Ring-Maker [Worm/Lord of the Rings Alt-Power] [Complete]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Can't wait for when she finally realizes she made a mistake in joining the Wards. I get that she needs a team to be as effective as she can possibly be, but was it worth hamstringing herself? Seriously, the PR people would rather Vista look good, than be able to save herself if her power fails her in some way. Plus, it should be obvious by now that the Wards aren't the team she was looking for. They don't have what it takes to go all the way, in terms of stopping a threat that just won't quit. Sophia and Vista are the only ones I could see stepping up to the plate, and they both have a number of issues that would have to be solved first.
We've already had this discussion at SB (And also every single wards fic ever.) so you could go read that rather than clutter up this thread.
Bureaucracy is soulless evil.
Bureaucracy was pretty much Mairons (Saurons) job, back in the day. As I understand it anyway.
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Interlude 3a: Ethan
Many thanks to @dwood15, @Technetium43, and @Assembler for betareading this chapter.

At the sound of the alert siren, Ethan guiltily jerked to attention from where he'd been hunched over his laptop in the lounge of PHQ. He'd been browsing PHO—it was always fun to see how the ongoing speculation about his connection to Madcap was going.

Armsmaster's voice kicked in over the PA, partially drowning out the siren. "All on-duty Protectorate members," he said. "This is not a drill. Please assemble in the main garage immediately for deployment. We have confirmation of a terrorist strike in the docks."

Terrorist strike?

Ethan snapped his laptop closed and stuck it under his arm as he jogged out of the break room and down the hall towards his locker. Dauntless, his hands fumbling with the straps of his helmet, was coming out of the changing room just as Ethan reached the door.

"Ken," he greeted. "What's going on?"

"Haven't the foggiest," replied Dauntless tersely. "A terrorist attack? What does that even mean, these days?"

"An attack on civilians, basically," said Velocity, slipping nimbly out of the changing room and sidling between the two larger men. "I'll see you two in the garage."

"…And he's gone," said Ethan, blinking at the place where the speedster had just been standing.

"And I should be too," said Dauntless. "Catch up when you can, Ethan."

"Yeah, yeah." Ethan slipped past Ken and entered the changing room.

Rory was there, pulling on his skintight shirt. His leggings and gladiatorial skirt were already on.

"Hey, kid," Ethan said casually as he crossed the room and punched in his locker combination.

"Assault." Rory's voice was polite, businesslike, and cold and unwelcoming as half-frozen cod.

"You've got no idea what's happening, do you?"


"Hmm. Nor do I. In case you were wondering."

"I wasn't." Triumph finished tightening the straps of his pauldrons and shut his locker, golden helmet in hand.

"See you downstairs!" Ethan called after him as the younger hero left the locker room. He got no response. This was no surprise.

Ethan finished clipping together his breastplate and leggings and then slipped on his visor. He took a moment to study his reflection in the locker door's interior mirror before shutting it and running out of the room.

He made his way down the hall and two flights of stairs before reaching the garage. Armsmaster was already on his bike, talking to Miss Militia in a low voice.

"There you are!" The voice was Assault's favorite. He grinned and waved at Battery, who crossed her arms and shook her head at him.

"You're late," she said.

He shrugged. "My armor takes a while to get on," he defended. "Maybe if you were to help me out of my civvies…"

"That's enough." Armsmaster's voice was hard, and cut through the conversation like butter. "Here's the situation. About ten minutes ago, bombs began going off in and around the docks. They've continued to detonate, once approximately every thirty seconds. While most of the bombs appear to be generic high explosives, some early reports suggest tinkertech may have been fielded. More intelligence is pending while the thinkers and analysts work on it. In the meantime, we're deploying. I'll be on my bike. The rest of you will take a van. Standard team compositions. Clear?"

"Yes, sir!" Assault's voice joined the echoing call.

"Good. Protectorate, move out."

The garage opened, and Armsmaster's bike revved into gear as the rest of the team filed into the van. A PRT trooper was driving, and Miss Militia took shotgun. Assault was tempted to complain that she hadn't called shotgun, but he had a feeling it wouldn't go down well.

Piling seven people into a 12-seat van was not a challenge. All the same, Assault fulfilled his role as good husband by giving Battery a meaningful look and patting his lap in invitation once he'd sat down.

She just rolled her eyes and took the seat beside him, as she always did. Soon, the six of them were all buckled in and the van started rolling after the motorcycle. The blue light of the force-field bridge filtered in through the windows as the Protectorate emerged from the Rig. As they crossed the Bay, the sound of the van's siren began to whine outside the vehicle.

"Miss Militia," Dauntless asked from his seat just behind the Protectorate's second-in-command. "Do we have any idea who's behind this or who's supplying them with tinkertech?"

