Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

I've just been going through tumblrs and wow, there's some good stuff there. Ask Firestarter Spitfire has a fair amount of random stuff, but really it's about Spitfire getting over the loss of her friend, Hurricane. the act 3 finale flash especially.

Also doesn't hurt that unlike many tumblrs, it has navigation ^^

I am surprised just how well some of these fan tumblrs can tug the heartstrings.

Anyone else have good ones to share?

Twilight and Dash are individually the most shipped ponies. Also, in How TwiDash is the Most Romantic Ship bookplayer outlines how TwiDash appeals in multiple ways.

I knew they were individually the most, I just thought that, say, AppleDash or FlutterDash were the biggest Dash ones since I see those on Tumblr, and I see more Twi-Princess stuff.... though thinking about it I don't recall seeing more of Twi (/other mane six) more than Dash.

I assume a large part of it is they seem like two who'd benefit from each other a lot (I mean, pretty much all of the six are complementary, but them in some obvious skill-related ways). Dash needs to relax about things, she picked up both books and flight-learning thanks to Twi, etc.. Meanwhile, Twi benefits from being lured into being more active, and Dash was the one to teach her to fly. Also, Twilight's snarky, Dash can be a bit abrasive, so, they can bounce off each other in that respect.

Research elsewhere has told me one of the big early shipfics was TwiDash too, so that no doubt plays a role ^^

Personally, I think they're all pretty compatible.
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