Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Hey, there's something you don't see often. Anthro body-designs that aren't deliberately "sexy".
Yeah, rwl always does real person-not-particularly-sexy body types. Even in porn. Incidentally, I just checked and it seems nobody felt like posting her non-porn anthro stuff to Derpibooru. (I'll have to fix that.)

Which might explain why you don't see that often. Above and beyond people not producing it, it's not popular and people don't share it. Which is a shame, because variety is great and unglamorous body types have that kind of authentic touch, you know? Even on a colorful half-cartoon horse.
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Mind you, it's not impossible he did tell her and she just forgot about it, or she was just surprised they'd finally set a date. I mean, if we believe the prequel comic she certainly knew they were a couple...

(And am I a terrible person for doing pretty much the same thing to my younger sibling? It's a long story...)
Mind you, it's not impossible he did tell her and she just forgot about it, or she was just surprised they'd finally set a date. I mean, if we believe the prequel comic she certainly knew they were a couple...

(And am I a terrible person for doing pretty much the same thing to my younger sibling? It's a long story...)

Remember that letter that got destroyed during Dragon Quest? Maybe that was the original letter telling the news... it was just bad timing that it never got to Twilight.

Or at least, that's the common theory.
Alert: Alert
Second-latest Twilestia Prompt fic comes to mind.

<snip implicit porn story>

alert This should stop.

The staff instituted a stricter policy on posting illustrated or written porn about cartoon horses in this thread recently. The title of the thread is even "(No creepers)". It really would be great if people could go, like, a week without posting fanfiction about two cartoon horses exchanging erotic stories, or sexualized animals, or pages upon pages of anthropomorphic cartoon ponies below the age of consent making out.

From time to time we get stuff that toes the line, and it would be great if people could stop toeing the line. So please keep well within the realm of good taste. This is a thread for posting fan art of your favourite children's cartoon - which is great, I watched a few episodes and it was pretty neat - and it would be really great if people could do that without making the staff sacrifice their free time trying to figure out whether this instance of sexualized cartoon horses or implicit horse porn violates the rules or not. Members of the staff generally do not enjoy having to do that. So please, don't make us.

I'm directing this at you, but it applies to everyone in this thread. Please be mindful of what you're posting.


For some reason, I rather like the idea of Chrysalis and Discord having positive relationships with their former victims of some sort or another, even though at the same time I know perfectly well that they were both right bastards (and, at least judging from the comics, Chrysalis is utterly unredeemable). It's a kind of double-think, I feel, in an exactly Orwellian sense; on the one hand, I know that they tormented and traumatized their victims, on the other there's a kind of nice symmetry (and, often, as in this image, aesthetic appeal) to having them end up friends in the end. It's a strange feeling.
I'll give Discord that in Twilight's Kingdom, he genuinely reformed in the end. Up until then he was a right bastard and him being freed was and still is an affront to common sense for me.
Rarity, you are fully justified and understood in this case, and your hysterics aren't nearly--excessive enough.

Kill it with fire. Kill it ALL with fire.