"Not yet," she replied, voice slightly muffled by her scarf. "I privately suspect Bakuda. You remember?"

"The girl who held up Cornell, right?" Battery asked. "What would she be doing here?"

"That, I don't know. Perhaps she was recruited into the ABB. She's Japanese, after all. This may be vengeance for his capture, or a show of power against the Merchants. The docks are a contested area between the two groups."

Suddenly, the car's radio flared to life. "This is Director Piggot." The familiar voice, muffled slightly by static, emerged from the speakers. "We have video confirmation—the bombing group is the ABB, and the leader appears to be the tinker Bakuda. We have evidence of kidnappings occurring in the AO."

"Kidnappings?" That was Armsmaster's voice. "Why would Bakuda or the ABB be kidnapping civilians? Is that the whole objective of the attack?"

"We don't know," said Piggot flatly. "Most of the abducted civilians have been of Asiatic descent, as far as we can tell, but we're working on salvaged footage from street and store cameras. Expect surprises."

"Always," said Armsmaster dryly. "You heard the Director, people. Velocity, you're going to perform a mobile deployment as we approach the AO. I want you to scout out the situation and report back as soon as you have any useful tactical data. The explosions appear to be centered around the intersection of Fifteenth Street and Chesterton Avenue. I want you to head in there—carefully—and identify where the enemy is congregated."

Velocity palmed his personal radio and spoke into it. "Yes, sir. When do you want us to make the drop?"

"Whenever you're ready."

Velocity started unbuckling his seatbelt. "Assault, could you…?"

Assault nodded and pulled the handle of the door beside him before shoving the door open. The sound of the rushing wind, coupled with the van's siren, suddenly drew deafening in the little cabin.

Velocity stood up and zipped into position right beside Assault, his hand on his fellow hero's shoulder to stabilize himself.

"I'll let you know when I've got something!" he hollered over the cacophony, and was gone in the blink of an eye.

Assault shut the door and sighed in relief as the air returned to something like equilibrium in the vehicle.

"Velocity has deployed," Miss Militia said into her radio. "We're moving in after him until we get his report."

"Good," said Armsmaster. "I'll take point; have the van follow me."

"Bakuda's holed up in a clinic on Ironmonger's," Velocity reported, appearing in the midst of the assembled heroes. Assault and a couple of members of the group jumped at Velocity's sudden arrival. They'd stopped just outside the apparent AO and unloaded from the vehicles. They were now standing in a loose ring just outside an alleyway.

"The twenty-four hour one?" Battery asked. "What's she doing there? It's not exactly defensible."

"Her guys are combing it for surgical equipment. No idea why."

"Did you see Oni Lee?" Armsmaster asked sharply.

"No," Velocity replied. "No sign of him. Doesn't necessarily mean he's not here."

"Agreed," said Miss Militia. "We should assume he's intending to assist. Does she have any other parahuman support?"

"Yes—Uber and Leet. They're both kitted out with tinkertech, and Leet has a gunner drone patrolling the block around the clinic. I think he caught a glimpse of me at some point."

Armsmaster took one slow breath, in and out. "Okay," he said. "Miss Militia, take Assault and Battery in from the south, moving up Ironmonger's. Triumph, Dauntless and I will move to head them off at the intersection with Norfolk, and then trap them in the clinic if you haven't already got them moving. Velocity, you're running reconnaissance, but if you can take a safe potshot, do it. Everyone clear?"

"Yep," said Assault, and was drowned out by the chorus of "Yes, sir!"

"Good. Move!"

Miss Militia beckoned and Assault moved to follow her, his wife falling into step beside him. They moved at a run, not bothering with stealth, and covered the two blocks between themselves and Ironmonger's Lane in only a few minutes.

They stood behind a corner of the intersection, glancing around it to get a feel for the AO. A fire crackled uncontrolled in the crater of a bomb on the right side of the street, and on the left a one-story building's lights were lit.

"That's the clinic?" Assault asked softly.

"Yeah," Battery confirmed, matching his pitch.

Miss Militia shifted her posture. Prismatic green light flared around her hands, spreading and shifting in their about her, and then she was holding a gun—a hefty grenade launcher, and about her belt were several round grenades.
"I'll fire a smoke grenade into the main entrance," she said. "Battery, let me know when you're charged. You're going to bounce off of Assault and enter by the window. Your objective is to get Bakuda to abandon the clinic. We want to drive her north."

"You're sending her in alone?" Assault asked.

"No," said Miss Militia. "You will follow her in, using her momentum to speed you up. I will wait here and make sure they move north once you've flushed them out."

Assault nodded. "Got it," Battery said.

