Rimworld: Anomaly - Void Gods, Golden Cubes and Wall Lights (1.5)

Anomaly bonus preview: Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls
Anomaly expansion and update 1.5 out now!
i'm gonna wait until the 402 warnings on Rimpy go away.
i just got the modlist short enough to allow the game to actually load, i'd rather not mess with it more.
Two news:

One, Pawn Editor that I posted a while back is out! Haven't tested it myself but it is here, and hopefully will replace both Prepare Carefully and Character Editor, not that you should be trying Prepare Carefully.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1c20ytu/pawn_editor_available_now/

Two, Alpha Memes has CUBISM and Void Struchtr as Styles:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1c22hlc/alpha_memes_updated_with_two_anomaly_styles/

Which is fitting since [SPOILERS FOR IDEOLOGY + ANOMALY] : we've got two new memes.
Character Editor is outdated. Prepare Carefully can and will break your saves. The latter so much so the techies on the unofficial RimWorld Discord don't even want to touch of help any save file on them. 1.5 is introduced some new form of multi threading for artwork what with the new tentacle limbs and all. Even Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded took a while to update.

As for your save file, I think you might wanna just jump to 1.5.
Ghoul Melee Bug
*Decides to finally study the monolith, now that I am kind of set up.*

*Gray Pallor, horrors are unveiled.*

"Well, that seems kind of b-"

*Three invisible monsters suddenly launch an attack*

"Oh Shi--"

*- Right into the War Merchant trading Caravan*

Of course, this ignores the numerous very weird people showing up at my doorstep, including the women with gouged out eyes who could heal people at the cost of them growing tentacles; them many WTF notices and items I am getting; and the moment I stepped onto a distress call and found it overrun with horrors....
Someone has already made a major bugfix for Anomaly that fixes a truly a game breaking bug.
The fucking cube is now actually a cube.
Q: Is this CE compatible?
A: Sadly, no. The complexity of recubing the cube resulting in me borrowing cubes from CE, as a result, it is now unplayable.

Q: Who would win in oil wrestling between Oskar and Sarg?
A: The audience.

Never change Sam.
If you have a problem against a certain enemy in Anomaly, Devourers, , you can set them on fire to instantly make them vomit up your swallowed pawn.
Wish the reddit rimworld community wasn't full meme on the game, some people don't want to eat manflesh and sell organs every single run. 💀
My dog fell asleep in the freezer and it's legs felled off. I nearly hurt myself from laughing so hard. In the meantime a literal child who joined the colony two days ago wandered into a sentry gun cause I forgot to set areas. C l a s s i c
Vanilla Anomaly Expanded - Vote!
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