Rimworld: Anomaly - Void Gods, Golden Cubes and Wall Lights (1.5)

No monolith. Anomaly events occur at percent rate of your choice. Endgame monolith quest cannot be activated. Has to be check on a new game.
Okay, that actually does appeal to me, mostly because the monolith just being on the map everytime just bugs me. Like it doesn't vibe with me, personally. You're crashing on a planet completely at random, but there's always this artifact of immense power right there.

Also, having to press a hard ON button I just know I'm going to get OCD about it.

Now, what would make it perfect for me is if there were some quest to go out and find the monolith or summon it to your colony, that would be perfect, but I'm pretty content to wait for a mod for that.
So, does anyone else feel like this DLC is missing a high tech/ultratech element? Considering the two main resources for the DLC are a psychic metal and pieces of hyper advanced technology, I feel like the lack of weird occult bionics and power armor is kind of an oddly big oversight.
Definitely. I thought the tentacle thing was something you could make instead of something you get from the twisted obelisk . It is funny that if you cut it off it turns hostile lol.

Atm, bioferrite is the good shit. Having an early game prestige power armor/eltex clothes is really good and a bioferitte longsword is very powerful as well as giving psy-sensitivity. I think the endgame thing is the reward you get for completing the 'questline' as well as all the ritual stuff. Endgame Anomaly questline is IMO, the best one in the game so far.
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Or some sort of spring/mineshaft where horrible gribblies come up from beneath the earth that you can work to get the stuff, or sacrificial rituals to bless your crops to make them produce it, or etc. Loads of cosmic horror options to draw from.

(You could even, if you wished to inflict True Horror on the game genuine Lovecraft style, have them fish it up. The horror of fish! The terror! The unspeakable dread! (Don't bother with Dagon, it's literally 99% about how scary normal fish are.))
Since harbinger trees now (well, will) provide bioferrite that's probably going to be the 'low tech' way to do it, as well as just containing entities and harvesting them as you would farm hemogen from prisoners.

(You could even, if you wished to inflict True Horror on the game genuine Lovecraft style, have them fish it up. The horror of fish! The terror! The unspeakable dread! (Don't bother with Dagon, it's literally 99% about how scary normal fish are.))

Since mechanoids will just pop out of the water with 1.5, I see no reason why we cannot have fish. I just hope Jecrell uses Anomaly as a springboard for his Cthulhu mods.

Funny story that, you know how you can make a ritual in Call of Cthulhu and your pawn gets a psychic blast from their brain? It's a passive effect if the gods favour you enough and the ritual goes well. Well my one pawn who did the ritual had a brain scar, and with the success of the ritual, it fixed it as well as any healer mech serum. Hell, I'm pretty sure this was before healer mech serums were introduced (but I could get my dates wrong).

So yes, Lord Dagon did in fact bless my brain scarred pawn with his divinity.

I love this game.
New ambient horror setting and tribal Anomaly support

RimWorld - New ambient horror setting and tribal Anomaly support - Steam News

New “ambient horror” mode threads all Anomaly threats directly into the game

Ambient horror mode

Now, when you start the game, you can select from three ways to integrate Anomaly into your game:

Standard with monolith: The original Anomaly experience. Anomaly threats are linked directly to the monolith.

Ambient horror: In this new mode, the monolith does not appear. Instead, Anomaly threats are threaded into the rest of the game. All Anomaly threats can occur, even the most dangerous ones. Anomaly threats are relatively uncommon compared to normal raids by default, but this can be adjusted before and during the game. This is a good mode if you want to enrich your story without Anomaly becoming the focus. (Note that since there is no monolith in this mode, the monolith endgame won't occur.)

Disabled: Anomaly threats do not occur, and there's no monolith. Anomaly tools like security doors, incinerators, hellcat rifles, turret packs, and serums are still in the game.

Study efficiency setting: We added a "study efficiency" slider to the difficulty settings. Higher settings give more research points each time you study an entity. By default, study efficiency is better at lower difficulties, so even when there are fewer entities to capture, you can still make steady progress. As always, you can customize study efficiency how you like, including changing it during a run.

Bioferrite extraction research project. We've added a new research project that allows doctors to extract bioferrite directly from captured entities without a 'bioferrite harvester'. This is less efficient, but doesn't require electricity.

Bioferrite can be obtained from harbinger trees. Chopping down harbinger trees will give twisted flesh and bioferrite, adding a new way to obtain bioferrite without capturing entities.

Updated research tree to not require electricity. We've rearranged parts of the Anomaly research tree to allow researching more projects without electricity.

Some Anomaly items can be made at crafting spots. The following items can now be made at a crafting spot, as well as the bioferrite shaper: Ceremonial hood, nerve spiker, ritual mask, ghoul plating, ghoul barbs.

Note: For existing saves, you will need to unlock bioferrite extraction, even if you've previously researched bioferrite harvesting.
Ohh this is a good update.

Randy is gonna get his chance to shine again instead of taking a backseat to Cassandra's style with Anomaly.
Can someone explain to me how the Archite Metabolism gene works? I can't figure it out and the wiki doesn't help much.

I know it's something regarding the metabolism cost, but like, what? I actually haven't played enough with the archite stuff aside from what the Sanguophage stuff.
Can someone explain to me how the Archite Metabolism gene works? I can't figure it out and the wiki doesn't help much.

I know it's something regarding the metabolism cost, but like, what? I actually haven't played enough with the archite stuff aside from what the Sanguophage stuff.
Okay so genes with good effects cost metabolic efficiency, and genes with bad effects provide it.

you want metabolic efficiency higher, since each point above 0 is -10% hunger rate (caps at -50%), and each point under is +25% hunger rate (capping at 225%), and, additionally, you are prevented by the game from having metabolic efficiency under -5.

"Archite Metabolism" literally just provides +6 metabolic efficiency, nothing else. These points of metabolic efficiency, however, will counterbalance metabolically expensive beneficial genes (disabled sleep, for example, is -6)
Ooooh, gotcha. Was wondering the number. +6 is no laughing matter.

Now excuse me while I make my god pawn even godlier.
If you're making fancy genes, why worry about hunger? Just give them (one of the) bionic stomachs.
Just not sure if the math adds up is all. Assuming a 225% hunger cap, how much will a nuclear stomach negate that?
Just not sure if the math adds up is all. Assuming a 225% hunger cap, how much will a nuclear stomach negate that?

As metabolic efficiency is one of the key costs to beneficial genes, the nuclear stomach's -75% reduction to the base hunger rate can reduce even the worst metabolic efficiency with a hunger rate of 225% to only 56% that of a baseline human

Granted you still got to get to nuclear tummies, which can take a while to get to.
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The issue of that would be the possible EMP backdraw since I extensively use of EMP grenades and don't want to strike my melee pawns. I suppose I'll try experimenting with it and see how it works.
EMP effects can still trip your pawns up if they have any brain implants, so at that point a nuclear stomachs vulnerability will already be a thing anyway.
If you have those Royalty related bionics (neurocalculators/nuclear stomachs), no, not really. Now the solution to this is to never get EMP'd, but years of playing with EMP grenadiers and sending in melee to attack stunned Centipedes will be hard to unlearn.