"Good. Whenever you're ready."

A few moments later, Battery nodded. "All right. Can't hold this long." Her voice was hard with tension and some pain, and Assault winced slightly under his visor.

"I'm ready, Puppy," he said gently, stepping out from behind cover.

She gave him a grin through clenched teeth, jumped up, and kicked off him.

He redirected the momentum and began to run after her as she lanced through the air like a bullet, soaring towards the clinic's window some sixty feet away. A click, and muted bang, and Miss Militia's smoke grenade launched from behind him, soaring past him, making for the clinic's doors.

He followed it, rushing straight through the smoke as it burst forth, and emerged straight into the body of a ganger. He ran the guy over without stopping and dove behind the receptionist's desk for cover.

Gunfire dug into the other side of the wooden block as Battery joined him. "Where's Bakuda?" he asked her over the racket.

She looked grim. "Not here."


"Not here!"

"I heard you! Why isn't she—"

Boom. The sound had come from the north. Bakuda had moved on.

"Shit. We need to catch up to her."

Battery nodded. "I'm almost charged again. You throw me in and then dive in yourself. We'll take these guys out quick."

"Whatever you say, Puppy."

She glowered at him affectionately. He watched as her face twisted slightly in pain as her powers took their toll.

"Okay," she said. "Ready."

He picked her up and threw her in, then pushed off of the ground to launch himself into the fray.

There were four guys in the clinic, each with an assault rifle. Battery flew into one and went down rolling with him while Assault picked the second up by one arm and beat the third with him. One blow, two, and they were both down.

Then the fourth was aiming his rifle in Assault's direction, and for a moment he was worried, until Battery leapt into his space, kicked his gun out of his hands (showing off her impressive flexibility while she was at it), and punched his lights out.

Assault breathed deeply, looking around the room. All four gangers were, if not out, then at least down, and there was no one left to fight.

"Well," said Assault. "that was anticlimactic."

"Look at you, finishing early," said Battery drolly.

"Didn't hear you complaining about my endurance last night."

Battery gave him a look--which he, of course, couldn't see because of her visor, and thus decided to ignore. "We're not done yet. Let's go."

Their radios crackled to life. "This is Velocity. Bakuda got past me while I was reporting back. She just bombed the Dockworkers' Association building. She's headed west. Shall I pursue?"

"Keep her in your sights," Armsmaster confirmed. "We can't allow her to keep this up. Triumph, call fire rescue to the Dockworkers' Association; there were civilians in there. Miss Militia—"

"Armsmaster." The voice, cutting in suddenly, was Piggot's. "Drop Bakuda. You're all needed at the Rig."

"What?" Armsmaster's voice was hard and heated. "That woman just bombed at least three congregated civilian groups! I can't—"

"Lung and Oni Lee just engaged the Wards," Piggot said shortly. "At PHQ. Get a move on."

A pause.

"All Protectorate members, make for the Rig, as fast as possible." Armsmaster's voice was almost robotic. "Velocity, I want you there yesterday."

Assault looked bleakly at Battery. "This was a distraction," he said.

She nodded grimly. "Let's go."

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She just bombed the Dockworkers' Association building

I foresee fire. Fire and screaming. I was looking for a reaction .gif, but I think response I was looking for was this:
"Let them feel every lash, every curse, every touch of malice that they first dealt to me."

"Lung and Oni Lee just engaged the Wards," Piggot said shortly. "At PHQ. Get a move on."

So that's what will be going on next chapter. Best of luck to our heroes.
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Can Taylor also make and use things like Gandalfs staff? Or is she limited to stuff made of mithril?
As per the FAQ, Annatar can make or forge any item which either was crafted in the Second or Third Age of Middle-Earth, or which fit into those periods well. The Istari were exceptional in every age, so those are a little outside her purview. At this point.
Lustre 3.3
Thanks to @Technetium43, @fabledFreeboota, @PitaEnigma, and @Assembler for betareading this chapter.

"Annatar, Vista," Carlos greeted as we entered Wards HQ. "Annatar, have you been authorized to use your sword yet?"

"Not yet. I watched the seminar this afternoon, but there's still an aptitude test." I knew I'd pass the test; my powers gave me an intuition for the uses of my weapons, although I wasn't quite a master-at-arms yet.

"You're still good with the spear, though?"

"Yeah. What's going on, Aegis?"

"Some crazy bitch," Sophia said, coming into the room from the south elevator, "decided it'd be a great idea to start bombing the docks. Protectorate's already on their way out."

I grimaced. "Are they a cape?"

"We think so," Carlos said. "A tinker who specializes in bombs. Calls herself Bakuda. First showed up when she held up Cornell College, a few months back. Disappeared after that. We think Lung recruited her."

