Okay I've been playing for a few days already. Got a nice base set up, did some of those bandit destroy quests. Here's a thing that might be worth sharing:
As you know, there's an event where a settlement asks for food. 1000 corn, potatoes, whatever. I did this today, but you can't just send a (well, three) drop pods.
See, when you launch a drop pod on ANY tile without a colonist, the resources dissapear. So here I am launching 2000 corn at the neighbour and it's just not registering. I only have 3 days left, and packing 2000 corn on 3 muffalos AND making the trip isn't gonna cut it. Took me three reloads but I managed it.
So I sent one colonist (with food) ONTO the settlement tile. THEN I sent the 2000 corn. Now this would be a problem because one colonist can't haul 2000 corn BUT seeing as she was on the tile, with the 2000 corn, I was able to click on the "fulfill the trade deal" button.
TL;DR: send colonist first, THEN food.