Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

I've been picking up some of the MLP print collections (I had some from early on, but hadn't been keeping up). Friends Forever tends to have a mix of quality each time- I usually like half the issues each volume way more, and it's usually what I expect to like ^^ Making good, say, Luna or Celestia stories seems to be pretty easy for the writers, good mixes like Rarity and Babs are often entertaining, etc..

Struck Another Deal, by Princrim. The joke is that Discord and Alarak have the same VA.

Princess Gaming Night, also by Princrim.
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I just watched EqG: Friendship Games (in prep for Everfree).

Surprisingly good! I liked it a lot more than I expected from general reaction, I really liked humanTwi and her back-at-stage-oneness compared to our Twi or even Sunset. Sure, the confrontation-finale wasn't as great as the other two, but I enjoyed the character moments.

The deleted scenes/subplot about Sunset thinking about going back was interesting character stuff too. The finale didn't quite fit with the ending scene we got, so I guess they decided lacking that they'd drop the subplot, but... great scenes, and *especially* the duet was a real shame to lose! My headcanon is she still went through that ^^

Also, it seems like they have no idea whatsoever what to do with Flash Sentry. Better than Rainbow Rocks, I suppose, where he spent the movie being a mind-controlled jerk, but it was kinda, 'bump into Twi during initial confusion, show up on initial 12-person team, vanish.'
Chrysalis is creepy and unrepentant, and changeling hives constantly rearrange themselves, both of which I approve of immensely. Though I'm quite tired of Celestia and Luna being worfed. It's gotten old.

Oh, and changelings are perpetually hungry until they make friends, at which point they're no longer hungry and get shiny wings. And when they share love instead of taking it, they transform.

Not the design I would've chosen. :V
I too am sick and tired and have just about given up on Celestia having any/anymore badass moments. It's over. it's done. It was stupid.

As for the changelings, I like their overall design, but not the rather garish color scheme.
My money's on Chrysalis getting redeemed next season. Her declaring revenge seems like an obvious plot hook, and Starlight redeeming a villain who has a grudge against her seems like a logical conclusion to her arc. Plus, I'd bet dollars to donuts that Hasbro couldn't resist the urge to make a redeemed Chrysalis toy.
I find it ironic that the character that was far, far worse in the past is the one trying to redeem a character that in many interpretations was just trying to feed their family. We didn't know how changeling feeding worked until this finale, and honestly it feels like the finale is ripping out any potential redemption that QC could have gotten. Because if how changelings seemed to operate was the truth, and that they genuinely were, in fact, pg emotion vampires/succubi it would have allowed her to actually be redeemable, and only though something entirely unprecedented happening make them evolve to accept love passively.

And the fucking bitch of it is that Starlight Glimmer, the ultimate Karma Houdini of the show, is the one who tries to redeem the person who in many interpretations could have been entirely justified in her actions. I mean, for god's sake, I think Discord's redemption was Grade A, Premium Eggs perfect, since being so easily redeemed via friendship is, in fact, straight out of left field for a creature of chaos and as such makes perfect sense in retrospect despite the fact he is arguably the most evil character in the show due to background events.

Starlight Glimmer could have been the perfect opportunity to show that no, you can't save everybody. But instead they made a Mary Sue that could get away with murder, she's Twilight with every negative trait she had in Season 1 comically increased. No, seriously, she reminds me of Friendship is Witchcraft Twilight Sparkle sometimes she's that bad. All they are teaching children is to tolerate abusive individuals because they had a bad life and they need to be taken care of and aided.


Starlight Glimmer was a mistake. She's a high functioning sociopath at best and a ticking time bomb at worst.