"Then why's she acting up now?" Missy asked.

Sophia rolled her eyes. "I'd assume because Lung got taken in."

"But why would that make her—"

"Where's Oni Lee?" I asked.

All three of them looked at me.

"Is he with her?" I asked.

"Not as far as we know," Carlos said, glancing at Sophia. "You hear anything on console?"

"No," she replied, studying me. "What are you thinking, Annatar?"

"There's a couple of possibilities," I said. "Either she's gone loose cannon and just decided to go on a bombing spree for the hell of it, or this is part of a plan, right? Does she have ABB guys with her?"

"Yes," Sophia said slowly. "Yes, she does. Uber and Leet are apparently backing her up, too."

"No way she hired them without ABB resources," Carlos said.

"So where's Oni Lee?" I looked at my team leader. "Can you think of anything Oni Lee would want to do right now besides break out Lung?"

"No," he said grimly. "No, I can't. Missy, go explain the situation to Chris and get him to explain to Piggot. We need clearance to head out. Annatar, Stalker, suit up. I'll go tell the others."

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"The dorms," Carlos said. "The Wards were supposed to stay at base until the bomb threat passed."

I nodded. "Permission to bring Narsil?"

He studied me. "Don't use it unless you've got no other choice, got it?"


"Then sure. Keep it sheathed."

I nodded, and he left.

Sophia was already on the couch, rummaging in her duffel for her mask. Her hood was down, but her costume was otherwise on. Her hair, I noticed, was done up in a bun, rather than her usual ponytail. She must keep it that way under the hood to keep it from getting in the way. It made her head look smaller than I expected--almost childlike.

"Saw your press conference," she said dryly as she pulled out her mask.

I snorted. "Can you believe those people?"

"Yes," she said flatly. "They never stop. When I got brought into the Wards, you know what they thought?"


"They thought I'd joined up because I was fucking Aegis."

I passed a hand over my eyes. "You're kidding."

"Nope. Get used to it."

"That's what Piggot said, too."

Sophia gave an amused grunt. "Hey, what do you know, Piggy gave good advice for once. Besides, it could be worse."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Hm?"

She shrugged, glancing over at me. "Better you than one of the others. Least you've got balls."

She tried to look away, but suddenly I was holding her gaze like a vice, Narya flaring hot on my finger. I saw her tense slightly at whatever she saw in my face.

"Not," I said, coldly and clearly, "from my perspective." I turned away. "I'm going to grab Narsil. See you later, Stalker."

I left the room and ran straight into Dennis, who was fiddling with the straps of his plating. "Well, hello," he said, stepping back out of my personal space. "I hope I didn't pull you away from your personal time with—"

"Can it." Narya flared on my finger as I glared at him.


I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to grab Narsil," I said. "Be right back."

"We've got permission to go to the Rig," Aegis said as we assembled before him, the last parts of our costumes being affixed as we listened. "We're not to engage if Lung's already escaped. The most important thing is that none of us get hurt if we can avoid it. Oni Lee's dangerous, and he's not afraid to kill."

"I'm transport?" Vista asked.

"You are," Aegis confirmed. "I want us to head in over the force bridge, but the bridge is down. Vista, will you be able to…?"

"I can shorten the distance," Vista said firmly. "Easy."

"Good. Let's get moving, people."

We trooped after him as he led us into the elevator and out the back door of PRT headquarters.

Traveling across the city with Vista was not much like patrolling with her. For one thing, it took much less time. She gave us a short step up to a roof first, and then launched us halfway across the city in a single step.

We came a halt across the open water from the Rig. Directly before us, the lights of PHQ shone gold and glimmered over the water. The force field bridge was inactive--which didn't really present a problem to us, given we had Vista.

Boom. Bombs had been sounding from the north throughout our travel, but now I could see the flash as I looked up the coast. The explosion lit up the smoky clouds above the city.

"Any word from inside?" I asked.

"Nothing yet," Aegis said. "We've still got access to surveillance, so—"

Our radios chimed as one. "Oni Lee has appeared in Lung's cell," came the voice of the PRT operative we'd left on the console. "The containment foam sprayers have been disabled. Lung is being disconnected from tranquilizer drips now."

"Fuck," said Sophia.

"Vista, get us in there," Aegis ordered.

Vista shifted her hands through the air and suddenly the space between us and the Rig was only a small gap, easily crossed by a single step.

Aegis led us across that gap at a jog. The Rig's garage doors opened for us as we approached and we entered the dark vehicle hangar.

