bound to do the biding of the person who weilds the One. they can't eat drink sleep or even die. they just keep comeing back to serve unable to rest so long as the One remains.

I'd say that's an effective leash.
Oh god, I was trying to think of a group with 9 members in Worm, but fuck all of the that. Please tell me no one is actually considering giving JACK EFFING SLASH (and freinds) a ring(s) of power.
Consider the Nazgul.

... Just. Consider the Nazgul.

I'm sure you'd agree they're living healthy, free, and happy lives with the power and immortality granted to them by the Rings, wouldn't you? Truly, such a kind gift Sauron gave them.
So, clearing the air here first; I'm still greatly enjoying your writing, and I'm not going to stop following it. I'm enjoying where you're taking things with the lore, and how Taylor is being affected by her Rings and whatever else is in there with her too.

That said, having read this chapter over several times, the issue that I brought up last chapter remains for me. The entire affair, perhaps shaded by what I feel still counts as a mishandling of it by the PRT on a massive level, feels more like a narrative mechanism to force the creation of more Ringbearers. On one level I can see where you're coming from with this, and how it would hopefully come together, but the manner of the action...it feels forced. I can't put it any other way.

I've tried to work out a way to be constructive with this, but I'm honestly not sure how you could have done this differently if you'd have ever wanted to. It's a complex issue, and even with it present I've really enjoyed the character reactions to it. I guess it just comes down the timing. If she'd been told later, I think you could have gotten the same result out of Taylor anyway, just with some more time and through a cooler head, but that's probably shading of opinion from the previous chapter coming through. I really like to try and make any complaints I have constructive, but this is a hard one due to how major this development is for the story and the character of Taylor herself in the future. Also because there's definitely more working parts moving behind this than I'm aware of, etc.

The above aside, what I said at the start still holds. The character interactions are sterling, and watching the slow slip into the role of Annatar is definitely fun.

On a more comedic note: the Slaughterhouse Nazgul when :p
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That said, having read this chapter over several times, the issue that I brought up last chapter remains for me. The entire affair, perhaps shaded by I feel still counts as a mishandling of it by the PRT on a massive level, feels more like a narrative mechanism to force the creation of more Ringbearers. On one level I can see where you're coming from with this, and how it would hopefully come together, but the manner of the action...it feels forced. I can't put it any other way.
This is fair. One of my betas had exactly the same issue. The fact is, a lot of this is simply subjective--which isn't a bad thing, it simply means that I can't correct it--I cout change it, if I wanted to. I like how things are progressing, but I don't expect everyone else to.

I'm glad you're enjoying the rest of it, and I only hope I don't make too many more decisions you disagree with. :)
Three Rings for the Heroes on a false Path,
Seven for the Wards in a City of Sin,
Nine for the murderers hated by all,
And One for the Dark Lady on her dark throne,
In the land of Brockton where hope dies.

You do account for all the rings but you could do better on the rhymes. Let's see if I can do something good.

Three rings for the heroes who from grace fall,
Seven for the wards in a city of sin,
Nine for the murderers hated by all,

and One for the girl who did it all for her kin,
In the land of Brockton bay where hope dies,
In the world of WORMS where the Maiar of order lies.
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This is fair. One of my betas had exactly the same issue. The fact is, a lot of this is simply subjective--which isn't a bad thing, it simply means that I can't correct it--I cout change it, if I wanted to. I like how things are progressing, but I don't expect everyone else to.

I'm glad you're enjoying the rest of it, and I only hope I don't make too many more decisions you disagree with. :)

I would be lying by omission if I didn't say that the way in which you're responding to this is a large part of why I'm continuing to stay. Not all writers can take criticism so well.

and One for the dark lady who did it all for her kin,

I feel like this misses a trick, honestly. Taylor isn't a dark lady, and I wouldn't actually name her one even when (let's be honest, it was going to be when from the start :p) she forges the One. This isn't the work of someone who wishes domination, like Sauron did when he forged the One. I think its far more likely that she'll forge it for the same reason that she's going to forge the Seven.

Her family. And it's the little girl who still loves her family, not the dark lady. So if may suggest a subtle alteration;

and One for the girl who did it all for her kin,

Taylor isn't an adult. She isn't a woman. She's just a child, as much as the rest of the Wards, and though her Rings give her a strength and maturity quite at odds to that, it doesn't take away that she is still only a child.

I think that might be important in the long run. Very important, in fact.
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I really like this Taylor and the way she can just shift from emotionally devastated young girl, to the nefarious giver of gifts. You can just feel her voice crawling through your head as she entices the wards, so yeah you did a real good job writing that part.

The there's the whole seven for the wards in a city of sin thing. It really keeps with the whole ominous vibe the rings are giving off.
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I'll be very interested in seeing who the nine rings end up with - people have mentioned the slaughterhouse 9 already, but I'm not sure Taylor would give them rings even if they are meant to control them. She gave Sophia another chance because she saw her as a misguided kid with a desire for heroism. I think she'd kill the S9 rather then enslave them.

I think a good candidate for the final nine ringbearers would be Faultline's crew - after all, Circus and Tattletale just joined (bringing them up to seven members, and two more could join later), and they are trying to take down Coil and save Dinah (something Taylor would consider heroic). Also, in cannon several of them have shortcomings or problems they are looking for a way around, giving the Lord of Gifts an opening to seduce them with offerings of power. I imagine Faultline would put up with a lot to allow her power to bypass them Manton effect, or to allow Labyrinth to be sane and still use her power.

Also, we've had an interlude about them, and they're moving against Coil. That gives them more relevance to the story as it currently stands then the S9, who's only indication of possibly appearing in this story is the stations of cannon.
I think a good candidate for the final nine ringbearers would be Faultline's crew

I'd be shocked. It just lacks the emphasis and power of other options. The Nine could go to the BB Protectorate, or to the leading heroes into the world, or they could be used to enslave the Slaughterhouse Nine, or they could be handed out to top villains and used to enslave those. Faultline's Crew? Lacks gravitas.
Three Rings for the Mighty Ones beneath the sky;
Seven for the Wards in a City of Sin.
Nine for the murderers doomed to die;
One for the Lady destined to Win.

My own little contribution. I loove the songs and rhymes from the books, and am vastly looking forward to the next part!

Edit: For my part, I think that by the time the S9 come to call, Taylor's probably gotten more than a little deep into the part of Annatar, and she might give them the choice between death, or accepting a "binding ring". They've all earned Kill Orders, this just makes them still useful, at least until their wills are overwritten and they're reduced to Wraiths, at which point their usefulness becomes....different.
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Three Rings for the Mighty Ones beneath the sky;
Edit: For my part, I think that by the time the S9 come to call, Taylor's probably gotten more than a little deep into the part of Annatar, and she might give them the choice between death, or accepting a "binding ring". They've all earned Kill Orders, this just makes them still useful, at least until their wills are overwritten and they're reduced to Wraiths, at which point their usefulness becomes....different.

I think it would flow more naturally if they were tricked by cauldron into taking the nine rings. Lets say that Taylor makes the nine and has them stored elsewhere for safe keeping, but Jack finds out and takes them. Then Taylor is forced to create the One ring, and take control of the S9.
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I think it would flow more naturally if they were tricked by cauldron into taking the nine rings. Lets say that Taylor makes the nine and has them stored elsewhere for safe keeping, but Jack finds out and takes them. Then Taylor is forced to create the One ring, and take control of the S9.
Awww, Taylor should be perfectly capable of tricking Jack Slash and his merry band of lunatics into accepting her gifts.

On another subject, it's too bad Taylor cannot create a silmaril or three. All that conflict potential, never realised.