Ambient horror mode
Now, when you start the game, you can select from three ways to integrate Anomaly into your game:
Standard with monolith: The original Anomaly experience. Anomaly threats are linked directly to the monolith.
Ambient horror: In this new mode, the monolith does not appear. Instead, Anomaly threats are threaded into the rest of the game. All Anomaly threats can occur, even the most dangerous ones. Anomaly threats are relatively uncommon compared to normal raids by default, but this can be adjusted before and during the game. This is a good mode if you want to enrich your story without Anomaly becoming the focus. (Note that since there is no monolith in this mode, the monolith endgame won't occur.)
Disabled: Anomaly threats do not occur, and there's no monolith. Anomaly tools like security doors, incinerators, hellcat rifles, turret packs, and serums are still in the game.
Study efficiency setting: We added a "study efficiency" slider to the difficulty settings. Higher settings give more research points each time you study an entity. By default, study efficiency is better at lower difficulties, so even when there are fewer entities to capture, you can still make steady progress. As always, you can customize study efficiency how you like, including changing it during a run.
Bioferrite extraction research project. We've added a new research project that allows doctors to extract bioferrite directly from captured entities without a 'bioferrite harvester'. This is less efficient, but doesn't require electricity.
Bioferrite can be obtained from harbinger trees. Chopping down harbinger trees will give twisted flesh and bioferrite, adding a new way to obtain bioferrite without capturing entities.
Updated research tree to not require electricity. We've rearranged parts of the Anomaly research tree to allow researching more projects without electricity.
Some Anomaly items can be made at crafting spots. The following items can now be made at a crafting spot, as well as the bioferrite shaper: Ceremonial hood, nerve spiker, ritual mask, ghoul plating, ghoul barbs.
Note: For existing saves, you will need to unlock bioferrite extraction, even if you've previously researched bioferrite harvesting.