Armsmaster's bike and quite a few of the PRT vans that were usually here were missing, having been taken out for the Protectorate's deployment against Bakuda. A group of PRT troopers in full gear were waiting for us by the door. A brown-haired, middle-aged man I recognized as Deputy Director Renick, his face visible behind a transparent visor, was their leader.

"Aegis," he said shortly. "We've lost control of Lung's cell block."

"How many casualties?"

"All but one, and he's injured. We have to get into Lung's cell and restart the tranquilizer drip before his healing factor wakes him up."

"Any idea how long we've got?"

"Minutes. Maybe twenty, probably more like five or ten."

Aegis nodded. "Annatar, Shadow Stalker, you two go on ahead," he ordered quickly. "Don't take any risks; just scout and report back."

"I'm in Fire," I said quickly. "Not Water."

"Then switch," he said tersely. "Quickly."

I glanced around at all the prying eyes and finally settled my gaze on Sophia.

"I'll swap on the way," I said. "Let's go."

I led Sophia away from the group and into the Rig. We moved past a couple of barricades in the lobby. The troopers manning them gave us nods and even salutes as we passed.

When we started down the stairwell, I reached behind myself and unclipped the Jewelry Box from the clasp I'd made for it across the small of my back. I passed Aeglos to Sophia. "Hold this for a moment."

She took it, watching me closely as I took the Box into my hands. "That has your modules?" she asked.

I nodded, then met her eyes. "Tell no one what you see here," I ordered.

"I swear I won't." She agreed readily.

"I don't trust your oath. Let me make this clear. If you tell anyone how my powers work, I will know. I will find you, and I will make you wish you'd never heard the name of Annatar. I will wreak such vengeance on you that what you did to me in January will look tame by comparison. Am I understood?"

Sophia's eyes didn't flicker away from me, but I thought I saw a faint shudder run through her frame. "Clear as crystal," she said lowly.

I looked down at the Jewelry Box. "Edro a adlenc!"

The box opened, and the dark stairwell was filled with white and blue light.

I shifted my grip so that the box sat under my right arm and then used that hand to pull Narya off of my left finger. I dropped the golden band into the lockbox and drew out Nenya, slipping it on where Narya had lately resided.
Then I closed the box, shutting away the light of Fire and Air, and slung it back over my back. "Those," I told Sophia coldly, "were the Three Rings of Power."

"Your modules are rings?" Her eyes were resting on the Jewelry Box. I took my spear from her sharply.

"Yes," I said. "And if I have my way, you'll never see them again. Let's go."

I reached out and covered the both of us with Nenya's concealment as we proceeded.

As we entered the underground cell block, I was faced with my first corpse of the night. The man at the front desk, still seated behind the grating facing into the lobby, was slumped backward in his chair, brown eyes glazed and staring. Blood still slowly leaked from the jagged gash across his throat.

As we entered the enclosed depths through the door and passed his seat, I reached out and carefully closed his eyes before we went on.

"Why?" Sophia asked me as we continued.

"Why what?"

"Why bother? He's dead. Not like it does anything for him."

"It does something for me."

He was not the last corpse I saw in that cell block. PRT troopers, armored and armed, lay slumped periodically against the walls of the hallway. I glanced at each face, knowing I wouldn't remember them in the morning, knowing I couldn't take the time.

A middle-aged woman with Asian features lay splayed against a cell door. A young man, barely into his twenties, was wedged half into an empty cell, his blood spread like paint across the small room's floor. An older man with blond hair lay spread-eagled in the center of the hallway, his blood pooling from wall to wall.

I closed each pair of eyes before moving on.

"Do you know how many people were stationed here?" I asked Sophia lowly as we proceeded.

She gave a dry sigh through clenched teeth and glanced at me through narrowed eyes. "No. Does it really matter?"

"No." I shook my head.

She blinked and frowned at me. "No?"

"No," I confirmed as I lowered to close an older black woman's eyes, all without slowing my pace. "I was just curious."

My ears pricked. A sound—leather on metal. Footsteps. They were punctuated by a low murmur, a man's voice, speaking just too quietly for me to easily hear.

I raised my hand in a signal to stop. "Oni Lee," I breathed. "Careful."

We crept further down the hallway. The footsteps grew more distinct as we approached and as I sharpened Nenya's power. The voice slowly became clear.

"Bakuda is distracting the Protectorate." The voice was smooth and blank, like polished silver; lacking both in imperfection and inflection. It emerged from behind a cell door, several yards down the hall from where Sophia and I crouched.

"Distracting?" Lung's voice. It was harsh with pain and fatigue—probably a side-effect of having been woken from the tranquilizer-induced coma. "How so?"

I glanced at Sophia. "Lung's awake," I said.

"Fuck," she said. "We need to get out of here. Get back to the others. No way we can take Lung alone."

"He's weak right now," I said. "He won't be for long."

"He's got Oni Lee with him, right? We've got no chance. We need to get out of here before they find us."

I sighed. I remembered Circus, and how she'd taken me out of the fight with nothing more than a sledgehammer. I remembered the trail of corpses I'd found on the way here—people killed by the less dangerous of the two parahumans in the room ahead of me.

I'm not ready.

I brought my radio to my lips and pushed the button to broadcast.

"This is Annatar," I whispered. "Lung has been revived. Shadow Stalker and I will attempt to withdraw."

"Have you been detected?" Aegis responded at a whisper.

"No. We'll pull back now and keep it that way."

"Good. Be careful."

We'd only managed to withdraw as far as the end of the corridor, however, when I heard the sound of a door opening behind us. I turned without thinking.

My eyes met Lung's. His mask was off, and in his hand at his side, half raised. He was actually quite handsome. A surprisingly small number of scars marred his face--likely thanks to his healing factor. A tattoo of red and green flame enshrouding a snakelike dragon crept up from his bare chest and neck around the back of his ears, before ending somewhere in his thick black hair.

"You," he growled.

I dove around the corner, Sophia at my heels, and behind us, we heard the whooshing sound of rushing flame.

"I think Lung's up," I said weakly.

"No shit, Sherlock. Run!"

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I am conflicted about this. Villains breaking out of PRT custody is done to death. And it serves to reinforce the stations of canon.

On the other hand, Bakuda is an awesome distraction and Oni Lee has a great power for breaking in to release Lung, who is strong enough to make the exit be the easy part of the operation. Beyond it being a fairly plausible prison break, I also have a soft spot it because I had not been fed recurring villain after recurring villain when I first read Worm.
Latest chapter is missing threadmarks.
And so we get to Annatar and how she sees the situation at hand. Now if she just could cleave that bothersome dragon in two like the warrior she is...
Lustre 3.4
Thanks to @dwood15, @Technetium43, @fabledFreeboota and @Assembler for betareading.


"Aegis, this is Annatar!" I practically screamed into my radio. "Lung is attacking; repeat, Lung is attac—"

I had to cut myself off to deflect a blast of fire with one of Nenya's barriers. Behind me, Sophia took advantage of the cover to take a potshot at the slowly growing cape. The tranquilizer round became solid halfway hilted into his skin, which was already shifting into metal scales, but he just roared and snapped it off with an almost lazy bat of his hand.

I scrambled backwards, away from Lung, my eyes trained on his red ones. He hadn't even bothered with his mask, and his face, already beginning to elongate, was twisted into a rictus of fury. "You will pay for what you did to me," he growled, his voice still mostly understandable this early in his transformation. "You should not have struck at your betters, little girl."

I couldn't help it—I scowled at him. "My better?" I asked sharply. "You're just a child destroying other children's sandcastles because you can't build your—"

I dove behind a corner as more fire came my way and began to run again. It wasn't long before I had to turn to block another fireball.

"Go!" I shouted to Sophia. "I'll hold him off!"

She didn't hesitate, shifting into shadow form and zipping away behind me. I held Nenya at the ready in one hand and Aeglos in the other as Lung fully rounded the corner.

"You don't want to kill me," I said breathlessly. "Killing a Ward? That's kill-order material. You don't want that kind of heat."

He roared. If there were words in the sound, they were too distorted by both his shape and his rage to be understood. Fire burst forth from him—not breathed from his maw, like a true dragon, but blasting from his whole body in an explosion.

I raised Aeglos and stabbed into the fire with a cry. Flame met ice, and steam rushed forth, filling the hallway.

I turned and sprinted away, taking advantage of the impromptu smoke grenade to run. As I turned the next corner, however, I was faced with the grinning, blood-red mask of Oni Lee.

The pin of the grenade in his right hand dropped out of his left.

I dropped, curled inward—dropping Aeglos to tighten myself further—and surrounded myself with the strongest barrier I could manage.

It wouldn't be the last time I was at the epicenter of an explosion, but it was the first. The light, the heat, the sound, they pounded at my senses like war drums, setting me reeling internally. My collected state was shattered wide, as a gate before a battering ram.

I stood up, blinking to try to clear the spots in my eyes, picked up Aeglos, and continued to run. I noticed I was bouncing off the walls a bit in my unsteady gait. That wasn't good. It meant I was being inefficient.

Fire struck me in the back in a rush of heat. My mithril armor held—I had a feeling I'd know if my back had suddenly become barbecue—but I smelled something burning.

I was sent rolling down the hallway and came to a rest on my back, staring back down the hall at Lung.

"I's o'er li'l 'irl," he growled through twisted features. "Now 'oo 'ay."

I called on Nenya, and felt the rush of renewed energy. I wore the Ring of Adamant—I was unbowed. Unyielding.

I picked myself up. I took Aeglos in both hands and pointed the shimmering blue blade at the center of his brow. Frost crept down the handle from the blade in spite of the growing heat of Lung's presence. My knees bent and I shifted my stance into a ready posture.

"Don't you know the story of Saint George?" I asked him. "It isn't over until the dragon's dead."

He bared his teeth. Fire burst forth.

I caught it in a combination of Nenya's barrier and Aeglos' point. The blade flared blue, and again steam burst forth.

Where is Oni Lee? I asked Nenya then, under the cover of the cloud. I had no desire to be overtaken with another grenade.

My senses expanded to include the sound of his breathing—in two places, no less. One, in the hallway behind Lung, and the other—

I whirled, Aeglos spinning about in a narrow arc of blue light, and stabbed the enemy cape through the center of the chest.

He staggered back, the unprimed grenade falling from his limp fingers, and fell apart into a mess of white ash.

I ran again, maintaining an awareness of his and Lung's positions at all times. Oni Lee tried once more to get ahead of me. I struck him hard across the head with Aeglos' haft immediately and then stabbed him through the throat as I kept running past. In the moment between the two blows, another of him appeared behind me, and as the spear sank into his flesh, he again collapsed into dust.

He didn't try to catch up to me again, instead staying behind Lung as the large cape rumbled through the halls behind me, taking potshots at me with his fire, which I deflected with Nenya and Aeglos.

I knew that, were adrenaline not coursing through my veins like water, I would be dead already. I knew that the amount of mental and physical strain I was putting myself through, exerting Nenya's power like this, would leave me practically crippled for at least the next day. The Three were not meant to be used in this kind of close-quarters combat, let alone be relied upon in this way.

Tough. I had no choice. And I couldn't deny that some part of me—some primal spark of combative flame—was enjoying this. Admittedly, I'd probably like it better if I could face him directly, but I wasn't prepared for that. Besides, I'd prefer Narya or Vilya for the purpose.

We reached the lobby of the cell block and I turned, finally reveling in the more open space rather than a claustrophobic corridor. I was looking through the glass divider between the lobby and the security area when Lung pushed the door open and entered the other side.

We faced each other for a moment, his teeth bared, my face set. He'd grown—he barely fit into the hallways now, and was hunched over until he was barely standing on two legs.

"Oo'v go'n s'rong'r," he acknowledged roughly.

"You haven't," I said.

He growled and leapt, charging through the glass at me. Nenya gave me the speed to sidestep out of the way and bring Aeglos about. The blue point slashed into his side, sinking through the metallic scales into the soft flesh. He roared in pain and recoiled, and I struck again, stabbing into his leg.

He took a knee, but swiped at me as he did so. Extended as I was in a thrust, I couldn't dodge. I was thrown backward, and hit the wall hard with a sharp crack, leaving an imprint in the concrete.

Yet I was mostly unhurt. The impact was not onto my separated helmet, and so I had no concussion. My body would bruise where it had impacted my platemail, but my skin was untorn.

I pulled myself out of the wall and swung Aglos about as Oni Lee appeared beside me. He recoiled just in time, the blade missing his throat by an inch. I stabbed again and he dissolved into ash, appearing again behind me. I jabbed at him with the haft of Aeglos, striking him in the gut, and then dove out of the way of a blast of fire from the rising Lung.

I was in a corner now. Lung was in the center of the room—on all fours, now, his form barely recognizable as human, and towering to the ceiling. Oni Lee was recovering to my left, against the wall. He was doubled over, but his mask was facing me, and his gaze was perfectly steady.

I was strong, but I needed to win every clash. They only needed to win one.

I took a stance and lowered Aeglos to point at Lung. "Ready when you are," I said.

Oni Lee appeared beside me, already palming a grenade. I slashed him across the throat and pushed him between me and Lung, where he served as a human shield against the rush of flame, at least until he dissolved into ash. By that point, I was already rolling out of the corner, making for the doorway.

I smashed through the push door and took a step down the long hallway leading to the stairs… and was suddenly stumbling on the first step.

"Annatar," said Vista, her voice tight with concentration. "How're you doing?"

"Better, now you're here."

"Love you too. Let's go." I saw that the corridor had lengthened until I could barely see the small forms of Lung and Oni Lee on the other side.

But I heard Oni Lee, as he appeared directly behind the two of us. Then, suddenly, he stopped. I turned.

The man in the blood-red mask stood stock-still, frozen, and Clockblocker's hand rested on his shoulder, reaching down from higher up on the stairwell. "We haven't got long," he said sharply. "Vista, let's go."

Vista nodded. "Annatar, you go up first. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," I said, as I began to run up the spiraling stairs, taking them two at a time. "Bit bruised, is all."

"Good," called Aegis from above. "Vista, how close is Lung?"

"If I held him here, he'd be a few minutes, but he'll bust through the ceiling and come up somewhere else in the building. Let's go before he does."

We ran up the stairs; Vista took the rear, I was next, then before me were Clockblocker and Aegis, with whom Vista and I quickly caught up. As we ran, I heard a rumbling, crashing sound somewhere in the building behind us.

"That's Lung breaking out," panted Vista. "We need to hurry. Is the Protectorate coming?"

"Piggot says yes," said Aegis shortly.

"Good," I panted. "We might be able to contain him again."

No one answered me. Moments later, we reached the top of the stairway. Sophia was there, fists clenched, staring at the doorway as we opened it.

"Annatar," she said, and there was something unidentifiable in her voice. "You're okay."

"I'm fine," I said. "Thanks for getting the others."

"We need to fall back," Aegis barked. "Get behind the PRT's barricade. Annatar, you take the lead. Clockblocker and I will take the rear."

We jogged through the next few corridors unmolested save for the occasional crash of Lung breaking through a wall behind us. Soon, we reached the hangar. The garage doors were open, and the PRT troop that had been here when we arrived was gone.

"Vista, give us a path," Aegis ordered.

As we reached the edge of the roadway which lead into the force field bridge, The bay shrank before us until the Rig and the shore were practically touching, and one by one, we stepped across, and off of the manufactured island.

As we reached the shore, Vista released the tightened space and I gave a sigh of relief. "What now?" I asked Aegis.

"Now you wait here." I turned. It was Armsmaster, striding forward. "Vista," he said. "A path, please." Behind him, the rest of the Protectorate was assembled.

"We can help," I said. "I—"

"No, Annatar," he said shortly. "Lung is dangerous, and you're not soldiers. Leave this to us. Vista?"

Vista nodded and the distance shortened again. One by one, the seven heroes crossed. Armsmaster turned to face us from the other side.

"Aegis," he ordered. "Keep in radio contact. We'll keep you appraised of the situation."

"Yes, sir. Clockblocker froze Oni Lee on the way out; he may still be out of action when you arrive."

"We'll keep it in mind. Under no circumstances are you to engage Bakuda or Lung, should either appear."

"Yes, sir."

Armsmaster hesitated for a moment. "And… Annatar," he said. "You should speak to the director."

I frowned at him. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No," he said. "I—we don't have time. I'm sorry."

There was something in how he said those last two words that put me on edge, but then he turned away with a nod to Vista, and the space between us was widening again.

I glanced at Aegis. "Do you know what that was about?" I asked.

"No idea," he said. "Call Piggot. I'll keep watch."

I nodded. "Thanks."

I walked away from the shore. Sophia followed me wordlessly. I made my way to an open piece of street some twenty feet apart from anyone else and then palmed my radio from where it sat clipped to my sword belt.

I altered the frequency to be direct to the console, and then hit broadcast. "This is Annatar to Director Piggot," I said. "Armsmaster said to contact you."

A moment passed. Then Piggot's voice: "I'm sorry I can't make this a priority," she said. "Go to frequency Oscar-November-Echo. I'll talk to you there between coordinating."

I quickly altered the frequency. "Director," I said, and I knew my voice was growing less steady. "What's going on?"

"You're aware that Bakuda was making a bombing spree on the north side of town?"

"Yes. It was a distraction to release Lung, right?"

"We think so. Annatar—hold on a moment."

I waited. While I did, I glanced at Sophia. "Why are you here?" I asked her blankly.

She twitched. "I—" she stopped. "Wanted to thank you," she said. "Don't know if I—"

"Annatar." Piggot's voice. "I'm sorry I don't have more time. During the bombing spree, Bakuda struck the Dockworker's Association building. Your father was at work."


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So much for mercy then. All hail Sauron Reborn.

Right now, right at this moment, Bakuda has a cold shiver that runs up her spine. She isn't sure how, but she gets the imminent feeling that she just fucked up.
I know everyone is focusing on Taylor finding out that the Dockworkers Association got bombed, but I want to draw people's attention to this little gem:

She twitched. "I—" she stopped. "Wanted to thank you," she said. "Don't know if I—"

That look like gratitude, and out of Sophia Hess. Never thought I'd see the day. I'm very happy to see her growing.
Yarr. This be a Freebeta. And my oh my am I surprised at the relative lack of following you have o'er on SB my good man Lithos. Somewhat bizarre. Ne'ertheless, keep up the good work.